New Horizons Genealogy
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Home | Barbour Collection | 1804 - 1852 Columbia, Connecticut Vital Records
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This volume contains a list alphabetically arranged of all the vital records of the town of Columbia from its incorporation to about 1852. This list was taken from a set of cards based on a copy of the Columbia Vital Records made in 1912 by James N. Arnold, of Providence, R. I. The entire record for the town prior to 1852 is contained in one volume.
The original book has no page numbers and so the pagination of the Arnold Copy has been used in this list.
The Arnold Copy, now in th possession of the Connecticut State Library, has not been compared with the original and doubtless errors exist. It is hoped that as errors or omissions are found notes will be entered in this volume and on the cards which are included in the General Index of Connecticut Vital Records also in the possession of the Connecticut State Library.
Hartford, Conn., November, 1922.
ABBOTT, Phebe D., of Columbia, m. Daniel Chapman, of Tolland, Nov. 28, 1833, by David Dickinson.
ABEL, ABELL, Henry W., m. Sarah E. Holbrook, born of Columbia, Nov. 28, 1833, by David Dickinson.
ABEL, ABELL, John N., of Columbia, m. Mrs. Eliza A. Palmer, of East Haddam, [Feb.] 4, [1849], by Rev. H. Merrell.
ABEL, ABELL, Solomon N., m. Emily A. Hunt, Nov. 28, 1839, by C. Kittredge.
ALDEN, Gideon A., of Enfield, Conn., m. Eliza D. Little of Columbia, Feb. 20, 1842, by Francis L. Robinson, of Enfield, Conn.
ALLEN, Elizabeth Ann, of Lima, m. John Rogers, of Columbia, Mar. 5, 1822, by Rev. William Palmer, of Colchester, in the house of Martin Webber.
ALLEN, Horace, of East Haddam, m. Lavina Holister, of Columbia, Mar. 1, 1829, by David Dickinson.
ALLEN, Meriam, m. Nathan Clark, Mar. 7, 1782.
ALLEN, Royal J., of Manchester, m. Ursula R. Wheeler, of Columbia, Nov. 29, 1849, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
ALMSBURY, Ralph, m. Maria Webber, Dec. 17, 1825, by Amhurst Scoville, J. P.
ANDREWS, Ruth, of Hebron, m. Ambrose Fuller, of Columbia, May 7, 1825, by David Dickinson.
ANTHAN (?), George, s. Frances and Eunice, born July 8, 1793. Recorded Oct. 11, 1811.
ANTHAN (?), George, s. Francis and Eunice, born July 10, 1793. Recorded Jan., 1812.
ARMSTRONG, John, of Freeport, Me., m. Lucina C. Richardson, of Columbia, Jan. 9, 1849, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
AVERY, Dudley B., m. Lucretia Bester, born of Columbia, Aug. 22, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
BABCOCK, Ann, of Lebanon, m. David Dixon, of Manchester, Oct. 26, 1846, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
BABCOCK, Thankful, m. Samuel Buckingham, born of Columbia, Dec. 30, 1821, by David Dickinson.
BAILEY, Lucretia, m. Joshua Porter, born of Columbia, Dec. 31, 1829, by David Dickinson.
BARKER, Thomas, of Hinsdale, Mass., m. Wid. Ruby Fuller, of Columbia, Aug. 28, 1837, by Alpheas Kingsley, J. P.
BARSTON, Betsey, m. Charles Wright, July 4, 1782.
BARSTON, Celinda S., of Columbia, m. Jared S. Manley, of Columbia, Dec. 21, 1841, by James W. Woodward.
BARSTON, Hubbard, of Columbia, m. Sophia Morgan, of Columbia, June 8, 1842, by James W. Woodword.
BEAUMONT, Prince, m. Esther Uncas, May 14, 1837, by Amhurst Scoville, J. P.
BECKWITH, Louisa, m. Sam[ue]l Bliven, Oct. [ ], 1826, by Sam[ue]l Little, J. P.
BEEBE, James M., m. Salena Ford, Mar. 18, 1851, by H. G. Willard, Willimantic.
BENNETT, Emily L., of Windham, m. Benjamin F. Snow, of Providence, R. I., June 10, 1849, by William Osborn, J. P.
