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Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

Pasco Cemetery Records
Town of Johnsburg
Warren County, New York

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New York Genealogy

Pasco Cemetery is located on County Road 18, 4 1/2 miles south of Johnsburg, Warren County, New York.

Allen, Betsey, wife of Simeon, died Oct. 1870, age 43 years

Allen, Rosa, daughter of Simeon and Betsey, died Jan. 1872, age 2 years.

Allen, Simeon, died Oct. 14, 1894, age 76 years.

Ferris, Deiadama, wife of David Ferris, died Feb. 11, 1840, age 20 years, 4 months and 9 days.

Ferris, Sarah, daughter of David and Deiadama, died May 20, 1852, age 11 years, 4 months and 5 days.

Galusha, Claressa, daughter of A. and S., died Feb. 3, 1870, age 3 years.

Galusha, Hentietta, daughter of A. and S., died Feb. 18, 1870, age ____.

Galusha, Morgan, died July 29, 1877, age 27 years, Co. I. 6th Regt. NYSI

Johnson, Charles F., died May 14, 1879, age 20 years.

Needham, Theretia M., died June 5, 1888, age 47 years

Parker, Katie, daughter of J. and E. J., died May 8, 1874, age 7 months.

Pasco(C), Hattie, daughter of Harvey E. and E. J., died April 27, 1865, age 6 years.

Pasco, Addie E., wife of Morgan D., 1862-1938

Pasco, Charles H., son of G. and E. A., died Oct. 5, 1877, age 19 years.

Pasco, Charles, died April 5, 1870, age 45 years.

Pasco, Elmer, died April 7, 1890, age 27 years.

Pasco, Frederick, died June 14, 1917, age 64 years.

Pasco, Infant son of N. H. and Susan

Pasco, John H., born Aug. 6, 1844, died March 14, 1863, Co. C. 43 Regt. NY Vol.

Pasco, John, died Oct. 16, 1834, age 56 years.

Pasco, Little Jody, son of Morgan D. and Addie E., died May 5, 1899, age 6 months.

Pasco, Lydia, died April 28, 1876, age 83 years.

Pasco, Morgan D., 1856-1910

Pasco, Seymour C., born June 20, 1841, died Sept. 2, 1864, Col. 96 Regt. NYSV Wounded in front of Petersburg VA, died at Fortress Monroe

Pasko, Abigail, Wife of John, died Dec. 27, 1842, age 79 years.

Pasko, Abram, born Oct. 26, 1832, died April 4, 1899

Pasko, Ada Murl, daughter of Abram and Polly Gray, died Oct. 22, 1886, age 1 year and 5 months.

Pasko, Alvin

Pasko, Ann, died April 26, 1881, age 48 years.

Pasko, Clarisa A., son of Noah H. and Maria, died June 4, 1831, age 7 years.

Pasko, E. J. (F instead of E)

Pasko, Elihu, died May 16, 1879, age 82 years.

Pasko, Foster, son of Joseph and Sally, died March 12, 1851, age 2 years and 4 months.

Pasko, Harriet, son of Noah H. and Maria, died June 13, 1834, age 1 year.

Pasko, Harvey E., born June 14, 1835, died Oct. 20, 1866

Pasko, Harvey F., born June 14, 1835, died Oct. 20, 1866

Pasko, Helen, wife of Leander, died July 4, 1888, age 54 years.

Pasko, John, son of Joseph and Sally, died June 23, 1833, age 22 years and 8 months.

Pasko, Joseph, born Feb. 16, 1840, died Feb. 26, 1882

Pasko, Joseph, died Nov. 26, 1892, age 93 years, 6 months and 6 days (Wife and sons No. 20)

Pasko, Leander

Pasko, Leonard, died Nov. 6, 1873, age 67 years.

Pasko, Maria, wife of Noah H., born Dec. 5, 1806, died May 28, 1850

Pasko, Marvin S., son of Harvey E. and E. J., died Nov. 22, 1861, age 9 months.

Pasko, Mary C., daughter of Abram and Polly Gray, died May 25, 1886, age 5 years, 8 months and 17 days.

Pasko, Nancy, wife of Elihu, died Jan. 14, 1854, age 51 years.

Pasko, Nehemiah, son of Noah H. and Maria, died Feb. 3, 1837, age 12 years.

Pasko, Noah H., born May 15, 1794, died Oct. 11, 1875

Pasko, Polly Gray, wife of Abram, born May 20, 1851, died March 11, 1934

Pasko, Raymore, son of Abram and Polly Gray, died Oct. 2, 1891, age 4 month and 14 days.

Pasko, Rev. John, died March 16, 1857, age 64 years.

Pasko, Sally, daughter of Elihu and Nancy, died May 23, 1849, age 27 years.

Pasko, Sally, died May 23, 1849, age 26 years.

Pasko, Sally, wife of Joseph, died Nov. 30, 1885, age 76 years, 6 months and 4 days. (Sally is Mother of this Joseph above, Her Husband is No. 21)

Pasko, Sherman, son of Noah H. and Maria, died Sept. 4, 1849, age 4 years, 3 months and 19 days.

Pasko, Truman, Corp. Co. 118 Regt. NYSV, July 5, 1864, Wounded at Petersburg, died at Portsmouth, July 11, 1864, age 21 years, 11 months and 9 days.

Trumble, Allen, Co. I. 26 Regt. NY Vol., died May 9, 1887, age 48 years.

Trumble, Mary Phelps, wife of Nathaniel, died July 1, 1837, age 57 years.

Trumble, Nathaniel, died Feb. 10, 1843, age 77 years.

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