New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

Roster of Byron L. Carr Post No. 14, G. A. R.
Room 1715 California Street, Denver, Colorado

Meetings Every Monday Evening

Transcribed by: Matthew Tooley

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Abele, Xavier Pri., K., 4th Ohio Cav., 2948 Walnut St. Denver
Adams, O. E. Pri., Ill. Chi. (?) Mer. Bat., 2147 Champa St. Denver
Allen, Henry J. Capt., F., 156th Ill. Inf., 2479 S. Bannock, St. Denver
Alley, Frederick Sergt., B., 40th Wis. Inf. Erie, Colo.
Anderson, A. H. W. Pri., C., 14th Ill. Inf. Denver, Colo.
Andrews, Frank Pri., F., 15th Mich. Inf. Monte Vista, Colo.
Andrews, R. P. Corp., F., 128th Pa. Inf., 3036 Newton St. Denver
Andrews, W. B. M. M., U. S. Navy, 2233 W. 28th Ave. Denver
Ames, E. L. Pri., 2nd Bat. Ohio L. Art., Cooper Bldg. Denver
Armstrong, H. F. Sergt., C., 8th Mich. Cav., 1132 15th St. Denver
Arnold, H. F. Pri., A., 8th N. Y. Inf., 1428 12th St. Denver
Babbitt, Wm. P. Pri., A., 6th Ohio Inf., 372 Broadway Denver
Bain, Geo. H., 135th Ind. Inf., 148 Hooker St. Denver
Baker, Henry Teamster, L., 9th Iowa Cav., 4619 W. 35th Ave. Denver
Barker, Jas. H. Pri., C., 12th Ohio Cav. Edith, Colo.
Barnes, R. M. Chaplain, 6th Ind. Inf., 1447 Corona St. Denver
Bayliss, Charles Pri., 1st Bat. Minn. L. Art., 3331 Humboldt St. Denver
Bennett, Geo. E. Pri., I., 56th Pa. Inf., 2309 Champa St. Denver
Betz, John Pri., F., 35th Iowa Inf. National Soldiers' Home, Kansas
Bingner, H. G. Sergt., G., 3rd Pa. Inf., 1059 Washington St. Denver
Bird, S. W. Adjt., 22nd Ill. Inf. Compton, Calif.
Bishop, E. F. Adjt., 89th Ill. Inf., 1608 Broadway Denver
Blake, Henry Pri., C., 3rd Colo. Cav., 1209 Lipan St. Denver
Blanchard, E. M. Corp., B., 36th Mass. Inf., 2715 Clay St. Denver
Blonger, L. H. Mus., B., 142nd Ill. Inf., 2231 Curtis St. Denver
Body, Enoch Pri., F., 69th Ill. Inf., 29th St. and Platte River Denver
Body, John Pri., G., 8th Minn. Inf., 29th St., near Platte River Denver
Bonnifield, W. A. Pri., M., 15th Kan. Cav. Shawnee, Colo.
Bowen, Benj. F. Pri., B., 18th Ind. Inf., 1751 Lawrence St. Denver
Boyd, Frances E. Major, 4th U. S. H. Art. Salina, Colo.
Briggs, E. Pri., I., 33rd Ohio Inf. Arvada, Colo.
Brinkerhuff, Geo. Pri., A., 29th Iowa Inf. Argo, Colo.
