New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

Biographies of Prominent Families
Town of Middletown
Middlesex County Connecticut

Transcribed by Lynn Tooley

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Biographies of Prominent Families of Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut, extracted from The History of Middlesex County 1635-1885, J. H. Beers & Co., 36 Vesey Street, New York, 1884, Pages 152-173

Rev. Samuel Stow, Biography

Rev. Samuel Stow came to Mattabesett in 165 1. He was the youngest of the four sons of John and Elizabeth Stow, who " arrived at New England the 17th of the 3d month ano 1634," and was then twelve years of age. He graduated in the first class of Harvard College, 1645, studied for the ministry, was employed in Massachusetts for a time, and on his removal here became the founder and pastor of the "First Ecclesiastical Society" in this city, and was recognized by the General Court as " their engaged minister," as recorded in volumes of the Colonial Records.

In March 1669 he made an appeal to the General Court (still extant) to settle differences that had arisen between him and his people, which resulted thus:

"That the people of Middletown are free from Mr. Stow as their engagea minister. 2dly . That the people of Middletown shall give to Mr. Stow L'rs Testimonial as drawn up by the worshipfull Governor in ye Courte. And Mr. Stow is not infringed of his liberty to preach in Middletown to such as will attend him, until there be a settled minister there. It is ordered by this Court, that ye people Middletown shall pay unto Mr . Stow for his labour in ye ministry the year past £40, which is to be paid unto by the 20th of April next."

He continued his work in various places, and founded churches. In 1680, twenty persons from Simsbury petitioned the Legislature thus: the petitioners "having knowledge and tryall of Mr. Samuel Stow in ye labours of ye Word, & doctrine of ye Gospell, manifest their desire, for his continuance, to be a Pastor and Watchman over our Souls and ye Souls of ours, and ask ye countenance of the General Court to their settlement and order; " which petition was granted and the order given.

He married Hope Fletcher, the daughter of William Fletcher, of Chelmsford, Mass. With the exception of John, his oldest son, born at Charlestown, Mass., June i6th 1650, his children were all born here. After his retirement from the work of the ministry, he wrote several books for the press, one of which was probably the earliest history of New England, and is not now known to be extant, another on the conversion of the Jews, all of which appear in the inventory of his estate. He held during his life, 1374 acres of land, some of which he deeded to his children, of some he gave instructions in his will that it be sold, and the proceeds be used to present a Bible to each of the numerous young men among his kindred bearing his name. He also bequeathed a large tract in Newfield and Westfield to the town, and thus laid the foundation of the first free schools here, an example which was followed by Nathaniel White and Jasper Clements. These bequests combined are the source of the present town school fund.

As his two sons died without male heirs, the name of Stow is extinct in his line, but the standing of his descendants at this day shows the fulfillment of the promise of " the jealous God " who " sheweth mercy unto thousands of them that love him and keep his commandments."

He died at Middletown, May 8th 1704, aged 82. The table monument in the Riverside Burying Ground, supposed to be his, is devoid of any inscription, time and the elements combined having left the surface smooth.

Hon. Giles Hamlin, Biography

Hon. Giles Hamlin, ancestor of the early and very respectable family of that name, came from some part of England, and became a resident of Middletown, probably in 1650. He was probably a seafaring man. He was the first person admitted to the communion of the church under Rev. Mr. Collins, and was elected to the Colonial Council in 1685, and annually thereafter till his death, except during the usurpation of Andross. He died in 1689.

Hon. John Hamlin, eldest son of Giles, inherited the sterling qualities of his father, and served the public for a much longer period. He was an assistant, from 1694 to 1730. In 1715 he was appointed a judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Hartford, and from 1716 to 1721, he was an assistant judge of the Superior Court. He died in 1733, at the age of 75.

Hon. Jabez Hamlin, son of John, was held in equally as high esteem as were his father and grandfather, and was still more extensively employed in public life. He was early made a colonel of militia, and was in the commission of the peace in 1733 or 1734, and was a justice of the Quorum from 1745 till 1754. He was a judge of the Hartford County Court from 1754 till 1784, was judge of the Court of Probate from 1752 till 1789, and mayor of the city of Middletown from its incorporation till his death. He was annually elected an assistant from 1758 till 1767. Although he supported an unpopular measure, such was his personal popularity that he was at once sent as a representative to the Assembly and was made speaker of the House, a position which he , continued to occupy till he was returned to the Council in 1773. He died in 1791, at the age of 82.

Commodore Thomas McDonough, Biography

Although not a native of Middletown, the alliance of Commodore McDonough with the family of a prominent citizen, Nathaniel Shaler, gives this town a right to claim him as one of its sons.

Thomas McDonough was born in the county of New Castle, Delaware, in 1783. He became a midshipman in the navy at the age of 17, and was with the American fleet in the Mediterranean, where he took part in the destruction of the frigate Philadelphia, which had been captured by the Tripolitans, and the capture of a Tripolitan gun-boat. His gallantry in these affairs led to his promotion to the rank of lieutenant.

No noteworthy event in his life occurred between the Tripolitan war and that of 1812, except that he had been made a captain. In that year he took the command of the United States force on Lake Champlain, and carried the army of General Dearborn into Canada without encountering opposition from the British force. No active operations occurred on the lake till the autumn of 1814, though both parties were busily employed in strengthening their naval forces.

On the 11th of September in that year, the celebrated battle between the two naval forces took place in front of Plattsburg. The British squadron, which was superior in force, was commanded by Commodore Downie, and that of the Americans by Captain McDonough.

It is unnecessary to give here a description of this battle, which lasted two hours and twenty minutes, and during which the ships of the commanders, the Confiance and the Saratoga, were the principal objects of attack. The former was hulled 105 times, and the latter received 55 shots, principally twenty-four pounders, in her hull.

"The personal deportment of Capt. McDonough in the engagement, like that of Capt. Perry in the battle of Lake Erie, was the subject of general admiration. His coolness was undisturbed throughout all the trying scenes on board his own ship, and although trying against a vessel of double the force and nearly twice the tonnage of the Saratoga he met and resisted her attacks with a constancy that seemed to set defeat at defiance. The winding of the Saratoga, under such circumstances, exposed as she was to the raking broadsides of the Confiance and the Linnet, especially the latter, was a bold, seamanlike, and masterly measure, that required unusual decision and fortitude to imagine and execute. Most men would have believed that, without a single gun on the side engaged, a fourth of the people cut down, and their ship a wreck, enough injury had been received to justify submission; but Capt. McDonough found the means to secure a victory in the desperate situation of the Saratoga."

Though he had been honored before he was still more highly honored after this battle. Congress voted him a medal, and different States and towns complimented him by gifts. The State of New York gave him a thousand acres of land, and the State of Vermont, two hundred, situated in full view of the lake, near the scene of his victory. The Legislature of New York also voted him a splendid sword, and another, costing $1,300, was presented to him by the officers and seamen whom he had commanded in the Mediterranean. The State of Delaware also presented him with a massive silver tea set, on which was a suitable inscription. He was promoted for his services in this action.

Commodore McDonough continued in the naval service till near the time of his death. His last cruise was in the Mediterranean, in command of the old frigate Constitution, in 1825. By reason of failing health he resigned the command of that vessel, and embarked from Gibraltar in October 1825. On the loth of the next month he died at sea. His remains were brought to New York, and thence to Middletown, where they were interred in the old cemetery, near the bank of the Connecticut River. A modest marble monument marks the place of his interment.

William L. Storrs, Biography

William Lucius Storrs was born in Middletown, Connecticut, March 2Sth 1795, graduated at Yale College in 1814, and adopted the law as a profession. He was a member of the State Assembly in 1827, 1828, 1829, and 1834, serving as a speaker in 1834. He was a member of Congress from Connecticut from 1829 to 1833, ^"d again from 1839 to 1840. In June 1840, he resigned to accept the appointment of associate judge of the Court of Errors. In 1846, he was appointed professor of law in Yale College, and served in that capacity till 1847. In 1856, he was appointed chief justice of the Court of Errors, and held that position until his death in Hartford, June 25th 1861.

Henry R. Storrs, Biography

Henry R. Storrs, elder brother of William L., was born in Middletown in 1785 or 1787, and graduated from Yale College in 1804. He practiced law some years at Utica, N. Y., and during his residence there was a representative in Congress from 1819 to 1821, and again from 1823 to 1831. After leaving Congress, he removed to the city of New York, where he became very eminent in his profession. He was possessed of extensive aquirements, uncommon powers of discrimination, and great logical exactness. He was a powerful elocutionist and as a debater in Congress he stood conspicuous in the first rank. He died at New Haven, July 29th 1837.

James T. Pratt, Biography

James T. Pratt was born in Middletown, Connecticut, in 1805, and was bred a farmer, which occupation he followed. He served in the Connecticut Legislature; and was a representative in Congress from that State from 1853 to 1855. He was also a delegate to the "Peace Congress " of 1861.

Rt. Rev. John Williams, D.D., L.L.D., Biography

Rt. Rev. John Williams, D.D., LL.D., was born in Old or North Deerfield, Mass., August 30th 1817. He was the only child of Ephraim Williams, a lawyer and author of the first volume of the Massachusetts Reports, and of Emily (Trowbridge) Williams. His parents were Unitarians and he was educated in that faith. He attended school at the academy in his native town, which was considered an excellent school, and later was sent to Northfield, where there was an academy with a high reputation. In 1831, he entered Harvard College, where he remained two years. Here he had an intimate friend, afterward Rev. Benjamin Davis, and in consequence of discussions with him and of careful study of the prayer book, he determined to connect himself with the Episcopal Church. In consequence of the change he wished to be transferred to a church college. Accordingly, with the cordial consent of his father, he left Harvard and entered what was then Washington (now Trinity) College, Hartford. This brought him into relations with Bishop Brownell, who had resigned the presidency of the college in 1831, and who continued to live in Hartford and take an active interest in the affairs of the college, and with the Rev. Dr. Samuel F. Jarvis, then one of its professors. He graduated in 1835. In the autumn of that year, having become a candidate for Holy Orders, he entered the Theological Seminary in New York, but after a short time was called home by the illness of his father and remained with him until his death. Then, after a little delay in Hartford, he came to Middletown to resume his theological studies with the Rev. Dr. Jarvis, who had become rector of Christ Church (now the Church of the Holy Trinity) in that city. Having completed his studies, he was ordained deacon, together with his friend Abner Jackson (afterwards successively a tutor and a professor in Trinity, and president, first of Hobart, and then of Trinity College) by Bishop Brownell in the church at Middletown, September 2d 1838. After his ordination he continued a tutor in Trinity College, a position which he had taken in 1837, until 1840. Being still below the canonical age of 24 required for ordination to the priesthood, he went abroad with his mother for a little less than a year, spending most of the time in England and Scotland, although he also made a short visit to Paris.

On his return he became assistant to the Rev. Dr. Jarvis, at Middletown, for one year, and in 1842 was called to the rectorship of St. George's Church, Schenectady, N. Y. In 1848, he was elected president of Trinity College and removed to Hartford. Bishop Brownell was now advanced in years, and in 1851, when he was already past "three score years and ten," it became necessary to elect an assistant Bishop. The choice fell with unanimity upon Dr. Williams, and he was consecrated in St. John's Church, Hartford, October 29th 1851. The increasing infirmity of Bishop Brownell threw upon him nearly the whole work of the diocese, but he nevertheless retained the presidency of Trinity College two years longer, finally resigning in 1853.

During his presidency, and chiefly through his personal exertions, the very small endowment of the college was considerably increased. When he resigned the office of president, he still retained that of vice-chancellor, becoming chancellor, ex officio, on the death of Bishop Brownell, and his active interest in the welfare of the college has never flagged. He still continues to lecture on history to each of the two upper classes.

In the year 1854, he removed to Middletown with his mother, and has since lived there. The occasion for this change of residence was the incorporation of the Berkeley Divinity School, for which Middletown was considered the most suitable location. This school had grown out of a theological department of Trinity College which existed during his presidency. On the establishment of the Divinity School he became its dean, and has ever since taken his full share in the instruction of its students, in addition to his abundant labors as bishop of a rapidly developing diocese.

January 13th 1865, Bishop Brownell died and Bishop Williams became the sole bishop of the diocese. He has lived to see a remarkable development of its strength and vigor under his able administration. The number of its parishes has increased by one-half, while that of its clergy has grown in a still larger ratio; the number of families connected with it has nearly doubled, and that of its communicants has more than doubled; the average annual number of baptisms has also doubled, while the confirmations have more than doubled. The various institutions of the diocese have been correspondingly strengthened, and several important ones have been established and grown to a vigorous manhood. There have also been founded, in connection with the various parishes, a number of charitable institutions, such as homes for the aged and infirm, and for orphans. The contributions for parochial and benevolent purposes have multiplied thirty fold.

Honorary degrees of S. T. D., or D. D., were received from Union College in 1847, from Trinity in 1849, from Columbia in 1851, and from Yale in 1883; that of LL.D. was conferred by Hobart College in 1870.

The Bishop's mother died in 1872, on the day of the ordination of the graduating class of the Berkeley Divinity School. With that faithfulness at once to filial and to ofificial duty which has characterized his whole life, the Bishop remained at her side during the early part of the service, giving directions that he should be summoned when his official duty began. Before that moment arrived, Mrs. Williams had passed to her rest, and the Bishop, having watched her latest breath, entered the Chancel to bestow the authority of the ministry upon the young men whom he had trained for its duties.

