Probate Records of Essex County Massachusetts
Volume 3, 1675 - 1681
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- Alexander, Thomas, Salem, 1676
- Allen, Richard, Haverhill, 1678
- Allen, William, Sr., Manchester, 1679
- Andrews, Robert, 1676
- Armitage, Joseph, Lynn, 1680
- Atkinson, Hugh, 1675
- Ayres, John, Brookfield, 1676
- Bailey, James, Rowley, 1677
- Ball, Henry, Salem, 1679
- Barber, William, (Lynn?), 1677
- Barker, James, Rowley, 1678
- Barnard, Thomas, Sr., Amesbury, 1677
- Barron, Peter, Marblehead, 1675
- Bartlett, Dennis, 1678
- Bartlett, John, Sr., Newbury, 1679
- Batchelder, Henry, Ipswich, 1679
- Batchelder, John, Salem, 1675
- Batchelder, Mark (Wenham?), 1675
- Batt, Nicholas, Newbury, 1678
- Beckford, George, Marblehead, 1678
- Bishop, Margaret, Mrs., Ipswich, 1681
- Black, John, Sr., 1675
- Blake, Deborah, Mrs., 1678
- Blake, Israel, 1678
- Boardman, Margaret, Mrs., Ipswich, 1680
- Bodie, Edward, Marblehead, 1678
- Bradbury, Anne, Salisbury (guardianship, 1677)
- Bradbury, Sarah, Salisbury, (guardianship, 1677)
- Bradbury, William, Salisbury, 1679
- Bradbury, Wymond, Salisbury, 1677
- Bradbury, Salisbury (guardianship, 1677)
- Brand, Thaddeus, Lynn (1677)
- Bravender, Alexander, Wenham, 1678
- Breed, John, Lynn, 1678
- Breed, John, Lynn, (guardianship, 1679)
- Bridges, Obadiah, Ipswich, 1677
- Brimblecom, John, Marblehead, 1678
- Brocklebank, Samuel, Vapt., Rowley, 1676
- Browne, Edmund, Newbury, 1678
- Browne, James, 1676
- Browne, James, Salem, 1676
- Browne, John, Jr., Salem, 1677
- Browne, John, Sr., Ipswich, 1677
- Browne, John, Salem, (guardianship, 1679)
- Browning, Thomas, Salem, 1675
- Buswell, Isaac, Jr., Salisbury, 1679
- Button, Daniel (Haverhill?), 1677
- Button, Matthias, Haverhill, 1676
- Carleton, Edward, Rowley, 1678
- Carter, Thomas, Salisbury, 1676
- Chadwell, Benjamin, Lynn, 1679
- Challis, Philip Watson, Amesbury, 1681
- Chapman, Edward, Ipswich, 1678
- Chapman, John, Ipswich, 1678
- Charles, Sarah, Mrs., 1677
- Chaverly, Nicholas (guardianship, 1678)
- Clay, John, Marblehead, 1677
- Codner, Christopher (Marblehead?), 1679
- Cogswell, Samuel, 1675
- Coker, Robert, Newbury, 1681
- Colburn, Henry, 1676
- Coldam, Thomas, Lynn, 1675
- Cole, Ann, Mrs., Salem, 1680
- Cole, George, 1675
- Cole, John, Marblehead, 1677
- Cole, Thomas, Salem, 1679
- Collins, John (Gloucester?), 1677
- Collins, John, Lynn, 1680
- Collins, John, Sr., Gloucester, 1675
- Conant, Roger, Salem, 1679
- Condie, Samuel, Marblehead, 1678
- Condy, Ann, Mrs., Marblehead, 1678
- Cowes, Christopher, 1677
- Craniver, Richard, Salem, 1677
- Creasy, John (guardianship, 1675)
- Crumption, Samuel, 1675
