Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley
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New York Genealogy | Otsego County New York Genealogy
Taylor Hill Cemetery is located in the northern part of town of Edmeston, Otsego County, about 4 miles north of the village of Edmeston.
Allen, Abigail, wife of Capt. Asahel Allen d. Dec. 18, 1837 ae. 63 yrs.
Allen, Martha Jane d. Aug. 14, 1845 ae. 2 yrs.
Allen, Persis, dau. of Asahel & Abigail Allen d. Mar. 9, 1834 ae. 31 years
Arnold, Amanda B., dau. of Loun A. & Lucy Arnold d. Apr. 24, 1832 ae. 17 yrs.
Arnold, Israel Edson, son of Truman & Sophia Arnold d. Mar. 21, 1844 ae. 6 yrs.
Arnold, Louden d. Mar. 3, 1868 ae. 93 yrs.
Arnold, Lucy, wife of Louden Arnold d. July 11, 1841 ae. 64 yrs.
Arnold, Susan, dau. of Louden & Lucy Arnold d. May 21, 1804 ae. 1 year
Aylsworth, Anthony d. July 24 1839 ae. 52 yrs.
Aylsworth, Dea. William d. Mar. 18, 1851 ae. 87 yrs.
Aylsworth, Nancy d. Nov. 10, 1882 ae. 79 yrs.
Aylsworth, Phebe, his wife d. Dec. 8, 1841 ae. 78 yrs.
Bates, Cynthia P., dau. of Leonard & Hannah Bates d. Aug. 8, 1825 ae. 6 yrs.
Bennett, Angela, dau. of Van Ransler & Betsey Bennett d. Aug. 23, 1863 ae. 15 yrs.
Bennett, Benj. d. Feb. 4, 1866 ae. 74 yrs.
Bennett, Betsey d. Feb. 10, 1887 ae. 63 yrs. & 6 mos.
Bennett, Fanny, wife of Benj. Bennett d. Feb. 2, 1873 ae. 65 yrs.
Bennett, Henry M., son of Benj. & Fanny Bennett d. Dec. 12, 1851 ae. 22 yrs. & 10 mos.
Bennett, Sarah, dau. of Benj. Bennett d. Dec. 29, 1852 ae. 32 yrs.
Bennett, Van Ransler d. Nov. 5, 1877 ae. 58 yrs.
Brown, James d. Feb. 18, 1844 ae. 58 yrs.
Burdick, Andrew V., son of Matthew & Mary P. Burdick d. Mar. 1, 1845 ae. 4 yrs.
Burgess, Chad d. Apr. 5, 1828 in the 58th year of his age
Burlingame, Amanda, his wife b. Feb. 6 1810, d. July 23, 1877
Burlingame, Artimitia, dau. of Charles & Susannah Burlingame ae. 2 yrs. Died Sept. 1815
Burlingame, Charles b. May 18, 1778; d. Mar. 5, 1862
Burlingame, Horace, son of Charles & Susannah Burlingame d. Apr. 2, 1829 ae. 21 yrs.
Burlingame, Mary Melissa, dau. of Waterman & Abigail Burlingame d. Mar. 2, 1846 ae. 6 yrs.
Burlingame, Susan M., dau. of Waterman & Abigail Burlingame d. Mar. 19, 1858 ae. 7 yrs.
Burlingame, Susannah, wife of Charles Burlingame d. Dec. 11, 1851 ae. 76 yrs.
Burlingame, Waterman d. Aug. 19, 1880 ae. 79 yrs.
Cahoon, Daniel b. Aug. 19, 1801; d. Sept. 30, 1858
Cahoon, Ebenezer b. July 9, 1835; d. Aug. 17, 1894
Cahoon, Eliza b. June 22, 1804; d. June 24, 1857
Cahoon, Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Cahoon b. Mar. 14, 1809; d. Aug. 24, 1897
Chase, Calvin d. Oct. 11, 1843 ae. 40 yrs.
Chase, Capt. Benj. A. d. July 23, 1873 ae. 80 yrs.
Chase, Eleanor, wife of Calvin Chase d. Aug. 28, 1850 ae. 48 yrs.