Brown, Wm. H. Pri., C., 141st N. Y. Inf. Unknown
Bruce, Geo. A. Corp., I., 16th Vt. Inf., 1313 15th St. Denver
Buck, R. H. Capt., K., 6th Mo. Inf., U. S. Mint. Denver
Buntz, C. S. W. Pri., A., 2nd Md. Inf. Nat. Soldiers' Home, Kansas
Burchinell, W. K. Q. M. S., Signal Corps, State Capitol Denver
Burnes, M. J. Pri., G., 3rd Iowa Cav., P. O. Box 1710 Denver
Burns, T. J. Sergt., F., 4th N. H. Inf., 1557 Larimer St. Denver
Burnett, B. F. Lieut., C., 139th Ill. Inf., 2735 Gilpin St. Denver
Cain, Napoleon B. Corps, 1th Mo. Cav., 1854 W. 35th Ave. Denver
Caldwell, M. A. Pri., K., 21st Mich. Inf., 2052 Champa St. Denver
Capron, A. B. Lieut. K. 111th N. Y. Inf., 3824 Alta Vista Terrace Chicago
Carpenter, M. B. Sergt., I., 13th Vt. Inf., E. & C. Bldg. Denver
Chamberlin, Sid Pri., I., 30th Wis. Inf., Capitol Hill Station Denver
Chapin, Cyrus Pri., D., 7th Mo. Cav., 507 Quiney Bldg. Denver
Chapin, H. C. Capt., C., 4th Vt. Inf., Metropole Hotel Denver
Christie, J. W. Pri., K., 8th Pa. Inf. Portland, Ore.
Christy, Chas. Pri., K., 3rd Ill. Cav., 5193 24th St. Denver
Churchill, J. A. 1st Lieut., B., 3rd Minn. Inf., 2106 E. 17th St. Denver
Coakley, Patrick H. Sergt., A., 22nd Ky. Inf., 622 Inea St. Denver
Cole, Uriah R. Pri., H., 24th N. Y. Inf., 1033 Broadway Denver
Combs, Stephen A. Pri., D., 25th Mass. Inf., 3952 S. Broadway Denver
Comstock, W. H. 1st C. Boy, U. S. Navy, 315 Fox St. Denver
Cook, Geo. W. Pri., H., 144th N. Y. Inf. Littleton, Colo.
Cooper, J. L. Pri., D., 11th Iowa Inf. Unknown
Copeland, P. W. Mus., 45th Ill. Inf., 51 S. Ogden St. Denver
Cornarl, S. C. S. Mus., F., 21st N. Y. Inf., 2549 S. Broadway Denver
Cornwall, W. T. Corp., B., 18th Iowa Inf., 917 E. 13th Ave. Denver
Craven, James Pri., G., 78th Pa. Inf., 2520 Welton St. Denver
Crawford, M. S. Lieut., F., 3rd Iowa Cav., 1060 Bannock St. Denver
Currier, James F. Pri., G., 4th N. Y. Cav., 2604 Larimer St. Denver
Dague, J. W. Pri., D., 76th Ohio Inf., 3317 Walnut St. Denver
Daniels, H. H. Capt., C., 2nd Mich. Inf. Pomona, Calif.
Darrow, Homer Mus., H., 3rd Iowa Inf., 620 20th St. Denver
Dean, Chas. E. Pri., I., 75th N. Y. Inf., 1195 S. High St. Denver
Demansa, N. S. Pri., H., 32nd Iowa Inf., 2917 S. Cherokee Denver
Dickenson, C. W. Corp., B., 16th Mich. Inf., 827 16th St. Denver
Dillon, J. S. Lieut., C., 118th Ill. Inf., 2638 Williams St. Denver
Doliver, Albert Pri., B., 111th Pa. Inf., 2541 California St. Denver
Draper, D. M. Lieut. Col., 9th Mo. Cav., 701 Sherman St. Denver
Dresser, J. C. Pri., A., 4th Calif. Inf. Los Angeles, Calif.
Dunten, E. F. Pri., C., 129th Ind. Inf., 1410 Jason St. Denver
Dyer, Chas. Drummer, I., 12th Vt. Inf. Chicago, Ill.
Edmunds, C. W. Pri., A., 4th Ill. Cav., 805 Julian St. Denver
Eggs, Severin Pri., H., 1st Mo. L. Art. Englewood, Colo.
