1792 - 1802 Marriage Records
Presbyterian Church
Town of New Hartford
Oneida County, New York
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The Following Persons Have Been Married By Me, Dan Bradley.
- STANCLIFT, Lemuel and Mehetabel, Feb. 23, 1792.
- GREENLEY, Timothy and Ruth, Mar. 29, 1792.
- SHEPHERD, Jered and Panthia, Apr. 8, 1792.
- WADSWORTH, Thomas and Lidia, Apr. 19, 1792.
- HIGBY, James and Abigail, May 31, 1792.
- WHITE, Benjamin and Abigail, June 3, 1792.
- BARNARD, Moses and Anna, June 7, 1792.
- WINSHIP, William M. and Anna, July 9, 1792.
- ALLEN, Daniel and Olive, Aug. 9, 1792.
- MATTHEWS, Edmond and Anna, Aug. 30, 1792.
- SMITH, Simeon and Sarah, Aug. 30, 1792.
- BLAKESTON, Edward and Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1792.
- ROOT, Oliver and Tenta, Sept. 17, 1792.
- CLARK, Wessen and Betsey, Sept. 27, 1792.
- MIX, Giles and Mary, Oct. 4, 1792.
- WALDO, Fredrick and Miriam, Oct. 11, 1792.
- RITCHCOOK, Ebenezer and Ebettey, Oct. 23, 1792.
- FURGESON, James and Sally, Dec. 13, 1792.
- WRIGHT, Thomas and Sibil, Dec. 19, 1792.
- JONES, William C. and Rebeckah, Dec. 27, 1792.
- THOMAS, Lyre and Elizabeth, Dec. 27, 1792.
- MOODY, Adonijah and Polly, Dec. 27, 1792.
- PRENTIS, Samuel and Millisent, Jan. 1, 1793.
- PARSONS, Aaron and Jane, Feb. 22, 1793.
- TILLITSON, Matthew N. and Asenath, Mar. 3, 1793.
- WHIGHT, Samuel and Ginne, Mar. 7, 1793.
- LILLIE, Samuel and Hannah, Mar. 13, 1793.
- WEBB, Nathan and Polly, Mar. 14, 1793.
- BISHOP, Thomas L. and Ruby, Apr. 14, 1793.
- RUST, Elijah and Eunice, Apr. 21, 1793.
- CHAMBERLAIN, Rufus and Anna, June 6, 1793.
- TILLITSON, Adonijah and Mary, July 14, 1793.
- WADSWORTH, Timothy and Lidia, Aug. 4, 1793.
- GAGE, James and Polly, Sept. 10, 1793.
- HOLT, Isaac and Betsey, Oct. 17, 1793.
- COON, Barnard and Leusinah, Oct. 24, 1793.
- BREWER, William and Lucy, Nov. 28, 1793.
- POOL, Hudson and Esther, Dec. 3, 1793.
- JEWIT, Samuel and Sally, Dec. 29, 1793.
- MORGAN, Hezekiah and Eliphal, Jan. 13, 1794.
- HARNS, Oliver and Ruth, Jan. 23, 1794.
- FASSET, John and Sally, Mar. 21, 1794.
- LUSK, Salmon and Betsey, Mar. 21, 1794.
- COOK, Lyman and Anne, May 1, 1794.
- HOWARD, James and Patience, May 1, 1794.
- BACON, Elijah and Ruth, May 15, 1794.
- GOODRICH, Job and Hannah, June 5, 1794.
- GILLET, Timothy and Sally, June 26, 1794.
- NORTON, Zenus and Mary, Nov. 13, 1794.
- PACKARD, Jared and Hannah, Mar. 7, 1795.
Record of Persons married by Joshua Johnson.
Pastor of the first Church in Whitestown.
- CONGDON, Joseph and Rhoda BAILEY, both of Whitestown, Dec. 8, 1796.
- HOWARD, Smith and Rhoda BABBOT, both of Paris, Dec. 22, 1796.
- MCCLEAN, William and Sukey WILLIAMS, both of Whitestown, Feb. 5, 1797.
- BARNS, Roswell of Pompey and Wd Hannah WRIGHT of Whitestown, Feb. 6, 1797.
- ANDREWS, Ashbel and Wdo Sybel TURNER, Mar. 12, 1797.
- BUTLER, John and Polly TODD, both of Paris, Mar. 12, 1797.
- HIGBY, Enoch and Anna HOLBERT, Apr. 8, 1797.
- DAVIS, Jonathan and Lina CLARK, both of Paris, May 11, 1797.
- GOODENO, Peter and Polly MINER, both of Whitestown, May 21, 1797.
- HILL, Asa and ---- DAVIS, both of Paris, Nov. 9, 1797.
- CHADWICK, Nathan and Eunice RUSSEL, both of Whitestown, Nov. 18, 1797.
- MORRIS, Benjamin and Lucy BUTLER, both of Whitestown, Dec. 30, 1797.
- SANGER, Richard and Rachel BUTLER, both of Whitestown, Dec. 30, 1797.
- CODY, Daniel of Marcellus and Hannah MANLY of Whitestown, Jan. 11, 1798.
- COOLEY, Seth and Elizabeth WINSHOP, both of Paris, Jan. 13, 1798.
- DAVIS, Ephraim and Deborah CROOK, both of Paris, Jan. 18, 1798.
- NICHOLS, Samuel and Hannah GILBERT, both of Paris, Feb. 12, 1798.
- PURPLE, Ancel of Burlington and Dolla SMITH of Whitestown, Feb. 19, 1798.
- STEDMAN, Isaac and ---- MCCOY, both of Paris, Mar. 5, 1798.
- PORTER, Elias and Betsey BAILEY, both of Whitestown, Apr. 4, 1798.
- WILLET, Doct. ---- and Caty DAWSON, both of Utica, May 25, 1798.
- POTTER, Levi and Betsey HEWETT, both of Paris, June 10, 1798.
- ----, June 14, 1798.
- FISK, Jonathan and Molley ARNOLD, both of Whitestown, Oct. 4, 1798.
- PRIOR, Daniel and ---- BABBOT, both of Paris, Jan. 1, 1799.
- WING, Ebenezer and Eunice HILL, both of Whitestown, Jan. 2, 1799.
- WHITNEY, Nathaniel and Deborah EAMES, both of Whitestown, Jan. 3, 1799.
- MAY, Richard and Cina SAYLES, both of Whitestown, Jan. 6, 1799.
- COMAN, Windsor and ---- SMITH, both of Whitestown, Jan. 27, 1799.
- EVANS, Hugh and Jerusha CONE, both of Whitestown, Feb. 14, 1799.
- COE, Nathan and Jerusha COE, both of Paris, Feb. 18, 1799.
- HOWARD, Samuel and Roxanna SAVAGE, both of Paris, Feb. 25, 1799.
- NEWCOMB, Hezekiah of Springfield and ---- ----, May 16, 1799.
- LANE, Daniel and Sarah DENISON, both of Whitestown, Aug. 7, 1799.
- CLAYES, Ezra and Lydia HILL, both of Whitestown, Mar. 2, 1800.
- DICKINSON, Moses and Mr. Jacob HART's Daughter, Nov. 14, 1802.