Members and Officers - Ebenezer A.M.E. Church, Detroit, Michigan, 1877
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Names of the members and officers of the Ebenezer A.M.E. Church in Detroit, Michigan, from the history and directory of the Churches of Detroit, Crumb & Noble Publishers, 1877 Detroit, Michigan.
Pastor: Rev. S. Jeffrys
Deacons- N. Woods
- Wm. Wheeler
- J. Grimes
- J. Webster
- R. Garman
- A. Halfield
- D. Lancaster
- F. Burden
- J. Webster
- W. Bradford
- Ackley, Charlotte
- Ackley, H.
- Acley, A.D.
- Anderson, Mary
- Anderson, Wm.
- Ashbury, Wm.
- Bayard, Geo.
- Benerly, Lucy
- Bennet, Sarah
- Bound, George
- Bound, Parker
- Bracksan, Julia
- Brackson, Francis
- Bradford, Wm
- Brown, Cires
- Bunton, Franklin
- Bunton, Mary
- Bush, Elizabeth
- Clay, Charlotte
- Clay, Henry
- Cole, Emma
- Cox, Rosa
- Crocket, Rosanah
- Cunningham, M.
- Daily, Marth
- Daily, Mary
- Dany, Richard
- Dary, Jane
- Degrait, Sophia
- Dough, Pheby
- Ebough, Mary
- Fellman, Hattie
- Fisher, George
- Fisher, Helena
- Ford, Mary A.
- Franklin, Lizza
- Gage, Anna
- Gibson, Mary
- Gipson, Sister
- Grimes, John
- Hackley, Maggie
- Harris, L.R.
- Hatfield, Amos
- Hatfield, Nancy
- Henderson, Thomas
- Henry, Anthony
- Jackson, Baid
- Jackson, M.
- Jackson, Sweedly
- Johnson, Annie
- Johnson, Jane
- Johnson, Rutha
- Johnson, Thomas
- Johnson, Wm.
- Jones, Sarah
- Kenard, Lyvena
- Kerley, Martha
- Lambert, Sarah
- Lancaster, Catherine
- Lancaster, Davis
- Lancvaster, Susan
- Lane, Mary
- Lotia, Martha
- Malstron, Mary
- McGregory, Adeline
- McGregory, Everett
- Merpha, Barbara
- Monemus, Lucinda
- Moore, Eliza
- Moore, Harriet
- Moore, Julia
- Moore, Paul
- Moore, Susan
- Moore, Wm.
- Moore, Wm. W.
- Mumphy, Mary J.
- Nelson, Rebecca
- Noble, Jennie
- Paints, Nancy
- Parker, Exline
- Pierce, Charlotte
- Pierce, Lewis
- Pilres, Chas. W.
- Price, Peter,
- Read, Ida
- Richards, Emma
- Richardson, Catherine
- Rierson, James
- Rine, Minnie
- Robinson, Jane
- Ross, Matilda
- Runnald, Whitney
- Runnals, Sarah
- Rus, Mary
- Ryne, Hannah
- Sanders, Edmonia
- Shackelford, Mary
- Shardon, Dara
- Shardon, James
- Sisco, Elizabeth
- Smith, Elizabeth
- Sparkes, Miss
- Stark, Mary
- Starks, George
- Stokes, Mary J
- Stokes, Wm. D.
- Stuart, Luly
- Taylor, Susan
- Taylor, Wm
- Thomas, Emma
- Thompson, David
- Thompson, Marla
- Titus, Lucinda
- Vichus, Rachael
- Wash, Martha
- Wash, Martha A.
- Washington, James
- Washington, Mary
- Washington, Thomas
- Webster, Joseph
- Webster, Martha
- Wesley, John
- Wheeler, Wm
- Wheelock, Sister J
- White, Frank
- White, Geo.
- Williams, Alfred A.D.
- Williams, Araminia
- Wilson, John
- Winluth, Pelina
- Winslow, Elizabeth
- Winslow, Wm.
- Wood, Margaret
- Wood, Nichols