New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Page County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Page County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
-Armstrong, Alva DShenandoahg. s. w. lt. hip $6.00 -
81919Baker, Martin PClarindag. s. wd. r. leg & res. var. veins $6.00 -
120046Baldwin, Thos. HCoing. s. w. lt. breast & clavicle $4.00 -
116219Barton, Thos. GCoinepilepsy $8.00 -
42623Barton, Wm. HWalkervillefrac. lt. hand $6.00 -
154544Beckner, MarionShenandoahrheumatism $4.00 Aug., 1878
62437Beezley, Francis MClarindawd. lt. ankle & foot $5.00 -
143302Bentley, John JBlanchardwd. lt. shoulder $2.00 -
18058Birehard, JamesCollege Springswd. lt. hip $8.00 Mar., 1878
45457Boda, LewisShenandoahwd. lt. arm $8.00 -
199611Bodwell, Walter SCollege Springssh. wd. rt. leg $4.00 Dec., 1881
185239Boggs, Abner SClarindachr. diarrh., dis. of abd. vis $6.00 Mar., 1881
139200Bosaker, JohnBlanchardg. s. w. lt. thigh $4.00 -
195928Boyer, DanielShenandoahg. s. w. rt. wrist $2.00 Sept., 1881
52904Broadstone, AlfredClarindawd. rt. arm $18.00 -
183093Bryson, Sarah EShenandoahwidow $8.00 Mar., 1879
71367Butt, ThomasClarindawd. lt. thigh $4.00 -
215748Cain, CorneliusCollege Springsbayonet wd. rt. breast $4.00 July, 1882
200580Carter, James BShenandoahdis. lungs, chr. diarr., and dis. heart. $15.00 Jan., 1882
220622Case, Thos. BCollege Springsg. s. w. rt. arm $4.00 Nov., 1882
223523Castle, Geo. HShenandoahg. s. w. lt. lower jaw and rt. shoulder. $4.00 Dec., 1882
219415Chaney, Thomas MClarindainjury to abdomen $8.00 Oct., 1882
109282Chevalley, Augustus HHawleyvillechr. rheumatism $4.00 May, 1882
63052Chitty, GeoShenandoahg. s. wds. of both shds. and result'g dis. lungs & heart. $12.00 -
124301Clabough, HenryHawleyvilledis. eyes, inj. breast & r. side, & part'l loss r. index finger. $8.00 Aug., 1881
201345Clark, Wm. HCollege Springsinj. to back & hip & res. part'l paral. of limbs. $24.00 Jan., 1882
3455Colier, SamlClarindawd. rt. leg $24.00 -
181924Crocker, Wm. WShenandoahinj. to rt. leg $8.00 Feb., 1881
87556Crow, AbyahClarindadis. eyes $6.00 -
70474Damewood, JaneMorsmanwidow $8.00 Sept., 1868
191583Daniels, AbsalemBraddyvilledis. lungs $8.00 June, 1881
179944Davis, John WClarindachr. diarr., af. kidneys & stom $8.00 Dec., 1880
142090Davis, Matthew LHawleyvilleloss lt. eye & coxalgia lt. hip $10.00 -
147341Day, LemuelClarindaloss rt. middle finger $2.00 July, 1877
203115De Long, Gilbert EClarindachr. diarr. & res. dis. abd. vis $4.00 Feb., 1882
157901Devault, James CBraddyvilleg. s. w. rt. forearm $4.00 Mar., 1879
58792Doyle, James AClarindag. s. w. rt. Arm $6.00 -
20553Draper, Benj. VCoing. s. w. lt. hand & loss in. fing. $12.00 -
189408Draper, ElizabethClarindawidow & one child $8.00 Aug., 1880
28423Duly, LovClarinda- $8.00 Jan., 1880
25441Dunlap, James HClarindag. s. w. rt. hand $18.00 -
147878Eastman, Joseph OEssexg. s. w. neck $4.00 Aug., 1877
217240Easton, Nathan BCoinscurvy & results $4.00 Aug., 1882
189299Eckert, Mahlon BHawleyvilleasthma $6.00 May, 1881
