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Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley
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New York Genealogy | Cayuga County New York Genealogy
Armstrong, Rebecca, wife of Benoni, died Nov. 25, 1845, in 71st yrs.
Bacon, Amos, died Apr. 8, 1860, died in 62d. yrs.
Bacon, Anna, died Apr. 3, 1858 ae. 60 yrs. 8 mos. 26 days
Bacon, Joel, died Mar. 2, 1870, ae. 63
Bacon, Matilda, died Jan. 21, 1864, in 60th yrs. similar stone to Amos'
Bacon, ----Point died Feb. 10, 1829, ae. 65
Beardslee, Dorothy, dau. of David & Lydy, died Nov. 4, 1820, ae. 18
Beardsley, Abigail, on same stone, but inscription broken
Beardsley, Ad-- wife of Wm. died Jul. 30, 1844, ae. 64 yrs. 11 mos. 23 days
Beardsley, Isaac, son of James B. & Hannah, died 1844, ae. 1
Beardsley, Jerusha, wife of John, died May 6, 1834, ae. 62 yrs. 8 mos.
Beardsley, John, died Aug. 9, 1875, ae. 69 on same stone with Zech
Beardsley, Joseph, died July 2, 1847, ae. 78
Beardsley, William, died Feb. 25, 1859, ae. 37 yrs. 10 mos. 25 days
Beardsley, Zechariah, died June 18, 1861, ae. 40
Bothwell, Martha, dau. died Sept. 17, 1841, ae. 24
Bothwell, Alexander, died June 9, 1843, ae. 69
Bothwell, Dan, son, died May 19, 1861 ae. 20 yrs. 4 mos. 20 days
Bothwell, James Esq. died June 17, 1850, ae. 51
Bothwell, Lewis, died Dec. 1890, ae. 83 yrs. 1 mo.
Bothwell, Martha, wife, died Apr. 12, 1864, ae. 92(92)
Bothwell, Philura, wife, died Feb. 3, 1843, ae. 39
Bothwell, William S. son., died July 3, 1863, ae. 20
Bothwell, Zilpha, wife died Mar. 30, 1869, ae. 61
Branch, Freelove H. died Nov. 18, 1845, ae. 34 yrs. 4 mos. 5 days
Branch, Ruth, wife of Samuel, died June 12, 1861, ae. 91 yrs.
Branch, Zerujah, dau. died Mar. 17, 1854, ae. 53 yrs. 7 mos. 1 days
Butler, Jonathan B. died Nov. 13, 1864, ae. 31st yrs. G.A.R.
Clark, Candice, dau. of L. & S. died Feb. 26, 1846, ae. 1
Cochran, Rachel, wife of Daniel, died Sep. 28, 1827, ae. 70
Cone, Hannah, wife of Elijah, died Feb. 25, 1876, ae. 78 yrs. 4 mos. 10 days
Culver, Helen, dau. of Ambrose & Juliette, died Dec. 31, 1874, ae. 22
Culver, Ida, dau. of Ambrose & Juliette died Jun. 24, ?ae. 23
Culver, Mary wife, died Jan. 22, 1856, ae. _5 yrs. 4 mos. 6 days
Culver, Polly, wife died May 26, 1831, ae. 39 yrs. 10 mos. 12 days
Culver, Sylvester, born Jul. 19, 1791, died Mar. 26, 1864
Culver, Sylvester, son Ambrose & Juliette died May 6, 1859, ae. 1 yr.
DeCamp, Bet-- wife of Wesley, died Mar. 1, 1854, ae. 26 yrs. 11 mos. 1 days (Last grave on George William'lot)
DeCamp, Deborah M. wife of Wesley, died May 23, 1893, ae. 74
DeCamp, Wesley, 1825-1914
Denison, Alexander, son, Jul. 16, 1837, ae. 27 yrs. 8 mos.
Denison, Almon, son died Jun. 29, 1844, ae. 32 yrs. 5 mos. 26 days
Denison, Charles, died Aug. 1, 1852, ae. 74 yrs. 9 mos. 4 days
Denison, Sally, wife, died Oct. 28, 1872(?(ae. 90t yrs.
Denison, Sophia, dau. died Jun. 27, 1829, ae. 2
Divine, Joseph C. died May 4, 1849, ae. 74 yrs. 11 mos. 29 days
Divine, May Holden, dau. of Heman & Polly Holden, died Jan. 17, 1870
Divine, Polly, wife, died Jan. 7, 1869, ae. 93 yrs. 9 mos.
Faulkner, Anna, wife, died May 10, 1859, ae. 55 yrs. 8 mos.
Faulkner, Truman P. died June 3, 1849, ae. 48 yrs. 8 mos.
