New Horizons Genealogy
Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley
1859 - 1865 Baptisms
Calvary Episcopal Church
City of Utica
Oneida County, New York
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1859 - 1865 Baptisms in Calvary Episcopal Church, Utica, NY, by Rev. A. B. Goodrich.
1859 Baptisms
- Aug. 23 - Josephine Treat VanVorst, dau of James & Elizabeth L. VanVorst b. July 2, 1859
- Sept. 25 - Marietta Lucretia Woodruff, dau of Abel L. & Elizabeth Woodruff b. Oct. 31, 1858
- Sept. 25 - Edward William Parker, son of Joseph & Mary A. Parker b. July 16, 1859
- Sept. 25 - Jane Long, dau of Robert & Eliza Long b. Feb. 25, 1859
- Sept. 25 - John Filmer Crump, son of Joab & Mary A. Crump b. May 10, 1859
- Oct. 9 - Ida May Clark, dau of Richard & Margaret Clark b. May 1859
- Nov. 5 - Mary Ann Matilda England, dau of Wm. & Mary Ann England b. Aug. 17, 1859
- Nov. 22 - Caroline Louisa Rogers, dau of Nathan & Jane A. Rogers - adult
- Dec. 23 - Laura Smith, adopted dau of Augustus & Sarah E. Boyce
- Dec. 23 - Mary Jane Warwick, dau of John P. & Mary A. Warrick b. Nov. 29, 1855
- Dec. 23 - Emma Louise Warwick, dau of John P. & Mary A. Warrick, b. Dec. 6, 1858
1860 Baptisms
- Apr. 2 - Ella Weaver, adopted child of Richard & Margaret Weaver
- Apr. 2 - Cythia Bartlett Williams - adult age 28 yrs
- Apr. 2 - Caroline Barnum - adult age 38 yrs
- Apr. 2 - Louise Camp Brown - adult age 25 yrs
- May 6 - Sarah Elizabeth Lewis, dau of Lewis & Mary Lewis b. Dec. 21, 1859
- May 27 - Sarah Jane Wright - adult
- Jun. 3 - Clara Ashcroft Howarth, dau of James & Ann Howarth b. Sep. 22, 1859
- Jun. 3 - Wm. Frederick Evans, son of Charles & Emma Evans b. Feb. 17, 1857
- Jun. 3 - Charlotte Phoebe Evans, dau of Charles & Emma Evans b. March 16, 1860
- Jun. 3 - Charles Hands Sabine, son of Alfred & Mary Sabine b. March 17, 1860
- Jun. 3 - William George Hill, son of George & Mary Hill b. July 12, 1854
- Jun. 3 - Charles Henry Hill, son of George & Mary Hill b. Aug. 21, 1856
- Jun. 3 - Mary Amelia Hill, dau of George & Mary Hill b. Feb. 15, 1856
- Jul. 19 - Henrietta C. Hall - adult
- Jul. 19 - Frances L. Brown - adult
- Jul. 19 - Jennie Ann Mott - adult
- Jul. 19 - Mary Anna Monroe - adult
- Jul. 19 - Mary Ann Meyers - adult
- Jul. 22 - Nicoll Floyd, son of Nicholl & Cornelia Floyd b. July 7, 1859
- Jul. 26 - Jane Purcell - adult
- Jul. 26 - Julius A. Hall - adult
- Sep. 2 - Catherine Agnes Dent, dau of Wm. & Jane Dent b. Dec. 1, 1849
- Sep. 2 - Maria Ann Dent, dau of Wm. & Jane Dent b. Aug. 29, 1851
- Sep. 2 - Sarah Eleanor Dent, dau of Wm. & Jane Dent b. Apr. 26, 1852
- Sep. 2 - Mathew Francis Dent, son of Wm. & Jane Dent b. Dec. 18, 1854
- Sep. 2 - Sophia Luce Dent, dau of Wm. & Jane Dent b. Aug. 6, 1857