Chase, Electa, dau. of Jonathan & Electa Chase d. Mar. 4, 1845 ae. 18 years
Chase, Electa, wife of Jonathan Chase d. Apr. 3, 1875 ae. 79 yrs.
Chase, Ira De Forest, son of H. & E. Chase d. Mar. 20, 1881 ae. 3 years
Chase, Jonathan d. Jan. 13, 1869 ae. 79 yrs.
Chase, Phila, wife of Capt. B. Chase d. May 6, 1890 ae. 93 yrs. & 11 mos.
Colegrove, Asa d. June 14, 1861 ae. 77 yrs.
Colegrove, Betsy, wife of Stephen Colegrove d. Feb. 9, 1868 ae. 73 yrs.
Colegrove, Dorr 1828-1894
Colegrove, Elizabeth, wife of Stephen Colegrove d. Feb. 1, 1837 ae. 78 yrs. (Prob. mother of Stephen, Below)
Colegrove, Eunice, wife of Asa Colegrove d. Jan. 9, 1866 ae. 79
Colegrove, Gilbert Ransom, son of Mager & Huldah Colegrove d. Feb. 22, 1846 ae. 4 yrs.
Colegrove, Lydia, dau. of Asa & Eunice Colegrove d. Jan. 24, 1861 ae. 54 yrs.
Colegrove, Mager d. Jan. 19, 1830 in his 71st year
Colegrove, Mary, wife of Stephen Colegrove d. July 6 1849 ae. 59 yrs.
Colegrove, Polly, wife of J. Colegrove d. Feb. 26 1871 ae. 56 yrs.
Colegrove, Ruth 1827-1899
Colegrove, Stephen d. Feb. 13, 1849 ae. 57 yrs. & 10 mos.
Colegrove, Stephen d. June 11, 1853 ae. 65 yrs.
Colegrove, Susan, wife of Mager Colegrove d. July 21, 1822 ae. 74 yrs.
Coman, John d. Jan. 5, 1830 ae. 51 yrs.
Coman, Lydia, wife of John Coman d. Oct. 1, 1860 ae. 85 yrs.
Davis, Anna, wife of Ishmael Davis d. Feb. 28, 1812, 70 years of age
Davis, Bashaba, wife of William Davis d. Nov. 14, 1865 ae. 72 yrs.
Davis, Deverd, son of Delos & Eleanor Davis d. Aug. 5, 1858 ae. 2 years
Davis, Hannah, wife of Nathan Davis d. Oct. 14, 1864 ae. 61 yrs.
Davis, Hiram, son of Nathan & Hannah Davis killed by lightning Aug. 5, 1862 ae. 22 yrs.
Davis, Ishmael d. Sept. 1819 ae. 80? (stone broken)
Davis, Mary d. 1825 ae. 2 mos. ) children of Nathan & Hannah Davis
Davis, Mason d. 1825 .... ) children of Nathan & Hannah Davis
Davis, Nathan b. Aug. 10, 1820; d. Sept. 16, 1882
Davis, Olive d. 1828 ae. 2 yrs. ) children of Nathan & Hannah Davis
Davis, Peleg d. Oct. 2, 1855 ae 82 yrs.
Davis, Polly Tripp, wife of Simon Davis d. Mar. 21, 1815 ae. 32
Davis, Simon d. Feb. 14, 1887 ae. 77 yrs. & 7 mos. (son of Polly, above?)
Davis, William 1778-1843
Dyer, Eliza, wife of Daniel, wife of Daniel Dyer d. June 14, 1855 ae. 26 yrs.
Green, Betsey, wife of George Green & dau. of Israel Taylor, Esq. d. Mar. 18, 1845 ae. 22 yrs.
Greene, Daniel d. May 8, 1854 ae. 87 yrs. A Soldier of the Revolution Served 5 yrs. & 10 mos. "Say dare you stand where I have stood, Not for my own, But my country's good."
Greene, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel & Rebecca Greene d. Feb. 6, 1845 ae. 21 yrs.
Greene, Hannah, wife of Daniel Greene d. May 26, 1839 ae. 78 yrs.
