Probate Records of Essex County Massachusetts
Volume 1, 1635 - 1664
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- Abbott, George, Rowley, 1647
- Abbott, Thomas, Rowley, 1659
- Adams, William, Ipswich, 1662
- Adams, William, Jr., Ipswich, 1659
- Ager, William, Salem, 1654
- Alderman, John, Salem, 1657
- Anard, John, 1662
- Anderson, Arzbell, Lynn, 1661
- Andrews, John, Corp., Ipswich, 1662
- Andrews, Robert, Ipswich, 1644
- Annable, John, Ipswich, 1664
- Antrum, Thomas, Salem, 1663
- Averill, Abigail, Mrs., Ipswich, 1655
- Averill, William, Ipswich, 1653
- Avery, Joseph, Rev., Newbury, 1635
- Babson, Isabel, Mrs., Gloucester, 1661
- Bacon, Rebecca, Mrs., Salem, 1655
- Bacon, William, Salem, 1653
- Badger, Giles, Newbury, 1647
- Bailey, John, Newbury, 1652
- Bailey, Richard, Rowley, 1648
- Baker, Robert, Salem, 1640 - 1641
- Baker, Sarah, Ipswich, 1651
- Balch, Agnes, Salem, 1657
- Balch, John, Salem, 1648
- Balch, John, Salem (1662
- Ballard, William, Lynn, 1648
- Barker, Thomas, Rowley, 1651
- Barnes, Thomas, Salkem, 1664
- Barrett, Richard, Lynn(?), 1651
- Bartholomew, Richard, Salem, 1646
- Bartlett, Richard, Newbury, 1647
- Bartoll, John, Marblehead, 1664
- Batchelder, Joseph, Wenham, 1657
- Beadle, Samuel, Salem, 1664
- Beard, William, 1664
- Beckes, Tobiah, 1662
- Belflower, Benjamin, Salem, 1661
- Belknap, Abraham, Lynn, 1642
- Bellingham, William, Rowley, 1650
- Bennet, John, Marblehead, 1663
- Birdsall, Henry, Salem, 1651
- Baisdell, Ralph, Salisbury, 1651
- Blumfield, John, Newbury, 1639-40
- Boovey, Joseph, Lynn, 1655
- Bowtwell, James, Lynn, 1651
- Brabrooke, John, Newbury, 1662
- Bradley, John, Salem, 1642
- Bradstreet, Humphrey, Ipswich, 1655
- Bradstreet, John, Marblehead, 1669
- Bradstreet, Rebecca, Ipswich (gaurdianship, 1657)
- Bridgeman, John, Salem, 1655
- Browne, Rdward, Ipswich, 1650
- Browne, George, Newbury, 1643
- Browne, Richard, Newbury, 1661
- Browne, William, Gloucester, 1662
- Bullock, Henry, Salem, 1664
- Bullock, Jr., Salem(?), 1657
- Bunker, George, Topsfield, 1658
- Burrill, George, Sr., Lynn, 1654
- Burt, Hugh, Lynn, 1661
- Burt, Hugh, Jr., Lynn, 1650
- Butcher, Walter, 1660
- Buxton, Thomas, Salem, 1654
- Byley, Henry, Salisbury, 1649
- Calie, John, Newbury, 1663
- Call, Philip, Ipswich, 1662
- Candall, Edward, Salem, 1648
- Cantlebury, William, Salem, 1668
- Carthrick, Michael, Ipswich, 1647
- Cartwright, Bethiah, Salem, 1640
- Chamberlin, ----, Mrs., Ipswich(?), 1647
- Chamberlin, Samuel, Ipswich(?), 1649
- Chandler, Abiel, Newbury (guardianship, 1652
- Chaplin, Hugh, Rowley, 1657
- Chin, George, Marblehead, 1653-4
- Churchman, Hugh, Lynn, 1644
