New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

1847 - 1848
Marriage Records, Town of Barker
Broome County, New York

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1847 Barker, N.Y. Marriages

						Res. of		Res. of					Age of	Age of
Date	Groom and Bride				Groom		Bride		Minister		Groom	Bride
Feb. 16	Charles Gaylord & Polly Lull		Barker		Barker		K. Elwell		37	35
Mar. 16	Chauncey & Caroline Tarbox		Sanford		Barker		-			25	22
May 7	Willis Gregory & Frances Beach		Marcelus	Barker		-			30	23
-	Leander Hillard & Abigail Cluff		Triangle	Triangle	Mr. Woodruff		-	-
June 6	John Vincent & Jane Blackman		Truxton		Linklaen	Townsend Bagley		23	18
June 13	John Satchwell & Ann Hatfield		Barker		Union		Rev. Kelsey		60	53
Oct. 1	Simon Terwilleger & Dorcas Ellerson	Greene		Barker		T. J. Cole		24	23
Oct. 17	Nathan Ford & Sarah Waite		German		Barker		T. J. Cole		24	19

1848 Barker, N.Y. Marriages

July 22	David Shepard & Julia Holland		Smithboro	Barker		Townsend Bagley		-	-
July 22	Moses Palmer & Elvira Taylor		Barker		Chenango	Townsend Bagley		-	-
Sept. -	Lyman White & Hannah Wallace		Barker		Chenango	Rev. Powell of Barker	-	-
Nov. 8	Barney Chambers & Charlotte Parsons	Chenango	Barker		William Woodruff	- 	-
Nov. 9	Amos King & Samantha Albino		Barker		Chenango	Thomas Cole		24	21
Dec. 10	David Shattuck & Hannah Crofts		Greene		Triangle	John Miller		25	16
Dec. 28	Daniel Low & Emily Tremain		Barker		Greene		E. L. Jacobs		23	20
Dec. -	Lewis Seymour & Rebecca Baker		Binghamton	Chen. Forks	Rev. Powell Barker	-	-
Barker New York Vital Records

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