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Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley
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New York Genealogy | Cayuga County New York Genealogy
Cornell Cemetery is located on Route 34 one mile North of Scipio, in the Scipio Township Cayuga County New York. Cemetery is Located in midst of a meadow, 20 rods from the road. It is in very bad condition, many stones broken and down. Cornells are said to be ancestors of Wadsworths of Geneva, N.Y. This is an 1941 transcription of the cemetery.
Akin, Adeline, dau. of David & Phebe died Jul. 12, 1829, (stone buried.)
Akin, Fanny, dau. of David & Phebe died Jul. 1829, ae. 4 yrs., 8 mos.
Bennett, Ruth Parker,(wife of Ezekiel) and wife of John Bennett died Sep. 18, 1846, ae. 89 yrs 6 mos. 25 days
Bower, Rosetta, dau. of George & Sally, died Sep. 1862, ae. 1
Bowness, Thomas, died Nov. 17, 1881, ae. 27
Burdette, Charles, died 1858, ae. 1 mo.
Casler, Eliza Ann, dau. of Jacob & Mary, died 1862, ae. 4
Casler, Elsie, wife of Jacob, died Sep. 15, 1849, ae. 33
Casler, Henry, died Feb. 6, 1857, in 71st yrs.
Casler, Mary, wife of Henry, died Apr. 29, 1857, in 74th yrs.
Cheever, Ebenezer, died Oct. 29, 1844. ae. 78 yrs. 5 mos.
Cheever, Jerusha, wife, died Apr. 5, 1848, in 79th yrs.
Close, Abel, died Dec. 30, 1850, 63 yrs. 2 mos. 2 days
Close, Sally, wife, died Mar. 23, 1858, ae. 64 yrs. 10 mos. 11 days
Coe, Huldah, wife, died Dec. 13, 1803, ae. 42
Coe, Joel, died Sep. 23, 1846, ae. 88 yrs. 4 mos.
Cornell, Jemima, died Feb. 21, 1831, ae. 8 yrs. 1 mo.
Cornell, Joshua, died June 25, 1844, ae. 41 yrs. 10 mos. 10 days
Cornell, Mary Ann, died Oct. 30, 1857, ae. 52 yrs. 8 mos. 10 days
Cornwell, Jemima, wife, died Sep. 29, 1823
Cornwell, Selah, died Oct. 1, 1823, ae. 24 yrs. 11 mos. 19 days
Cornwell, Susin, died Oct. 22, 1823, ae. 19 yrs. 5 mos. 9 days
Dickinson, Minor, died May 20, 1825, ae. 19
Green, Sally Ledyard, died 1857, ae. 19
Griffith, William, 1830-1906
Hancock, Elizabeth C. died Aug.
Harris, Julia A. wife, died Mar. 5, 1845, ae. 29 yrs. 1 mo. 21 days
Harris, Philip, died June 11, 1860, ae. 80
Harris, Rosannah, dau. of died -- -- --
Harris, Rosannah, wife, died June 11, 1845, ae. 63 yrs. 1 mo. 14 days
Harris, William, died Nov. 21, 1843, ae 34 yrs. 10 mos. 17 days
Haulenbee, Mrs. Gitty, died Mar. 2, 1878 in 83d. yrs.
Hill, Elizabeth, died May 26, 1814, ae. 52 yrs. 9 mos. 14 days
Hoskins, David, born Dec. 5, 1789, died Sep. 9, 1816
Hoskins, George, son of Samuel & Mary, died Apr. 3, 1842, ae. 1
Hoskins, Irene, wife, died Feb. 14, 1865, ae. 77 yrs. 6 mos. 23 days
Hoskins, Joshua, 1784-1842
Hoskins, Lydia, born Mar. 10, 1753, died May 30, 1823
Hoskins, Samuel, born Jan. 3, 1787, died Mar. 29, 1831
Hoskins, Samuel, born Sep. 19, 1853. died June 18, 1825
Hudson, Clarissa, wife of Wilson, died Apr. 21, 1835, ae. 35 yrs. 3 mos. 2 days (Next to Rosannah Harris)
Hunter, Martha, wife, died Jul. 5, 1852, ae. 71 yrs. 8 mos. 6 days
Hunter, William, died May 28, 1850, ae. 73 yrs. 5 mos. 3 days
Hunter, Zadoc, died Sep. 28, 1842, ae. 42
King, Lewis, died May 18, 1857, ae. 69 yrs. 10 mos. 15 days
King, Luman, died Oct. 20, 1846, ae. ? (buried.)