- Sep. 2 - Mary Medora Boyd, dau of Lewis & Mary A. Boyd b. Apr. 9, 1860
- Sep. 2 - Jennie Estelle Bushnell, dau of Henry I. & Margaret Bushnell b. Aug. 23, 1859
- Sep. 23 - Martha Asenath Barnum - adult b. Apr. 30, 1844
- Sep. 23 - James Edgar Barnum, son of Levi & Caroline Barnum b. Jan. 14, 1848
- Sep. 23 - Levi Orris Barnum, son of Levi & Caroline Barnum b. Dec. 21, 1850
- Sep. 23 - Thomas Homer Barnum, son of Levi & Caroline Barnum b. Jan. 28, 1852
- Sep. 23 - Erastus Wilcox Barnum, son of Levi & Caroline Barnum b. Feb. 15, 1854
- Sep. 23 - Ella Finn, dau of Francis & Amelia Finn b. Aug. 19, 1860
- Sep. 30 - Walter John Welch, son of John & Minerva Welch b. Mar. 23, 1860
- Nov. 12 - Henry Sharp - adult
1861 Baptisms
- Feb. 10 - Mary Louise Wood, dau of James & Mary Wood
- Feb. 10 - George Arthur Townsend, son of Homer & Emily Townsend
- Mar. 31 - Anna Maria Boyce - adult
- Mar. 31 - Julia Lyons Boyce- adult
- Mar. 31 - Emily Louisa Boyce - adult
- Mar. 31 - Susan Maria Brownell - adult
- Mar. 31 - Mary Eliza Brownell - adult
- May 19 - Wm. Winne Griffiths, son of Wm. & Mary Frances Griffiths b.Apr. 17, 1853
- May 19 - Nellie Davenport Griffiths, dau of Wm. & Mary F. Griffiths b. Mar. 23, 1858
- May 19 - Anna Louisa Morgan, dau of Thomas & Frances Morgan b. Nov. 14, 1855
- May 19 - Julia Elizabeth Morgan, dau of Thomas & Frances Morgan b. Apr. 12, 1857
- May 19 - Charles Edward Morgan, son of Thomas & Frances Morgan b. Jan. 21, 1861
- May 19 - John Edwin Ashmore, son of George & Esther Ashmore b. June 13, 1860
- May 19 - Henry Harbiage, son of Elijah & Mary Harbiage b. Apr. 14, 1855
- May 19 - Emma Sophia Harbiage, dau of elijah & Mary Harbiage b. June 14, 1857
- May 19 - Georgiann Elizabeth Stone, dau of Wm. & Mary Stone b. Dec. 26, 1860
- May 19 - Charles Thomas Downs, son of Wm. H. & Sarah Downs b. Nov. 4, 1860
- May 19 - Alice Jane James, dau of John & Julia James b. Feb. 13, 1859
- May 19 - Ida May James, dau of John & Julia James b. Apr. 5, 1855
- Aug. 11 - Abby Jane Clark, dau of Richard & Margaret Clark b. May 13, 1861
- Aug. 25 - Charles Rogers, son of Charles L. Rogers b. July 25, 1860
- Sep. 25 - Edward Warrington Pollard, son of John & Ann Eliza Pollard b. Apr. 25, 1858
- Oct. 13 - Henry Alonzo LaPaugh,s on of Nicholas C. & Sarah A. LaPaugh b. dec. 11, 1862
- Oct. 13 - Herbert Benedict Williams, son of Eduard & Mary Williams b. July 20, 1861
- Nov. 10 - Fanny Jane Slade, dau of Samuel & Sarah Slade b. June 10, 1861
- Nov. 10 - Annie Mary Slade, dau of Samule & Sarah Slade b. March 10, 1861
- Nov. 10 - John Edwin Piper, son of John Jas. & Ellen Piper b. June 13, 1860
- Nov. 10 - William Trimbey, son of Henry & Maria Trimbey b. Apr. 25, 1852