According to the rule prevailing from the organization of the Episcopal Church in this country, the oldest of the bishops in the order of consecration has always been the Presiding Bishop in the Church. In the growth of the Church this office, which was at first one of little more than formal honor, has gradually become of considerable responsibility and importance. At the General Convention of 1883, the rule was so far changed that Bishop Williams, being then fourth in order of seniority, was chosen chairman of the House of Bishops and "Assessor " (a new office) to the Presiding Bishop. He thus became practically the recognized head of the American Episcopal Church.

This short notice of one of the most honored of the citizens of Middlesex, and of Connecticut, and one of the most prominent of the members of the Episcopal Church in America cannot fitly be closed without mention of an incident of historic interest. After the close of the war of the Revolution, the American Church applied to the English Church for the consecration of bishops. Dr. Samuel Seabury was the one chosen by the Church in Connecticut, and sent to England for this purpose. It was found, however, that the connection of the Church in England with the State interposed serious obstacles to the granting of the request. After long negotiations and tedious delays, of the successful termination of which there seemed little hope, Dr. Seabury, in accordance with his instructions, finally turned to the Church of Scotland, and was duly consecrated at Aberdeen, November 14th 1784. This event supplied the American Church with the long desired Episcopacy, and was a turning point in the negotiations by which two other bishops (White and Provoost) were consecrated in England, February 4th 1787, and a third (Madison), September 19th 1790. Bishop Seabury, however, was the first Presiding Bishop of the American Church. It was deemed eminently fitting that the centennial anniversary of his consecration should be observed at Aberdeen, and Bishop Williams, with several of the other bishops, and with several of the clergy of Connecticut, were present by invitation on the occasion. Bishop Williams, as the direct successor of Bishop Seabury, and as the representative of the American Church, preached the especial sermon of the anniversary, and spent several months in England and Scotland.

Gen. Joseph K. F. Mansfield, Biography

The ancestry of General Mansfield were of English extraction. They appear among the most distinguished names in the early settlement and history of the colonies. He was the son of Henry Stephen Mansfield and Mary Fenno, daughter of Ephraim Fenno, of Middletown, Conn. Henry Stephen Mansfield was born at New Haven, Conn., February 1st 1762. On the 3d of August 1786, he married Mary, daughter of Ephraim Fenno, by whom he had six children: Henry Stephen, born May z6th 1785; John Fenno, born January 9th 1788; Mary Grace Caroline, born June 4th 1792; Grace Totten, born February 13th 1799; Hannah Fenno, born February 24th 1801; Joseph King Fenno, born December 22d 1803.

The second son, John Fenno, was in command of a company of light infantry from Cincinnati, under General Hull, in the War of 1812, and shared the disaster of his disgraceful surrender. Upon his release, while crossing Lake Erie, he contracted a fever, and, soon after his return to Cincinnati, died at the house of a friend, not of fever alone, but of a broken heart.

Joseph King Fenno, the subject of this sketch, was born in New Haven, Conn. In 1817, he entered the Military Academy at West Point, and graduated with high honors in 1822, being second in his class. In accordance with regulations governing the appointment of cadets to the corps of engineers. Cadet Mansfield was, on the 1st of July 1822, appointed brevet second lieutenant of engineers. Army promotions at that time were slow; and he did not receive his commission as first lieutenant until 1832. In July 1838, he was promoted to the rank of a captain, and on the outbreak of the Mexican War was intrusted with the responsible part of chief engineer of the army commanded by Major-General Taylor during the years 1846 and 1847.

In the defense of Fort Brown, which was attacked on the 3d of May and heroically defended until the 9th, Captain Mansfield was particularly distinguished and received the brevet of major for his services.

In the three days conflict at Monterey, 21st, 22d, and 23d of September 1846, Major Mansfield again distinguished himself, and was brevetted lieutenant-colonel for gallant and meritorious conduct. At the storming of Monterey, he was severely wounded, but in five months after, February 1847, he was again at his post, being brevetted colonel for gallant services in the battle of Buena Vista, February 23d 1847.

In 1851, Colonel Mansfield was still captain in the corps of engineers, his name being third in the list. At this time the following distinguished officers were his associates in the engineers:

Generals H. W. Halleck, G. B. McClellan, Horatio E. Wright, G. W. Cullum, W. L. Rosecrans, John Newton, G. Foster, H. W. Benham, S. G. Barnard, Charles E. Blunt, Quincy A. Oilman, and Quartermaster General Meigs. The Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee, Peter G. T. Beauregard, and Charles S. Stewart were also officers in this corps at the same time.

On the resignation of Inspector General George A. McCall, Colonel Mansfield was selected. May 28th 1853, to fill the important post of inspector general, with the full rank of colonel, and thereupon resigned his rank as captain of engineers. He continued to perform the duties of inspector general of the United States Army until May 14th 1861, at which date he was renominated by the president for one of the new brigadier generalships in the regular army, then just created by Congress. Soon after this appointment he was summoned to Washington and assigned to the command of the defenses. Scott did not quite agree to his suggestion to fortify Arlington Heights; but he went ahead on his own responsibility. All the forts around Washington were engineered by General Mansfield, and built under his superintendence. For a time he was in command of Newport News, and led our forces in the capture of Norfolk. He was there when he received orders to take command of Bank's corps under General McClellan. Being greatly pleased at the thought of a more active life in the service of his country, he made haste to reach his command and came up with the army before Sharpsburg the night before the battle. On the following day, September 17th, while gallantly leading his troops into action, he fell, mortally wounded. Internal hemorrhage ensued,and on the dawn of the i8th. Major- General Mansfield gave his life a willing sacrifice to his country.

The Alsop Family, Biography

Thomas Wandell, of Newtown, Long Island, was the founder of the Alsop family, through Richard Alsop, his nephew, whom he brought from England when a mere boy, about the year 1665, and adopted as his son and heir. It is said of Mr. Wandell, the founder, that " the one act of his life in Newtown, which serves to perpetuate his name in local history, was his effort to thwart the burning of human beings for witchcraft. He was foreman of the jury that tried Ralph Hall and wife, and acquitted them." The great qualities of mind and heart possessed by Wandell were impressed upon his young pTol6g6 and relative, and these have been transmitted, untarnished, through all succeeding generations down to the present time. Richard Alsop fell into the possession of Wandell's property about the year 1691, and continued " lord of the manor " until his death in 1718. He left three sons and several daughters. Of the sons, there were Thomas, Richard, and John, who became prominent in the legal profession and mercantile life. John removed to Esopus, on the Hudson River, where he became a prominent attorney.

Richard Alsop, the ist of Middletown, was probably born at Esopus. At an early age he was placed in the store of Phillip Livingston Esq., New York, where he received a thorough mercantile education. He came to Middletown about 1750, and commenced business in the lower rooms of the old town house, which then stood in the middle of Main street, just above Washington street. He was one of the pioneers in the West India trade, in which he was remarkably successful, and accumulated a large fortune. There were no established insurance companies at this time, and he not only took his own risks, but insured vessels for others on his private responsibility. He was a man of broad, liberal views, public spirited, and engaged heartily in all works of charity and benevolence. He was one of the charter members of St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M., which then comprised most of the leading men in the State. He was twice elected master, and was a member of the committee that framed the by-laws. He was a member of the State Legislature and occupied other public positions.

Richard Alsop 2d, the eldest son of Richard Alsop, the istof Middletown, was born at the homestead, January 27th 1761. His early education was intended to fit him for a mercantile life that he might become the worthy successor of his father, but "man proposes, God disposes." The ardent imagination of the youth — his fondness for literary pursuits, and the death of his father when he was only fifteen years of age — too young to assume the duties and responsibilities attached to his father's position — all combined to change the current of his life, and, while the heavy burden of managing the father's complex affairs fell on the mother, he was left to follow his own inclinations. On his brow the muses had already placed their wreath, and in his " Charms of Fancy," written later in life, he beautifully portrays the genius of the poet of which he himself was the embodiment. He says:

"But in full force with influence unconfin'd Thou hold'st dominion o'er the Poet's mind, Fir'd by thy touch divine, in brightest hue. Each varied object meets his ruptui-'d view: A lovlierdiess the face of Nature shows, Inspir'd with warmer lite creation glows, Far richer tints the robes of May adorn, More splendent glories paint the blush of morn. Sublimity a grander mien assumes, iind loveliness in fah'er beauty blooms: While scenes of wonder to his view arise And all Elysium opens on his eyes."

He pays a fitting tribute to his contemporaries in the following lines:

" The Muses sing; lo! Trumbull walses the lyre. With all the fervor of poetic Are, Superior Poetl in whose classic strain In bright accordance wit and faucy reign; Whose powers of genius, in their ample range, Comprise each subject and each tuneful change. Each charm of melody to Phojiius dear The grave, the gay, the tender and severe. Majestic Dwight, sublime in epic strain. Paints the fierce horrors of the crimson'd plain; And, in Virgllian Barlow's tuneful lines, With added splendor, great Columbus shines."

Dr. Field, in his "Statistical History of Middlesex County," says of him:

"Though occasionally engaged in agricultural and commercial pursuits, Mr. Alsop spent most of his days in the pursuit of elegant literature, for which he had an unusual fondness. In this pursuit he became familiarly acquainted with the literature of his own country and of the principal European nations. His love of poetry was enthusiastic, and was abundantly gratified by reading and ciiniposition. Numerous poetical pieces published by him in newspapers and magazinos, issued in different forms, were well received, and did honor to his genius. His 'transition of Molina's History of Chill, the Universal Receipt Book, and the Narrative of the Sufferings of John It. Jewit, have also given him a respectable standing as a prose writer. All his compositions are charactistics by purity of expression, and indicate that delicacy of thought and feeling which appeared in his private life.

"As a man, as a scholar and as a writer, Mr. Alsop will long be remembered with affection and respect by his numerous acquaintances."

Charles Richard Alsop was graduated from Yale College in 1821, studied law in the office of Jonathan Barnes, Esq., and was admitted to the bar in this State. He then attended the lectures of Chancellor Kent in New York, and was admitted to the bar there. He returned to Middletown, his native place, in 1832. Upon the resignation of Noah A. Phelps, Esq., he was elected mayor of the city, April 25th 1843, for the residue of the term. He was then re-elected for two years, after which he declined a re-election. He projected the movement for the New York & Boston Railroad, known as the Air Line Road. He also obtained the charter for the Middletown, now the Berlin Branch Railroad.

He was president of this road until its consolidation with the Hartford, New Haven & Springfield Railroad Company. He was one of the original corporators of the New York & Boston Railroad Company, and in November 1850, was elected president of it. He was several times elected to the State Senate.

Captain Joseph Wright Alsop was the eighth child, and second son of Richard Alsop, the ist of Middletown. He was born on the 2d of March 1772. The death of his father, when he was but four years of age, left him dependent on his mother, to whose careful training he was indebted for his success in life. With the exception of the extensive library left by his father, he had no other educational advantages than those afforded by the public schools of his native town. At an early age he evinced a taste for a seafaring life, which he subsequently followed, commencing as a cabin boy, and continuing until he became master of a vessel. This experience afforded him the opportunity of reopening the extensive West India trade established by his father many years previous. He subsequently formed a co-partnership with Chauncey Whittlesey, which continued for several years, until the death of Mr. Whittlesey. Not long after this Mr. Carrington was taken in as partner under the firm name of Alsop & Carrington. At a later period another change took place in the firm, and Mr. Henry Chauncey, who married a daughter of Captain Alsop, became a member of the firm under the name of Alsop & Chauncey. After a successful business of some years, Mr. Chauncey withdrew from the firm and removed to Valparaiso, where he became connected with the house of Alsop & Co., established several years previous by Richard Alsop, a son of Richard Alsop 2d.

Captain Alsop was a man deservedly popular and proved himself a worthy representative of his distinguished predecesors. He was in hearty sympathy with and an active promoter of all works of public improvement and benevolence in his native town.

On the 5th of November 1797, he married Lucy, daughter of Chauncey Whittlesey, by whom he had six children: Lucy AVhittlesey, born December 13th 1798, died August 15th 1855; Charles R., born December 2Sth 1802, died March 4th 1865; Joseph W., born November 22d 1804, died February 26th 1878; Clara Pomeroy, born March 2d 1807, still living; Elizabeth W., born March 25th 1809, still living; Mary W., born March 3d 1815, died January 2d 1877.

Lucy Whittlesey Alsop married Henry Chauncey, of the firm of Alsop & Chauncey; Elizabeth W. married George Hoppen, of Providence, R. I.; Mary W. married Thomas D. Mutter, a professor in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia; Clara Pomeroy, the third daughter and fifth child of Captain Joseph Wright Alsop, is still living at the old homestead on Washington street. She never married, but her " lines have fallen in pleasant places, and she has enjoyed a goodly heritage." During her long and useful life she has been actively engaged in works of charity and benevolence. She was one of the early promoters, and has been for many years an active supporter of the Widows' Home. Many a poor woman of gentle birth, who, but for this institution, might have been left to the "cold charity of the world," has found a comfortable home, and thus has been enabled to pass her declining years in peace and happiness.

