List of Inhabitants in Boston, Massachusetts, 1695
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In the City Clerk's office there is a book containing a list of inhabitants of the town in 1695, evidently made at that date.
The substance of it has been printed in "Boston Notions," but mixed with other names. We therefore now print it in its proper form, the names being arranged alphabetically, and under each letter, also by precincts or wards.
- John Atwood
- Thomas Adkins
- Matthew Armstrong
- Samuell Avis
- David Adams
- Jonathan Adams
- Joseph Adams
- Humphery Atherton
- Joseph Arnold
- Jose Appleton
- John Alden
- Nathaneel Alden
- Joseph Allen
- Abraham Adams
- William Arnold
- Joseph Amy
- John Alcock
- William Alden
- John Adam, Jr.
- Allen Aughletree
- Bozoun Allen
- William Ardell
- Jeremiah Allen
- Isaack Addington
- Joseph Aleston
- Benjamin Alford
- William Adams, glover
- Jeremiah Allen
- Raphaell Abandana
- John Allen, printer
- David Avignion (?), cook
- Wid. Avery
- John Arnold
- John Adams, Sr.
- Edward Ashly
- Theodor Atkinson
- Robert (?) Archer
- John Adams, malster (?)
- Joseph Alexander
- Widlow Allen
- John Alger
- John Allen
- James Andrews
- Elisha Adlin
- Henery Allen
- Silence Allen
- Barachiah Arnold
- Richard Ackerman
- Roger Adams1
- Roger Adams
- Samuell Aspinwall
- Robert Brinsdon
- Samuell Burnell
- Thomas Baker
- Edward Bud
- Daniell Ballard
- Josiah Baker
- Phillip Bas
- William Burroughs
- Thomas Berry
- Phillip Bowden
- Nathll Blake
- John Bowden
- John Borden
- John Bernard
- Samuell Burrell
- Thomas Bernard
- William Brown
- Robert Benjar
- John Butler
- Nathaneel Baker
- John Barber
- Elisha Bennet
- John Bolt
- Georg Burrell, Jr.
- James Berry
- John Bucanan
- Benjamin Bream
- John Bayly
- Oliver Berry
- John Barrell
- Newcome Blake
- Georg Beard
- Daniell Bisco
- Ambrose Berry
- John Beales
- Francis Burroughs
- Gilbert Bean (?)
- Edward Beers
- John Ballantine
- John Baker
- Thomas Burrington
- Robert Blabber
- Josiah Boyles
- John Belchar
- William Barnsdell
- Henery Bennet
- Stephen Billion
- James Bankes
- Peter Basset
- Richard Brookes
- Edward Beers
- Wid. Rebecka Blackman
- Samuell Barret
- Joseph Billings
- Richard Bernard
- John Benmore
- Moses Bradford
- Jarvis Ballard
- James Barton
- William Billings
- Nicolas Bow
- Peter Bowden
- John Bashoon
- Hugh Barton
- James Babbage
- Daniell Bristow
- Wid. Briggs
- Wi Bridges
- James Barnes
- Abraham Blish
- Peter Barber
- Edmund Brown
- William Bryant
- William Barbut
- Thomas Beete
- Nicolas Buttolph
- John Bishop
- Edward Bartles
- Georg Badcock
- Edward Brown
- John Brown
- Edward Brattle
- ---- Bond
- John Booker
- James Henry
- Wid. Bellingham
- ---- Button
- Isaak Biscon
- Henry Brightman
- Andrew Belchar
- Richard Brown
- Gabriell Bernoon
- John Briggs
- William Briggs
- Richard Buckly
- Peter Butler
- Joseph Belknap
- David Basset
- Alexander Bulman
- Francis Brock
- Thomas Brown
- Edward Boilston
- Thomas Baker
- Wid. Mary Button
- Robert Butcher
- Nathaniell Buyfield
- Nathanll Balston
- Abraham Brown
- Thomas Bossenger
- Samuell Bridge
- Stephen Butler
- John Barry
- Samuell Bill
- Thomas Brattle
- Benjamin Bagworth
- John Balston
- Jableel Brenton
- Jonathan Balston, Sr.