BENNETT, Lucina, m. James Pinneo, Dec. 23, 1832, by Rev. Charles Nichols.
BESTER, Lucretia, m. Dudley B. Avery, born of Columbia, Aug. 22, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
BILL, Cynthia, m. Aaron Yeomans, born of Columbia, Mar. 21, 1827, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
BILL, George W., m. Harriet R. Ticknor, born of Columbia, Mar. 24, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth. Int. pub.
BILL, Lucy A., m. Charles A. Post, Oct. 23, 1850, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery, at the house of Chester Bill.
BLACKMAN, George F., of Coventry, m. Emily A. Newell, of Columbia, [Apr.] 10, 1837, by Rev. Alpha Miller.
BLISH, [see also Bliss], Mary Ann, of Columbia, m. Leonard H. Perkins, of Andover, Sept. 22, 1850, by Rev. Roswell C. Lamb, at her father's residence.
BLISH, Chester A., of Albany, N. Y., m. Hannah C. Hill, of Columbia, Aug. 21, 1843, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
BLISS, Elias, of Hudson, N. Y., m. Mary M. Hills, of Columbia, Dec. 4, 1837, by Levi Meech, Elder.
BLISS, Ruby, m. Samuel West, Jr., May 10, 1822, by David Dickinson.
BLISS, Sally, of Columbia, m. Flavel Clark, of Herkimer, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1834, by David Dickinson, (Written "Sally Biss").
BLISS, Samuel, Jr., m. Betsey Dorrance, Oct. 12, 1820, by David Dickinson.
BLIVEN, Sam[ue]l, m. Louisa Beckwith, Oct. [ ], 1826, by Sam[ue]l Little, J. P.
BLY, William A., of Springfield, Mass., m. Betsey P. Snow, of Columbia, July 5, 1835, by David Dickinson.
BOLLES, Abigail, of Columbia, m. Horatio Liester, of Coventry, Apr. 10, 1839, by Sylvester Selden, Hebron.
BOLLES, Almira, of Columbia, m. Isaac N. Sill, of Andover, May 5, 1846, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
BOLLES, Clarriss, of Columbia, m. Allen B. Smith, of Montville, June 27, 1837, by Sylvester Selden, Hebron.
BOLLES, Mary, of Columbia, m. Calvin Robinson, of Windham, Jan. 8, 1839, by Sylvester Selden.
BON[N]ER (?), Mary Ann, m. Emory Livermore, born of Brimfield, Mass., Feb. 15, 1854, by Rev. Fred[erick] D. Avery, at the Parsonage in Columbia, (Perhaps "Bown"?)
BOYNTON, Norman, of Coventry, m. Rachel Potter, of Columbia, Oct. 7, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
BREWSTER, Alvin, m. Lavina Newcomb, Nov. 29, 1820, by Amhurst Scoville, J. P.
BRIDGMAN, Letetia, m. Chester Lincoln, born of Columbia, Jan. 19, 1825, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
BROWN, Almira, of Columbia, m. Bradford L. Cook, of Palmer, Mass., July 29, 1838, by Daniel Holbrook, J. P.
BROWN, Chauncey E., m. Mary E. Downer, Apr. 2, 1851, by Rev. F. D. Avery.
BROWN, Elizabeth, m. Andrew B. Utley, of Pomfret, Mar. 31, 1850, by Rev. J. R. Arnold.
BROWN, Horace, m. Phebe A. Chapman, born of Columbia, Feb. 25, 1838, by Daniel Holbrook, J. P.
BROWN, Lydia, m. Ephraim Minor, Apr. 28, 1822, by David Dickinson.
BROWN, Mary, of Columbia, m. Chester F. Winsley, of Hebron, June 20, 1834, by David Dickinson.
BROWN, Percy, m. Abel Franklin, born of Columbia, Sept. 23, 1833, by David Dickinson. Int. pub.
BROWN, Robert, m. Harty M. Potter, born of Columbia, Oct. 7, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
BROWN, Sally M., m. Carlos Collins, Oct. 28, 1849, by Rev. Henry Bromley.
BUCKINGHAM, Martha, m. Simon Loomis, Nov. [ ], 1777, by Joseph Huntington, D. D., at Lebanon.
BUCKINGHAM, Samuel, m. Thankful Babcock, born of Columbia, Dec. 30, 1821, by David Dickinson.
