1814 Owners of Land Census
Town of Westmoreland
Oneida County, New York
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Owner of Land, 1814
- Acker, Isaac
- Adams, Horrace
- Adams, Nathan
- Adams, Park
- Allen, John P.
- Andrews, S. Nathaniel
- Atwater, Ira
- Babcock & Smith
- Babcock, Samuel
- Bacon, Timothy L.
- Bailey, Eliphalet
- Bailey, Samuel
- Bailey, Samuel, Jr.
- Baird, Elisha
- Baker, John
- Baker, Joseph
- Barker, Lawton
- Barnes, Lowel
- Beaise, John
- Beardsley, Ephraim
- Beardsley, Obediah
- Backwith, Silas, Jr.
- Bell, Phineas
- Bemet, Jared
- Bemont, Levi
- Benjamin, Asa
- Benjamin, Benjamin
- Benjamin, Elijah
- Bernett, Lemuel
- Besse, Ebenezer
- Besse, Ebenezer, Jr.
- Besse, Peter
- Besse, Sylvester
- Bettis, Andrew
- Betts, Rebecca
- Betts, William
- Bicknell, James
- Bird, Ira W.
- Black, James
- Bliss, Daniel
- Bliss, Ebenezer
- Blunt, William
- Botsford, Jabez
- Boss, Caleb
- Bowen, Betsey
- Bowen, John, Jr.
- Brady, Russell
- Brigham, Sullivan
- Brigham, Ward
- Brizse & Hacket
- Brockway, Jesse
- Brookins, Artemas
- Brookins, Artemas, Jr.
- Brooks, Charles
- Brooks, Isaac
- Brown, Jabez
- Brown, Merrit
- Brush, Ezra
- Buel, Benjamin
- Butler, Ormond
- Butter, Samuel R.
- Byington, Isaac
- Camp, Sylvester
- Campbell, William
- Cane, Walter
- Carpenter, Jesse
- Carter, Jabez
- Cheever, William
- Chester, Lem. L.
- Chever, Ebenezer
- Chittenden, Jared
- Clarke, Joel
- Clarke, Martin
- Clary, Eliza
- Claver, Collins
- Claver, John
- Claver, John, Jr.
- Claver, William
- Cleveland, Ason
- Colgrove, John
- Collins, Samuel
- Compstock, John
- Cowden, Mary
- Crandall, Lewis
- Crane, Nathan
- Croshaw, John
- Curtis, Ezekiel
- Curtis, James
- Curtis, Nathan
- Curtis, Stephen
- Cushman, Dan
- Davis, Aram
- Davis, Nathan
- Dean, Gaius
- Dean, James
- Demick, Augustus R.
- Dimock, B. William
- Dimock, Timothy
- Dodge, Alvin
- Dodge, Amos
- Dodge, Ozias
- Doolittle, Charles
- Doolittle, Potter
- Douglass, Joshua
- Douglass, Joshua
- Downing, Andrew
- Downs, Lyman
- Draper, John
- Draper, Oliver
- Drummond, Barnard
- Ellis, Daiel
- Enos, Truman
- Filkins, John
- Fitch, Ebenezer
- Ford, Thomas
- Foster, Joseph
- Foster, William
- Foster, William, Jr.
- Frisby & Crane
- Frisby, Benjamin
- Gardener, Isaac
- Gates, Hart
- Gates, Joseph
- Gee, John
- Gee, Stephen
- Gilmon, Samuel
- Goodenough, Edward
- Goodenough, Isarah
- Goodwin, Uriah
- Graves, Benjamin
- Green, Israel
- Gridley, Reuben
- Griswold, Ambrose
- Halbut, Asa
- Halbut, Thomas
- halbut, Thomas
- Holdridge, Andrew
- Hale, Josiah
- Hallack & Doolittle
- Halleck, Henry
- Halleck, Samuel
- Halsey, Hezekiah
- Haman, Rufus
- Hamlin, Henry
- Hammond, Zepheniah
- Hannah, Robert
- Havens, Peleg
- Hawes, Zenas
- Hawley, Daniel
- Hawkins, David
- Hayt, Noah
- Hempstead, James
- Herrick, Mary B.
