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Litchfield County Connecticut Obituaries Extracted From The Litchfield Post, Litchfield, Connecticut, 1828

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1828 Obituaries from the Litchfield Post in Litchfield, Litchfield County Connecticut.

ATKINS, James Obituary

In Montgomery County, N. C. James Atkins, aged 92. "He never sweated any in the hottest weather, seldom ever drank any water, and never was known to spit in his life." [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

AVERY, Hiram Obituary

At Lima, N. Y. Garrett Vangesen, and Hiram Avery, the former 28 and the latter 23 years, both by suffocation, in consequence of sleeping in a room where charcoal was burning. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

BARTLET, Dorus Obituary

Warning to Skaters - Drowned, in the North Pond in Salisbury, on the 24th of December, Dorus Bartlet aged 17. While skating on the ice he fell into an air hole, and sunk to rise no more. How mysterious are the ways of Providence! Thus we see another is cut off in the prime of life, and in the bloom of health. In life we are in the midst of death. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 10, 1828, P.3.]

BOYLSTON, Ward Nicholas Obituary

At his seat in Roxbury, Mass. Ward Nicholas Boylston, Esq. aged 78. It is said that President Adams receives no less than $400,000 from Mr. B.'s estate. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 24, 1828, P.3.]

BRONSON, Emily Obituary

In Waterbury, on the 5th instant, Mrs. Emily Bronson, wife of Mr. Samuel Bronson, and daughter of Mr. John Hunt, of New Haven, aged 47. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 17, 1828, P.3.]

BURNHAM, Wm. W. Obituary

In Berlin, on the 14th inst. Wm. W. Burnham, son of Oliver Burnham, Esq. of Cornwall, a promising youth aged 15. The circumstances of his death are really affecting. In preparing for a visit to his parents, he had occasion to ride a short distance in the evening which was very dark. - The waggon in which he rode was overturned, and he was found in ten or fifteen minutes afterwards, in a small pond of muddy water, with the waggon upon him. Every possible exertion was made to recusitate him, but all in vain, the vital spark had fled. His remains were removed to Cornwall the next day for interment. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

BURR, Reuben Obituary

In Torrington, 20th ult. Mr. Reuben Burr, aged 76. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 3, 1828, P.3.]

COLE, Timothy Obituary

In New Milford, about the 1st instant, Mr. Timothy Cole, aged 73; and on the 19th, a brother, named Jesse Cole, a Revolutionary soldier, aged 75. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 24, 1828, P.3.]

DENSMORE, Eliza Obituary

At Colchester, Vt. Miss Eliza Densmore, aged 24. While carrying a kettle of boiling water, she accidentally fell, and was so badly scalded as to cause her death in about three weeks. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

ECKFORD, Henrietta Obituary

A most melancholy event occurred on Wednesday night in the family of Henry Eckford, Esq. His daughter, Henrietta, a young lady aged about 19 years, was so dreadfully burnt by her clothes taking fire, that she expired yesterday morning. We understand she was watching for the night with a sick sister, and fell asleep while sitting by the fire. During her sleep the fire communicated to her clothes, and before any relief could arrive, she was so badly burnt that she survived but a few hours. The sister, who was so much indisposed as to be unable to move, was obliged to witness the distressing scene, without being able to render assistance; and a brother, who was alarmed by the cries and came to assist, was badly burnt in endeavoring to afford relief. - N. Y. Mer. Adv. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

FLETCHER, Grace Obituary

In New York on the 21st inst. Miss Grace Fletcher, wife of the Hon. Daniel Webster, of Boston, aged 47. Mrs. W. left Boston in company with her husband for Washington, in Nov. last but owing to very great exposures on the passage from Providence to New York, in consequence of adverse winds and tempestnous weather, she was seized with a painful disease on her arrival at the latter place, of which she lingered until the 21st when her spirit was recalled by him who gave it. Mrs. W. was the daughter of the late Rev. Timothy Fletcher of Hopkinton, N. H. in which place she resided until married to Mr. W. She was a lady of uncommon sweetness of disposition, refinement of taste, and elegance of person; which added to a well cultivated mind rendered her the joy and delight of her husband, and one of the brighest ornaments of the society with which she associated. Her health was ever delicate, and she has often been bro't apparently near the grove; but her uncomplaining patience and cheerful submission to the will of her Heavenly Father, enabled her at all times to submit to all the dispensations of Providence; and during her last painful sickness, she is said to have been sustained by the blessed hopes and promises of the gospel, and to have yielded up her spirit to him who gave it in perfect faith and resignation. She has left her husband with three children to mourn their irreparable loss. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