Joseph W. Alsop, the third child of Joseph Wright Alsop, and Lucy Whittlesey, and grandchild of Richard Alsop ist, of Middletown, was born in Middletown, November 22d 1804. At an early age his father designed him for commercial pursuits, for which he had a special fondness and ability, inherited from his father and grandfather. Added to the usual advantages for acquiring an education, his father employed a private tutor to train and fit him for the counting house. It is said of him that in his youth as well as in his manhood he never experienced the sensation of fear, and it may be truly said of him that he was saris peur et sans reproche. At the age of 15 he entered the house of Alsop & Chauncey, of New York, of which firm his father was the senior member.

In 1824, he went to New York and engaged as clerk in one of the oldest commercial houses.

He afterward returned to Middletown as partner with Alsop & Chauncey. The house at this time had a large share of the West India trade, and he made several voyages to St. Croix and other commercial ports. About the year 1834, he returned to New York and established himself in business. On the return of Mr. Chauncey, in 1840, from whither he had gone, in 1830, in connection with the house of Alsop & Co., at Valparaiso, the firm of Alsop & Chauncey, of South street, New York, was established.

Mr. Alsop was the first president of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. He was succeeded by Gen. George B. McClellan, and was afterward receiver of it for ten years. He was director of the Seaman's Savings Bank, New York, and was treasurer of it for some years. He was at one time a director in the Illinois Central Railroad Company, from the stockholders of which he received a very handsome testimonial in the shape of a valuable silver service. He was a firm friend of the poor and unfortunate, and frequently made personal sacrifices to aid others.

On the 25th of October 1837, he married Mary Alsop Oliver, daughter of Francis J. Oliver, of Boston, by whom he had one child, J. W. Alsop.

His death occurred on the 26th of February 1878.

Dr. J. W Alsop was the only child of Joseph W. Alsop and Mary Alsop Oliver. He was born in New York city, in August 1838, and was educated at the Yale and Columbia Scientific Schools. He also pursued a complete course of medical study, graduating from the Medical Department of the University of New York, in 1864. He has served in both boards of the Middletown Court of Common Council, and was a member of the House from Middletown in 1873, holding the position of chairman of the School Fund Committee on the part of that body. He has represented the 22d Senatorial District in the State Legislature for four successive terms beginning with 1881. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Connecticut Hospital for the Insane at Middletown, also of the Russell Library, and trustee and treasurer of St. Ijuke's Home. He is largely interested in agriculture and stock breeding, and his learning has been of incalculable value as chairman of the Agricultural Committee in the State Legislature, while in other branches of legislation his scholarly attainments, knowledge of affairs, and executive ability have won for him the esteem and confidence of his associates.

John Fisk, Biography

The homestead of the English ancestor of the Fisk family was at Stadhaugh Manor, parish of Laxfield, Suffolk, England.

Phineas Fiske, the American ancestor, came to Wenham, Mass., in 1641. Captain John Fiske, of the fourth generation, moved to Haddani soon after its settlement. John Fiske, of the fifth generation, moved to Portland and afterward to Middletown, where he became town clerk. His son, Bezaleel, born in Portland in 1774, was town clerk of Middletown for some years.

John, of the seventh generation, was the only child of Bezaleel Fisk and Margaret Rockwell, and was born on the 5th of August 1771. He succeeded his father as town clerk of Middletown in 1797, and continued to hold the position until his death, which occurred on the 13th of February 1847, a period of nearly fifty years. He was also town treasurer from October 1822 till his death. He was city clerk from January 1793 to January 1818, and from January 1819 till his death. He was city treasurer from January 1818 till his death. He was clerk of Probate, clerk of the Superior Court, and county treasurer. By his death seven offices were made vacant. He was sometimes called the " clerk universal." He was very careful, painstaking, and methodical in his habits; kind, genial, and sociable in his nature, and was probably missed more than any man who ever lived in the town."

A number of his descendants are now living, among whom is John Fiske, a grandson, whose reputation as an author is almost world-wide.

Rev. Samuel F. Jarvis, Biography

Samuel Farmar Jarvis, the youngest child of the Rt. Rev. Abraham Jarvis, the second Bishop of Connecticut, was born January 20th 1786. His early education was under his father's instruction, and he graduated from Yale College in 1805.

He was ordained to the diaconate in 1810, and advanced to the priesthood in 181 1. He was a rector till 1819, when he became a professor in the General Theological Seminary, in the city of New York.

From 1820 till 1826 he was rector of St. Paul's Church, Boston, and in that time he was one of the editors of the Gospel Advocate. He then visited Europe, where he remained nine years, or till 1835. He then returned to his native country and became professor of Oriental Literature in Trinity College.

In 1837, he resigned his professorship and became rector of Christ Church, in Middletown, a position which he relinquished in 1842. He then entered on missionary work-in the vicinity of Middletown, and continued it to within a few months of his death, which took place in March 1851.

In 1819, the degree of S. T. D. was conferred on him by the University of Pennsylvania, and that of LL. D. by Trinity College.

Dr. Jarvis was the author of many able contributions to church literature, but in 1838 he was appointed by the General Convention to his greatest work, that of the historiographer of the church.

As a man and a Christian he was without reproach. As a preacher he was remarkable for the clear and elegant style in which he set forth weighty truths. Few men ever wrote purer English, none ever put more matter into their sermons. His manner in the pulpit was grave and dignified. He used but little gesture, though the tones of his voice were earnest and solemn.

Hon. Ebenezer Jackson Jr., Biography

Hon. Ebenezer Jackson, Jr. was born at Savannah, Ga. in 1796. He was a graduate of St. Mary's College, Baltimore, and was a law student at Litchfield, Conn. He practiced law about four years in Philadelphia, but in 1827 he removed to Middletown where he passed the remainder of his life.

He was an active politician, and was elected to the Legislature in 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, and 1846. He was a member of the 23d Congress, during the administration of President Andrew Jackson. While a member of the Legislature he took an efficient part in procuring charters for the Air Line Railroad.

In the later years of his life he was much interested in the Indian Hill Cemetery, and was many years the president of the association.

He was a man of great force of character, and of a dignified and commanding appearance. He died in 1874. His family are residents of Middletown.

Edwin Ferry Johnson, Biography

Edwin Ferry Johnson was born in Essex, Vermont, May 3d 1803. His early life afforded little opportunity for more than the simplest common school education, outside of his father's office. In 1817, at the age of 14, he was engaged in land surveying in Vermont, and in 1818, assisted his father in the survey of the northeastern boundary line between the United States and British Provinces. At the age of 18, he became " teacher of arithmetic and geometry " in the military academy of Captain Partridge, at Norwich, Vermont, and later, " instructor in civil engineering, mathematics, and tactics," in the same institution, after its removal to Middletown, Connecticut. At the age of 26, he began his more strictly professional career, having already had a fair practical experience in the field and written a treatise on surveying. He was one of the first and ablest advocates of railway construction in this country, and the pioneer engineer in this untried path. Railway connection between the waters of the Hudson and Mississippi, and the superiority of the railway to the canal system, had been the subject of his thoughts and instructions since 1826, and in 1828, he "had corae to the conclusion that railways must ultimately take the lead of canals." In 1829, he published a review of a pamphlet on this subject, issued by Mr. W. C. Redfield, and not only pointed out the proper route for a railway from the Hudson to the Mississippi, fixing the western terminus at Rock Island, Illinois, but gave the reasons for his belief in the superiority of railways, and concluded with the following, then startling, prediction:

"Railways as a means of intercommunication possess propevties wliioh in most situations will render them superior to canals; and with reference to the United Stutes, considering- low diversified is the surface by hills and valleys, railways, when properly constructed, will be found the most valuable and effective; and ultimately, when their merits become better known and more fully appreciated, by far the greater portion of the inland travel will be conducted upon them."

From this period his professional career may be briefly summarized. In 1829 and 1830, he was engaged in a survey of the land lines of the Erie and Cham|)lain Canals; 1830, Catskill & Canajoharie Railroad; 1830, Potomac Bridge and water supply of New York; 1833, assistant engineer Chenango Canal; 1834, Res. engineer Utica & Schenectady Railroad; 1835, chief engineer Auburn & Syracuse Railroad, also of Ontario & Hudson Ship Canal, and of the Auburn Canal Dam; 1836, associate engineer New York & Erie Railroad; 1837, chief engineer of same; 1838, chief engineer Ogdensburgh & Champlain Railroad, and New York & Albany Railroad; 1839, president of Stevens Joint Stock Corporation, Hoboken; N. J.; 1840-41, chief engineer New York & Albany Railroad; 1842-43, same; 1844, same; 1845, chief engineer Whitehall Railroad, and New York & Boston Air Line Railroad; 1846, chief engineer Oswego & Syracuse Railroad; 1848, chief engineer New York & Boston Railroad; 1850, chief engineer Rock River Valley Union Railroad, Wisconsin.

Before this he had conceived the idea of a Pacific railway, and during the next three years he devoted his leisure time to writing an exhaustive preliminary report upon the northern route, which was published in 1854.

This work, which he regarded justly as the crowning one of his life, professionally, was a wonderful example of foresight, skill, labor, and faith; for it must be remembered that in 1851-52 the project of railway connection between the Great Lakes and the Pacific was almost as startling, and to many seemed quite as visionary as did, in 1829, the proposed Great Western Railway from the Hudson to the Mississippi. The survey, or rather reconnoisance of General Stevens, was not made until 1854, and his report, when published, seemed but a confirmation of what Mr. Johnson had written, and the actual barometrical measurements and description of the ground traversed did not materially differ from the estimates upon Mr. Johnson's profiles and the maps he had published, based as these latter were upon amass of reading and a rare experience, aided by a peculiarly clear judgment.

In 1866, Mr. Johnson made a survey at the Falls of Niagara, for a ship canal and marine railway, in which he had long been interested. In 1867, he became chief engineer of the Northern Pacific Railroad. This he resigned in 1876, to take the place of consulting engineer, which position he held until his death.

Mr. Johnson fully identified himself with the business interests and prosperity of his adopted city, Middletown, Conn., during the forty years he was a resident. Here he was married and here his remains rest. He held many positions of honor and trust, and was always actively interested in the cause of education. He was mayor of city in 1856-57, and State Senator at the same time. Three times he declined a nomination to the Legislature. In 1862, he was called to Washington in consultation with the president and secretary of war on the then situation. He was offered, but declined a general's commission and a command in the Southwest, and later the position of assistant secretary of war. At the request of the War Office in 1863, he gave his opinion upon a g3neral plan of operations, and made a report upon the northeastern coast defenses. He was the author of many valuable professional works and numerous scientific, philosophical, and political papers, and contributed to rereviews and journals of the day. He was the recipient of honorary degrees from many colleges, and held honorary memberships in scientific and philosophical associations. His life was one of constant activity, of steadfast faith, and faithful endeavor. He died in New York, April 12th 1872.

Jesse G. Baldwin, Biography

Jesse G. Baldwin was the son of a farmer in Meriden, Connecticut, where he was born, in 1804. He received a common school education, and at the age of 19 became a peddler. In 1827, he was a merchant in Oxford, Connecticut, in partnership with his brother, Seymour W., and in 1833, they came to Middletown, where they were merchants and manufacturers of silver spoons and plated ware. He continued business, with different partners and alone, till the temporary failure of his health.

In 1858, he became president of the Central National Bank of Middletown, and he still holds the position. He is also president of the People's Insurance Company, and of the Indian Hill Cemetery Association.

In 1835, he took a firm stand and an active part in the anti slavery movement that then commenced, and he was actually subjected to mob violence. He lived, however, to see the principles, which he had the courage to advocate when they were unpopular, triumph. He has been distinguished for his firm adherence to his convictions of right.

His wife was Lydia Rice of Meriden. They had six children, four of whom have died.

Hon. Samuel D. Hubbard, Biography

The subject of this sketch was born in Middletown, on the l0th of August 1799. He was the son of Hon. Elijah Hubbard, and Abigail, daughter of Dr. John Dickinson, of Middletown. He attended school until he was nine years of age, when he was sent to boarding school, at Rocky Hill. He was subsequently placed under the tutorship of Rev. David Smith of Durham, who prepared him for college. He graduated at Yale, in 1818, and studied law with his uncle, Judge Dickinson, of Troy. After completing his studies, he returned to his native city, intending to commence the practice of his profession, but the death of his father in the interim compelled him to devote his whole time to the settlement of the estate; and in furtherance of this object he subsequently entered into partnership with Mr. John R. Watkinson in the manufacture of woolen goods, etc. This proving a successful venture enabled him in the course of a few years to complete the settlement of his father's estate and retire with a competence. He then devoted himself to public affairs, and as a member of the whig party he became a firm advocate of a protective tariff. On this issue, he was elected to the 29th Congress, receiving 7,266 votes, while Stewart, his democratic opponent, received but 5,814. He was re-elected to the 30th Congress, receiving 7,325 votes, while his democratic oponent, Hon. Samuel H. Ingham, of Saybrook, received 6,668, there being at this time 416 Abolitionist and scattering votes. He remained in Congress from 1845 to 1849, and during this period he distinguished himself as a public debater, and by his upright course and firm adherence to the principles of his party, he made many warm friends, among whom were Hon. Millard Fillmore and General Winfield Scott. On the death of Zachary Talor, Fillmore became president of the United States and Mr. Hubbard was appointed postmaster-general; his term of office extending from August 31st 1852 to March 7th 1853. He was a warm supporter of Scott for the presidency, and had Scott been elected Mr. Hubbard would have been a member of his c.ibinet. While he was acting as postmaster-general, a scene occurred in the rotunda of the Capitol, similar to that enacted in the halls of Congress between Preston" Brooks and Charles Sumner. A Southern Congressman, named Briggs, who had applied to Mr. Hubbard for an appointment for one of his constituents and was refused, met him in the rotunda and struck him unawares a violent blow. The affair caused a great excitement and an hour afterward his house was surrounded with inquiring friends, desiring to know the extent of his injuries, and expressing in the strongest terms their indignation at the outrage. They were informed, however, that Mr. Hubbard had gone out to dine with a friend and that he took no further notice of the affront. In those days, when all differences were settled by a resort to the "code," it required more courage to refuse than to accept a challenge. In Mr. Hubbard's own words the alternative was instantly forced upon him: "Shall I defend myself and perhaps conquer my assailant, and thus present to the world the spectacle that a cabinet minister engaged in an unseemly broil; or shall I maintain my own dignity and that of the administration by utterly ignoring the attack ?" and among those who most applauded his decision were many prominent southerners.

