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Town of Orwell
Addison County, Vermont
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Orwell, Vermont Marriages
Marriages Recorded in the Orwell, Town Records. Volumes 1-12
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Abbot, Samuel and Sophia Brown both of Orwell at Orwell 3 Dec. 1806 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 5:022 Abbott, Clark and Betsey J. Crouch both of Orwell at Orwell 6 Oct. 1833 by Aaron Angen Vol: 10:306 Adams, Andrew N. of Fairhaven VT and Angie Phelps of Orwell at Orwell 1 Aug. 1855 by R.S. Cushman Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:464 Adams, Roderick and Sarah Cox both of Orwell at Orwell 1 Jan. 1831 by R. Rottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 Aldrich, Amos of Sudbury and Louisa Stacy of Benson 18 Jan. 1843 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 12:468 Allen, Reubenand Roxsey Seymour both of Orwell at Orwell d. Mar. 1805 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:507 Ames, Abner of Orwell and Chloe Gillet of Wells. Rutland Co. at Orwell 8 Nov. 1804 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:507 Ames, Harry and Eliza Gillet both of Orwell at Orwell 6 Nov. 1825 Vol: 9:51 Angel, Bennett of Shoreham. Addison Co. and Clarrissa White of Orwell at Orwell 30 Oct. 1833 by Ruluff White sd JP Vol: 10:306 Arche(?), Samuel and Lucy Stevens both of Orwell at Orwell 28 Apr. 1803 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:320 Austin, Darwin of Orwell and Cynthia Fuller of Orwell at Orwell 2 Mar. 1825 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 8:256 Austin, Gustavus A. and Emma Calendar 20 Mar. 1834 Vol: 12:483 Austin, Lewis of Cornwell. Addison Co. and Alcina E. Munger of Orwell at Orwell 22 Aug. 1854 by Roswell Bottum JP Vol: 12:479 Avery, Abram and Polly of Mary Moffit both of Orwell at Orwell 6 Aug. 1833 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:273 Babcock, Henry G.and Jane White both of Orwell at Orwell is Oct. 1820 by wait Branch JP Vol: 9:50 Bacon, Allen of Ridgeway. N.Y. and Dyanthia Hulburd at Orwell at Orwell 18 Oct. 1832 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 Bacon, Mason H. and Hannah Martin both of Orwell at Orwell 14 Apr. 1835 by Roswell Bottum Jr. Jp Vol: 10:392 Bacon, William N. and Harriet E. Butts both of Orwell at Orwell 26 Jul. 1855 by R.S. Cushman. Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:464 Bagard, Oliver and Theresa Dewnes both of Orwell at Orwell 7 May 1850 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:477 Baker, Christopher of Whiting, Adison Co. and Betsey Thompson of Orwell at Orwell 14 Aug. 1806 by Ebenezer Wheelock, Councillor Vol: 5:011 Baker, Seneca of Whiting. Addison Co. and Semantha Smith of Orwell at Orwell 9 Dec. 1811 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 5:393 Baldwin, Sylvanus L. of Montpelier and Minerva Kelly of Orwell at Orwell 16 Feb. 1830 by David Cutting Jun. JP Vol: 10:212 (The date looks like 1830 but was recorded 6 March 1832 with other entries from 1832) Ball, Edward C. and Eleanor Rogers both of Orwell at Orwell 11 Apr. 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. JP V Ball, Edward C. and Eleanor Rogers both of Orwell at Orwell 11 Apr. 