- Cummings, Isaac, Sr., Topsfield, 1677
- Davis, Rphraim, Haverhill, 1679
- Davis, James, Sr., Haverhill, 1680
- Davis, John, Newbury, 1676
- Day, John, Gloucester, 1680
- Dew, William, 1675
- Dike, Anthony, Salem, 1679
- Dispaw, Henry, Sr., Lynn, 1677
- Dodge, Edith, Mrs., Beverly, 1677-8
- Dorton, Robert, 1678
- Dow, Thomas, Haverhill, 1676
- Ewing, Patrick (Rowley?), 1679
- Fellows, William, Ipswich, 1677
- Flint, Thomas, Salem, 1680
- Flint, William, Salem, 1680
- Ford, James, Ipswich, 1677
- Foster, Renold, Sr., Ipswich, 1681
- Fowler, Philip, Sr., Ipswich, 1679
- Fox, Nicholas, Marblehead, 1677
- French, Thomas, Sr., Ipswich, 1680
- Frink, John, Ipswich, 1675
- Fuller, John, 1676
- Gage, Jonathan, Bradford, 1675
- Gage, Samuel, Haverhill, 1676
- Gage, Sarah, Mrs., Bradford, 1681
- Gallison, Vinson, 1679
- Gardner, George, Salem, 1679
- Giddings, George, Ipswich, 1676
- Giles, Bridget, Salem, 1680
- Giles, Samuel, (Haverhill?), 1678
- Gillow, John, Lynn, 1679
- Godfry, John, 1675
- Goodale, Isaac, Salem, 1679
- Goodale, Richard, Salisbury, 1676
- Greenslett, Thomas, 1677
- Hagget, Henry, Wenham, 1678
- Hamons, John, Gloucester, 1678
- Harding, Elizabeth, 1654
- Harding, Philip, Marblehead, 1679
- Hardy, Thomas, Sr., Merrimac, 1678
- Harris, John, 1680
- Hathorn, John, Lynn, 1677
- Hathorn, Eleazer, 1680
- Hathorn, William, Capt., Salem, 1678
- Hathorn, William, Salem, 1681
- Hawksworth, Thomas, Salisbury, 1676
- Herrick, Benjamin, Beverly, 1677
- Herrick, John, Beverly, 1680
- Hill, John, Salem, 1680
- Hollingworth, William, Salem, 1677
- Holmes, Robert, Newbury, 1677
- Hooper, William, 1680
- Howlet, Rebecca, Mrs., Newbury, 1681
- Howlet, Thomas, Ipswich, 1678
- Hubbard, Richard, Ipswich, 1681
- Humphries, John, 1681
- Hunn, Nathaniel, 1679
- Hutchinson, John, 1676
- Hyde, Isaac, 1680
- Ireson, Edward, Lynn, 1676
- Jacob, Richard, Ipswich, 1676
- Jarmin, Clement, Salisbury, 1679
- Jones, John, 1675
- Jones, John, Newbury, 1677
- Jones, Thomas, Manchester, 1681
- Jordan, Francis, Ipswich, 1678
- Kemball, Henry, 1676
- Kemball, Richard, Wenham, 1676
- Kimball, Benjamin (guardianship, 1677)
- Kimball, Caleb, 1675
- Kimball, Joseph (guardianship, 1678)
- Kimball, Margaret, Ipswich, 1675-6
- Kimball, Richard, Sr., Ipswich, 1675
- Kimball, Thomas, 1676
- King, Elizabeth, Mrs., Lynn, 1678
- King, Joseph, 1676
- Kingsbury, John, Rowley, 1678
- Kitchen, John, Salem, 1676
- Knight, John, Newbury, 1678
- Lake, William, Salem, 1679
- Lambert, Abigail (guardianship, 1681)
- Lambert, Michael, 1676
- Langdon, John, 1677
- Law, Priscilla, Rowley (guardianship, 1677)
- Lea, Henry, Manchester 1675
- Legroe, Matthew, 1676
- Littlehale, John, 1675
