New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Hawkins County, Tennessee

January 1, 1883

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The 1883 Hawkins CountyTennessee Pensioners on the Roll includes the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, the rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
152,623Absher, Wilson HRogersvilleminors of$10.00Aug. 1871
133,459Anderson, ElizabethWar Gapwidow$8.00Aug. 1869
128,064Arnold, JohnAlum Wellcr. rheum$14.00June 1875
394Bailey, MarthaSurgoinsvillewidow$8.00Feb. 1869
210,185Barker, WilliamAlum Welldeafn. r. ear$1.00June 1882
154,838Bass, Edw'rdRogersvilleg.s.w.l. leg & heel$6.00Sept. 1878
86,103Beal, EliasAustin's Millsinj. of r. hip$12.00Oct. 1867
68,132Beal, Jos. JAustin's Millswd. l. shoulder$18.00July 1866
87,437Beals, John SBurem's Storeg.s.w. of back$6.00Nov. 1867
177,864Bean, AlleyMooresburghdep. mother$8.00Jan. 1879
155,482Bell, HarrisRogersvilleg.s.w.l. foot$6.00Sept. 1878
79,548Berry, SusanWhite Hornwidow$8.00Mar. 1867
18,285Bradshaw, FrancesNew Cantonwidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1879
195,289Bray, PatrickLee Valleyg.s.w. l.s. head$4.00Sept. 1881
26,955Brice, CathrRogersvillewidow 1812$8.00Sept. 1879
28,318Britton, SusanBurem's Storewidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1879
141,682Brooks, WmRogersvilledis. liver$8.00Oct. 1876
171,526Brooks, WmRogersvillechr. bronchitis$4.00July 1880
128,337Brown, And. JBull's Gapabs. of back & deformity of spine, dis. lungs & ch. diar.$50.00May 1874
141,340Brummitt, LucindaRogersvilledep. mother$8.00Mar. 1870
171,729Bryce, Rich'dRogersvillechr. diarr$10.00July 1880
193,808Burdine, John WRogersvilledep. father$8.00Dec. 1881
177,200Byndham, Rich'dRogersvillerheum. & rest. hrt. dis$8.00Oct. 1880
133,969Carpenter, JohnRogersvillechr. rheum$12.00Feb. 1872
75,981Carpenter, WilsonRogersvilleloss of eyes$10.00Feb. 1867
127,400Carpenter, WmTreadwayinj. to r. side$12.00Oct. 1874
131,435Charles, Wm. ABull's Gapdis. lungs & head$4.00Nov. 1882
141,978Chester, ThosWar Gapchr. bronchts & diarrh$8.00Oct. 1876
25,683Clark, ElmiraRogersvillewidow 1812$8.00July 1879
24,803Click, RosannahRotherwoodwidow 1812$8.00June 1879
216,455Collins, EvanWar Gapinj. to l. shoulder$8.00Aug. 1882
204,640Collins, John KLee Valleyrheum$6.00Mar. 1882
94,082Cope, John WLee Valleyspinal inj$10.00Dec. 1868
194,065Cope, WodsonTreadwayg.s.w. of head$4.00Aug. 1881
186,749Cormack, GilletRogersvilleprtl. deafn. both ears$4.00Apr. 1881
165,432Crawford, EleanorRogersvilledep. mother$8.00July 1874
132,494Crawford, George GRogersvillebronchitis$4.00Mar. 1875
118,032Crawford, HannahBurem's Storewidow$8.00Nov. 1878
24,445Crew, JaneRotherwoodwidow 1812$8.00May 1879
29,422Crites, AnnNew Cantonwidow 1812$8.00May 1880
180,533Davis, MaryMooresburghwidow$8.00Mar. 1878
15,744Day, FrancesMooresburghwidow 1812$8.00Jan. 1879
135,589Dean, HiramWhite Hornchr. bronchitis$4.00Aug. 1875
101,200Deen, SarahBull's Gapwidow$8.00Oct. 1867
517Dinsmore, TillithaYellow Storewidow$8.00Oct. 1869
211,861Dodson, GeorgeRogersvillevar. veins, & dis. of abd. vis.$10.00June 1882
