Roster of Farragut Post No. 46, G. A. R., Denver, Colorado
Goody Hall, West 11th Ave. and Jason Street, Denver, Colo.
Meetings Every Saturday Evening.
Transcribed by: Matthew Tooley
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Abbott, Samuel D. | E., 9th N. Y. Cav. | Denver |
Able, Joseph | H., 5th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Able, George | U. S. N. | Denver |
Adams, William | B., 46th Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Agustine, Frank | B., 8th Kan. Inf. | Denver |
Allan, Gains M. | C., 39th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Arnold, A. N. | I., 46 Inf. | Denver |
Ash, George | U. S. N. | Denver |
Atkinson, Geo. | Corp., F., 40th Mo. Inf. | Denver |
Backenstow, W. L. | H., 2nd Ia. Cav. | Denver |
Bailey, F. D. | 177th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Baker, Geo. W. | Pri., B., 14th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Baker, F. H. | C., 8th Ill. Cav. | Denver |
Ball, Marion | F., 21th Mo. Inf. | Denver |
Barr, Robert G. | E., 21st Ky. Inf. | Denver |
Barrows, P. W. | C., 18th Mass. Inf. | Denver |
Bassett, Leslie | K., 13th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Beaghen, John | C., 2nd N. Y. H. A. | Denver |
Beardsley, I. H. | G., 188th O. Inf. | Denver |
Beal, W. C. | Pri., E., 9th Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Beesons, Richards | C., 2nd Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Belden, G. C. | D., 64th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Benton, James | E., 12th O. Cav. | Denver |
Bemisconi, J. | 1st Ia. Bat. | Denver |
Berry, William A. | K., 102nd U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Billow, H. A. | 4th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Biyas, Frank S. | Capt., K., 13th Maryland Inf. | Denver |
Blinn, Daniel C. | A., 4th Mich. Cav. | Denver |
Blood, M. V. B. | F., 6th Kan. Cav. | Denver |
Bohleman, J. H. | Band, 4th A. C. | Denver |
Bonnick, Henry J. | G., 2nd U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Bowland, James | B., 15th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Brady, Zephaniah | F., 44th Mo. S. M. | Denver |
Branston, Robert W. | I., 134th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Bratlett, E. | G., 108th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Brinkley, R. V. | H., 155th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Brisack, Justis S. | A., 101 O. Inf. | Denver |
Brigham, B. F. | C., 24th Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Bridge, J. W. | 5th Bat. Wis. Lt. Art. | Denver |
Brock, John W. | D., 27th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Brooks, W. O. | A., 7th Iowa Cav. | Denver |
Brown, Jacob | Pri., E., 129th Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Brownlow, J. T. | U. S. N. | Denver |
Bruster, T. C. | Colo. Cav. | Denver |
Burt, Thos. | Pri., A., 13th Ill. Cav. | Denver |
Burton, H. S. | H., 33rd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Burroughs, A. S. | B., 5th Mich. Cav. | Denver |
Buell, S. P. | E., 136th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Buttolph, Hiram M. | G., 2nd Conn. H. A. | Denver |
Bush, Amos | C., 2nd Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Campbell, M. N. | Band, 23rd Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Campbell, Joseph D. | I., 98th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Carter, Nelson | A., 1st Neh. Inf. | Denver |
Carl, Gollah | C., 51th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Camp, George W. | G., 18th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Castle, Charles H. | A., 5th Mo. S. M. | Denver |
Cavenaugh, John | H., 20th Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Chase, Leander | A., 11th Penn. Cav. | Denver |
Childers, P. R. | K., 2nd Iowa Inf. | Denver |
Chenneyworth, Isaac | F., 33rd Mo. S. M. | Denver |
Chamberlain, M. A. | C., 13th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Chance, Ben. | E., 18th Mo. Inf. | Denver |
Chivington, John M. | 1st Colo. Cav. | Denver |
Clark, John Crum | E., 38th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Clark, Sandy | B., 76th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Clark, J. K. | H., 3rd Mo. S. M. | Denver |
Clark, John A. | D., 15th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Cline, R. W. | B., 102nd Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Cowell, Charles W. | Band, 10th Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Cotrell, William H. | G., 112th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Coverston, W. A. | H., 3rd Iowa Inf. | Denver |
Coplen, J. D. | G., 3rd Colo. Cav. | Denver |
Condit, E. C. | C., 19th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Cooper, H. R. | E., 8th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Cooper, Charles H. | G., 42nd Mass. Inf. | Denver |
