New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Johnson County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Johnson County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
177385Archer, JnoWindhaminj.spine res.paralysis lower extremities & dis. of lungs$4.00Oct., 1880
180004Backenstos, Wm. LIowa Citydis.of lungs$8.00Dec., 1880
946Baker, ElizaLone Treewidow$8.00July, 1869
197700Bane, Jas. WIowa Citydis. of abdominal viscera$2.00Nov., 1881
59337Barker, Joseph JIowa Citydis.of eyes$8.00-
182903Beltz, Daniel JNorth Libertych.rheu.&diar. &dis.of kid$4.00Feb., 1881
79866Bitner, JacobIowa Citybayonet wd. rt. side$2.00-
192542Brooke, Wm. GIowa thigh$4.00July, 1881
169241Brubaker, HenryIowa Cityinjury to abdomen$8.00June, 1880
199157Chandler, Thos. RAmishg.s.w.rt.leg & rt. thigh$4.00Dec., 1881
101513Chapman, Amanda RIowa Citywidow$8.00Oct., 1867
137623Clark, Geo. WIowa Cityg.s.w.l't hip$10.00-
188859Clark, JaneRiver Junctionmother$8.00June, 1880
91014Clark, Josiah SIowa Cityinjury to abdomen$4.00-
8794Clark, Marion AIowa Citysurv.widow 1812$8.00Sept., 1878
176592Clark, Robert BIowa Cityinjury to abdomen$8.00Oct., 1880
9314Coe, SarahIowa Citywidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1878
207413Cole, JosephIowa Cityg.s.w.l't arm & shoulder$2.00Apr., 1882
88188Cole, Sam'l CIowa Cityfracture, l't arm$4.00-
10644Collier, HamiltonIowa Cityg.s.w.l. shr$8.00-
119614Cook, Michael WOxfordg.s.w. of neck$3.00-
207405Cox, Thos.Iowa Citych.diarr.$4.00Apr., 1882
212278Crain, Edwin LSolonchr.diarr.$2.00June, 1882
196632Cree, Alfred BIowa Cityg.s.w.l't leg$5.00Oct., 1881
160414Davis, EnochIowa Cityg.s.w.l.arm$4.00June, 1879
216636Davis, LorenzoTiffinlung dis.$2.00Aug., 1882
1478Davis, Mary JIowa Citywidow$17.00Apr., 1863
155926Davis, ReubenIowa Cityg.s.w.left thigh$4.00Oct., 1878
208173De Wolf, Jno. CIowa Citymalarial & typhoid fever resulting ind'n debility$4.00May, 1882
11138Decker, JeremiahRiver Junctiong.s.w.of back$4.00-
111587Dennis, Issac VIowa Citynep.latisis & effects$20.00-
8412Dille, ClarissaIowa Citywidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1878
181627Dix. ChristianaIowa Citywidow$8.00Jul., 1878
40079Dodt, ChristianTiffing.s.w.lft.arm$4.00-
144461Douglas, Andrew MIowa Cityg.s.w.of neck$2.00-
135598Douglass, CyrusOxfordg.s.w.lft.groin$8.00-
17538Douglass, Jno. EOxfordpartial dis.left hip$4.00-
35255Dugan, Elizabeth LIowa Citywidow$8.00Feb., 1874
-Edwards, WmOxfordg.s.w.rt.arm$4.00Dec., 1882
213842Fackler, Jas breast,result dis.lungs$4.00June, 1882
50834Farnsworth, Maria LIowa Citywidow$8.00Aug., 1873
101252Ferson, ElizaWindhammother$8.00Oct., 1867
38101Fordice, Jno. KShueyvilleloss lft. leg above knee$24.00-
148736Gamit, Wm.Iowa Citychr.diarr.$4.00Oct., 1877
199117Garver, Wm.Sharon Centerg.s.w.l.hip$4.00Dec., 1881
22117Gillaspie, SolomonIowa Cityg.s.w.lft.hand$1.00Nov., 1882
41220Green, Daniel WNorth Libertyg.s.w.both hips$10.00-
139697Griffin, Jno. B.T.Iowa Cityimbecility from sun stroke$18.00-
188770Harrington, LuciusOxfordg.s.w.l.hand with parital loss little finger$1.00May, 1881
211965Henderson, Jas. BOxfordinjury to abdomen$8.00June, 1882
187978Hensley, DavidLone Treefather$8.00Apr., 1880
31921Hiatt, MaryIowa Citywidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1881
204225Hirt, JacobBon Accordg.s.w.rt.thigh$2.00Mar., 1882
180512Hockinberry, Cath'neIowa Citywidow$8.00Mar., 1878
36605Holson, Nathan AIowa Citywd.lft.arm$20.00-
188609Horner, Benj. MIowa Cityfather$8.00June, 1880
100208Howe, Catherine CIowa Citymother$8.00Oct., 1867
179859Huff, Wm. JIowa Citychr.rheu.$8.00Dec., 1880
160422Hughes, Frazee ALone Treechr.rheu.$50.00May, 1879
167658Hupp, Minor BIowa Citydis.of lungs$8.00Apr., 1880
83465Hurlbert, DelosIowa Citywd.rt.leg$2.00-
197528Husser, JnoIowa Citychron.rheumatism$6.00Nov., 1881
179277Jones, Mary E, 2 chil'nIowa Citywidow$8.00Dec., 1877
172885Kirk, Eliza AIowa Citymother$8.00Apr., 1876
116212Koehler, JuliusIowa Citywd.of breast$4.00-
218626Krell, FrederickIowa Citydis.of eyes$6.00Oct., 1882
