New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Sioux County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Sioux County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
140456Blackburn, AlexanderCalliopefracture rt. leg $6.00 -
107472Bohoman, AlvaIretonwd. l. hand $8.00 -
45028Brown, William HOrange Cityg. s. w. r. leg $6.00 June, 1865
175850Carolr, AustinPattersonvilledis. of lungs $8.00 Oct., 1880
154429Coonen, Richard DCalliopeg. s. w. rt. shoulder & foot $6.00 July, 1878
-Coovey, Eugene DCalliopeg. s. w. of head $8.00 July, 1878
48595Dean, Vesta HBoyden- $8.00 June, 1865
-Ernisse, Peter J., jrRock Valleyg. s. w. l. shoulder $3.00 -
-Estes, Elijah ACalliopeloss of r. arm $24.00 -
-Gill, JamesCalliopeg. s. w. r. hand $10.00 -
184517Hamilton, SanfordCalliopedis. of eyes & chro. diarr $6.00 Mar., 1881
100356Harrington, HenryPattersonvilleinj. r. shoulder $4.00 Oct., 1869
187356Harrington, Scott WPattersonvilledis. of eyes $8.00 Apr., 1881
219081Hodgin, William ECalliopedis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 Oct., 1882
-Hollenbeck, Zeph DRock Valleyg. s. w. l. thigh $6.00 -
-Huggins, OrvinCalliopewd. of head $6.00 -
173500Kennedy, JamesCalliopeg. s. w. of rt. shoulder $2.00 Sept., 1880
155409Maas, DominickHosperg. s. w. rt. shoulder $6.00 Sept., 1878
170915Okey, Wilson SPattersonvillerheumatism $18.00 June, 1880
112453Powell, John CCalliopedis. of abdominal viscera $8.00 -
32923Riley, WilliamRock Valleyfract leg $18.00 -
150057Rombough, NelsonPattersonvilleg. s. w. lower jaw & chr. rheu. $10.00 Dec., 1877
171060Sawyer, CharlesPattersonvillechr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis $4.00 June, 1880
60340Snell, CharlesPattersonvilleg. s. w. of face $4.00 -
170514Stein, PhilipCalliopedis. of heart $8.00 June, 1880
17828Weld, Daniel WFarmerslaryngitis & incipient phth $14.00 -
79710West, Gordon BCalliopewd. shoulder & hand $11.00 -
159230Wilson, Wm. PBoydenwd. of neck $8.00 Apr., 1879
-Wyatt, Henry HPattersonvilleg. s. w. r. arm & l. thigh $8.00 -

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