New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

Revolutionary War Graves of Soldiers
Buried in Chautauqua County, New York

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Graves of Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in Chautauqua County, New York whose graves have been officially reported, located or marked, by the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Please Note: This is a work in progress and we are adding new information and records on a regular basis. if you don't find what you are looking for keep checking back. There is much more data on these soldiers that will be added in the near future.

Revolutionary SoldierBornDiedBuriedRevolutionary ServiceWife
Abel, Thomas 10/9/174910/10/1814Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYPrivate in Battle of Bennington, 1777.-
Adams, William 10/19/17544/1/1841French Creek Cemetery, French Creek, NYEn. Private in Mass. Regt. 1775, Enlisted in Roxbury Mass., Married Anna Walters (Waters) 1787.Anna Walters (Waters)
Allen, Phineas17581851Allen Cemetery, Poland, NY--
Anderson, Samuel--Westfield- Portland Union Cemetery, Westfield, NYNo U.S. Marker-
Annis, Jacob 17611/14/1841Lewis Cemetery, Ellery, NYPrivate-
Atkins, Amos --Picket Cemetery, Charlotte, NYRecord on his tombstone "He was a Revolutionary Soldier"-
Babcock, Jonathan 12/8/17622/16/1842Bemus Point Cemetery, Ellery, NYEn. 4/1/1782 at Stephentown, N.Y., Discharged 12/31/---- at Ft. Plain, N.Y. Applied for pension 1832. Served 9 mos. as Private under Col. Willett, Capt. Pearde. Rebecca died 7/4/1841 age 78 yrs. 7 mos. Buried beside him.
Bacon, Lemuel 176410/6/1844Bemus Point Cemetery, Ellery, NYEn. Easton, Washington County, N.Y., 2/1778, served as Private under Capt. Martin & Col. Warner, N.Y. State Militia, Applied for Pension 2/17/1834, residing Fort Ann, Washington County, N.Y.,1840 Pension List, Father Joseph Bacon.-
Barker, Hezekiah 4/14/17577/5/1834Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYEnlisted at Little Compton, R.I., Served 10 mos. after which he followed the Army of Washington, serving as dispatch carrier.-
Barnes, Daniel 12/4/17621854Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYEnlisted in 1780 at Plymouth Conn.-
Barner, Luther 3/4/17579/30/1844Bemus Point Cemetery, Ellery, NYBorn in Norwich, Conn. Became Minute Man, afterwards Pvt. in Capt. Jesse Huntington's Co., Col. Selden's Regt. Conn. Militia, served 2 years, joined Navy, remaining till end of War. Was taken prisoner. Applied pension 1832, living Chautauqua County. -
Barney, Luther 3/4/1757
Norwich, CT
Ellery, NY
Bemus Point Cemetery, Ellery, NYMinute Man, serving two years, then joined Navy. Served to close of the war.1st Abigail Winship; had 10 children, buried in Genoa, NY.

2nd Ruth Garrison; had 10 children, buried beside him.

Batcheller, Abraham 3/26/17528/14/1832Stockton Cemetery, Stockton, NYCorporal under Capt. Andrew Elliott. Attained rank of Lieutentant.-
Beebee, Amon 17512/21/1830Clymer Cemetery, Chautauqua County, NYPrivate with Mass. Troops. Pension List of 1830.-
Bell, Arthgur2/10/17631830East Ripley Cemetery, Ripley, NY-Married Olive Hungerford May 19, 17_4.
Bemus, William 2/25/17621/2/1830Bemus Point Cemetery, Ellery, NYPrivate, Albany County N.Y. Militia, Van Vegtons Regiment, Woodworths Company.Mary Predergrast, buried beside him.
Benedict, Samuel 7/29/17536/28/1845Ashville Cemetery, Harmony, NY1840 Census of Pensioners.Sarah
Bird, Colonel--Westfield Cemetery, Westfield, NYRevolutionary Pensioner.-
Bovee, Nicholas 1761 or 1759abt. 1840Pomfret Cemetery, Pomfret, NYPrivate, New York State Troops, Pension in 1831.1840 Census of Pensioners.-
Boyd, Joseph 11/5/17593/19/1846Lewis Cemetery, Ellery, NYEnlisted 1780/1 Private Conn. Militia, Pension List, 1840.Married 2/1784 Zerna Williams - 6 children.