Cooper, E. H. | D., 1st Ill. Art. | Denver |
Cole, Uriah H. | H., 24th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Conboy, T. J. | A., 100th Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Cotten, H. W. | B., 76th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Cotten, Allen | D., 31st Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Cowell, J. R. | C., 5th Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Cox, Nathan T. | A., 1st Ill. Art. | Denver |
Crittendon, F. M. | K., 1st Mich. Eng. | Denver |
Cramer, H. B. | I., 161st N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Cronkhite, Levi | Pri., E., 86th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Cummings, Nick | 5th Ind. Bat. | Denver |
Cuture, Theodore | D., 6th Minn. Inf. | Denver |
Cypher, J. F. | E., 76th Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Dack, C. G. | A., 9th Ill. Cav. | Denver |
Daniels, Webster | C., 19th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Daugherty, Isaac | Ind. Bat. Colo. | Denver |
Davis, A. W. | E., 79th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Davis, John D. | E., 97th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Davison, John | K., 50th N. Y. Eng. | Denver |
Davisson, Isaac | I., 4th Ohio Cav. | Denver |
De Russy, R. E. | D., 4th N. Y. Art. | Denver |
Demorest, G. V. | U. S. N. | Denver |
Dillenback, J. D. | H., 4th Mich. Cav. | Denver |
Dickey, John | F., 62nd Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Divilbist, H. F. | G., 47th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Dickerson, Thomas | L., 12th Ky. Art. | Denver |
Donnely, Hugh | D., 5th Cal. Inf. | Denver |
Douglas, Tracy W. | I., 17th Ill. Cav. | Denver |
Douglas, William B. | C., 83rd Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Dorsey, George | G., 12th U. S. H. A. | Denver |
Drew, D. F. M. | G., 35th N. H. Inf. | Denver |
Eldridge, Roswell | 92nd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Evans, John | K., 12th N. J. Inf. | Denver |
Evans, Wesley Watson | 1st Sergt., H., 74th Ill. Inf. 1st Lieut., H., U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Ewing, Jas. | Pri., C., 5th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Farmer, A. E. | I., 48th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Farnsworth, Edward | 55th O. Inf. | Denver |
Findley, A. A. | C., 83rd O. Inf. | Denver |
Fitch, Henry | B., 2nd Minn. Cav. | Denver |
Flanders, A. | H., 2nd Kan. Cav. | Denver |
Foster, J. W. | A., 15th Kan. Cav. | Denver |
Foster, George W. | E., 22nd Mo. Inf. | Denver |
Frazier, Caleb E. | E., 150th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Freeman, John Jay | C., 6th Iowa Cav. | Denver |
Frye, G. M. | F., 17th Mass. Inf. | Denver |
Fritz, J. S. | I., 40th Iowa Inf. | Denver |
Frisby, R. R. | B., 46th Pa. Inf. | Denver |
French, O. C. | G., 104th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Francis, Robert S. | B., 10th Mo. Inf. | Denver |
Fullerton, W. J. | I., 102nd Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Gandy, Otho W. | L., 13th Mo. Cav. | Denver |
Gandy, Felix T. | E., 4th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Gates, Samuel | B., 1st Ore. Cav. | Denver |
Geeling, John G. | G., 137th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Gerry, Owen | L., 8th N. Y. Cav. | Denver |
Glaze, Roland B. | A., 63th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Goff, S. J. | 14th Mich. Lt. Art. | Denver |
Graves, Phineas | D., 12th Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Grant, G. E. (?) | A., 30th Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Guy, Albert B. | 109th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Hargrave, Thomas J. | G., 23rd Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Harlow (?), J. F. | F., 42nd Mass. Inf. | Denver |
Harrington, D. M. | U. S. N. | Denver |
Hagle, Frederick | D., 8th Kan. Inf. | Denver |
Haynes, D. J. | F., 26th Ky. Inf. | Denver |
Hall (?), John | H., 117th U. S., Cav. | Denver |
Hall, Hendricks | E., 81st Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Halleck, Benj. B. | Pri., E., 165th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Hamlin, L. | A., 2nd Minn. Inf. | Denver |
Hamilton, John D. | U. S. N. | Denver |
Haswell, William S. | F., 4th Wis. Cav. | Denver |
Hayes, Samuel D. | Q. M., 110th Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Head, B. M. | F., 2nd Cal. Cav. | Denver |
Head, L. H. | A., 57th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Herbert, P. P. | B., 3rd Colo. Cav. | Denver |
Hensel, William S. | D., 66th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Helm, William | H., 114th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Hendrick, A. | F., 50th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Hedden, Abram G. | G., 148th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Henson, Amos | G., 83rd U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Hermans, Edward | Q. M. Sergt., 14th Mich. Cav. | Denver |