70,180Dodson, IsaacRogersvillewd. on head$12.00Dec. 1877
140,475Dodson, RebeccaWhite Hornwidow$10.00Mar. 1870
169,348Easterly, Jos. CBull's Gapminors of$10.00May 1875
137,901Farmer, GeorgeRogersvillerheum$8.00Feb. 1876
147,416Fields, ShadrackRogersvilleinj. heart & shoulder$12.00Dec. 1877
25,649Fo?bush, Martha ARogersvillewidow 1812$8.00June 1879
105,296Green, John ESaint Clairdis. lungs$4.00Sept. 1870
24,914Green, RuthMooresburghwidow 1812$8.00June 1879
88,005Grubba, Eliza CBull's Gapwidow$8.00Dec. 1866
14,726Hale, Eliz'th GNew Cantonwidow 1812$8.00Jan. 1879
21,293Hamblen, EmelineSaint Clairwidow 1812$8.00Mar. 1879
143,992Harel, JacobMooresburghchr. pleurisy$8.00Mar. 1877
84,019Harris, JamesTreadwaywd. r. arm$18.00-
150,833Harris, JemimaRogersvillewidow$8.00May 1871
4,406Hartley, JohnWar Gapwidow 1812$8.00Sept. 1880
60,571Haun, ElizBull's Gapwidow$8.00May 1867
137,625Haun, John RBull's Gapdis. l. lung$8.00Jan. 1876
144,654Henand, ElijahWorleyrheumti$6.00Apr. 1877
151,349Henderson, James RSaint Clairrheum. & reslt. dis. heart$6.00Jan. 1879
168,936Henry, William MAlum Welldis. of heart$12.00June 1880
21,574Hord, JohnPersiasurv. 1812$8.00Aug. 1875
32,811Hord, MaryPersiawidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1882
30,512Horton, JoannaNew Cantonwidow 1812$8.00Sept. 1880
199,919Housley, Benj. FStony Pointg.s.w.r. thigh$1.00Dec. 1881
25,522Howe, SarahRogersvillewidow 1812$8.00July 1879
24,673Humphries, SusanAustin's Millswidow 1812$8.00June 1879
10,258Hunter, LetticeBull's Gapwidow 1812$8.00Oct. 1878
194,754Ingle, MalvinaWhite Hornwidow$8.00Mar. 1882
30,114Johnson, LouisaMooresburghwidow 1812$8.00Aug. 1880
58,222Jones, JosWar Gaploss r. leg$24.00-
138,171Jones, RileyTreadwayg.s.w.r. leg$8.00Mar. 1876
23,684Kelley, MaryRogersvillewidow 1812$8.00May 1879
97,208Kelly, PollyWhite Hornwidow$8.00July 1867
143,725Kersey, RobtRogersvillerheum$12.00Feb. 1877
28,821Klipper, MaryRogersvillewidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1880
205,970Kyle, ThosRogersvillechr. rheum$8.00Apr. 1882
140,088Lady, HendersonBull's Gaptotal blindness$72.00July 1876
84,018Lawson, CentreRogersvillewd.l. leg$31.25-
149,339Lemones, Mary AnnNew Cantonwidow$8.00Sept. 1871
19,632Levin, FrancisMooresburghwidow$8.00Mar. 1879
31,676Linkons, MargtRogersvillewidow 1812$8.00May 1881
116,984Livesay, MaryMooresburghwidow$8.00Aug. 1868
103,689Long, SamlRogersvilleg.s.w.r. thigh$2.00June 1870
61,591Long, Wm. MWhite Hornloss all fings. l. hand$8.00Apr. 1866
136,772Mallory, TempyRogersvillewidow$8.00Nov. 1869
132,802Marsh, MaryRogersvillewidow$8.00Aug. 1869
66,290McCullough, Julia ABull's Gapwidow$8.00Apr. 1867
125,816McGinnis, Martha JMooresburghwidow$8.00Mar. 1869
155,180McLane, LouisianaRogersvillewidow$8.00Dec. 1871
170,413Melton, RebeccaBull's Gapdep. mother$8.00July 1875
25,182Merritt, Mary AnnDoughertyvillewidow 1812-
5,238Mitchell, MarthaLee Valleywidow 1812$8.00May 1873
8,367Morrison, HendsonVan Hillrheu. of spine & r. leg$18.00July 1873
181,117Murrell, Newton JLee Valleydis. spine & res. typh. fever$50.00Jan. 1881