- Chute, Lionel, Ipswich, 1645
- Clarke, Eilliam, Salem, 1647
- Clements, John, Haverhill, 1659
- Clements, Robert, Haverhill, 1658
- Cock, Sifforye, 1662
- Cockerell, Elizabeth, Mrs., Salem, 1664
- Cockerell, William, Salem, 1661
- Codner, Christopher, Marblehead(?), 1650
- Cogswell, John, Jr., Ipswich, 1653
- Colby, Anthony, Salisbury, 1661
- Cole, George, Lynn, 1653
- Conant, Joshua, Salem, 1659
- Cooke, Henry, Salem, 1662
- Cooke, Thomas, Ipswich(?), 1650
- Conley, John, Ipswich, 1654
- Cooper, Timothy, Lynn, 1659
- Corwithy, Samuel, Marblehead(?), 1659
- Creeke, Andrew, Topsfield, 1658
- Crimp, William, Isle of Shoals(?), 1658
- Cromwell, Thomas, Newbury, 1546
- Cross, John, Ipswich, 1651
- Cummings, Joanna, Salem, 1644
- Cummings, John, Salem, 1663
- Cutting, John, Newbury, 1660
- Davis, Jenkin, Lynn, 1662
- Deale, William, Haverhill, 1664
- Dent, Francis, Lynn, 1638-9
- Dickinson, Thomas, Rowley, 1662
- Dillingham, Sarah, Mrs., Ipswich, 1636
- Dorman, John, Topsfield, 1662
- Dow, Thomas, Haverhill, 1656
- Eaborne, Thomas, Salem, 1643
- Elle, John, Marblehead(?), 1653 - 4
- Ellthorp, Thomas, Rowley, 1654
- Elliot, Richard, 1662
- Elliot, William, Salem(?), 1660
- Ellit, Richard, 1664
- Eyers, John, Sr., Haverhill, 1657
- Fairfield, Benjamin, et al. (guardianship, 1660
- Fairfield, John, Wenham, 1647
- Farr, George, Lynn, 1662
- Fay, Henry, Newbury, 1655
- Firman, Thomas, Ipswich, 1648
- Fisk, William, Wenham, 1654
- Flint, Thomas, Salem, 1663
- Fowler, Philip, Ipswich (adoption, 1651)
- Fralle, George, Lynn, 1664
- French, Susan, Ipswich, 1658
- Friend, John, Salem, 1656
- Frithy, Richard, Salem(?), 1659
- Fuller, Anne, Mrs., Salem(?), 1662
- Gaines, Jane, Mrs., Lynn, 1645
- Gardner, William, 1663
- Farven, John, 1662
- Gilbert, Humphrey, Ipswich, 1658
- Goffe, John, Newbury, 1641
- Golt, William, Salem, 1660
- Goodale, Elizabeth, Mrs., Newbury, 1647
- Goodridge, William, Watertown, 1656
- Goog, William, Lynn, 1646
- Goose, William, Salem, 1664
- Goyte, John, Marblehead, 1662
- Gray, Robert, Salem, 1652
- Griffin, Humphrey, Ipswich, 1661
- Haffield, Richard, Ipswich, 1652
- Hardy, Elizabeth, Mrs., Salem, 1654
- Hardy, John, Salem, 1652
- Harker, William, Lynn, 1652
- Hart, John, Marblehead, 1656
- Hart, John, 1662
- Harwood, Henry, Salem, 1664
- Hanxworth, Thomas, Salisbury, 1651
- Hawes, Frances, Mrs., Salem, 1645
- Heard, Luke, Ipswich, 1647
- Hersome, Mary, Mrs., Wenham, 1648
- Hobson, William, Rowley, 1650
- Hollingsworth, Richard, Salem, 1654
- Holman, Richard, 1662
- Holyoke, Edward, Lynn, 1660
- Homan, William, 1662
- Kooke, William, Salisbury, 1653
- Hopkinson, Jonathan, Rowley (guardianship, 1652)