188942Elkins, Henry CClarindas. wd. rt. foot and lt. arm $8.00 May, 1881
54386Elliott, John FShenandoahwd. lt. hand $4.00 -
85185Evans, Jonas HBlanchardg. s. w. rt. shoulder $6.00 -
139289Floyd, Isaac NHepburng. s. w. rt. leg $4.00 -
142097Ford, HarveyBlanchardg. s. w. rt. arm and hand $6.00 -
147549Forney, Geo. DClarindapart'l deafness $4.00 Aug., 1877
99891Fry, WilliamClarindadis. heart $4.00 -
168764Gilmore, Chas. WEssexdis. lungs $4.00 May, 1880
34021Grosvenor, Aug. DClarindag. s. wd. r. leg & res. dis. abd. vis $12.00 -
25205Guddes, MaryCoinwidow $8.00 Mar., 1872
153430Guither, John W. VClarindachr. bronchitis and rheum $6.00 May, 1878
142743Harrison, Wm. HHepburninjury to abdomen $6.00 -
108230Hasier, Wm. PClarindag. s. w. left thigh $8.00 -
112753Hayes, Nelson WBraddyvilleg. s. w. left foot $15.00 -
109349Hazelton, Daniel SBraddyvilledis. lungs $14.00 -
131903Heiper, George WShenandoahinjury to abdomen $4.00 -
96898Herrell, GeorgeBinghamwd. left side of face $8.00 -
152241Holcomb, Isaac NNorthboroughg. s. w. lt. leg $2.00 Apr., 1878
160188Hoover, PhebeHawleyvillemother $8.00 Nov., 1872
7265Hopkins, JanetClarindawidow $8.00 -
147869House, Thomas JBraddyvilleinj. to r. index finger $4.00 -
75640Huligren, Nels. JohnClarindaloss rt. forearm $18.00 -
120536Johnston, Wm. MCollege Springsg. s. w. rt. ankle $14.00 -
91089Journey, Joseph CClarindainj. to abdomen & back $6.00 -
87898Kimmens, HenryEssexwd. lt. foot $18.00 -
200237Kindall, Zelotes SHawleyvillechr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis $8.00 May, 1882
57393Kindle, JosephClarindawd. face $18.00 -
187955King, George EBraddyvilleg. s. w. of shoulder & neck $12.00 May, 1881
90026Kinkade, Martha AClarindawidow $8.00 Feb., 1867
131197Kloft, WmShenandoahchr. rheum $8.00 -
27153Leonard, HenryWalkervillewd. rt. side of face $4.00 -
203289Lincicum, GeoClarindachr. diarrh $4.00 Feb., 1882
178778Lindsburg, AndrewClarindachr. diarr. & rheum $6.00 Nov., 1880
218222Linsacum, AndrewClarindadis. ears $2.00 Sept., 1882
149161Love, JohnHawleyvilleg. s. w. back $4.00 Nov., 1877
82199Lymer, Richard HCollege Springsloss r. index finger $2.66 Feb., 1879
67317Lyons, Gilbert CClarindag. s. w. left thigh $8.00 -
150118Mann, Saml. BClarindainj. to pelvic ligaments & lower parts of spine. $2.00 Dec., 1877
173296Marlin, John DPage Centerchr. diarrh $4.00 Sept., 1880
214890Marsell, JosephClarindadis. lungs & eyes from meas. $6.00 June, 1882
156526Martin, Horace LShenandoahinjury to abdomen $4.00 Nov., 1878
180137Mathews, EliCollege Springsshell wd. of breast, malarial poisoning, & results. $8.00 Dec., 1880
37060McCabe, James, alias Anderson.Shenandoahloss rt. arm $24.00 -
164712McClure, AlexanderBraddyvilledis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 Feb., 1880
196731McDaniel, David ABlanchardg. s. w. of left thigh $2.00 Oct., 1881
71063McGinis, SarahWalkervillewidow $8.00 Apr., 1866
154589McLaughlin, James BHepburng. s. w. rt. arm $4.00 Aug., 1878
31201McMahon, Francis MCollege Springsloss rt. arm at shoulder-joint $24.00 -
197735McThomas, JosephHawleyvillechr. diarr $4.00 Nov., 1881