- Nov. 10 - Sarah Ann Barker, dau of Joseph & Maria Barker b. Apr. 20, 1856
- Nov. 10 - Emma Jane Barker, dau of Joseph & Maria Barker b. Apr. 20, 1850
- Dec. 1 - Sophia Elizabeth Horseley, dau of Wm. & Jane Horseley b. Oct. 13, 1861
- Dec. 1 - Ann Eliza Hill, dau of George & Mary Hill b. May 27, 1861
- Dec. 1 - Eliza Jane Silcox, dau of Henry & Mary Silcox b. Feb. 4, 1854
- Dec. 1 - Mary Elizabeth Silcox, dau of Henry & Mary Silcox b. April 5, 1857
- Dec. 1 - Wm. Henry Silcox, son of Henry & Mary Silcox b. Nov. 19, 1861
- Dec. 1 - Richard Conkling - adult
- Dec. 1 - Josephine Castleman - adult
- Dec. 1 - Elmira Jane Allen - adult
- Dec. 1 - Laura Anna Allen - adult
- Dec. 1 - Hattie Maria Austin - adult
- Dec. 1 - Phillip Samuel Perry - adult
- Dec. 1 - Hugh Joshua Perry - adult
- Dec. 1 - Emma Clarissa Loomis - adult
- Dec. 31 - Harriet Julia Duggleby, dau of John & Eliza Duggleby b. Oct. 15, 1861
- Dec. 31 - Helen Halliday - adult
1862 Baptisms
- Mar. 5 - John Adam Rockwell - adult
- Apr. 20 - Mary Eliza Howell - adult
- Apr. 20 - Arthur Howell, son of Thomas & Mary Eliza Howell
- Apr. 20 - Nancy Allen - adult
- Apr. 20 - Louisa Howell, dua of Thomas & Mary Eliza Howell
- Apr. 20 - Mary Applin - adult
- Apr. 20 - Emma Russell - adult
- Apr. 20 - Elizabeth Syummerville Taylor - adult
- Apr. 20 - Maria Louisa Taylor - adult
- Apr. 20 - Thomas Wiley Taylor - adult
- Apr. 20 - Isaac Lamport Taylor - adult
- Apr. 20 - Homer Wilson, son of Wm. & Lucie Wilson
- Apr. 20 - William Wilson, son of Wm. & Lucie Wilson
- Apr. 20 - Mary Ella Mower - adult
- May 2 - Elma Adaliza Wood - adult
- Jun. 1 - Mary Ann Hunt, dau of Thomas & Jane Hunt b. Jan. 18, 1862
- Jun. 8 - Frederick Geo. Barker, son of Joseph & Maria Barker b. May 4, 1862
- Jun. 29 - Margaret Emma Piper, dau of John & Ellen Piper b. May 30, 1862
- Jun. 29 - Rollo Sabine, son of Alfred & Mary Ann Sabine b. Sept. 10, 1861
- Jul. 5 - James Bennet Allen - adult
- Jul. 6 - John Alexander Lackenby, son of John & Elizabeth Lackenby b. May 6, 1856
- Jul. 6 - Anna Hope Lackenby, dau of John & ELizabeth Lackenby b. May 6, 1856
- Jul. 5 - Elizabeth Clarkson Lackenby, dau of John & ELizabeth Lackenby b. Sep. 28, 1860
- Jul. 5 - Mary Morrison Lackenby, dau of John & ELizabeth Lackenby b. Sep. 28, 1860
- Jul. 5 - Annie Louisa Turmaine, dau of John & Harriet Turmaine b. Nov. 5, 1861
- Jul. 5 - Harriet Emily Turmaine, dau of Richard & Harriet Turmaine b. Jan. 13, 1860
- Jul. 5 - Wm. Edward Garrett, son of Mathew & Mary Garrett b. May 29, 1861
- Aug. - Maria Louisa Weaver, dau of Mathew & Mary Weaver b. ? 20, 1861
- Aug. 3 - Sarah Margaret Jewett, dau of John & Jannett Jewett b. Aug. 15, 1861
- Aug. 3 - Isabel Grace Jewett, dau of John & Jannett Jewett b. Aug. 15, 1861