189701Langhery, MaryShueyvillewidow$8.00Sept., 1880
180982Larkin, Jas.Iowa Cityamp.of toes rt.foot caused by inj. from frostbite$8.00Jan., 1881
39823Lee, Martha AIowa Citywidow$25.00July, 1873
191732Loan, Mary JMorfordsvillewidow$8.00Apr., 1881
174358Lodge, Joseph SIowa Citych.diarr & dis.of abd.vis.$4.00Oct., 1880
104744Lumbard, RufusIowa Cityg.s.w.rt.hand$6.00-
188480Luse, Marvin RIowa Cityg.s.w.left forearm affecting hand$8.50May, 1881
210050Lytle, Samuel SIowa Cityg.s.w.l. shoulder$4.00May, 1882
164061Madden, LemuelTiffing.s.w.rt.thigh$2.00Jan., 1880
38095Matthews, Sarah AIowa Citywidow$8.00Jan., 1870
23196McConnell, Mary ATiffinwidow 1812$8.00Apr, 1879
159005McKee, LewisTiffinchr.diarr.$8.00Apr., 1879
142855McMillan, David SOxfordinjury to abdomen$6.00-
186717McOiustan, NancyIowa Citymother$8.00Jan., 1880
129569McReynolds, Francis MRiver Junctiong.s.w.lft. arm$6.00-
30038Meyer, LeoIowa Citywd. of r. hand$18.00-
140242Moffitt, Franklin VIowa Cityheart dis.$8.00-
184888Moore, OrssemausIowa Cityshell wd.lft.side$2.00Mar., 1881
213143Moreland, Alex LNorth Libertyg.s.w.l.thigh$2.00June, 1882
48725Owen, Benj.Iowa Cityg.s.w.lft.leg$15.00-
133675Owen, Ezra ELone Treetotal blindness$72.00-
201744Page, Horace LIowa Cityrheu. & result.dis.heart$8.00Jan., 1882
34572Paine, EugeneIowa Cityg.s.w.rt.arm$6.00-
144421Parrott, Mary LIowa Citywidow$8.00Aug., 187_
127900Pinney, Jas. AIowa Cityheart disease$8.00-
59195Plum, Obidiah TIowa City-$25.00-
183317Plymesser, Sam'l JTiffinsunstroke & result.dis.of brain$8.00Feb., 1881
164879Poland, James HIowa Citytotal blindness$72.00Feb., 1880
115137Poland, MaryIowa Citywidow$8.00June, 1868
74381Powell, NarcissusIowa citywidow$8.00Feb., 1867
191431Prestele, Wm. HIowa Cityg.s.w.rt.thigh$2.00June, 1882
127107Quinn, Jas. LWindhamheaart dis.$18.00-
150229Rend, Margaret Aiowa citywidow$17.00May, 1871
139091Reynolds, Isaiah PTiffinchr.diarr.$4.00-
179219Rians, Richard BIowa Citysunstroke res'l'g hemicrania$4.00Nov., 1880
27478Rinehart, ElizabethChasewidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1879
192340Rosa, DanielIowa Citych.diarr. & rheu.$6.00July, 1881
195886Sager, Mary JIowa Citywidow$8.00May, 1882
47258Scott, CatherineRiver Junctionmother$8.00May, 1865
19493Shiland, AlbertIowa Cityg.s.w.left foot$7.50-
19417Shircliff, LewisSolonwar 1812$8.00Oct., 1872
166064Shulthaer, JnoWindhamsunstroke & result dis.of kidneys & debility$4.00Mar., 1880
41782Sleicher, MargaretIowa Citywidow$8.00May, 1867
188503Smith, LucyIowa Citywidow$8.00June, 1880
117329Smith, PhillipOxfordinj.lft.hip$12.00-
74829Spielman, SooterMorseampt.left thigh$24.00-
196467Stillious, Sam'l. WIowa Cityminors of$12.00June, 1882
213244Sumner, Henry DIowa Citych.rheu. & dis of abd.vis$12.00Jan., 1882
220217Swafford, Jeremiah BSolong.s.w.rt.thigh,shell wd. of head$4.00Nov., 1882
68479Switzer, Jacob CIowa Cityloss rt. leg$18.00-
28006Teeter, Jno.Iowa Cityshell wd.l.shoulder$4.00-
203069Thompson, Wm. AMorseg.s.w.lft side of head & ear$2.00Feb., 1882
166980Tippenhaner, SarahIowa Citymother$8.00Jan., 1875
131529Tomlin, GeoIowa Cityg.s.w.l.arm$4.00-
-Toms, HiramIowa Cityloss l't arm$24.00-
220512Trimble, Joseph ALone Treech.rheu$8.00Nov., 1882
137879Trimdy, Justin HIowa Ctytenderness spine & lameness of legs result typhoid fever$14.00-
89316Vandemark, Wm. EIowa Cityg.s.w.through left hip, pelvis, and inj. to abdomen$12.00Feb., 1868
178955Warren, MaryCoralvillewidow$8.00Oct., 1877
185792Weis, PeterMorseg.s.w.left arm$2.00Mar., 1881
21831Weno, MaryIowa Citywidow$8.00July, 1868
205957Westcott, EmoryIowa Cityshell wd.rt. Thigh$2.00Mar., 1882
152479Weymer, Joel HOxfordg.s.w.rt.chest$2.00Apr., 1878
82980Wilson, JeremiahTiffininjury to abdomen$4.00-
168932Wilson, Jno. CIowa Citydis.of throat & aphagia$8.00June, 1880
77901Wilson, Wm. FLone Treeinjury to abdomen$10.00-
219745Wilt, JacobOxfordg.s.w.rt.arm$4.00Oct., 1882
31390Winterstein, Mary AIowa Citywidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1881
9641Woodling, ElizabethSolonwidow$8.00Dec., 1879

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