Hiestand (?), W. H. | E., 1st La. Cav. | Denver |
Hill, George S. | D., 125th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Hill, H. H. | Pri., C., 1st Mo. Eng. | Denver |
Hinsdale, A. M. | K., 28th Iowa Inf. | Denver |
Hinman, C. A. | I., 18th Iowa Inf. | Denver |
Holland, Peter | Pri., 13th N. H. Inf. Seaman, U. S. Rec. Ship, Minn. | Denver |
Hollister, Isaac | Pri., B., 29th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Holly, F. M. | Band, 14th Mich. Cav. | Denver |
Horner, David | Pri., E., 3rd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Horner, D. H. | E., 53rd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Hussey, George G. | D., 1st Wis. Cav. | Denver |
Huston, J. E. | K., 102nd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Hubbard, Robert G. | G., 12th Mo. Cav. | Denver |
Hubbard, P. L. | C., 1st Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Ingiles, W. R. | E., 108th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Isenburg, S. W. | D., 1st Pa. Lt. Art. | Denver |
Jackson, O. D. | K., 45th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
James, J. F. | E., 24th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Jansen, A. | H., 21st U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Jeffries, H. B. | B., 77th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Jenner, Thomas F. | G., 13th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Jinks, E. A. | F., 100th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Johnson, J. H. | A., 21st Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Johnson, James W. | H., 30th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Johnson, Robert A. | C., 156th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Jones, H. O. | Pri., E., 31st Mass. Inf. | Denver |
Jones, Robt. | Pri., G., 61st Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Justice, James G. | 52nd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Juneman, C. H. | U. S. N. | Denver |
Kay, J. R. | Surgeon, 124th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Kennedy, John C. | G., 12th Ill. Cav. | Denver |
Kelleher, James H. | 1st Mass. Cav. | Denver |
Kellog, E. E. | H., 8th Mo. Inf. | Denver |
Kessler, M. S. | H., 3rd Ky. Inf. | Denver |
Keiser, Jacob | F., 35th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Kelson, Benjamin | B., 9th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Keenan, Charles | E., 35th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Kelsey, James S. | L., 2nd Colo. Cav. | Denver |
Kennison, Bradley | K., 6th Kan. Cav. | Denver |
Kibby, Lorenso | D., 20th U. Y. Nf. | Denver |
King, H. W. | H., 12th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Kirkland, W. P. | F., 1st Wis. Cac. | Denver |
Kiefer, L. | G., 2nd N. Y. Cav. | Denver |
Knapp, Samuel | G., 10th Kan. Inf. | Denver |
Knight, George J. | B., 83rd Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Kohler, G. W. | Pri., I., 49th Mich. | Denver |
Krotter, J. P. | D., 1st Ill. Cav. | Denver |
Kritchfield, W. D. | C., 13th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Kridler, J. C. | A., 1st Tenn. Lt. Art. | Denver |
Kubitslck (?), Henry | Lieut., G., 48th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Kuykendal, Jas. W. | Pri., E., 6th Indiana Inf. | Denver |
Lahrozen, Andrea | Pri., 1st N. J. Lt. Art. | Denver |
Lane, John L. | 12th Ill. Cav. | Denver |
Lane, John H. | F., 2nd U. S. Art. | Denver |
Lange, Louis | B., 43rd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Lash, D. W. | F., 8th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Le Claire, F. H. | B., 8th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Lee, Jessie B. | F., 3rd N. Y. Art. | Denver |
Lehman, A. S. | K., 28th Mass. Inf. | Denver |
Leslie, James | 1st Minn. Cav. | Denver |
Lewis, P. B. | D., 3rd Ohio Cav. | Denver |
Leisure, G. N. | A., 100 Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Libby, C. M. | D., 127 Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Lockhard, Wm. E. | 1st Sergt., G., 30th Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Luckenbach, H. H. | B., 66th Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Lyon, J. M. | B., 40th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Major, J. S. | B., 36th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Mann, J. H. | B., 16th Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Mardis, I. A. | H., 85th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Markel, J. H. | Pri., I., 50th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
May, W. T. S. | G., 1st Ohio Inf. | Denver |
May, Robert L. | U. S. N. | Denver |
