New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1875 Deaths from the Monroe County New York State Census Mortality Schedule

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Deaths occurring during the year ending June 1, 1865, excepting those of persons in the service of the United States, or from wounds or disease acquired in said service, extracted from the 1875 Monroe County, New York State census mortality schedules.

Brighton - First Election District

Name of person deceased
Date of DeathNative state or countryTrade or occupationDisease or Cause of Death
Advantoss Helen 36 F - M January 8 Germany - Consumption
Amler Caroline 2/12 F - S March 20 Monroe - Unknown
Amler Rika 20 F - M January 25 Germany - Child birth
Anderson Elizabeth 11/12 F - S September 15 Monroe - Colera infantim
Barnum Harriett 1 8/12 F - S October 20 Monroe - Dysentery
Carpenter Frank 21 M - S December 11 Monroe Farmer Inflamation of bowels
Carroll Jacob 1d M - S January 5 Monroe - Unknown
Coleman Frances 27 F - M September 1 Germany - Hemorage/childbirth
Coughlin John 52 M - M March 20 Ireland Laborer Lockjaw
DeBack Jonah 6 M - S March 27 Monroe - Heart disease
DeYoung Cornelia 8/12 F - S - 8 Monroe - Inflamation of bowels
Doser Mary 1 7/12 F - S April 11 Monroe - Dysentery
Eckl___, Anna 1/12 F - S April 25 Monroe - Dysentery
Farman - 8d M - S - 5 Monroe - Unknown
Hennings - - F - S June 15 Monroe - Stillborn
Hilton Cuyler 79 M - M December 20 Greene Laborer Paralysis
Hilton Roseanna 25 F - M July 15 Canada - Consumption
Holton Jana H. 20 M - S January 11 Monroe Stone cutter Congestion of brain
Kelly Lenora 11 F - S Feburary 23 Delaware - Scarlet fever
Lamb William 2 M - S January 26 Germany - Scarlet fever
Lambree Ocianna 1/12 F - S May 10 Monroe - Unknown
Maddigan Timothy 11 M - S April 29 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Meyer John 15 M - S Feburary 10 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Mimms John 55 M - M - 3 Germany Laborer Inflamation of bowels
Mock Jacob 58 M - M December 15 Germany Farmer Cancer
Mort Elizabeth 5/12 F - S August 15 Monroe - Dysentery
Rembert Emma 2 9/12 F - S August 27 Monroe - Whooping cough
Sawyer Henry 9 M - S September 17 Monroe - Dropsey
Shuar John 52 M - M Feburary 23 Germany Laborer Heart disease
Sitz William 5 6/12 M - S September 10 Monroe - Unknown
Turo Anna 6 f - S April 26 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Wallback George 2 7/12 M - S April 20 Monroe - Inflamation of lungs
Wilson Edward 5d M - S - 3 Monroe - Unknown
Wilson James A. 23 M - S October 31 Wayne Farmer Typhoid fever
Worden Lyman 86 M - W December 12 Connecticut - Old age
Yost Christian 4/12 M - S September 20 Monroe - Scarlet fever

Brighton - Second Election District

Bell Martha 61 F - M June 24 Ireland Housekeeper Liver complaint
Cutbert Anna 3 F - S March 26 Germany - Scarlet fever
Ernisse Jacob 11d M - S March 28 Monroe - Convulsions
Hale Martha 61 F - M June 20 Ireland Housekeeper Liver complaint
Jack Mary E. 7 F - S May 4 Monroe, NY - Putried S. throat
Mamise Michael 1 3/12 M - S May 22 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Pittner Edward 1 6/12 M - S Feb 17 monroe - Diarea
Schultz Carrie 4d F - S March 20 Monroe, NY - Inflamation of the head


Chapman Emeline 60 F - M Jan 29 New York - Scrofula
Chapman Israel 89 M - M Jan 13 Conn. Farmer Congestion of lungs
Chapman Mary 32 F - M July 30 New York - Typhoid fever
Combs James 62 M - M Feb 5 New Jersey Farmer Typhoid pneumonia
Curvin Anna 3 F - S April 29 New York - Scarlet fever
Curvin Elizabeth 7 F - S April 30 New York - Scarlet fever
Daily John 71 M - M July 30 Ireland Farmer Consumption
Fox Mary 65 F - M Feb 28 Ireland - General debility
Gardiski John 1/12 M - S June 25 New York - Cramps
Gay Ellen 18 F - S Oct 15 New York - Consumption
Johnston David R. 30 M - M Dec 15 Penn. Farmer Brights disease
Kelley Timothy 21 M - S July 6 New York Farmer Epileptic fit
Little John 57 M - M May 5 New York Farmer Rupture of a blood vessel
McVey Hugh 43 M - S Nov 13 Ireland Tin smith Cancer in the bowels
Roberts Samuel 13 M - S Feb 1 New York - Scarletina
Robinson William 77 M - W April 8 New York Retired farmer Apoplexy
Sheffer Cebaski 31 M - S Oct 11 New York Farmer Accident
Shephard Julia 64 F - W Jan 15 New York - Inflamation of lungs
Shephard Julia D. 23 F - S May 16 New York - Consumption
Vine Catherine 63 F - M Feb 14 Ireland - Heart disease
Voke Mary 87 F - W Oct 26 England - Old age
Waffle Garret 82 M - M Feb 23 New York Farmer Dropsy
Whalen Philip 48 M - M Mar 8 Ireland Farmer Congestion of lungs
Widner Frankie 62 F - S Feb 13 New York - Congestion of lungs
Woodard Julia 34 F - M Nov 15 New York - Consumption


