1840 Pennsylvania - Eastern District,
Census of Pensioners
June 1, 1840
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The 1840 Pennsylvania, Eastern District Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services with their names, ages, and places of residence, as returned by the marshals of the several Judicial Districts, under the act for taking the sixth census.
Head of family, Name Age with whom residingAdams County
Hamilton Ban Captain David Wilson 89 Captain David Wilson Joshua Heidler, sen. 77 -Mount Pleasent Michael Clapsadale 91 -Franklin Joseph Chamberlin - -Reading William Johnston 83 -Bucks County
Southhampton John Scott 60 -Bensalem Andrew Ott 103 -Doyleston Eleanor Lacy 75 - Nathan James 85 John D. James Andrew Denison 84 Andrew Denison Jacob Conrad 78 -Buckingham Martin Herlinger 78 -Newton William Willard 76 - Nathaniel Burrows 85 -Nochamixion Thomas Custerd 84 Thomas Custerd Benjamin Hawldren 89 Benjamin Hawldren Andrew Stull 85 Andrew StullPlumstead Robert Beaty 78 -Durham Michael Fackenthall 84 Michael FackenthallMilford Christian Huber 84 Christian HuberWest Rockhill Adam Richert 88 Adam RichertRichland Henry Heft 82 Henry HeftBerks County
Reading Michael Spats 78 - Sebastion Algiar 83 - Peter Strickles 78 - Aaron Wright 78 - Henry Styles 84 - Christian Miller 85 - William James 79 - Joseph Snabble 84 - John P. Nagle 83 -Maxatawny Henry Grim 75 - Frederick Bower 83 - Jacob Wink 82 - Philip Noyes 84 - Christian Smick 76 -Greenwick Andrew Camp 84 - George Hincley 82 - Peter Stiger 80 -Windsor Nicholas Grate 81 -Richmond Henry Stine 71 - John Hains - -Ruscombmane John Everhart 81 - Simon Link 82 -Rockland Jacob Walter 84 - Conrad Fry 85 -Oyey John Yeager - -Washington Frederick Glass 87 -Chester County
West Calu James Brown 79 John CalwellBrandywine William Moore, sen. 84 William Moore, sen. John Byres 86 John WilsonWest Nantmeal Thomas Rankin 58 Thomas RankinEast Nantmeal Borick Beagle 88 Jacob Starrett Alexander Neisbit 85 Mary RobinsonWest Fallowfield Charles Wallace West Pennsboro Elizabeth Ferguson 75 -West Bradford William Walker 48 William WalkerEast Vincent Anthony W. Hayman 55 Joh MillerWest Vincent Lewis Harple 82 Lewis Harple James Thomas 83 James Thomas Evan Evans 82 Evan EvansCoventry Jacob Zombro 80 John Byer Colonel Caleb North 87 Colonel Caleb North Philip Nimon 80 Jacob NimonSchuylkill William Jones 49 William JonesCharlestown Thomas Bodly 81 Matilda carter Jacob Wisner 78 Jacob WisnerTredyfrin Elizabeth Howell 82 Elizabeth Howell Sarah Woodman 81 William S. WoodmanLondonderry Carswell Gardner 84 George ThomasEast Nottingham James All 82 Levi K. Brown James A. Dremren 88 William Collingsworth James Ewing 88 John AllenLower Oxford George Rudolph 60 William W. LyleUpper Oxford Peter Fry 85 James RossCumberland County