169488Mecham, SamlClarindainjury to abdomen $8.00 June, 1880
15863Milleson, Margaret SClarindawidow $8.00 -
103530Owen, Wm. WClarindaozenia $6.00 -
171226Patch, David AHawleyvillelaryngitis $4.00 July, 1880
85675Payton, David HClarindawd. head $12.00 -
50849Pease, Ebenezer NShenandoahdis. eyes and hand $4.00 -
148576Pendelton, Chris. BEssexg. s. w. head $4.00 Oct., 1877
112240Pentagraph, HenryClarindag. s. w. lt. leg $8.00 -
196431Pettis, Morris ECoing. s. w. lt. forearm & rt. side $2.00 Oct., 1881
123982Pierson, JepthaCollege Springsg. s. w. left breast $6.00 -
216961Piper, BenjClarindag. s. w. lt. side of spine and lt. shoulder. $4.00 Aug., 1882
173736Poplin, R. G. MShenandoahchr. diarrh $4.00 Sept., 1880
185409Reid, Emma MShenandoahwidow and 6 children $8.00 Sept., 1879
24791Reid, ThomasBlanchardg. s. w. rt. shoulder $4.00 -
53869Rickey, Henry CClarindaparalysis left hand $16.00 -
164978Ridenour, Newton CClarindainjury to abdomen $3.00 Feb., 1880
213226Roberts, Wm. MClarindapart'l paral. of lt. side $8.00 June, 1882
51723Rockafield, Joseph HShenandoahwd. lt. thigh $4.00 -
134019Ross, Wm. CShenandoahsh. wd. rt. leg $12.75 July, 1877
15548Scott, James WClarindaloss rt. arm above elbow $24.00 -
178128Selby, AlonzoEssexg. s. w. rt. side $4.00 Oct., 1880
11189Shafer, Smith JClarindaamp. lt. thight $24.00 -
132536Shepard, John PShenandoahdis. eyes $12.00 -
52912Shoemaker, JasperClarindawd. rt. arm $8.00 -
-Smith, AnnClarindawidow $8.00 -
76284Smith, LaviniaClarindamother $8.00 Jan., 1882
-Snyder, Mabrey BClarindasaber wd. lt. hand $4.00 -
162122Stowe, Robt. GShenandoahdis. lungs $8.00 Aug., 1879
48910Stubbs, LuvinaClarindawidow $8.00 Aug., 1870
33271Swatman, Lydia GCollege Springswidow $8.00 June, 1869
109233Taylor, EliClarindadis. eyes $18.00 -
44796Tharp, Lattin RShenandoahwd. rt. arm $18.00 -
97522Thomas, CharlotteHawleyvillewidow $8.00 -
211691Thompson, David AHawleyvilleinj. to lt. side head, chr. diarr. & dis. of abd. viscera. $8.00 June, 1882
199578Tippen, John LClarindag. s. w. shoulder & sunstroke and result'g dis. eyes. $6.00 Dec., 1881
166812Tones, JohnClarindainj. back & loss sight lt. eye $10.00 Apr., 1880
-Topping, Margaret JBlanchardwidow $8.00 -
21155Turnbull, ThomasBlanchardwd. rt. thumb & loss thumb. $5.00 -
173075Tuttle, Geo. ACollege Springslung dis. & g. s. w. rt. chest $4.00 Sept., 1880
107018Underwood, Geo. MHawleyvillevar. veins lt. leg $4.00 Aug., 1882
14512Vanpelt, NancyEssexwidow $8.00 Apr., 1867
154583Waldron, PearlyBlanchardwd. lt. forearm $2.00 Aug., 1878
41325Walters, Benj. FShenandoahwd. lt. hand $14.00 -
118423Whitson, John FBraddyvillechr. diarr. and dis. abd. visc. $16.00 -
126543Wiggins, Andrew LCoing. s. w. lt. foot $6.00 -
94454Williamson, MaryBraddyvillemother $8.00 May, 1867
167988Wilson, AbrahamCoinneuralgia in lt. leg $6.00 May, 1880
51984Wolf, ElizaCollege Springsmother $8.00 July, 1865
188040Wright, LauraShenandoahwidow $34.00 -
114488Wright, Sam'l ABlanchardinjury to abdomen $12.00 -

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