Arnold Collection
East Greenwich, Rhode Island Marriage Records
Kent County, Rhode Island
Surnames H-R
Transcribed by: Matthew Tooley
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East Greenwich, Kent County, Rhode Island marriage records copied from the James N. Arnold Collection of Rhode Island Vital Records, for the years of 1636-1850.
East Greenwich, Rhode Island Marriages, to 1850
- HALL, Elizabeth, and Giles Peirce, Apr. 13, 1676
- HALL, Deliverance, and Ishmael Spink, June 9, 1702
- HALL, Margaret, and Samuel Cooper, July 16, 1716
- HALL, Sarah, and Peter Taylor, Aug. 17, 1732
- HALL, Ruth, and John Johnson, Nov. 3, 1739
- HALL, Robert, of William, of N. Kingstown, and Mary Spencer, of John (of Peleg), of E. Greenwich; m. by Sylvester Sweet, Justice, Jan. 26, 1764
- HALL, David, of Abiel, and Mary Holden, of William; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Jan. 2, 1777
- HALL, Slocum, of N. Kingstown, and Almy Fry, of East Greenwich; m. by Eld. James Wightman, June 13, 1779
- HALL, John, of Abial, and Lovice Weaver, of Hannah; m. by Eld. Phillip Jenkins, Feb. 24, 1780
- HALL, Thomas, of Abial, and Mary Rice, of Fones; m. by Eld. John Gorton, Mar. 29, 1785
- HALL, Isaac, of William, and Susannah Reynolds, of Shebney, m. by Eld. John Gorton, Nov. 22, 1789
- HALL, Spencer, of Robert, and Mercy Card, of Job; m. by Eld. Nathan Hill, Mar. 3, 1793
- HALL, Phebe, and John R. Wightman, June 11, 1807
- HALL, Anthony, of Thomas, and Phebe Weaver, of Christopher; m. by Eld. Thomas Manchester, Aug. 22, 1811
- HALL, Ethelinda, and William Greene Weaver, Dec. 12, 1817
- HALL, Robert B., and Orphelia B. Corey, both of East Greenwich; m. at Norwich, Conn., by Rev. D. N. Bentley, June 21, 1829
- HALL, Freeborn, and Ruth Spencer, both of West Greenwich; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Dec. 16, 1840
- HALL, Abel, and Cifuentis B. Carr; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, June 28, 1840
- HALL, Thomas C., and Mary Ann Kelly, both of Warwick; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Mar. 28, 1843
- HAMBLETON, William, and Joasiah Tarbox, of John; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Nov. 2, 1749
- HAMBLETON, Mary, and Richard Briggs, May 29, 1752
- HAMBLETON, Benedict, of William, and Anne Briggs, of John; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Feb. 23, 1755
- HAMBLETON, Freeborn, of William, and Mary Sweet, of Benjamin; m. by Eld. Phillip Jenkins, Dec. 29, 1771
- HAMBLETON, Frederic, of Benedict, of E. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Corey, of Anthony, of N. Kingstown; m. by Eld. Phillip Jenkins, Feb. 4, 1776
- HAMMETT, Margaret, and Benjamin Sweet, May 11, 1721
- HAMMOND, Elizabeth, and Ray Matteson, Sept. 23, 1839
- HANDY, Christopher G., and Rebecca T. Cole; m. by Rev. James Porter, June 21, 1835
- HARRINGTON, Kesiah, and Henry Sweet, Aug. 6, 1733
- HARRINGTON, Silvanus, of Joseph, of North Kingstown, and Sarah Davis, of John; m. by John Olin, Justice, Aug. 23, 1749
- HARRINGTON, Carr, and Deborah Johnson; m. by Elder Pardon Tillinghast, May 18, 1837
- HARRINGTON, Phebe Ann, and David Clapp, May 16, 1841
- HARRINGTON, Oceana, and Olive L. Richmond, Apr. 2, 1850
- HARRIS, Elizabeth, and William Weaver, Dec. 27, 1693
- HARRIS, William S., and Caroline Hopkins, both of West Greenwich; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Nov. 10, 1839
- HATCH, Polly, and Calvin A. Goddard, Mar. 1, 1799
- HATCH, Rebecca, and Jonathan Capron, June 21, 1801
- HATCH, Amanda, and Abel D. Bennett, Aug. 25, 1845
- HATHAWAY, Almy T., and Andrew G. Vaughn, Feb. 27, 1843
- HATHAWAY, Prudy Ann, and David R. Sprague, Apr. 8, 1846
- HATHAWAY, Mary, and Caleb A. Vaughn, Feb. 6, 1850
- HAVENS, Mary, and John Davis, Jr., Oct. 29, 1749
- HAVENS, Abraham, of North Kingstown, son of Robert, and Bridget Wightman, of Col. James, of East Greenwich; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Nov. 7, 1762
- HAWKINS, Patience, and Benjamin Spencer, Aug. 4, 1718
- HAWKINS, Jeremiah, of John, of Providence, and Susannah Spencer, of Abner, of East Greenwich; m. by Rufus Greene, Justice, Aug. 31, 1746
- HAWKINS, Louisa E., and Benjamin F. Pinegar, July 1, 1847
- HAWKINS, Rebecca, and Lucius M. Wheeler, July 24, 1848
- HAWORTH, Robert, and Elizabeth Ward, both of England; m. by Rev. S. A. Crane, Aug. 6, 1843
- HAWKS, Thomas, of E. Greenwich, and Susannah Tripp, of Isaac, of Portsmouth; m. by Thomas Aldrich, Justice, Nov. 19, 1758
- HAWKS, Sarah, and Benjamin Congdon, May 10, 1781
- HAZARD, James, of Anna, of Stonington, Conn., and Mary Ann Spencer, of Mary, wife of Prince Barnes (all col.); m. by James Miller, Justice, ---- --, 1812
- HAZELTON, Charles, and Catherine Westcott; m. by John Fones, Justice, Mar. 25, 1688
- HAZELTON, Charles, Sr., and Hannah Matteson, Aug. 9, 1693
- HAZELTON, Katherine, and Thomas Baker, Apr. 13, 1720
- HAZELTON, Ann, and William Foster, Feb. 13, 1723
- HAZELTON, Elizabeth, and Ezekiel Hunt, Sept. 17, 1724
- HEALEY, Nathaniel, of Joseph, dec., and Sarah Fry, of Thomas; m. by Thomas Casey, Justice, Nov. 23, 1766
- HEALEY, John J., of James and Mary, of Scituate, and Sarah Burdick, of Jared and Lucy, of East Greenwich; m. by Rev. L. W. Blood, June 14, 1846
- HEATH, Eleazer, and Rebecca Mott, of Stephen; m. by Thomas Mott, Justice, Oct. 24, 1759
- HELME, James, of James, dec., of South Kingstown, and Freelove Spencer, of Mary, of East Greenwich; m. by James Miller, Justice, Dec. 29, 1817
- HENRY, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Godfrey, Apr. 29, 1818
- HERENDEEN, Elizabeth, and Caleb Whitford, May 11, 1766
- HIAMES, Mehitable, and John Young, Nov. 28, 1731
- HIAMES, Abby, and Eliel Barber, Sept. 26, 1841
- HICKS, Anne, and Job Vaughn, Dec. 31, 1769
- HILL, Anne, and John Greene, Nov. 30, 1713
- HILL, George, and Elizabeth Williams; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Nov. 9, 1726
- HILL, Esther, and John Nichols, Sept. 13, 1730
- HILL, William, Jr., of North Kingstown, and Mary Davis, of East Greenwich, dau. of John; m. by Peter Mawney, Justice, May 18, 1740
- HILL, Capt. Ebenezer, of N. Kingstown, and Hannah Nichols, of Joseph, of E. Greenwich; m. by John Langford, Justice, June 7, 1753
- HILL, Mary, and Ezekiel Whitford, Mar. 9, 1755
- HILL, Mary, and Thomas Tillinghast, May 27, 1762
- HINES, Phebe A., and Thomas T. Greene, Sept. 10, 1849
- HINSHAW, Sarah, and Chandler Burlingame, Mar. 26, 1777
- HOLDEN, Mary, and David Hall, Jan. 2, 1777
- HOLDEN, Lucy Ann, and Robert H. Coggeshall, Mar. 18, 1819
- HOLLEY, Nicholas, of South Kingstown, and Mehitable Phillips, of East Greenwich; m. by John Jenkins, Justice, Aug. 16, 1730
- HOLLINGWORTH, John, of John, dec., and Mary Jane McKee, of Andrew; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, Oct. 18, 1849
- HOLLOWAY, Christopher, of Joseph, of Exeter, and Eunice Burlingame, of William, dec., of East Greenwich; m. by George Spencer, Justice, Oct. 14, 1792
- HOLMES, Capt. Silas, of Newport, son of Silas, dec., and Alce Arnold, of E. Greenwich, dau. of Col. William; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, June 7, 1807
