1850 - 1875 Marriage Records
Presbyterian Church
Town of Catskill
Greene County New York
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Marriages by G. A. Howard, Pastor of the Presbyterian Chuch, Catskill, Greene County, New York.
- Charles H. Day of Catskill, N.Y. married Sarah C. Porter At mother's house, wits: Family and friends, Jan. 1851
- William H. Wright of Washington, Conn. married Laura A. Gilbert of Catskill, NY at father's residence, Wits: family - friends, Nov. 11, 1850
- Hector L. Stewart of Troy, NY married Ruth Botsford, Wits: Mr. Becker and Family At Mr. Becker's, Catskill, Jan. 15, 1852
- Thomas Catlin, Livingston, Columbia Co., NY married Louisa Miller, East Durham, Greene Co., NY at House of Pastor, May 20, 1852
- Ives Fitch of Prattsville married Ann Brace of Catskill NY at Father's residence, wits: family of Dr. Brace and friends.
- Henry Hopkins of NYC married Julia Whittlesey of Catskill, NY at Father's residence, Wits: family - friends, June 17, 1852
- Theron C. Spicer of Troy, NY married Hannah Ann Robins, Cairo, NY, Dec. 12, 1852
- Oliver Boake married Mary Bell, both of Catskill at father's residence, Jan. 2, 1853
- Martin Carr of Windham Center married Cynthia S. Blacklee of same at my residence, Mar 3, 1853
- Henry Cogswell, Plainfield, Ohio married Mary E. Holbrook of Catskill, Mar. 16, 1853
- John C. Peck married Frances J. Hoyt of Catskill at Aunt residence, Catskill, wits: aunt, Mrs. Hoyt, her sisters, May 4, 1853
- Charles H. Abbott married Julia A. Beach, at Mountain House, Catskill, wits: Charles L. Beach and family, Aug. 29, 1853
- Peter M. Abeel of Catskill married Isabella C. Hoyt at aunt's res. Catskill, Wits: her aunt Mrs. Hoyt and her own father, Sept. 22, 1853
- John Bogardus of Catskill married Miss Catherine Washburn at father's residence, wits: her parents and sisters, Oct 11, 1853
- George H. Ells of Catskill married Mary Kinney of N Y C at my residence, Apr. 12, 1854
- Ezra H. Gray of Ft. Edward, NY married Abbie Loveland of Saratoga, NY at Van Bergen's Hotel, Catskill, Sept. 11, 1854
- A. Mann of Catskill married Elsie Van Heusen of Catskill, Jan. 1, 1855
- William Brooks of Saugarties married Mary E. Vanderberg at my residence, wits: Mrs. S.S. Day, Mrs. G.A. Howard, Feb. 12, 1855
- George N. Sweet married Eliza A. Timmerman of Catskill at my residence, Mar. 31, 1835
- John A. Hand of Albany, NY married Mariette Hawley of Catskill at Presbterian Church at Catskill, May 22, 1855
- James W. Overbaugh married Ellen Comfort, Jefferson, NY
- George M. Bates, Catskill married Sarah Ann Penfield, Catskill at my residence, June 26, 1855
- Horatio Plank, Leeds, NY married Lucretia Mott at my residence, Oct. 11, 1855
- Isaac L. Rouse married Angeline Turck of Saugerties, NY
- Henry Turck of Saugerties married Mrs. Jno. Lusk of Catskill
- Andrew J. Gilbert of Catskill married Anna A. Comfort of Catskill, Jan 1, 1836
- Charles Langford of Utica married Louise Penfield of Catskill, Res of her mother, Oct. 15, 1856
- Walter Crosby of Catskill married Ann Elizabeth Thomas of Catskill, Oct. 7, 1856
- Peter Van Skiver married Mary E. Beach, Catskill, Oct. 15, 1856
- James Kurtz married Miss Martha Millard, both Catskill, Father's res., Wits: the family
- J. S. Gardiner of Oakhill married Martha Beach of Catskill, Res. of C. L. Beard, Catskill, wits: Mr. and Mrs. C. L. and Lucy Beard, Dec. 15, 1856
- Isaac Champ married Catherine Fox, at my house Catskill, wits: John Haney, Mary C. H. Deane, Apr 16, 1857