- Jonathan Balston, Jr.
- John Boreland
- Joseph Bridgham
- Philip Bargier
- John Blore
- John Beard
- William Boatswain
- William Butler
- Samuel Boon
- Stephen Badger
- Edward Bromfield
- Thomas Banister
- Samuel Bickner
- Jonathan Belchar
- John Bennet
- John Balston, carpent.
- John Bull
- Thomas Baker
- Joseph Brisco
- John Bourn
- Benjamin Blackleech
- Richard Buckly
- Francis Buckit
- William Burrage
- Robert Brown
- Wid. Burges
- Jeremiah Belchar
- James Bill
- Jonathan Bill
- Joseph Bill
- William Bordman
- John Bull
- Thaddeus Barrow
- Briant Bredon
- Thomas Boilston
- Georg Bearstow
- Joseph Buckmaster
- William Coleman
- Job Chamberlain
- Jonas Clark
- Ezkell Clesby
- Robert Comby
- William Clough
- Samuel Clark, carpent.
- William Cop mt
- Edward Cruff
- Henry Chamlet
- William Chamlet
- Samuell Clark, mariner
- ---- Christophers
- Thomas Coates
- William Clements
- David Cop
- William Critchfield
- John Cobbet
- John Clark
- William Cole
- Nicolas Cocke
- John Carlile
- John Colmer
- Joseph Chamberlain
- John Child
- David Cop, Sr.
- David Cop, Jr.
- Jeremiah Cushing
- Percivall Clarke
- Mungo Craford
- John Candish
- Ebenezer Clough
- Daniell Collins
- Samuell Cop
- John Cunnibar
- Thomas Child
- Elias Callender
- Samuell Checkly
- Ralph Carter
- John Combes
- Richard Cheever
- John Carthew
- John Cotta, Sr.
- John Cotta, Jr.
- Thomas Cushing
- Stephen Cros
- John Curtis
- Ebenezer Chafin
- Jonathan Cockcraft
- John Conny
- Wid. Checkly
- Wid. Cranmer
- ---- Courser
- William Critchfield
- Jonas Clay
- Thomas Cooper
- Edward Creek
- Anthony Checkley
- Duncan Campbell
- Mathew Cary
- John Cunniball
- Stephen Clay
- John Coleman
- Wid. Calender
- Wid. Cheever
- Richard Crisp
- Georg Cable
- Thomas Clark
- Wiliam Cros
- William Crow
- Samuell Clough
- John Campbell
- Mathew Collins
- Thomas Cook
- Thomas Coram
- Wid. Crow
- Samuell Checkly
- Thomas Crees
- James Cornish
- John Clesby
- John Cary
- Andrew Cunningham
- Richard Christophers
- John Cook
- Elisha Cook
- Thomas Cornish
- Timothy Cunningham
- Caleb Chafin
- John Cutler
- John Clough
- William Clark
- John Cook
- David Croweh
- Abraham Christophers
- Gilbert Cole
- Thomas Carter
- John Clampit
- Edward Chamden
- John Cole, mariner
- John Cole, Schoolmaster
- Joseph Cowell, Jr.
- Henry Cole
- John Cornish
- Joshua Cornish
- Robert Calf
- John Clough, glover
- George Clark, Sr.
- Georg Clark, Jr.
- ---- Cob, Sr.
- Richard Cob, Jr.
- Timothy Clark
- Joseph Cowell, Sr.