BURCHARD, Anna, of Norwich, m. Cary Clark, of Columbia, Jan. 6, 1825, by David Dickinson.
BUTTON, Lydia, m. Oliver Fox, born of Columbia, Sept. 11, 1842, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
BYRNE, Samuel G., of Windham, m. Nancy A. Little, of Columbia, Apr. 29, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
CARVER, Adaline S., m. Augustus Thompson, born of Columbia, Dec. 3, 1829, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
CARVER, Matilda Ann, died W[illia]m and Cynthia, born Jan. 21, 1811.
CARVER, Matilda Ann, of Columbia, m. William A. Mead, of S. Coventry, Oct. 23, 1837, by [Rev.] Alpha Miller.
CASWELL, Eunice, of Columbia, m. George Young, of Windham, Dec. 9, 1824, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
CHAMBERLAIN, Joel, m. Lovina Newcomb, Jan. 20, 1780, by Rev. Thomas Brockway.
CHAMBERLAIN, Rufus, of Mansfield, m. Amanda M. Thomas, of Columbia, Dec. 21, 1841, by C. Kittredge.
CHAMPLAIN, Christopher G., of Columbia, m. Hannah S. Hyde, of Lebanon, Oct. 22, 1843, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
CHAPIN, Frances E., of Springfield, Mass., m. Henry B. Gates, of Willimantic, Nov. 24, 1853, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery, at the house of Mrs. Tabitha Collins, in Columbia.
CHAPMAN, Daniel, of Tolland, m. Phebe D. Abbott, of Columbia, Nov. 28, 1833, by David Dickinson.
CHAPMAN, Phebe A., m. Horace Brown, born of Columbia, Feb. 25, 1838, by Daniel Holbrook, J. P.
CHAPMAN, Sally S., m. Seth Collins, Nov. 25, 1792, by Thomas Brockway. Witnesses: Charles Woodword, Joshua Woodword. Recorded Nov. 2, 1806.
CHEESBRO, Reuben M., m. Laura A. Pierce, Nov. 14, 1847, by Rev. F. P. Coe.
CHESTER, Sumner R., of Chaplin, m. Lucy L. Ingraham, of Columbia, May 23, [1841], by Rev. James W. Woodword, at the house of Mr. Bill.
CLARK, Alinda, daughter of Chester, m. Nelson F. Daniels, of Barre, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1845, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
CLARK, Belden, m. Harriet Kingsley, born of Lebanon, Apr. 7, 1831, by David Dickinson.
CLARK, Betsey, m. Thaddeus Hunt, born of Columbia, Dec. 12, 1820, by David Dickinson.
CLARK, Cary, of Columbia, m. Anna Burchard, of Norwich, Jan. 6, 1825, by David Dickinson.
CLARK, Charles H., of Columbia, m. Caroline O. Palmer, of Willimantic, Oct. 17, 1852, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery.
CLARK, Ellen Strong, born May 7, 1807.
CLARK, Fanny Charlotte, of Columbia, m. Sam[ue]l Edson Lyman, of Barre, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1841, by Cha[rle]s Kittredge.
CLARK, Flavel, m. Rhoda Hartshorn, Nov. 15, 1787, by Asahel Clark, J. P. [Witnesses:] Bela Wood and Asa Kingsley. Recorded Nov. 7, 1806.
CLARK, Flavel, of Herkimer, N. Y., m. Sally Biss (Bliss?), of Columbia, Sept. 13, 1834, by David Dickinson.
CLARK, Gideon, m. Jemima Newcomb, Apr. 10, 1788.
CLARK, Henry C., m. Paulina Manley, born of Columbia, Oct. 14, 1847, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
CLARK, Hetty Ann, m. James B. Johnson, born of Columbia, Nov. 28, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
CLARK, Jane Rebeckah, born May 4, 1807.
CLARK, Lyman C., m. Cynthia Yeomans, born of Columbia, Nov. 1, 1838, by Rev. Philo Judson, of Willimantic.
CLARK, Mary A., m. Shubael P. Isham, born of Columbia, Sept. 8, 1852, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery.
CLARK, Mary E., m. Justin Holbrook, born of Columbia, May 9, 1849, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
CLARK, Nancy Hooker, born July 31, 1805.