- Aug. 3 - Elizabeth Arnold Jewett, dau of John & Jannett Jewett b. Feb. 1, 1850
- Aug. 3 - Sarah Fannie Austey, dau of George & Sarah Austey b. Nov. 16, 1854
- Aug. 3 - Mary Ann Eliza Austey, dau of George & Sarah Austey b. Nov. 26, 1856
- Aug. 3 - George Jorez Austey, son of George & Sarah Austey b. Apr. 20, 1869
- Sep. 15 - Mary Curtiss Lent, dau of Charles & Amelia Lent b. Oct. 13, 1861
- Sep. 15 - Jane Elizabeth England, dau of Wm. & Mary Ann England b. Dec. 26, 1861
- Oct. 5 - Ida Marian Howarth, dau of James & Ann Howarth b. July 16, 1861
- Oct. 24 - Thomas Edward Lord, son of Stephen & Jane Lord b. July 15, 1861
- Nov. 14 - Mary Elizabeth Allen, dau of Jefferson & Nancy Allen
1863 Baptisms
- Jan. 4 - Albert Wm. Welch, son of John & Minerva Welch b. Oct. 7, 1862
- Jan. 4 - Wm. Herbert Weaver, son of Richard & Mary Weaver b. Nov. 1, 1862
- Jan. 4 - Andrew Melhinch - adult
- Jan. 25 - Cornelia Eugenie Woodhull - adult
- Jan. 25 - Wm. H. Woodull, son of Henry I. & Mary Woodhull b. Jan. 1852
- Jan. 25 - Mary Parmelia Woodhull, dau of HenryI. & Mary woodhull b. Feb. 18, 1857
- Jan. 25 - Elizabeth Clarkson Lockerby - adult
- Jan. 25 - Mary Jane Lockerby - adult
- Jan. 25 - Helen Allen - adult
- Feb. 22 - Minerva Phillips - adult
- Feb. 22 - Mary ELizabeth Phillips - adult
- Feb. 22 - Emily Malissa Loucks - adult
- Feb. 22 - Susan Frances Loucks - adult
- Feb. 22 - Winnefred Irene Forester Loucks - adult
- Apr. 5 - Almeda Elizabeth Pearson - adult
- Apr. 5 - Mary S. Wells - adult
- Apr. 5 - William Marshall Burnop - adult
- Apr. 5 - Kate Dwight Lewis - adult
- Apr. 5 - Ella Augusta Clark - adult
- Apr. 5 - Alice Church - adult
- Apr. 5 - Annie Marilla Pier - adult
- Apr. 5 - Frances Josephine Root - adult
- Apr. 5 - Emma Christine Root - adult
- Apr. 18 - Fanny Arabella Marchisi, dau of Frank & Mary Marchisi b. Dec. 1862
- May 10 - Mary Ann Rebecca Goodwin, dau of Wm. & Louisa Agnes Goodwin b. 1863
- May 10 - Charles Alexander Stewart, son of John & Noami Harriet Stewart
- May 31 - Angeline Bailey - adult
- May 31 - Anjeanette Caroline Tuttle - adult
- May 31 - Caroline Amelia Rockwell - adult
- May 31 - Lucretia Loomis - adult
- Jun. 14 - Alice Hunt, dau of Thomas & Jane Hunt - infant
- Jun. 14 - Albert Elmer Stetley, son of George & Mary Stetley, b. Nov. 13, 1862
- Jun. 14 - Herbert John Slade, sonof Samuel & Sarah Slade b. Sep. 2, 1862
- Jun. 14 - Albert Wellington Gwilt, son of Edmund & Mary Gwilt
- Jul. 2 - Frances Ann VanAntwerp - adult
- Jul. 2 - Garrett Henry VanAntwerp, son of John & Frances Ann VanAntwerp age 9 yrs
- Aug. 1 - Henry Hutchinson Morrison, son of James & Ann Hutchinson b. May 1, 1861