Mr. Hubbard was one of the few men who predicted the final issue of the " irrepressible conflict," which then agitated both the North and South. He foresaw the end from the beginning, but was firmly opposed to any compromise with the South. He never lived to witness the birth of a new union through the " baptism of blood."

In February 1835, he married Jane, daughter of Isaac Miles, of Milford, Connecticut, who still survives him. He had no children. His niece. Miss S. C. Clarke, has filled the place of a daughter. With filial love and devotion she cared for him during his life; and since his death (which occurred on the 8th of October 1855) she has been the constant and faithful attendant of the widow. Viewing it from the standpoint of a Republican government, of which she is justly proud, Miss Clarke comes from a line of illustrious ancestors. She is a daughter of John Hopkins Clarke, who was a grandson of Admiral Esek Hopkins, the first admiral of the United States Navy, and a grand nephew of Stephen Hopkins, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Hon. Samuel G. Hubbard, Biography

"Some men are born great; Others achieve greatness; Others have greatness thrust on them." - Shakespeare.

The combined elements of mind and heart that constitute true greatness are often transmitted from one generation to another, being developed more or less in each succeeding generation.

In the life of Hon. Henry G. Hubbard, it will be found that the qualities of mind and heart that have made him one of the most successful business men in the country, as well as one of the most popular men among his political constituents, were inherited from his father and grandfather, and have been developed in him to a remarkable degree. He comes from a long line of paternal and maternal ancesters who have distinguished themselves in the various walks of life. His grandfather was a successful West India merchant both before and after the Revolutionary war, and during the war was commissary and superintendent of stores for the army. He was for twenty-eight years member of the General Assembly, and for a number of years was president of the Middletown Bank. Elijah, his son, and the father of Henry G., was born in Middletown, July 30th 1777, was graduated at Yale, studied law at Litchfield, and subsequently practiced law in New London. He returned to Middletown after the death of his father, and, on the 26th of October 1810, he married Lydia, daughter of Samuel Mather, of Lyme, by whom he had four children: Elijah Kent, born October 18th 1812; Henry Griswold, born October 8th 1814; Margaret Sill, born October 7th 1817; and John Marshall, born July 28th 1832.

Henry G., the above mentioned, attended school in Middletown until he was 14 years of age, when he was sent to Captain Partridge's Military Academy, at Norwich, Vermont. He subsequently attended Ellington High School and afterward entered Wesleyan University. His her.lth failing, he was compelled to seek more active pursuits. At 17, he entered the office of J. & S. Baldwin, as clerk. He subsequently went to New York, where he was engaged as a clerk with Jabez Hubbard, a commission merchant in woollen goods. This was the founda tion of his mercantile education. In 1833, he returned to Middletown where he opened a dry goods store, in connection with Jesse G. Baldwin. When he was but 21 years of age, he became a stockholder in, and soon after manager of, the Russell Manufacturing Company.

In 1866, he was elected State Senator, from the 18th Senatorial District, which then consisted of Middletown, Durham, Chatham, Portland, and Cromwell. He has been a director in the Middletown National Bank since 1844; has been trustee and manager of the Middletown Savings Bank for several years, and was at one time president of that institution.

The great powers of mind and inventive genius of Mr. Hubbard have been developed in his connection with, and management of, the Russell Manufacturing Company.

At a period of life when most men think of retiring from business, his mind is as active as ever, and he guides and controls this great combination of human machinery with as much ease as the commander-in-chief of an army moves his forces on the field of battle. His individual history is indelibly inscribed in the history of this company, and among the hundreds of men, women, and children employed in the five great mills, many are known to him personally, and have been the recipients of a thousand little acts of kindness unknown to the outside world, for in these he has invariably obeyed the Scripture injunction, " Let not thy right hand know what thy left hand doeth." When the Russell Manufacturing Company shall be forgotten, his name will be remembered, for it is written upon the hearts of hundreds who have been the recipients of his kindness, and they will tell it to their children, and to their children's children, and to the generations yet unborn.

While possessed of great wealth, Mr. Hubbard is quiet and unostentatious in his private life, and is equally approachable to the humblest mechanic or the highest potentate, for he recognizes the fact " that all men are born free and equal." There is no display in his public charities. The Episcopal church at South Farms was erected and is maintained principally by his individual contributions. He is liberal in his religious views, recognizing equally the claims of his Catholic or Protestant employes, and he offered to erect a Catholic church at Higganum, so that those of a different faith might worship according to the dictates of their own conscience.

On June 20th 1844, Mr. Hubbard married Charlotte R., daughter of Commodore Thomas Macdonough, by whom he has had three children: Margaret Sill, born March 30th 1845; Lucy Macdonough, born November 6th 1846; Charlotte Elizabeth, born June 3d 1848, Lucy Macdonough was married to Samuel Russell, grandson of Samuel Russell, who is a large stockholder in and vice-president of the Russell Mahufacturing Company. Lucy Macdonough Russell died February 2d 1876.

Hon. Julius Hotchkiss, Biography

Hon. Julius Hotchkiss was a remarkable example of a self made man. With no other capital in life than a strong, robust constitution, a brave and honest heart, and an indomitable will, he rose from the humble position of a farmer's son to wealth, influence, and honor.

He was the son of Woodward Hotchkiss and Mary Castle, who had seven children. Julius, the fourth child, was born at Waterbury, Connecticut, on the 11th of July 1810. He was educated at the public school, with a few months' tuition at the Litchfield Academy, and completed his studies at the early age of 16. When he was but 17, he commenced teaching school in his native village, and not long after this he went on the road as a traveling salesman, and continued for two or three years. He then opened a store at Birmingham, Conn., which proved a successful venture. There was at that time but two or three houses in the place. He continued in business at Birmingham for about five years, and then returned to his native village, where he commenced the manufacture of cotton webbing and suspenders, under the firm name of The Hotchkiss and Merriman Company, subsequently known as The American Suspender Company. He finally disposed of his interest in that company, and in 1857, removed to Middletown and acquired a large interest in the Russell Manufacturing Company, of which he was for some years manager. When Waterbury was incorporated a city, he was nominated by both parties for mayor, and received nearly the unanimous vote.

In politics he was an old line w^hig, but, on the dissolution of that party, he joined the democratic ranks, and became an active partisan. In 1867, he was elected from the Second District as representative to the Fortieth Congress. This was during the administration of President Johnson.

In 1870, he was elected lieutenant governor of the State, Hon. James English being governor. This closed his public career, and he returned to private life, and devoted himself to reading and study, of which he was excessively fond; his large and well-assorted library affording him ample opportunity to gratify his tastes.

He was an earnest and devout Christian, and was a member of what was known as the " New Church," which was founded on the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg. As there was no established church of that denomination in Middletown, he offered one of the other churches $2,000 if they would allow a Swedenborgian minister to occupy their pulpit two Sabbaths in the year. The offer, however, was declined. He seemed anxious to impart to others a knowledge of what he believed to be the teachings of the Word of God, and on this account he was looked upon by many as rather eccentric, but his so-called " eccentricities " were the outgrowth of his honest convictions, and a sincere desire on his part to do good and make others happy. He was exceedingly liberal and charitable towards all who entertained opposite views to his own: and as an illustration of his liberality to other churches, it is stated that when an appeal was made to him to aid in the erection of the Episcopal church in Middletown, he gave his check for $1,000.

He was somewhat reserved in his demeanor, but kind and genial in his disposition, and ever ready to lend a helping hand to the poor and unfortunate. He believed in and practiced the command, " Let not thy right hand know what thy left hand doeth."

On the 29th of April 1832, he married Melissa, daughter of Enoch Perkins, of Oxford, by whom he had five children: Cornelia Augusta, Minnie Amelia, Marian, Fannie J., and Charles Frederick.

Minnie Amelia married Charles O. R. Vinal, of Middletown; Marian married Martin A. Knapp, of Syracuse, N. Y.; and Charles Frederick married Jennie L. Marsh, of the same place.

The death of Mr. Hotchkiss occurred on the 23d day of December 1879. His mother lived to be nearly 100 years old.

Mrs. Hotchkiss, the widow, resides with her three children at the beautiful homestead at Pameacha, where she manages the extensive business and other interests of her deceased husband. She is a woman of rare executive ability, and, faithful to the memory of her husband, her remaining years are spent in doing good, and in trying to inculcate the faith cherished by herself and her husband. While time has marked its furrows on her cheeks and the snows of many winters have whitened her hair, she is still strong and vigorous, her mental faculties are clear, and her strongly sympathetic nature impresses all who come in contact with her.

Jonathan Kilbourn, Biography

Brayley, in his work entitled " The Beauties of England and Wales," says: " The family took the" surname from Kilburne, in Yorkshire, where they were originally seated." The first mentioned was John Kilburne, of Kilburne, in Yorkshire, 1426. 'I'homas Kilborne, the ancestor of the American Kilbornes, embarked with a portion of his family from London for New England, in the ship Increase, on the 15th of April 1635, and settled with his family in Wethersfield, Connecticut. Jonathan, the father of the subject of the present sketch, was born in East Haddam, Connecticut, January 28th 1769; married Elizabeth Farnham, April 21st 1791; and settled in Clinton, Connecticut, where he died October l0th 1850. His wife, Elizabeth, died March nth 1828. Their children were: Abner, Leonard, Phenetta, Aaron, Jonathan and Betsey (twins), and Peter Edward, born nine years afterward.

Jonathan Kilbourn, one of the twins and the fourth son of the above named, was born in Killingworth, Connecticut, November 4th 1801. The virtues of his ancestors, as shown by the motto of the Kilbourns, Vincit Veritas (Truth Conquers), have been fully exemplified in him. With only the limited advantages afforded by a common school education, he has risen step by step in life, and has filled many positions of trust and honor. He worked on the farm with his father until he became of age. In 1825, he removed to Middletown and engaged in the manufacture of rifles for the Government. He subsequently removed to Whitneyville, Connecticut, where he remained for two years. While living here he became a member of the Day Spring Lodge, F. & A. M. On the 16th of January 1827, he married Sallie B., daughter of Godfrey Hopkins, of Chatham. By her he had one child which lived only eleven days. He returned to Middletown in 1828. In 1829, he opened a grocery in the old building formerly used as a post office and custom house, nearly adjoining the present Kilbourn House. He continued in this business until 1838, and was very successful. In 1836, he opened a hotel on the present site of the Kilbourn House, which was a popular place of resort for many years. He sold the property in 1873, which was subsequently burned, and the new brick edifice erected.

In his adopted town and city, where he has resided for over 50 years, he has been much of the time in public life. He has been a selectman of the town, member of the Common Council for three or four years, and chief engineer of, the fire department. In 1846, he was appointed State bank director by the Legislature, and in 1850 he was appointed State committee on the Middlesex Turnpike Company. He has been director of the Middlesex County Bank, director of the Meriden Bank, director of the Connecticut River & Long Island Steamboat Company, director of the Middlesex Insurance Company, and director of the Boston & New York Railroad Company. He has been one of the " bright and shining lights " of masonry for nearly sixty years. He affiliated with St, John's Lodge in this city, in 1828, passed through the several chairs of the " blue lodge," and is now the oldest past master of St. John's Lodge living and is probably one of the oldest if not the oldest in the State. He was master of St. John's Lodge during the Morgan excitement, when a man's reputation was at stake and sometimes his life was in jeopardy, but with a conscious rectitude of purpose he took a firm, bold stand, and brought the lodge safely through all its difficulties.

He has been equally prominent in the Royal Arch Chapter, the Commandery, and Council, and for many years has attended as delegate to the State and National gatherings.

The first wife of Mr. Kilbourn died December 29th 183s, and in 1837 he married Mrs. Sophia Hart, widow of William Hart, and daughter of Burwell Newton, of Durham. The issue of this marriage was two children: Sophia Elizabeth, born September 8th 1840; and Jonathan Burwell, born August 22d 1843. The son, Jonathan, is at present living in Pueblo, Colorado, where he is engaged in business. The daughter resides with her parents at the homestead.

