The Marion Democrat, Obituaries, 1897-1899
Marion, Perry County Alabama
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1897-1899 Obituaries from the Marion Democrat, in Marion, Perry County Alabama.
CHAPMAN, John, Obituary
The sad intelligence of the death of Mr. John Chapman was received with a felling of deepest sorrow. Mr. Chapman was in early life a lawyer, and in that profession was an ornament to the bar of this state. In latter years he was elected Justice of the Peace, which was the last office he ever held. In this position as in all others, he did his whole duty, doing it uprightly and conscientiously. His remains were brought from North Alabama to this, his old home for interment.
"Life's battle fought and victory won. He now rests from this duty done."
He leaves a host of friends to mourn his loss. To his family we extend sincerest condolence. [Marion Democrat, (Marion, Ala.), Oct 16, 1897]
COCKE, Col. Jack F., Obituary
Death at Poplarville, Miss.
Col. Jack F. Cocke, father-in-law of Hon. J. M. Shivers and Capt. T. M. White, died at 7:30 o'clock yesterday morning at Poplarville, Miss, aged 85 years. Col. Cocke was a prominent figure in ante-bellum politics of Alabama, having been in the Senate for a number of years, and has a host of friends who will regret to learn of his death. Col. Cocke is related to some of Perry county's most prominent citizens, both by blood and marriage. [Marion Democrat, (Marion, Ala.), Oct 16, 1897]
DOZIER, Dr., Obituary
The remains of Dr. Dozier of Birmingham were brought to this place last Saturday evening for interment. Within a short space of time mother and father, have been called to their eternal home. Dr. Dozier was consistent Christian and an able and devoted member of the Methodist church. In his death that church loses a faithful and efficient worker. Lightly rest the sod upon his coffin and may his memory be evergreen in the hearts of friends. To the bereaved family we offer our heart felt sympathy. [Marion Democrat, (Marion, Ala.), Oct 16, 1897]
McCOLLUM, Mrs. W. P., Obituary
It is with unfeigned regret we read the funeral notice of Mrs. W. P. McCollum, of Marion Junction, whose remains were brought here last Monday for interment. Mrs. McCollum was a strict member of the Baptist church. She has one son far away who this sad intelligence can not reach until after all that is left of her sacred remains have been laid away. He is a missionary at Japan. She leaves a large family and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Peace to her ashes. [Marion Democrat, (Marion, Ala.), Oct 16, 1897]