King, Mary, wife, died July 7, 1850, ae. 62 yrs. 8 mos. 17 days
Manchester, Lydia, died May 2, 1843, ae. 45
Manchester, Sativa(?) died Aug. 16, 1838, ae. 37
Marsh, Amanda, wife of Elisha, & dau. of John & Prudence Cowan died Sep. 19, 1843, ae. 27 yrs. 4 mos.
Marsh, Henry, died June 30, 1845, ae. 69 yrs. 4 mos. 1 days
Marsh, Reliance, wife, died July 16, 1845, ae. 59 yrs. 8 mos. 17 days
Martin, Elizabeth Syntol, born 1716, died 1817. Erected by a great grand daughter and a great grandson
Morgan, Arthur, son of Joseph & Catherine (All very young children)
Morgan, Catherine, dau. of Joseph & Catharine, died Jan. 1860, ae. 1
Morgan, Joseph, son of Joseph & Catherine (All very young children)
Morgan, Lucy, dau. of Joseph & Catherine (All very young children)
Morgan, Mary, dau. of Joseph & Catherine (All very young children)
Nott, Phebe Jane, dau. of James & Charlotte, died Jan. _3, 1845, ae. 26 days 2 mos. 25 days
Olney, Adoniram Judson, son of Benj. & Rachel, d., Nov. 7, 1824, ae. 7
Olney, Arenius, son of Benj. & Rachel, d. May 1843, ae. 29 yrs. 4 mos. 7 days
Olney, Benjamin, died Apr. 7, 1850, ae. 63 yrs. 9 mos. 24 days
Olney, Caroline, dau. died Feb. 18, 1850, ae. 25 yrs. 3 mos. 13 days
Olney, Eleanor, wife, died Sep. 20, 1852, ae. 82
Olney, Jason, son, died Jan. 31,-- ae. 3 yrs. 11 mos. 18 days
Olney, Lucy, wife of Royal N. died Dec. 26, 1829, ae. 23 yrs. 7 mos. 3 days
Olney, Nathaniel, died Sep. 10, 1811, ae. 48
Olney, Orlin A. son of R.N. & L.A. died Sep. 17, 1845, ae. 1 yr. 3 mos. 7 days
Olney, Rachel, wife," Apr. --- ae. 87 yrs. 9 mos.
Parker, Ira D. died Jan. 20, --- ae. 66
Parker, Mary, wife of Thomas, dau. of Wm. & Nancy McWilliams, died Apr. 16, 1846, ae. 25 yrs. 5 mos. 25 days
Parker, Ruth, wife of Ezekiel & wf. of John Bennet, d. Sep. 18, 1846 (She married 2d. John Bennet) ae. 89 yrs. 6 mos. 25 days
Parker, Sarah, wife of Philip, died 1839, ae. 41
Robinson, Eliza, wife of Charles, died Sep. 28, 1845, ae. 21 yrs. 11 mos. 4 days
Slauson, Lydia, wife of A. B. former wife of Luman King, died Dec. 7, 1849, ae. 37 yrs. 3 mos.
Strong, Patience died Apr. 20, 1807, ae. 37
Strong, Philip died Dec. 20, 1812, ae. 53
Tallamn, Lina, wife of William, died Jan. 28, 1840, ae. 17 yrs. 10 mos.
Van Liew, Frederick, died June 20, 1835, ae. 82 yrs. 1 mo.
Wadams, Caleb, died May 18, 1835, ae. 83 yrs. 4 mos. 4 days
Wadams, Charity, wife of John, died June 1, 1840, ae. 44
Wadams, Ida, dau. of John & Charity, died Mar. 20, 1832, ae. 4 yrs 20 days
Wadams, Polly, died Jan. 2, 1839, ae. 20 yrs. 2 days
Ward, Eleanor, wife of Hope, & dau. of Wm. & Mary Fish, died Nov. 18, 1813, ae. 39 yrs. 5 mos. 12 days
Ward, Elizabeth, died Aug. 9, 1832, ae 58 yrs. 5 mos. 20 days
Ward, Israel, died Jul. 21, 1838, ae. 71 yrs. 11 mos. 27 days
Wilson, John, died Mar. 17, 1862, ae. 71 yrs. 10 mos. 23 days
Wilson, Mary, wife of Jan. 7, 1871, ae. 78 yrs. 6 mos. 15 days
Wilson, Mary, wife of Saml. died Dec. 11, 1834, ae. 87 yrs. 2 mos. 9 days
Wilson, Samuel, died Jan. 25, 1830, ae. 81 yrs. 10 mos. 6 days
Wood, Rebecca, wife of Ebenezer and dau. of Ansel & Rachel Culver, died Mar. 12, 1840, ae. 23 yrs. 7 mos.
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