- George B. Benter married Clarissa J. Worth, Res. of father, wits: Charles Knapp, Miss Worth, parents at Catskill, May 5, 1857
- Peter J. Fitchell married Miss Mary Rushmore at Mother's res., wits: family, Mrs. C.A. Howard at Catskill, Sept. 1, 1857
- John C. Sterling married Miss Ann Beach, Res. of mother at Catskill, Sept. 3, 1857
- Hiram Warren, Kingston, NY married Frances M. Sanders, Kingston, NY at Van Bergen's Hotel, Catskill, wits: Mrs. MacFarlane and others at Catskill, Nov. 30, 1857
- William Graham married Harriette C. Watson, mother's res., wits: family at Catskill, June 16, 1858
- Robert Austin of Jefferson, NY married Elizabeth Cornwall, Res. mother, wits: family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Tremaine at Catskill, Sept. 30, 1858
- Augustua G. A. Burenjes(?) married Caroline A. Austin at Mrs. Comfort's, wits: family, Nov 3, 1858
- Henry Hill of Catskill married Helem Comfort at her mother's, wits: Family, Frederick Hill, Jan. 5, 1859
- Rev. Stephen Hubbell, North Stonington, Conn. married Harriet Hawley of Catskill at Jno Hands, Albany, NY, wits: Mr. & Mrs. I. Hand, Aug. Hawley, Albany, NY, May 11, 1859
- Henry D. Overbaugh married Elizabeth K. Benter of Catskill, Oct. 6, 1859
- Charles G. Lonman of Catskill married Elizabeth Flestar of Catskill at Parsonage, wis: Azel Lohman, Sarah and C. Woodruff, Apr. 18, 1860
- William Comfort of Catskill married Charlotte Overbaugh at Parsonage, wits: Mrs. Comfort, Mrs. Fred Comfort, Oct. 11, 1860
- August Kurstsiner of Milwaukee Wis., now of Englewood, NJ married Jane Woodruff, Catskill at father's house, wits: family, July 25, 1859
- Anthony Gilkison of Bklyn married Fanny Edwards of Bklyn at Henry C. Bowen, Bklyn, wits: family, Miss E.D. Proctor, Rev. Walter Clark, Jan. 25, 1860
- Charles Loetcher married Mary Ann Blosch at parsonage, wits: Philip Blosch, Apr. 8, 1861
- Amherst H. Wildar of St. Paul, Minn. married Fanny Spencer of Catskill at S.S. Day's, Catskill, wits: family, Sept. 18, 1861
- John Hopkins of Catskill married Elizabeth B. Kingley of Catskill at her home, Catskill, wits: Jane and Josephine Hopkins, Lizzie Brace, July 25, 1862
- Benjamin Way of Catskill married Ellen Day of Catskill at father's house, wits: family, June 11, 1863
- Edward M. Barnum of N.Y.C. married Elizabeth M. Sylvester, Catskill at father's house, wits: family, Apr. 13, 1864
- James Birmingham of N.Y.C. married Fanny Kellogg of Catskill, wits: Mr. and Mrs. Chas Wilson, Miss Fanny Shaurman at Catskill, Dec. 13, 1864
- Joseph S. Porn of No Blenheim, NY married Briaget (Bridget?) A. Callan of Newark, NJ at Parsonage, wits: Mrs. G.A. Howard, July 18, 1865
- Stephen Root of Palenville married Sabra M. Hinman of Catskill at father's house, wits: family, Aug. 16, 1865
- Charles Raymond of Syracuse married Ellen Bayes of Athens, NY at Smith's Hotel, Catskill, wits: John and Rachel Pangburn of Athens, Sept. 14, 1865
- George E. Tift of Schodack, NY married Sarah Howard of Greenville, NY at Mrs. Charles Knapp's, wits: Mrs. C. Knapp, Mrs. Sylvester, John Sylvester, Oct. 17, 1865
- John M. Pettit of Catskill married Harriet F. Bell at her father's house, Robert Bell, wits: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bourke and others, Dec. 6, 1865
- Angelo Howell of Catskill married Mary W. Mc?ema, u of Catskill at Personage, wits: Joseph H. Raymond of Bklyn, Caroline J. Mc?ema, y. Mrs. G.A. Howard, Dec 31, 1865
- Henry G. Bulkley of Catskill married Caroline E. Comfort at her mother's, wits: Mrs. Henry Hill, Mrs. Ely, Jan. 10, 1866
- James O. Rilley married Mary Riddell at Parsonage, wits: Rev. Yates Hickey, Eliza Fee, Mrs. G.A. Howard, Apr 4, 1866