North Middleton Jacob Hefflebower 85 Michael Frisburn Philip Lehnhart 79 Benjamin ThompsonEast Pennsboro' Peter Beaty 78 Peter BeatyCarlisle James Hutton 83 - Archibald London 86 - Michael Tanno 65 -West Pennboro' Elizabeth Ferguson 75 -Frankford George S. Rhinehart 94 -Delaware County
Nether Providence George Hizer 93 Thomas DeramMiddletown John Lindsay 88 William SaundersMarple Samuel Carr 54 -Dauphin County
Harrisburg-South ward Ann Maria keefer 70 John J. Black Justina Weiser 82 John LingleUpper Swatara John Rickerd, sen. 79 John Rickerd, sen. George Yeager 76 Peter Landes Robert Gray 83 John LevingstoneLondonderry Jacob Scheller 80 -Derry Philip Fishburn 86 - Ludwig Fishburn 84 -Lower Paxton Jacob Schope 78 -Susquehanna Simon Fulk 97 - John Lehman 84 -Franklin County
Chambersburg John Henebarger 85 -Antrim Jacob Skully 84 - Frederick Byers 85 - Joseph Davidson 86 -Green John Dine 96 - Nicholas Fritz 82 - George Kehl 82 - Peter Stambaugh 89 - John Renfrew 87 -Merchersburg William Dick 53 - James Irwin 82 -Washington Adam Hartman 77 -Quincy John Barnsheeser 94 -Fannet John Krouse 83 - Peter Foreman 87 Peter ForemanHamilton Christian Weest 95 - Fred. Stucky 100 -Peters Leonard Croborga 90 -St. Thomas Jacob Line 87 - George Harmony 52 -Letterkenny Michael Fitz Straburg 84 -Surgan Peter Pinkey 70 - George Gunter 83 -Metal John Goyer 80 - Thomas Forsythe 35 - John Jones 110 -Warren Frederick Keefer 78 -Lancaster County
Rapho Jacob Brown 85 -Monheim Peter Maurer 83 -West Donegal Peter Sheaffer 89 -East Hempfield John Patterson 81 -West Hempfield Isaac O'Donnel 67 -Lancaster City John Robertson - Mrs. Roberson Joseph Peterman - Mrs. Peterman Polly Merrit - George Merrit Mary Carpenter - Ann Green Jacob Keller 78 Mrs. Keller Eliza Trisler - Mrs. C. Trisler Molly Longnecker - John Longnecker Samuel Ludwig - David Roger Susan Roth - Mrs. Moyer Catharine Gonech - Peter Gonech Caspar Hubbert 78 Caspar Hubbert George Leonard 82 George Leonard John Gontz - Elizabeth McGrann Michael Gumph 76 Michael Gumph Frederich Seip - Rudolph Suter Catharine Gemshorn - James Roger Legal Dutrich - James Corey Jacob Long 82 Jacob Long John Gonter 79 John Gonter Peter Shindle 80 Peter Shindle Christopher Gumph 80 C. Gumph Peter Bruner 77 Peter Bruner Catharine Eichholty - Susan Eichholty Thomas Shay - Thomas Shay Catharine Fry - Catharine Luty William Low 83 Jacob EshlemanEast Cocalico Andrew Ream 84 - Harry Ream 84 -West Cocalico David Landis 84 - Henry Rinchold 82 -Elizabeth Abraham Eshleman 82 -Earl David Diffender 91 - Jacob Diffenderfer 83 -Caenarvon Adam Northamer 81 -Brecknock Barbara Sweigan - - Jesse Stover - -Little Britain Robert Dugless 76 -Martick John Bain 103 - William Henzell 90 -Lebanon County
