1835 State Census Index
Town of Marcy
Oneida County, New York
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Head of household Page Ackerson, Adam 8 Adams, Reuben 1 Allen, John F. 9 Alwood, Otis 2 Ashby, John 5 Avery, Benjamin W. 2 Babcock, David 9 Baird, William 9 Baker, Elnathan 1 Baldwin, Samuel C. 6 Barlow, Thomas 1 Barnard, Warren 9 Bauldwin, Erastus 5 Berlison, Ebinezer 2 Bewell, Solomon E. 2 Blaidsdell, Thomas 1 Booss, Geen 6 Browning, Charles 1 Brunson, Nathaniel D. 3 Burlison, Edward 6 Burlison, Luther 1 Burton, John 10 Buston, Jonas 9 Button, Nathan 4 Cadwell, Dan P. 2 Camp, Phineus 10 Camp, Samel 10 Carlen, James 2 Carpenter, Albert 5 Carpenter, Rufus 5 Carr, Thomas 10 Cary, Daniel 4 Cary, Horatio N. 10 Cary, Jabez 4 Cary, James G. 1 Cavana, Catharine 6 Cavana, John 6 Cavana, Martin 6 Cavana, Thomas 6 Chamberlain, Hackaliah 4 Champlain, Gorge H. 7 Clark, Brainard 9 Clark, Cornelius 9 Clark, Ethen 5 Clark, Eunice 4 Clawson, Alanson 3 Cleaver, Amos 9 Cleaver, John 9 Cole, Ridley 2 Cole, Thomas 3 Collins, Clarissa 6 Coneway, John 7 Cottier, Thomas 1 Crane, Asa 6 Crane, Charles 4 Crane, George 10 Crane, Zina 4 Curwin, William D. 3 Daneer, William 3 Davis, Daniel 1 Davis, Daniel 2 Davis, Joshua 2 Day, Arabiert 1 Dikeman, Johon 5 Dimbblen, John 6 Dodd, Giles 2 Dudley, Enoch 6 Dunlap, John 1 Dyer, Horace H. 10 Dyer, Milton 10 Edic, Jacob 5 Edic, Mark 10 Edwards, Edward 6 Evens, Catherine 7 Evens, John 7 Evens, Lewis 5 Evens, Lewis 5 Evens, Owens 9 Evens, Rees 5 Evens, Richard 5 Fallman, Abraham 8 Farlen, Elias 1 Foot, Hary 9 Foot, Heli 7 Foot, Henry 9 Fox, Abraham 5 Fox, Hazen E. 2 Foxson, Alben 10 Frazee, Alexander 3 Frederick, Anthony 8 Gabets, Orrilla 3 Gates, Ebinezer S. 1 Gero, John 4 Gibbins, Edmond F. 7 Gibson, Thomas 6 Gibson, William 3 Gilbert, Ebinezer 1 Goodrich, Lemual 4 Gorson, James 2 Gorson, Margaret 2 Gorson, Patrick 1 Grayham, William 2 Griffith, Roland 7 Haines, Nathaniel 1 Hale, Joel 6 Hall, Gorge 3 Hall, Harry 5 Hall, John 9 Hall, Luther 3 Hamilton, Joshua 2 Handwright, Patrick 2 Hannah, James 3 Hannah, Jonas 3 Hanwright, James 2 Harveloo, Jesse 6 Harvy, David 6 Haseul, Susannah 4 Hazzard, George 9 Heminway, Nathan 2 Hendrickson, Peter 1 Hibburd, Albertus L. 3 Hick, James 5 Hicks, William 3 Hill, William 10 Hingston, Eber 6 Holman, John 4 Hughs, Jane 8 Hutchinson, John 8 Hutchinson, William 6 Jinkins, Edward 8 John, Simon 6 Johnson, Chester 4 Johnson, Richard 9 Jones, David 8 Jones, David 8 Jones, David 8 Jones, David 9 Jones, Elisabeth 10 Jones, John 7 Jones, Morris 8 Jones, Richard 