- William H. Meers of N.Y.C. married Ellen A. Olney of Catskill at father's house in Catskill, wits: Miss Henrietta Olney, James Olney, July 13, 1866
- Thomas Gumaer of Wurtsboro NY married Elvira Elliott of Catskill at her father's, wits: family, Mrs. G.A. Howard, Oct. 10, 1866
- Charles A. Hopkins of Jersey City married Sarah L. Austin of Catskill at her father's, Wits: family and others, Oct. 10, 1866
- Henry Balser of Catskill married Emme Reichel at Mrs. Bender's, West Catskill, wits: Mr. and Mrs. Bender and others, Feb. 2, 1867
- Leander Durkee married Harriet Wright of Catskill at her sister's, Mrs. Northrup, Catskill, wits: Mrs. Northrup, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Beach, Julia Beach, Feb. 14, 1867
- William Schuyler (colored), Poughkeepsie married Phebe Winthrop of Catskill at Parsonage, wits: Miss Jane Sayrs, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilder of St. Paul, Apr 1, 1867
- Henry E. Seeley of Chicago married Christine C. Abeel of Catskill at her father's, wits: Miss Rchel Salisbury, Miss Mary Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Austin, Nov. 17, 1867
- Nelson Haines of Kiskatom married Delia Layman at Parsonage, Jan. 8, 1868
- Peter Van Allen, colored, Catskill married Sarah E. Commesteer, Catskill at Parsonage, wits: Mrs. G.A. Howard, Mrs. Electa Spencer, Feb. 13, 1868
- Homer B. Pierce of Kenosha, Wis. married Mary Evaline Mott of Catskill at Mrs. Sylvester's, wits: Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester, Mr. and mrs. H.F. Olmstead, Mrs. Barnum, Jan. 7, 1859 (1869?)
- Franklin B. Chamberlain of Jewett, NY married Bessie Keating of Gilbo[a?] at Parsonage, wits: Mrs. S.S. Day, Mrs. Sarah Ethridge, Mar. 24, 1869
- Theo. Benjamin of Hunter, NY married Rose Craw at Parsonage, wits: Wm C. Hill and wife, Mrs. G.A. Howard, Sept. 25, 1869
- William M. Pratt of Meriden, Conn. married Sophia P. Rand of Catskill at George H. Penfield's, wits: George H. Penfield, and w Mary, Mr. & Mrs. Julius M. Pratt of Montclair, NJ, Oct. 7, 1869
- Charles Fredenburgh married Isabella Warner at Parsonage, wits: Mrs. Electa Spencer, Oct. 20, 1869
- Charles Brandeen of Catskill married Mary E. Mott of Catskill at Parsonage, wits: Laura M'Haffey, Mrs. G.A. Howard, Dec. 6, 1869
- John Witthoft of Catskill married Catherine Mott of Catskill at Parsonage, wits: Mrs. G.A. Howard, J. Geo Bender, Apr. 1, 1870
- Jacob W[?] Kelly of Catskill married Lorinda Van Hoesen (same) at Father's home, Jacob Van Hoesen, wits: her family, Mrs. G.A. Howard, Sept. 14, 1870
- William P. McLaury married Theo J. Ingersoll at her father's, wits: her family and others, Dec. 24, 1870
- Thomas E. Schermerhorn of Catskill married Eliza J. Hamilton of Troy, NY at Parsoange, wits: Hannah Carr, Mrs. G.A. Howard, Miss E. Spencer, Leonard Schermerhorn, Oct. 6, 1870
- James B. Olney of Catskill married Julia Watson of Catskill at Parsonage, Presby, Ch., wits: Frank and Adeline Hinman, Mr. Cornell and others, Oct. 13, 1870
- Charles Sumner Boynton of Catskill married Miranda F. Austin at Father's House, Jefferson, wits: her parents, sister, etc., Dec. 8, 1870
- Samuel Harris of Catskill married Magdalene Elting at His home, wits: Samuel Harris Jr., her sisters, Mar. 1, 1871
- Daniel Merkel of Catskill married Emme Daglish of Catskill at Mr. Malcolm's room, Catskill, wits: Mrs. Deglish, Mr. and Mrs. Malcom, Oct. 1, 1871
- Hiram W. Lane of Pa. married Miss H. Eliz. Ferrier of Catskill at her father's residence, wits: the family, May 27, 1872