- HOPKINS, William, and Mary Tibbetts, of John; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Mar. 2, 1726-7
- HOPKINS, John, and Mercy Greene; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Oct. 9, 1732
- HOPKINS, Theodosia, and Othniel Gorton, June 3, 1735
- HOPKINS, Hannah, and Charles Carr, Dec. 18, 1735
- HOPKINS, Francis, of Joseph, of West Greenwich, and Mary Joshlin, of Henry; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Sept. 1, 1743
- HOPKINS, Tibbetts, of William, of W. Greenwich, and Alice Andrew, of Charles, of E. Greenwich; m. by John Langford, Justice, Sept. 17, 1752
- HOPKINS, Joseph, of W. Greenwich, and Mary Austin, of said town; m. by Thomas Shippee, Justice, July 22, 1759
- HOPKINS, Jonathan, of W. Greenwich, of John, and Mary Whitford, of Robert, of E. Greenwich; m. by Benjamin Sweet, Justice, Apr. 27, 1760
- HOPKINS, Levi, of G. Barrington, Mass., son of Samuel, and Abigail Stevens, of Robert; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Dec. 7, 1777
- HOPKINS, Eunice, and David Greene, Oct. 30, 1783
- HOPKINS, Nelson, of Fall River, Mass., and Emily G. Bateman, of East Greenwich; m. by Rev. James Porter, Jan. 4, 1836
- HOPKINS, Fanny, and Gideon Brown, June 2, 1839
- HOPKINS, Caroline, and William S. Harris, Nov. 10, 1839
- HOPKINS, Ebenezer, of West Greenwich, and Catharine J. Mawney, of Warwick; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Apr. 3, 1843
- HORTON, Darius, of Homer, N. Y., and Mrs. Betsey Fairbrother, of Rehoboth, Mass.; m. by Rev. David M. Burdick, June 26, 1843
- HOUSE, John, of Warwick, and Amey Arnold, of East Greenwich; m. by John Jenkins, Justice, Dec. 7, 1731
- HOWARD, William, and Elizabeth Guard; m. by John Heath, Justice, July 28, 1699
- HOWARD, Benjamin, and Mary Lee; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Sept. 7, 1710
- HOWLAND, Elizabeth, and Thomas Reynolds, Mar. 3, 1805
- HOWLAND, Ruth, and John J. Greene, June 3, 1810
- HOWLAND, Daniel, of Benjamin, and Eliza Brown, of Daniel C.; m. by Thomas Hall, Justice, Sept. 16, 1810
- HOWLAND, Phebe G., and William Wilcox, Apr. 24, 1816
- HOWLAND, John W., of Thomas A. and Phebe, and Susan A. Greene, of Augustus and Mary; m. by Elder Benjamin Hazelton, Nov. 9, 1826
- HOWLAND, Fanny, and Pardon Tillinghast, Jan. 8, 1829
- HOWLAND, George C., of Benjamin, of East Greenwich, and Nancy Knight, of Warwick; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, July 2, 1835
- HOWLAND, Eliza, and Richard Spencer, July 9, 1836
- HOWLAND, Mary A., and William B. Howland, Apr. 27, 1842
- HOWLAND, William B., of Daniel, and Mary A. Howland, of Thomas; m. by Rev. S. A. Crane, Apr. 27, 1842
- HOWLAND, Cynthia T., and William H. Whiting, Apr. 20, 1845
- HULING, Elizabeth, and James Nichols, Jan. 5, 1715-6
- HULING, Abby, and James A. Capron, Jan. 22, 1832
- HULING, Hannah, and Jonathan E. Johnson, Oct. 16, 1848
- HUNT, Ezekiel, and Elizabeth Hazelton, of Charles; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Sept. 17, 1724
- HUNT, Elizabeth, and John Matteson, Mar. 30, 1732
- HUNT, Sarah, and Daniel Sweet, Apr. 30, 1749
- HUNT, Abraham, and Mary Eaber; m. by Thomas Shippee, Justice, Oct. 13, 1757
- HUNT, Jonathan, of N. Kingstown, son of William, and Lydia Weeden, of Edward; m. by James Miller, Justice, June 21, 1808
- HUNT, David Whitford, of George, of N. Kingstown, and Mary Sherman, of Eber, of Exeter; m. by Elder John Gardner, Oct. 11, 1820
- HUNT, Bartholomew, of North Kingstown, and Hannah Eachforth, of Providence; m. by Nathan Whiting, Justice, Aug. 29, 1822
- HUNT, Ezekiel, of North Kingstown, and Sophia Capron, of East Greenwich; m. by James Miller, Justice, Mar. 24, 1829
- HUNT, Daniel J., and Harriet M. Corey; m. at South Kingstown, by Elder Henry C. Hubbard, Oct. 14, 1838
- HUNT, Christopher A., of David W. and Mercy, and Eliza A. Allen, of William and Elizabeth; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, Mar. 3, 1850
- HUSSEY, Joseph, of Westminster, Vt., and Mary Lippitt, of East Greenwich (col.); m. by James Miller, Justice, Nov. 26, 1817
- JACKSON, Eunice, and Benedict Corey, June 21, 1769
- JACKWAYS, Anne, and Caleb Collins, Nov. 22, 1807
- JAMES, Joseph, of William, of Westerly, and Elizabeth Reynolds, of James, of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Sept. 18, 1729
- JAMES, William, of Providence, and Mary Greene, of E. Greenwich; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Oct. 25, 1795
- JENCKES, Arunah, of Hollis K., and Hannah A. Reynolds, of Benjamin H.; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, Nov. 25, 1849
- JENKINS, Mary, and Henry Reynolds, Jr., Mar. 9, 1709
- JENKINS, Jedediah, and Hannah Long, of Phillip, Jr.; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Feb. 9, 1726-7
- JENKINS, Dinah, and Henry Whitford, Mar. 11, 1732
- JENKINS, Zephaniah, and Mary Baker, widow; m. by John Fry, Justice, Sept. 19, 1740
- JENKINS, Lydia, and Henry Spencer, Feb. 19, 1743-4
- JENKINS, Lydia, and Stephen Wilcox, Dec. 16, 1746
- JENKINS, Philip, and Mary Corey; m. by Elder Daniel Sprague, Dec. 20, 1747
- JENKINS, Philip, of Exeter, and Elizabeth Jones, of East Greenwich; m. by Elder Samuel Albro, Sept. 5, 1765
- JENKINS, Hannah, and William Sprague, Sept. 14, 1777
- JEWELL, Nancy, and Benjamin C. Church, Feb. 17, 1850
- JOHNSON, Deborah, and Jonathan Yeats, Nov. 14, 1737
- JOHNSON, Jonathan, of East Greenwich, and Bashabee Allen, of N. Kingstown; m. by James Gould, Asst., May 20, 1739
- JOHNSON, John, of Newport, and Ruth Hall, of East Greenwich; m. by Peter Mawney, Justice, Nov. 3, 1739
- JOHNSON, Isaac, of West Greenwich, and Martha Johnson, of East Greenwich; m. by Peter Mawney, Justice, Oct. 26, 1742
- JOHNSON, Martha, and Isaac Johnson, Oct. 26, 1742
- JOHNSON, Isaac, of Elisha, and Dora Spencer, of William; m. by John Langford, Justice, May 5, 1744
- JOHNSON, Elizabeth, and Clement Cooper, Mar. 26, 1749
- JOHNSON, Elisha, of Coventry, and Deborah Yeats, of E. Greenwich, widow of Jonathan, July 9, 1750
- JOHNSON, William, and Hannah Nichols; m. by Francis Barker, Justice, Dec. 7, 1756
- JOHNSON, Elkanah, of Coventry, and Abigail Reynolds, of Samuel, dec., of Exeter; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Sept. 27, 1758
- JOHNSON, Margaret, and William Spencer, May 15, 1760
- JOHNSON, Capt. Elijah, of E. Greenwich, and Mrs. Catherine Whitford, of David, of W. Greenwich; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Mar. 7, 1762
- JOHNSON, Sarah, and Benjamin Spencer, Mar. 3, 1763
- JOHNSON, Martha, and Jonathan Roberts, May 13, 1764
- JOHNSON, John, of Bartholomew, of Coventry, and Lydia Sweet, of Sylvester, of E. Greenwich; m. by Eld. Phillip Jenkins, May 30, 1770
- JOHNSON, Barbara, and Job Lawton, May 15, 1783
- JOHNSON, Huldah, and John Spencer, Mar. 8, 1784
- JOHNSON, Benjamin, of Elijah, and Elizabeth Nichols, of James; m. by George Spencer, Justice, Apr. 9, 1795
- JOHNSON, Elijah, and Ruth Casey, of Thomas, Feb. 3, 17--
- JOHNSON, Bathsheba, and Benjamin Davis, Oct. 28, 1802