Elderkin, J. K. Pri., B., 51st Ohio Inf., 2331 Ogden St. Denver
Emily, A. W. Mus., A., 11th Wis. Inf., 2969 Denver Place Denver
Eppler, J. H. Pri., B., 11th Ind. Inf., 2120 High St. Denver
Essington, John M. Capt., B., 7th Pa. Cav., 217 Kittredge Bldg. Denver
Evans, E. C. Corp., G., 44th Ill. Inf., 143 Alaska St. Denver
Farnsworth, C. P. Pri., B., 1st Colo. Cav., 3415 Meade St. Denver
Farris, John B. Lieut., F., 26th Ind. Inf., 3916 Stewart St. Denver
Farris, Wm. P. Pri., G., 1st Colo. Cav., 1530 Pearl St. Denver
Fetterman, S. F. Sergt., G., 2nd W. Va. Inf., 2747 Welton St. Denver
Field, Bohan Pri., E., 1st Mo. Cav. Passhall, Colo.
Filmore, J. H. Lieut., D., 1st Ill. Cav., 619 W. 4th Ave. Denver
Finch, Marcus Pri., E., 133rd Ill. Cav., 526 Exchange Bldg. Denver
Flanders, L. H. Corp., G., 35th Mass. Inf., 1060 Gaylord St. Denver
Flatery, John N. Pri., A., 3rd N. Y. L. Art., 1233 E. 34th Ave. Denver
Fleming, John G. Sergt., B., 16th Wis. Inf., 725 E. 18th Ave. Denver
Ford, W. H. Pri., K., 1st Ohio H. Art., 1755 Gaylord St. Denver
Fowler, J. P. Sergt., E., 105th Ill. Inf., 3411 W. 39th Ave. Denver
French, Selden M. Mus., 12th Iowa Inf. Chicago, Ill.
Frisbie, Samuel H. Pri., B., 10th Mo. Inf., 347 Columbine St. Denver
Fritz, J. S. Pri., I., 40th Iowa Inf., 631 Charles Bldg. Denver
Frye, C. H. Pri., B., 2nd Mass., H. Art., 2330 Glenarm Place Denver
Gabriel, H. P. Sergt., G., 20th Ohio Inf. Monte Vista, Colo.
Gillet, Louis Bugler, K., 2nd Mo. Res. Art., 2330 Glenarm Place Denver
Gleason, P. Pri., D., 9th N. Y. Inf., 1524 Arapahoe St. Denver
Grove, S. W. Pri., E., 15th Iowa Inf., 4561 Thompson Court Denver
Grozier, W. U. Act. (?), Mas., U. S. Navy, 1534 Cleveland Place Denver
Hamer, James Pri., E., 2nd Wis. Inf., 1255 Tremont Place Denver
Hammond, J. H. Pri., B., 46th Iowa Inf., 168 S. Lincoln St. Denver
Hare, James Pri., B., 112th Ill. Inf. Unknown
Harrington, I. B. Pri., B., 4th Me. C. Gd. Venice, Calif.
Hays, Wm. R. Major, 11th Ill. Cav., 234 Grant St. Denver
Hazen, Norman F. Pri., 50th Ill. Inf., 2725 W. 43rd Ave. Denver
Head, Merrick A. Pri., E., 145th Ohio Inf., 465 Galapago St. Denver
Hegwer, Henry Pri., B., 9th Kan. Cav., 4250 Filmore St. Denver
Henderson, Joel Pri., A., 3rd Ill. Cav., 2643 Douglas Place, Colo.
Henry, C. J. Engr., U. S. Navy, 2318 Emerson St. Denver
Hicks, James R. Pri., B., 71st Ill. Inf., 1638 Ogden St. Denver
Hight, J. W. Sergt., C., 11th Ill. Cav., 1960 Broadway Denver
Hoenshell, D. M. Pri., E., 1st Ill. L. Art. Unknown
Hoffsess, A. E. Pri., E., 20th Maine Inf. Unknown
Hogle, Austin W. Lieut., A., 76th Ill. Inf., 417 Kittredge Bldg. Denver
Hollister, U. S. Capt., K., 13th Wis. Inf., McPhee Bldg. Denver
Holmes, W. H. Corp., 6th Bat. L. Art., 140 W. Cedar Ave. Denver
Holtschneider, Jas. Pri., G., 10th Mo. Cav., 4912 King St. Denver
Hopkins, W. V. Sergt., K., 76th N. Y. Inf., 449 Corona St. Denver
Horne, Joseph N. Mus., 15th U. S. Inf., 3323 W. 31st Ave. Denver
Howard, Amos B. Pri., D., 42nd Mass. Inf. Nat. Soldiers' Home, Kansas
Howe, Samuel Corp., C., 5th U. S. Cav., Police Headquarters Denver
Humphrey, A. C. Com. Sergt., F., 23rd Ohio Inf., 433 S. Pearl St. Denver
Hunt, A. E. Pri., D., 10th Conn. Inf., 2434 Franklin St. Denver
Hunt, Brazier Pri., H., 136th Ohio Inf. Monte Vista, Colo.