William Douglas, Biography

It is the boast of Virginia that she has produced more presidents than any State in the Union, but the State of Connecticut has a nobler, grander record than this. In war she has given the ablest generals and the best soldiers; in peace she has given the ablest jurists, statesmen, and divines, and, what is of equal if not of greater importance, she is the parent of those industries and inventions that have added more to the wealth of the country than those of any State in the Union. The first manufacture of woolen goods by machinery, the first practical application of steam as a motive power, were conceived and developed by Connecticut men; and the first successful manufacture of metal pumps in this country was by William Douglas, of Middletown.

He was the eldest son of William Douglas, of Northford, Conn., and was born in Branford, Conn., April 19th 1812. As a child he evinced a taste for mechanical inventions, and he left home when quite young to join his brother John, who was carrying on a brass foundry and machine works at New Haven. He soon acquired a knowledge of the business, and subsequently went to Hartford where he remained for about a year. In 1832, he came to Middletown and commenced the manufacture of steam engines and other machinery in connection with W. H. Guild, under the firm name of Guild & Douglas. This firm built all the brass and iron work for Fort Pulaski, at Savannah. He continued in this business for about six years, and during this period he re ceived the first patent for pumps, which was granted on the 20th of August 1835, signed by Andrew Jackson, president of the United States.

In connection with his brother Benjamin, he commenced, in 1839, the manufacture of pumps and hydraulic rams, and soon after this invented the celebrated revolving stand premium pump. One invention and improvement followed another, the active brain of William Douglas being continually at work, never tiring, never resting. As soon as the brain conceiv'ed an invention it was immediately brought forth by the mechanical genius of the man and put to a practical test. The productions of his genius are now known in every part of the habitable globe, and though he has long since passed to his rest he has left an enduring monument to his name.

He was quiet and unostentatious in his demeanor, modest and retiring in his habits, devoted to his family, kind and charitable to his neighbors, and his purse strings were ever open to relieve the wants of the suffering and the unfortunate.

On the 12th of April 1835, he married Grace, daughter of Elias and Grace Totten Mansfield Parker, and niece of Major-General Joseph K. Mansfield, by whom he had two children: William, born May 19th 1836, died September 1st 1836; Joseph W., born January 29th 1838.

His first wife died on the 19th of February 1840; and on the 12th day of May 1845, he married Catharine C, daughter of Capt. Allen Riley, of Wethersfield, by whom he had five children: George Totten, born February 14th 1846; Grace C, born May 18th 1848; Mary A., born August 9th 1850; Ellen, born October 22d 1852; Sarah Kirtland, born May 20th 1857.

George Totten Douglas was for many years connected with the mechanical department of W. & B. Douglas, and one of the most valuable assistants. He was a prominent mason, an earnest and active temperance man, constantly seeking some means of doing good, and contributing to the happiness of others. He died on the 30th of May 1874, mourned by a large circle of friends.

Ellen was married on the 2d of October 1872, to S. Clarence, son of Dr. P. M. Hastings, of Hartford.

Mary A. was married to Jonathan B., son of Jonathan Kilbourn of Middletown, September 2d 1873.

Sarah Kirtland was married, on the 6th of June 1877, to George P. Raymond, of Lockport, N. Y.

Grace C. was married to Charles B., son of J. E. Bidwell, of Middletown, on the 6th of June 1872.

Hon. Benjamin Douglas, Biography

A young man once inquired of Daniel Webster whether he thought it advisable for him to adopt the law as a profession. Webster replied: " There's always room in the upper story." In the great race of life there are few who ever climb to the upper story, and where one outstrips his thousands of competitors we naturally inquire whether the elements that have conduced to his success are hereditary or acquired. Hon. Benjamin Douglas inherited those remarkable traits of character which may be traced back through several generations to his Scotch ancestry. The Douglas coat of arms is: " Argent, a man's heart; Gules, ensigned with an imperial crown proper; on a chief Azure, three stars of the first." The motto "Jamais Arriere" (never behind). This is the secret of Mr. Douglas' success. The distinguishing elements of his character are an indomitable will, perseverance, and a firm trust in an allwise Providence that

" Shapes our ends Rough hew them as we wilt."

Mr. Douglas was born at Northford, Conn., April 3d 1816. His father was a farmer whose ancestors were among the earliest settlers of New England. His grandfather was Colonel William Douglas of a New Haven regiment, an officer in the Revolution. The only educational advantages enjoyed by the younger Douglas were a few months' attendance at the district school during winter, the remainder of the time being spent on the farm. In 1832, when he was but 16 years of age, he apprenticed himself to a machinist in Middletown. In 1839, he joined his brother William, who was previously one of the firm of Guild & Douglas. For three years they carried on the business of an ordinary foundry and machine shop. In 1842, they invented the celebrated revolving stand pump, which proved a great success, and the business of manufacturing pumps increased from year to year, the trade extending throughout the United States, South America, the Sandwich Islands, the West Indies, Australia, Europe, and Asia.

While Mr. Benjamin Douglas attended strictly to his business, he found time to devote to public enterprises and works of benevolence. He has been a faitliful and earnest friend of the colored people, and when the irrepressible conflict was brought to a final issue by force of arms, he was foremost among his fellow citizens in providing the means for crushing the rebellion. He has filled many positions of honor and trust. He was mayor of the city from 1850 to 1855; He was a member of the General Assembly in 1854, and again in 1872. He was presidential elector in i860, casting one of the six electoral votes of the State for Abraham Lincoln; was lieutenant governor of Connecticut in 1861 and 1862. It is as a Christian, however, in the humble walks of life, that the brighter and more beautiful phases of his character appear. He first united with the Congregational Church at Northford, Connecticut, in 1831. He united by letter with the South Congregational Church of Middletown in 1832, and from that period to the present time has been one of the main pillars of the church.

For nearly 30 years he has filled the office of deacon, and was for many years superintendent of the Sabbath school.

On his 22d birthday, April 3d 1838, he married Mary Adeline, daughter of Elias and Grace Totten Mansfield Parker, and a niece of Major General Joseph K. Mansfield. By her he has had six children: John Mansfield, born in Norwich, Connecticut, February 6th 1839; Sarah Kirtland, born March 21st 1841, died September 21st 1841; Benjamin, born November 17th 1843, died December 18th 1843; William, born August 5th 1845; Benjamin 2d, born August 8th 1849; Edward, born June 17th 1854, married, on the 16th of December 1875, to S. Emma, daughter of Daniel H. Chase, LL. D.

Joseph W. Douglas, Biography

The second son of William, inherited from his father distinguishing traits of character that have ever been the pride of his Douglas ancestors, while from his mother's side he inherits the strong love of country and self sacrificing devotion to principle that have always characterized the Mansfields. He was born at Middletown on the 29th of January 1838. His early education was received at the public school, and subsequently at Professor Chase's school. At the age of 14, he entered his father's factory in the pattern maker's department, at the same time continuing his studies at night under a private tutor. He was quick to learn and displayed great executive ability. When he was but 18 years of age he was made foreman of the factory, acting under his father's supervision. At the age of 22, when President Lincoln issued his proclamation calling for volunteers to defend the Union, he was among the first to offer his services, and was foremost in organizing Company A. of the Mansfield Guards, of which he was elected first lieutenant. He was in the first battle of Bull Run, and continued with his company till it was mustered out of service with the other three months' troops. He would gladly have continued to serve his country to the end of the war, but the death of his father necessitated his taking charge of the mechanical department of the extensive works of W. & B. Douglas, there being no one else in his father's family who was qualified to fill that position. Feeling the great responsibility resting upon him, he devoted all his energies to the further development of the business, and proved himself a worthy son of his honored sire. He continued to make further improvements in the manufacture of the almost endless variety of pumps, several of which were covered by letters patent, the result of his own inventions.

In 1878, he was elected mayor of the city on the republican ticket. His wise and judicious administration of public affairs receiving the approval of his fellow citizens without regard to party affiliations, he was nominated by his friends for a second terra, but his other duties compelled him to decline the nomination. He was for six years a member of the Common Council, and was senior alderman for two years. He has been treasurer of McDonough Lodge, Knights of Honor, since its organization, is president of the Century Club, trustee of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank, director of the People's Insurance Company, and of the corporation of W. & B. Douglas, and is also an active member of Mansfield Post, G. A. R.

He is a man of fine physique, quiet and dignified in his manner, and a perfect specimen of the bon homee.

On the 1st of June 1859, he married Julia W., daughter of William Dabney, and granddaughter of Captain Robert Johnson, a prominent manufacturer of fire arms during the war of 1812. By her he has had three children; Kate, born March i9lh i860; William B., born September 19th 1863; Grace, born February 15th 1872.

Kate, the eldest, was married on the 13th of October 1881, to William C. Wallace, member of the well-known law firm of Arnoux, Rich & Woodford, New York city. William, the second child, is at the present time completing his education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Mr. Douglas resides in the elegant brick mansion on Broad street, the internal arrangements of which indicate a refined taste and a just appreciation of the beautiful.

Gen. E. W. N. Starr, Biography

Elihu William Nathan Starr was the oldest son of Nathan and Grace (Townsend) Starr, and was born at the residence of his maternal grandfather,Ebenezer Townsend, at New Haven, August 10th 1812. His parents removed to Middletown when he was but a few months old. He attended private schools till he was 12 years of age, and was then placed in Captain Partridge's Military Academy in that city.' On completing his education he entered his father's office as bookkeeper and subsequently became a partner in the business. His tastes and education inclined him to a military life. At the age of 18 he was appointed seargent major, and, subsequently, quartermaster and adjutant of the 2d Artillery Regiment of Connecticut. In 1836, he was elected captain of the ist Rifle Company, 6th Regiment of Infantry, and in 1839, was promoted to be lieutenant-colonel, and in 1841, was made colonel of the regiment, resigning in 1844. In 1847, he was elected captain of the 7th Light Infantry Company (which he organized as the Mansfield Guards) of the same regiment, and in 1853, was again elected colonel.

During the administration of Gov. Thomas H. Seymour, he was adjutant general of the State. In 1860, he was elected brigadier general of the 2d Brigade, Connecticut Militia. The reorganization and concentration of the militia system into one division, in t86i, relieved him of this position. On the appointment by the Legislature of James T. Pratt as major general of the State militia, he appointed General Starr as division inspector; both, however, resigned the same year, in October, in consequence of the refusal of the State Legislature to so amend the militia laws as to render them efficient.

Soon after the breaking out of the Civil war, the command of the 4th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers was offered to General Starr by Governor Buckingham, but his delicate health prevented his acceptance of the position; but, nevertheless, he was well represented, in as much as, during the first year of the war, there were over 30 commissioned officers in the field, all considered efficient men, who owed their knowledge of military tactics to his gratuitous tuition. He was subsequently appointed by Governor Buckingham to the command of the military post at Middletown, during the oiganization of the 24th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers.

This was the last of his military services to the State, which covered a period of about 30 years. He was postmaster at Middletown during a portion of President Van Buren's administration, and was the one to remove the office to its present position in the government building. With the exception of one year, he has held the position of town clerk and registrar from 1852 to the present time, and excepting one year, was judge of the Probate District of Middletown from July 1866 to 1872. While acting in this position, although having no legal education, his decisions were invariably confirmed by the higher courts. From January 1856, to January 1864, he held the position of city clerk and treasurer.

In person. General Starr is tall and erect, of spare build, but of fine military bearing. In his private life, he is " sans peur et sans reproche."

William Walter Wilcox, Biography

Most of the representative men of this country are born and educated in the school of adversity, and their success in life is achieved by honest, hard work and persevering effort. To this class belongs William W. Wilcox. Two brothers, viz., Thomas and John, one of whom was his American ancester, came from Hartford to Middletown in 1650, and settled in the second and third ecclesiastical parishes, viz., Middletown Upper Houses and Westfield Parish. William W. was the only child of William W. and Mary Wilcox. The death of his father occurred before he was born, and his mother died before he was two years old. He was placed in the care of his grandmother until he was six years of age, when he was taken into the family of his aunt, the wife of Ira K. Penfield, of Portland, Connecticut, where he remained until he was nineteen years of age, attending school a portion of the time, the remainder working in his uncle's shop. Being in delicate health he went to New York and engaged himself to a book concern, a.s traveling agent. He visited different parts of the South and finally recovered his health. In 1848, he returned to Middletown and engaged himself for seventy-five cents a day to Eldridge H. Penfield, who had just commenced the manufacture of grommets for sails. Here he learned the mechanical operations connected with the manufacture of gronmiets. Penfield having insufficient capital to continue the business, through the influence of Mr. Wilcox, his uncle, Ira K. Penfield, sold out his business in Portland, and buying a half interest, the new firm of E. H. & I. K. Penfield continued the manufacture of grommets. Consigning goods to agents brought small returns, and at the end of two years E. H. Penfield became discouraged and sold his interest to Ira K. Penfield. By strict economy young Wilcox had saved $250 while in the employ of E. H. & I. K. Penfield. This was his capital in the new firm of Penfield & Wilcox, which, with his services, gave him one-quarter interest in a business which had thus far not proved a success. An impetus was given the business at once by closing the agencies, and dealing directly with consumers. With trunks full of grommets, and tools to insert them, Mr. Wilcox started out with the determination to visit all the sail lofts along the coast to Halifax, Nova Scotia, showing the use and utility of the new metallic grommet, presenting a gross or two to those who could not be induced to buy. In this way the business became a success, notwithstanding the opposition of journeymen sail makers, who opposed their use for several years, as lessening the amount of labor in making sails.