McGreuder, J. R. | D., 36th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
McKinsey, Jessie | D., 72nd Ind. Inf. | Denver |
McCubbin, Ira E. | I., 45th Mo. Inf. | Denver |
McCormick, James A. | E., 48th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
McLean, S. C. | D., 13th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
McCain, John B. | 26th Penn. Inf. | Denver |
McGruder, James R. | D., 36th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
McGrew, Ambrose R. | B., 4th Ohio Cav. | Denver |
Merritt, H. | H., 5th Vt. Inf. | Denver |
Merkle, Charles | Band, 6th U. S. Inf. | Denver |
Meister, George | H., 144th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Merrick, J. D. | I., 1st Wis. Cav. | Denver |
Merideth, John R. | I., 27th Ky. Inf. | Denver |
Moses, Elmer | A., 41st Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Miller, Jacob | K., 68th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Miller, John M. | G., 18th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Miller, H. A. | C., 9th Ill. Cav. | Denver |
Mills, J. Harrison | D., 21st N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Milleson, E. | A., 3rd Colo. Cav. | Denver |
Mogle, William | B., 9th Minn. Inf. | Denver |
Morrison, E. A. | A., 1st Minn. Inf. | Denver |
Moore, S. M. | E., 15th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Moses, W. E. | E., 119th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Morrow, Edward | A., 187th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Morgan, Lycrugus | C., 43rd Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Mowery, George | P., 153rd N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Mofitt, O. J. | G., 15th N. Y. Cav. | Denver |
Mullen, H. L. | G., 54th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Myers, F. M. | E., 1st Ill. Lt. Art. | Denver |
Newman, S. P. | I., 15th Kan. Cav. | Denver |
Neff, Walter S. | B., 94th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Nelson, James | E., 3rd Mass. Inf. | Denver |
Obenhause, E. J. | L., 34th Mo. Inf. | Denver |
O'Brien, William J. | A., 42nd Mass. Inf. | Denver |
O'Connor, John | U. S. N. | Denver |
Oliver, George | Pri., K., 2nd D. C. Inf. | Denver |
Onderdonk, C. C. | L., 7th Mich. Cav. | Denver |
Patterson, George A. | C., 123rd Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Patterson, C. L. | I., 155th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Pagett, J. M. | G., 40th Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Paddock, E. A. | E., 40th Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Palmer, H. N. | G., 13th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Petrea, Theodore F. | F., 176th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Peak, G. W. | I., 71st N. Y. Eng. | Denver |
Peckham, W. G. | D., 112th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Pettis, Hiram | D., 96th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Pearce, Samuel A. | B., 193rd Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Phillips, F. M. | K., 1st Cal. Inf. | Denver |
Phillips, Sidney | F., 137th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Pickett, George B. | A., 37th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Plummer, L. | C., 2nd Kan. Cav. | Denver |
Plank, A. W. | B., 122nd Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Pollock, William J. | E., 188th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Powell, J. F. | K., 24th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Putnam, S. P. | C., 17th Ill. Cav. | Denver |
Purdy, Daniel W. | F., 164th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Redding, William F. | U. S. N. | Denver |
Rose, W. W. | K., 23rd Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Rose, W. H. | B., 23rd Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Robitzer, J. P. | H., Pa., Cav. | Denver |
Roundtree, J. H. | G., 35th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Robertson, William M. | H., 3rd Ia. Cav. | Denver |
Ralph, George H. | 14th Tenn. Inf. | Denver |
Rauch, Levi | C., 3rd Pa. Cav. | Denver |
Baglin, George W. | H., 129th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Rhoads, J. M. | A., 47th Iowa Inf. | Denver |
Rice, M. W. | E., 13th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Richards, Matthew | Sergt., I., 52nd Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Richardson, James | H., 79th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Richmond, Geo. Q. | Pri., B., 61st Mass. Inf. | Denver |
Robb, S. C. | B., 5th Minn. Cav. | Denver |
Rogers, Gilbert A. | B., 72nd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Roberts, James J. | G., 13th U. S. Inf. | Denver |
Roberts, Joseph N. | E., 103rd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Roberts, James J. | G., 13th U. S. Inf. | Denver |