Bradley, Lent17511841Westfield Cemetery, Westfield, NYEnlisted at Stockbridge, Mass.-
Brigham, John 17588/21/1828Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYNo record of service. Father and Brother were Revolutionary Soldiers.-
Brigham, Jonathan 10/29/17547/26/1848Mayville Cemetery, Chautauqua, NYMinute Men, also at Battle of Bunker Hill and Saratoga.-
Burnham, Augustus 8/4/17511823Laona Cemetery, Pomfret, NYMarched on Lexington Alarm.-
Campbell, Capt. John1/31/17629/2/1851Clymer Cemetery, Clymer, NYEnlisted Norton, Bristol County, Mass., Enlisted 1/2/1778 Jacob Fuller's Co., Enlisted 3/1/1781 in Lyme, N.H., Pension.Married Abigail and had 3 children.
Carpenter, ---- --Charlotte Cemetery, Charlotte, NYEnlisted in Mass.-
Carter, Elias --Charlotte Cemetery, Charlotte, NYEnlisted 1776 Loominster Mass. with his three sons. Little known of his history.-
Carter, Elisha 1/16/1762 Ma.1833Charlotte Cemetery, Charlotte, NYEnlisted at age of 14 from Mass. going with his father Elias. Pensioner.-
Chamberlain, Phineas9/11/17603/22/1847Townline Cemetery, Harmony, NYEnsign, Hopkinton, Mass.Married 1791 to Rebecca.
Cheney, Ebenezer 9/7/17618/12/1828Kiantone Cemetery, Kiantone, NYEnlisted 1779, and served in Mass. Militia and then Continental Army. Was at Lexington and Bunker Hill.Married Anna Nelson in Mass.
Clark, Caleb --Pickett Cemetery, Charlotte, NYServed 4 yrs. 2 mos. Trenton, Stillwater, and other Battles in New Jersey.-
Cleland, John 17582/16/1827Pickett Cemetery, Charlotte, NYEnlisted 1776 under Col. Willis. Served 2 1/2 years.-
Cleveland, Gardiner 9/25/1763
Pomfret, CT
4/22/1851Clymer Cemetery, Clymer, NYEnlisted Pomfret, CT 1/1/1781, Pvt., Capt. Elisha Hopkins Co., Col. Samuel Webb's Regt. trans. Capt. Lemuel Cliff's Co. under Alexander Hamilton, at siege of Yorktown, discharged 10/1783; pension granted 1812.1st wife Mary Holmes, 3 children; 2nd wife Huldah Deming; no children.
Coe, John 9/20/1757/82/19/1846Red Bird Cemetery, Ellery, NYBorn Southbury, Conn. Enlisted June 1776, Pension List of 1840.Married Connie. Johnson, 10 children
Cole, Seth1756before 1812Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYEnlisted in May and Sept. 17?7. Two other enlistments-
Cole, Seth 1756 or 1758-Old Ferdonia Cemetery, Pomfret, NYEnlisted May 1777, 3 enlistments.-
Comstock, Martin L. 8/1/1757-Busti Cemetery, Busti, NYPrivate-
Coney, John 17831838Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYServed two years in the Continental Army and in Govebnment enploy to close of war. Married Lovina Paterson in Palmer Mass.
Couch, William--Westfield- Portland Union Cemetery, Westfield, NY--
Crawford, Andrew 17615/28/1839Lakeview Cemetery, Jamestown, NYPrivate, Applied for pension 4/13/1818.-
Crosby, Simon 17641/25/1837Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYEnlisted Sept. 29, 1777, Served with Conn. Troops as Private, discharged 1783.-
Davis, Paul, Col.11/10/176012/28/1826Falconer Cemetery, Ellicott, NYEnlisted Meridan Mass. Minute Man. At Lexington, Bunker Hill. Military Cec. Washingtons Staff. At Valley Forge, Yorktown.-
Davis, Samuel 175612/26/1834Magnolia Cemetery, Chautauqua, NYServed as Drummer from Stockbridge, Mass. with Minute Men at Lexington, drum major - 1780 under Capt. John Chadwick.Married Ruth Holley, no known children.
Delameter, Benjamin 6/1/17624/26/1832Old Cemetery, Jamestown -Private, Born Amenia, Dutchess County, N.Y. Married Sarah Gifford - 1 child, Married Isabel Later removed to Beverly - 9 children. Lakewood Cemetery
Deming, Daniel 3/28/176210/28/1828Stockton Cemetery, Stockton, NYPrivate-
Dickson, Robert--East Ripley Cemetery, Ripley, NY--
Dix, Joseph 7/7/17539/16/1822Lake View Cemetery, Jamestown, NY -or- Pickett Cemetery, Charlotte, NYEnlisted Sturbridge; Minute Men at Battle of Lexington.Sarah Fisher
Dunn, Capt. James 176110/23/1838Portland Cemetery, Portland, NY--
Durand, Fiske17664-18-1841Westfield Cemetery, Westfield, NYEnlisted as Drummer Boy, Milford, Connecticut.-
Ely, William 17524/6/1838unknownPrivate Conn. Militia.Married Hannah Barker, daughter born in 1783.