A new round edge sail thimble was soon after invented by Mr. Wilcox. Cast of malleable iron and galvanized, they soon came into general use, and entirely superseded the wrought sharp edge thimble, which cut and wore the ship's ropes. He was the first in this country to introduce galvanized iron work for ship's use.

At the end of ten years, having accumulated a capital of $4,500, he dissolved partnership with his uncle and started in business for himself, having hired a building on the Pameacha River, at the present location, for $75 a year. About this time he invented an improved grommet, made in three parts, which he patented. He also added to his stock a variety of sailmakers' and ship chandlery goods. The increase of business that followed necessitated an increase of capital, and he subsequently took in Joseph Hall jr., of Portland, as partner. At the end of the next ten years he purchased Mr. Hall's interest, and a new copartnership was formed, consisting of W. W. Wilcox, E. Bound Chaffee, A. R. Crittenden, and Homer Churchill; who now comprise the firm of Wilcox, Crittenden & Co. The house is now one of the largest in this line of business in the United States. Mr. Wilcox has recently invented a new grommet for which he received a patent, August 26th 1884.

He has always confined himself strictly to his business, at the same time manifesting a deep interest in the affairs of his native town, and, in 1877, he was solicited by his friends to accept the republican nomination for the Legislature, and was elected by a considerable majority. As an evidence of his personal popularity, it may be stated that for thirteen years previous to this time Middletown was represented in the Legislature by democrats. In 1879, Mr. Wilcox received the nomination and was again elected. He has held other public positions of trust and responsibility. In 1880, he was nominated for State Senator, but was defeated by a small majority, his opponent being Dr. J. W. Alsop. He has also served as a member of the Common Council.

His investments have been confined strictly to his legitimate business. In 1883, he was solicited to become a director in the Middletown National Bank, and was elected to the position.

There are few men who have lived in Middletown during the last century who have borne a more enviable reputation or have been held in higher esteem by their fellow citizens. His life presents a worthy example to the rising generation, affording a practical demonstration of the self made man.

On the 17th of November 1853, he married Elizabeth, daughter of George and A. E. Crittenden, of Portland, by whom he had three children, two of whom, William Walter, born April 11th 1862, and Mary C, born August 8th 1866, are now living.

Captain Joseph J. Hendley, Biography

The records of the paternal and maternal ancestors of Captain Hendley form an interesting contribution to American history. His great-grandfather, William Hendley, married a German lady. They came from England about 1745, and settled in Boston, and bought land on AVheeler's Point, now South Boston, where they kept a dairy farm. They had four children. William, the eldest, the grandfather of Captain Hendley, was born in Boston, in 1747. He was an ardent patriot in the war of the Revolution, and composed one of the famous " Boston Tea Party." He fought in the battles of Concord and Bunker Hill, enlisted in the rebel army, and continued in the service of his country to the close of the war.

The maternal ancestor of Captain Hendley was Thomas Miller, who came from England in 1643, and settled in Rowley, Massachusetts, in 1644. In 1653, he removed with his family to Middletown, where, in 1655, he erected a grist mill on the South Pameacha River, then called Miller's brook, and now the Sanseer River, the town of Middletown furnishing most of the material for the same in consideration of his grinding the town's corn. This was probally the first mill erected in Middlesex county.

Henry, the father of Captain Hendley, was born in Boston, on the i8th of January 1770, and came to Middletown in 1791. He was a tanner by trade and worked for Samuel Frothingham during the summer and followed the sea in the winter. He was lost at sea in 1807. He formed one of the crew of the hr\g Marlboro, oi Glastonbury, Wadsworth, master. On her passage from St. Croix to Middletown, she foundered at sea and all on board perished.

On the 27th of December 1795, he married Esther Miller,a descendant of the fourth generation from Thomas Miller. Her father was Joshua Miller and her mother was Anna Starr, daughter of Captain Daniel and Esther Starr. They had six children: Anna, the eldest, was born September 26th 1796, married Joseph J. Badger; William, born January 25th 1798, never married; Mary, born January 20th 1800, married Caleb Miller; Esther, born August 4th 1802, married Elisha Sears; Henry, born June 22d 1804, never married; Joseph J., born June 25th 1807.

Captain Joseph J. Hendley, the subject of this sketch, has had quite an eventful life. He was born at South Farms, in the town of Middletown. He was only six months old when his father died, and was thus compelled in early life to " paddle his own canoe." On the 23d of August 1810, his mother married the Rev. Benjamin Graves, then pastor of the South Church, Middletown. They had one daughter. In 1813, they moved to East Haddam, Millington Society, and resided there until after the war of 1812-15, when they returned to South Farms, and soon after settled at Bow Lane, where Joseph received his education at the district school. At the age of fifteen he went to work in a woolen mill at Wolcottville, where he remained for two years, when he returned home and spent one year at the Pameacha woolen mill. In 1825, when he was eighteen years of age, he shouldered his pack, bade his feeble mother good bye, and started on foot for New Haven, where he shipped on a vessel bound for New York, receiving two dollars wages for the round trip. This, with three dollars received from his mother, and two suits o( clothes, was all his worldly wealth. After his return to New Haven, he shipped on board a schooner bound for Guadaloupe, W. I., at which place the captain and one man died of yellow fever.

He was in the European, South American, and West India trades until 1830, after which he was in the New Orleans and Florida trade, and was first ofificer with Captain William H. Pratt, of Deep River, Conn., until 1833. He then took charge of the schooner Helen Mar, of New Orleans. He made several voyages to Apalachicola, Fla., and one voyage to the Brazos River, Texas. On one of these voyages, Henry Brooks, of Middletown, his mate, fell overboard in the night, while reefing the mainsail, and was drowned. Brooks was a young man of excellent moral character and a good seaman.

At that time (1833) there was but one house on Galveston Island, and Texas was a State of the Republic of Mexico, at war with the mother country.

In the fall of 1834, Captain Hendley took command of the schooner Louisiana, in which he made regular trips to the Brazos River. Active hostilities had then commenced, and the vessel was loaded principally with troops and munitions of war. He was twice chased into the river by the Mexican man-of-war, Montezuma, commanded by Captain Davis, then blockading the coast of Texas, and the terror of all blockade runners.

In 1836, Captain Hendley, in connection with his brother, William Hendley, Sylvester Gildersleeve, and Alexander Keath, built the schooner William Bryan for the Brazos River trade. She was a successful vessel in that trade and was commanded by him until 1839, when he, with his brother William, and Sylvester Gildersleeve, of Portland, built the schooner Robert Mills, for the same trade, and in 1842, they built they built the ship Star Republic. This ship was commanded by Captain Hendley and sailed by him between Galveston and New York up to 1845. O" the voyage from New York to Galveston in 1843, on the 6th of October, he encountered a hurricane off the northeast point of Abaco, one of the Bahama Islands. The whole coast of Florida was desolated and Sand Key light house blown down, in which the keeper and his whole family perished. Great damage was also done at Key West, but the little ship came safely through, losing part of her spars and most of her sails.

In 1845, before the annexation of Texas, Captain Hendley and his brother William, together with Philip Gildersleeve and John L. Sleight, formed the commercial house of William Hendley & Co., at Galveston, and, in connection with John H. Brower, of New York, established the New York and Texas line of packets. The Star Republic was the pioneer ship, and, with other vessels owned principally by the Wakemans of Southport, Conn., at that time constituted the Texas and New York line of packets. In 1848, these vessels were disposed of, the line reorganized, and eight vessels of larger capacity were built from time to time, and placed in the line, viz.: the ships S. F Austin, B. R. Milam, William B . Travis, J. W. Fannin, Wm. H. Wharton, S. Gildersleeve, A^ational Guard, and J. C. Kuhn. These vessels were built by S. Gildersleeve, Portland, Conn., and owned principally by J. J. Hendley, William Hendley, S. Gildersleeve, H. Gildersleeve, P. Gildersleeve, J. H. Watkinson, William Jarvis, and John H. Brower, of New York.

The corresponding and financial partner of the firm of William Hendley & Co., Philip Gildersleeve, died in 1853. He was a competent, clear-headed man, and had but few equals. His loss was seriously felt by all the other members, and through his death the business of the firm for a time suffered, but on a reduced scale it again prospered. The line was successfully conducted until the breaking out of the war. During the intermediate time, the Austinvia.s wrecked on the northeast point of Abaco; the B. R. Milam was stranded on Galveston Bar, and abandoned to the underwriters; the William B. Travis and William H.Wharton were sold for a foreign trade; and the J. W. Fannin, loaded with grain for Ireland, foundered at sea; the National Guard and J. C. Kuhn were sold to the United States government, and the S. Gildersleeve was burned at sea by the rebel steamer, Alabama. This closed the Texas and New York line of packets. After the war the house was successfully conducted until 1874, making a total period from its commencement, of twenty-eight years. William Hendley and John L. Sleight died in 1873, and in July 1874, Captain Hendley closed up the old business of William Hendley & Co., and retired from commercial life.

Captain Hendley never married, but lives in the quiet enjoyment of bachelorhood. He makes his home with his half sister, Mrs. A. D. Button, at Plainfield, N. J., but spends most of his time traveling, and at the residence of his nephew, Mr. H. F. Boardman, of Middletown, where he is surrounded with the familiar scenes of his early days. He is now in his seventy-eighth year, but still quite strong and hearty, and in the full possession of his mental faculties.

His brother, Henry, also a mariner by profession, and an officer of the ship Emblem, of Portland, Me., which was wrecked in Cadiz Bay, in 1855, was on the wreck three days and died at Cadiz after being taken off.

Captain Hendley and Mrs. Esther S. Sears, widow of Elisha S. Sears, still survive.

Leonard Bailey, M. D., Biography

"Nothing succeeds like success," is a trite saying, more forcible than elegant, but to no profession in life does it apply with greater force than to that of the medical, and whatever educational advantages or previous experience a man may have had, his ability is measured by his success.

Dr. Bailey commenced practice in this city unaided and alone, with neither friends nor influence, and whatever success he has achieved in his profession is due to his own efforts.

His paternal ancestor was John Baylie, one of the 28 proprietors who settled the town of Haddam in 1662. His grandfather was a soldier of the Revolution, a member of the loth Connecticut regiment, commanded by Colonel — afterwards General — James Wadsworth.

Leonard was the youngest son of Benjamin and Laurana Bailey, and was born in that part of the town of Haddam now known as Higganum, on the ist of January 1836. He was sent first to the district school, and then to the Brainerd Academy. He commenced the study of medicine in Philadelphia, and graduated in 1S57, standing fifth in a class of forty. At the age of 22 he spent one year in the office of Dr. Burr of this city (Middletown), where he commenced his practice. He subsequently went to East Haddam, where he practiced for three years. In 1861, he returned to Middletown, where he has since remained. In 1862, he again visited Philadelphia, where he attended a course of medical lectures during the winter of 1862-63. During this period he was frequently associated with and received instructions from Professors S. D. Gross, Pancoast, Wood, and Dunglison, and other eminent physicians and surgeons of Philadelphia.

When he resumed his practice in Middletown, and determined on making this his permanent home, the prospect was not very flattering. There were at that time ten physicians in the city, most of whom were old residents, and there appeared to be no room for another; but he went quietly to work, devoting' every leisure moment to the acquisition of knowledge, and availing himself of every means in his power to achieve success. His first efforts with his patients proving successful, his business gradually increased, and he has probably at the present time a more lucrative, if not a larger practice than any otlier physician in Middletown.

He carefully diagnoses every case and makes each a special study, clinging to no stereotyped or obsolete theories; assuming that each case of even the same disease requires a special, if not a different method of treatment.

To his intense love of and devotion to his profession, he unites a genial, happy disposition that carries joy and comfort to the sick room and inspires the patient with courage and confidence.

His personal popularity would naturally draw him into public life, but for this he has neither the taste nor inclination. His purse strings are ever loose to relieve the needy and unfortunate, and many a bill for professional services will be canceled only at the day of final reckoning, when the " Judge of all the earth " shall say: " Inasmuch as ye did it unlo one of the least of these, ye did it unto me."

On the 3d of February 1863, he married Sarah J., daughter of Burriage Robinson of Portland.

Hon. Samuel L. Warner, Biography

Edmund Burke once said to a friend: "Men give me credit for genius. If an intense and ardent desire for the acquisition of knowledge and persevering efforts in the use of the means for accomplishing that end is genius, then I have genius."

Those who have listened to the earnest and eloquent appeals of Samuel L. Warner in behalf of his clients, give him credit for genius, as well as great legal ability; but if any young man of ordinary ability is willing to use the same means and make the same sacrifices to attain the ends, the prize is within his grasp.

Mr. Warner had the same trials, struggles, and iiardships as those of most men who succeed in life. Levi Warner, his father, was a prosperous and enterprising farmer, born in the town of Wethersfield, and was descended from one of the original settlers who came there from Boston about 1635. He married Sarah, daughter of John Larkin, of Wethersfield, by whom he had eight children: Mary, William, Samuel L., Levi, Sarah A. John, George Francis, and Albert, all living.