- Aug. 1 - Horace Nichols Morrison, son of James & Ann Hutchinson - infant
- Sep. 20 - Annie Eliza Longley, dau of Walter & Elizabeth Longley b. Nov. 23, 1856
- Sep. 20 - Wm. Henry Longley, son of Walter & Elizabeth Longley b. June 21, 1858
- Sep. 20 - Seth Lewis Lloyd, son of seth & Emma Lloyd b. June 12, 1863
- Oct. 1 - John Herbert Edwards, son of John & Mary Edwards b. Nov. 24, 1861
- Nov. 1 - Sarah Bass Wood, dau of James & Mary Wood b. July 29, 1863
- Nov. 1 - William Horseley, son of Wm. & Jane Horseley b. Sep. 5, 1863
- Dec. 20 - Alonzo John Treen, son of Stephen & Eliza Treen b. Sep. 10, 1863
1864 Baptisms
- Feb. 27 - Clark Sanford Bailey, sonof wm. & Angeline Bailey age 8 yrs
- Feb. 27 - Jennie Eldridge Bailey, dau of Wm. & Angeline Bailey age 5 yrs
- Feb. 27 - Irene Thompson Bailey, dau of Wm. & Angeline Bailey b. Jan. 1?, 1863
- Mar. 10 - James Delvin, son of James & Lucy Delvin b. Jan. 27, 1863
- Apr. 3 - Charlotte Mary Lane, dau of Walter & Mageline Lane b. Oct. 1863
- Apr. 16 - Charles Henry Savage, son of Thomas & Jane Savage b. Apr. 2, 1864
- Apr. 16 - Theresa Agnes Marchisi, dau of Frank & Mary L. Marchisi b. Mar. 2, 1863
- Apr. 16 - Laura Agnes Jones, dau of John S. & Elizabeth Jones b. Dec. 24, 1863
- Apr. 16 - Charles Edmund Weaver, son of Richard & Mary Weaver b. Apr. 10, 1864
- Apr. 16 - Annie Laura Clark, dau of Richard & Margaret Clark b. Dec. 27, 1863
- Apr. 16 - Harriet Margaret Prime - adult
- Apr. 16 - Ellen Warren Treen - adult
- Apr. 16 - Eliza Ellen Hutchinson, dau of George & Eliza Hutchinson age ? yrs
- Apr. 16 - Emma Louisa Graves, dau of Charles & Harriet Graves age 9 yrs
- Apr. 16 - Anna Mary Hutchinson, dau of George & Eliza Hutchinson age 7 yrs
- Apr. 16 - Jane Carthern Hutchinson, dau of George & Eliza Hutchinson age 5 yrs
- Apr. 17 - Frank Buis, sonof Sebastian & Susannah Buis b. Apr. 17, 1863
- Jun. 3 - Wm. James Metcalf - adult
- Jun. 5 - Cora Finn, dau of Francis & Elizabeth Finn b. Nov. 20, 1863
- Jun. 5 - Mary Frances Burnop, dau of Wm. M. & Jane B. Burnop age 11 yrs
- Jun. 5 - Alma Bolles Burnop, dau of Wm. L. & Jane Burnop age 9 yrs
- Jun. 5 - Edward Robinson Burnop, son of Wm. L. & Jane Burnop age 6 yrs
- Jun. 5 - Alice Jane Childs, dau of Lucius & Anna J. Childs age 3 yrs
- Jun. 5 - William Tapping Childs, son of Lucius & Anna J. Childs age 6 yrs
- Jun. 10 - John Edwards - adult
- Jun. 22 - Earnest LeRoy Philleo, son of Orville & Mary Philleo b. June 1862
- Jul. 3 - Henry James Howarth, son of James & Ann Howarth b. Oct. 9, 1863
- Jul. 11 - Sarah Kate Longley, dau of Walter & Elizabeth Longley b. Apr. 1, 1864
- Aug. 7 - John Edwin Starr, son of John & Susan Starr b. Feb. 24, 1860
- Aug. 7 - Susan Elizabeth Starr, dua of John & Susan Starr b. Jan. 3, 186?