- JOHNSON, Elizabeth, and John Allen, Oct. 28, 1802
- JOHNSON, Joseph, and Martha Foster, of Thomas; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, June 18, 1805
- JOHNSON, Thomas, of Christopher, of Frankfort, N. Y., and Sarah Mitchell, of Mary, now wife of William Albro, of East Greenwich; m. by James Miller, Justice, Sept. 29, 1812
- JOHNSON, Nancy, and Daniel P. Sprague, Nov. 29, 1812
- JOHNSON, Nicholas, of Levi, and Lydia Briggs, of Joseph; m. by Elder Gersham Palmer, Mar. 23, 1815
- JOHNSON, Levi, of Benjamin, and Mary Place, of Philip; m. by Elder Gersham Palmer, Nov. 17, 1818
- JOHNSON, Sylvia, and George Gardiner, Feb. 1, 1826
- JOHNSON, John L., of Providence, son of David and Susan, and Harriet A. Anthony, of Providence, dau. of Bradford and Nancy; m. by Elder Benjamin Hazelton, Sept. 7, 1826
- JOHNSON, Abraham, of Benedict, of Cranston, R. I., and Mercy T. Sweet, of Henry, of North Kingstown; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, May 11, 1834
- JOHNSON, Deborah, and Carr Harrington, May 18, 1837
- JOHNSON, Samuel D., and Sarah P. Andrews; m. by Rev. John H. Baker, June 8, 1845
- JOHNSON, Jonathan E., of Jonathan and Waitey, and Hannah Huling, of Andrew and Edie; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, Oct. 16, 1848
- JOHNSON, Charles A., of Levi, and Emeline S. King, of David, both of Warwick; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, Oct. 7, 1849
- JOHNSON, Susan J., and William Knight, Jan. 20, 1850
- JONES, Jeremiah, and Mary Reynolds; m. by Pardon Tillinghast, Justice, Apr. 22, 1709
- JONES, Seth, of Lieut. Jeremiah, and Deliverance Briggs, of Daniel; m. by John Jenkins, Justice, Oct. 28, 1732
- JONES, Elizabeth, and James Reynolds, Mar. 26, 1739
- JONES, Mary, and Philip Baker, Sept. 9, 1741
- JONES, Silas, and Susannah Sweet, of Benjamin; m. by Peter Mawney, Justice, Nov. 21, 1741
- JONES, Josiah, and Sarah Place; m. by Elder David Sprague, May 27, 1749
- JONES, Emmanuel, of S. Kingstown, son of Seth, of Exeter, dec., and Mary Mitchell, of E. Greenwich, dau. of Elisha, of N. Kingstown; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Apr. 19, 1759
- JONES, Ruth, and Joseph Matteson, Dec. 6, 1762
- JONES, Elizabeth, and Phillip Jenkins, Sept. 5, 1765
- JONES, John, of N. Kingstown, son of James, and Rebeckah Corey, of E. Greenwich, dau. of Benjamin; m. by William Peirce, Justice, Mar. 5, 1767
- JONES, Elizabeth, and Cary Briggs, Jan. 3, 1771
- JONES, Amos, of Josiah, and Hannah Tibbetts, of Henry; m. by Eld. Phillip Jenkins, Feb. 20, 1774
- JONES, Marbary, and Francis Briggs, Dec. 24, 1775
- JONES, Sarah, and John Sweet, Nov. 20, 1796
- JONES, Lydia, and Samuel Dyre, Feb. 17, 1799
- JONES, Margaret, and John Briggs, Apr. 11, 1811
- JONES, Phebe, and Ray G. Cole, Sept. 12, 1811
- JONES, Abby C., and Nathaniel T. Reynolds, Feb. 18, 1819
- JONES, Mary, and Samuel Capron, Dec. 7, 1826
- JOSHLIN, Henry, and Elizabeth Matteson; m. by Pardon Tillinghast, Justice, Jan. 22, 1718-9
- JOSHLIN, Mary, and Francis Hopkins, Sept. 1, 1743
- JOSHLIN, Joseph, and Hope Campbell; m. by Elder John Gorton, Jan. 11, 1774
- JOYCE, Feir, and Christopher Smith, Jan. 9, 1731-2
- JOYCE, Desire, and John Arnold, Mar. 1, 1732
- KEES, Mary, and John Baker, July 18, 1762
- KELLEY, Mary Ann, and Thomas C. Hall, Mar. 28, 1843
- KELLEY, Abby, and Joseph B. Place, Nov. 27, 1848
- KENYON, Elizabeth, and William Cooper, Jan. 20, 1791
- KENYON, Mary, and Benjamin Andrews, Oct. 2, 1796
- KENYON, Harriet, and Carey D. Brown, Nov. 5, 1839
- KETTLE, Mary, and Stephen Scranton, Sept. 4, 1753
- KETTLE, John D., of James, and Emily Case, of Mary, both of West Greenwich; m. by Elder Daniel Slocum, Aug. 21, 1842
- KETTLE, Mary D., and Elisha Brown, Aug. 21, 1842
- KING, Arthur, and Eunice Allen; m. by Elder John Gorton, Apr. 4, 1773
- KING, Ann Eliza, and Josiah Arnold, Apr. 7, 1839
- KING, Jonathan, of Henry, of Cranston, R. I., and Abby Miller Baker, of John, of Warwick; m. by Elder Pardon Tillinghast, Oct. 11, 1843
- KING, Emeline S., and Charles A. Johnson, Oct. 7, 1849
- KNIGHT, Nancy, and George C. Howland, July 2, 1835
- KNIGHT, William, of William, and Susan J. Johnson, of Gideon, both of Coventry; m. by Rev. William P. Place, Jan. 20, 1850
- KNIGHT, Albert, of Charles, of East Greenwich, and Sarah Fenner, of William, of North Kingstown; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, May 5, 1850
- KNIGHT, William H., of East Greenwich, and Delight Rouse, of Voluntown, Conn.; m. by Charles H. Kenne, Justice, Apr. 8, 1865
- LAMB, Rufus, of Thomas, of Paxton, Mass., and Ruth Spencer, of Henry, of E. Greenwich; m. by Eld. Thomas Manchester, at Warwick, Aug. 18, 1811
- LANGFORD, Sarah, and Manuel Rouse, Sept. 13, 1711
- LANGFORD, Ruth, and Thomas Nichols, Oct. 20, 1720
- LANGFORD, John, of E. Greenwich, and Barbary Rice, of Warwick; m. by Anthony Low, Justice, May 11, 1727
- LANGFORD, Jonathan, and Ann Clarke; m. by Christopher Champlain, Asst., Nov. 15, 1727
- LANGFORD, Comfort, and Thomas Case, Nov. 22, 1728
- LANGFORD, Sarah, and Daniel Weaver, Jan. 7, 1749
- LANGFORD, Phebe, and Joseph Greene, Oct. 27, 1751
- LANGFORD, Thomas, and Sarah Weaver, widow of Capt. Joseph; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Dec. 27, 1752
- LANGFORD, Thomas, of John, and Elizabeth Cornell, of Richard; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Nov. 29, 1753
- LANGFORD, John, Jr., of John, and Desire Tucker, of E. Greenwich, dau. of Benjamin, of Newport; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Nov. 26, 1761
- LANGFORD, Eleanor, and Abraham Greene, Feb. 13, 1763
- LANGFORD, Barbara, and Stuteley Wickes, Oct. 14, 1768
- LANGFORD, Judia, and Jeremiah Briggs, June 14, 1795
- LANGFORD, Desire, and Bowen Vaughn, Feb. 28, 1809
- LAWRENCE, Rachel, and Ammiruhanah Spencer, Oct. 3, 1717
- LAWTON, Daniel, of Stephen, of Newport, and Mary Weaver, of East Greenwich, dau. of John; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Feb. 17, 1739
- LAWTON, Caleb, of East Greenwich, and Almy Bullock, of Rehoboth, Mass.; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Nov. 12, 1758
- LAWTON, Almy, and Samuel Wightman, Dec. 4, 1760
- LAWTON, Rebecca, and Daniel Brown, Sept. 13, 1761
- LAWTON, Almy, and Lieut. Edward Slocum, Dec. 30, 1778
- LAWTON, Job, of Isaac, dec., and Barbara Johnson, of Elijah; m. by Elder John Gorton, May 15, 1783
- LAWTON, Samuel A., of Caleb, dec., and Martha Brown, of Joshua, both of Exeter; m. by Elder Pardon Tillinghast, Oct. 9, 1843
- LAWTON, Eunice D., and George Warren Collins, Oct. 25, 1846
- LAWTON, Susan A., and Thomas D. Nichols, July 30, 1848
- LEE, Mary, and Benjamin Howard, Sept. 7, 1710
- LEITHFIELD, Ann, and Samuel Shippee, Dec. 29, 1702
- LE VALLEY, Michael, of Warwick, and Almy Bailey, of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Shippee, Justice, Aug. 26, 1757
- LE VALLEY, James, of Christopher, dec., of Warwick, and Sarah Aylesworth, of Richard, of E. Greenwich; m. by Eld. John Gorton, Mar. 15, 1790
- LEWIS, James, of Warwick, and ---- Bennett, of Benjamin, of E. Greenwich, Nov. 7, 1751