Amidon (Infant) 2w M - S April 2 Monroe - Brain fever
Andrews Geo. R. 54 M - M Jan 26 Monroe Carpenter and joiner -
Bristol Sarah 59 F - M Dec 22 Vermont Housekeeper Iracipalus
Brower James 46 M - M Nov 29 Monroe, NY Farmer Brights disease of kidneys
Burch Frederick 26 M - S July 12 Monroe Clerk in dry goods Consumption
Combs Albert 39 M - M April 2 St. Lawrence Reaper factory Congestion of lungs and diptheria
Emery June 90 F - W Jan 10 Not known - Infirmaties of age
Garrison Robins L. K. 51 M - W Feb 9 (not readable) Farmer Rheumatism went to the head
Gates Margarett 84 F - M Dec 23 Saratoga Housekeeper Infirmaties of age
Haskill Caroline 45 F - M Jan 15 Washington Housekeeper Consumption
Hawkins Samuel A. 9/12 M - S April 25 Monroe - Consumption of lungs
Hays - 8/12 M - S Sept 13 Monroe - Cholera Infantum
Hiler Eva A. 1 9/12 F - S April 1 Monroe - Inflamation
Ireland Francis 72 F - M Jan.? 20 England Housekeeper Typhoid fever
Knight Elizabeth 56 F - S May 12 Ireland Housework Cancer of liver and stone
Linch - 60 M - M Feb 24 Ireland - -
McGinna Margarett 13 F - S March 9 Monroe - Diptheria
McGuire John 24 M - S July 19 Monroe Merchant Injuries received
Moore W___? 1 M - S March 14 Mich - Inflamation of lungs
Rail - 5 M - S June 1 Monroe - Diptheria
Richard Wm. I. 60 M - M May 22 Fulton, NY Preacher Stone in blatter
Roach June 21 F - S May 12 Ireland Housework Rheumatism
Sales Geo. R. 55 M - M Aug 20 Saratoga Broker Consumption
Scott Abram 86 M - W Aug 1 Albany Farm labor Infirmaties of age
Shuro Frederick 12 M - S March 8 Monroe - Consumption
Sigle J___may 2 F - S June 31? Monroe - Scalded in a pail of mop water
Straub Charles 19 M - S April 30 Germany Blacksmith Internal Hemorage
Thin (Infant) 1/12 F - S July 18 Monroe - Not known
Thinar - 54 F - W Jan 10 Vermont - Infirmaties of age
Thompkins Wm. I. 13 M - S April 16 Ont. Canada - Spinal Affections
- Helenn 1 3/12 F - S Aug 15 Cholera Infantum - Cholera Infantum


Brandt Barbara 88 F - W Dec 4 Germany - Disease of the kidney
Cook Lina 40 F - W Feb 11 Germany - Dropsy of the heart
Dawsey Mary Jane 30 F - M July 2 Otsego - Consumption
French Ebenuzer 67 M - M Sept 20 New York Cooper Consumption
Gage Burton D. 5/12 M - S Aug 9 New York - Cholera Infantum
Hollis Rosetta 37 F - M April 17 New York - Child Birth
Kiley John 65 M - W Jan 15 Ireland Farm Labor Intemperance
Kuhn Henry 45 M - M Nov 23 Germany Farmer Consumption
Kuhn Henry 4/12 M - S Feb 11 NY - Consumption
Otis Mary A. C. 62 F - M March 8 Md. - Tumerous Cancer
Roe Sarah 83 F - W Sept 3 England - Old age
Stone Edward 7 M - s Feb 14 New York - Scarlet fever
Stone Lizzie 4 F - S Feb 15 New York - Scarlet fever
Stone William B. 2 4/12 M - S Feb 21 New York - Scarlet fever
Stowell Zela 65 M - M June 18 New Hampshire Farmer Organic disease of the heart
Tuttle George G. 4/12 M - S Aug 13 NY - Cholera Infantum
Uhe Louis 10/12 M - S July 4 NY - Epilectic fits
Worthy George G. 76 M - M March 31 Ireland Fruit dealer Poisened through mistake


Cain Jane 84 F W W Jan 16 Scotland - Kidney complaint
Carey Jacob Wagner 71 M W M Oct 26 Monroe Carpenter & Joiner Kidney disease
Cary Mura 28 F W M Dec 26 Wayne - Bowel Consumption
Clark Perry 8/12 M W S May 10 Monroe - Dropsy of the brain
Cook Seth 73 M W W March 15 Onondaga Farmer Softening of the brain
Cornell George E. 29 M W S May 31 Oswego Farmer - Laborer Drowned - (epileptic fits)
Coulthurst Mary 20 F W S March 18 England - Consumption
Elliott Getty 64 F W W Aug 31 Oswego - Internal tumor
Gartley Mary Jane 10 F W S April 29 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Gavigan Catherine 40 F W M Nov 1 Ireland - Puerpal fever
Griffith Clarissa 62 F W M April 12 Albany - Gangrene
Hendershott Mary 76 F W W March 17 New Jersey - Putrid erysepelas
Hull Ada Belle 11/12 F W S July 16 Monroe - Bowel complaint
Kruger Dorret 61 F W W March 25 Germany Housekeeper Typhoid fever
Leiten Edward 18 M W S Jan 31 Orleans Farm laborer Typhoid fever & inflamation
Long Michael 82 5/12 M W M June 29 Germany Farmer Heart disease
Malley Patrick 85 M W W May 5 Ireland - Old age
McDonough Anthony 65 M W M March 16 Ireland Farmer Consumption
Pugsley George I. 32 M W M June 25 Monroe - Consumption
Quivey Delphine 23 F W M July 24 Monroe - Consumption
Roberts George 1 M W S Sept 6 Michigan - Congestion of the brain
Rowley Charles 10 M W S July 4 Monroe - Run over by farm roller
Smith Jennie M. 14 F W S April 3 Monroe - Liver & Kidney
Stover Fred 8 M W S April 7 Monroe - Dropsy
Streoldoff - 54 M W M April 5 Germany Farm laborer Marasmus
Watson Charlotte B. 54 F W W Feb 14 Albany Co. - Consumption