Hutchinson, W. C. Pri., H., 102nd Ohio Inf., 2321 Downing St. Denver
Irwin, A. E. Pri., I., 79th Ind. Inf., Elks' Hotel Denver
Jackson, Geo. F. Pri., B., 27th Mass. Inf., 1509 E. Colfax Ave Denver
Jackson, Geo. W. Pri., I., 22nd Ohio Inf., 4456 Clay St. Denver
Johnson, P. C. Pri., M., 17th Pa. Cav., 1415 Acoma St. Denver
Jones, John F. Pri., F., 3rd Iowa Cav. Unknown
Ketcham, R. A. Pri., K., 6th Ill. Art., County Hospital Denver
Keys, J. R. Lieut., G., 180th Ohio Inf., 506 Quincy Bldg. Denver
King, Dr. E. H. Corp., B., 107th Ill Inf., 2537 Stout St. Denver
Kingsbury, L. Pri., A., 15th Mich. Inf., 1544 Welton St. Denver
Kingsbury, U. R. Pri., 4th Iowa Bat. Salt Lake City, Utah
Kirk, Jas. E. Pri., D., 13th Kan. Inf. Harris, Colo.
Knowles, John Q. M. Sergt., 1st Mich. Cav., Tremont Hotel Denver
Kraybiel, B. F. Bugler, D., 7th Mo. Cav., 3563 Larimer St. Denver
Larkin, John T. Lieut., B., 57th Ill. Inf., 2427 Vine St. Denver
Lauman, C. A. Pri., C., 52nd Ind. Inf., 47 Meade St. Denver
Lawrence, John M. Com. Sgt., E. 17th Mich. Inf., 320 E. Dakota Ave. Denver
Laws, Thomas J. Pri., H., 70th Ill. Inf., 2330 Blake St. Denver
Lawyer, A. D. Sergt., B., 60th N. Y. Inf. Unknown
Lee, David K. Pri., I., 166th Ohio Inf., 1762 Williams St. Denver
Lightburn, C. L. Lieut., G., 4th Regt. U. S. A., Inf., 925 Pearl St. Denver
Lithgow, Wm. H. Pri., B., 1st Colo. Cav., 4249 Clayton St. Denver
Lloyd, Henry Pri., E., 88th Pa. Inf., 534 E. 31st Ave. Denver
Long, David Prt., A., 2nd Bat. U. S. L. Art., 2542 Larimer St. Denver
Lowe, James Pri., B., 9th N. Y. Inf., 31 W. Maple Ave. Denver
McAdams, Geo. M. Pri., D., 88th Ohio Inf., 2349 Cleveland Place Denver
McClanathan, Sid Pri., B., 44th N. Y. Inf., 38 W. Alameda Ave. Denver
McCoy, Jefferson Corp., A., 6th N. Y. Inf., 2438 Walnut St. Denver
McCracken, Henry Pri., H., 60th U. S. Colored Inf., 2335 Lawrence Denver
McCrimmon, M. Corp., D., 6th Kan. S. M., 3253 Williams St. Denver
McDonald, John L. Pri., A., 7th Mich. Cav., 826 14th Ave. Denver
McGahey, J. T. Pri., F., 1st Colo. Cav. Monte Vista, Colo.