CLARK, Nathan, m. Meriam Allen, Mar. 7, 1782.
COGGESHALL, Julia A., of Columbia, m. George C. Rixford, of Mansfield, Sept. 4, 1849, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
COLE, Isabell, m. Eleazer C. Woodword, Sept. 24, 1794, by Thomas Brockway. Witnesses: Eleazer Woodword, Mary Woodword.
COLLINS, Albert G., m. Mary Woodworth, born of Columbia, Nov. 29, 1827, by David Dickinson.
COLLINS, Ambrose, father of Geo[rge] W., died July 11, 1840.
COLLINS, Azel D., m. Pamelia Woodworth, May 6, 1828, by Silas Fuller, J. P.
COLLINS, Carlos, m. Sally M. Brown, of Columbia, Oct. 28, 1849, by Rev. Henry Bromley.
COLLINS, Esther Ann, [died Rufus], born Dec. 11, 1831.
COLLINS, Esther Ann, [died Rufus], died June 3, 1832.
COLLINS, Mary Adelaide, died Geo[rge] W. and Mary Ann, born Aug. 7, 1840.
COLLINS, Mary W., of Columbia, m. Dan Sprague, of Covington, N. Y., May 15, 1834, by David Dickinson.
COLLINS, Nancy A., m. Warren A. Fuller, born of Columbia, May 16, 1826, by David Dickinson.
COLLINS, Nancy A., Mrs., of Columbia, m. Dr. Asa W. Fuller, of Warwick, R. I., June 30, 1839, by Rev. Chauncey Booth, of Coventry.
COLLINS, Nancy Adeline, [died Rufus], born Dec. 20, 1835.
COLLINS, Olive M., m. John J. Perry, born of Columbia, June 7, 1854, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery.
COLLINS, Samuel Ambrose, s. Geo[rge] W., born Nov. 2, 1841.
COLLINS, Seth, m. Sally S. Chapman, Nov. 25, 1792, by Thomas Brockway. Witnesses: Charles Woodword, Joshua Woodword. Recorded Nov. 2, 1806.
COOK, Bradford L., of Palmer, Mass., m. Almira Brown, of Columbia, July 29, 1838, by Daniel Holbrook, J. P.
COOK, Henry C., of Portland, m. Abigail J. Root, of Columbia, Oct. 31, 1847, by Rev. Henry Baylies, of Hebron, at the bride's residence. Int. pub.
COOK, Maryanna M., of Columbia, m. Norton B. Loomis, of Lebanon, Nov. 18, 1845, by Rev. Fredirick P. Coe.
COTTRELL, Betsey, m. Gordon J. Williams, born of Columbia, Feb. 19, 1821, by David Dickinson.
COVELL, Eliza Ann M., m. Frederick A. Wheeler, Jan. 7, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth. Int. pub.
CURTIS, Sarah, m. Solomon Cushman, May 26, 1768, by Eleazer Wheelock.
CUSHMAN, Solomon, m. Sarah Curtis, May 26, 1768, by Eleazer Wheelock.
DANIELS, Nelson F., of Barre, N. Y., m. Alinda Clark, died of Chester, Oct. 13, 1845, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
DAVIDSON, William, of Hartwick, N. Y., m. Mary Ticknor, of Columbia, Sept. 8, 1831, by David Dickinson. Int. pub.
DEWEY, Asahel, m. Sophia Loomis, Sept. 24, 1840, by Rev. Alpha Miller Elmore G., m. Elizabeth C. Lyman, Sept. 25, 1834, by David Dickinson.
DEWEY, Harriet R., m. William A. Yeomans, Aug. 19, 1839, by Charles Kittredge.
DEWEY, Helen A., of Columbia, m. Levi E. Smith, of Hartford, [Oct.] 15, [1854], by Rev. Fred[erick]k D. Avery.
DEWEY, Lydia A., m. Samuel E. Lyman, Sept. 24, 1837, by Rev. Philo Judson, of Willimantic.
DEWEY, Mary L., of Columbia, m. Alanson H. Fuller, of Lebanon, Sept. 25, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
DICKINSON, Lilliee, m. Freeman Smith, Sept. 22, 1824, by David Dickinson.
DICKINSON, Louisa, m. Earl Loomis, born of Columbia, Sept. 22, 1824, by David Dickinson.