- Longhorne, Bethiah (guardianship, 1676)
- Lothrop, Thomas, Capt., Beverly, 1675
- Lovejoy, John, Andover, 1680
- Low, Thomas, Sr., Ipswich, 1677
- Lunt, John, Newbury, 1679
- Lynde, John, 1677
- Mackmallen, Allester, Salem, 1679
- Manning, Thomas, Ipswich, 1675
- Mansfield, Samuel, Lynn, 1679
- Marchant, Mary, Mrs., Ipswich, 1680
- Mashoone, John, 1680
- Massey, Jeffery, Sr., Salem, 1677
- Mighill, Nathaniel, Salem, 1677
- Millet, John, Gloucester, 1679
- Millett, Thomas, (Gloucester?), 1675
- Millett, Thomas, Sr., Gloucester, 1676
- Moody, Samuel, Newbury, 1675
- Morgan, Moses, Salem, 1678
- Morse, Anthony, Jr., Newbury, 1678
- Morse, Joseph, Newbury, 1679
- Moulton, James, Sr., Wenham, 1680
- Muzzey, Joseph, Newbury, 1681
- Neal, John, Salem, 1679
- Needham, Edmund, Lynn, 1677
- Newman, Antipas, Wenham, 1677
- Newman, Thomas, Sr., 1676
- Norman, Arabella, Mrs., 1679
- Norton, Freegrace, 1676
- Nowell, Philip, 1675
- Oliver, Thomas, Salem, 1679
- Oseph, Abel, 1675
- Paine, John, (Ipswich?), 1677
- Palmer, Henry, Haverhill, 1680
- Parker, Joseph, Andover, 1678
- Parker, Nathaniel, 1679
- Parker, Thomas, Rev., Newbury, 1677
- Patch, Edmund, Ipswich, 1680
- Pearce, Abigail, Mrs., Ipswich, 1680
- Pearce, Mary, Ipswich (guardianship, 1680)
- Pearce, William, 1678
- Pearson, John, Sr., 1679
- Peirce, Daniel, Sr., Newbury, 1678
- Peirce, Robert, Ipswich, 1680
- Peirce, Sr., 1679
- Perley, Allen, Ipswich, 1675
- Pickton, Thomas, Salem, 1677
- Pickworth, Benjamin, 1677
- Pickworth, John, 1677
- Pickworth, Samuel, 1676
- Pike, Robert, 1678
- Piper, Nathaniel, Ipswich, 1676
- Pitcher, William, 1676
- Pitman, William, 1676
- Platts, Jonathan, Rowley, 1680
- Porter, John, Sr., Salem, 1676
- Potter, Nicholas, Salem, 1677
- Preston, Jacob, Salem, 1679
- Prince, Joseph, Salem, 1678
- Prince, Richard, Sr., Salem, 1675
- Pritchett, William, Topsfield, 1676-7
- Purchase, Thomas, Sr., Lynn, 1678
- Putnam, Samuel, 1676
- Quilter, Mark, Ipswich, 1678
- Quinby, Robert, Amesbury, 1677
- Redding, Annis, Mrs., Ipswich, 1681
- Rich, Obadiah, Salem, 1677
- Richards, Richard, 1678
- Richardson, Nicholas, 1677
- Richardson, Richard, 1681
- Ring, Isaac, Ipswich (guardianship, 1677)
- Roberts, John, Manchester, 1677
- Roberts, Robert, Ipswich, 1678
- Robinson, Eleanor, Mrs., Salem, 1676
- Robinson, William, Salem, 1678
- Rogers, Margaret, Mrs., 1676
- Rogers, Martha, Ipswich (guardianship, 1677)
- Rogers, Mary, Mrs., Rowley, 1679
- Rogers, Nathaniel (guardianship, 1679)
- Rogers, Nathaniel, Ipswich, 1680
- Rogers, Susanna, Mrs., Newbury, 1677
- Rolfe, Daniel, 1676
- Roper, Walter, Ipswich, 1680
- Ropes, George, Salem, 1675
- Roundy, Philip, Salem, 1678