Lebanon Borough George Hess 79 George HessSwatara Peter Witmoyer 80 F. Witmoyer Anna Barbara Yeagley 78 Anna Barbara Yeagley Peter Sailor 77 Peter Sailor John Shalley 79 John Shalley Jacob Heim 75 Jacob Heim John Bickelm Jun. 88 John Bickel, sen. Valentine Shoufler 88 Valentine Shoufler Martin Meily 78 Martin Meily George Heilman 81 George HeilmanEast Hanover Thomas Kopenhaver 80 William Kopenhaver John Hetrich 77 John Hetrich Jacob Decker 84 Jacob Decker Philip Witmoyer 80 Philip Witmoyer John Garberiah 81 John Garberich James Steward 83 John WinterLondonderry Jacob Lentz 81 Jacob Lentz Adam Frist 80 David Flory Jacob Keaner 86 Jacob Keaner Andrew Robeson 81 Joshua RobesonHeidelberg George Wolf 79 Christian Smith Margaretta Leob 79 Henry Leob Elizabeth Derr 81 Elizabeth DerrLebanon-South Ward Andrew Hoover 75 Andrew HooverNorth ward Dilman Doup 81 Dilman Doup Mary Weaver 75 Jacob WeaverBethel Catharine Walborn 85 John WalbornJackson Mary Bainny 75 Mary Bainny Rebecca Bowers 74 Rebecca Bowers John Smith 86 John SmithLehigh County
Allentown Charles Deshlu 82 Charles Deshlu John Miller 71 John Miller Frederick Kemerer 84 Timothy Geidner Peter Houk 88 Peter Houk Andrew Gangwer 92 Andrew Gangwer Philip Lehr 57 Philip LehrSalisbury Jacob Wilt 79 Andrew WiltUpper Saucon George Deily 87 Joseph Morey George Rumfeldt 86 Elizabeth RumfeldtLower Macungy Michael Kehm 87 Michael KehmUpper Milford John Titlow 81 John Titlow David Alshouse 86 David Eberhad, Jr.Lowhill Andrew Knerr 83 Andrew Knerr, sen.South Whitehall George Gangewer 82 George GangewerWeisenberg Christian Boyer 82 Christian Boyer Andrew Rupp 82 Jeremiah Snyder Lorenz Holben 91 Solomon HolbenNorth Whitehall Peter Gross 79 Peter Gross Christian Acker 85 Elias Semel George Fisher 84 John EshMonroe County
Hamilton Moses Swartwood 75 John Actman John Staples 87 - Aaron Depuy 80 -South Smithfield Daniel Labar 76 -Stroudsburg John Fenner 78 - John Coolbaugh 80 - John Cooper - -Middle Smithfield Margaret Vananaken 75 -Tobyhanna Philip Trausu 82 -Ross Mary Smith 75 -Chesnut Hill Benjamin Vanhorn 81 -Montgomery County
Abington Baker Barns 80 -Moorland William Prikhe 86 - Marlain Freas 77 -Whitemarsh Christopher 98 Elizabeth LentzMontgomery Daniel Harrar 84 -Gwynedd Henry Neavel 87 - Henry Yelles 87 -Hatfield Edward Hoxworth 78 -Worcester Adam Homsher 86 -Pottstown George Leader 87 George Leader Catharine 91 Major M. KinneyPottsgrove Frederick Miller 79 Jones Freed Mathias Laughman 83 Jos. LaughmanLimerick Christian Mattis 84 Christian MattisUpper Providence Widow Harple 84 Mary HarpleNew Hanover Widow Deeker 77 Jacob Deeker Sophia Barnhart 86 John Barnhart Jacob Erb 80 Jacob ErbMarlboro Catharine Rushon 80 John Shaid Christopher Brey 82 Christopher Brey Catharine Shively 79 John Haring John Salada 76 John SaladaLower Merion Jacob Latch, sen. 81 Jacob Latch John Wilfong, sen. 80 John Wilfong, sen. Griffith Smith 79 Griffith Smith William Holdgate 79 Jacob Rodenboh John C. Ferl 50 John C. FerlNorthampton County
