New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

Roster of James A. Garfield Post No. 9, G. A. R.
Leadville, Colorado

Meetings Every Thursday Evening in the Elk's Lodge Room.

Transcribed by: Matthew Tooley

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Apple, Conrad Pri., E., 10th Vt. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Barker, Fen. G. Band Master, 3rd Maine Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Beall, W. T. Pri., K., 154th Ohio Inf. Denver, Colo.
Dohn, A. V. Major, 15th Ill. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Brown, S. M. 2nd Lieut., M., 1st N. Y. Mtd. Rifles Leadville, Colo.
Brown, W. C. Com. Sergt., 4th Vt. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Buffehr, Jacob Corp., II (?), 7th Kan. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Burkhardt, J. C. Seaman, U. S. Navy Leadville, Colo.
Burks, Albert S. Pri., C., 25th Wis. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Cain, John Sergt., I., 3rd Colo. Cav. Leadville, Colo.
Callen, Levi L. Sergt., K., 162nd N. Y. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Chapin, S. L. Pri., H., 58th N. Y. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Colahan, Francis Capt., H., 122nd N. Y. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Cook, Geo. W. Drummer, D., 145th Md. Leadville, Colo.
Cox, Henry Pri., K., 81st N. Y. Inf. Granite, Colo.
Curley, John R. Landsman, U. S. Navy Leadville, Colo.
Forman, A. M. Pri., E., 1st Mo. Cav. Leadville, Colo.
Frain, Wm. Pri., G., 10th U. S. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Johnson, W. R. Sergt., I., 46th Wis. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Kendrick, Jos. Sergt., G., 33rd Ill. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Klippel, Geo. Saddler, 3rd Colo. Cav. Leadville, Colo.
Lamping, J. A. Pri., I., 92nd N. Y. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Lappin, James Sergt., G., 46th Wis. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
McCarty, Edw. J. Pri., C., 11th N. Y. Cav. Leadville, Colo.
McCollum, David Pri., I., 2nd Mich. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
McDowell, N. B. Capt., M., 8th Mo. Cav. Leadville, Colo.
McGee, Robert Corp., E., 56th N. Y. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Moore, Jas. W. Corp., E., 78th Ohio Inf. Goldfield, Nev.
Nestor, George Pri., G., 36th Pa. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Newman, Geo. S. 1st Lieut., F., 17th Mich. Inf. Denver, Colo.
Oakley, Solomon Capt., C., 109th N. Y. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
O'Neill, Robert Pri., B., 7th Mass. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Otterback, W. L. Landsman, U. S. Navy Unknown
Parker, W. G. Capt., G., 44th Pa. Inf. Unknown
Patterson, Wm. Pri., F., 16th Iowa Inf. Unknown
Quigley, P. J. Pri., C., 29th Pa. Inf. Denver, Colo.
Quinn, Geo. P. Corp., C., 10th Wis. Inf., S. and S. Home Monte Vista, Colo.
Rice, James E. Corp., L., 1st Iowa Cav. Unknown
Rich, Wm. H. Pri., B., 75th N. Y. Inf. Unknown
Rosse, Adolph Pri., B., 1st N. Y. Engrs Leadville, Colo.
Sanders, J. F. Pri., B., 11th Ind. Inf. Denver, Colo.
Swann, Abraham Pri., D., U. S. H. Art. Solders' Home, Tenn.
Thomas, J. D. Capt. Hold, U. S. Navy Leadville, Colo.
Thomas, L. R. Corp., H., 7th Wis. Inf. Eagle, Colo.
Walker, Geo. C. Capt., K., 99th Ind. Inf. Leadville, Colo.
Worcester, Leonard Band Master, U. S. Navy Leadville, Colo.