New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Webster County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Webster County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
87935Adams, John QLehighg.s.w. rt. lung $12.00 -
31214Anderson, George SKaloloss of rt. eye $4.00 -
135184Beach, AlexanderFort Dodgevaricose veins l. leg & thigh $12.00 -
26268Bigelow, MariaLehighdep'nd'nt mother $8.00 July 1862
199865Billings, Joseph MLehighg.s.w. 2d toe l. foot $2.00 Dec. 1881
129281Bliss, Wm. HenryGowrielung disease $4.00 -
197709Boyd, BeatriceFort Dodgewidow and one child $8.00 Nov. 1882
172926Boyd, George YDuncombedis. of spine $4.00 Aug. 1880
105699Brassfield, Granv'e MFort Dodgewd. rt. breast $8.00 -
78093Brown, Webb CFort Dodgeg.s.w. rt. foot $14.00 -
20212Coffing, MaryBorder Plainswidow 1812 $8.00 Mar. 1879
77403Crandall, DorcasFort Dodgemother $8.00 July 1866
152349Dew, JohnGowrieg.s.w. lft. leg $12.00 Apr. 1878
166155Dolph, Simeon WGowriedis. of lungs $6.00 Mar. 1880
145595Dowd, CatharineDaytonwidow $15.00 Oct. 1873
144596Drugaus, William RFort Dodgeg.s.w.rt. leg $4.00 -
206154Eaton, Sherod BDuncombetumor l. should. & dis. of lungs $12.00 Apr. 1882
131183Fisher, William HFort Dodgeg.s.wd. l. leg $10.00 -
186983Flint, Rebecca JFort Dodgedep. mother $8.00 Feb. 1880
92848Fuller, Heland HLehighwd. k. heel $6.00 Sept. 1868
64251Galew, LawrenceKalowd. l. hand $6.00 -
150467Garner, JarinloFort Dodgeloss index finger l. hand $3.00 Jan. 1878
188794Gattry, Urban MDaytonmal. pois. & part'l paralysis $8.50 May 1881
103310Gerrett, WilliamFort Dodgeg.s.w. left arm $8.00 -
46696Gooding, WashingtonDaytonwd. rt. shoulder $4.00 -
187706Harding, William KDuncomberheumatism $7.50 Apr. 1881
81085Henry, George LFort Dodgeg.s.w.l. arm & l. chest $4.00 -
20484Higby, William MLehighg.s.w. rt. shoulder & thigh $2.00 Mar. 1882
79695Hilton, NicholasFort Dodgeloss rt. leg $18.00 -
104152Holloway, Ellen MFort Dodgewidow $8.00 Dec. 1867
185332Hughes, JamesBadgerchro. diarr., g.s.w. l. side $8.00 -
120497Huglin, CharlesDaytong.s.w. left thigh & leg $8.00 -
93925Humphrey, DelilahLehighwidow $8.00 May 1867
223563Hutchinson, JonathanFort Dodgeinj. rt. forearm $10.00 Dec. 1882
33766Johns, Lucelia SFort Dodgewidow $25.00 Dec. 1873
217135Johnson, Canute KFort Dodgeg.s.w.l. leg & l. forearm $2.00 Aug. 1882
55834Johnston, Witter HFort Dodgeloss of left leg $20.00 -
72497Kendall, EdwardFort Dodgewd. rt. leg $8.00 -
187171Kennedy, Forest HFort Dodgerheumatism $2.00 Apr. 1881
98066Krouskup, OrrinBadgerinj. to l. leg $8.00 -
16268Launcey, Alberty CFort Dodgeg.s.w.l. hand $4.00 -
17881Leighton, Ariel HFort Dodgeg.s.w. rt. leg $8.00 -
69712Lennehan, HannahFort Dodgedep. mother $8.00 Apr. 1866
204032Linn, GustusDaytonrheumatism, chr. diarr. & resulting indigestion $4.00 Mar. 1882
141732Malloy, DavidFort Dodgechro. bronchitis $8.00 -
59056Marquette, John AFort Dodgewd. rt. leg $4.00 -
139263Marsh, GeorgeLehighg.s.w.l. thigh $4.00 -
-Marshall, John CFort Dodgeinj. to bk., rt. arm & leg $10.00 -
88017McCabe, JohnFort Dodgeg.s.w. neck $4.00 Dec. 1867
67077McNulty, JohnFort Dodgehemiplegia rt. side $25.00 -
9883McWilliams, JamesOthoanchylosis l. ankle $4.00 -
19747Mead, StillmanDaytonsurv. 1812 $8.00 Nov. 1872
214457Morgan, Charles EFort Dodgechr. diarrhea $4.00 June 1882
169301Morgan, Edward D.G.Fort Dodgelumbago $7.50 June 1880
76328Mower, JosiahFort Dodgechr. diarrhea $8.00 -
119413O'Hara, PatrickFort Dodgeinj. to rt. leg $6.00 -
25938Portlett, Charles HFort Dodgeanchylosis l. wrist $15.00 -
153424Preston, Henry MFort Dodgeinj. rt. knee $8.00 May 1878
166286Raick, Russell HFort Dodgeg.s.w.l. arm & chest $4.00 Mar. 1880
129655Richards, Wm. TFort Dodgeg.s.w.rt. thigh & effects $4.00 -
74572Robinson, Louise JGowriewidow $8.00 May 1866
89864Ryan, EdwardFort Dodgeg.s.w.rt. shoulder $16.00 -
37294Scally, PatrickFort Dodgefrac. rt. leg $18.00 -
162552Simmons, Eliz'h JaneFort Dodgewidow $8.00 July 1873
173657Skinner, Byron PGowriechr. diarrhea $2.00 Sept. 1880
86652Stephenson, Richard SFort Dodgewd.rt. thigh $4.00 -
214366Storey, Peter CFort Dodgeg.s.w. both thighs $6.00 June 1882
199363Swinger, NoahDaytong.s.w. lft. leg $2.00 Dec. 1861
27159Taylor, David HFort Dodgeloss of left arm $18.00 -
173488Taylor, Robie SKalowidow $8.00 May 1876
212810Temple, Moser RFort Dodgechr. diarrhea $6.00 June 1882
101343Thompson, Wm. JFort Dodgeinj. to lef. leg $4.00 -
10259Thorn, NapoleonFort Dodgeg.s.w. left shoulder $4.00 -
174725Van Campen, Daniel DGowrierheum., restg. in dis. of heart $12.00 Oct. 1880
107976Vate, John MOthowd. left leg $4.00 -
220439Wagenseller, Albert EFort Dodgeinjury to abdomen $4.00 Nov. 1882
168050Wahl, John HGowrieg.s.w. rt. knee $2.00 May 1880
26061Warner, LovinaBarnumwidow 1812 $8.00 July 1879
165130Yerney, Gustavus AGowriechr. diarrhea $4.00 Mar. 1880

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