- William Clap
- Richard Critchfield
- w Sarah Cowell
- w Hannah Cowell
- w Margaret Corwin
- John Center
- William Colmer
- Abraham Chamberlain
- Joshua Child
- Samuell Clark
- Jacob Davis
- Samuel Durram
- William Davis
- William Dennis
- Peter Dunbar
- Henery Dickerson
- Leonard Drown
- Lawrence Drisco
- Joseph Dowding
- Charles Demerit
- Samuell Dyar
- Wid. Dolberry
- Gyles Dyar
- Robert Davis
- Henry Dawson
- John Dyar
- John Dyar
- John Dorrell
- Joseph Dean
- Samson Dewer
- Ambrose Daws
- John Draper
- William Deusberry
- Wid. Dowel
- ---- Doumede
- Henery Deering
- John Dosset
- Richard Draper
- Edmund Dolbear
- Samuel Daniell
- Wid. Dudson
- Benjamin Davis
- Jeremiah Dumer
- James Downing
- Thomas Davis, cooper
- Thomas Davis, Shoemaker
- Moses Deschamp
- John Davenport
- Seth Dwight
- Benjamin Dyar
- John Dyar
- Obadiah Dickerson
- Adam Dindsdall
- ---- Dindsdall
- Edward Drinker
- Philip Delarock
- Joseph Dayes
- Obadiah Dew
- Nathaneel Dew
- Richard Deloy
- Simon Daniell
- John Dingly
- John Doan
- Edward Durant
- Thomas Down
- Sylvanus Davis
- Mathew Delavar
- Moses Dry, or le Sie2
- Eleazur Darby
- w Sarah Davis
- w ---- Davis
- Thomas Dowty
- John Druce
- John Devotion
- Eramus Drue
- Joseph Davis
- Edward Devotion
- William Everden
- Robert Edmonds
- Joseph Eldridge
- Jonathan Evans
- John Eyer, barber
- David Eustus
- John Eyeres, Jr.
- Robert Edmonds
- William Endicot
- David Edwards
- James English
- Henery Emes
- Benjamin Emmes
- ---- Eccles, Butcher
- John Earl
- John Elliset
- ---- Emes, carpenter
- Benjamin Emmons, Jr.
- John Endicott
- Jonathan Elasson
- Widdow Everell
- William Everton
- Benjamin Emons, Sr.
- John Eustus
- Martha Ely
- Georg Ellisston
- Richard Ely
- John Eyre, Esq.
- Jonathan Everet
- Obadiah Emons
- John Egbar
- Thomas Eyres
- Robert Earl
- Edward Ellis
- Samuell Earl
- Daniell Ellin
- Edward Eglinton
- Roger Earl
- Robert Ellis, Jr.
- Joseph Elliot
- ---- Esset
- William Eustus, Sr.
- William Eustus, Jr.
- John Ellis
- Jonathan Farnum
- John Foster, Esq.
- David Farnum
- John Farnum, Sr.
- William Frothingham
- John Farnum, Jr.
- Stephen French
- Phillip Fentee
- John Frizell
- Gabriell Fishlock
- Gypson Far
- Jacob Fermiside
- John Figge
- James Fowl
- James Farris
- Francis Foxcraft
- John Foy
- Henry Franklen
- Widdow Fitch
- Capt. Fox
- Hopestill Foster
- Thomas Field
- Benjamin Fonnell
- Thomas Fitch
- John Fonnell
- John Fairweather
- Benjamin Fitch
- Duncan mack Farland
- Robert Franks
- Josiah Franklen
- John Fosdick
- Richard Flood
- Thomas Fox
- William Fisher
- Widdow Fairweather
- Joseph Flood
- Gyles Fyfield
- Theophilus Frary
- James Flood
- Richard Fyfield
- Joseph Fuller
- Alexander Fullerton
- Henry Ferry
- Widdow Frost
- John Floid, Sr.
- Hugh Floid
- John Floid, Jr.
- James Glass
- John Greennough
- James Goodwin
- Robert Gammon
- Samuell Greenwood, Sr.
- Obadiah Gill
- Samuell Greenwood, Jr.
- Joseph Grant
- William Gill
- James Grant
- Abraham Gourding, Jr.