Henrietta - First Election District

Alling Maria 72 F - M Feb 2 New York Keeping house Paralysis
Brown Betsey A. 78 F - W May 9 Conn. Keeping house Dysentery
Coburn Lucy 2 6/12 F - - Jan 15 New York - Scarlet fever
Coburn William 6/12 M - - Jan 17 New York - Scarlet fever
Holcomb Mary E. 43 F - M March 29 New York Keeping house Congestion of the lungs
Jackson Isaac 83 M - M May 10 New York Farmer Brights disease
Lane Frederick D. 20 M - S Sept 15 Alabama Student Typhoid fever
Man John 68 M - M Jan 14 Ireland Farmer Consumption
May Mary E. 75 F - M March 29 New York Keeping house Paralysis
Reeves Florence 1w F - - June 20 New York - Cyanosis
Scheittakatte John 56 M - M June 22 Germany Farmer Inflamation of the stomach
Scholtz Frederick D. 66 M - W April 10 Germany Farm laborer Erysipelis
Scholtz Hannah 37 F - M Aug 16 Germany Keeping house Dropsy

Henrietta - Second Election District

Czarnoski Jacob 60 M - M Aug 22 Prussia Farmer Colera Morbus
Day Hannah P. 82 F - W June 1 N. H. - Old age
Frost Drier 56 M - M Nov 3 Tompkins Farmer Tumer of bowels
Hayes Patrick 53 M - M Sept 1 Ireland Farmer Brights disease and kidneys
Hiatt George 36 M - M Dec 1 Monroe Farmer Consumption
Hirschmann Anna 3 F - S Feb 23 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Hirschmann John 4 M - S Dec 21 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Hirschmann Libie 4 F - S Dec 28 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Hirschmann Hammie 7 F - S Dec 16 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Hirschmann Margaret 6 F - S Feb 14 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Hirschmann Rosa 11 F - S Feb 23 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Lake David 68 M - S May 18 New York State Farmer Brights disease of kidneys
Meyers John 64 M - M Jan 10 Germany Farmer Inflamation of lungs
Shockey William 2 9/12 M - S May 12 New York State none Diptheria
Shockey - 8 F - S May 16 New York State - Diptheria
Smith Emma 11d F - S Jan 11 Monroe - unknown
Staurman Minnie 1/12 F - S Jan 31 Monroe - Severe cold
Williams Mary I. 27 F - M Jan 8 Monroe Housekeeper Consumption
Williams Roy 1/12 M - S Jan 26 Monroe - unknown


Ariss Thomas 73 M - M Jan 9 England Farmer Kidney gravel
Baird Bridget 62 F - M Jan 1 Ireland - Quick consumption
Brown Stephen 7w M - S Aug 17 Monroe Co. - Summer complaint
Brownyard Lowesa 15 F - S Oct 24 Monroe Co. - Typhoid fever
Capeling Mary A. 7/12 F - S Aug 8 Monroe Co. - Dysentery
Crowley James 9 M - S April 12 Monroe Co. - Inflamation of lungs
Fritz Henry 5/12 M - S Aug 11 Monroe Co. - Dysentery
Gannon Patrick 36 M - M Oct 13 Ireland Constable Consumption
Loos Elizabeth 52 F - M Jan 25 Germany - Inflamation of bowels
Mason Martha 77 F - M April 15 England - Rhumatism
Merkel Joseph 1 7/12 M - - Feb 13 Monroe Co. - Dropsy of head
Perrin Jennie 32 F - M March 3 Monroe Co. - Consumption
Rogers Mrs. H. E. 37 F - M May 25 New York - Cancer of stomach
Sagale Albert 76 M - M Dec 1 France Farm work Unknown
Stanton Ester 69 F - M June 6 Conn. - Eresip

Mendon - First Election District

AmsdenGeorge I.3/12M-S Sept 8 NY - Cholera Infantum
Carpenter Zeno 70 M - M Dec 10 NY Retired farmer Typhoid pnumonia
Cooke Anna M. 55 F - M Sept 20 Vermont - Consumption
Ford Ebenezer 77 M - M Dec 15 NY Retired farmer Inflamation Glands
Godfrey Sophia J. 57 F - W Sept 7 NY - Typhoid fever
Graves Sally A. 72 F - W June 7 NY - Paralysis
Green S. Sophia 48 F - M Jan 6 NY - Apoplexy
Headly Chauncy 4 M - S March 21 NY - Scarlet fever
Headly Jennie 2 6/12 F - S Feb 19 NY - Scarlet fever
Himmlee Emma 14 F - S Jan 5 NY - Pnumonia
Holmes Lucretia 27 F - S Nov 24 NY - Heart Disease
Howard Jane Scott 34 F - M May 23 NY - Consumption
Howard Martha 18 F - S March 26 NY - Scrofula
Jordan Bertha 2 7/12 F - S March 21 NY - Scarlet fever
Kesel Joseph 17 M - S May 22 NY - Diptheria
Navaris Julia 3 6/12 F - S May 4 NY - Scarlet fever
Newspalmer Frank 3 9/12 M - S April 14 NY - Scarlet fever
Powell Margaret 81 F - M May 20 NY - Cancer
Richardson Bertha 3/12 F - S March 28 NY - Croup
Shulters Nelson 10/12 M - S Jan 11 NY - Pnumonia
Spellery Thomas 14 M - S Oct 11 NY - Consumption
Tinker Freelove A. 62 F - M March 26 Mass. - Pnumonia