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. Jp Vol: 10:240 Ballard, James and Electa Mortin both of Orwell at Orwell 6 Nov. 1810 by Joab Smith, JP Vol: 5:382 Barber, Chancy of West Haven, Vt. and Charlotte Cooke of Orwell at Orwell 15 Dec. 1825 by Sherman Kellog, Minister Vol: 9:51 Barber, Joel and Mary Smith both of Orwell at Orwell 7 Sep. 1814 by Joab Smith JP Vol: 6:336 Barker, Daniel R. of Benson and Ellen Louisa Bottum of Orwell at Orwell 12 Feb. 1845 by R.S. Cushman, Minister Barnes, Harry of Westhaven and Louisa Lawrence of Orwell at Orwell 21 Dec. 1834 by T.D. Hammond JP. Vol: 11:059 Barnes, Hyde of Rutland and Daphne Palmer of Orwell at Orwell 20 Oct. 1828 by David Cutting Jr. JP Vol: 9:419; 10:223 barterhue, Celie of Shoreham VT and Angeline La Fontain of Orwell at Orwell 19 Apr. 1846 by R.S. Cushman, Minister Vol: 12:474 Bascom, Artimedorus and Cloe Hulbard both of Orwell at orwell 11 Mar. 1800 by Silvanus Chapin V.D.M. Vol: 2:141 Bascom, Dorus C. and Martha F. Bottum both of Orwell at Orwell 4 Sept. 1862 by L.A. Austin. Minister Vol: 12:468 Bascom, Oliver H. and Lucretia O. Young of Orwell at Orwell 4 Sept. 1834 by John Hough. Minister Vol: 10:348 Bascom, William T. of Shoreham, Addison Co. and Emily Murray of Orwell at Orwell 25 Dec. 1834 by Aaron Anger. Minister Vol: 10:293; 12:470 Bebee, Guy of Chittenden, Rutland Co. and Huldah Smith of Orwell at Orwell 26 Feb. 1818 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 7:231 Beckwith, Oliver and Lucy Buell both of Orwell at Orwell 18 Apr. 1837 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 11:098 Beckwith, Reed and Polly Harriss both of Orwell at Orwell 27 Mar. 1806 by Wesley Perkins, JP Vol: 4:508 Beecher, Silas of Putnam. N.Y. and Fidelia Cutts of Orwell at Orwell 2 April 1834 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:320 Bennet, Jonathan of Tyconderoga, Essex Co. NY and Polly Felton of Orwell at Orwell 10 May 1807 by Joseph Warner JP Vol: 5:210 Bennett, Daniel B. of Ticonderoga, Essex Co. Ny and Lucy Parks of Orwell at Orwell 26 Jul. 1840 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 11:295 Benson, Orrin and Lydia Mariah Perkins both of Orwell at orwell 15 Mar. 1835 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:383 Black, Robert and Laurenze Howard both of Benson, Rutland Co. at Orwell 16 Aug. 1853 by Roswell Bottum, Justice of the Peace Vol: 12:465 and 466 Blackmer, Ara (Asa?) of Sudbury, Rutland Co. and Lucy Thayer of Orwell at Orwell 8 Nov. 1832 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 Blood, Ephraim and Emeline Woodward both of Orwell at Orwell 13 Feb. 1831 by Edmund Goodnough. Minister Vol: 10:257 Bottom, Roswell and Marion Conkey both of Orwell at Orwell 3 Jul. 1800 by Silvanus Chapin V.D.M. Vol: 2:141 Bottum, Roswell Junr. and Elen Hulburd both of Orwell at orwell 31 Aug. 1820 by Ira Ingraham. Minister Vol: 7:137 recorded by Roswell Bottum Jr. Town Clerk March 21 1834 Bowker, Charles and Olive Ames of Orwell at Orwell 2 Oct. 1816 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 7:105 Bramble, Hiram of Orwell and Ruth North of Shoreham. Addison Co. at Orwell 8 Feb. 1844 by Josephus Sholes JP Vol: 12:471 Bramble, Hiram and Katherine Bennett both of Orwell at Orwell 11 Oct. 1852 by Josephine Sholes, JP Vol: 12:479 Branch, Orson S. and Rhodille Felton both of Orwell at Orwell 24 Jan. 1843 by Ira Young JP Vol: 12:469 Branch, Wait Junr and Abigail Fuller both of Orwell at orwell 19 Feb. 1823 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 8:164 Brewer, Samuel and Eliza M. Bottum both of Orwell at Orwell 13 Jun. 1830 by Sherman Kellogg. Minister. Vol: 11:322 Brinsmaid, James C. of Burlington, Chittenden Co. and Caroline Hull of orwell at orwell 15 Jun. 1846 by Rufus S. Cushman Minister Vol: 12:473 Brokley, Henry of Champlain Ny and Hariet Barber at Orwell 15 Feb 1848 by R.H. Robinson Minister Vol: 12:474 Brown, John and Cynthia Fisher at Orwell 26 Feb. 1832 by David Cutting Jr. JP Vol: 10:212 ("John B." in index) Brown, John F. and Caroline Sanford both of Orwell at Orwell 31 Dec. 1840 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 11:329 Brown, John F. and Pauline