- LEWIS, Oliver, of Jacob, and Harriet Brown, of Mary, widow; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Apr. 26, 1807
- LEWIS, Rhody, and Stephen Locke, Mar. 10, 1839
- LEWIS, Alanson, of East Greenwich, son of Nathan and Ruth, of Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., and Mary Ann Whitehorn, of East Greenwich, dau. of James and Hannah, dec., of Wickford; m. by Rev. Daniel R. Banister, May 13, 1839
- LILLE, John, and Mrs. Hannah Mott, of Stephen; m. by Elder John Gorton, Nov. 24, 1763
- LINAS, Prince (nig.), and Mary Austin (Ind.); m. by Elder John Gorton, Nov. 30, 1783
- LIPPITT, Rhody, and Winslow Gardiner, Aug. 22, 1811
- LIPPITT, Mary, and Joseph Hussey, Nov. 26, 1817
- LIVESEY, Rev. William, of Taunton, Mass., and Ann E. Adams, of East Greenwich; m. by Rev. Horatio W. Hough, July 6, 1848
- LOCKE, Stephen, and Rhody Lewis, both of Exeter; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Mar. 10, 1839
- LOCKWOOD, Adam, of Warwick, son of Abraham, and Sarah Straight, of Henry, of East Greenwich; m. by Peter Mawney, Justice, Dec. 24, 1734
- LOCKWOOD, Amey W., and Obediah B. Spencer, Mar. 29, 1838
- LONG, Hannah, and Clement Weaver, Jan. 1, 1690-1
- LONG, Ezekiel, of East Greenwich, and Ruth Reynolds, of North Kingstown; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Oct. 22, 1724
- LONG, Hannah, and Jedediah Jenkins, Feb. 9, 1726-7
- LOVATT, Benjamin D., of Grafton, Mass., son of Benjamin, and Adalisa Gardiner, of Benjamin, of East Greenwich; m. by Rev. Francis Dane, Apr. 27, 1840
- LUSHER, Daniel, and Phebe Cooper, of Clement; m. by Alexander Nichols, Justice, Dec. 29, 1767
- LYON, Experience, and John Spencer, Feb. 25, 1760
- MANCHESTER, John, and Mary Grinnell, widow of Matthew; m. by John Spencer, Justice, July 16, 1719
- MANCHESTER, Mary, and William Spencer, Aug. 2, 1744
- MANCHESTER, Capt. John, of John, and Elizabeth Arnold, of Capt. William, Oct. 19, 1752
- MANCHESTER, Edward, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Peleg, and Desire Wilcox, of Smithian, of E. Greenwich; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Dec. 4, 1801
- MANCHESTER, Bailey, of Tiverton, R. I., and Hannah Wilcox, of Smithian, of E. Greenwich; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Nov. 21, 1804
- MANCHESTER, Joseph, of Coventry, and Elizabeth Cruff, of Warwick; m. by Elder Pardon Tillinghast, Aug. 20, 1844
- MARBLE, Ebenezer, of Somerset, Mass., and Alce Wilcox, of E. Greenwich, dau. of Smithian; m. by Jonathan Browers, Justice, pub. Jan. 13, 1792; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Jan. 18, 1792
- MARKS, William, and Clement Warner; m. by Thomas Shippee, Justice, Jan. 17, 1764
- MARTIN, Margaret, and Jeremiah Peirce, Dec. 16, 1750
- MARVEL, Barnet, of Benjamin, and Mary Spencer, of John; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Jan. 31, 1799
- MARVEL, Hannah, and Phillip Dawley, Oct. 2, 1800
- MARVEL, Dianna, and James Sweet, Sept. 17, 1801
- MATHEWSON, Barnard, of Joseph, of Coventry, and Deborah Fry, of Joseph, of E. Greenwich; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Mar. 28, 1793
- MATHEWS, Humility, and George Finney, May 4, 1792
- MATHEWS, Caleb, of E. Greenwich, son of Jeremiah, of Rehoboth, Mass., and Susannah Peirce, of Preserved, Jr., of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Casey, Justice, Feb. 23, 1769
- MATTESON, Hannah, and Charles Hazelton, Sr., Aug. 9, 1693
- MATTESON, Henry, and Judia Weaver; m. by John Heath, Justice, ---- --, 1693
- MATTESON, Thomas, and Mary Shippee; m. by John Heath, Justice, Nov. 14, 1695
- MATTESON, Francis, and Sarah Nichols, May 22, 1700
- MATTESON, Elizabeth, and Henry Joshlin, Jan. 22, 1718-9
- MATTESON, Henry, Jr., and Ruth Sweet, of Henry; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Dec. 15, 1720
- MATTESON, Jonathan, and Alice Sweet, of Henry; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Jan. 31, 1722-3
- MATTESON, Mary, or Mercy, and Joseph Weaver, Nov. 21, 1723
- MATTESON, Sarah, and William Corey, June 21, 1724
- MATTESON, Mary or Mercy, and Francis Briggs, Oct. 17, 1725
- MATTESON, Thomas, of Thomas, and Susanna Briggs, of Richard; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Oct. 21, 1725
- MATTESON, Joseph, of Thomas, and Martha Greene, of John; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, May 8, 1727
- MATTESON, John, and Elizabeth Hunt; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Mar. 30, 1732
- MATTESON, Hannah, and Thomas Shippee, Dec. 24, 1732
- MATTESON, Sarah, and Timothy Sweet, Dec. 22, 1734
- MATTESON, Nathan, and Elizabeth Dickinson; m. by Joseph Nichols, Justice, Sept. 23, 1738
- MATTESON, Martha, and Samuel Straight, Dec. 1, 1738
- MATTESON, James, and Enfield Greene, of John; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Mar. 2, 1738
- MATTESON, David, of Joseph, and Sarah Corey, of William; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, July 17, 1739
- MATTESON, Ebenezer, and Susannah Comstock, of Thomas; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Sept. 23, 1739
- MATTESON, Hezekiah, and Mary Sweet, of Richard; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Oct. 18, 1739
- MATTESON, Abraham, of Hezekiah, and Freelove Phillips, of John; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Nov. 13, 1740
- MATTESON, Jonathan, of Joseph, of W. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Hackstone, of William, of Warwick; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Feb. 28, 1754
- MATTESON, Sarah, and Jonathan Card, Mar. 16, 1757
- MATTESON, Joseph, of Thomas, of E. Greenwich, and Ruth Jones, of Exeter, dau. of Seth, dec.; m. by Thomas Corey, Justice, Dec. 6, 1762
- MATTESON, Deliverance, and Ezekiel Baker, Feb. 7, 1765
- MATTESON, Richard, of W. Greenwich, and Mary Spencer, of E. Greenwich; m. by Eld. James Wightman, Oct. 8, 1775
- MATTESON, Mrs. Charlotte, and Pardon Vaughn, Apr. 3, 1806
- MATTESON, Sally Ann, and Caleb B. Shippee, Mar. 16, 1829
- MATTESON, Stephen, and Mary Ann Dyer, both of Coventry; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, July --, 1839
- MATTESON, Ray, and Elizabeth Hammond, both of Coventry; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Sept. 23, 1839
- MATTESON, Polly, and Henry Capron, June 14, 1841
- MATTESON, Dianna, and Arnold Relph, June 28, 1841
- MATTESON, Eliza, and William W. Matteson, Dec. 21, 1843
- MATTESON, William W., of Warwick, and Dianna Matteson, of East Greenwich; m. by Elder William P. Place, Dec. 21, 1843
- MATTESON, Stutely, Jr., of East Greenwich, and Phebe A. Richmond, of Warwick; m. by Elder William P. Place, Mar. 18, 1844
- MATTESON, Sarah G., and Daniel Miller, Feb. 24, 1846
- MAWNEY, Peter, and Mary Tillinghast; m. by John Spencer, Justice, May 6, 1714
- MAWNEY, Elizabeth, and George Thomas, Feb. 7, 1733
- MAWNEY, Mary, and Thomas Fry, Dec. 23, 1742
- MAWNEY, Mary, and James Angell, Oct. 5, 1752
- MAWNEY, Sarah, and Joseph Whipple, Oct. 5, 1752
- MAWNEY, John G., of Warwick, son of Pardon, and Polly Searle, of William, of East Greenwich; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Feb. 21, 1801