Mendon - Second Election District

Bachus William 41 M - S Feb 8 Monroe Co. Farmer Consumption
Barnard Charles H. 6 M - Child May 7 Monroe Co. - Scarlet fever
Barnard Sidney G. 4 M - Child May 7 Monroe Co. - Scarlet fever
Barnard Sophia 2 F - Child May 4 Monroe Co. - Scarlet fever
Barnes Eli 76 M - M Feb 10 Long Island Retired Pnumonia
Day Sarah C. 81 F - W Feb 14 Ontario, NY - -
Eckler Sarah C. 71 F - M June 8 Monroe Co. House keeping Nervous Exhaustion of the brain
Gillette Excey 70 F - W Feb 2 Monroe Co. Retired Congestion of the lungs
Goodell Hamilton 51 M - M May 1 Saratoga Co. Farmer Erysipelus
Hinch Thomas H. 53 M - M Feb 14 Ireland - -
Hobden Florance 11/12 F - Child Nov 23 Monroe Co. - Smothered
Hubble Jonathan 79 M - - Dec 19 Conn. Retired Apoplexy
Leaper John 1 M - Child May 8 Monroe Co. - Scarlet fever
Leaper Willie 4 M - Child May 12 Monroe Co. - Scarlet fever
Nolan Margaret 51 F - M March 28 Ireland House keeping Asthma
Powell Minnie 4 F - Child Jan 23 Monroe Co. - Congestion of the lungs
Rece Charley 2 M - Child May 5 Monroe Co. - Scarlet fever
Ronk Sara 65 F - W Feb 10 Ulster Co. Retired Congestion of the lungs
Ruer Frank 6/12 M - Child May 30 Monroe Co. - Scarlet fever
Shoebrider Jane 43 F - M Dec 2 England House keeping Child birth & inflamation
Smith Henry B. 49 M - M Feb 12 Monroe Co. - Typhoid Pnumonia
Tobey Ruth M. 61 F - W Jan 2 Vermont Retired Consumption
Tomlinson Mary C. 43 F - M Jan 26 Monroe Co. House keeping Typhoid Pnumonia
Webster Cyrus 83 M - W Feb 13 Monroe Co. Retired farmer Old Age
Webster Frank 2 M - Child Sept 8 Monroe Co. - Disentary


s/o Jessie
Hiram7/12M-SAug30New York - Colva (Cholera) Infantum
BangsIsaac72M - M Sept 10 Maine Farmer Consumption
w/o I. Bangs
Lucinda 70 F - W May 6 Maine - -
d/o Charles
Libbie 3/12 F - S April 7 New York - Inflamation of lungs
d/o Charles
Maud 1 F - S June 30 New York - Spasms
s/o Wm
Wm 3 2/12 M - S April 19 New York - Scarlet fever
Doyle John H. 19 M - S Dec 1 New York Cooper Typhoid fever
Emmons B. F. 57 M - M May 9 Connecticut Farmer Consumption
w/o Orin Farr
Harriet 53 F - M Aug 9 New York House keeper Consumption
s/o Henry Flagg
Burton 3 11/12 M - - Nov 13 New York - Brain fever
d/o Wm Gale
Lydia 8 F - S May 11 England - Scarlet fever
s/o Wm Gale
Walter 1/12 M - S Sept 7 New York - -
d/o R. Gandy
Flora 6 F - S May 1 New York - Scarlet fever
s/o R. Gandy
John 1 2/12 M - S Dec 1 New York - Scarlet fever
s/o I.M. Peacock
John 6 hours M - - April 15 New York - -
Randall Mary 66 F - W March 28 New York - Dropsy
Sowers John 52 M - S June 5 Germany Farmer Killed by R.R. cars
s/o R. Steel
George 15 M - S Dec 27 New York - Scarlet fever
s/o R. Steel
Mary 17 F - S Jan 1 New York - Scarlet fever
d/o Aaron Stone
- 12d F - S March 31 New York - -
d/o H. Terrill
Liddie 8 6/12 F - S May 1 New York - Fractured knee
Terrill Thaddeus 70 M - M Sept 25 New York Farmer Heart disease
s/o Mc A. Thorborn
John D.R. 4 2/12 M - S April 14 New York - Pnumonia
Todd Caleb 70 M - M Jan 20 New York Farmer Strangulation
True Hannah 84 F - W April 21 New York - Old age
w/o James Young
Mary 77 F - M April 29 England - Pleurisy

Penfield - First Election District

BurrowsAdison55M - M July 15 NY DoctorErosiples
ClarkAlpheus54M - S Feb 12 NY -Overdose of Hydrate Chloral
CollinsAlbert57 M - M March 11 NY -Tifoid Newmona
CrippinMary Ann64 F - M Dec 26 NY-Cancer
DantleyMarghete58 F - M Sept 28 NY-Cancer
GastonLuella3 F - S July 30 NY -Spotted fever
HodumSimon32 M - S Sept 18 NY TeacherConsumption
JacbsCharley8/12 M - S Sept 7 NY-Teething
LippincottHattie17 F - S April 8 NY -Consumption
LoydElira58 F - M July 24 NY- Jaundice
LuckhersHarry2M - S July 1 NY -Fitts
MackLouiza16 F - S May 28 NY- Consumption
RaymondGeorge F. 1 1/2 M - S Sept 3 NY- Hooping Cough
TraverCatherine74F - M Jan 28 NY- Liver complaint
WideyMartha4/12F - S Feb 5 NY-Scarlet fever
YoustFrank8M- S March 18 NY-Scarlet fever