Samuel L. was born at AVethersfield, on the 14th of June 1828. He attended the common schools of his native village, and subsequently went through a preparatory course at the academy. After teaching school for four years, he commenced the study of law with Judge Matson, of Hartford, and soon after entered a law school at New Haven. He completed his course at Harvard Law School, where he spent two years; and in 1854 was admitted to the Suffolk county (Massachusetts) bar. He returned to Hartford, intending to commence practice in that city, bu , through the influence of Governor Seymour, who took a deep interest in his welfare, he obtained the appointment of executive secretary to Governor Pond. Owing to the illness of the latter the duties of the office devolved to a large extent on young Warner. These he discharged with great credit to himself, and the executive ability displayed by him at that early age showed that the confidence of his friends had not been misplaced, and the experience thus acquired proved of great advantage to him in after years.

In the spring of 1S54, he removed to Portland and commenced the practice of law in that town, where he soon obtained a lucrative practice, and the success attending his efforts brought him into prominence in all courts in the State; and his business increased to such an extent that he found it necessary to open an office in Middletown. The judicial history of the period before and after the time when Mr. Warner commenced practice shows' that the courts of Middlesex county presented a field for the best legal talent of this State; and at each session of the court were represented men who have since become distinguished as jurists and statesmen, whose reputation is almost world wide. Among these may be mentioned Hon. Charles J. McCurdy, Hon. William D. Shipman, Hon. Lafayette S. Foster, Hon. Isaac Toucey, R. G. Baldwin, Henry Dutton, Charles Chapman, Thomas C. Perkins, and others; all of whom were engaged in the trial of important causes in the Middlesex county courts. To be brought into immediate contact in the trial of causes with these legal giants would intimidate most young men, but Mr. Warner had confidence in himself. He had been a close student not only when preparing for admission to the bar, but had availed himself of every leisure moment to familiarize himself with the requirements of his profession. He was, moreover, a close student of human nature, and was familiar with the ways of the w()rld,"and of the general principles of business; was careful and observing, allowing nothing to escape his attention, so that when he was subsequently called to the trial of important causes he realized the fruits of this course of study and was prepared to successfully contend with men who enjoyed the advantages of a large experience and a longer established reputation. His intense application to, and study of his cases soon made him proficient and successful in his practice. His continued success at the bar rendered him popular with the people, and in 1862, he was elected mayor of the city, and continued in office for four years, during which period he labored hard and finally succeeded in establishing the present system of water works and securing the necessary legislation to place it on a substantial basis. To him, in a great measure, is due the credit of having established the finest system of water supply in our State, which affords equal, if not the best protection against fire of that of any city in the Union, In 1858, he represented the town of Portland in the State Legislature.

At the breaking out of the Rebellion, he was an active and earnest supporter of all measures for a vigorous prosecution of the war, and in 1862, he was nominated for Congress, but was defeated by his opponent, Governor English. The following term he was again nominated by the republican party, and elected by 1,700 majority, in a district strongly democratic, receiving the support of many prominent democrats. In 1865, he was again nominated, but declined to accept the nomination. He was a member, and one of the secretaries of the convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln for the second term.

In 1861, he purchased the Nehemiah Hubbard homestead, on Main street, to which place he removed his ofifice and where he has since continued. He enjoys a large and lucrative practice, and stands at the head of the bar in Middlesex county.

The success on the trial of causes to the jury has caused his retainer in nearly all such cases of importance in the county during his practice. The records of the Supreme Court of Errors show his mastery of his cases in that forum. It is said by the judges of that court that no briefs or presentment of causes in their court show more or better preparation or conception of the case than do his.

In his jury trials he makes no mistakes and if any are made by his adversary, he is quick to take advantage of them. He makes his clients' case his own, and enters into it with intense earnestness and enthusiasm. It is said of him that in the examination of witnesses in the trial of a cause, if he becomes convinced of the untruthfulness or prevarication of the witness, his examinations are almost merciless, and no sagacity could escape his detection.

Socially he is a man of large hearted, generous impulses, and will make any sacrifice to serve a friend. He delivered the addresses at both the Lincoln and Garfield memorial services held in the North Church.

He was the unanimous choice of the committee to deliver the oration at the centennial celebration of Middletown, held on the 14th of July 1884. This was one of the most carefully prepared, and best historical addresses ever delivered before a Middlesex county audience, and was listened to by a large and intelligent concourse of people.

On the 30th of April 1855, he married Mary E., daughter of John Harris, of Norwich, by whom he has had two children: Harris, born October 26th 1858, and Charles W., born November 20th 1863.

His brother Levi, next younger than himself, who studied with him, is one of the leading lawyers in Fairfield county, and was twice elected to Congress from the Fourth District.

His mother, who is still living, is now 82 years of age and in the full enjoyment of health and of all her mental faculties.

The Russell Family, Biography

The Russell Family have been identified with the history of Middletown for nearly two hundred years, and each generation has left its impress on the community by the noble deeds and Christian virtues of its several members. The family is a branch of the English line so well known, and William Russell, the emigrant, is said to have accompanied Colonel Fenwick, Robert Greville, second Lord Brooke, being connected by marriage with the latter.

William, the American ancestor of the Russell family, was born in England in 1612, came to America in 1638-9, and settled in the colony of New Haven. His will, dated October 24th 1664, is found among the New Haven records. He left two children: Anna, born June 29th 1660, and Noadiah, born at New Haven, July 22d 1659.

Of Rev. Noadiah Russell, the youngest son, Dr. Field says:

" He was left an orphan, with an elder sister, when about a year old, but through the friendship and benevolence of Mrs. Elin Glover he was publicly educated. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1681, where he he was for a time tutor. He subsequently taught an academy in Ipswich, Mass., and became a member of the church in that place, and was thence recommended to the church in Middletown, to which place he came in 1687, and was settled as pastor of the First Congregational Church. He was one of the twelve ministers who founded Yale College, at Saybrook, in 1700, and was one of the framers of the Saybrook Platform.

On the 28th of February 1689, he married Mary, daughter of Giles Hamlin, one of the first settlers of Middletown. By her he had nine children, viz: William, Noadiah, Giles, Mary, John, Esther, Daniel, Mehitable, and Hannah.

Two of his sons, viz., William and Daniel, were educated at the seminary which he had assisted in founding and governing. With this, William was connected for a time as tutor, and afterward as trustee. Both became ministers of the Gospel. Daniel settled in the parish of Stepney, in Wethersfield, and William succeeded his father in the congregation in Middletown, June 1st 1715.

Rev. Noadiah Russell labored in the ministry just forty-six years — dying in the same month, and on the same day of the month on which he was ordained. " He was a gentleman," says Dr. Trumbull, " of great respectability for knowledge, experience, moderation, and for pacific measures on all occasions."

Samuel Russell, eldest son of Capt. John and Abigail Russell, was born at Middletown, Conn., August 25th 1789. His father having deceased when he was but twelve years of age, he was placed under guardianship, and after receiving an ordinary education was placed in the store of Messrs. Whittlesey & Alsop, Washington street, Middletown, and afterward with Mr. Samuel Wetmore, where he remained until he arri»red at majority, he then went to New York city, and entered the house of Messrs. Hall, Hull & Co., foreign shipping merchants, and was sent by them as supercargo to Spain; after which he was invited to enter the house of B. & T. C. Hoppin & Co., Providence, R. I., who were engaged in the Calcutta and China trade, where he remained until he became a partner of Messrs. E. Carrington & Co., Cyrus Butler, and B. & T. C. Hoppin. On the 26th of December 1818, articles of co-partnership were signed for the transaction of business in China for a term of five years, which at the expiration of that time eventuated in the establishment of the house of Russell & Co., at Canton — one of the most celebrated firms in China, doing business under the same name up to the present time; having numbered among its partners such men as Phillip Amidon, Augustine Heard, William Henry Low, John C. Green, John Murray Forbes, Joseph Coolidge, A. A. Low, W. C. Hunter, Edward King, Robert Bennett Forbes, Warren Delano jr., and Russell Sturgis.

Mr. Russell's life in China is thus briefly described by one who knew him intimately and enjoyed his lifelong friendship:

" While he lived no friend of his would venture to mention his name In print. While In China, he lived for about twenty-flve years almost an hermit, hardly known outside of his factory except by the chosen few who;enjoyed his intimacy, and by his good friend, Hoqua, but studying: commerce in its broadest sense, as well as its minutest details. Returning home with well earned wealth he lived hospitably In the midst of his family, and a small circle of inmates. Scorning- words and pretensions from the very bottom of his heart, he was the truest and staunchest of friends; bating notoriety, he could always be absolutely counted upon for every good work which did not involve publicity."

The house of which he was a member had a worldwide reputation, and the name of Samuel Russell was potent wherever commerce reached. It is said of him, personally, that his word was as good as his bond.

In 1837, he returned to Middletown, where he had made previous arrangements for the erection of the elegant mansion on the corner of Washington and High streets. This was done under the siipervision of Hon. Samuel D. Hubbard. He did not sit down, on his return, simply to enjoy his wealth, but entered heartily into public and private enterprises. He founded the Russell Manufacturing Company, and was its first president. He was president of the Middlesex County Bank nearly ten years, and was a large stockholder. During the panic of 1857, he advanced $75,000 of his private fortune to sustain the bank through the crisis. He was constantly assisting private individuals who were in financial trouble, and while he frequently lost large sums in this manner, it never occasioned him any regret. His motto was " Duties are ours; events are God's."

He was a man of broad and liberal views, and gave freely to the support of all religious denominations. He gave liberally toward the building of the Roman Catholic church, and induced the quarry companies of Portland to contribute the stone. He assisted nearly all the other churches by large contributions. He made judicious investments of his money, which yielded large returns, but it is said of him that he gave away, and lost by assisting others, a sum fully equal to all he made in China.

In his business he was very methodical and painstaking; in his private life was frugal and economical, avoiding all display or ostentation, but very hospitable. His friends always found a hearty welcome under his roof. In his private charities no one but himself and the recipients ever knew the extent of his gifts.

Mr. Russell was twice married; first, on the 6th of October 1815, to Mary Cotton Osborne, in New York city, daughter of David and Mary Cotton Osborne, of Stratford, Connecticut, an orphan (both parents having died in the West Indies), by whom he had two sons: George Osborne, and John Augustus Russell. During Mr. Russell's first absence, in China, his young wife died suddenly at the early age of twenty-three, leaving his two little children in charge of his sister, Frances. After having completed the five years' engagement with the Providence house, Mr. Russell returned from Canton for a brief stay, during which time he married Frances A., the sister of his first wife, and again returned to the East. George and John, his sons, did not inherit strong constitutions, and although sent to Europe for travel and treatment, and living much in the West Indies, neither of them attained far beyond the age of early manhood. George Osborne, the eldest, married Amelia C, daughter of Thomas Mather, and left two sons: Samuel and George Osborne. John A. married Helena E. Webster, of Cuba, and left one son, Frank W., who died while a youth.

Mr. Russell had one son by his second wife, Samuel Wadsworth Russell, who married Clara A. Casey, daughter of Dr. William Casey, of Middletown, by whom he had three children: William Wadsworth, Mary Alice, and Cornelia Augusta. This third son of Mr. Russell was much younger than his half brothers, and survived his father some years, but died at the early age of 31.

Samuel Russell, son of George Osborne, and grandson of Samuel Russell, the East India merchant, lost his father when but three years of age, and was brought up by his grandfather. He represents the family in Middletown, and is in possession of the fine old residence, built by his grandfather, and maintains with pride the characteristics of the old mansion.

He married for his first wife, Lucy McDonough, second daughter of Hon. Henry G. Hubbard, and granddaughtet of Commodore McDonough, by whom he has three children: Samuel, Thomas McDonough, and Lucy Hubbard. He married, for his second wife, Sarah Chaplin Clark, daughter of John Clark jr., and Caroline Madison Pickering, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, by whom he had one daughter, Helen Pickering. Mr. Russell has been, for some years, the vice-president and a director of the Russell Manufacturing Company, and also holds several directorships elsewhere.

Edward Augustus Russell was born in Middletown, Connecticut, on the i6th day of June 1797. He was the second son of John Russell and Abigal Warner, his wife, and was born in the old family homestead, which had been owned and occupied by four generations before him, among whom were the Rev. Noadiah Russell, and the Rev. William Russell, who were consecutively together pastors of the North Congregational Church in this city for seventy-three years — or from 1688 to 1761.

At an early age he was apprenticed to Mr. Samuel Wetmore, merchant, with whom he remained as long as Mr. W. continued in business in Middletown, Mr. Russell then went to Providence, R. I., as clerk to Edward Carrington & Co., in the East India trade.

On the 12th of September 1820, he married Miss Elizabeth Brown Hall, daughter of William Clark Hall, a native of Boston, but more recently of Middletown, and moved to Petersburg, Va., where he was engaged in business for about two years, when he returned North to enter the office of Mr. George Douglas in New York. He had not been there long, however, when offers of strong inducement caused him to sever his connections with Mr. Douglas and to seek a home from which he then supposed he might not return for many years. In the spring of 1825, he sailed from New York for China, to take part in the house of Russell & Co., in Canton, which had been formed the year before by his elder brother, Samuel, in partnership with Mr. Philip Amidon, of New York. He was, however, within two years from the time of his arrival there, stricken down with that dread scourge of the East — liver complaint — and after a long and protracted illness was obliged to return to his native country.

