1856 - 1858 Marriage Records
Protestant Reformed Dutch Church of Leeds
Town of Catskill
Greene County New York
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Record of Marriages by Rev. Ransom B. Welch, Pastor of the First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Catskill, 1856 to 1858, as recorded by him in the second volume of the minutes of the Consistory of the said Church.
1856 - 1858 MARRIAGES
- John SHAURMAN of Hartford married Miss Cornelia BECKER of Catskill, Apr. 24, 1856
- G. C. BECKWITH of Catskill married Miss Helen VAN STEENBURGH of Catskill, Apr. 24, 1856
- A. G. BALDWIN of Gilboa married Miss Charlotte STRYKER of Gilboa, May 1, 1856
- Martin DEDERICK of Claverack married Miss Polly BRANDO of Ashland, May 28, 1856
- J. Atwater COOKE of Catskill married Miss Louisa HOPKINS of Catskill, Oct. 29, 1856
- William WOLFORD of Catskill married Miss Ella JACOBI of Catskill, Nov. 1, 1856
- Alonzo OLIVET of Catskill married Miss Harriet ROSE of Catskill, Nov. 3, 1856
- John S. OVERBAGH of Kingston, married Miss Harriette CHICHESTER of Leeds, Nov. 8, 1856
- Levi COOKE of Durham married Miss Sarah LONG of Catskill, Dec. 1, 1856
- John PATTON married Miss Mary Elizabeth NORTON of Catskill, Jan. 1, 1857
- John A. PERRY of Athens married Miss Emeline TIFFANY of Athens, Feb. 24, 1857
- Hazard COFFIN of Catskill married Sarah E. G. HOFFMAN of Catskill, March 25, 1857
- Albert VAN TASSEL of New York married Miss Julia DODGE of Catskill, Apr. 13, 1857
- Charles H. DODGE of New York married Miss Amand STOCKING of Catskill, May 19, 1857
- Daniel L. COUCH of Oswego married Miss Helen A. CHERRY of Oswego, June 11, 1857
- Orrin R. BOUTAN of Roxbury, Delaware County married Miss R. V. L. PECK of Catskill, Aug. 18, 1857
- Teunis VAN ALLEN of Stuyvesant married Miss Mary ACKER of Catskill, Aug. 31, 1857
- James BECKER of Catskill married Miss Helen M. ALLEN of Catskill, Sept. 10, 1857
- J. Livingston STRYKER of St. Paul MN married Miss S. Mary EDWARDS of Catskill, Oct. 7, 1857
- John Henry JACKSON of Catskill married Miss Mary Jane DIXON of Catskill Sept. 20, 1857
- John Frederick HAGH of High Falls married Miss Margaret Maria FONK, Nov. 16, 1857
- Robert Frederick STORY of Catskill married Miss Esther DUBOIS, Nov. 26, 1857
- Ornan PECK of Palenville married Miss Almeda ECKLER of Cauterskill, Jan. 6, 1858
- Benjamin FANNING of Gilboa married Miss Canilda PHELPS of Conesville, Feb. 12, 1856
- Spencer C. PALMER of Catskill married Miss Margaret A. HAM of Catskill, Feb. 10, 1858
- Nelson DOANE of Hudson married Miss Julia TRUMPBOUR of Catskill, Feb. 10, 1858
- Rudolphus SEIGHWART of Catskill married Miss Caroline STEINFIELD, May 17, 1858
- Theodore P. OVERBAGH of Catskill married Miss Geraldine V. S. JENNINGS of Freehold, May 25, 1858
- Uriah STEVENS of Greenville married Mrs. Jane M. VEEDER of Leeds, June 24, 1858
- Rupert MOSELEY of Catskill married Mrs. Susan WILLIAMS of Catskill, June 29, 1858
- Abraham VAN HOESEN of Athens married Miss Josephine DAY of Athens, Sept. 20, 1858
- Charles KRAFT of Leeds, married Miss Emma KERHOLZ of Leeds, Oct. 17, 1858
- Nelson P. LASHER of Germantown married Miss Harriet WINANS of Catskill, Oct. 27, 1858
- William D. MEEKER of Steuben County married Miss Ophelia THOMAS of Catskill, Nov. 4, 1858
- Henry HUNT of Catskill married Miss Henrietta THORNTON of Catskill, Nov. 24, 1858