Fenton, Adonijah 17542/4/1844Magolia Cemetery, Chautauqua, NYEnlisted May 1775, Conn. served 3 years, 6 months with rank of Corporal & Sergeant. Pension List 1840.Married Drusilla Hinckley, 3 children.
Fenton, Jacob 17651/21/1822Fluvanna Cemetery, Ellicott, NYBorn Mansfield, Conn. Continental Army, Served till end of War. Married Lois Hurd of New Milford, Conn., 9 13 179-, 8 children.
Fenton, Nathaniel17641/25/1846Allen Cemetery, Poland, NYEnlisted at 17 for the war. Pensioner.-
Fish, Cyrus 17621/25/1816Lake View Cemetery, Jamestown, NYEnlisted Stonington, Conn. served as drummer; enlisted again 1780 as fifer. Married Bridget Jones at Groton, Conn. Had a large family.
Fitch, Roswell 12/7/1765after 1841Webster Street Cemetery, Pomfret, NYEnlisted Dec. 17, 1782 in Connecticut Troops under Josiah Bissell, Col. Levi Wells Regt. Taken Prisoner at Horse Neck. Confined in Sugar House N.Y. until 1783.-
Fox, Varnish --West Main Street Cemetery, Pomfret, NY--
Fox, Veniah 17632/2/1851West Main Street Cemetery, Pomfret, NYEnlisted at East Hartford, Connecticut, Was present at surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. Pension List of 1840.-
Frank, Lawrence 17474/6/1813Frank Settlement Cemetery, Busti, NYBorn on Frankfort, NY, Enlisted in Army and served in Col. Renssalear's Regiment, Taken Prisioner & confined aboard ship in N.Y. Harbor. As a child was captured by Indians. Held 3 yrs. in Canada. Married Mary Meyers who is buried beside him.
Gates Luther 1761Sept. 1826Fredonia Cemetery, Pomfret, NYEnlistedfrom Windham, Ct. Pensioner. Came to Dunkirk in 1819.-
Gleason, Jacob 7/23/176810/12/1842Sinclairville Cemetery, Charlotte, NYEnlisted with Connecticut Troops in 1782, serving 2 years.-
Gogle, Joseph-1825Chautauqua County, NY--
Goldsmith, James 17592/20/1837Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYThree enlistments, serving until June 1783.-
Griffith, Jeremiah 7/28/17586/10/1842Fluvanna Cemetery, Ellicott, NYBorn in Norwich, Connecticut. Enlisted 1775. Married Mary Crapsey (?) and had 6 children.
Gugle, Joseph -1825Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYPrivate - Was in adventure of capture of British General Prescott.-
Hamlin, Cyrus17531841Poland, NY--
Hazeltine, Daniel 12/20/17616/26/1828Lake View Cemetery, Jamestown, NYBorn in Mendon, Mass. Enlisted Continental Army 10/27/1779. served 5 mo. 25 days Private, Capt. Ephraim Hartwell's Company.Married Susanna Jones.
Hempstead, Nathaniel17481/23/1841Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYAttained rank of Captain. On his Tombstone "A Soldier of the Revolution".-
Hitchcock, Abijah17594/9/1844Ellington Cemetery, Ellington, NY--
Hill, Zimri 176211/15/1843Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYNo record of Service obtained, although his tombstone is marked "Was a Revolutionary Soldier".-
Hollister, David 17557/15/1843Ashville Cemetery, Harmony, NYWas a resident of Glastonbury, Connecticut at the time of Enlistment in 1775. Married Sarah Goodrich 1/26/1780.
Hood, William 17628/8/1858Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYEnlisted Rhode Island as a Private. Ulster Militia Col. Levi Laulings Regt. Granted Pension.-
House, David--Westfield- Portland Union Cemetery, Westfield, NY--
Johnson, Nathaniel 176310/31/1826Sinclairville Cemetery, Charlotte, NYWas at Battle of Saratoga and Surrender of Burgoyne.-
Jones, John17441826Hatch Cemetery, Busti, NYEnlisted 1875, Apr. 19 as "Minute Man" in Capt. Wm. Jennisons Co. Tyler Commanding. Enlisted 1776, serving until end of war. Abagail Cheney buried beside him.