- Hopkinson, Michael, Rowley, 1657
- How, Joseph, Lynn, 1651
- Howe, Edward, Lynn1639
- Huckstable, Macklin, Marblehead, 1656
- Humphries, John, 1661
- Hunter, Robert, Rowley, 1647
- Ingalls, Edmund, Lynn, 1648
- Ingersoll, Richard, Salem, 1644-5
- Ivory, William, Lynn, 1653
- Jackson, John, Ipswich, 1648
- Jackson, John, Sr., Salem, 1656
- James, Erasmus, Marblehead, 1660
- Jarrat, John, Rowley, 1648
- Jewett, Ann, Mrs., Rowley, 1661
- Jewett, Joseph, Rowley, 1661
- Jewett, Nehemiah, Rowley (guardianship, 1661)
- Jewett, Patience, Rowley, (gaurdianship, 1661)
- Jiggles, William, Salem, 1639
- Johnson, Caleb, Andover, 1656
- Johnson, Robert, Rowley, 1650
- Keniston, Allen, Salem, 1648
- Kenning, Jane, Ipswich, 1654
- Kent, Richard, Sr., Newbury, 1654
- King, Richard, Salem(?), 1635
- King, William, Salem, 1650
- Kirtland, Philip, Lynn, 1661
- Knight, Alexander, Ipswich, 1664
- Knight, William, Lynn, 1655
- Knowlton, John, Ipswich, 1654
- Knowlton, Margery, Mrs., Ipswich, 1654
- Knowlton, William, Ipswich(?), 1655
- Lanbert, Francis, Rowley, 1648
- Lambert, Gershom, Rowley, 1664
- Lambert, Jane, Mrs., Rowley, 1659
- Lambert, Jonathan, Rowley(?), 1664
- Lamson, William, Ipswich, 1659
- Lane, Aniball, 1662
- Laskin, Hugh, Salem, 1659
- Leach, John, Sr., Salem, 1659
- Leach, Lawrence, Salem, 1662
- Lee, Thomas, Ipswich, 1662
- Lewis, David, Salem, 1662
- Lewis, Edmund, Lynn, 1630
- Lewis, Robert, Newbury, 1644
- Lightfoot, Francis, Lynn, 1646
- Littlehale, Richard, Haverhill, 1663-4
- Lookman, John, 1662
- Lookman, Nicholas, 1662
- Lowell, Elizabeth, Mrs., Newbury, 1651
- Lowell, John, Newbury, 1647
- Lume, Ann, Mrs., Rowley, 1662
- Lumpkyn, Richard, Ipswich, 1645
- Lunt, Henry, Newbury, 1662
- Mason, Emme, Mrs., Salem, 1646
- Mattox, John, Salem, 1644
- Merrill, Nathaniel, Newbury, 1655
- Mighill, Thomas, Rowley, 1655
- Millard, Thomas, Newbury, 1653
- Miller, Mary, Mrs., Newbury, 1664
- Mitchell, William, Newbury, 1654
- Moores, James, Lynn, 1659
- Morrill, Abraham, Salisbury, 1662
- Morse, Joseph, Ipswich, 1646
- Moulton, Robert, Sr., Salem, 1655
- Mountjoy, Benjamin, Salem, 1659
- Muddle, Henry, Gloucester(?), 1662
- Mudge, James, 1662
- Muzzey, Robert, Ipswich, 1644
- Nelson, Thomas, Rowley, 1649
- Nelson, Thomas, Rowley, (guardianship, 1657)
- Nevill, William, Ipswich, 1643
- Newhall, Anthony, Lynn, 1657
- Nicholson, Edmund, Marblehead, 1660
- Norington, Robert, Salem(?), 1650
- Norris, Edward, Rev., Salem, 1660
- Norton, George, Salem, 1659
- Noyes, James, Rev., Newbury, 1656
- Odry, William, 1661
- Oliver, John, Newbury, 1642
- Osgood, Christopher, Ipswich, 1650
- Osgood, John, Andover, 1651