Harrington, Phile B. Jan. 25, 1860 ae. 39 yrs.
Hatch, Anna d. Mar. 8, 1810 ae. 65 yrs.
Hatch, David d. Sept. 13, 1817 ae. 69 yrs.
Himmes, Gardner d. Mar. 16, 1871 ae. 87 yrs.
Johnson, David d. June 22, 1881 ae. 84 yrs.
Johnson, Eli 1822-1905
Johnson, Elisha d. Apr. 22, 1832 ae. 74 yrs.
Johnson, Mary Ann Chase, his wife 1826-1858
Johnson, Mrs. Cyrena, his wife d. Aug. 12, 1825 ae. 26 yrs.
Johnson, Obadiah d. Dec. 18, 1855 ae. 61 yrs.
Johnson, Sally, wife of Elisha Johnson d. Nov. 4, 1844 ae. 83 yrs.
Johnson, Theresa, their dau. ae. 18 mos. (no dates)
Keith, Anna, wife of Kingsley Keith b. 1807, d. 1895
Keith, Betsey, wife of William Keith d. Apr. 8, 1889 ae. 85 yrs.
Keith, Elizabeth, wife of Luther Keith d. Mar. 14, 1861 ae. 88 yrs.
Keith, Isaac Newton b. 1831, d. 1892
Keith, Kingsley d. July 5, 1888 ae. 86 yrs. & 9 mos.
Keith, Luther d. Sept. 30, 1851 ae. 78 yrs.
Keith, Susannah R., his wife d. Mar. 29, 1836 ae. 62 yrs.
Keith, William d. May 22, 1875 ae. 71 yrs.
Keith, William H., son of William & Betsey Keith d. June 27, 1851 ae. 11 yrs.
Maine, Harriet Delilah, wife of Justus Maine & dau. of Israel & Harriet Colegrove d. Nov. 20, 1872 ae. 30
Maine, Justus d. Mar. 5, 1876 ae. 48 yrs. & 6 mos.
Mitchell, Arnold d. Dec. 10, 1854 ae. 56 yrs.
Mott, Sophia, wife of Joseph Mott d. Mar. 12, 1873 ae. 65 yrs.
Nichols, Harriet, dau. of Clarke & Polly Nichols d. Oct. 6, 1840 ae. 6 yrs.
Palmer, A son ae 1 day )
Palmer, Harvey ae. 64 yrs. ) No dates of birth or death
Palmer, Lydia ae. 89 yrs. )
Palmer, Maria ae. 11 yrs. )
Palmer, Miranda ae. 4 yrs. )
Peck, Alonzo 1855-1864
Peck, Eugene, son of William & Harriet Peck d. Dec. 1, 1864 ae. 4 year
Peck, Harriet b. 1832 - ....
Peck, William 1867-1882 Sons of William Peck
Peck, William b. 1833 - ....
Phillips, infant son of Martin & Mary Phillips d. May 9, 1882 ae. 11 days
Pitt, Asenath, dau. of John & Sarah Pitt d. Apr. 30, 1850 ae. 4 months
Pitt, Mary Lovina, dau. of John K. & Sarah Pitts d. Apr. 19, 1854 ae. 8 yrs. & 6 mos.
Potter, Deett A., dau. of Thos. & Sabrina Potter d. Mar. 30, 1845 ae. 2 weeks
Potter, George d. Dec. 18, 1841 in the 68th year of his age
Potter, Sarah, wife of George Potter d. June 18, 1851 ae. 75 yrs.
Preston, Artimitia, wife of Curtis Preston d. Oct. 6, 1848 ae. 31 yrs.
Shearman, Deborah, wife of John G. Shearman d. Sept. 18, 1856 ae. 69 yrs. & 10 mos.
Slocum, Susannah, wife of Philip Slocum d. Apr. 25, 1849 ae. 47 years
Sutherland, Almira, consort of Walter Sutherland d. Nov. 25, 1841 in her 30th year
Sutherland, Ann, dau. of Jonas & Mary Sutherland d June 15, 1835 ae. 24 yrs.
Sutherland, Emeline, dau. of Jonas & Mary Sutherland d. Feb. 7, 1842 ae. 32 yrs.