- MAWNEY, Hannah, and Nicholas Tillinghast, Aug. 29, 1802
- MAWNEY, Benjamin G., and Sybel Vaughn; m. by Rev. James Porter, Oct. 26, 1834
- MAWNEY, Catharine J., and Eleazer Hopkins, Apr. 3, 1843
- MAYNARD, Constant, and Ruth Peirce, of Giles, Dec. 9, 1750
- McCLELLAND, Maria Louisa, and Joseph Winsor, June 7, 1847
- McKEE, Mary Ann, and John Hollingworth, Oct. 18, 1849
- McMELLAN, Alexander, and Isabella Thain; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, Dec. 12, 1849
- MICKLEJOHN, Mary, and James M. Pitcher, Nov. 10, 1848
- MILLARD, Sarah, and Francis West, May 12, 1699
- MILLARD, Charles, of Squire, of Warwick, and Hannah Glazier, of John, of said town; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Sept. 29, 1799
- MILLARD, Augustus G., of Capt. Nathan, of Warwick, and Susan Spencer, of East Greenwich; m. by Elder Thomas Manchester. Recorded Mar. 22, 1817
- MILLARD, Mary M., and John H. Baker, June --, 1842
- MILLER, James, of Nathan, of Warwick, and Elizabeth Burlingame, of William, dec., of E. Greenwich; m. by Eld. John Gorton, July 31, 1783
- MILLER, Robe, and Jeremiah Bailey, Sept. 22, 1785
- MILLER, John, of Nathan, of Warwick, and Sarah Potter, of Robert, of E. Greenwich; m. by Eld. John Gorton, May 15, 1789
- MILLER, Ruth, and Simmons Spencer, Nov. 11, 1792
- MILLER, John, of E. Greenwich, and Zerviah Potter, of Scituate; m. at Glocester by Eld. Samuel Winsor, Mar. 31, 1793
- MILLER, Martin, and Rebecca ----, Jan. 25, 1798
- MILLER, Benjamin, of Samuel, and Betsey S. Casey, of Gideon, dec.; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, June 20, 1805
- MILLER, James, of Samuel, and Eliza Greene, of Joseph; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Feb. 8, 1807
- MILLER, Jerauld, of East Greenwich, and Ruth Slocum, of North Providence; m. by Elder Eben Colman, Feb. 12, 1826
- MILLER, Catherine, and Oliver W. Spencer, Oct. 16, 1828
- MILLER, Daniel, of James, and Sarah G. Matteson, dau. of Rice Miller, dec.; m. by Rev. Samuel C. Brown, Feb. 24, 1846
- MILLER, Elizabeth G., and William H. Gillmore, Jan. 6, 1848
- MISTON, Jeremiah, and Sarah Miston, Nov. 2, 1729
- MISTON, Sarah, and Jeremiah Miston, Nov. 2, 1729
- MITCHELL, Thomas, and Alice Sweet, of William; m. by Benjamin Sweet, Justice, Nov. 20, 1739
- MITCHELL, Mary, and Emanuel Jones, Apr. 19, 1759
- MITCHELL, Abigail, and Henry Spencer, June 6, 1802
- MITCHELL, Sarah, and Thomas Johnson, Sept. 29, 1812
- MITCHELL, Charlotte B., and John B. Carr, June 2, 1830
- MITCHELL, Esther, and Varnum Mitchell, June 28, 1841
- MITCHELL, Varnum, and Esther Mitchell; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, June 28, 1841
- MOON, Phebe, and Caleb Briggs, May 28, 1786
- MOOT, Abigail, and Andrew Boyd, Aug. 21, 1763
- MOREY, Roger, of H. Kingstown, and Elizabeth Greene, of John, of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Dec. 2, 1734
- MOREY, John, of Earl, and Mary Peirce, of Jeremiah, dec.; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Mar. 8, 1807
- MOREY, Margaret, and William Waterman, June 24, 1840
- MOSHIER, William, and Sarah Carvin; m. by Eld. James Wightman, May 30, 1776
- MOTT, Abigail, and Peter Steavens, Jan. 13, 1724-5
- MOTT, Rebecca, and Eleazer Heath, Oct. 24, 1759
- MOTT, Mrs. Hannah, and John Lille, Nov. 24, 1763
- MOTT, Mary, and Clarke Brown, Sept. 10, 1767
- MOTT, Elizabeth, and Daniel Peirce, June 21, 1797
- MOTT, Malbone, of Joseph, and Susannah Corey, of Oliver; m. by Hopkins Cooke, Justice, May 16, 1793
- MUMFORD, Stephen, of Warwick (goldsmith), and Mary Winslow, of Job, of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Aldrich, Justice, July 2, 1760
- MUMFORD, Paul, of William, of S. Kingstown, and Mary Fry, of John, of E. Greenwich; m. by John Olin, Justice, Mar. 4, 1762
- MUMFORD, Gideon, of William, of S. Kingstown, and Elizabeth Tibbetts, widow, dau. of John Fry, of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Casey, Justice, Sept. 16, 1766
- MUMFORD, Mercy, and Phillip Peirce, Feb. 20, 1777
- MUMROE, John B., and Dorcas Card, both of Warwick; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Oct. 7, 1839
- NASON, Waitey, and Charles Case, May 22, 1848
- NEWTON, Job, of N. Kingstown, and Jemima Wilson, of John, of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, May 5, 1726
- NICHOLAS, Sarah, and Samuel Vaughn, Mar. 15, 1772
- NICHOLS, John, and Hannah Foreman, of Kings Towne; m. by John Fones, Justice, June 8, 1687
- NICHOLS, Sarah, and Francis Matteson, May 12, 1700
- NICHOLS, Jeane, and George Vaughn, Apr. 8, 1708
- NICHOLS, Susannah, and John Peirce, June 9, 1709
- NICHOLS, Deborah, and Christopher Vaughn, June 26, 1709
- NICHOLS, James, of E. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Huling, of Kings Towne; m. by Samuel Fones, Justice, Jan. 5, 1715-6
- NICHOLS, Elizabeth, and Joseph Clarke, Nov. 6, 1718
- NICHOLS, Thomas, of John, and Ruth Langford; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Oct. 20, 1720
- NICHOLS, Susannah, and Samuel Cahoone, Feb. 9, 1720-1
- NICHOLS, John, and Rebeckah Andross, widow; m. by Thomas Fry, Justice, June 18, 1721
- NICHOLS, Frances, and Phillip Peirce, Oct. 10, 1723
- NICHOLS, Comfort, and Giles Peirce, Feb. 14, 1724
- NICHOLS, Joseph, and Hannah Coggeshall; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Feb. 24, 1725-6
- NICHOLS, Freelove, and Joseph Nichols, June 11, 1727
- NICHOLS, Joseph, and Freelove Nichols, widow of Thomas, Jr.; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, June 11, 1727
- NICHOLS, John, and Esther Hill; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Sept. 13, 1730
- NICHOLS, Joseph, of Capt. Benjamin, of North Kingstown, and Mary Spink, of Capt. Ishmael, of East Greenwich; m. by John Jenkins, Justice, Oct. 7, 1731
- NICHOLS, Capt. Benjamin, of North Kingstown, and Mary Vaughn, widow of David; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Dec. 16, 1731
- NICHOLS, James, of East Greenwich, and Margaret Carpenter, of Warwick; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Jan. 14, 1732
- NICHOLS, John, of North Kingstown, and Mary Vaughn, of Christopher, of East Greenwich; m. by Peleg Spencer, Justice, May 30, 1736
- NICHOLS, Elizabeth, and Thomas Coggeshall, Jan. 6, 1736
- NICHOLS, Mercy, and Benjamin Ellis, Jan. 6, 1736-7
- NICHOLS, Deborah, and Joseph Spencer, Mar. 11, 1740
- NICHOLS, Robert, of North Kingstown, and Eales Berry, granddau. of John, of East Greenwich; m. by Peter Mawney, Justice, Sept. 3, 1740
- NICHOLS, Thomas, of Warwick, son of John, and Martha Gardner, of East Greenwich, dau. of Capt. Samuel; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Aug. 13, 1741
- NICHOLS, George, of North Kingstown, and Waitey Vaughn, of East Greenwich; m. by Joseph Nichols, Justice, Jan. 26, 1743
- NICHOLS, Thomas, of James, and Welthian Gorton, widow; m. by Samuel Soule, Justice, Oct. 11, 1747
- NICHOLS, Rachel, and Capt. Samuel Gardiner, June 28, 1750
- NICHOLS, Robert, and Philadelphia Cornell, of Richard, Nov. 27, 1751
- NICHOLS, Hannah, and Capt. Ebenezer Hill, June 7, 1753