- Hichcox, Reuben
- Hill, Joel
- Hills, Samuel
- Hodges, James
- Hubbard, Russell
- Hulet, Alpheus
- Hulet, James
- Hulet, Seth
- Hunt, Montgomery
- Hunt, William
- Hunt, William
- Hutchinson, Stephen
- Jones, Joseph
- Jones, Nehemiah
- Jones, Pomeroy
- Joslin, Hezekiah
- Judson, Obediah
- Judson, Silas
- Judson, Timothy W.
- JUdson, Timothy
- Kellogg, Ebenezer
- Kibble, Guy
- Kinney, John
- Knapp, Ezra G.
- Lamb, Avery
- Langford, George
- Langford, James
- Larabe, Joseph
- Lard, Salmon
- Lard, Samuel
- Law, Anthony
- Lawrence, Philotus
- Lay, Benedict
- Lay, Rowland
- Lee, Nathan
- Lee, Reuben
- Leworthy, James
- Loomis, Erastus
- Loomis, John
- Loomis, Peck
- Loomis, William
- Mansfield, David
- Markham, Samuel
- Maxim, Sylvester
- Mc Queen, James
- Merchant, Mathew
- Merrill, Isaac
- Merrill, William
- Miller, Ezekiel
- Mitchell, Levi
- Mitchell, Warner
- Montgomery, John
- Moore, Daniel
- More, David
- Morrel, John
- Morrison, Ephraim
- Morrison, Roderick
- Morse, Alasaph
- Morse, John
- Mottley, Noah
- Munsil, Zacheus
- Myer, Andrew C.
- Myer, Henry
- Nicholson, John
- Norris, Robert
- Olney, James
- Owens, Abram
- Page, John S.
- Park, Joshua
- Parkman, Alexander
- Patten, Daniel
- Patten, William
- Patterson, John
- Patterson, Josiah
- Patterson, Shearman
- Peck, Eli
- Peck, Ira
- Peckham, Nathan
- Peirce, Alonson
- Pelten, Reuel
- Phelps, Joseph
- Picket, Ebenezer
- Pitcher, Thomas
- Porter, Morton
- Potter, Josiah
- Pratt, Samuel
- Pratt, Samuel
- Raleigh, John N.
- Rice, Abel
- Rice, Stephen, Jr.
- Rigers, John B.
- Root, Stephen
- Rose, Reuben
- Royce, Stephen
- Sanders, Clarke Edward
- Schuyler, John
- Scripture, Hiram
- Sedgwick, Elijah
- Sedgwick, Joseph
- Seely, Daniel
- Seely, Lyman
- Seymour, Asaph
- Shaver, Henry
- Shaver, Phillip
- Shaw, Daniell
- Shed, Josiah
- Shute, John
- Smith, Albain
- Smith, Amos
- Smith, Anson
- Smith, James
- Spencer, Stephen
- Spring, Lyman
- Squires, Mary
- Stillman, Chester
- St. John, Northrup
- Sylvester, Damon
- Thompson, Reuben
- Thurston, Daniel
- Tillotson, Lemuel
- Tomkins, John
- Tompkins, James
- Townsend, Nathaniel
- Townsend, John
- Townsend, John, Jr.
- Turner, Asa
- Tuttle, Zebulon
- Upham, Moses
- Vaughan, John
- Water, Benjamin
- Waters, Elijah
- Watson, Archibald
- Wheeler, John
- White, Ebenezer
- White, John
- White, John 2nd
- Whiting, John
- Whitman, Catherine
- Whitney, Richard
- Whitney, Thomas
- Whitney, Zerney
- Wightman, Gideon
- Willey, Alfred
- Williams, George W.
- Williams, John
- Wood, Abraham Lott
- Wood, Jonathan
- Wylee, Hugh
- Wyler, Robert, Jr.
- Wyler, William