Lehigh Ward Daniel Yansen 86 Daniel YansenLower Mount Bethel Thomas Silaman 84 Thomas Silaman William Stinson 81 William Stinson Ludwick Shoup 76 Ludwick ShoupPlainfield Philip Diley 86 Philip DileyWilliams John Eckert 87 John EckertAllen One Female 83 - One Female 85 -Bushkill William Seifert 78 - M. Miller 69 - P. Steinmetz 69 -Lehigh --- Heckman 80 Charles HeckmanMoore C. Schlegel 85 C. Schlegel P. Deemer 80 Ohil. Deemer J. Frey 80 Jacob FreyLower Sawcon John Mann 83 John Mann Henry Brown 85 Henry Brown Ad. Frey 79 Ad. Frey John Ohl. 82 John Ohl.Perry County
Centre Miniran Dickson 84 William H. McClainGreenwood Benjamin Bonsell 79 - Andrew Burd 78 -Liverpool Jacob Essick 81 - Michael Lepkichler 81 -Newport Ephraim Williams 85 -Wheatfield Andrew Lash 79 -Rye Paul Musser 84 -Borough of Liverpool Richard Baker 81 -Madison Melchoir Spohn 81 Melchoir SpohnSaville Elizabeth Jacobs 72 George Jacobs Nicholas Barack 81 Nicholas BarackJuniata Michael Robison 81 William Robison Adam Netrow 52 Adam NetrowCarroll Robert Lackey 76 Robert Lackey John Murphy 81 John MurphyPike County
Lehman Peter Benson 45 Chalin Chamberlain Barnadus Swartwood 80 -Delaware Frederick Shoff 88 Frederick R. ShoffSchuylkill County
Orwigsburg Frederick Hesser 78 -Wayne Adam Snyder 82 - George Zegman 83 -Pinegrove John Dollinger 91 -Upper Mahantango Philip Bechtel 82 - Abraham Zimerman 83 - Jacob Reinert 81 -Barry Valentine Kuter 81 -Schuylkill Godfreid Duher 84 -Rush Adam Kline 78 -West Penn. Peter Steighwalt 78 - James Nunimacher 80 -West Brunswick Adam Mengle 87 -East Brunswick Philip Swartz 86 - Barnard Kepner 76 - Frederick Bensinger 80 - Henry Hoffman 80 - Abraham Knittle 80 - Christopher Boyer 77 - Andrew Bolich 83 - John Miller 76 -City of Philadelphia
North Mulberry Ward Ann Fletcher 75 Benjamin Rodgers Susan Kollock 84 John McDowell Sarah Stanert 81 Edward DickinsonSouth Mulberry Ward Patrick Dougherty 45 John McDowellNorth Ward Frederick Burkart 79 Frederick BurkartMiddle Ward Elizabeth Billington 39 Jonas P. FalumSouth Ward Jacob Stremback 85 Jacob Stremback John G. Watmough 45 John G. WatmoughLocust Ward Elizabeth Nagle 48 Elizabeth Nagle Mary Savel 95 Mary Savel Susan Bainbridge 62 Susan Bainbridge Leonora Parsons 77 L. Parsons Comfort Richards 80 Delia Richards Abigail Conover 77 M. A. Lawrence Mary Hodgson 80 Alexander Hodgsob Mary Baton 75 James Hickey Ann Butler 89 Samuel Butler sarah Parris 73 Sarah Parris Sarah Inskeep 83 Sarah InskeepNew Market Ward Ann Mayhew 79 Enoch MayhewCedar Ward Sarah O'Neill 83 Humphrey HuntPine Ward Andrew Kee 30 John C. Righter Margaret E. Shaw 50 Wm. H. Odenheimer Barnet Rogan 21 Lewis PerotPhiladelphia County