- NICHOLS, Hannah, and William Johnson, Dec. 7, 1756
- NICHOLS, Eunice, and Phillip Weaver, Jan. 5, 1758
- NICHOLS, Freelove, and Thomas Remington, Aug. 16, 1759
- NICHOLS, Benjamin, of N. Kingstown, son of Thomas, and Anstress Thomas, of E. Greenwich, dau. of Benjamin, of N. Kingstown, dec.; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, May 22, 1760
- NICHOLS, Benjamin, of John, and Phebe Weaver, of Capt. Jonathan; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Sept. 6, 1762
- NICHOLS, Richard, of Thomas, of W. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Tarbox, of John, dec., of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Shippee, Justice, Jan. 11, 1768
- NICHOLS, Rebecca, and William Sweet, Jr., Mar. 9, 1769
- NICHOLS, Lydia, and Jonathan Greene, Oct. 7, 1770
- NICHOLS, James, of Alexander, and Hannah Pearce, of Peter; m. by Silvester Sweet, Justice, Dec. 19, 1771
- NICHOLS, George, of Jonathan, of E. Greenwich, and Rachel Allen, of Robert, dec., of Warwick; m. by Eld. John Gorton, Aug. 16, 1772
- NICHOLS, Silas, of Alexander, of E. Greenwich, and Ruth Underwood, of N. Kingstown, dau. of John; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Mar. 28, 1776
- NICHOLS, Esther, and William Gardiner, Feb. 27, 1780
- NICHOLS, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Johnson, Apr. 9, 1795
- NICHOLS, James, Jr., and Elizabeth Spencer, of Ebenezer; m. by David Vaughn, Jr., Justice, Nov. 20, 1796
- NICHOLS, George, and Elizabeth Dyre, of Nathaniel; m. by Eld. Phillip Jenkins, Feb. 16, 1797
- NICHOLS, Mary, and Richard Thomas, Feb. 17, 1799
- NICHOLS, Mercy, and Nathan Bentley, July 6, 1801
- NICHOLS, Ruth, and Johnson Sweet, Oct. 7, 1802
- NICHOLS, Thomas, of John, of E. Greenwich, and Anne Reynolds, of N. Kingstown, dau. of Francis; m. by John Allen, Justice, Oct. 23, 1805
- NICHOLS, Sarah, and Ephraim Spencer, June 19, 1806
- NICHOLS, Hannah, and Joseph Edmunds, Dec. 30, 1808
- NICHOLS, Betsey, and Samuel M. Davis, July 25, 1819
- NICHOLS, Isaac, of North Kingstown, and Esther Bennett, of East Greenwich; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Sept. 27, 1829
- NICHOLS, Elizabeth, and William Chace, June 6, 1839
- NICHOLS, Lydia Ann, and Charles S. Ellis, Oct. 3, 1839
- NICHOLS, Mary, and Francis Sweet, Apr. 8, 1841
- NICHOLS, George B., of North Kingstown, son of George T., and Lucy E. Arnold, of widow Phebe; m. by Rev. Samuel C. Brown, Feb. 26, 1845
- NICHOLS, Catherine, and Waterman Spencer, Mar. 10, 1845
- NICHOLS, Thomas D., and Susan A. Lawton; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, July 30, 1848
- NICHOLS, Betsey D., and Alfred J. Arnold, Sept. 23, 1848
- NICHOLS, Henry, of Alexander, and Hannah, of East Greenwich, and Mary J. Weeden, of Merchant, of North Kingstown; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, Feb. 20, 1850
- NICKERSON, Alice A., and Alfred D. Carr., Apr. 27, 1846
- NIGHTINGALE, Martha W., and Dr. Henry E. Turner, Oct. 10, 1810
- NILES, Nathaniel, and Abigail Dollever; m. by John Nichols, Justice, Oct. 29, 1724
- NILES, Tabitha, and Samuel Dyre, Feb. 24, 1725-6
- NILES, John, of Nathaniel, of East Greenwich, and Mary Briggs, of Philip, of North Kingstown; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Aug. 13, 1732
- NILES, Joseph, and Sarah Cass, of John; m. by Benjamin Sweet, Justice, Nov. 9, 1739
- NILES, Nathan, and Freelove Sweet, of Richard; m. by Benjamin Sweet, Justice, Nov. 18, 1739
- NILES, John, of West Greenwich, and Elizabeth Spencer, of William, of East Greenwich; m. by John Langford, Justice, May 7, 1748
- NILES, Hannah, and Henry Fry, Feb. 7, 1797
- NORTON, Job, of North Kingstown, and Jemima Wilson, of John, of East Greenwich; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, May 5, 1726
- OLIN, John, and Susannah Spencer; m. by Thomas Fry, Justice, Oct. 4, 1708
- OLIN, John, of John, of North Kingstown, and Susannah Peirce, of Jeremiah, of East Greenwich, Dec. 8, 1734
- OLIN, Joseph, of John, of North Kingstown, and Mary Aylesworth, of John, of East Greenwich; m. by John Spencer, Justice, May 18, 1735
- OLIN, Eleanor, and Benjamin Carpenter, Aug. 13, 1741
- OLIN, Jonathan, of John, and Anne Gardiner, of Samuel, Jr., dec.; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Feb. 24, 1757
- OLIN, Phebe, and William Bailey, Jr., June 19, 1760
- PACKARD, Susan C., and William G. Bowen, Dec. 4, 1828
- PARKER, Peter, of Thomas, dec., of Scituate, and Catharine Clarke, of William, dec., of North Kingstown; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Feb. 26, 1753
- PARRISH, Dr. John, and Hannah Tibbetts, of Henry, Jr., dec.; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, May 17, 1782
- PARRISH, Sarah, and Stephen Greene, Jr., Sept. 17, 1816
- PAYNE, George A., of Silas, of Freetown, Mass., and Ann Spencer, of Ephraim, of East Greenwich; m. by Elder Thomas Manchester, Mar. 18, 1827
- PEARCE, Edward, of John, and Abigail Vaughn, of Samuel; m. by Alexander Nichols, Justice, Oct. 10, 1771
- PEARCE, Hannah, and James Nichols, Dec. 19, 1771
- PEARCE, Mary, and John Singer Dexter, Nov. 2, 1775
- PEARCE, Lieut. Daniel, of Thomas, and Lucy Bentley, of William; m. by Elder John Gorton, Jan. 10, 1779
- PEARCE, Mrs. Deliverance, and John Sprague, Sept. 24, 1780
- PEARCE, Hope, and John Spencer, Feb. 15, 1802
- PEARCE, Alice, and Benjamin Bateman, July 11, 1805
- PECKHAM, Philip, and Lucinda Gardiner; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, June 3, 1849
- PIERCE, Giles, and Elizabeth Hall, of Portsmouth, Apr. 13, 1676
- PIERCE, Elizabeth, and Thomas Spencer, Dec. 13, 1703
- PIERCE, Mary, and David Vaughn, Mar. 10, 1708-9
- PIERCE, John, and Susannah Nichols; m. by Thomas Fry, Justice, June 9, 1709
- PIERCE, Susannah, and John Warner, Aug. 6, 1713
- PIERCE, Phillip, of Jeremiah, and Francis Nichols, of Thomas; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Oct. 10, 1723
- PIERCE, Giles, and Comfort Nichols; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Feb. 14, 1724-5
- PIERCE, Elizabeth, and William Sweet, Feb. 1, 1727-8
- PIERCE, Susanna, and Thomas Spencer, Aug. 3, 1733
- PIERCE, Susanna, and John Olin, Dec. 8, 1734
- PIERCE, John, of Jeremiah, and Elizabeth Weaver, of William; m. by John Jenkins, Justice, Aug. 22, 1736
- PIERCE, Mary, and Richard Estes, Dec. 7, 1738
- PIERCE, Thomas, of Preserved, and Jane Dickinson, of Richard; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Sept. 13, 1739
- PIERCE, John, Jr., and Alice Tibbetts, of George; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Apr. 13, 1740
- PIERCE, Elizabeth, and Caleb Carr, Nov. 9, 1740
- PIERCE, Preserved, of Preserved, and Alice Spencer, of Abner; m. by William Spencer, Justice, Mar. 9, 1745
- PIERCE, Nathan, and Mary Weaver, both of Warwick; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, July 19, 1749
- PIERCE, Ruth, and Constant Maynard, Dec. 9, 1750
- PIERCE, Jeremiah, of Giles, and Margaret Martin, of Robert, of Londonderry, N. H., Dec. 16, 1750