FOSS, Dodavah Obituary

In Salem, Mass. on the 17th inst. Mr. Dodavah Foss, aged 42 - a victim to intemperance. He was found in a wood-house, on Thursday morning, apparently chilled to death, with the remains of a bottle of rum by his side. He was conveyed to the almshouse, where all proper means were used to reanimate him, but without effect. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

FRANKLIN, Charles Obituary

In Litchfield, (South Farms) Charles Franklin, son of Mr. Hiram Weed, aged 2 years. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 17, 1828, P.3.]

HAYDON, Samuel Obituary

In this town Mr. Samuel Haydon aged 83. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

HITCHCOCK, Capt. Asa Obituary

In Sharon, very suddenly, Capt. Asa Hitchcock, aged 59. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 17, 1828, P.3.]

HITCHCOCKS, Capt. Asa Obituary

In Sharon suddenly Dec. 26 Capt. Asa Hitchcocks, aged 59. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 10, 1828, P.3.]

HOWE, Hon. Samuel Obituary

It is our melancholy duty to announce the death of the Hon. Samuel Howe, of this town. He died in Boston on Saturday last, of an affection of the lungs, aged 42.

Judge Howe was arrested by the hand of death, in the vigor of life and usefulness. His talents and his virtues were extensively known, and acknowledged. He was universally, esteemed as a private citizen, and respected as a public one; in his death, the community have lost a learned and most efficient judge, and his afflicted family have suffered a berievement which no thing can repair. - Northampton paper, Jan. 23. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

JORDAN, Levi E. Obituary

In Newtown, on the 1st inst. Mr. Levi E. Jordan, aged 33. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 17, 1828, P.3.]

LEE, Col. Arthur Obituary

At Norfolk, Col. Arthur Lee, 49, Commandant of the 95th Regiment, Norfolk County, and several years a Representative of the same County in the Virginia Legislature. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

MOULTHOP, Isaac Obituary

Also Mr. Isaac Moulthop aged 89, a celebrated Fox hunter. He was engaged in this athletic exercise but a few days before his death. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

PALMER, Simeon Obituary

In this town, at the poor house, Mr. Simeon Palmer, aged 77. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 3, 1828, P.3.]

RIGGS, Mary Obituary

In Humphreysville, Mrs. Mary Riggs, wife of Mr. J. Riggs, aged 53. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 17, 1828, P.3.]

SEYMOUR, Catharine Obituary

In Hartford, Mrs. Catharine Seymour, aged 40; Miss Barsheba Stanton, aged 26; Mr. Henry Cottril, aged 49; Miss Maria Stocking, aged 19; Mrs. Nancy Wells, wife of Mr. Henry Wells. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 17, 1828, P.3.]

STANARD, James Obituary

In Norfolk, 26th ult. very suddenly, Mr. James Stanard. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 3, 1828, P.3.]

VANGESEN, Garrett Obituary

At Lima, N. Y. Garrett Vangesen, and Hiram Avery, the former 28 and the latter 23 years, both by suffocation, in consequence of sleeping in a room where charcoal was burning. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

---, Chase Obituary

A young man, named Chase, of Pepperell, Me. died of intoxication at a tavern in Winchester, N. H. on the 7th inst. He was so far intoxicated with swallowing wine and eggs, that the bar keeper refused to give him any more, but an opportunity offering, he seized a bottle of wine containing about a quart, drank it and died in 7 or 8 hours after. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 31, 1828, P.3.]

---, Sterling Obituary

SUICIDE. A young man named Sterling, aged 23, of New Milford, put an end to his life on the 12th inst. by hanging himself upon a beam in a barn. The cause of this strange act is unknown. [Litchfield County Post, (Litchfield, Conn.), January 24, 1828, P.3.]