Essex County Massachusetts Obituaries Extracted From The Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, Newburyport, Massachusetts, 1773-1775
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1773-1775 Obituaries from the Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet in Newburyport, Essex County Massachusetts.
EMERION, Waldo, Obituary
Died at Wells, Mr. Waldo Emerion, Merchant. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), April 13, 1774]
GREENLEAF, Sarah, Obituary
Died Mrs. Sarah Greenleaf, widow of the late Hon. John Greenleaf, Esq., of this town. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), May 18, 1774]
GREENOUGH, Mary, Obituary
Died Mrs. Mary Greenough, wife of Mr. William Greenough, Sail-maker of this town. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), May 11, 1774]
HERRICK, Samuel, Obituary
Died at Beverly, Capt. Samuel Herrick. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), December 4, 1773]
JEWETT, Rev. Jedidiah, Obituary
Died at Rowley, the Rev. Mr. Jedidiah Jewett, pastor of the first church in that place. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), May 11, 1774]
KENT, Clement, Obituary
Died Mr. Clement Kent. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), January 5, 1774]
LLOYD, Capt. John, Obituary
Died Capt. John Lloyd, of this town at Anguilla. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), April 6, 1774]
LORT, John, Obituary
Died - John Lort. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), April 6, 1774]
MAOT, Wilham, Obituary
Died Mr. Wilham Maot(?), late of Camden. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), December 4, 1773]
MARSH, Christopher Bridge, Obituary
Died yesterday, the Rev. Christopher Bridge Marsh, pastor of a church in this town, his funeral will be attended on Tuesday next.
December 19, 1773 - On Friday the 3d of December instant, died, and on the 7th was decently buried, the Rev. Christopher Bridge March, in the 30th year of his age, Pastor of the North Congregational Church, in Newbury-Port. He was the only son of Mr. Daniel Marsh, a Deacon of the first church in Boston; and was of a studious and contemplative turn of mind from his childhood. He entered College, in Cambridge, in his 14th year, received his first degree in 1761; began to preach in 1764: and was soon after called to be chaplain at Castle William; where he continued between two and three years; in which time his ministry was apparently owned and blessed, to the spiritual good of a number; in whom there was a very visible reformation. He was ordained October 19th, 1768, at the unanimous desire of the Church and Congregation. The ecclesiastical counsel, who assisted at that solemnity, were much pleased to find him well furnished by the Father of Lights, with ministerial gifts and qualifications; and their then raised a penetrating mind, ready invention, and solid judgement; thought and reasoned correctly. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), December 4, 1773]
MASKELL, Mark, Obituary
Died Capt. Mark Haskell. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), December 19, 1773]
M'HARD, John, Obituary
Died in February last, at Hispaniola, Mr. John M'Hard, son of Capt. M'Hard of this town, a young gentleman of an amiable character. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), April 13, 1774]
MOODY, Stephen, Obituary
Died - Mr. Stephen Moody. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), January 19, 1774]
NICHOLS, Mr., Obituary
Died - Mr. Nichols, distiller, this town. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), February 16, 1774]
OLIVER, Andrew, Obituary
Last Thursday morning died her the honorable Andrew Oliver, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor of this province, in the 68th year of his age. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), March 9, 1774]
ORMAND, Henry, Obituary
Died Capt. Henry Ormand, a native of North Britain. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), December 4, 1773]
PAYSON, Elliot, Obituary
Died at Rowley, Mr. Elliot Payson, in the 74th year of his age. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), May 25, 1774]
PERKINS, Capt. Samuel, Obituary
Died Capt. Sam. Perkins on board the sloop Merimack on his passage from St. Croix to Cape Nichols. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), April 13, 1774]
PIKE, Abigail, Obituary
Died Miss Abigail Pike. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), December 4, 1773]
SAUNDERS, Thomas, Obituary
Died at Gloucester, Hon. Thomas Saunders, Esq; aged 45. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), January 26, 1774]
STANWOOD, John, Obituary
Died Mr. John Stanwood. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), February 16, 1774]
STERLING, James, Obituary
Died at Glasgow, in Scotland, the Rev. James Sterling. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), December 4, 1773]
SWAIN, Joseph, Obituary
Died at Wenham, Mrs. Swain, consort of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Swain. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), December 4, 1773]
TITCOMB, Hannah, Obituary
Died - Mrs. Hannah Titcomb, wife of Mr. Enoch Titcomb, Jun., blacksmith. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), March 9, 1774]
WEBB, Mrs. John, Obituary
Died Mrs. Webb, widow of Capt. John Webb, deceased. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), December 4, 1773]
WENDELL, John Mico, Obituary
Died Mr. John Mico Wendell, Merchant. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), December 4, 1773]
WOODBRIDGE, Thomas, Obituary
This morning died, after a long confinement, in the 65th year of his age, Thomas Woodbridge, Esq; one of his majesty's Justices of the Peace for the county of Essex - a noted merchant in this town and an eminent ship-builder. He troubled not himself or his friends with the common and endless disputes in religion; but zealously inculcated, and by strict practice, recommended the exercise of those virtues, which adorn the man - which adorn the Christian. [Essex Journal and Merrimack Packet, (Newburyport, MA), January 19, 1774]