- PIERCE, Caleb, of Jeremiah, dec., of Warwick, and Margaret Peirce, widow of Jeremiah; m. by John Olin, Justice, June 3, 1753
- PIERCE, Margaret, and Caleb Peirce, June 3, 1753
- PIERCE, George, of E. Greenwich, and Mary Greene, of W. Greenwich; m. by Phillip Greene, Justice, Dec. 2, 1753
- PIERCE, William, of Giles, of E. Greenwich, and Catherine Greene, of Henry, dec., of W. Greenwich; m. by Benjamin Sweet, Justice, Jan. 1, 1760
- PIERCE, Sarah, and Shebna Reynolds, Mar. 5, 1761
- PIERCE, Susannah, and Robert Brattle, Jan. 2, 1763
- PIERCE, Sarah, and Thomas Arnold, Apr. 14, 1768
- PIERCE, Susannah, and Caleb Mathews, Feb. 23, 1769
- PIERCE, Job, of Capt. John, and Temperance Greene; m. by Eld. John Gorton, July 1, 1770
- PIERCE, John, Jr., of John, and Mary Spencer, of Joseph; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Feb. 28, 1771
- PIERCE, Stephen, of Thomas, and Lydia Rice, of Peleg; m. by Eld. John Gorton, Apr. 25, 1773
- PIERCE, Phillip, of John, and Mercy Mumford, of Stephen; m. by Eld. John Gorton, Feb. 20, 1777
- PIERCE, Edward, of John, and Waite Briggs; m. by Eld. John Gorton, Feb. 8, 1778
- PIERCE, Eleanor, and Samuel Rice, Sept. 1, 1782
- PIERCE, Jonathan, of Daniel, and Elizabeth Coggeshall, of Benjamin; m. by Eld. John Gorton, Sept. 1, 1782
- PIERCE, Phebe, and Caleb Andrews, Apr. --, 1783
- PIERCE, Sarah, and John Place, Mar. 18, 1784
- PIERCE, Moses, of Thomas, and Sarah Battey, of Benjamin; m. by Eld. John Gorton, Dec. 25, 1785
- PIERCE, Preserved, of E. Greenwich, and Sarah Dexter, of Warwick; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Dec. 5, 1790
- PIERCE, Alice, and John Chadsey, May 9, 1791
- PIERCE, Margaret, and Hopkins Cooke, Sept. 16, 1792
- PIERCE, Mary, and Benedict Arnold, Dec. 25, 1793
- PIERCE, Daniel, of James, and Elizabeth Mott, of Joseph; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, June 21, 1797
- PIERCE, Samuel, of Warwick, son of Capt. Stephen, dec., and Phebe Sprague, of Capt. John, of E. Greenwich; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, June 27, 1805
- PIERCE, Job, of Capt. Job, dec., and Elizabeth Dean, of Timothy; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Sept. 1, 1805
- PIERCE, Stephen Mumford, of Phillip, and Sukey Greene Fry, of Richard; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Nov. 9, 1806
- PIERCE, Mary, and John Morey, Mar. 8, 1807
- PIERCE, Elizabeth, and William Collins, June 7, 1807
- PIERCE, Ann, and Oliver C. W. Arnold, recorded Dec. 31, 1815
- PIERCE, George, of John, dec., and Catherine Weeden, of Peleg; m. by James Miller, Justice, Sept. 1, 1816
- PIERCE, Earl, of Stephen, dec., and Eliza Russell Taylor, of Dan, dec.; m. by James Miller, Justice, Oct. --, 1816
- PIERCE, Philip, Jr., of Philip, and Hannah Wall, of Samuel; m. by James Miller, Justice, Nov. --, 1816
- PIERCE, James B., and Mary A. Pinegar; m. by Elder Benjamin Hazelton, Apr. 3, 1827
- PIERCE, Charles, and Robey W. Gorton; m. by Rev. Michael Burdett, Aug. 1, 1830
- PIERCE, Maria D., and Joseph Shippee, July 30, 1840
- PIERCE, William W., of Providence, and Elizabeth G. Card, of East Greenwich; m. by Elder William P. Place, Jan. 1, 1845
- PERKINS, Newman, and Mehitable Godfrey; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Oct. 29, 1732
- PERKINS, Rhoby, and Harris Gears, Feb. 5, 1836
- PHILLIPS, Mehitable, and Nicholas Holly, Aug. 16, 1730
- PHILLIPS, John, of North Kingstown, and Tabitha Gardner, of Joseph, of East Greenwich; m. by Benjamin Sweet, Justice, July 10, 1737
- PHILLIPS, Freelove, and Abraham Matteson, Nov. 13, 1740
- PHILLIPS, Samuel, of North Kingstown, and Deborah Spencer, of East Greenwich, dau. of Joseph; m. by Alexander Nichols, Justice, Jan. 1, 1771
- PHILLIPS, Ichabod S., and Almira Card, both of Warwick; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Dec. 28, 1840
- PHILLIPS, Daniel N., of Providence, and Mary A., Whitford, of East Greenwich, dau. of Isaac S.; m. by Rev. Samuel C. Brown, Aug. 27, 1848
- PINEGAR, David, of Warwick, son of John, dec., and Elizabeth Arnold, of Capt. Thomas, of East Greenwich; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Oct. 30, 1796
- PINEGAR, Mary A., and James B. Peirce, Apr. 3, 1827
- PINEGAR, Benjamin F., of East Greenwich, and Louisa E. Hawkins, of Cranston; m. by Rev. C. C. Wheeler, July 1, 1847
- PITCHER, John, and Mary Carr, Jan. 15, 1756
- PITCHER, John, and Elizabeth J. Greene; m. by Elder Benedict Johnson, Sept. 14, 1840
- PITCHER, James M., of Lowell, Mass., son of William, and Mary Micklejohn, of Mary, of East Greenwich; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, Nov. 10, 1848
- PLACE, Sarah, and Isaiah Jones, May 27, 1749
- PLACE, Thomas, Jr., and Mary Briggs, Dec. 15, 1751
- PLACE, Phebe, and Richard Briggs, Apr. 6, 1758
- PLACE, Phillip, of Thomas, and Mary Wightman, of John; m. by Eld. Phillip Jenkins, Dec. 1, 1776
- PLACE, John, and Sarah Peirce, of William; m. by Eld. Nathan Hill, Mar. 18, 1784
- PLACE, Stafford, of Thomas, and Mary Spencer, of Silas; m. by Eld. James Wightman, Mar. 13, 1788
- PLACE, Audre, and John Briggs, 3d, Jan. 15, 1789
- PLACE, Almy, and Henry Card, Feb. 23, 1806
- PLACE, Thomas, of Phillip, of Exeter, and Amey Tillinghast Cole, of Samuel, of E. Greenwich; m. by Eld. Thomas Manchester, Feb. 1, 1810
- PLACE, Mary, and Levi Johnson, Nov. 17, 1818
- PLACE, William P., of John, and Maria Williams, of Ebenezer; m. by Elder Thomas Manchester, June 12, 1817
- PLACE, Joseph Earle, and Mary Ann Bissell; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Oct. 7, 1839
- PLACE, John A., of William P., and Ruth Godfrey, of Slocum; m. by Elder Nathaniel W. Warner, Mar. 18, 1840
- PLACE, Sally Gould, and Horace Briggs, Mar. 8, 1841
- PLACE, Mary Ann, and Alfred Sherman, June 14, 1841
- PLACE, Sally B., and William W. Bennett, Jan. 10, 1844
- PLACE, Issac, of John, and Catharine Briggs, of Robert; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Mar. 10, 1844
- PLACE, Benjamin C., of Providence, and Rachel Card, of East Greenwich; m. by Rev. Horatio W. Hough, June 12, 1848
- PLACE, Joseph B., of East Greenwich, and Abby Kelley, of Warwick; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Nov. 27, 1848
- POLLARD, James, of Scituate, and Rachel Wood, of Benjamin, of East Greenwich; m. by Robert Bailey, Justice, Sept. 27, 1790
- POLLARD, Serena, and Joel Cady, June 4, 1812
- POLLARD, James E., of Ezra, and Susan A. Tibbetts, of William; m. by Rev. S. A. Crane, Jan. 29, 1849
- POTTER, Sarah, and Joseph Cornell, Dec. 29, 1765
- POTTER, Sarah, and Timothy Dean, Feb. 7, 1773
- POTTER, Jonathan, of Ezra, of Scituate, and Jemima Glazier, of John, of E. Greenwich; m. by Eld. John Gorton, Aug. 6, 1786
- POTTER, Sarah, and John Miller, May 15, 1789
- POTTER, Zerviah, and John Miller, Mar. 31, 1793
- POTTER, Hannah, and Thomas Wall, Jan. 3, 1796
- POTTER, Meriam, and William Briggs, Dec. 3, 1797
- POTTER, Lucy, and John Thomas, July 13, 1809
- POTTER, Josiah, and Mary L. Austin; m. by Elder Thomas Tillinghast, Sept. 14, 1840
- POTTER, Lucy, and Gardiner T. Cottrell, June 28, 1841
- POTTER, John A., of John, dec., and Martha E. Sweet, of Lydia; m. by Elder Pardon Tillinghast, Oct. 11, 1843
