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Bennington New Hampshire Death Records, 1890

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

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Home | New Hampshire Genealogy | Hillsborough County New Hampshire Genealogy | Death Records | Bennington New Hampshire Death Records, 1890

Deaths registered in the Town of Bennington, N. H., for the year ending Dec. 31, 1890

Date Name Age
Y, M, D
Birthplace Sex Color Condition Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Father's Name Mother's Name Cause Occupation Name and P. O. Address of Physician reporting death
Jan. 29 Elizabeth Foote 75 8 8 Bennington, NH F W Married Housewife - - Manaser Winn Betsy Pollard Old Age Farmer N. F. Cheever
May 10 Lydia C. Cooper 65 6 - Straford, VT F W Married Housewife - - Samuel Colton Martha Austin Consumption - Morris Christie, Antrim, NH
June 25 Luke Proctor 60 7 25 Antrim, NH M W Married Carpenter Stoddard, NH Antrim, NH Isaac Proctor Nancy Parmenter Valvular, dis. Of heart Farmer J. B. Anthoine, Antrim, NH
July 18 William S. Johnson 81 - - Warren, RI M W Widow Farmer Newport, RI - John Johnson Susan Gile Bilious condition Sailor Morris Christie, Antrim, NH
July 23 Clark Ernest Sawyer - 2 21 Bennington, NH M W - - Stoddard, NH Francestown, NH Clarence E. Sawyer Nellie M. Burnham Marasmus Mechanic Morris Christie, Antrim, NH
July 30 Earl Anthony Sawyer 2 6 - Bennington, NH M W - - Stoddard, NH Francestown, NH Clarence E. Sawyer Nellie M. Burnham Dysentery - Morris Christie, Antrim, NH
Sept. 14 Minnie Lorine Newton - 1 22 Bennington, NH F W - - Bennington, NH Hometown, PA Frank J. Newton Allie M. Cholera Infantum Farmer Morris Christie, Antrim, NH
Oct. 1 George B. Foote 16 4 18 Bennington, NH M W - - Bennington, NH Greenfield, NH Gilman Foote Frances E. Mosser Meningitis Painter Morris Christie, Antrim, NH
Nov. 2 Annie F. Scott 26 - - Aberdeenshire, Scotland - W - Housewife - - George F. Reid Anna F. Reld Puerperal Fever - I. J. Anthoine, Antrim, NH
Nov. 27 Walter D. Harrison 1 4 - Bennington, NH M W Married - Pittsburg, PA Brattleboro, VT Helen Clarey Helen Clarey Dysentery Mechanic Morris Christie, Antrim, NH
Dec. 1 Charlotte M. Quimby 45 - - Boston, Ms. F W Married - Meredith, NH Greenfield, NH James M. Quimby Julitta Eaton Consumption Farmer Morris Christie, Antrim, NH

I hereby certify that the above return is correct, according to the best of my knowledge and belief.

William H. Darrah, Town Clerk.

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