Penfield - Second Election District

w/o Franklin Adams
Cinthia L.49F-MMarch22Monroe -Consumption
d/o Allen Benedict
Anna9/12F-S April28Monroe- -
w/o Allen Benedict
Marian37F-M April21Monroe - Paralysis
w/o William Connal
Amma33 F-M June 18Monroe-Consumption
d/o George Freeman
Ellen E.10/12F- S Nov 1 Monroe - Membrain Croup
w/o Harrison C. Fuller
Delia S. 22 F - M May 14 Virginia - Consumption
Fuller Eugene J. 28 M - S Oct 25 Monroe Teacher Consumption
d/o Harrison C. Fuller
Infant - F - S April 21 Monroe - -
w/o John Green
Catherine 52 F - M Jan 13 Ireland - Dropsy of the heart
Griswold Almira71 F - W Feb 6 In this state - Cancer
s/o Lorenzo Hibner
Lorenzo E. 4 M- SMarch 19 Monroe - Scarlet fever
s/o Henry L. Hulbert
George L. 7 M - S Jan 31 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Schlegel Saloma 61 F - W Jan 12 Germany - General Debility
w/o Jacob Waltie
Bertie 37 F - M Oct 1 Switzerland - Consumption
WardAnthony 33 M - S Jan 24 Ireland Farmer Heart disease
Whalen Charles 75 M - S Sept 12 IrelandFarm Laborer Paralysis

Perinton - First Election District

Bahler Emma 17 F - S Feb 22 Monroe - Consumption
Bahler Nicoles 52 M - S August 15 Germany Farmer Drowning addicted to intemperance
Barnard John 42 M - M August 15 Herkimer Laborer "
s/o H. Bridges
Willie 4 M - S April 25 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Brown Samuel 73 M - M March 1 New Hampshire - Paralysis
s/o Myron
- - M - S January 16 Monroe - Stillborn
s/o Andrew
Huson 17 M - S April 27 Michigan - Typhoid fever
s/o Melvin Gardner
- 1/12 M - S October 2 New York - Spasms
s/o M. Gouldon
Martin 5 M - S February 15 Monroe - Diptheria
Hamilton Carrie 3/12 F - S June 3 Monroe - Whooping cough
Harwood Betsy 30 F - S March 23 Ireland Housekeeper Pnumonia
w/o P. Hawkins
Amanda 39 F - M December 24 Monroe - Fever puerperal
Howard Albert N. 20 M - S February 20 Monroe - Typhoid fever
Howard John R. 33 M - S February 7 Massachusetts Retail merchant Typhoid fever
Kassidy Thomas 2/12 M - S September 27 Monroe - Spasms
d/o T. Kennedy
Ann 21 F - S December 7 Monroe Servant Consumption
Kershaw William 38 M - M February 18 Canada Harness maker -
s/o Albert Lee
Charles 4 7/12 M - S January 4 NY - Typhoid fever
s/o Truman Lee
Ervin 6/12 M - S June 22 Monroe - Dropsy of brain
w/o Truman Lee
Mary 33 F - M March 9 Monroe - Typhoid fever
McCaffry Phillip 48 M - M June 28 Canada Retail Grocer Dropsy
McGrath Frank 70 M - S December 10 Ireland Miner Asthma
Mehan Dennis 6 M - S Nov 15 Monroe - Croup
s/o J. Monohan
Michael 9 M - S May 18 Monroe - Inbrain Croup?
d/o Hanson Pepper
Grace 5/12 F - S August 19 Monroe - Consumption of bowels
d/o P. Schenck
Anna 8/12 F - S January 28 Monroe - Membrane Croup
s/o P. Schenck
Phillip 2 6/12 M - S March 30 Monroe - Scarlet fever
d/o Thomas Slocum
Infant 0 F - S August 15 Monroe - Stillborn
d/o C. Southworth
Frankie 8 F - S Nov 24 Ontario - Diptheria
Tomlinson Ann S. 62 F - W Nov 16 Monroe - Heart disease
Van Aker
w/oGiles Van Aker
Anna 37 F - M Feb 7 Ulster - Puerperal fever

Perinton - Second Election District

Buell Biron W. 29 M - S May 23 New York Lawyer Typhoid fever
Harvey Richard L. 5 M - S April 23 New York - Typhoid Pnumonia
Murphy Bridget 1/12 F - - March 17 New York - -
Waters Chauncy L. 76 M - M May 11 New York Farmer Dropsy of the chest
Williams Alice 22 F - M Feb 25 New York - Typhoid Pnumonia