- POTTER, David C., of widow Lois, and Sarah M. Tillinghast, of widow Sarah R.; m. by Rev. Samuel C. Brown, Nov. 28, 1844
- POTTER, Mary, and Joseph W. Reeve, Oct. 28, 1849
- POTTER, Ann Eliza, and Edmund Taylor, Jan. 12, 1851
- PROUD, Samuel, of John, and Abigail Cleveland, of Palmer, dec.; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Aug. 1, 1782
- PRUDEN, Lillis G., and John Cameron, Feb. 26, 1850
- RATHBONE, Margaret, and Henry Greene, May 15, 1724
- REEVE, Joseph W., of Williamsburgh, N. Y., son of Joseph W., and Mary Potter, of Elisha, of East Greenwich; m. by Rev. S. A. Crane, Oct. 28, 1849
- RELPH, Arnold, and Dianna Matteson, both of Scituate; m. by Eld. Thomas Tillinghast, June 28, 1841
- REMINGTON, Maplet, and William Wickes, Sept. 16, 1733
- REMINGTON, Thomas, of Daniel, of Warwick, and Freelove Nichols, of Joseph, dec., of East Greenwich; m. by Giles Peirce, Justice, Aug. 16, 1759
- REMINGTON, Amey, and Joseph Wightman, Oct. 9, 1785
- REMINGTON, Richmond, of Coventry, son of Thomas, and Rose Wickes, of East Greenwich, dau. of Oliver; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Aug. 24, 1800
- REMINGTON, Sarah E., and George B. Babson, Dec. 10, 1848
- REMINGTON, Hannah T., and William Bateman, Apr. 29, 1849
- REYNOLDS, Henry, Jr., and Mary Jenkins; m. by John Spencer, Justice, Mar. 9, 1709
- REYNOLDS, Mary, and Jeremiah Jones, Apr. 22, 1709
- REYNOLDS, Jabez, of Kings Towne, and Elizabeth Berry, of Elisha, of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Dec. 27, 1722
- REYNOLDS, Susannah, and Robert Spencer, Nov. 7, 1723
- REYNOLDS, James, of James, and Alice Spink, of Ishmael; m. by Thomas Spencer, Oct. 25, 1725
- REYNOLDS, William, of James, and Deborah Greene, of Benjamin, dec.; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Sept. 18, 1729
- REYNOLDS, Ruth, and Ezekiel Long, Oct. 22, 1724
- REYNOLDS, Elizabeth, and Joseph James, Sept. 18, 1729
- REYNOLDS, Samuel, of North Kingstown, son of Joseph, dec., and Ann Gardiner, of East Greenwich, of Lieut. Samuel; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Dec. 31, 1732
- REYNOLDS, Ann, and Joseph Barber, Mar. 1, 1738-9
- REYNOLDS, James, of Francis, of North Kingstown, and Elizabeth Jones, of Jeremiah, of East Greenwich; m. by Benjamin Sweet, Justice, Mar. 26, 1739
- REYNOLDS, Jemima, and William Wood, Jan. 31, 1739
- REYNOLDS, John, of John, of Exeter, and Mary Spencer, of Job, of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Aldrich, Justice, May 15, 1757
- REYNOLDS, Abigail, and Elkanah Johnson, Sept. 27, 1758
- REYNOLDS, Shebna, and Sarah Pierce, of John; m. by Samuel Soule, Justice, Mar. 5, 1761
- REYNOLDS, John, of Warwick, son of James, of S. Kingstown, and Mary Greene, of Rufus, of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Casey, Justice, June 1, 1766
- REYNOLDS, Samuel, and Almy Weaver; m. by Eld. James Wightman, Dec. 4, 1777
- REYNOLDS, Mary, and Gardiner Spencer, June 15 or 19, 1785
- REYNOLDS, Susannah, and Isaac Hall, Nov. 22, 1789
- REYNOLDS, Countice, and David Greene (col.), July 18, 1790
- REYNOLDS, Sarah, and James Weaver, July 26, 1792
- REYNOLDS, Eunice, and Peleg Tibbetts, Mar. 26, 1797
- REYNOLDS, Alce, and Benjamin Rice, Nov. 11, 1802
- REYNOLDS, Thomas, of Samuel, and Elizabeth Howland, of Benjamin; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Mar. 3, 1805
- REYNOLDS, Anne, and Thomas Nichols, Oct. 23, 1805
- REYNOLDS, Mary, and Gideon Spink, Aug. 28, 1808
- REYNOLDS, Sarah, and Slocum Godfrey, Sept. 16, 1810
- REYNOLDS, Abigail, and William Greene, June 16, 1811
- REYNOLDS, Phebe, and Henry G. Tillinghast, Feb. 22, 1817
- REYNOLDS, Nathaniel T., of Exeter, son of George, and Abby C. Jones, of East Greenwich, dau. of Amos, dec.; m. by Elder Gersham Palmer, Feb. 18, 1819
- REYNOLDS, Benjamin, of Warwick, son of John and Mary, of North Kingstown, and Nancy Sherman, of Warwick, dau. of Asa and Mary, of South Kingstown; m. by Elder Benjamin Hazelton, Oct. 16, 1825
- REYNOLDS, Harriet, and Jacob Waite, Dec. 25, 1834
- REYNOLDS, Gideon, of Richmond, and Hannah Sheldon, of East Greenwich; m. by Elder Tillinghast, May 14, 1844
- REYNOLDS, Thomas A., of East Greenwich, and Ann S. Clark, of North Kingstown; m. by Rev. C. C. Wheeler, Nov. 1, 1846
- REYNOLDS, Hannah A., and Arunah Jenckes, Nov. 25, 1849
- RHODES, William, and Ann Stone; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Nov. 26, 1728
- RHODES, Mrs. Phebe, and John Lawsey, Dec. 5, 1756
- RHODES, Daniel R., of Warwick, son of Capt. Holden, and Polly Bailey, of East Greenwich, dau. of Capt. Jeremiah; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Apr. 11, 1802
- RHODES, Samuel Remington, of Warwick, son of Holden, and Betsey Bailey, of Jeremiah, dec.; m. by James Miller, Justice, Jan. 5, 1809
- RICE, Elizabeth, and William Spencer, May 10, 1716
- RICE, Barbara, and John Langford, May 11, 1727
- RICE, Nathan, of Capt. John, of Warwick, and Sarah Spencer, of Peleg, of E. Greenwich; m. by Thomas Spencer, Justice, Dec. 21, 1727
- RICE, Elizabeth, and Henry Gardner, Apr. --, 1746
- RICE, Hannah, and Job Tripp, May 30, 1757
- RICE, Susannah, and Oliver Sweet, Feb. 6, 1767
- RICE, Lydia, and Stephen Peirce, Apr. 25, 1773
- RICE, Samuel, of Peleg, and Eleanor Peirce, of Daniel; m. by Eld. John Gorton, Sept. 1, 1782
- RICE, Mary, and Thomas Hall, Mar. 29, 1785
- RICE, Benjamin, of Warwick, son of William, and Alice Reynolds, of E. Greenwich, dau. of Shebna; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Nov. 11, 1802
- RICE, Randall, of Randall, dec. of Warwick, and Phebe Bailey, of East Greenwich; m. by James Miller, Justice, Jan. 19, 1812
- RICE, Samuel R., and Sarah Capron; m. by Rev. Christopher Johnson, July 1, 1830
- RICE, Sylvester, of Jeffery A., and Hannah Greene, of Barbara, both of Coventry; m. by Elder Pardon Tillinghast, Sept. 8, 1842
- RICHMOND, Phebe A., and Stuteley Matteson, Jr., Mar. 18, 1844
- RICHMOND, Henry H., of Hopkinton, and Elizabeth B. Cranston, of East Greenwich; m. by Rev. Charles Lewis, May 7, 1848
- RICHMOND, Oliver L., of Scituate, son of Stephen, and Mrs. Oceana Harrington, of East Greenwich, dau. of Benjamin, Gorton; m. by Rev. B. F. Hedden, Apr. 2, 1850
- RIPLEY, Merebeth, and Griffin Spencer, Oct. 6, 1765
- ROBERTS, Jonathan, of Cranston, and Martha Johnson, of East Greenwich; m. by Samuel Soule, Justice, May 13, 1764
- ROBERTS, John P., son of Phillip, of London, Eng., and Lucy Brown, of Clarke, of E. Greenwich; m. by H. Cooke, Justice, Aug. 23, 1795
- ROE, Samuel, of Phillip, of E. Greenwich, and Sarah Sweet, of Daniel, of Warwick; m. by John Olin, Justice, Sept. 30, 1753
- ROGERS, Benjamin, of Charlestown, son of Jeremiah, and Jemima Cass, of East Greenwich; m. by Benjamin Sweet, Justice, Apr. 15, 1739
- ROUSE, Manuel, and Sarah Langford, widow; m. by Thomas Fry, Justice, Sept. 13, 1711
- ROUSE, Sarah, and Harris Weaver, Dec. 7, 1735
- ROUSE, Jonathan, and Amey Bennett; m. by Thomas Shippee, Justice, Sept. 26, 1763
- ROUSE, Delight, and William H. Knight, Apr. 8, 1865
[ Surnames S-Z ]