Again entering the office, in New York, of Mr. Douglas— this time as partner — he continued for some years, and until this connection was severed by his being called to the presidency of the Royal Insurance Company in that city, which position he held until he retired from active business, and returned to Middletown in 1838.

During the remainder of his life, he was interested in the affairs of his native town, and held many trusts outside as well as at home. He was mayor of the city from May 1857 to January 1861, was representative to the Legislature, delegate to National Convention, president of the Charles River Railroad, as well as director in other roads, and was also interested in the development of the manufacture of silk in the State of Massachusetts.

By his marriage he had seven children, three of whom, with one grandson, now occupy the old homestead.

He died in Middletown, April 4th 1874, on the same spot where he was born, and which has now been owned and occupied by seven generations of the same family.

Abram M. Shew, M. D., Biography

When it is considered that one out of every 300 inhabitants of this country is hopelessly insane, it becomes a matter of the deepest importance to every citizen to know what means are provided for the care of these poor unfortunates, and to learn something of the character of the individual who is intrusted with their care and protection. Most of the people of Middlesex county are somewhat familiar with the condition and general management of the State Hospital for the Insane (located at Middletown), either from personal observation or from published reports; but of that great motive power and creative genius that moves, guides, controls, and regulates that ponderous piece of human machinery, made up of hundreds of helpless human beings, they know but little.

To manage successfully such an institution requires the genius, the sagacity, the wisdom, the tact, and the iron will of a Napoleon, combined with the gentleness, the thoroughly sympathetic nature, and tenderness of feeling peculiar to the weaker sex.

To what extent the present incumbent fulfills these requirements must be determined by his eighteen years' experience as manager of that institution.

Abram M. Shew, M. D., the subject referred to, was born in Le Ray, Jefferson county. New York, on the i8th of September 1841. He was the youngest child of Godfrey J. Shew and Betsey, daughter of Abram Beecher, of Kent, Connecticut.

At the age of 11, he removed with his parents to Watertown, New York, where he received his academic education at the Jefferson County Institute. He had intended to enter Union College, Schenectady, but the breaking out of the war, in 1861, aroused in him the spirit of patriotism, and caused him to forego his cherished plans. He had already spent one year in preparatory studies; he therefore decided to enter at once upon collegiate preparation for medical duty. He entered Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, where he was enrolled among the pupils of Professor W. H. Pancoast. He received great encouragement and aid from the late Professor Dauglison.

In 1862, Dr. Bates, who was then Inspector of Prisons, offered to Dr. Shew the ofRce of assistant physician of the New York Asylum for Insane Convicts, at Auburn. On the expiration of his services at Auburn, he returned to Philadelphia, prosecuted his studies with diligence, and graduated with honor.

Immediately after the receipt of his diploma, Dr. Shew presented himself before the army examining board, and was appointed assistant surgeon of the United States Volunteers. Three days later he was ordered to report to the medical director of the Department of the South, and was by him assigned to duty as post surgeon and health officer at Hilton Head, South Carolina. Six months after this he was ordered to Beaufort to assume the charge of the post hospital. This position he held till the close of the war.

On his return to Philadelphia he was appointed one of the resident physicians of the Philadelphia (Blockley) Hospital. While there his early interest in mental disorders was re-awakened, and led to the decision to make mental pathology the specialty of his professional life. In the spring of 1866, he received the appointment of assistant to Dr. Buttolph, superintendent of the New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum at Trenton. In that relation he gave special attention to plans of hospital buildings and methods of construction, and the best modes of providing for the wants of different classes of patients. The results of his studies were then embodied in plans for an ideal hospital, which attracted the notice of specialists, and were finally adopted by the board of trustees of the Connecticut Hospital for the Insane.

In September 1866, Dr. Shew was appointed to superintend the construction and organization of this institution, and entered upon the performance of his functions on the 15th of the following month.

On the 27th of January 1869, Dr. Shew married Elizabeth Collins Palmer, eldest daughter of Hon. Lewis Palmer, of Watertown, N. Y. Her death occurred on the 19th of January 1874. On the 12th of June 1878, he married Clara, only daughter of S. L. Bradley, of Auburn, N. Y. She died on the 22d of September 1879.

Two children were the issue of his first marriage, viz; Lewis Palmer, born February 26th 1870; Alma Elizabeth, born December 27th 1873.

William Wilcox, Biography

William Wilcox comes from the old hardy stock of pioneers who were the original proprietors of the plantation at Hammonassett, subsequently called Kenilworth and finally Killingworth. In October 1663, the General Court of Connecticut resolved that there sliould be a plantation at Hammonassett. Joseph Wilcox the progenitor of William Wilcox, was one of the 27 proprietors who established their claim under this act. The first marriage and birth recorded in the town are as follows:

"John Meigs and Sarah Wilcox were married the 7th day of March 1665."

"Hannah, the daughter of Joseph Wilcox, was born the 19th day of January 1665."

There is no family name more thoroughly identified with the history of Killingworth than that of Wilcox. From 1790 to 1805, Joseph Wilcox, Joseph Wilcox 2d, and Nathan Wilcox represented their town in the State Legislature.

Thomas C. Wilcox, the father of William, was born in Killingworth and followed the occupation of his ancestors, viz., farming. About 1815, he married Eunice, daughter of Jonathan Smith, of Haddam, by whom he had ten children: Philander S., Thomas C, William, Jonathan E., Carlos, Samuel B., Charles W., Saphronia, Eunice J., and Rebbeca M.; all except the first son and daughter are now living.

William, the subject of this sketch, was born in Killingworth, October loth 1819. His childhood was spent like that of most boys of the period, working on the farm during the summer and attending the district school in the winter. At the age of 18 he left home and came to Middletown and entered the gun manufactory of Smith & Cooley, successors of the Johnsons, where he remained for three or four years. Under the then existing laws, the father was entitled to the services of his children until they became of age, and William paid his father $130 out of his hard earnings for the three years time. In January 1842, he commenced the manufacture of locks in company with William H. Lewis, and continued for about two years. In 1845, be removed to Zoar, the present location, and formed a copartnership with Lot D. Vansands for the manufacture of locks, principally plate or stock locks for the Southern trade. He subsequently commenced the manufacture of padlocks. For forty years he has continued in the same place. His uniform success in business indicates good judgment, honesty, and fair dealing, and those who know him best speak in the highest terms of his social qualities as well as of his business qualifications. Mr. Wilcox in his manner is modest and retiring, avoiding all means that would tend to draw him into public life. He has been for a number of years a member of St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M., and was at one time junior warden; but declined further advancement to which he was justly entitled.

On the 27th of August 1847, he married Sarah G., daughter of Horace Edwards, of Middletown. She died on the 4th of June 1883, leaving no children. Mr. Wilcox occupies a large and beautiful residence on South Main street, where he has surrounded himself with all that can conduce to his comfort and happiness.

The grandmother of Mr. Wilcox, who was a Ventres from Haddam, lived to the extraordinary age of 106 years, lacking a few days.

Norman C. Stiles., Biography

The centennial celebration of the incorporation of the city of Middletown, held on the 13th of July 1884, at which time the leading industries and manufactures were represented in the procession, awakened a desire on the part of the citizens of Middletown not only to learn the history of the rise and growth of these great industries, that have contributed so much to the wealth and prosperity of the city, but to know something of the individuals connected with them.

Among the most prominent of those represented in the procession was the Stiles & Parker Press Company; and several of the other manufactories represented on that occasion, as well as some of the largest manufactories in the country, are dependent to a great extent on the goods made by this company, the founder of which was Norman C. Stiles, who commenced life as a poor boy, and, by his own efforts, pushed his way from the lowest to the top round of the ladder, and succeeded in establishing one of the most important industries in the country.

Mr. Stiles was born at Feeding Hills, a village of Agawam, Mass., on the i8th of June 1834. His father was an industrious farmer, a raiser of tobacco, and also engaged in the manufacture and sale of whip lashes, an important article of manufacture at that period. When Norman was but five years of age, his father lost his property, and the son was thus deprived of the educational facilities and other opportunities enjoyed by most boys of his age. The inventive genius and mechanical taste were early developed in the lad, and when but ten years of age he had thoroughly investigated the " true inwardness " of a clock, by taking it apart and putting it together again, leaving it in good ,running order. When he was but 12 years of age he built an ell to his father's house, doing all the work alone, including the painting. He constructed various other devices about this time, displaying remarkable mechanical ability as well as inventive genius. He made a miniature steam engine and a fire engine, and constructed a violin.

At the age of 16, he removed to Meriden, and engaged with his brother in the manufacture of tin ware; but this gave him no opportunity to develop his mechanical tastes, and he soon after became connected with the American Machine Works, at Springfield, Massachusetts, where he remained until he was of age. He subsequently engaged himself to a Mr. Osgood, who was a contractor for the Holyoke Machine Company. He soon after returned to Meriden, Connecticut, and entered the employ of Snow, Brooks & Company, now known as Parker Brothers & Company. He was employed in making dies, and other small work requiring great skill and ingenuity. This experience proved of great value to him. He subsequently entered the employ of Edward Miller & Company, Meriden, where he remained until 1857, when he concluded to " paddle his own canoe." He at first hired bench room of B. S. Stedman, and soon after bought out the stock and tools of his landlord. In i860, he invented a toe and instep stretcher, which proved quite a success. In 1862, his factory was destroyed by fire, involving a heavy loss. He soon started again, taking in, as special partner, Alden Clark, who soon after retired in favor of George Clark, a nephew. In 1867, the partnership was dissolved. The business having increased to such an extent as to require additional facilities, Mr. Stiles removed to Middletown, where he has since remained. Previous to this, he made several improvements in his stamping press, among others an eccentric adjustment, which was a great improvement on other punching presses then in use, and far superior to what was known as the Fowler press. This device he patented in 1864. Parker Brothers, of Meriden, who were engaged in manufacturing the Fowler press, adopted Mr. Stiles' eccentric adjustment, which involved a long and expensive litigation, resulting finally in a compromise and the organization of the Stiles & Parker Press Company, in which Mr. Stiles held a controlling interest. His pluck and perseverance were finally rewarded with success, and he has built up a large and extensive business, involving the necessity of opening a branch factory and office in New York city.

In 1873, he attended the Vienna Exposition, through which means he obtained a foreign market for his goods. The presses are now in use in the armories and navy yards of the United States, as well as those of Germany, Austria, Prussia, Sweden, Turkey, Egypt, and Mexico. Among the various classes of manufacturers using these presses, may be mentioned the manufacturers of fire arms, agricultural implements, builders' hardware, locks, brass goods, clocks, sewing machines, and their attachments, tin ware, silver-plated and Britannia ware, pocket cutlery, etc.; and in fact nearly every class of metal workers are compelled to use these goods.

During his residence abroad, Mr. Stiles became prominently connected with the manager ot the Vienna Exposition, and was nominated as one of the Advisory Committee, but his position as exhibitor precluded his acceptance. He was a member of the Advisory Committee at the Centennial Exposition held at Philadelphia in 1876. He is one of the seven directors of the United States Patent Association, which includes examiners of the Patent Office, solicitors of patents, and inventors.

He has interested himself to some extent in the public affairs of Middletown, and served two years as a member of the Board of Aldermen. He is a member of Cyrene Commandery, Knight Templars, and is also a member of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Trinity.

On the 23d of March 1864, he married Sarah M., daughter of Henry Smith, of Middletown, by whom he has had three children, viz.: Henry R., Edmund E., and Millie B.

Francis D. Edgerton, M. D., Biography

Francis D. Edgerton was born at East Hampton on the 26th of August 1838. His early education was at the public and select schools of his native town. Early in life he evinced a taste for the profession his father had for so many years successfully followed, and was afforded every opportunity to acquire a thorough education. At the age of 13 he entered the preparatory school at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, where he remained for two years. He then went to East Greenwich, Rhode Island, where, in 1857, he delivered the salutatory address before the graduating class at the anniversary exercises.

In 1857, he entered Wesleyan University and graduated in 1861. He subsequently studied medicine with his father, and in 1862 attended a course of lectures at Berkshire (Massachusetts) Medical College. In 1863, he attended a course of medical lectures at the University of Vermont, receiving from that institution his diploma of M. D. Soon after this he passed an examination for assistant surgeon of the 21st Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, and received his commission, but was prevented by circumstances from entering the service. In 1863 and 1864, he attended a course of lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, connected with Columbia College, New York, where he graduated in 1864, and received a second diploma. In April of the same year he passed a competitive examination, under the Commissioners of Charities and Corrections, and spent 18 months in Bellevue Hospital and six months in the hospitals on Blackwell's Island.

On the 6th of July 1866, he came to Middletown and commenced practice as the successor of Dr. John Ellis Blake.

He was secretary and treasurer of the Middlesex County Medical Society from 1873 to 1877; was treasurer of theConnecticut Medical Society from 1876 to 1882; and has been the attending physician at the State Industrial School from the date of its organization.

As a representative of the State Medical Society, he delivered the annual address before the graduating class of Yale Medical School, in 1878.

In 1868, he married Amelia Dupont, who was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, daughter of the late Henry C. Cruger.

To Dr. Edgerton and his wife were born three children : Henry Cruger, born May 21st 1870; Francis Cruger, born July 11th 1873; and John Warren, born February 20th 1875.