Macauley, O. H. Capt., H., 13th Ky. Inf., 1500 S. Pearl St. Denver
Mack, N. M. Pri., C., 7th U. S. V. V. Inf., 4336 Stuart St. Denver
Mack, Patrick Sergt., C., 61st Ill. Inf., 2640 Larimer St. Denver
Macloon, Henry P. Lieut., K., 25th Mo. Inf., 2350 Welton St. Denver
Majors, Alex A. Pri., M., 4th Iowa Cav., 931 Corona St. Denver
Manning, Andrew Pri., E., 1st N. Y. Ind. Bat., 2321 Downing St. Denver
Marsh, Geo. H. Sergt., A., 46th Iowa Inf., 4525 Tennyson St. Denver
Merrifield, Harrison Pri., D., 8th N. Y. H. Art. San Francisco, Calif.
Metcalf, F. A. Lieut., E., 2nd Me. Cav., 1219 Humboldt St. Denver
Meyers, Julius A. Pri., E., 11th Ohio Cav., 1205 Ogden St. Denver
Meyers, J. M. Corp. F., 16th Pa. Cav., 1518 Sherman Blvd. Denver
Milhoan, Thos. E. Capt., A., 10th Kan. Inf., Abbott Hotel Denver
Moore, F. N. Pri., D., 12th Ill. Inf., 1445 Court Place Denver
Morgan, Edwin Capt., G., 77th Pa. Inf., 1126 Lipan St. Denver
Morgan, T. L. Pri., H., 96th Pa. Inf. Littleton, Colo.
Morse, Amos Lieut., C., 168th N. Y. Inf. Unknown
Moses, Wm. E. Corp., E., 119th Ill. Inf., 31 Jacobson Bldg. Denver
Mowrey, J. K. P. D., 19th Iowa Inf., 3431 Blake St. Denver
Muchmore, Thos. H. Pri., K., 1st Ohio Inf., 3441 W. 34th St. Denver
Munk, Bernard Pri., I., 2nd N. J. Inf. Unknown
Murphy, J. C. Pri., G., 20th Iowa Inf., 3037 Humboldt St. Denver
Nichols, Geo. A. Pri., F., 9th R. I. Inf., 1346 S. Logan St. Denver
Nooman, T. C. Pri., C., 6th N. Y. Inf., 3917 Inca St. Denver
Northington, H. C. Lieut., I., 13th Tenn. Cav., 329 Acoma St. Denver
Odenheimer, Wm. Pri., D., 6th Pa. Cav., 800 13th St. Denver
Olney, Frank A. Pri., K., 40th Wis. Inf. Nat. Soldiers' Home, Kansas
O'Reily, Joseph Pri., B., 137th Ill. Inf. Monte Vista, Colo.
Orr, Jackson Capt., H., 10th Iowa Inf., 3001 York St. Denver
Palmer, Samuel E. Pri., C., 5th Ohio Inf., 1812 Curtis St. Denver
Paradis, J. S. Pri., F., 156th Ill. Inf., 1814 Arapahoe St. Denver
Parkhurst, Wm. G. Su St., U. S. Navy, 1833 Emerson St. Denver
Patterson, John Corp., F., 3rd Mo. Cav., 4676 Bryant St. Denver
Pattison, A. E. Corp., D., 142nd Ind. Inf., 744 S. Williams St. Denver
Payne, Thomas J. Capt., B., 79th U. S. C. T., 1440 St. Paul St. Denver
Penn, J. F. Pri., F., 133rd Ill. Inf. Anders' Retreat Park
Pettee, J. W. Pri., H., 57th Ill. Inf., 540 W. Colfax Ave. Denver
Pitkin, Ed. P. Lieut., H., 20th Mich. Inf., 1650 California St. Denver
Porter, Wm. J. Pri., G., 148th Ill. Inf., 3205 High St. Denver
Powers, Lewis D. Pri., I., 3rd Iowa Inf. Nat. Soldiers' Home, Kansas
Powers, C. H. - Brighton, Colo.