- Thomas Goodale
- Joseph Glidden
- Bartholomew Green
- John Goodwin
- Joseph Gallop
- Benjamin Gallop
- Thomas Gold
- Thomas Gilbert
- Abraham Gourding, Sr.
- John Goff
- John Green
- James Grey
- Samuell Grice
- Edward Goff
- John Gallant
- Samuell Gardner
- Joshua Gee
- Christopher Goff
- Regnal Grinian
- Lot Gourding
- John Gawd
- Robert Glover
- Henry Gibbs
- Widdow Gross
- John Gwin, Jr.
- William Gypson
- Thomas Gwin
- William Griggs
- Thomas Graford
- John Garret
- John George
- William Gibbond
- Robert Guttridge
- Robert Gibbs
- Enock Greenleaf
- Nathaniell Green
- James Green
- Duncan Garnock
- Richard Green
- John Green
- William Gull
- Widdow Gross
- Widdow Gardner
- Jeremiah Gypson
- James Gouge
- Edward Gouge
- Rebeckah Griffin
- John Greenleaf
- Samuell Grey
- Baldwin Gouge
- Nathaniell Green
- Thomas Gretian
- Benjamin Gillam
- David Gwin
- Thomas Gent (?)
- Icabod Gale
- Anthony Gretian
- Martha Grantham
- Isaak Goos
- John Glover
- Richard Gridly
- William Gibbonds
- Thomas Gold
- Bartholomew Green
- Samuell Gaskell
- Anthony Greenhill
- Gyles Goddard
- Thomas Gardner
- Joseph Gardner
- Joshua Gardner
- Widdow Gates
- Widdow Gardner
- Francis Hudson
- William Hobby
- Nathaniell Henchman
- Richard Honewell
- William Hough
- Thomas Hunt
- Richard Holt
- Nathaniell Hall
- John Hiskot
- Stephen Honowell
- John Hodgden
- Joshua Hewes, Jr.
- Samuell Hermon
- Samuell Holmer
- Coll. Elisha Hutchinson
- Robert Howard
- James Howard
- John Hobby
- Hughs, Dr. William
- Joseph Hillar
- Erasmus Harrison
- Joshua Hewes, Jr.
- Nathaneell Halsey
- Widdow Henly
- David Harris
- Elias Heath
- Thomas Hitchborn
- Elizur Holioak
- Samuell Holland
- Thomas Hatherly, Sr.
- Thomas Hatherly, Jr.
- Widdow Hawkins
- Thomas Hunt
- Thomas Harwodd
- Thomas Harris
- Georg Hallet
- Arthur Hale
- James Hawkins
- John Hunlock
- John Horton
- William Hannah
- William Harris
- Hercules Hewet
- Gustavus Hambleton
- Widdow Harris
- Georg Horbuckle
- Francis Holmes
- William Hall
- John Hill
- Eliakim Hutchinson
- Joshua Hewes
- Samuell Hood
- Widdow Herridge
- Lawrence Hammond
- Ambrose Honowell
- William Hill
- John Henderson
- William Haberfield
- Benjamin Harris
- Jacob Halwell
- Nathaniell Halsey
- Widdow Hacket
- Ebenezer Hayden
- Richard Harris
- Joseph Hill
- Ephraim Hall
- William Hayden
- Edward Hill
- Abraham Harrison, clerk
- James Hill
- Thomas Hill, Jr.
- Benjamin Holoway
- William Holowell
- Thomas Hay
- Isaak Hallum
- Torrence Henly
- Richard Hubbard
- William Holloway
- Nicholas Hopkins
- Widdow Hunt
- James Harris
- Nathaniell Holmes
- Joseph Holmes
- Nathaniell Hatch
- Greenhill Henewell
- Joseph Holmes, Jr.
- Henry Hill, marriner
- John Hubbard
- Thomas Hall
- Joseph Hasey
- William Hasey
- Robert Harris
- Daniell Harris
- Timothy Harris
- Robert Harris, Jr.