Rogers, Joseph T. | K., 45th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Rolfe, Chester P. | C., 50th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Rothe, William | A., 17th Mo. Inf. | Denver |
Ruffieux, Louis E. | Pri., A., Kan. Cav. | Denver |
Ruh, John | B., Ind. Pa. A. | Denver |
Sanpier, Henry | B., 50th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Sammis, M. H. | A., 4th Ohio Cav. | Denver |
Saviers, Albert E. | K., 79th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Scott, Morton | B., 3rd Ky. Inf. | Denver |
Schelling, Henry | F., 64th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Schrock, E. W. | C., 9th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Schneider, E. | D., 1st Ill. Lt. Art. | Denver |
Schuyler, C. M. | M., 22nd N. Y. Cav. | Denver |
Schuitz, Chist | C., 3rd Mo. S. M. | Denver |
Schmoeger, Charles | I., th (?) Ia. Cav. | Denver |
Seibert, Mathias | I., 6th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Selleck, George W. | C., 23rd Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Shepherd, F. B. | G., N. H. Inf. | Denver |
Shell, A. A. | G., 85th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Sisson, Hiram A. | F., 23rd Mo. Inf. | Denver |
Slothower, Louis P. | I., 209th Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Smith, Charles E. | A., 54th Pa. Inf. | Denver |
Smith, Alonzo | G., 8th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Sneed, Jas. M. | Pri., K., 29th Mo. Inf. | Denver |
Snyder, Charles T. | A., 1st Pa. Lt. Art. | Denver |
Sohn, Frank | Band, 2nd Brig. Ill. Vol. | Denver |
Spicer, H. C. | C., 6th Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Spencer, Frank A. | C., 85th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Stoutenburg, I. J. | G., 6th N. Y. Cav. | Denver |
Streight, Van B. | A., 18th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Storms, H. D. | D., 113th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Stone, Willis C. | 5th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
St. Clair, David H. | B., 78th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
St. John, Myron | B., 22nd Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Stewart, Charles | U. S. N. | Denver |
Starks, L. F. | G., 1st Ohio Art. | Denver |
Starks, W. R. | G., 1st Ohio Art. | Denver |
Sullivan, Perry L. | 10th Ohio Cav. | Denver |
Swan, A. H. | A., 13th Va. Inf. | Denver |
Swisher, U. H. | C., 46th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Swayzee, David E. | G., 150th Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Sylvester, D. R. | K., 12th Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Talledge, Thomas | K., 10th Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Tamm, Henry | D., 47th Mo. Inf. | Denver |
Tennison, Albert | C., 1st U. S. S. C. T. | Denver |
Tennant, C. E. | H., 1st Wis. Cav. | Denver |
Thompson, J. B. | F., 73rd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Thorp, C. S. | G., 2nd Colo. Cav. | Denver |
Thomas, James M. | B., 23rd U. S. Inf. | Denver |
Thomas, James G. | 36th Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Thompson, Ira | B., 112th N. Y. Inf. | Denver |
Tilton, B. R. | D., 9th Maine Inf. | Denver |
Townsend, Thomas | Band, 15th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Townsand, F. H. | A., 9th Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Toohey, Francis | G., 2nd U. S. Inf. | Denver |
Tupper, J. E. | I., 10th Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Turpening, Solomon | Pri., I., 6th Minn. Inf. | Denver |
Vineyard, Thomas J. | G., 33rd Ia. Inf. | Denver |
Van Meter, Stroud | Pri., H., 102nd Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Watson, Samuel C. | E., 4th Wis. Cav. | Denver |
Watson, G. D. | A., 137th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Walterman, George F. | H., 7th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Walker, John E. | A., 51st Ind. Inf. | Denver |
Wade, Thomas J. | B., 68th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Webb, Robert L. | Colo. V. Ind. Co. | Denver |
Weeks, John W. | D., 4th Vt. Inf. | Denver |
Welch, Johnson | I., 4th Ohio Inf. | Denver |
Welch, C. F. | A., 18th N. H. Inf. | Denver |
White, Francis | Pri., B., 11th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Whitlock, William C. | H., 1st Ill. Cav. | Denver |
Whitlock, Ogden | F., 105th Ill. Inf. | Denver |
Wilkison, M. H. | G., 50th Wis. Inf. | Denver |
Williamson, L. D. | F., 6th Pa. Cav. | Denver |
Wilson, Jeremiah M. | C., 2nd W. Va. Cav. | Denver |
Wilson, Walter | Chaptain, 117th U. S. Cav. | Denver |
Willis, George W. | H., 102nd Mich. Inf. | Denver |
Winslow, Lester B. | H., 7th Minn. Inf. | Denver |
Wood, T. H. B. | A., 119th Penn. Inf. | Denver |
Wright, George E. | E., 3rd R. I. Cav. | Denver |
Yocum, L. S. | I., 179th Ohio Inf. | Denver |