Pratt, R. H. Capt., A., 2nd Ind. Inf. Media, Pa.
Price, Thos. H. Pri., L., 3rd Pa. Cav., 1936 S. Bannock St. Denver
Pridmore, Chas. H. Pri., B., 151st N. Y. Inf., 4569 Moncrieff Place Denver
Quinn, E. W. - Brighton, Colo.
Ramsey, Chas. J. Pri., H., 127th Pa. Inf., 574 S. Lincoln St. Denver
Rawson, G. N. Pri., C., 36th Mass. Inf., 2010 Welton St. Denver
Record, E. T. 3505 Lawrence St. Denver
Reeside, John Landsman, U. S. Navy, 2321 Franklin St. Denver
Reischerzen, Benet Pri., B., 88th Pa. Inf., 4654 High St. Denver
Rexroad, A. F. Pri., A., 34th Ill. Inf., 1037 S. Washington St. Denver
Rigney, Patrick Pri., G., 1st N. Y. L. Art., 2525 E. 4th Ave. Denver
Roe, Robert S. Lieut., G., 2nd Colo. Cav., 1624 Grant St. Denver
Roeschlaub, Robt. S. Capt., E., 84th Ill. Inf., 439 Lafayette St. Denver
Ross, James W. Sergt., C., 93rd N. Y. Inf., 1612 Pennsylvania St. Denver
Russell, Wm. W. Q. M. S., A., 8th Iowa Cav., 891 S. Pennsylvania St. Denver
Schaffer, Christian Corp., I., 15th Ill. Inf., 1545 Blake St. Denver
Schlessinger, S. V. Sergt., A., 1st Neb. Cav. Monte Vista, Colo.
Schmidt, Emanuel Pri., F., 39th Ohio Inf., 1453 S. Acoma St. Denver
Schroeder, J. H. Pri., B., 13th Mo. Inf., 2546 Glenarm Place Denver
Schrock, J. H. Pri., H., 171st Pa. Inf. Unknown
Seavey, M. M. Corp., E., 3rd Colo. Cav., 2728 Larimer St. Denver
Sergent, T. D. Pri., D., 15th Me. Inf., P. O. Box 1020 Denver
Shafer, Henry A. Pri., H., 54th Pa. Inf., 2303 9th St. Denver
Shaw, Jas. S. Capt., D., 18th Mass. Inf., 2331 Marion St. Denver
Shipler, J. A. Pri., K., 5th Pa. Cav., 3420 Blake St. Denver
Shipler, J. E. Pri., D., 10th Pa. Inf., 3224 Curtis St. Denver
Shoemaker, J. R. Pri., E., 10th Mich. Cav. Arvada, Colo.
Sick, Wm. Sergt., A., 54th Ohio Inf., 2361 Logan St. Denver
Sigle, Ferdinand Sergt., M., 2nd Colo. Cav., 320 Josephine St. Denver
Silvey, John O. Corp., E., 6th N. Y. Inf., 541 Washington St. Denver
Simmons, P. A. Capt., K., 52nd U. S. C. T. Olathe, Colo.