Acer Hannah 97 F - W April 27 Mass. - Old age & pnumonia
Birdsall Sutton 73 M - M March 2 Conn Retired farmer Cancer in rectum
Brown John 3/12 M - S April 11 Monroe - Unknown - found dead in bed
Brown Rufus 75 M - M May 2 Otsego Farmer Liver complaint
sister of Rebecca Loomis
Lydia 85 F - W May 10 Mass. Kept house Old age & pnumonia
Carver Hartwell 85 M - S April 16 Rhode Island Physician Infirmities of age
Earls William 3 M - S January 8 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Eaton Hattie 23 F - M April 1 Monroe - Pnumonia
Ewing Matthew P. 59 M - M Dec 31 Oneida Cabinet maker Catarrel consumption
Gaskin Elizabeth 79 F - M May 13 England - Internal rheumatism
Gillam Frederick 36 M - W Sept 14 Monroe Paper hanger Consumption
Hart Theophilus 65 M - M June 17 Livingston Stone mason (Intemperance) drowned
Hasman Hannie 7 F - S Dec 15 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Hasman Johnie 3 11/12 M - S Dec 22 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Hasman Libbie 3 11/12 F - S Dec 31 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Hill George E. 7/12 M - S January 7 Monroe - Cholera Infantum
Hoff Ida Nye 22 F - M Nov 4 Monroe Farmers wife Consumption
Huscher Dorothy 47 F - M June 8 Germany Farmers wife Tumor in stomach
sister of Lydia Bushwell
Rebecca 83 F - W May 4 Mass. Kept house Old age & pnumonia
Malchow Carry 2 F - S March 3 Monroe - Unknown
Malchow Charley 8 M - S January 17 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Moosemaker Frederick 27 M - S Sept 12 Germany Mason Typhoid fever
Myers Eugene 7 8/12 M - S March 30 Monroe - Inflamation of lungs
Reiher Joseph 1 8/12 M - S January 24 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Searl Daniel 66 M - M January 24 Washington Farmer Typhoid Pnumonia
Stone Orrin 86 M - M May 15 Mass. Farmer Old age & pnumonia
Tillotson Thompkins 61 M - S Oct 29 Monroe Farmer Intemperance
Weaver Edwin J. 17 M - S Aug 12 Monroe - Epelepsy - drowned himself in a fit
Wood Ira L. 2 3/12 M - S May 8 Monroe - Scarlet fever


Blue Donald B. 8 M - S March 4 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Blue Gilbert 4 M - S March 7 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Bogardus Ruth Ann 50 F - M June 17 Rensselaer - Dropsey
Brice Hannah 42 F - M June 13 Monroe - Rheumatism of the heart
Cook Minie 5 F - S June 18 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Green Myron 24 M - S May 1 Monroe Laborer Consumption
Kesey Hattie E. 9/12 F - S Dec 1 Rochester - Water tumor on the spine
Lawler Margaret 8 F - S Feb 30 Monroe - Scarlet fever
McGiven Allis 2 F - S Jan 12 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Mullock Isabella 70 F - M Sept 27 Massachusetts - Inflammatory Rheumatism
Randall Mattie 1 F - S Oct 4 Monroe - Whooping cough
Rider Abigail 65 F - M Nov 9 Madison - Consumption
Rossman Dexter 52 M - M April 12 Monroe Farmer Dropsy of the heart
Spooner Fred 10/12 M - S March 20 Monroe - Scarlet fever
Whipple Milton 71 M - M Nov 12 Connecticut Retired farmer Dyspepsia


Ames John 16 M - S August 4 New York - Brain fever
Bisbee Julia L. 26 F - M February 2 New York - Cancer
Brown George Edward 8 M - S March 25 New York - Spotted fever
Brown Herman 55 M - M June 22 New York Farmer Congestion of the lungs
Child Isaac Cass 6d F - S June 5 New York - Overdose of opium
Cutruff Frank 16 M - S June 12 New York Farm laborer Scarlet fever
Davis Joseph 72 M - M March 29 Connecticut Farmer Typhoid fever
Donley Margaret J. 3 6/12 F - S July 28 New York - Pneumonia asthma
Gleason Anna 21 F - S July 13 New York Domestic Consumption
Green David 63 M - M February 19 New York Farmer Typhoid fever
Green Nathan 70 M - M August 26 New York Farmer Poisoned himself
Hallagun Mary 38 F - M January 26 Ireland Housekeeper Consumption
Hallock Cora 9/12 F - S March 25 New York - Scarlet fever
Hamson Jemima 75 F - W June 10 Vermont - Ersipelas
Hovey Amos 7/12 M - S June 14 New York - Paralysis
Keeler Ella 2 1/12 F - S September 30 New York - -
Kellough Stella 3 F - S June 15 New York - Scarlet fever
Lyday John 71 M - M May 9 Maryland Retired farmer Typhoid fever
Mahar Thomas 7 M - S April 20 New York - Heart disease
Manough Esther 34 F - M May 22 Ireland - Child birth
Manough George Edward 10 days M - S June 2 New York - Cholera Infantum
Marlin Mary 77 F - W JUne 7 Maryland - Neuralgia of the heart
Miller Cora 32 F - M May 15 New York Housekeeper Consumption
Myers William K. 64 M - W April 11 New York Retired farmer Lung fever
Sliker Minnie 23 F - M May 28 Germany - Child birth
Tripp Benson 9/12 M - S September 19 New York - Cholera Infantum

