New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Woodbury County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Woodbury County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
136246Abrams, EvanSioux Cityg.s.w.l.leg3-
126357Adams, James MSioux Cityg.s.w.l.leg8-
77549Albert, AaronWolf Dalewd.left hand4-
59127Allison, Samuel CCorrectionvilleloss lft.arm18-
14082Ashbel, OrtenSergeant Bluffsg.s.w.lft.foot4-
105849Ashby, James HRock Branchg.s.w.l.forearm4-
2?9,746Beck, Christian CSioux Cityinjury to abdomen4May, 1882
211927Bedal, David SSioux Cityg.s.w.rt.thigh4June, 1882
-Bedford, EdmundSioux Cityg.s.w.rt.leg4-
183949Benner, PhillipSloang.s.w.rt.jaw4Mar., 1881
50769Bennett, Betsey ACorrectionvillemother8Apr., 1871
28894Bennett, Betsey AnnCorrectionvillewidow 18128Mar., 1880
27637Benton, Levi ASioux Citys.w.r.hand & dislo'n l.ankle8-
39296Blind, EdwardSioux Cityg.s.w.ft.rt.leg7.5-
151910Borowsky, CharlesSioux Cityg.s.w.face & head8Mar., 1878
84095Brewer, SarahSioux Citydep.mother8Sept., 1866
190515Brown, Rebecca ESioux Citywidow20Dec., 1880
192371Bundy, Thomas WSloanvaricose veins rt.leg6July, 1881
182940Camerer, JohnSergeant Bluffsfract.l.leg6Feb., 1881
-Carmithon, LewisSioux Cityg.s.w.l.side face and effects8-
11750Carpenter, Amelia RSioux Citywidow8Oct., 1867
158674Carrington, CharlesWolf Daledis.of lungs12Apr., 1879
48340Chase, Henry WSioux Cityampt.l.leg24-
3358Chester, HenrySioux rt.knee (Navy)4Apr., 1882
90745Cliver, StephenCorrectionvilleg.s.w.rt.knee6-
141308Cobb, DiannaOtowidow8May, 1880
-Cole, FrancisCorrectionvilleg.s.w.r.foot4-
-Cowan, WilliamSioux Cityloss of left leg18-
93960Davis, John HSioux Cityloss sight from sunstroke72-
149919Davis, WesleyOtog.s.w.l.arm & back4Dec., 1877
110964Doane, Jane BSioux Citywidow8June, 1865
164687Dula, George HSergeant Bluffsnasal cattarh & res.aphorim15Mar., 1881
72269Dunton, Orlow WSioux Cityhepatized l.lung8-
204664Eberly Henry SSioux Cityg.s.w.left leg2Mar., 1882
44493Fuller, SidneyOtoloss l.eye & effects8-
60390Gibbs, Melinda MSioux Citywidow8Mar., 1867
14585Granger, EuniceSioux Citydep.mother20Nov., 1870
159784Hammond, Joseph TSioux Cityscurvy & rheu.6May, 1879
-Hany, William HSioux Cityg.s.w.l.foot & head12-
72577Harper, Ann LSioux Citymother15May, 1866
47191Hauseworth, Sarah GSioux Citywidow20May, 1865
143646Hayward, Levi DSioux Cityloss l. eye affecting right24-
19151Hines, Edward HSioux Citywd.l.shoulder8-
20622Hogm, WilliamCorrectionvilleloss rt.leg18Nov., 1863
-Hopkins, Susan FSioux Citywidow8-
95212Hosmer, ExeneSloanwidow8May, 1867
14949Huntley, Andrew JSergeant Bluffseffusion left knee joint4-
124347Johnson, WilliamOtorupt.l.side4-
-Jones, EllenSioux Citywidow8Apr., 1879
192843Kennedy, FrancisSioux Cityinj.lft. side4July, 1881
-Kile, ElizabethDanburywidow8-
176110Kingsworth, JesseHolly Springsinj.rt.ankle & hip4Oct., 1880
177343Kintzley, Zachariah TSloandis.of eyes4Oct., 1880
34247Knox, AnnaCorrectionvillewidow8Aug., 1867
208918Lane, Elzy N.D.Sioux Cityg.s.w.rt.leg2May, 1882
146953Lang, JohnSioux Cityg.s.w.rt.ankle14-
152370Langdon, MarySioux Citydep.mother18July, 1871
179667Lashley, Samuel CSioux Citygangrene both feet,loss of both feet, both little toes & c6Dec., 1880
