New Horizons Genealogy

Albany New Hampshire Birth Records, 1894

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

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Home | New Hampshire Genealogy | Carroll County New Hampshire Genealogy | Birth Records | Albany New Hampshire Birth Records, 1894

Births registered in the Town of Albany, N. H., for the year ending Dec. 31, 1894.

Date Birthplace Name Sex Condition No. Child Color Father's Name Mother's Name Parents' Color Parent's Residence Father's Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Father's Age Mother's Age
May 24 Albany - F Living 2nd W Horace W. Parker Josephine Harriman W Albany Farmer Bartlett Albany 37 20
June 1 Albany John W. M Living 2nd W Hobid I. Hallet Melvina Harriman W Albany Laborer New Brunswick Conway - -
Oct. 2 Albany - M Living 2nd W Alonzo S. Piper Mary Coverley W Albany Carpenter Albany Barrington 31 31
Nov. 20 Albany Charley M Living 2nd W William Moody Mabel Moore W Albany Stone Cutter Ossipee Great Falls 26 19

Home | New Hampshire Genealogy | Carroll County New Hampshire Genealogy | Birth Records | Albany New Hampshire Birth Records, 1894

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