Sweden - First Election District

Beadle Bettie J.
d/o Carney Beadle
18 F - S Aug 11 NY - Typhoid fever
Beadle Emily
d/o Zenos Beadle
15 F - S Dec 30 NY - Scarlet fever
Beadle Sarah
d/o Almon Beadle
10 F - S Dec 26 NY - Scarlet fever
Beadle Willie
s/o Almon Beadle
17 M - S Dec 25 Mich. Farmer Scarlet fever
Brody Jno
s/o Brien Brody
6 M - S April 21 NY - Diphtheria
Brody Alice
d/o Brien Brody
5 F - S April 3 NY - Diphtheria
Brooks George
s/o Stephen Brooks
26 M - W Nov 27 England Stone Mason Billious Pnumonia
Davis Chas
s/o Walter Davis
1 9/12 M - S March 16 NY - Congestion of the lungs
Green Minnie
d/o Ely B. Green
4 F - S Feby 3 NY - Scarlet fever
Hendricks George
s/o Jno Hendricks
17 M - S Nov 27 NY Farmer Typhoid fever
Hibbison Lillie
d/o Ed Hibbison
9/12 F - S Dec 1 NY - Cholera Infantum
Hopkins Ada
ad. d/o Robb Hopkins
2/12 F - S Jan 30 NY - Inflamation of the lungs
Hopkins Mary
d/o Robt. Hopkins
1/12 F - S Jan 15 NY - Croup
Havey Ada
d/o Langdon Hovey
5/12 F - S Nov 18 NY - Cholera Infantum
Johnson Amy 81 F - W July 15 Mass. Carpet weaver Old age
Robinson Anthony
s/o Anthony Robinson
2/12 M - S Feby 6 n - Spasm fits
Ryan Alice
d/o James Ryan
7/12 F - S Oct 27 NY - Scarlet fever
Spencer Frank L.
s/o T. Spencer
17 M - S July 7 NY Farmer Fell from load of hay
Stickney Samuel 61 M - S Oct 22 N.H. Farmer Fits - subject from birth
Thomas Eugene
s/o Peieg Thomas
15 M - S Nov 15 n Farmer Frozen - subject to fits
Treat Charles 84 M - W March 31 Conn. Retired farmer Old age
Walker James H. 85 M - M March 6 Conn. Farmer Inflamation of the kidneys

Sweden - Second Election District

Alden William W. 25 M - S January 31 NY Chemist Consumption
Bentley Mary J. 2/12 F W S January 22 NY - Whooping cough, cold & congestion
Bergen Eddy 1 M W S Sept. 20 NY - Spotted fever
Bertram Catherine 11/12 F W S Aug 14 NY - Cholera Infantum
Bowen Charles E. 2 M W S Oct 20 PA - Measles
Brennan Lawrence 23 M W S Feby 3 NY Clerk Inflamation of lungs
Buckly Frederick 20 M W S March 19 NY - Epilepsy
Comeford Mary J. 5 F W S April 22 NY - Membraneous Croup
Cone Daniel H. 16 M B S May 26 NY - Consumption
Cooper Mary E. 6 F W S February 5 NY - Scarlet fever
Copeland Dora 16 F B S April 8 VA Servant Consumption
Cornes Caroline R. 61 F W M December 28 England Housekeeper Closing up of throat
Dauchy Aleson 15 M W S June 27 NY Plainer Small pox
Davis Agnes 1 1/2 F W S March 6 NY - Disease of throat
Deady Edward 52 M W M Sept. 18 Ireland Day Laborer Inflamation of lungs
Dolph Ester I. 22 F W S March 10 NY Dress maker Scarlet fever
Effner John 76 M W M August 22 NY Painter Typhoid fever
Fooley Sarah 17 F W S October 25 NY - Heart Disease
Getty Julia A. 15 F W S January 26 NY Student Diptheratic Croup
Hiller Amy 81 F W W June 13 Mass. - Old age & Gen. Debility
Infant Son - M W S July 15 NY - Dropsey on the brain
Jarvis Marshal H. 22 M W S Feb 6 England Machinist Consumption
Ketcham Ester S. 35 F W S Sept. 4 Mass. Teacher Septemia absorption of blood
Lighton Edwin 17 M W S January 15 NY Farmer Inflamation of lungs
Lohoff John W. 54 M W M Nov 15 Holland Carpenter Dropsey
McCan Ann E. 2 F W S Nov 15 Holland Carpenter Dropsey
McChesney William R. 42 M W W March 30 NY Book Keeper Run over by cars
Main William B. 5 M I S March 26 NY - Scarlet fever
Martin William 81 M W M June 19 England Manufacturers Consumptive 10 yrs
Mattey Susan E. 13/18 F W S Sept. 8 NY - Whooping cough
Michael Henry 19 M W S March 6 NY Farmer Scriffulus
Moore George E. 40 M W M March 28 NY Carpenter Inflamation of Bowels
Mourrer Catherine 70 F W W Sept. 1 Germany - Softening of brain
Nailand James F. 6/12 M B S May 29 NY - Brain fever
Owens Joseph 4 M W S January - NY - Membraneous Croup
Owens Louisa 13 F W S January - NY - Membraneous Croup
Paregold Augustus 5/12 M W S Aug 18 NY - Real cause unknown
Platt Henry 24 M W S Feb 17 NY Machinist Inflamation of lungs
Prentice William M. 17 M W S Aug 20 NY Normal Student Typhoid fever & inflamation of brain
Ransford Abiram 81 M W W April 1 Mass. Hatter Paralysis with old age
Reed Charles A. 16 M W S January 21 NY Normal Student Heart disease for 2 yrs
Reed Nancy 95 F W W December 1 NY - Old age with thyphinic symptoms
Reese Ida M. 14 F I S Feb 16 NY Normal Student Inflamation of Bowels
Richardson Charles C. 4 M I S Sept. 30 NY - Membraneous Croup
Roen Mary 7 F I S May 11 NY - Membraneous Croup
Rose Ada May 7 F I S June 12 NY - Membraneous Croup
Rose John C. 21 M I S Sept. 15 England Invalid Congestion of lungs
Rowley Chas. Clark 10 M W S July 4 NY - Crushed under roller
Schouton Eva 11/12 F W S July 7 NY - Cholera Infantum
Scully Bridgett 52 F W M Nov 26 Ireland - Putrid cresyphilas
Sleaster George W. 11 M W S Feb 6 NY Normal Student Diphtheria
Smith Morrace 35 M W M May 17 NY Agent Softening of brain
Spring Juliaett 72 F W W Oct 26 NY - Consumption
Tozier Dr. Joseph 82 M W M July 20 Maine Physician Old age
VanDorn Jessee 78 M W M Aug 24 NJ Farmer Paralysis
VanEpps Mary 86 F W W April 28 NY - General Debillity
Vilker Charles 2/3 M W S April 1 NY - Brain fever
Ward Melvina 3/12 F W S Oct 20 NY - Still born
Wallace William 2 M W S Sept. 4 NY - Unknown
Warwick Delosse 22 M W S Feb 6 NY No Trade Consumption
Watson Charlotte 60 F W W Feb - - - Consumption
Webster Charles H. 15 M W S March 16 NY Laborer Heart disease
Welch Joseph P. 1/12 M W S Feb 20 NY - Not known
Windnagle Hattie 1 10/12 F W S July 29 NY - Cholera Infantum
Windnagle Nellie 5 11/12 F W S March 18 NY - Scarlet Fever