Sutherland, Hattie G., wife of Elwin E. Sutherland d. Jan. 14, 1888 ae. 23 yrs.
Sutherland, Jonas d. Aug. 5, 1845 ae. 66 yrs.
Sutherland, Noyes P., son of J. & M. Sutherland d. July 22, 1842 ae. 18 yrs.
Talbert, Alzora E., wife of Frank T. Talbert b. June 21, 1843 d. Dec. 7, 1866
Talbot, Abigail, dau. of Isaac & Rachel ae. 22 yrs.
Talbot, Anna M., his wife Dec. 16, 1832 Feb. 4, 1894
Talbot, Belinda b. Feb. 25, 1811; d. Sept. 13, 1899
Talbot, Benj. d. Feb. 14, 1880 ae. 83 yrs. & 2 mos.
Talbot, Benj. Jr. d. Nov. 2, 1861 ae. 27 yrs.
Talbot, Bertha, dau. of Newell N. & Jerusha Talbot d. Feb. 10, 1863 ae 3 mos.
Talbot, Carolina, his wife b. Oct. 12, 1822; d. Aug. 13, 1895
Talbot, Cyrus, son of David & Roseanner Talbot d. Jan. 16, 1855 ae. 24 yrs.
Talbot, David d. Sept. 27, 1874 ae. 84 yrs.
Talbot, Eben d. Dec. 26, 1891 ae. 58 yrs. & 8 mos.
Talbot, Ellen, wife of Benj. Talbot d. Jan. 22, 1871 ae. 11 mos.
Talbot, Erie b. Oct. 9, 1836; d. Feb. 18, 1915
Talbot, Eveline, dau. of Erie & Mary Talbot d. Oct. 6, 1861 ae. 4 mos.
Talbot, Fred B., their son d. Mar. 15, 1877 ae. 18 yrs.
Talbot, Herbert D., son of Norman & Anna Talbot d. July 21, 1876 ae. 7 years
Talbot, Infant dau. of Erie & Mary Talbot d. Apr. 27, 1859 ae. 15 days
Talbot, Isaac 1854-1914
Talbot, Isaac b. Nov. 8, 1812; d. Feb. 25, 1886
Talbot, Isaac d. Mar. 21, 1862 ae. 76 yrs.
Talbot, James d. Aug. 15, 1866 ae. 71 yrs.
Talbot, Jennett, dau. of Norman & Anna Talbot d. Mar. 23, 1867 ae. 10 mos.
Talbot, Lewis 1820-1903
Talbot, Maria, wife of Benj. Talbot, Jr. d. Feb. 19, 1867 ae. 30
Talbot, Martha, wife of Richmond Talbot d. Apr. 11, 1825 ae. 59 years
Talbot, Marvina, his wife 1829-1898
Talbot, Mary E. dau. of Norman & Anna Talbot d. Nov. 18, 1862 ae. 4 years
Talbot, Mary J., wife of Eben Talbot d. Dec. 4, 1891 ae. 57 yrs.
Talbot, Mary Jane, wife of Erie Talbot d. May 22, 1881 ae. yrs. & 10 mos.
Talbot, Newell b. Sept. 27, 1800; d. Dec. 20, 1865
Talbot, Newell T., Esq. b. Jan. 16, 1834; d. May 22, 1893
Talbot, Norman b. Oct. 23, 1820; d. Dec. 10, 1899
Talbot, Philura, his wife b. Oct. 21, 1837; d. 1927
Talbot, Rachel, wife of Isaac Talbot d. Aug. 28, 1870 ae. 83 yrs.
Talbot, Richmond d. Apr. 7, 1825 ae. 63 yrs.
Talbot, Rosa E., their dau. d. July 27 1863 ae. 6 yrs.
Talbot, Roseanner, wife of David Talbot d. Mar. 31, 1862 ae. 63
Talbot, Samuel B., their son b. Jan. 3, 1875; d. May 27, 1881
Talbot, Tamer, wife of James Talbot d. Oct. 16, 1883 ae. 78 yrs. & 9 mos.