- Aug. 7 - George Albert Wilkins, son of Albert & Maria Wilkins b. Feb. 11, 1862
- Aug. 7 - Charles Henry Wilkins, son of Albert & Maria Wilkins b. Aug. 11, 1863
- aug. 19 - Grace Bushnell Alexander, dau of Horace & Sarah Alexander b. Apr. 6, 1864
- Aug. 28 - Augusta Matteson Pomeroy, dau of George & Mary Pomeroy
- Aug. 28 - Ella Louisa Williams, dau of Irvin & Cynthia Williams age 11 yrs
- Aug. 28 - Mary Cynthia Williams, dau of Irvin & Cynthia Williams age 10 yrs
- Aug. 28 - Charles Irvin Williams, son of Irvin & Cynthia Williams age 8 yrs
- Aug. 28 - Fanny Jane Williams, dau of Irvin & Cynthia Williams age 7 yrs
- Aug. 28 - Wm. Mortimer Lord, son of Stephen & Jane Lord age 10 yrs
- Nov. 6 - Mary ALice Edwards, dau of John & Mary Edwards b. Apr. 15, 1855
- Nov. 6 - David Arthur Edwards, son of John & Mary Edwards b. Aug. 29, 1856
- Nov. 6 - George Edwards, son of John & Mary Edwards b. Dec. 4, 1858
- Nov. 6 - Sarah Maria Edwards, dau of John & Mary Edwards b. Apr. 19, 1864
- Nov. 6 - Walter Clark Townsend, sonof Homer & Emily Townsend - infant
- Nov. 6 - Fanny Cornelia Townsend, dau of Homer & Emily Townsend b. June 2, 1864
- Nov. 6 - Wm. Henry Wratten, son of Wm. & Martha Wratten b; June 11, 1864
- Nov. 6 - Charles Edward Davenport, son of Charles & Mary Ann Davenport b. Aug. 9, 1864
- Nov. 6 - Priscilla Sabine, dauof Alfred & Mary Ann Sabine b. Aug. 11, 1864
- Nov. 27 - Emma Elizabeth Rockwell, dau of Charles & Emma M. Rockwell b.Aug. 1858
- Nov. 27 - Anna Malvina Rockwell, dau of Charles & Emma M. Rockwell b. Sep. 1864
- Dec 4 - Wm. Eugene Ashmore, son of George & Esther Ashmore b. Aug. 27, 1864
- Dec. 4 - Wallace Emory Ashmore, son of George & Esther Ashmore b. Aug. 27, 1864
- Dec. 4 - Samuel Durant Williams, son of Edward & Mary Williams b. Aug. 25, 1863
- Dec. 4 - Mary Elizabeth Newton, dau of Wm. & Elizabeth Newton b. Sep. 11, 1864
- Dec. 4 - Anna Elizabeth Plant dau of Samuel & Anna Plant b. June 30, 1864
1865 Baptisms
- Jan. 24 - Merritt Peckham Simpson, son of Wm. & Helen Simpson b. June 25, 1860
- Jan. 24 - Charles Edward Simpson, son of Wm. & Helen Simpson b. July 25, 1862
- Feb. 13 - Catherine Cornelia Turmaine, dau of John & Harriet Turmaine b. Oct. 9, 1864
- Feb. 25 - George Trim Manning, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Manning b. Oct. 26, 1864
- Mar 5 - Martha Borden Long, dau of Robert & Elizabeth Long b. June 30, 1862
- Apr. 2 - Maryu Wakeman Goodrich, dau of Levi & Myra E. Goodrich b. Apr. 17, 1864
- Apr. 2 - Sarah Alderetia Clady, dau of Joseph & Sophia Clady b. Nov. 3, 1862
- Apr. 2 - Frances Louisa Hunt, dau of Delos Henry & Maria Loomis Hunt b; June 25, 1849
- Apr. 2 - William Embley, son of Wm. & Elizabeth Embley b. July 18, 1857
Home | Church Records | New York Church Records | Oneida County New York Church Records | 1859 - 1865 Baptisms in Calvary Episcopal Church, Utica, NY
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