Webster - First Election District

Chamberlin Sally 82 F - W Feb 23 New Hampshire - Inflamation of lungs
Cole Elizabeth 84 F - W May 31 Vermont - Old age
Consler Albert 24 M - S Jan 25 Monroe Farmer Consumption
Cory Frank A. 29 F - M Oct 1 New York - Inflamation of the womb
Diver Hariet 31 F - M Jan 5 Oneida, NY - Consumption
Fuller Jane 56 F - M July 8 New Jersey - Consumption of the blood
Gloor Anna 32 F - M Feb 1 Switzerland - Inflamation of the womb
Grinnell Martha C. 7 6/12 F - S April 28 New York - Inflamation of the lungs
Hendee Harriet 48 F - M Dec 26 New York - Erysipelas
Konrad Enos 52 M - S June 9 Germany Farm Labor Heart disease
Lowe George R. 45 M - M March 19 New York Physician Intemperance
Marx Barbara 75 F - W May 11 Germany - Apoplexy
Miller Elizabeth 2m F - S Oct 12 Monroe Co. - Inflamation of the lungs
Molt Cathrine 7 F - S Nov 16 New York - Typhoid fever
Pellett Jane 70 F - M March 24 England - Paralysis
Ross Ida 1 7/12 F - S April 8 New York - Inflamation of the lungs
Ross Julia 10/12 F - S Aug 20 New York - Cholera Infantum
Spellman Mary 46 F - W May 11 Switzerland - Old age
Sprague Lucy M. 50 F - M May 25 Vermont - Congestion of the lungs
Strowger John C. 14 M - S Oct 23 New York - Inflamation of the lungs
Tyce Margaret M. 81 F - W May 17 Connecticut - Old age
West Lucinda 71 F - W July - Connecticut - Cancer
West Smith 76 M - M June 19 Rhode Island Retired farmer Inflamation of the lungs
Willard John R. 70 M - M Aug 29 Washington Co., NY Farmer Diabetes
Williams Esther C. 69 F - W March 28 New York - Inflamation of the lungs
Winslow Isaac S. 55 M - M June 19 New York Farmer Liver consumption

Webster - Second Election District

Brookmire Lawson 17 M - S July 26 New York - Inflamation of bowels
Granger Chester C. 63 M - M April 11 New York Farmer Dropsy
Haines Lillian 2/12 F - - April 13 New York - Inflamation of lungs
Jennings Martha J. 36 F - M Jan 26 Vermont - Dropsy
Kock Joseph 53 M - M May 4 Germany Farmer Scarlet fever
Miller Josephine 15 F - S April 25 New York - Dropsy
Parcell Clare L. 8/12 M - - March 23 New York - Typhoid Pneumonia
Smith Martin 76 M - W Jan 4 New York Shoemaker Consumption
Vosburgh Hettie 84 F - W Nov 20 New York - Old age Consumption
Whitbeck Sarah 13 F - - Jan 21 New York - Typhoid Pneumonia

Wheatland - First Election District

Adey George 56 M - W May 9 England Laborer Heart Disease
Austin Paul 70 M - M May 29 Canada Grocer Intermittent fever
Bennett Frederick 87 M - M Oct 8 Mass. Farmer Infirmities of age
Blake James 84 M - M May 10 Ireland none Infirmities of age
Carson Jennie 30 F - M February 5 Monroe Co. - Typhoid Pnumonia
Dunn Patrick 50 M - M May 2 Ireland Laborer Appoplexy
Higgins Mary 36 F - S Nov 19 Ireland - Consumption
Kime John R. 3/12 M - - August 21 Monroe - Inflamation of bowels
Merritt C. C. 38 M - M August 5 Monroe Co. Hotel No special type
Preston Diadama 83 F - W March 17 Mass. - Old age
Rogers Keziah 89 F - W April 27 Mass. - Infirmities of age
Ryan Ella 5 F - - March 25 Monroe - Inflamation of bowels
Scofield Sarah 24 F - S August 2 Orleans - Suicide
Shadbolt Thomas 83 M - W Oct 1 Westchester Farmer Infirmities of age
Smith Robert 83 M - M April 26 Scotland Farmer Gravel

Wheatland - Second Election District

Blackmer John M. 8 M - S March 1 New York - Scarlet fever
Brown Anna M. 9 F - S March 16 New York - Scarlet fever
Fitzgerald Anna 21 F - S Feb 7 New York Servant Consumption
Maynard Otis 77 M - M May 6 New York - Softening of the brain
McCombs Samuel 13 M - S March 5 New York - Scarlet fever
McQueen Dougald 65 M - S April 12 Scotland Retail Merchant Typhoid Pnumonia
Purdie Alexander 1 3/12 M - S Feb 19 New York - Croup
Randolph Burgess 3 M B S May 10 New York - Brain Fever
Thomas Charles B. 2 M - S Sept 7 New York - Congestion of the brain
Transcribers notes:
_ Notes that a letter or letters were hard to read.