Kane, Peter -1/7/1818Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, NYA Revolutionary Soldier also War of 1812.-
Landon, Reuben 3/28/175711/23/1854Hatch Cemetery, Busti, NY17th Regt. Connecticut State Militia.-
Light, John -1827Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYSeven years in the Continental Army.-
Look, Elijah 3/27/17528/27/1852Bentons Corners, Stockton, NYPrivate, Engaged in Capture of British ship at Nantucket. Also in Recapturing American Brig grounded on Marthas Vineyard.-
Loucks, Joseph17544/30/1825Fluvanna Cemetery, Ellicott, NY--
Lowell, Willoughby5/17496/17/1823Lamberton Cemetery, Portland, NYEnlisted May 9, 1775. Served in Continental 3rd Regt. under Corp. Roger Enos. Married Sally Saloan.
Marsh, Jasper17584/30/1841Kiantone Cemetery, Kiantone, NYEnlisted June 7, 1778 in Captain Wm. Warrens 10th Mass. Battalion. Pension List 1825 - 1841.-
Martin, Aaron17602/18/1842Kiantone Cemetery, Kiantone, NY--
Martin, William17535/20/1825Fluvanna Cemetery, Ellicott, NY--
Mather, Stephen17586/7/1837Clear Creek Cemetery, Ellington, NY-Elizabeth, buried beside him.
Moore, Asa17621848Kiantone Cemetery, Kiantone, NYMinute Man at Lexington and Bunker Hill. Served through war.-
Moore, King 17624/15/1837Old Fredonia Cemetery, Pomfret, NYMatross.-
Munson, Samuel 7/9/17622/27/1841Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYEnlisted from Southington, CT. 5 Enlistments. Married Martha Barnes Feb. 3, 1784 in Hartford Co., Ct.-
Nichole, Jonathan--East Ripley Cemetery, Ripley, NY--
Parker, Benjamin176511/7/1843Bemus Point Cemetery, Ellery, NY-Mary Davis, buried beside him.
Parker, Samuel --Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYNo Record.-
Penfield, Samuel1763A8/24/1851Westfield Cemetery, Westfield, NY--
Peters, Joe Phelps 11/7/17619/21/1843Brocton Cemetery, Portland, NYEnlisted from Hebron, Ct. Pensioner. Married 4/8/1794 in Pittstown, NY.
Phelps, Jonathan 2/1/17649/26/1857Fredonia Cemetery, Pomfret, NYMarried Aug. 14, 1784 to Charity Beckwith in East Haddam, Ct.Enlisted from Lyme, Ct. Mariner on Privateer Marshall, Capt. Shofield Commanding, Seige of Yorktown.-
Pickard, John17608/30/1827Red Bird Cemetery, Ellery, NYEnlisted near Johnstown 1770, Served under Col. Klock. Made prisoner by Indians.Maria, buried beside him.
Pier, Levi 6/3/1754March 1826Elias Jenner Farm, Busti, NYMinute Man under Capt. Goodrich at Battle of Bennington.-
Potter, Jeremiah, Captain4/17/1765 R.I.8/12/1812Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYCaptain, Married Polly Barnes 11/9/1782 in Herkimer County, NY-
Randall, Jenas 9/8/1756-Blockville Cemetery, Blockville, NYPrivate, enlisted 7/1/1780 to 1780 in 21st Connecticut Regiment. Lived in Voluntown, Conn.-
Rhodes, John--Fluvanna Cemetery, Ellicott, NY--
Rice, Peletiah--Westfield- Portland Union Cemetery, Westfield, NY--
Risley, Elijah 12/1/17571/11/1839Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYNo record of Military Service has been obtained; family records show he was granted a pension.-
Rood, Jeremiah 17531830Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYPrivate, Connecticut Troops, Mentioned on Pension List of 1818.-
Rood, Joseph 5/7/17503/31/1843Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYResponded to call of Lexington, hired substitute for $119. Applied for Pension in 1838.-
Rumsey, David1/23/17596/22/1849Westfield Cemetery, Westfield, NY--
Schofield, Wm. 17649/26/1851Lewis Cemetery, Ellery, NY--
Scofield, Seeley17586/15/1845Dewittville Cemetery, Busti, NYEnlisted at the age of 18. Served six years first in, Conn. Militia, Capt. Ten Eyck, Conn. Light Infantry, Last in Webbs Regiment.-
Seaver, Robert 7/3/17627/31/1836Charlotte Cemetery, Charlotte, NYWas in Washington's Army and under Lafayette when Cornwallis surrendered.-
Seymour, Wm. 11/15/175412/22/1842Old Fredonia Cemetery, Pomfret, NYMarried Sarah Patrick Mar. 20, 1783 in Stillwater, NY. Deacon. 4 Enlistments.-
Shattuck, Samuel 9/18/17419/1/1827Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYWas at Bunker Hill, Bennington, Yorktown. Married Chloe Field.