White both of Orwell at Orwell 26 Aug. 1843 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 12:469 Brown, Roswell of Whiting. Addison Co. and Sally Squire of Orwell at Orwell 23 Nov. 1813 by Isaac Sawyer Minister Vol: 6:316 Buel, Daniel and Elizabeth Allen both of orwell & Orwell 18 Oct. 1803 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:320 Buell, Amos and Harriet E. Buell both of Orwell at orwell 9 Oct. 1845 by Rufus S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:472 Buell, Daniel B. and Marian A. Abell both of Orwell at Orwell 18 Mar. 1856 by R.S. Cushman. Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:465 Bumingham, Stephen of Fort Ann. Washington Co. NY and Lucena Mason of Orwell at Orwell 22 Sep. 1822 by Samuel Young JP Vol: 8:188 (index says Burningham) Burdock, Robert and Anna Spalding both of Orwell at Orwell 30 Dec. 1810 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 5:348 Burton, Ezra T., M.D. of Charlestown, N.Y. and Laura E. Royce of Orwell at Orwell 7 Feb. 1836 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:451 Bush, Eli and Clarrissa Moutten both of Orwell at Orwell 22 Aug. 1804 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:506 Bush, Horace and Emily D. Rust both of Orwell at Orwell 3 Jan. 1839 by Ira Young JP Vol: 11:199 Bush, Stephen and Polly Squier both of Orwell at Orwell 1 Mar. 1832 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 Campbell, William of North Alburgh, Canada East and Matilda Nichols of Orwell at orwell 26 Oct. 1854 by Roswell Bottum JP Vol: 12:479 Carr, Hosea and Abigail Hubbard both of Orwell at orwell 31 Jan. 1838 by Aaron Anger. Minister Vol: 12:470 Carter, Freeman State of N.Y. and Ellen Barber of Benson at Benson 10 Nov. 1833 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:287 Cary, Bushrod B. M.D. of Racine WI and Jemima B. Downes of Troy NY at Orwell 18 Sept. 1856 by R.S. Cushman Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:465 Cattin, Hosea of Shoreham. Addison Co. and Sally Tracy of Orwell at Orwell 2 Nov. 1802 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:204 Chapin, Erasmus of Williston and Emeline Boynton of Orwell at Orwell 20 Sep. 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 Choate, Hazael of Orwell and Charity Rising of Benson at Benson 31 Jan. 1827 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 9:420; 10:239 Choate, Silas and Saloma Seymour, Both of Orwell at Orwell 5 May 1833 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:257 Clancy?, Benj. of Wisconsin and Sarah A. Tenney of Orwell at Orwell 24 Oct. 1849 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:477 Clark, Daniel W, and Emma E. Bottum at Orwell 6 Jun. 1855 by R.S. Cushman Minister Vol: 12:466 Clark, Moses Jackson and Emily Bottum both of Orwell at Orwell 20 Jan. 1841 by Henry Morris. Minister Vol: 12:468 Collins, Jame and Eveline Pearse both of Orwell at Orwell 10 Apr. 1853 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 12:479 Conant, John A. of Brendon, Rutland Co. and Caroline Hotten of Orwell at Orwell 16 Dec. 1824 by J.W. Sawyer. Minister Vol: 8:256 Cook, Edmund M. and Marcia P. Brown both of Whiting. Addison Co. at orwell 17 Oct. 1855 by R.S. Cushman. Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:464 Cook, Gordon and Adeline Warren both of Orwell at Orwell 9 Jan. 1827 by Roswell Bottum Jr JP Vol: 9:419; 10:239 Cook, Philander of Orwell and Welthy Benson of Benson at Benson 31 Oct. 1830 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:240 Cook, Samuel B.H. and Polly Griswold both of Orwell at Orwell 9 May 1808 by Joseph Warner JP Cool, Charles and Margaret Welch both of Sudbury, Rutland Co. at Orwell 14 Nov. 1855 by R.S. Cushman. Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:464 Cumerford, Peter and Sally Lewis both of Orwell at Orwell 23 Nov. 1832 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:242 Currier, james and Mary Stevens both of Orwell at Orwell 20 Aug. 1833 by Thomas D. Hammond JP Vol: 10:383 Cutting, David and Ruth Slayton both of Orwell at Orwell 27 Apr. 1820 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 8:20 Cutts, Daniel B. of Benson and Lucy Smith of Orwell at Orwell 14 Mar. 1827 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 9:420; 10:239 Cutts, Ira B. and Mary C. Messer both of Orwell at Orwell 31 Jan. 1834 by S.H. Kellog JP Vol: 10:320 ("Messon" in index) Cutts, Lorrain and Emily Murray both of Orwell at Orwell 23 Jan. 1832 by David Cutting Jr. JP Vol: 12:477 Dennis, John and Caroline Keager of Orwell at Orwell 28 Jan. 1848 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:477 Dewey, Horace Mog Georgia VT and Susan K. Hall of Orwell at Orwell 26 May 1850 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:477 Dewey, Silas of Champlain NY and Caroline Clarke of Orwell at Orwell 3 Oct. 1849 by R.S. Cushman, Minister Vol: 12:477 Dodge, Henry L. of San Francisco. CA and Omiza B. Bottum of Orwell at Orwell 2 Dec. 1851 by Azariah Hyde. Minister Vol: 12:478 Dodge, Henry Lee and Onina B. Bottum at Orwell 2 Dec. 1851 by Mr. Azariah Hyde. Minister Vol: 12:467 (compare previous entry) Dougherty, Hugh and Mary Quinn both of Orwell at Orwell at Orwell 10 Oct. 1834 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:347 Dow, Isaiah Junr. and Lodemy Cutting both of Orwell at Orwell 26 Jan. 1812 Downs, John F. of Poultney and Jemima Gillitt of Orwell at Orwell at Orwell 3 Dec. 1812 by David Cutting Junr. JP Vol: 6:062 Ducham, Clement of Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 11;237 1839 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 11;237 both French. he had resided in orwell two or three years (Index says "Joseine Bergau" Dusharm, Peter and Cynthia Brundage both of Orwell at Orwell 22 Oct. 1837 by Roswell Bottum Jr. Jp Vol: 11:119 Dwyer, Jeremiah of Castleton, Rutland Co. and Elizabeth Hibbard of orwell at orwell 16 Dec. 1802 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:204 Eddy, Robert of Moores, Clinton Co. NY and Mary E. Richmond of Orwell at Orwell 31 Oct. 1855 by R.S. Cushman. Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:464 Elilhorp, Anson and Marintha Ackerman both of Orwell at Orwell 24 Apr. 1830 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:240 Entell, (Extell?), Samuel of Middlebury, Addison Co. and Rheea Sterns of Shoreham. Addison Co. at Orwell 15 Sept. 1811 by Pliny Smith, JP Vol: 5:393 Fales, James S. and Mariah L. Strong both of Branden, Rutland Co. at Orwell 15 Aug. 1849 by Josephus Sholes JP Vol: 12:476 Felton, Lloyd of Hubbardton, Rutland Co. and Polly Woodard of Cornwall Addison Co. at Orwell 6 Jan. 1814 by Joab Smith JP Vol: 6:170 Fisher, Aron of Orwell and Elenor Shepard of Shoreham, Addison Co. at Orwell 5 Feb. 1807 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 5:026 Fisher, Freeman and Mary Peebles both of Orwell at orwell 16 Mar. 1806 by Pliny Smith Jp Vol: 4;508 Fisher, Ira and Rosalinda Phelps both of Orwell at Orwell 30 May 1842 by Ira Young JP Vol: 12:469 Fisher, Isaac and Lucy Cutts both of Orwell at Orwell 27 may 1846 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:474 Fisher, Maron J. and Abbie E. Cutts at Orwell 30 Mar. 1852 by R.S. Cushman Minister Vol: 12:466 Fisher, Mason J. and Abboe Cutts both of Orwell 30 Mar. 1852 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:478 (compare previous entry) Fletcher, Champlin M. of Bridport and Adelia Anne Hammond of Orwell at Orwell 4 Oct. 