DIXON, David, of Manchester, m. Ann Babcock, of Lebanon, Oct. 26, 1846, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
DORRANCE, Betsey, m. Samuel Bliss, Jr., Oct. 12, 1820, by David Dickinson.
DOUBLEDAY, Amos G., of Columbia, m. Elizabeth L. Snow, of Lebanon, Oct. 8, 1837, by Dexter Bullard, Minister.
DOWNER, Amanda M., of Columbia, m. John Ticknor, of Brimfield, Apr. 9, 1829, by David Dickinson.
DOWNER, Eliza Ann, m. Benjamin Hartson, born of Columbia, Jan. 19, 1825, by David Dickinson.
DOWNER, Maria, m. George Wright, born of Columbia, May 12, 1824, by David Dickinson.
DOWNER, Mary E., m. Chauncey E. Brown, Apr. 2, 1851, by Rev. F. D. Avery.
DOWNER, William, m. Marianne Little, Apr. 2, 1839, by Cha[rle]s Kittredge.
DURGIN, Joseph H., of Willimantic, m. Lydia Ford, of Columbia, Feb. 3, 1850, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
DYER, DYRE, Edwin, of Spring Prairie, Wis., m. Cynthia Little, of Columbia, "last evening," [Oct. 29, 1848], by Rev. James W. Woodword.
DYER, DYRE, George W., of Willimantic, m. Martha E. Webber, of Columbia, Oct. 9, 1842, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
EDDY, Benjamin J., of Providence, R. I., m. Harriet Holoway, of Taunton, Mass., Sept. 6, 1849, by John S. Yeomans, J. P.
EDWARDS, Betsey, m. Aaron Rogers, b. of Norwich, Oct. 1, 1821, by David Dickinson.
FOOT, Hiram S., m. Emily Mack, born of Columbia, Nov. 8, 1829, by David Dickinson.
FORD, Ardelia, m. Daniel A. Pierce, b. of Columbia, Jan. 13, 1842, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
FORD, Lydia, of Columbia, m. Joseph H. Durgin, of Willimantic, Feb. 3, 1850, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
FORD, Salena, m. James M. Beebe, Mar. 16, 1851, by H. G. Willard Willimantic.
FOX, Oliver, m. Lydia Button, born of Columbia, Sept. 11, 1842, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
FRANKLIN, Abel, m. Percy Brown, born of Columbia, Sept. 23, 1833, by David Dickinson. Int. pub.
FRANKLIN, Levina, m. Henry H. Maynard, born of Columbia, June 7, 1840, by Sylvester Selden, Hebron.
FRANKLIN, Lucinda, of Columbia, m. James H. Townsend, of Falls Township, O., Oct. 17, 1844, by Rev. Edgar J. Doolittle.
FRISBIE, Sarah A., of Columbia, m. Samuel L. Gray, of New London, Aug. 26, 1838, by Alphus Kingsley, J. P.
FULLER, Alanson H., of Lebanon, m. Mary L. Dewey, of Columbia, Sept. 25, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
FULLER, Ambrose, of Columbia, m. Ruth Andrews, of Hebron, May 7, 1825, by David Dickinson.
FULLER, Asa W., Dr., of Warwick, R. I., m. Mrs. Nancy A. Collins, of Columbia, June 30, 1839, by Rev. Chauncey Booth, of Coventry.
FULLER, Elizabeth H., of Lebanon, m. Oliver D. Graves, of Hebron, June 19, 1843, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
FULLER, Esther, m. John Porter, June 19, 1805, by Rev. Nehemiah Dodge.
FULLER, Ferdinand, of Lebanon, m. Martha E. Hutchinson, of Columbia, Mar. 29, 1843, by James W. Woodword.
FULLER, Jonathan C., m. Nancy A. Holbrook, born of Columbia, Nov. 28, 1833, by David Dickinson.
FULLER, Nancy C., of Columbia, m. Samuel J. Watkinz, of Peru, Mass., Oct. 30, 1842, by Rev. Israel D. Otis.
FULLER, Nancy J., of Lebanon, m. Charles A. Goodrich, of Portland, Jan. 1, 1850, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
FULLER, Ruby, wid., of Columbia, m. Thomas Barker, of Hinsdale, Mass., Aug. 28, 1837, by Alpheas Kingsley, J. P.
