New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Buena Vista County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Buena Vista County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
60680Ayers, W. HarrisonNewellwd. l. thigh$6.00-
149740Bartlett, Geo. H.Storm Lakeg. s. w. of back$4.00Dec 1872
135693Benson, Elias W.Storm Lakedis. l. eye. affecting r eye$10.00-
194210Bohl, JacobNewellasthma$4.00Aug 1881
198724Bragen, RudolphAltag. s. w. of head$4.00Dec 1881
28449Brown, MaryStorm Lakewidow$8.00Jan 1880
169357Butts, Rob't. I.Newellinj r. arm, resulting anchylosis of elbow.$8.00June 1880
32022Carrington, Edwin L.Altag. s. w. l. hip, ileum, & var. veins both legs.--
196782Chapman, StephenNewellhydrocele of r. side$6.00Oct 1881
74516Chipman, Chas S.Newellg. s. w. r. shoulder$12.00-
31115Coddington, Jno.Altawd. r. arm & wrist$16.00-
174744Colancy, Pat'k.Altaloss of little finger rt. hand$2.00Oct 1880
136359Collins, Silas T.Sioux Rapidsg. s. w. 1. arm$4.00-
107582Colton, Henry L.Storm Lakech. diar. & dis. of lungs$8.00-
140276Debble, Ira W.Storm Lakeinj r. foot$4.00Aug 1874
87153Devine Jas. H.Sioux Rapidsnecrosis l. scapula$8.00-
64129Duistine, Martin V.Storm Lakewd. l. leg$8.00-
207706Fairbanks, Jos. P.Sioux Rapidsg, s. w. l. index finger$2.00Apr 1882
162357Fikes, DavidStorm Lakeg. s. w. r. hip$2.00Sept 1869
-Foster, Chas. W.Storm Lakeg. s. w. r. hip$10.00-
36884Fyfe, MorrisNewellwd. l. side.$6.00-
61257Hammond, Wm.Storm Lake-$4.00-
74193Harris, Horace E.Newellwd l leg$18.00-
139202Hart, Wm. O.Sioux Rapidsg. s. w. r. forearm$4.00-
67647Harvey, Hulduh A.Storm Lakewidow$8.00-
-Hazell, HenryAltawd. l. leg.$4.00-
43215Horton, Jane M.Storm Lakewidow$8.00Mar 1865
53874Hoskin, HilanStorm Lakewd. l. hand$4.00-
-Iseminger, LeviNewellg. s. w. l. thigh$6.00-
164124Jenks, Park MAltainjury to abdomen$6.00Jan 1880
7625Jones, EleanorStorm Lake-$8.00Aug 1878
25189Joray, SeraphineStorm Lakewidow$8.00July 1880
14412Kale, Elizabeth J.Altawidow$8.00May 1867
93836Lang, WilhelminaPeachwidow$8.00May 1867
33795Long, Martha A.Storm Lakewidow$8.00Nov 1864
33767Mahn, PaulAltag. s. frac. l. foot$4.00-
69575Manson, Ash. R.Storm Lakech. diar.$6.00-
21007McCartney, Alex R.Storm Lakeg. s. w. r. thigh$8.00-
171864Memis, HenryStorm Lakedis, of eyes$4.00July 1880
143440Miller, Jas.Sioux Rapidsch. diar$12.75Nov 1877
168407Miller, Jno. B.Storm Lakeg. s. w. r. shoulder$4.00May 1880
117234Moore, Chas. W.Storm Lakewd. l. shoulder$4.00-
15788Newcomb, EsterAltawidow$8.00Mar 1867
120962Newell, Warner L.Sioux Rapidsg. s. w. r. thigh$6.00-
130321Nute, EdwardAltawd. l. side$2.00-
100923O'Brien, SarahAltawidow$8.00Oct 1867
144627Olson, TidimanSioux Rapidsg. s. w. chest$4.00-
156962Partridge, Walter E.Altawd. l. elbow$4.00Dec 1878
205527Phillips, MaleonAltadis. of lungs & chr. diar$6.00Mar 1882
66253Robbins, Caroline M.Storm Lakewidow$8.00Mar 1866
35861Robinson, Gifford S.Storm Lakeg. s. w. frac. rt. tibia$4.00-
89859Ross, Wm. J.Storm Lakewd. l. shoulder$10.00Mar 1878
189707Sargent, Van Buren W.Newellg. s. w. l. thigh$4.00June 1881
192768Severson, Benj.Blainemal poisoning$4.00July 1881
77023Shultz, Jos.Newellwd. l. thigh$6.00-
15101Stapp, Wm. H.Newellrheum.$8.00Aug 1863
30039Stout, Stephen G.Altainj. r. eye, loss st.&. l. eye impaired$24.00-
160560Sweet, Geo. A.Sioux Rapidsg. s. w. l. thigh$1.00June 1879
114291Taylor, Geo. W.Sioux Rapidsinjury to abdomen$12.00-
113671Taylor, JasAltawd. head$8.00-
-Totman, Chas. W.Storm Lakeg. a. w. r. arm$4.00-
135531Valentine, Jno. W.Storm Lakeanchylosis l.hip result of shell wd$6.00-
49134Vestal, Warner L.Storm Lakeg. s. w. r. leg$25.00-
103883Walker, Rigdon B.Sioux Rapidsg. s. w. r. leg$4.00-
212958Warren, OrangeSioux Rapidsch. diar$8.00June 1882
188099Wilcox, Jno.Peachdis. of lungs$8.00Mar 1881
164449Williams, Amzz L.Storm Lakeinjury to abdomen$4.00Jan 1880
64445Williams, Cyrus T.NewellLoss l. eye$6.00-
156832Williams, Dd. SSioux Rapidsg. s. w. l. arm$2.00Dec 1878
-Winters, Henry H.Altach. gastritis$4.00-

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