1843 by Dana Lamb, Minister Vol: 12:470 Foot, Elias of Benson and Eunice Lincoln of Orwell at orwell 3 Sept. 1837 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 11:117 and 119 Frost, William P. of Shoreham. Addison Co. and Lucia Clark of Orwell at Orwell 13 Oct. 1830 by Ruluff White 2d JP Vol: 10:211 ("William Penn" in index) Fuller, Absalom and Sibil Humphrey both of Orwell at Orwell 21 Aug., 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 Gale, James G. of Canton N. York and Hannah P. Bottum of Orwell at Orwell 9 Oct. 1855 by R.S. Cushman Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:464 12:467 repeats saying James S. Gale, Nathan of Orwell and Esther Conkey of Orwell at Orwell 8 Jan. 1828 by Sherman kellogg. Minister Vol: 9:145 Galligher, John and Mrs. ? Emilyne Blood both of Orwell at Orwell 20 Apr., 1843 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 12:475 Gibbs, Ithamer of Westhaven. Rutland Co. and Julia white of Orwell at orwell 25 Dec. 1840 by Ruluff white 2d JP Vol: 11:361 Gibson, Josiah and Elizabeth Robinson both of Queensbury, NY, at Orwell 1 Feb. 1856 by R.S. Cushman. Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:464 Gillet, John and Hannah Norton both of Orwell at Orwell 8 Jul. 1832 by R. Bottum Jr JP Vol: 10:241 Goss, Franklin B. of Brandon, Rutland Co. and Laura Raymond of Orwell at orwell 2 Nov. 1834 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:347 Kingsley, Marvin of Kingbury, NY and Melicent Phelps of Orwell at Orwell 18 Dec. 1855 by R.S. Cushman. Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:464 Knox, Henry of Shoreham. Addison Co. VT and Mariah Morgan of Orwell at Orwell 15 Apr. 1827 by Roswell Bottum J. JP Vol: 9:420 (Vol: 10:239 says "Miranda Morgan") Knox, John and Betsey Woodward both of Orwell at Orwell 15 Oct. 1828 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 9:421; 10:240 La Fountain, Edmund and Julia Maligan at Orwell 29 Apr. 1854 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:466 La Roche, Jeremiah and Emma Le Point at Orwell 12 Jun. 1848 by Roswell Bottum Jr JP Vol: 12:475 Larrabee, Alexander and Sarah Williams both of Orwell at orwell 1834 by Aaron Auger Vol: 10:392; 12:470 Lewis, Arad (Azad?) and Nancy Alvira Ainger both of Orwell at Orwell 3 Oct 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 Lewis, Thomas of State of Ioweey and Abigail Wheeler of Castleton. Rutland Co. at Orwell 30 Aug. 1856 by Roswell Bottum JP Vol: 12:467 Lillie, Charles W. of Rutland VT and Sarah V. Parks of Orwell at Orwell 17 Nov. 1850 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:477 Linsley, Nestor and Roxana Wells of Lucerne, N.Y. at Orwell 2 Sept. 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 Long, Virgil and Sally White both of Orwell at Orwell 30 Dec. 1817 by Joseph Werner JP Vol: 8:104 Lothrop, Apollos of Hopkinton, NY and Lydia Bottum or Orwell at Orwell 27 Aug. 1825 by Sherman Kellog. Minister Vol: 9:51 Lyon, Aaron and Rocksey Palmer both of Orwell at Orwell 15 Jul. 1804 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:506 ("Roxana" in Index) Mark?, Lemuel Junr. and Allice Ranney both of Orwell at Orwell 9? Jan. 1800 by Sylvenus Chapin, Pastor of Ch. of Christ Vol: 2:98 Martin, Wheler and Lucena Wright both of Orwell at Orwell 6 Nov. 1803 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:320 Martindale, Benajah and Parmelia Munger both of Orwell at Orwell 2 Dec. 