- Nathaniell Holland
- John Jarvis
- John Ireland
- Nathaniell Jarvis
- Thomas Johnson
- Thomas Jackson
- Matthew Jones
- Joseph Jackson
- Samuell Jackson
- Zechariah Johnson
- John Jenkins
- Nicholas Ingoldsby
- John Jenkins, mariner
- Widdow Joles
- Nathaniell Jewell
- John Jepson
- William Jepson
- Thomas Jepson
- Widdow Jacobs
- Samuell Jackline
- Aaron Jeffords
- Lt Jarvis
- Benjamin Jackson
- Isaak Jones, Fisherman
- Widdow Jose
- Henry Ingram
- David Jeffrys
- David Johnson
- David Jenners
- Job Ingram
- Samuell Johnson
- James Jarvis
- Samuell the Jew
- Widdow Jones
- John Joyliff, Esq.
- Roger Jud
- Nathaniell Johnson
- John Johnson
- Isaak Jones
- William Ireland
- Thomas Kellond
- Timothy Kemble, carp.
- Richard Knight
- John Keetch
- Timothy Kemble
- Widdow Kind
- Deborah Kean
- Andrew Knot
- John Kneeland
- Solomon Kneeland
- Roger Kileup
- Christopher Kilby
- John Kilby, Sr.
- William Keen
- John Kilby, Jr.
- ---- Keemer
- Ralph Kileup
- Solomon Kneeland
- John Killio
- Samuell King
- Nathaniel Keettle
- John Kelton
- Richard Keates
- Robert Lash
- John Langdon
- John Lawson
- Robert Lad
- Thomas Lazenby
- John Lowden
- Samuel Lillie
- Thomas Littlepage
- Peter Lawrence
- Lancelot Lake
- Peter Leach
- Thomas Lamb
- Daniell Loring
- Capt. Lassells
- Widdow Lillie
- John Love
- John Loverin
- Phillip Langdon
- Isaak Loring
- William Lovis
- Samuell Lynde
- Francis Legaree
- William Lacky
- James Leblond
- Edward Loyd
- Ebenezer Lowell
- Widdow Lash
- Samuell Leg
- John Lewis
- Richard Lux
- ---- Lampree
- David Langdon
- Joseph Lowell
- Ebenezer Luscomb
- John Lemene
- Joshua Lane
- Robert Logen
- Richard Lowden
- Thomas Linkhorn
- Samuel Landman
- John Levensworth
- Joseph Lobden
- John Lee
- John Leach
- Francis Marshall
- John Marshall
- Elias Maverick, Sr.
- Robert Moor
- Peter Marshall
- Richard Middlecott
- Amos Murrell
- Edward Mortimer
- Edward Martin
- Thomas Mitchill
- John Mountford
- Henry More
- Edmund Mountford
- Christopher Monk
- Andrew Mariner
- Thomas Martin
- John Mills
- Robert Maugridg
- Edward Mills
- Widdow Mountford
- Lydia Moor
- Widdow Moor
- Widdow Mathews
- James Macollie
- Thomas Martin
- Samuell Mattock, Sr.
- Samuell Mattock, Jr.
- Joseph Mariner
- Richard Miles, Jr.
- Widdow Maning
- Widdow Main
- Thomas Mercer
- Stephen Minot
- William Manly
- Georg Mountjoy
- John Mulligan
- William Mountford
- Richard Moril
- Thaddeus Mackarta
- Henry Mountford
- Eleazur Moody
- Robert Maxwell
- Benjamin Mountford
- Thaddeus Mackarta
- John Maxwell
- James Mears
- James Montier
- William Man
- Thomas Melens
- ---- Medcalf
- ---- Merit
- Widdow Matson
- David Mason
- Joseph Malam
- Florence Mackarta
- Thomas Marshall
- James Maxwell
- Georg Monk
- Arthur Mason
- Simeon Messenger
- Archiable Macquedick
- Hannah Man her husband
- Francis Mors
- Alexander Miller
- Elizabeth Mors
- John Marsh
- Isaak Marion, butcher
- John Marion, Sr.