- Park, George, Marblehead(?), 1653-4
- Parrot, Francis, Rowley, 1656
- Partridge, John, Olney, Eng. 1652
- Partridge, Sarah (guardianship, 1663)
- Partridge, William, Salisbury, 1654
- Patch, James, Salem, 1658
- Payne, Thomas, Salem, 1644
- Pease, Margaret, Mrs., Salem, 1644
- Pease, Robert, Salem, 1644
- Peasley, Joseph, Salisbury, 1661
- Perkins, John, Jr., Ipswich, 1659
- Perkins, John, Sr., Ipswich, 1654
- Perkins, William, et al., Topsfield (guardianship, 1660)
- Philbrick, Robert, Ipswich(?), 1654
- Pickering, John, Salem, 1657
- Pickworth, John, Manchester, 1663
- Pike, John, Sr., Salisbury, 1654
- Pitford, Peter, Marblehead, 1659
- Pittice, John, Ipswich(?), 1653
- Plasse, William, Salem, 1646
- Pollard, George, Marblehead, 1646
- Pomeroy, John, Gloucester(?), 1662
- Porter, Samuel, Wenham, 1659
- Pride, John, Salem, 1647
- Priest, James, Salem, 1664
- Quilter, Mark, Ipswich, 1654
- Rea, Daniel, Salem, 1662
- Read, Thomas, Col., Salem(?), 1663
- Redverne, Isabel, Mrs., Ipswich, 1650
- Reyner, Humphrey, Rowley, 1660
- Richardson, William, Newbury, 1657
- Ring, Daniel, Ipswich, 1662
- Roberts, Robert, Ipswich, 1663
- Robinson, Abraham, Gloucester, 1648
- Robinson, John, Salem, 1653
- Robinson, John, Ipswich, 1658
- Rogers, Ezekiel, Rev., Rowley, 1661
- Rogers, Nathaniel, Rev., Ipswich, 1655
- Rogers, Robert, Newbury, 1664
- Rolfe, Daniel, Ipswich, 1654
- Rolfe, Ezra, Ipswich, 1652
- Rolfe, Henry, Newbury, 1643
- Rolfe, Honor, Newbury, 1651
- Rolfe, John, Newbury, 1664
- Rolfe, Thomas, Ipswich, 1657
- Rooten, Richard, Lynn, 1663
- Row, John, Gloucester, 1662
- Rowell, Thomas, Andover, 1662
- Rowell, Valentine, Salisbury, 1662
- Sadler, Anthony, Salisbury, 1650
- Sallows, Grace, Mrs., Salem(?), 1664
- Sallows, Michael, Salem, 1646
- Sallows, Robert, Salem, 1663
- Sallows, Thomas, Salem, 1663
- Sanders, John, Salem, 1643
- Sandle, John, Marblehead, 1654
- Scarlet, Anne, Mrs., Salem, 1653
- Scott, Thomas, Ipswich, 1654
- Scott, Thomas, Ipswich, 1657
- Scruggs, Thomas, Salem, 1654
- Scudder, Thomas, Salem, 1658
- Scullard, Samuel, Newbury, 1647
- Seers, Thomas, Newbury, 1661
- Sewall, Henry, Sr., Rowley, 1656
- Shatswell, John, Ipswich, 1647
- Shatswell, Theophilus, Haverhill, 1663
- Sherman, Samuel, Ipswich, 1662
- Sibly, John, Manchester, 1661
- Skelton, Samuel, Rev., Salem, 1638
- Smith, Edith, 1647
- Smith, George, Salem, 1662
- Smith, Hannah, Rowley (guardianship, 1664)
- Smith, Henry, Rowley, 1655
- Smith, Hugh, Rowley, 1656
- Smith, James, Marblehead, 1661
- Smith, John, Rowley, 1661
- Smith, Martha, Rowley(?), (guardianship, 1664)
- Smith, Mary, Mrs., Marblehead, 1663
- Smith, Nathaniel, 1651