Skinner, C. O. Pri., D., 31st Ohio Inf., 2340 S. Broadway Denver
Smith, Irwin S. Corp., H., 11th Mich. Cav., 3228 S. Broadway Denver
Smith, Wm. A. Sergt., D., 1st Colo. Cav., 1131 17th Ave. Denver
Smythe, S. S. Capt., A., 1st Ill. L. Art., 230 Majestic Bldg. Denver
Stevenson, A. Corp., F., 155th Pa. Inf., 3200 Lawrence St. Denver
Storrs, O. S. Sergt., D., 12th N. Y. Inf., 1209 E. Colfax Ave. Denver
Striker, D. B. Pri., B., 7th Pa. Cav., 3728 Askins Court Denver
Suylandt, J. B. Corp., 1st Bat. U. S. Engrs., 1510 Galena St. Denver
Sweeney, Jas. Pri., A., 4th Vt. Cav., 958 Lincoln St. Denver
Swift, C. O. Pri., H., 83rd Pa. Inf., 2842 Larimer St. Denver
Taggert, Samuel Pri., A., 28th Iowa Inf., 862 S. Grant St. Denver
Tanner, Chas. K. Pri., H., 1st Mo. Inf., 1331 Champa St. Denver
Thomas, J. M. Sergt., G., 1st Ill. Cav., 2658 Stout St. Denver
Thompson, Thos. J. Pri., C., 7th Iowa Inf., 1545 Steele St. Denver
Thrum, H. A. Pri., I., 4th Minn. Inf. Unknown
Thuersbacker, C. Pri., K., 51st Mo. Inf., 246 Pennsylvania St. Denver
Tomson, Theo. Lieut., C., 17th Iowa Inf., 1442 Market St. Denver
Towner, Homer Pri., I., 83rd Pa. Inf. Nat. Soldiers' Home, Kansas
Tracy, D. L. Pri., E., 19th Iowa Inf., 2247 Larimer St. Denver
Treadwell, C. E. Pri., I., 7th Mich. Cav., 1857 California St. Denver
Tyrrell, Henry A. Pri., F., 42nd Mass. Inf., 1960 Sherman St. Denver
Upton, Wm. B. Capt., B., 1st U. S. V., Mass., 1114 Logan St. Denver
Vanarsdel, D. Pri., C., 3rd Ill. 1457 Adams St. Denver
Van Daniger, John Pri., F., 10th Md. Inf., 2845 Tremont Place Denver
Vaughn, H. S. Pri., A., 8th N. Y. H. Art., 619 Kittredge Bldg. Denver
Vaughn, J. F. Pri., D., 179th Ohio Inf., 1426 Tennyson St. Denver
Wakerman, B. T. Sergt., C., 95th Ill. Inf., 2011 Ogden St. Denver
Walker, W. H. H. Capt., A., 13th Maine Inf., 1412 Delaware St. Denver
Wallace, Chas. Mus., I., 120th Ohio Inf. Los Angeles, Calif.
Walters, Geo. W. Pri., M., 2nd Wis. Cav. Unknown
Walters, Henry Corp., M., 14th Ill. Cav., 3022 Downing St. Denver
Ward, W. S. Seaman, U. S. Navy, No. 2 Tuxedo Place Denver
Watson, P. D. Prt., D., 15th N. H. Inf., 2356 Williams St. Denver
Weaver, John Pri., G., 77th Pa. Inf. Argo, Colo.
Weber, G. H. Pri., K., 53rd Ill. Inf., 625 E., 20th Ave. Denver
Weber, Louis Pri., D., 145th Pa. Inf., 3632 Marion St. Denver
Wells, Wm. Pri., I., 14th Ind. Inf., 1415 Broadway Denver
Whelan, Chas. A. Pri., H., 2nd Wis. Inf. Buena Vista, Colo.
Will, J. P. Pri., K., 193rd Ohio Inf. Monte Vista, Colo.
Williams, F. H. Sergt., E., 31st Wis. Inf., 1745 Central St. Denver
Wilsey, Chas. H. Sergt., K., 84th Ohio Inf., 1460 Fairfax St. Denver
Wilson, E. C. Lieut., E., 9th Ill. Cav., 2829 Vallejo St. Denver
Wilson, H. W. Landsman, U. S. Navy, 1020 Campa St. Denver
Wilson, W. E. Surg., 10th Ill. Cav., 414 19th Ave. Denver
Woodside, A. J. Pri., I., 44th Iowa Inf. Monte Vista, Colo.
Worcester, E. P. Pri., A., 1st Maine Cav., 724 24th St. Denver
Wright, Geo. E. Sergt., E., 3rd R. I. Cav., 2524 Curtis St. Denver
Young, Peter B. Surg., 2nd Bat. Pa. Inf., 3856 Tejon St. Denver
Zerr, Alois Pri., C., Krekelo Bat. Mo. Inf., 813 Inca St. Denver
Zurwell, Louis Pri., I., 45th N. Y. Inf., 4301 Bryant St. Denver