89,560Mustin, CatherineWalnut Hillwidow$8.00Feb. 1867
11,165Owens, CathrMooresburghwidow 1812$8.00Apr. 1878
126,675Owens, George WRogersvillephthisis pulm$18.00-
199,536Poe, CyrusSaint Clairchr. rheum. & rst. dis. heart$12.00Dec. 1881
109,333Poe, Perry WNew Cantondis. of eyes$12.00Apr. 1871
138,976Portrum, Thos. WSaint Clairdis. heart$18.00-
90,357Price, WmRogersvillewd. in ankle$6.00Apr. 1868
182,448Rader, Kesiah SBull's Gapwidow$8.00Nov. 1878
107,055Rader, MatildaBull's Gapwidow$8.00Oct. 1867
216,965Rader, Reuben MBull's Gapdis. liver$6.00Aug. 1882
169,729Ragan, Martha AnnRogersvilledep. mother$8.00June 1875
17,095Ragle, George HNew Cantonsurv. 1812$8.00May 1872
178,104Richards, NewtonBlevinsdis. lungs & heart, res. pois.$8.00Oct. 1880
28,180Rider, ElizChoptackwidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1879
126,988Rogers, James MRogersvillechr. bronchitis$18.00-
115,037Sensabaugh, Louisa MStony Pointwidow 1812$8.00June 1868
219,820Short, JohnLee Valleychr. rheu. & dis. eyes$8.00Oct. 1882
64,294Simmons, DollyRogersvillewidow$8.00June 1867
144,238Sizemore, ElizWar Gapwidow$8.00Aug. 1870
12,850Skelton, ElizbRogersvillewidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1878
17,148Smith, Eliz. JAustin's Millswidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1879
21,747Smith, Eliza MRogersvillewidow 1812$8.00May 1879
99,999Smith, MaryWar Gapwidow$8.00Oct. 1867
123,192Snyder, RobtTreadwaychr. bronchitis$8.00May 1873
6,430Spears, FerribyPersiawidow 1812$8.00Dec. 1874
17,322Sproal, JohnStony Pointsurv. 1812$8.00Mar. 1879
117,299Stanberry, DelanaWar Gapwidow$8.00Aug. 1868
117,989Stapleton, Sarah AMooresburghwidow$8.00Aug. 1868
196,616Starnes, Christ. MStarneschr. rheum. & rst. dis. heart$8.00Oct. 1881
212,014Stroud, James SBull's Gapdis. of heart$8.00June 1882
175,143Swain, ElizbPersiadep. mother$8.00Sept. 1876
79,883Thurman, John GRogersvilleloss sght r. eye aff tg l. eye$12.00Apr. 1867
144,502Tunnell, James HRogersvilleinj. r. shoulder$15.00May 1877
197,111Walker, AnnieSaint Clairdep. mother$8.00Aug. 1882
60,767Walker, Preston COteswd. r. shoulder$18.00-
157,458Walters, Sarah JNew Cantonwidow$8.00Apr. 1872
18,401Weatherford, DanielWhite Hornsurv. 1812$8.00Aug. 1872
20,321Webb, SarahRogersvillewidow 1812$8.00Mar. 1879
12,223Webster, HoratioRogersvillesurv. 1812$8.00June 1882
105,754Weems, Geo. JBull's Gapsh. w.r. hip$6.00Nov. 1870
72,059Wells, AmandaBull's Gapwidow$8.00June 1867
71,804Wells, NanceySaint Clairwidow$8.00June 1869
184,420White, John MBull's Gapinjury to abdomen$8.00Mar. 1881
217,733White, JosNew Hopechr. diarr$2.00Sept. 1882
19,285Wilder, DavidMooresburghsurv. 1812$8.00Oct. 1871
130,067Williams, James MRogersvilleg.s.w.r. and l. sides$18.00-
15,765Willis, Dan'lNew Cantonsurv. 1812$8.00Apr. 1872
200,730Willoughby, Wm. RBull's Gapdis. lungs$20.00Jan. 1882
31,245Wilson, MatildaYellow Storewidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1881
116,547Wright, JaneNew Cantonwidow$8.00July 1868
29,417Yonas, MaryStony Pointwidow 1812$8.00May 1880
162,483Yowl, RuthRogersvilledep. mother$8.00June 1873