Talburt, Jacob d. Nov. 3, 1814 ae. 53 yrs.
Talburt, Phebe, dau. of Jacob & Phebe Talburt d. July 1, 1816 ae. 16 yrs.
Talburt, Phebe, wife of Jacob Talburt d. Apr. 17, 1840 ae. 83 yrs.
Taylor, Andrew d. Apr. 21, 1856 ae. 23 yrs. & 8 mos.
Taylor, Anna, wife of Stephen Taylor d. May 27, 1851 ae. 87 yrs. & 8 mos.
Taylor, Elder Stephen d. Dec. 8, 1841 ae. 77 yrs. & 5 mos.
Taylor, Eliza, dau. of Solomon & Amy Taylor d. Mar. 18, 1859 ae. 36 years
Taylor, Emily Maria, dau. of Solomon & Amy Taylor d. May 8, 1852 ae. 8 years
Taylor, Hannah ae. 14 yrs. (no dates)
Taylor, Infant of George & Betsey Taylor d. Mar. 24, 1845 ae. 15 days
Taylor, Isaac, son of Timothy & Roxanna Taylor d. Dec. 1809 ae. 21 years
Taylor, Israel ae. 68 yrs. (no dates)
Taylor, Jemima ae. 92 yrs. (no dates)
Taylor, Lydia, wife of Thomas Taylor d. Mar. 14, 1810 ae. 87 yrs.
Taylor, Sally Maria, dau. of Thomas & Nancy Taylor d. July 28, 1815 ae. 10 mos.
Taylor, Thomas d. Oct. 31, 1804 ae. 83 yrs.
Tenny, Maria A., wife of Lucian P. Tenney d. Oct. 9, 1851 ae. 20
Tripp, Mrs. Polly, wife of Benjamin Tripp d. Mar. 7 1817 in the 34th year of her age
Van Dee, Amos K. b. July 6, 1870; d. Apr. 10, 1905
Welch, Celinda, wife of Artemas G. Welch & dau. of John D. & Elizabeth Colegrove d. July 8, 1857 ae. 23
Wright, Amos d. May 13, 1854 ae. 82 yrs.
Wright, Amos, son of Sybil & Nathan Wright d. May 10, 1865 ae. 59 years
Wright, Charles d. Dec. 2 1862 ae 26 yrs.
Wright, Clarinda, dau. of Sybil & Nathan Wright d. Mar. 17, 1850 ae. 30 yrs.
Wright, Emily, only dau. of Hiram & Emily Wright d. Aug. 5, 1873 ae. 20 yrs.
Wright, Emily, wife of Hiram Wright d. Jan. 10, 1891 ae. 70 yrs. & 10 mos.
Wright, Ezra b. Jan. 17, 1815; d. Aug. 13, 1854 ae. 39 yrs. & 7 mos.
Wright, Ezra d. Oct. 31, 1847 ae. 74 yrs.
Wright, Fannie, wife of Ezra Wright d. Mar. 27, 1860 ae. 39 yrs.
Wright, George 1842-1891
Wright, Hiram d. Aug. 18, 1888 ae. 77 yrs. & 10 mos.
Wright, Leander d. Mar. 21, 1872 ae. 30 yrs.
Wright, Mary Keith, his wife 1829-1901
Wright, Matilda, dau. of Nathan & Sybil Wright d. Oct. 22, 1805 ae. 2 years
Wright, Nathan A. 1820-1876
Wright, Nathan d. Oct. 3, 1842 ae. 72 yrs.
Wright, Nathan, Jr. d. Mar. 5, 1824 ae. 26 yrs.
Wright, Rebecca B., his wife d. Apr. 29, 1875 ae. 76 yrs.
Wright, Rhoda, wife of Ezra Wright d. Oct. 7, 1809 ae. 32 yrs.
Wright, Susan, wife of Ezra Wright d. Apr. 4, 1822 ae. 37 yrs.
Wright, Sybil, wife of Nathan Wright d. May 20, 1861 ae. 88 yrs.
Wright, Their sons: Nathan E. 1847-1857 & Hiram M. 1857-1864
Wright, Truman b. Jan. 7, 1822; d. May 9, 1895
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