Fuller, Dwight, son of Jeremiah & Sarah, d. Feb. 3, 1842, ae. 19 yrs. 10 mos. 3 days
Fuller, John, son of Jeremiah & Sarah, d. Sep. 24, 1829 ae 13 yrs. 8 mos. 15 days
Fuller, Polly, wife of Nathan, died Aug. 1, 1828, ae. 32 yrs. 1 mos. 1 days
Gilbert, Clarinda, died Dec. 6, 1816
Gillispie, Sally, wife of James, died Feb. 23, 1884, ae. 84
Hauser, Rachel, wife of Jacob, died Apr. 13, 1845, ae. 23 yrs. 7 mos. 13 days
Heaton, James, died Mar. 8, 1837, ae. 69 yrs. 4 mos.
Heaton, Mary, wife, died Dec. 19, 1851, ae. 72 yrs. 3 mos.
Heaton, Sally, dau. died Dec. 16, 1851, ae. 49 yrs. 3 mos. 9 days
Henderson, Alexander, died Mar. 27, 1833, ae. 75
Henderson, Margaret, wife, died Mar. 12, 1847, ae. 87
Henderson, Thomas, died Oct. 28, 1819, ae. 39 yrs. 7 mos.
Hewitt, Horace, son, died Jan. 1, 1837, ae. 18
Hewitt, Rebecca, dau. died Jul. 6, 1831, ae. 12
Hewitt, Rebecca, wife, died Oct. 6, 1833, ae. 52
Hewitt, Samuel, died Sep. 16, 1831, ae. 57 yrs. 6 mos.
Hoadley, Miss Olive, dau. of David & Mary, died Nov. 17, 1828, ae. 59 yrs. 3 days
Holden, Betsey, wife, died Dec. 26, 1866, ae. 88 yrs. 10 mos.
Holden, Heman, died May 18, 1874, ae. 77 yrs. 3 mos.
Holden, John H. born Feb. 15, 1834, died Feb. 2, 1892
Holden, John, died Sept. 14, 1844, ae. 76
Holden, William M. son of Wm. & Sarah, died Aug. 7, 1848, ae. 1 yr. 2 mos. 10 days
Holecombs, Edgar, son of Benona & Jane, died Oct. 5, 1839, ae. 6
Hotchkiss, Fox H. son of David & E. died Jan. 25, 1842, ae. 1
Hotchkiss, Olive A. dau. of David & Emily, died Jan. 13, 1842, ae. 5
Lane, Betsey, wife, died Sep. 4, 1878, ae. 44 yrs. 4 mos. 11 days
Lane, Deborah, wife, died June 19, 1869, ae. 84
Lane, Ezra S. born Jan. 14, 1824, died Nov. 27, 1898
Lane, Frank W. son, died 1871, ae. 2
Lane, Jarvis, son, died May 25, 1828, ae. 11 yrs. 11 mos.
Lane, Peter, died Jul. 5, 1864, ae. 79
Leavenworth, Children of Altha, dau. of E.J. Leavenworth. no date
Leavenworth, John, died Spr. 30, 1851, ae. 79th yr.
Leavenworth, Polly, wife, died Sep. 12, 1860, ae. 81 yrs. 8 mos. 15 days
Morgan, J. Warren, son, died Oct. 28, 1840, ae. 5
Morgan, James, died Nov. 14, 1852, ae. 49 yrs. 10 mos.
Morgan, James, died Nov. 14, 1852, ae. 49 yrs. 10 mos.
Morgan, Jerusha, wife, died, Dec. 13, 1869, ae. 68 yrs. 4 mos.
Parker, Elizabeth J. wife of Henry, died Nov. 1, 1863, ae. 69 yrs. 8 mos. 16 days
Parker, Fanny, died Sept. 6, 1896, ae. 81
Parker, Henry, died May 1, 1881, ae. 80
Parker, Laura Jane, died Nov. 5, 1851, ae. 20 yrs. 8 mos. 16 days dau. H. & E.
Potter, --- wife of Esseck, died May 2, 1854, ae. 85 yrs. 4 mos. (Name broken off)
Potter, Esseck died Feb. 6, 1861, in 90th yrs.
Rasmissen, Elmer M. son, died Feb. 17, 1872, ae. 9 mos.
Rasmissen, Rachel, wife, died Dec. 31, 1880, ae. 41 yrs. 2 mos. 9 days (wf., of James)
Rasmussen, James J. died Apr. 1, 1863, ae. 51 yrs. 28 days (1883)
Rogers, Anneliza, dau. of Jesse & Emma, died Nov. 15, 1840, ae. 15
Rogers, Ebenezer, died June 22, 1815, ae. 59
Rumsey, Washington, died Feb. 5, 1864, ae. 41 yrs. 6 mos.