- Rowell, Jacob, Andover (guardianship, 1676)
- Rowell, Thomas, Andover, 1671
- Sanden, Margaret, Mrs., Marblehead, 1675
- Sawyer, Ezekiel, Rowley, 1676
- Sherratt, Hugh, Haverhill, 1678
- Sibley, Richard, 1676
- Silsby, John, 1676
- Simons, Samuel, Lynn, 1676
- Skerry, Ephraim, Salem, 1676
- Skillin, Thomas, Salem, 1676-7
- Small, Joseph, Salem, 1676
- Small, Thomas, Salem, 1676
- Smith, John, Salem, 1680
- Smith, Thomas, Newbury, 1676
- Snelling, William, Salem, 1678
- Somerby, Daniel, Newbury, 1676
- Soolart, Wenham (guardianship, 1679)
- Soolart, Bethiah, Wenham (guardianship, 1679)
- Soolart, John, Wenham, 1678
- Soolart, Joseph, Wenham, 1679
- Southwick, John, Salem, 1680
- Southwick, Samuel, Salem (guardianship, 1677)
- Spofford, John, Sr., Rowley, 1678
- Spooner, Elizabeth, Salem, 1677
- Standish, James, 1679
- Starr, Robert, Salem, 1679
- Stevens, Samuel, Newbury, 1675
- Stevens, Samuel, 1676
- Stickney, Amos, Newbury, 1678
- Sutton, William, Newbury, 1680
- Swan, Ann, Mrs., Rowley, 1678
- Swan, Richard, Rowley, 1678
- Symonds, Samuel, Ipswich, 1678
- Symonds, William, Ipswich, 1679
- Thissell, Jeffrey (Beverly?), 1676
- Thomas, William, Newbury, 1680
- Thompson, Simon, Ipswich, 1676
- Titcomb, William, Sr., Newbury, 1676
- Tompkins, John, Salem, 1681
- Towne, Edmund, Topsfield, 1678
- Trask, Osmund, Beverly, 1677
- Trebie, John, 1675
- Turner, John, Salem, 1680
- Turvill, Thomas, Newbury, 1677
- Veren, Hillard, Jr., Salem, 1680
- Vinton, Edward, 1678
- Voden, Moses, 1681
- Waiman, Stephen, 1675
- Walden, Edward, Wenham, 1679
- Walden, Nathaniel (guardianship, 1680)
- Waller, Christopher, Salem, 1676
- War, Abraham, 1677
- Ward, Joshua, Salem, 1680
- Ward, Joshua, Jr., Salem, 1680
- Warner, Faith, Mrs., Ipswich, 1680
- Waters, Richard, Salem, 1677
- Wharton, Edward, Salem, 1678
- Wheelwright, John, Rev., Salisbury, 1679
- White, John, 1677
- White, Paul, Newbury, 1679
- White, Thomas, 1675
- Whiting, Samuel, Sr., Lynn, 1680
- Whitridge, John, Salem, 1676
- Whittee, Elias, Salem, 1675
- Whittier, Newbury, 1679
- Whittier, John (guardianship, 1679)
- Wildes, John, Jr., Topsfield, 1677
- Wildes, Jonathan, 1676
- Wilford, Gilbert, Haverhill, 1676
- Wilkes, Robert, Salem, 1677
- Williams, Jane, Mrs., 1681
- Wilson, Robert, Salem, 1681
- Winslow, Anne, Mrs., Salisbury, 1677
- Witt, John, Sr., Lynn, 1676
- Wolfe, Peter, Beverly, 1675
- Woodberry, William, Salem, 1677
- Woodbridge, Thomas, Newbury, 1681
- Woodham, John, Ipswich, 1678
- Worcester, Samuel, Bradford, 1681
- Wright, John, Newbury, 1679
Source: The Probate Records of Essex County Massachusetts, printed Salem, Mass. Published by the Essex Institute, 1920.