- Samuel N. Penfield, Catskill married Harriet T. Olney (same) at her father's house, wits: Mr. and Mrs. George H. Penfield, Minnie Penfield, George Olney and others at Catskill, Apr. 19, 1871
- George W[?] McLanahan of N.Y.C. married Miss Helen S. Day of Catskill at her father's house, wits: Misses Hope, Alice, Julia Day; her parents, Apr. 26, 1871
- John Kennedy, Catskill married Caroline McMenamy at her father's house, wits: Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Wm McMenamy, her mother, Miss Emme Crosby, others at Catskill, Apr. 26, 1871
- Charles Henry Bemer of Bklyn married Fanny Lynes of Catskill at her fahter's house, wits: parents, sisters, brothers, and others (her's), Jan. 16, 1873
- Robert Lee orf New Hurley, NY married Lucy Jane Hallenbeck, Cairo at P. F. Fitchet's, Catskill, wits: Mr. & mrs. Fitchet, Mrs. Mary Stone, Apr. 5, 1873
- Samuel Reid of Canterskill married Laura P. McHaffay, Catskill at Parsonage, wits: Mrs. Lohman, Mr. & Mrs. James Reid, July 9, 1873
- Lt. Richard Rush, USN, Phlla. married Ella Day, Catskill, Pres Ch. Catskill, wits: Misses Hope, Julia Day, Miss Rush, July 10, 1873
- Aubrey M. Staples of Jersey City married Nina C. Dewey, Catskill at her father's house, wits: Her mother, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur of Leeds, her sister and others, No Date
- Henry Foster M.D. of Clifton Springs, N.Y. married Mary E. Edwards of Bklyn, Her father's house, Hunter, NY, wits: W.H. Edwards, Mr. & Mrs. A. Gilkison of Blkyn, Mrs. G.A. Howard, June 19, 1873
- David D. Mattice of Durham, NY married Mrs. Matilda Tillerton of Blkyn, formerly London at res of Mrs. Chichester, wits: Henry Brandow, Mrs. C.E. Chichester, Oct 22, 1873
- Clarke J. Smith of Kiakatom, NY married Louise M. Saxe of Palenville at Parsonage, wits: Mr. & Mrs. Bronx Wolfe, Nov. 26, 1873
- Henry Bushh of E. Fishkill, NY married Mrs. Catharine Strickland (same) at Parsonage, wits: Mrs. Cornelia Day, Mrs. G.A. Howard, Dec. 31, 1873
- John Jackson, colored, Rhinebeck, NY married Mrs. Martha t. Blanchard, colored, N.Y.C., res Mr. Wheeler, Catskill wits: John Jckson, Mr. & Mrs. Wheeler, Apr.15, 1874
- Theo. L. Horton of Port Ewen, NY married Mary Isabella Smith of Kingston, Res. of Philip Smith, wits: Mr. & Mrs. Smith, at Catskill, Sept. 2, 1874
- Walter Van Loan of Catskill married (?)Lucy Beach at Catskill Mountain House, wits; Mr. & Mrs. C.L. Beach, Sept. 15, 1874
- Horace [?][?]mley of Catskill married Rachel Shepard At Mrs. Chas. Knapp's, wits: Mrs. Charles Knapp, Mrs. Eilz Barnum, Mrs. G.A. Howard, Nov. 25, 1874
- Ale[x?] D. Wilber of Catskill married Harriet Bloxham of Catskill at Presbyterian Church, Catskill, Oct. 5, 1874
- Lt. Edward Miltimore, USA married Louse Deane, Res. of Laban[?] Rushmore, Catskill, wits: Dr. James Dean and w., Mr. & Mrs. Laban Rushmore, June 3, 1875
- Curtis Hayes of N.Y.C. married Mrs. Sarah Whittlesey of Catskill, Res. of Freeman Etheridge, wits: Mrs. G.A. Howard, June 1, 1875
- Samuel H. Andrews of Little Falls married Mary E. Aldrich of Catskill at Her father's res. Catskill, wits: Mr. & Mrs. Aldrich, Peter Fitchett, Sept. 14, 1875
- Percival Goldin of Catskill married Mary W. Farrier of Catskill at father's res West Catskill, wits: Mrs. & Mrs. Barrier, Rev. T. Ferrier, Mr. & Mrs. H. W.[?] Lane, Oct. 13, 1875
- Girt Fromer (mason), Catskill married Mary Van Dyke (same) at parsonage, wits: Mary A. Winkler, Mrs. E. Spencer, Nov. 4, 1875
- Peter J. Fitchett of Catskill married Mrs. Rebecca Cleaveland (same), wits: Judge and Mrs. Mattice, no date