1 Jones, Robert 9 Jones, Roland 7 Jones, Thomas 9 Jones, William 6 Jones, William 8 Jones, William 8 Judson, Henry 7 Kelsey, Pardon 2 Kent, Zenas 2 Kiern, Richard 9 King, Walter 8 King, Zebulon 3 Lampman, Abraham 4 Lampman, Jacob 4 Lawrence, Mary 5 Lewis, Clark A. 7 Lewis, Levi 8 Lewis, William 8 Lincoln, Gilmon 4 Livington, Richard 4 McNeil, Isaac 6 McNeil, Miller 10 Major, Joseph 2 Mapes, John 5 Marshal, James 6 Matteson, Pebeg 6 Mattison, David 3 Mattison, Norman 1 Mayhew, William M. 5 Merchant, Joseph 5 Meridith, John 7 Meridith, Robert 10 Metcalf, Joseph 5 Millar, William R. 5 Mills, William 8 Milner, Bengemin 3 Morgan, Even 7 Morgan, Nathaniel 1 Morgan, Thomas 2 Morris, John 7 Morris, Thomas L. 6 Moulton, Abel 1 Mullen, John 2 Near, John 9 Newton, Flavel 4 Northrop, Gideon 8 Northrop, Stephen 9 Nut, David 5 Olin, George 2 Olin, John 1 O'Neil, Catherine 7 Orcott, John 7 Orsborn, Jonathan 4 Owen, Elias 1 Owens, Ann 6 Owens, Owen 5 Owens, Robert 7 Owens, William 8 Paden, George 5 Pease, James J. 4 Pease, Truman 4 Peat, John 8 Perry, Benjiman 7 Phillips, Eli 7 Phillips, Russel 7 Piddoc, Thomas 8 Piddoc, William 9 Pirce, Thomas 3 Pooler, Oring S. 4 Potter, Clark 4 Potter, William 5 Powell, George W. 4 Prescot, John 9 Ratcliffe, Richard 1 Raymer, Alexander 2 Raymer, Conrad 2 Reed, John 2 Reese, John 7 Rice, Hiram 3 Rice, Jearemeel 3 Richards, Cadwallader 9 Richards, David 4 Richards, Richard 8 Richards, William 8 Riply, Tomas 3 Ritchie, Daniel 1 Robbins, Elisha 4 Robbins, Royal 4 Roberts, Humphry 6 Roberts, John 8 Roberts, William 10 Rockwell, Andrew 2 Rockwell, Daniel B. 4 Rooper, William 3 Root, Walter 5 Rudy, Christian 5 Russel, David 1 Seavy, Mark 7 Seavy, Thomas 7 Seavy, William 7 Seekens, Joseph 3 Shattuck, Ezra 4 Shaw, William B. 7 Sherman, Rebeca 8 Sherman, William 9 Shurman, Henry 5 Simmons, Thomas 4 Simons, Ezra 8 Smith, Willard 10 Spaulding, Allen 6 Spaulding, David 8 Spaulding, Harvy 10 Spaulding, Levi 7 Spaulding, Luther 6 Spaulding, Pandal 8 Spawlding, Riley 1 Stephens, John 9 Story, Miner C. 10 Sweet, Abel 3 Sweet, Hiram 8 Sweet, Jeremiah 9 Sweet, Jonathan 3 Sweet, Jonathan 9 Thomas, David 6 Thomas, David 8 Thomas, Edward D. 6 Thomas, Evens 5 Thomas, John 7 Tibbets, Elias 2 Townsand, Jonathan 3 Treat, Ira 1 Vaugn, Lesten 7 Wandal, Robert R. 1 Ward, Joseph 3 Warren, William 4 Watson, Thomas 3 Weaver, Henry 3 Wells, Lunsing 4 Wever, Jacob 5 Wever, John 9 Whitten, Daniel 1 Whitten, John 1 Wilcox, Curtis 2 Wilcox, Cytha 2 Wilcox, Noble 2 Willard, Zaehariah 3 Williams, John 8 Williams, William 5