FULLER, Samuel B., m. Lamira Little, born of Columbia, July 13, 1837, by Sylvester Selden, Hebron.
FULLER, Warren A., m. Nancy A. Collins, born of Columbia, May 16, 1826, by David Dickinson.
GAREY, Polly, m. Amos Porter, Jan. 24, 1815, by Rev. Thomas Rich.
GATES, E. H., of Vernon, m. Lucinda Wheeler, of Columbia, Dec. 4, 1848, by Rev. James W. Woodword, at the house of the bride's father.
GATES, Henry B., of Willimantic, m. Francis E. Chapin, of Springfield, Mass., Nov. 24, 1853, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery, at the house of Mrs. Tabitha Collins, Columbia.
GAY, George, of Lebanon, m. Abbey M. Porter, of Columbia, Sept. 17, 1833, by David Dickinson.
GODFREY, William H., of Coventry, m. Sally Lincoln, of Columbia, Aug. 29, 1829, by Rev. Josiah R. Clark.
GOODRICH, Charles A., of Portland, m. Nancy J. Fuller, of Lebanon, Jan. 1, 1850, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
GOODRICH, Mary, m. David L. Rogers, born of Wethersfield, Aug. 5, 1838, by Asahel Clark, J. P.
GOODWIN, James B., of Burlington, Ia., m. Maria Holbrook, of Columbia, Apr. 19, 1848, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
GOULD, Silas, m. Harmony Jones, Apr. 27, 1835, by Alpheas Kingsley, J. P.
GRAVES, Oliver D., of Hebron, m. Elizabeth H. Fuller, of Lebanon, June 19, 1843, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
GRAY, Samuel L., of New London, m. Sarah A. Frisbie, of Columbia, Aug. 26, 1838, by Alphus Kingsley, J. P.
GRIFFING, Mary, m. Asahel Hunt, Aug. 30, 1841, by Alpheas Kingsley, J. P.
HALL, Dimmis, of Columbia, m. Henry Hinkley, of Hebron, Dec. 21, 1820, by David Dickinson.
HALL, Fanny M., of Columbia, m. James Pilkington, of Manchester, Apr. 8, 1830, by D. Dickinson.
HALL, Mary M., of Columbia, m. James Pilkington, of Manchester, Apr. 15, 1832, by David Dickinson. Int. pub.
HALL, RUSSELL, m. [E]unice Squeirs, Mar. 14, 1830, by Silas Fuller, J. P.
HANLEY, Susan A., of Columbia, m. Willard B. Loomis, of Andover Soc. Oct. 5, 1834, by David Dickinson.
HARTSHORN, HARTSON, Benjamin, m. Eliza Ann Downer, born of Columbia, Jan. 19, 1825, by David Dickinson.
HARTSHORN, Hezekiah, m. Mary Wood, Nov. 26, 1788.
HARTSHORN, Lucy W., of Columbia, m. Eliphalet Welch, of County Oswego, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1828, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
HARTSHORN, Lurana, m. Asa Kingsbury, Jan. 30, 1783, by Thomas Brockway.
HARTSHORN, Polly, m. Asahel Newcomb, born of Columbia, Mar. [ ], 1823, by David Dickinson.
HARTSHORN, Rhoda, m. Flavel Clark, Nov. 15, 1787, by Asahel Clark, J. P. [Witnesses] Bela Wood, Asa Kingsley. Recorded Nov. 7, 1806.
HARTSHORN, Roxellana, m. Bela Wood, Feb. 19, 1786, by Rev. Thomas Brockway. [Witnesses], Asa Kingsbury, Rhoda Clark. Recorded Nov. 10, 1806.
HAYWARD, Elisha H., of Buffaloe, N. Y., m. Fanny L. Scoville, of Columbia, Oct. 11, 1827, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
HAYWARD, Elizabeth D., of Columbia, m. John M. Smith, of Andover, Apr. 13, 1843, by John M. Hunt.
HERRIN, Robert O., m. Nancy McLeen, Dec. 17, 1826, by David Dickinson.
HILLS, HILL, Emma, of Columbia, m. Russell Wilcox, of Lebanon, May 11, 1836, by Levi Meech, Elder.