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:240 Mason, George M. of Castleton, Rutland Co. and Lucinda Stevens of Orwell at Orwell 2 May 1841 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 11:346 Mason, Jonathan M. and Polly Robinson both of Orwell at Orwell 14 Nov. 1833 by Aaron Angen Vol: 10:306 McAllister, Isaac or Rocester and Betsey E. Benson of Benson at Benson 16 Mar. 1829 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:240 McAllister, Sydney C. and Josephine Hurbert at Orwell 26 Apr. 1854 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:466 McCather, James and Polly Cook both of Orwell at Orwell 14 Sept. 1828 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 9:421 McCuen, Charles of Hinsburgh, Chittenden Co. and Anna Cooley of Orwell at Orwell 17 Feb. 1818 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 7:105 ("Morse" in index) McEwan, James and Henrietta Willcox both of Orwell at Orwell 2 May 1833 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:257 Perkins, Francis and Lucy Clark both of Orwell at Orwell 17Jan. 1842 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 12:468 Perry, Benjamin of --- and Lucy Martindale of Orwell, both of Vt at Orwell 27 Oct. 1825 by Sherman Kellogg. Minister Vol: 9:50 Perry, John and Electa Clark both of Orwell at Orwell 18 Mar. 1806 Peters, Comfort and Cynthia Peters both of Orwell at Orwell 9 Jun. 1815 by Joab Smith JP Vol: 7:104 Peters, Ezra of Orwell and Lucy Darbe of Benson at Orwell 11 Jul. 1808 by Joab Smith JP Vol: 5:207 Petten, Amos T. and Susannah Smith both of Orwell at Orwell 26 May 1835 by Joab Smith JP Vol: 10:451 Phelps, Erastus and Margaret Hibbard both of Orwell at Orwell 15 Mar. 1827 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:239 Philips, Silas and Welhea Jones both of Orwell at Orwell 7 Aug. 1831 by Ruluff White 2d JP Vol: 10:211 Phinny, Martin of Matukee, Clinton Co. NY and Triphose Hall of Orwell at Orwell 6 Oct. 1803 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:320 (Matukee could be "Hiatukee") Pierce, Charles and Sally Phillips both of Pittsford, Rutland Co. at Orwell 12 Jul. 1835 by Aaron Anger. Minister Vol: 12:470 Plant, Lorenzo and Louisa Hall both of Orwell at Orwell 7 Oct. 1829 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:240 Porter, Ebenezer of Orwell and Hellen Mariah Gates of Shoreham at Orwell 7 Mar. 1825 by Robert Hastings. Minister Vol: 8:478 Porter, Ebenezer of Shoreham, Addison Co. and Electa Sanford of Orwell at Orwell 12 May 1829 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:240 Pulsifer, Amos of Crown Point NY and Edytha King of Orwell at Orwell 27 Jul. 1850 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:477 Quivis, Aaron Halfmoon, N.Y. and Lucinda Moe of Orwell at Orwell 8 Feb. 1831 by Ruluff White 2d JP Vol: 10:211 Ramsdell, David of Shoreham, Addison Co. and Deborah Briggs of Orwell at Orwell 30 Nov. 1817 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 7:231 Raymond, Ira and Laura Martin both of Orwell at Orwell 30 Dec. 1826 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 9:419; Vol. 10:239 says 3 Dec. Raymond, Ira and Adaline Wilson at Orwell 1 Mar. 1853 by R.S. Cushman, Minister Vol: 12:466 and 478 Remely, Wm. R. Cornwall and Julia A. Perkins of Orwell at Orwell 9 Nov. 1848 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:477 Rich, Ezra of Shoreham, Addison Co. and Esther Rich of Orwell at Orwell 26 Feb. 1815 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 6:332 Rich, John T. of Shoreham, Addison Co., and Elizabeth Murray of Orwell at Orwell 13 Oct. 1842 by Kittridge Haven. Minister of Shoreham Vol: 12:467 Rickey, John and Phebe Marshaw both of Orwell at Orwell 5 Jan. 1839 by Ira Young JP Vol: 11:199 Right?, Benjaminand Rebeckah Bass? both of Orwell at Orwell 20 Feb. 1800 by Sylvanus Chapin, Pastor of Ch. of Christ Vol: 2:98 (Benjamin's surname could be "Bight"; Rebeckah's looked like "Ba..") A Benjamin Wright was chosen hog hayward in March 1800.) Spooner, William of Monkton, Addison