- Samuell Marion
- Robert Mason
- Paul Miller
- Miles mariner
- John Mico
- Samuell Marshall
- John Morris
- Thomas Messenger
- James Marshall
- Nicholas Mead
- Nathaniell Miles
- William Molton
- Widdow Man, unicorn
- John Mulberry
- John Marion, Jr.
- Daniell Mory
- Jacob Melyen
- John Mason
- Jacob Mason
- Henry Miles
- Samson More
- Joseph Marsh
- Joseph Marshall
- John Marsh at Keats
- Widdow Mason
- Paul Maverick
- Dorman Moreau
- John Nash
- Georg Nowell
- John Nedham
- Ezekiell Nedham
- Nathaneell Newhall
- Joseph Nash
- John Nicols
- David Norton
- Georg Norton
- Thomas Nulline
- Georg Newby
- Francis Nocks
- Timothy Nash
- Thomas Newton
- John Nelson
- Capt. Newhall
- Jabesh Negus
- Robert Nokes
- Nathaniell Newgate
- Samuell Nortcross
- Sarah Noyes
- John Oliver
- John Orris
- Thomas Oakes
- Widdow Oxenbridge
- Nathaniell Oliver
- Daniell Oliver
- Regnall Odall
- Richard Okum
- Richard Oakman
- William Obison
- Widdow Oxford
- John Prat
- Nathaniell Parkman
- John Pullen
- John Parmiter
- John Pittam
- William Parkman
- James Pitts
- John Pitts
- Gerard Pursly
- Richard Pears
- Samuell Poor
- Joseph Parrum
- Elias Puddington
- William Pearse
- Widdow Perkins
- Timothy Prout
- Joseph Prout
- Edward Peggy
- John Palmer
- John Pears
- Edward Proctour
- John Pim
- Thomas Parker
- John Plaisted, Sr.
- John Plaisted, Jr.
- Robert Pears
- Ebenezer Parmiter
- ---- Prindle
- Edward Porter
- Thomas Prankin
- Samll Pain, mariner
- Ebenezer Price
- William Palfery
- Joseph Peirce
- Joshua Peacock
- Elias Puddington
- John Parker
- ---- Pousland
- Widdow Pierson
- Widdow Prince
- Widdow Pemberton
- Richard Priest
- Humphery Parsons
- Thomas Phillips
- John Pasco
- William Parsons
- William Pain
- Robert Price
- William Phiips
- Joylliff Price
- Francis Parnoll
- Peter Parrot
- Stephen Palmer
- Richard Proctour
- Samuell Plumer
- Daniell Powning
- Thomas Perkins
- Thomas Pecke, Jr.
- Elkanah Pembrock
- Thomas Palmer
- John Pitts
- Benjamin Pemberton
- Thomas Plats
- William Pain
- Widdow Powning
- Joseph Parson
- Samuell Phillips
- Joseph Prince
- Henry Put
- Nicholas Paig
- James Pemberton
- Richard Peacock
- John Pastree
- Widdow Phillips
- Jonathan Pollard
- Jose Phillips
- Hugh Perrin
- John Pool
- William Phillips
- William Pain, Smith
- John Potwine
- Michaell Perry
- John Parker
- Samuell Phillips
- Mr. Pain, from Nosset
- Edward Pomree
- David Pollard
- John Pecke
- Anna Pollard
- Thomas Prince
- Thomas Powell
- Samuell Pears
- Seth Perry
- Nathaniell Purdue
- John Pell
- Daniell Phippeny
- William Porter, Jr.
- Richard Pain, mast maker
- Henry Perkin
- John Potter
- Nathaneel Peather
- Widdow Pearce
- Thomas Prat
- Edward Phillips
- Solomon Phips
- John Parker
- Joseph Roberts
- John Roberts
- James Robes
- Georg Robinson
- John Robinson
- Joseph Robinson
- John Rainsford
- John Russell
- David Robinson
- John Rucke, Jr.