- Smith, Samuel, Wenham, 1642
- Smith, Sarah, Rowley(?), (guardianship, 1664)
- Smith, Thomas, 1660
- Smith, Thomas, Salem, 1662
- Somerby, Henry, Newbury, 1652
- Southmead, William, Gloucester, 1648
- Southwick, Lawrence, Salem, 1660
- Spencer, John, Newbury, 1649
- Spencer, Michael, Lynn, 1653
- Spooner, Thomas, Salem, 1664
- Stevens, John, Andover, 1662
- Stevens, William, Newbury, 1653
- Stileman, Elias, Salem, 1662
- Stuart, William, Lynn, 1664
- Symeads, Mark, Ipswich, 1659
- Symeads, Samuel, Jr., Ipswich, 1654
- Talbey, John, Salem, 1644
- Thorne, John, Salem, 1646
- Tibbott, Walter, Gloucester, 1651
- Tilton, Daniel, Lynn (guardianship, 1662)
- Tilton, William, Lynn, 1653
- Travers, Henry, Newbury, 1659
- Tresler, Elinor, Mrs., Salem, 1655
- True, Henry, Salisbury, 1660
- Trumble, John, Rowley, 1657
- Trumble, Joseph, Rowley, 1664
- Trumble, Judah, et al., Rowley (guardianship, 1660)
- Trusler, Thomas, Salem, 1654
- Tucker, Nicholas, Marblehead, 1664
- Tucker, Roger, Salem, 1660
- Turner, Charles, Salem, 1643
- Tuttle, John, Ipswich, 1659
- Varnam, George, Ipswich, 1649
- Varney, William, Ipswich, 1654
- Verin, Philip, Salem, 1650
- Wake, William, Salem, 1654
- Waklye, Isaac, Gloucester, 1662
- Walcott, William, Salem, 1643
- Waldridge, William, Salem(?), 1668
- War, Abraham, Ipswich, 1654
- Ward, Alice, Mrs., Ipswich, 1655
- Ward, John, Ipswich, 1656
- Ward, Miles, Salem, 1650
- Waters, Stephen, Marblehead(?), 1657
- Wathen, Margery, Mrs., Salem, 1644
- Wathen, Thomas, Gloucester, 1652
- Wathen, Thomas, Gloucester, 1657
- Watkins, John, Salem, 1641
- Webster, Israel, et al., Ipswich, (guardianship, 1662)
- Webster, John, Ipswich, 1646
- West, Isabel, Salem, 1644
- Whipple, Matthew, Ipswich, 1647
- Whipple, Matthew, Ipswich, 1663
- White, William, Salem, 1658
- Whittingham, John, Ipswich, 1649
- Wickham, Richard, Rowley, 1664
- Wickes, Thomas, Salem, 1656
- Wild, William, Ipswich, 1662
- Wilkes, Thomas, Salem, 1662
- Williams, George, Salem, 1654
- Williams, Mary, Mrs., Salem, 1654
- Willix, Belshazzar, Salisbury, 1651
- Willix, Mary, Mrs., Sallisbury (guardianship, 1664)
- Winsley, Samuel, Salisbury, 1663
- Wise, Humphrey, Ipswich, 1638-9
- Witter, William, Lynn, 1661
- Wood, Daniel, Ipswich, 1649
- Woodbury, John, Salem, 1642
- Woodis, John, Salem, 1659
- Woodman, Richard, Lynn, 1647
- Worcester, Moses, Salisbury (guardianship, 1663)
- Worcester, Rev., Salisbury, 1662
- Wright, John, Newbury, 1658
- Yoe, Samuel, Salem(?), 1657
- Yongs, Christopher, Wenham, 1647
Source: The Probate Records of Essex County Massachusetts, printed Salem, Mass. Published by the Essex Institute, 1920.