Northern Liberties-5th ward John Revel 40 John Revel7th ward Jacob Madlock 83 -Southwark-1st ward Jane Culbert 78 James Culbert Mary T. Philler 57 Andrew Philler Robert M. Wilson 84 Robert M. Wilson Jemima Smith 72 James S. Smith John Douglass 94 John Douglass, sen.2d ward James Ferguson 56 James Ferguson John Nugent 57 Prudence Taylor John Price 35 Sarah Richardson Ezekiel H. Teal 71 Ezekiel Teal Baltus Stone 96 George Copes Ann Steel 81 Lester F. Donnell Henry Wilmer 30 Sarah Phillips4th ward Hannah Turney 87 - Isaac Harding 32 Samuel H. Foster5th ward Henry Boyer 82 Evan Boyer Anna Maria Clunet 42 Anna Maria Clunet Catharine Rinker 64 Catharine Rinker Elizabeth Buck 35 Elizabeth BuckSpring Garden-1st ward Olive Fullinsbury 88 - Elizabeth Niles 80 - George Turner 93 - George Tripner 78 George Tripner Dragoon Recruitz - Samuel F. Eltz2d ward Mary Bunting 84 - Nathan B. Jennings 91 Nathan B. Jennings Philip Bevan 84 - William Elliott 82 Evan Baily3d ward Catharine Owen 97 William Lawrence Paul Russell 83 Paul Russell4th ward Mary Sexton 79 Silas W. Sexton Mary Brown 78 John Ellison Elizabeth Ludwick 80 Elizabeth LudwickKensington-1st ward Christopher Deum 81 John LunshumBlockley John Elliott 80 John Elliott John Frailey 80 John FraileyWest Philadelphia Rachel O'Donnell 63 Alms House Hugh Merrill 62 Alms House Samuel Floyd 56 Alms House Richard Hallowell 69 Alms House George Ernest 81 Alms HouseLower Dublin Simon Krewson 86 - Jacob Snyder 87 -Germantown Henry Young 86 Edwin RunkleMoyamensing John T. Lewis 75 John T. Lewis Nicholas Mack 93 Ann McNicholsUnincorporated Northern Liberties Harman Sutton 34 Henry Davis John Steiner 55 Eli KenderhineOxford Benjamin Vandergrift 81 Benjamin Vandergrift Jacob Foulkrod 80 Jacob Foulkrod John McVaugh 88 John McVaughRoxborough Elizabeth Matthias 90 Charles Silverthorn Phebe Righter 81 Phebe Righter Edith Nunemaker 79 Joseph H. Hoffman Mary Levering 75 Joseph H. Hoffman Ann Bigony 82 Joseph Lare Christopher ozias 89 Christopher Ozies Margaret Strutzel 79 Margaret StritzelWayne County
Berlin John Bunnell 83 -Bethany Eliphalet Kellogg 75 Eliphalet KelloggCanaan Abraham Frisbie 78 - Abigail Seely 75 - Jesse Morgan 78 - John A. Schenck 80 -Clinton John Griswold 84 - Jason Stanton 79 -Mount Pleasent Elizabeth King 71 - Sarah Benjamin 84 -Palmyra Ethal Jones 75 -Preston Gideon Woodman 82 - Silas Tyler 94 -Salem Jeremiah Osgood 78 - John Andrews 82 - Rachel Weston 81 -Sterling John Benett 87 -York County
York Borough-South ward Lewis Shive 80 Lewis Shive Jacob Rudy 91 Jacob Rudy John Stroman 84 John Stroman John Koch 82 John KochNorth ward Michael Warner 78 Henry Stauffer Jonathan Jacobs 84 Jonathan JacobsBorough of Dillsburg Adam Keener 90 Adam KeenerFranklin Edward Cavenaugh 89 Edward CavenaughDover George Switzer 77 Jesse BarnesHanover John Lipp 86 Joseph Deck Peter Grumbine 78 Joseph Aldhoff William Fanschelt 89 William FanscheltOld Codorus George Krebs 86 George Krebs Andrew Miller 86 Andrew Miller George Bailey 90 Henry BaileyManheim Melchor Riffel 90 Melchor RiffelHopewell Thompson Alexander 82 Daniel GrimmYork Philip Wambaugh 85 Adam MusserPeachbottom Isaac Jones 85 Isaac Jones John Bullock 87 - Benjamin Jones 90 MatthewChanceford George Keener 87 George Keener