- Anna Richards
- Widdow Rainsford
- Ralph Rainsford
- Obadiah Reed
- William Roby
- Samuell Russell
- James Raimer
- Joseph Russell
- William Rous
- ---- Risee, mariner
- Benjamin Rawlings
- John Richards
- James Ranstrop
- Joseph Ryall
- Ralph Rainsford
- Richard Richardson
- Charles Roberts
- George Raison
- John Rickes
- John Rogers
- John Roberts
- John Ryall
- Humphery Richards
- Joseph Rogers
- Nathaniell Raynolds
- Samuell Ruck
- Joseph Raimer
- John Rowlstone
- Caleb Ray
- Joseph Russell
- William Randall
- Gamaliell Rogers
- John Rilee
- William Ridgill
- Andrew Rankin
- William Randall
- James Randall
- William Ruck
- Henry Sharp, painter
- John Smith
- Thomas Stephens
- Josiah Stone
- Robert Seers
- Richard Shoot
- Arthur Smith
- Nicholas Salisbury
- John Stover
- Joseph Snelling
- John Scally
- William Shute
- John Sowther
- James Seward, Sr.
- Samson Shoar
- Michaell Shoot
- John Snelling
- Anthony Stoddard
- John Silly
- Samuell Swetman
- William Sheperee
- Edward Sumers
- John Scate
- Jabesh Salter
- John Simons
- John Sunderland
- William Stratton
- Joseph Switcher
- Benjamin Snellings
- Christopher Sleg
- Joseph Skinner
- John Shine
- Samuell Shaddock
- James Statson
- James Seward
- Richard Sherrin
- Widdow Stephens
- James Statson
- Robert Starkee
- Pilgrim Simkins
- William Snell
- John Somes
- Major Thomas Savage
- Thomas Standbury
- John Sellman
- Alexander Seers
- Seth Smith
- Nicholas Sparry
- John Simson
- Thomas Steel
- Thomas Simkins
- Abraham Smith
- Robert Shelstone
- James Smith
- Thomas Savage, goldsmith
- Ephraim Savage
- Cyprian Southwark
- Gregory Sugars
- Moses Shedbeard
- John Salisbury
- Thomas Storey
- Jacob Smith
- John Spencer
- Elizabeth Stephens
- Henry Spry
- Richard Sherrin
- Coll. Samuell Shrimpton
- Peter Shabbod
- Samson Stoddard
- Captn Smithson
- ---- Sarson
- Thomas Savage, mariner
- Widdow Swet
- Simeon Stoddard
- Nathaniell Shannon
- Francis Smith
- Joseph Scot
- Briant Smith
- Robert Sanders
- Peter Sheridan
- John Shaddock
- Epaphras Shrimpton
- Widdow Stoddard
- Samuell Smith
- Savel Simson
- Stephen Sergeant
- John Smith, baker
- Thomas Smith, stiller
- Peter Sergeant, Esq.
- Gyles Sylvester
- Thomas Shepcot
- Rowland Storey
- Joseph Stocker
- Bartholomew Sutton
- William Sutton
- John Smith, Smith
- Windor Sandy
- William Slack
- Samuell Sewall, Esq. and Mrs. Hull
- Alexander Simson
- Elizur Star
- Joseph Simson
- Encas Salter
- Michaell Shaller
- Mathias Smith
- Robert Sanderson
- Samson Sheaf
- Samuel Salter
- Eneas Salter, Jr.
- ---- Sherlow
- Robert Smith, Sr.
- Joseph Soper
- Nicholas Stoughton
- Widdow Sanderson
- Widdow Small
- John Smith
- Thomas Stedman
- Nathaniell Stedman
- Ralph Shepard
- Timothy Thornton
- Richard Tout, Jr.
- William Towers
- Daniell Turell
- Daniell Travis
- Georg Thomas
- John Trow
- Thomas Townsend, smith
- Christopher Taylor
- John Tucker, mar.