Co. and Jerusha Lhumaden of Orwell at Orwell 16 Feb. 1815 by Isaac Sawyer. Minister Vol: 6:332 (The index says "Jerusha Lumado") Squire, Hoses and Irena brigs of Orwell at Orwell 26 Jan. 1818 by Pliny Smith Jp Vol: 7:105 Squires, Andrew of Orwell and Hendict Higgins of orwell at Orwell 20 Feb. 1822 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 8:40 ("Harriet" in index) Starks, Edward S. of Benson and Harriet Munger of Orwell at Orwell 19 Jul. 1833 by Roswell Bottum Jr. Jp Vol: 10:258 Stay, John B. Stay b. Chambles Canada, son of John & Caroline (Arabeck) Stay, July Ann Buckway (sic) b. at Crown Point NY. dau. of Brooke & Bulah (Prast?) Brockway Stebbins, Henry of Deerfield, Franklin Co. MA and Mary Ann Little of Orwell at Orwell 8 Nov. 1832 by Bowman Brown, Minister Vol: 10:130 Stedman, Jonathan and Mary S. or L. Wiswell both of Orwell at Orwell 16 --- 1839 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 11:221 (recorded 16 June 1839) Stephens, Cyrus of orwell and Fleveline Manley of Benson at Benson 25 Oct. 1829 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:240 Stetson, Horace and Mariette Cutting both of Orwell at Orwell 29 Jan. 1850 by R.S. Cushman, Minister Vol: 12:477 Stevens, Dyer and Villai Morten both of Orwell at orwell 26 Oct. 1806 by Joab Smith Jp Vol: 5:026 Stevens, Martin and Susanna Webb of Rutland Co. at Orwell 8 Dec. 1808 by Joab Smith JP Vol: 5:207 Stewart, Charles W. of Franklin, MA and Mary H. Young of Orwell at Orwell 4 Sep. 1845 by Rufus S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:472 Stone, Allen A. of Sudbury and Julia Mainard of Orwell at orwell 18 May 1834 by James K. Hyde JP Vol: 10:379 Streaton, Abiram of Windham Ohio and Saryann Smith Or Orwell at Orwell 21 Jul. 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 Stuat, Benjamin, of Orwell and Sarah M. Jones of Moddlebury, Addison Co. at Orwell 19 jan. 1830 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol. 10:240 (Index says "Stewart") Summer, Israel and Zeviah Cushman both of Orwell at Orwell 6 Apr. 1835 by Aaron Auger, Minister Vol: 10:392; 12:470 Supernau?, Sary and Ada Chamberlin (french people) of Orwell at Orwell 21 Nov. 1848 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 12:476 Tanner, George and Betsey Elizabeth (sic) at Orwell 17 Jul. 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. Jp Vol: 10:241 Tatrew, Augustus and Harriet Woolcott of Shoreham at Orwell 20 Nov. 1848 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:477 Thayer, Bernard of Orwell and Phebe A. Bell of Grand Isle at Orwell 25 Apr. 1852 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:478 and 466 which says "Barnard K." Thayer, Wm. R. and Roslinda Seymour both of Orwell at Orwell 15 nov. 1832 by R. Bottum Jr. Jp Vol: 10:241 Thompson, Levi and Huldah Silsby both of Orwell at Orwell 11 Aug. 1810 by Pliny Smith Jp Vol: 5:343 Townshend, Lucius and Lucy Bowker both of Shoreham, Addison Co. at Orwell 2 Mar. 1843 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 12:469 Walker, Frederich B. of Shoreham and Isabel Woodward of orwell at Orwell 29 Dec. 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 Walker, Lucius W. of Whiting, Addison Co. and Ellen G. Hurbut of Orwell at Orwell 16 Sept. 1845 by Rufus S. Cushman, Minister Vol: 12:472 Ward, Joseph a farmer age 41 of Orwell and Lucy Cagle of Orwell at Orwell 29 Oct. 1853 by J.F. Yates Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:465 Warren, Stephen N. and Jeanie A. Royce both of Orwell at Orwell 10 Sept. 1846 by Kittridge haven. Minister of Shoreham VT Vol: 12:467 Warren, William and Hannah Spalding both of Orwell at Orwell 6 Mar. 1803 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:204 Warren, Wm. 2d