136989Leitch, JamesSioux Cityg.s.w.rt.foot6-
18331Linkswiler, MargaretSloanwidow 18128Feb., 1879
24149Looksinger, AdamSioux Cityloss rt.eye4-
21776Lyons, Henry ESioux Citychro.diarrhea8Dec., 1863
31719Mackel, JohnSergeant Bluffsshould.wd.rt.side8-
151546Matlocks, Joseph LSioux Cityinjury to abdomen4Mar., 1878
5972McCluskey, MargaretPeirowidow8June, 1867
137997McDonald, DonaldSioux Citychr.diarr.6-
110632McElhose, Geo. BSioux Citywd.lft.foot6-
59253McGuire, ElizabethCorrectionvilledep.mother8Nov., 1865
149909McKenzie, George WSioux Cityg.s.w.rt.knee4Dec., 1877
-McMillin, WilliamSioux Citychr.rheu.,& g.s.w.rt.thigh, result varicose veins8Apr., 1882
120592McNeil, Henry CSioux Cityg.s.w. & shoulder3-
10344Moffatt, David abd.,wd.r.side chest, both shins & l. hip18-
4285Moffatt, Geo CCorrectionvillehep.of lungs8-
62381Murphy, Michael WSioux Cityg.s.w.l.breast & back10-
93106Newell, CiceroHolly Springsg.s.w.lft. leg10-
143428Orr, James TSioux Cityg.s.w.of head4-
48921Orr, William CSioux Cityg.s.w.of face10-
57257Petty, Alfred HCorrectionvilleg.s.w.lft.arm6-
1276Pierce, Henry MSioux Cityfrac.r.leg (Navy)5June, 1869
25331Pierce, JohnSioux Citywd.rt.lung8-
132072Pierce, Joseph WSmithlandg.s.w.l.arm2-
194577Powers, JohnWolf Dale-8Feb., 1882
52014Prust, AugustSioux Cityg.s.w.rt.thigh14-
4932Reber, Abraham JSioux Citywd.l.leg6-
54572Reddy, Austin PSioux Cityg.s.w.rt.arm2-
201594Richardson, Charles HSioux Citybronchitis & aphonia5Jan.,1882
11376Richardson, Lyman ESioux Citywd. of forearm8-
136754Richardson, William ISioux Cityshell wd.face causing paralysis & loss of rt. eye12-
116951Rider, AziahSioux Cityg.s.w.r.hand4-
191800Rode, JohanDanburychr.diar.,rheu., & inj.l.foot6June, 1880
222852Said, JeffersonCorrectionvillechr.diarr.4Dec., 1882
101398Sanborn, Edmund MSioux Cityinjury to abdomen4-
221590Savage, JosiahSioux Citychr.diarr. & dis.of abd.vis.4Dec., 1882
152124Semple, JnoSioux Citydis.of eyes6Apr., 1878
116947Shepherd, JeremiahHolly Springstotal deafness13-
182795Shore, AlexanderSioux Cityinjury to abdomen8Feb., 1881
187325Smith, CarolineSioux Citywidow & 2 child20Apr., 1880
165624Smith, John WCorrectionvilleinj.of back6Mar., 1880
119737Snyder, NoiceSalixg.s.w.l. thigh5-
41592Spalding, Edward BSioux Cityg.s.w.lft.hand18-
-Taylor, DorseySioux Cityg.s.w.l.shoulder6-
173587Thornley, HiramWolf Dalechr.diarr.,& heart dis.8Sept., 1880
210129Timmons, Henry ASioux Cityg.s.w.left groin2May, 1882
114255Tray, John GSioux Cityg.s.w.lft. hand2-
-Waddle, Wm.WSioux Cityg.s.w.rt.knee4-
187658Walker, W.BrownCorrectionvillewd.of back8-
19370Walters, DanielDanburyg.s.w.head,r.shoul. & chest18-
119013Warner, Burwell ISmithlandg.s.w.rt.wrist2-
147312Wellington, Edwin RSmithlandg.s.w.left wrist3July, 1877
-Welze, HenrySioux Citydis.of heart24June, 1882
143936White, JamesSioux Cityshell wd.of head10-
-Widstrand, Charles TSioux Cityg.s.w.lft.thigh2May, 1882
135757Wingett, WilmingtonSioux Cityg.s.w.of abdomen10-
-Woolever, GeorgeSioux Citychr.diar. res. dis.rectum8June, 1878
124684Wyckle, JamesOtow.l.leg8-
64689Yockey, James MSmithlandg.s.w.left hand6-

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