HILLS, Hannah C., of Columbia, m. Chester A. Bliss, of Albany, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1843, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
HILLS, Mary M., of Columbia, m. Elias Bliss, of Hudson, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1837, by Levi Meech, Elder.
HINKLEY, Henry, of Hebron, m. Dimmis Hall, of Columbia, Dec. 21, 1820, by David Dickinson.
HITCHCOCK, Samuel, m. Mary A. Hunt, Nov. 15, 1850, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery, at the Cong. Meeting House.
HOLBROOK, Abby Jane, [died Dan[ie]l and E[mily], born Sept. 21, 1830; died July 1, 1831.
HOLBROOK, Caroline, [died Dan[ie]l and E[mily], born Jan. 9, 1827; died July 1, 1842.
HOLBROOK, Charlotte L., of Columbia, m. Benjamin F. Strong, of Mass., Jan. 2, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
HOLBROOK, Daniel, m. Emily Kinne, Feb. 22, 1814.
HOLBROOK, Daniel, m. Nancy Williams, born of Columbia, Nov. 1, 1843, by Rev. James Woodworth.
HOLBROOK, Emily, [died Dan[ie]l and E[mily], born Sept. 15, 1817; m. Geo[rge] O. Little, Oct. 27, 1841.
HOLBROOK, Emily, w. Daniel, died Jan. 13, 1841.
HOLBROOK, Emily, m. George O. Little, Oct. 27, 1841, by James W. Woodword. Int. pub.
HOLBROOK, Justin, m. Mary E. Clark, born of Columbia, May 9, 1849, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
HOLBROOK, Maria, of Columbia, m. James B. Goodwin, of Burlington, Ia., Apr. 19, 1848, by Rev. James W. Woodword, at the house of Dia Holbrook.
HOLBROOK, Mary A., m. Septimus Loomis, born of Columbia, Mar. 18, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth. Int. pub.
HOLBROOK, Maryanne Almantha, [died Dan[ie]l and E[mily], born July 5, 1834.
HOLBROOK, Melvina A., of Columbia, m. Hiram B. Ware, of Hartford, Apr. 5, 1840, by Cha[rle]s Kittredge.
HOLBROOK, Nancy A., m. Jonathan C. Fuller, born of Columbia, Nov. 28, 1833, by David Dickinson.
HOLBROOK, Nancy Aurelia, [d. Dan[ie]l and E[mily], born May 22, 1820; died Oct. 2, 1842.
HOLBROOK, Nathan H., of Columbia, m. Jane Porter, July 4, 1836, by Rev. David Dickinson.
HOLBROOK, Nathan K., s. Dan[ie]l and E[mily], born Sept. 29, 1815; m. Jane R. Porter, July 4, 1836.
HOLBROOK, Nathan K., 20 yrs. 7 mos. 5 das., m. Jane R. Porter, July 4, 1836.
HOLBROOK, OLIVIA, [died Dan[ie]l and E[mily], born Apr. 6, 1824.
HOLBROOK, Sarah E., m. Henry W. Abel, born of Columbia, Nov. 28, 1833, by David Dickinson.
HOLBROOK, Silas A., m. Elizabeth P. Wright, born of Columbia, Apr. 10, 1850, by Rev. John Avery, of Exeter.
[HOLLISTER], HOLISTER, Lavina, of Columbia, m. Horace Allen, of East Haddam, Mar. 1, 1829, by David Dickinson.
[HOLLOWAY], HOLOWAY, Harriet, of Taunton, Mass., m. Benjamin J. Eddy, of Providence, R. I., Sept. 6, 1849, by John S. Yeomans, J. P.
HOUSE, Benjamin, of Coventry, m. Submit West, of Columbia, June 29, 1826, by Joel West, of Chatham.
HOUSE, Hariet, m. Asahel Woodword, Mar. 24, 1806, by Royal Taylor. Witnesses: Eleazer C. Woodword, Charles Woodword.
HOUSE, Lovina, m. William Willson, Oct. 22, 1777.
HULL, James, of South Kingstown, R. I., m. Mary Potter, of Columbia, Mar. 25, 1821, by David Dickinson.
HUNT, Anson, m. Betsey Richardson, born of Columbia, May 29, 1839, by Charles Kittridge.