- Thomas Townsend
- Sarah Turell
- Wid. of Capt. Turell
- Widdow Thomas
- Samuell Turell
- Joseph Townsend
- Richard Tally
- Benjamin Tout, dead
- Thomas Tyler
- Samuell Thorn
- John Tenny, dead
- James Traworthy
- Anthony Thorning, at Lyon rampant
- John Thwing
- Isaiah Tay
- Jeremiah Tay
- Bartholomew Threenedle
- Daniell Thomson
- Matthew Turner
- Edward Thomas
- James Thornbury
- Thomas Thornton
- John Thwing
- Benjamin Thaxter
- Nicholas Tippet
- James Taylor
- Penn Townsend
- Francis Thrasher
- Bernard Trot
- John Tuckerman
- Samuel Tilly
- James Townsend
- William Turner
- William Tilly
- John Temple
- John Tuckerman, Jr.
- Edward Taylor
- Peter Townsend, Sr.
- Peter Townsend, Jr.
- William Tedman
- Georg Turfery
- Widdow Thair
- Samuell Townsend
- Elisha Tuttle
- Edward Tuttle
- John Tuttle
- Jonathan Tuttle
- Jonathan Torey
- David Vaughan
- John Viall
- Thomas Veering
- Christopher Vale
- John Veering
- James Updick
- John Vicars
- John Usher
- Peter Varhee
- Andrew Veatch
- Joseph Vicars
- Joseph Williams
- Samuell Woodward
- Lawrence White
- Samuell Workman
- John Welch
- John Water
- Benjamin Williams
- Andrew Wilson
- Samuell White, mariner
- Samuell White, carpenter
- Benjamin Worthylake
- Richard Way
- Richard White
- Obadiah Wakefield
- Amos Wodlin
- John Wakefield, Sr.
- John Wakefield, Jr.
- Adam Winthrop
- Andrew Willet
- Timothy Watsworth
- Edward Worrell
- William Wheeler
- John Waters
- ---- Wiar, boatman
- Joseph Wadsworth
- Widdow Wensley
- Widdow Warren
- Widdow Waters
- John Wally, Sr.
- Joshua Windsor
- Samuell Walker
- Thomas Windsor
- Benjamin Web
- Samuell Wentworth
- Nathaniell Williams
- Jonathan Waldo
- James Williams
- Francis Whitman
- ---- Whitehorn, at Wentworths
- Widdow Walker
- John Waldo
- John Watkins
- Andrew Waker
- William Wilson
- Thomas Walker
- Ebenezer Weekes
- Benjamin Walker
- Samuell Ward
- Joseph Web
- John Watson
- Edward Winslow
- James Wood
- John Wiswall
- William Welsted
- Dr. Richard Williams
- Richard Wilkins
- James Worth
- Robert Williams
- Thomas Wheeler
- John Wilson
- John Walker
- Widdow Ware
- Sarah Webster
- Widow Wesendunck
- Cornelius Waldo
- John Williams
- James Webster
- David Walsby
- John Wally, Jr.
- John Wenchcomb
- Edward Wanton
- Elizabeth Whetcomb
- Michaell Willis
- John Winslow and mother
- Maj. John Wally
- Daniell Willard
- William Welsted, Jr.
- Joseph Web
- Martha Wharton
- Wait Winthrop, Esq.
- Thomas Walker, Sr.
- Thomas Walker, Jr.
- John Wait
- Return Wait
- William Wallace
- Thomas Wallace
- Peter Ware
- Edward Willis
- Joseph Wheeler
- John Williams
- William Web
- William Wheeler
- Aaron Way
- Dean Winthrop
- Jose Winthrop
- Thomas Williams
- John Wait
- Joseph White
- Benjamin White
- John Winchester
- Josiah Winchester
- Thomas Woodward
- Georg Woodward
- Widdow White
1Probably ----
2Thus in original. Undoubtedly meant for a French name and its translation.