Shafer, Infant dau. of Lydia & Peter, died Apr. 7, 18_3, ae. 3 days
Shafer, William, son of Lydia & Peter, died Sep. 1840, ae. 5 days
Shangle, Henry W. son of James & Sarah, died Dec. 28, 1842, ae. 16 days
Shangle, Mary Idalia, dau. & Sarah, died Feb. 11, 1844, ae. 3
Sheridan, Catherine, 1827-1908
Sheridan, Hugh, died Mar. 1, 1875, ae. 79 yrs. 6 mos. 15 days
Sheridan, Margaret, died Apr. 11, 1877, ae. 70
Sickles, Adelia, wife of George W. died Mar. 20, 1853, ae. 40 yrs. 4 mos. 27 days
Spencer, Abigail, wife of Daniel, died Feb. 14, 1837, ae. 38 yrs. 11 mos.
Stevens, Matthew, died Aug. 29, 1811, ae. 67 yrs. 6 mos.
Stout, Chloe, wife of Norton, died Oct. 23, 1844, ae. 25 yrs. 11 mos. 26 days
Stout, Elnathan, son died 1844, ae. 11 mos.
Strong, Delight, died May 16, 1873, ae. 38 yrs. 5 mos. 16 days
Strong, Jerome B. died Apr. 9, 1879, ae. 59 yrs. 7 mos. 2 days
Strong, Mary E. dau. Rufail(?) and Aminta(?) died Apr. 1860, ae. 5 mos.
Strong, Polly, wife of Freeman & day. of Chas. & Sarah Denison, died Oct. 24, 1832, ae. 32
Upson, Ann, wife, 1830-1905
Upson, Charlotte A. of Charles & Lucy, 1896-1901
Upson, Clara E. dau. of Luther & Mary, died Aug. 1870, ae. 2
Upson, David 1802-1891 (Next to the Lanes)
Upson, David, died Apr. 10, 1871, ae. 23 yrs. 11 mos. 15 days
Upson, Esther, wife, 1807-1888 (Next to the Lanes)
Upson, Evylin, dau. of Charles & Lucy
Upson, Luther, 1840-1910
Upson, Mary A. (Mother) 1850-1911
Upson, Mary E. died Dec. 15, 1875, ae. 37 yrs. 5 mos. 20 days
Upson, Mary F. wife of Luther, died May 26, 1882, in 46th yr.
Upson, Stanley R. son of C.E. & L.V. 1907-1916
Voskes, Emma S. dau. of Geo. & Esther, died May 9, 1860, ae. 13 yrs. 11 mos. 21 days
Voskes, Esther B. died Jan. 17, 1864 in 63d. yr.
Voskes, Phebe M. dau. of Geo. & Esther, died June 7, 1859, ae. 16
Warren, Tillie F. born in New York City, Mar. 18, 1854, died in Locke, Jan. 25, 1896
Weeks, Laura, wife, died Feb. 13, 1843, ae. 44 yrs. 9 mos.
Weeks, Maria, dau. died Aug. 1843, ae. 19 yrs. 7 mos. (9?)
Weeks, Samuel, died Dec. 28, 1875, ae. 29 yrs. 1 day. ???? (79 yrs. ?)
Wilcox, Benj. F. son of Willard & Ann, died Apr. 26, 1840, ae. 3
Wilcox, George, son of Willard & Ann, died May 28, 1840, ae. 10
Wilcox, Jeremaih died Oct. 9, 1853in 86th yrs. stone broken
Wilcox, Jeremiah died Jul. 9, 1871, in 64th yrs.
Wilcox, Ruth, wife of Jeremiah, died Feb. 6, 1844 in 57th yrs.
Wilcox, Willard died Jan. 22, 1871, ae. 65 yrs. 2 mos. 7 days
Williams, Annice, wife, died Oct. 22, 1866, ae. 67
Williams, George, died May 18, 1884, ae. 90 yrs. 6 mos. 26 days
Williams, Ichabod died Sept. 29, 1839, ae. 83 yrs. 4 mos. 12 days
Williams, Sarah, wife, died May 31, 1839, ae. 83 yrs. 5 mos. 19 days
Williams, William W. died Aug. 15, 1825, ae. 34 yrs. 2 mos.
Williams, William, son of George & Mary, died Mar. 29, 1847, ae. 17 yrs. 10 mos. 10 days
Willison, Esther, wife, died Apr. 23, 1836, ae 74
Willison, William, died Jan. 24, 1836, ae. 84
Willson, Floy Anna, 1887-1908
Young, Alven, son of Henry & Amanda, died Aug. 10, 1860, ae. 2
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