Sinclair, Samuel 5/10/17622/8/1827Evergreen Cemetery, Charlotte, NYEnlisted when 15 years old with two brothers. Was at Battle of Saratoga, at Valley Forge and with Sullivan's Expedition in 1779. 17 Children.
Smiley, John B. 5/18/1763-Palmiter Cemetery, Busti, NYEnlisted Badminster, N.J. Feb. 2, 1836 applied for pension. Born in Ireland. Wife buried at Lansing N.Y.-
Smiley, William17551825Fluvanna Cemetery, Ellicott, NY-Hannah, born 1760, died 1832, buried beside him.
Smith, Ebenezer 10/4/17347/6/1824Stockton Cemetery, Stockton, NYEnlisted as Private Sept. 23, 1777. Discharged Sept. 29, 1777. Was a Baptist Minister, ordained at 19, preached 72 years.-
Smith, Israel abt. 176312/6/1836Laona Cemetery, Pomfret, NYEnlisted in May 1781 to Sept. 1783, serving as Private.-
Stearns, William17542/18/1834Kiantone Cemetery, Kiantone, NYAttained rank of Captain Minute Man, and at Boston when British evacuated.-
Stedman, Levi175810/26/1834Pleasantville Cemetery, Busti, NY--
Stetson, Oliver--East Ripley Cemetery, Ripley, NY--
Taylor, Reuben 2/8/17593/9/1833Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYFour Enlistments. Pension continue to his widow. Married Anna Skinner 1784 Hebron, CT.
Thompson, Reuben 9/5/1762-Pioneer Cemetery, Pomfret, NYFour Enlistments, attained rank offifer. Granted a Pension, mentioned in Pension List of 1840.-
Tracy, Elias17635/24/1848Allen Cemetery, Poland, NYServed in Col. Chapmans Regiment. Pensioner.-
Tucker, Capt. Samuel5/10/176010/14/1832Portland Cemetery, Portland, NYEnlisted in 1776, serving 6 years. Attained rank of Captain. Stood in line at the hanging of Major Andre. Married Anne Logan.
Turner, Asa 6/14/176511/27/1847Stockton Cemetery, Stockton, NYSix enlistments. Became a Baptist Minister, preaching at Pleasant Valley many years. Mentioned in the Pension List of 1840.-
Walker, Lewis 17251826Brockton Cemetery, Brockton, NYPrivate-
Waterbury, Samuel17613/1/1834Pleasantville Cemetery, Busti, NY--
Webster, Elisha --Webster Street Cemetery, Pomfret, NYNo Record of Service ascertained but family records say he was a Revolutionary Soldier.-
Wellman, Barnabus 17661847Wellman Cemetery, Busti, NYServed 4 yrs. 8 mos. in Conn. Regt. May 15, 1818 applied for pension. Wife Lois buried beside him.
Whitney, Richard1759
Pittsfield, CT
2/4/1844Magnolia Cemetery, Chautauqua, NYSaid to be in Continental Army.Ruth, died Oct. 28, 1851.
Wilcox, Stephen 17629/15/1846Busti, NYDutchess Militia, Hancocks Co. Name appears on pay-roll 9/23/1778 when he was 16.-
Williams, Daniel 17592/14/1846Clymer Cemetery, Clymer, NYWounded at Battle of Saratoga losing two fingers. Served under Col. Ezra May and Capt. Benjamin Bonny. His wife buried beside him.
Wing, Daniel --Clymer Cemetery, Clymer, NYSoldier of Revolution.-
Woodward, John8/7/17576/12/1845Riverside Cemetery, Poland, NYEnlisted in Jan. 1776 and served 4 years, the last in Col. Sprouts R.Sally Galloway
Woodward, Joshua17557/10/1844Allen Cemetery, Poland, NYConn. Militia under Col. Colt.-
Wright, Reuben174_Apr. 1841Westfield Cemetery, Westfield, NY--
Young, Samuel--Dewittville Cemetery, Busti, NY--

Note: Old Fredonia Cemetery and Pioneer Cemetery must be the same cemetery as the earlier Revolutionary War Soldier burial records indicate Old Fredonia Cemetery, and later records of the same soldiers indicate Pioneer Cemetery. Lynn Tooley, Compiler.

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