New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1795 - 1817 Death Records
Congregational Church
Town of Paris
Oneida County, New York

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1795 - 1817 DEATHS

During the ministry of J. Waters a record is kept of the decease of the members of the Church, and of the persons baptised by a note annexed to their respective names.

Note. Twice before attention has been called to mistakes made by Rev. Eliphalet Steele, in bringing down the totals. The most serious mistake of all occurs on this page; an addition of 200 deaths. It seems curious to us of the present day, that these old record keepers (although they must have thumbed their records year in and year out, month by month and day by day) never thought to look for their mistakes. Furthermore it is painfully true, that the modern local historian will confidently report that there were 390 deaths in this congregation at the close of the year 1814.