and Sally Hale both of Orwell at Orwell 23 Dec. 1802 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:204 Watte, Jonas A. and Saraph Goodrich at Orwell 2 Apr. 1855 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:466 Wheeler, Lorenzo of Claremont, N.H. and Polly Guile of Orwell at Orwell 18 Mar. 1832 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241 (Index says "Giles") Whipple, William and Nancy C., Griswold of Whiting at Orwell 5 Jul. 1852 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:478 Whipple, Wm. and Nancy C. Griswold at Orwell 5 Jul. 1852 by R.S. Cushman. Minister Vol: 12:466 White, Albert G. and Caroline C. Fisher both of Orwell at Orwell 28 May 1845 by Absalom Fuller JP Vol: 12:473 White, Alpheus of Orwell and Florilla Foot of Orwell at Orwell 8 Jul. 1821 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 8:40 White, Henry R. and Eliza A. White both of Orwell at Orwell 11 Feb. 1848 by R.H. Robinson. Minister Vol: 12:474 White, John and Rebekah Reynolds both of Orwell at Orwell 20 Nov. 1800 by ilvanus Chapin V.D.M. Vol: 2:141 White, Ruluff and Eunice Lane both of Orwell at Orwell 16 Nov. 1828 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 9:422; 10:240 White, Thomas of Sudbury and Hannah Johmedue(?) of Orwell at Orwell 22 Feb. 1810 by Joab Smith Jp Vol: 5:300 ("Lamado" in index) White, Volney and Lucinda Spaulding both of Orwell at Orwell 24 Apr. 1828 by Ruluff White 2d Jp Vol: 10:211 Whitney, Abel T. o Westhaven, Rutland Co. and Roxana Snow of Orwell at Orwell 29 Jun. 1829 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:240 Wicker, Charles L. and Ellen Royce both of Orwell at Orwell 14 jan. 1848 by R.H. Robinson Minister Vol: 12:475 Wicker, Gustavus and Mary Barber both of Orwell at Orwell 1 Mar. 1836 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:451 Winchester, Amna(?) and Anna Perkins both of Orwell at Orwell 31 Jan. 1826 by Sherman Kellogg, Minister Vol: 9:51 Wisewell, Samuel D. and Lucinday L. Parker both of Orwell at Orwell 5 Jul. 1834 by Roswell Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 12:476 Wiswell, John of Sudbury, Rutlnd Co. and Sally Hale of Orwell at Orwell 16 Jun. 1803 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:320 Wiswell, Peter of Shoreham and Axondrene Monet of Orwell at Orwell Jan. 1850 by R.S. Cushman, Minister Vol: 12:477 Wood, Joseph and Lucinda M. Munger both of Orwellat Orwell 29 Dec. 1844 by Absalom Fuller JP Vol: 12:473 Woodward, Lyman and Hannah White both of Orwell at Orwell 7 Oct. 1804 by Luther Brown JP Vol: 4:506 Woodward, Solomon Jr. and Jane Martindale both of Orwell at Orwell 17 Oct. 1830 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:240 Woolcott, Myron of Crown Point, Essex Co. NY and Trifena Sprague of Shoreham, Addison Co. at Orwell 1 Jan. 1844 by Absalom Fuller JP Vol: 12:471 Wright, Clark and Irena Abel of Orwell at Orwell 26 Apr. 1848 by R.S. Cushman, Minister Vol: 12:477 Wright, Ethan M. and Eliza T. Bottum both of Orwell at Orwell 16 Sep. 1846 by R.S. Cushman, Minister Vol: 12:474 Wright, Hunt of Shoreman and Fanny Ferguson of Starksborough, both of Addison Co. at Orwell 2 Jan. 1823 by Pliny Smith JP Vol: 8:164 (index says "Kent Wright") Wright, John of Whiting and Hannah K. Gile of Orwell at Orwell 13 Aug. 1848 by R.S. Cushman, Minister Vol: 12:477 Wright, see Right Young, Darwin G. and Ellen both of Orwell at Orwell 30 Oct. 1855 by R.S. Cushman, Minister of the Gospel Vol: 12:464 Young, Hiland H. and Eliza F. Cushman both of Orwell at Orwell 10 Sep. 1850 by R.S. Cushman, Minister Vol: 12:477 Young, Ira, Esqr. and Sally C. Young both of Orwell at Orwell 18 Sep. 1831 by R. Bottum Jr. JP Vol: 10:241
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