HUNT, Anson, m. Betsey A. Manley, born of Columbia, [ 1846?], by Rev. James W. Woodward.
HUNT, Asahel, m. Mary Griffing, Aug. 30, 1841, by Alpheas Kingsley, J. P.
HUNT, Daniel, Rev., of Pomfret, m. Mary Porter, of Columbia, May 29, 1839, by Charles Kittridge.
HUNT, Eliza Jane, m. Edward Nye, Sept. 29, 1850, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery, at the house of Asa Hunt.
HUNT, Emily A., m. Solomon N. Abell, Nov. 28, 1839, by C. Kittredge.
HUNT, Mary A., m. Samuel Hitchcock, Nov. 15, 1850, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery, at the Cong. Meeting House.
HUNT, Thaddeus, m. Betsey Clark, born of Columbia, Dec. 12, 1820, by David Dickinson.
HURLBURT, George R., m. Cina O. Perkins, born of Andover, May 3, 1847, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
HUTCHINSON, David E., of Hebron, m. Laura L. Little, of Columbia, Sept. 13, 1848, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
HUTCHINSON, Elisha, of Bolton, m. Hannah Woodword, of Columbia, Jan. "about the 15th", 1823, by David Dickinson.
HUTCHINSON, Martha E., of Columbia, m. Ferdinand Fuller, of Lebanon, Mar. 29, 1843, by James E. Woodword.
HYDE, Hannah S., of Lebanon, m. Christopher G. Champlain, of Columbia, Oct. 22, 1843, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
INGRAHAM, Lucy L., of Columbia, m. Sumner R. Chester, of Chaplin, May 23, [1841], by Rev. James W. Woodword, at the house of Mr. Bill.
ISHAM, Girdon, of Tolland, m. Abigail Strong, of Columbia, Dec. 18, 1823, by David Dickinson.
ISHAM, Shubael P., m. Mary A. Clark, born of Columbia, Sept. 8, 1852, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery.
JACKSON, Horace W., of Norwich, m. Levina Wright, of Columbia, Nov. 28, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
JOHNSON, James B., m. Hetty Ann Clark, born of Columbia, Nov. 28, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
JONES, Alfred, of Hebron, m. Polly Kingsley, Apr. 25, 1829, by Henry Brown.
JONES, Harmony, m. Silas Gould, Apr. 27, 1835, by Alpheas Kingsley, J. P.
JONES, Polly, m. Charles Woodword, June 24, 1800, by Thomas Brockway. Witnesses: Asahel Woodword, Eleazer C. Woodword.
JUD[D], Elias, of Coventry, m. Jerusha Thompson, of Columbia, May 22, 1831, by Amhurst Scoville, J. P.
KINGSBURY, Asa, m. Lurana Hartshorn, Jan. 30, 1783, by Thomas Brockway. Witnesses: Bela Wood, Rhoda Clark.
KINGSBURY, Asa, Jr., [s. Asa and Lurana], born Jan. 10, 1794.
KINGSBURY, Charles, [s. Asa and Lurana], born Sept. 22, 1802.
KINGSBURY, Clara, [d. Asa and Lurana], born Dec. 2, 1783, died Mar. 10, 1790.
KINGSBURY, Eleazer, [s. Asa and Lurana], born June 27, 1801; died June 30, 1801.
KINGSBURY, FLAVEL, [s. Asa and Lurana], born Mar. 31, 1791.
KINGSBURY, Hezekiah, [s. Asa and Lurana], born June 2, 1788.
KINGSBURY, Hezekiah, of Hebron, m. Delia Richardson, of Columbia, Oct. 26, 1824, by Rev. Augustus B. Collins, of Andover.
KINGSBURY, John, [s. Asa and Lurana], born May 11, 1799.
KINGSBURY, John, of Coventry, m. Mrs. Edith Ticknor, of Columbia, Jan. 26, 1826, by David Dickinson.
KINGSBURY, Joseph, [s. Asa and Lurana], born May 8, 1785.
KINGSBURY, Lurana, [d. Asa and Lurana], born Oct. 30, 1796.
KINGSBURY, W[illia]m, [s. Asa and Lurana], born Aug. 19, 1804.
KINGSLEY, Darius, m. Elizabeth Scoville, born of Columbia, Jan. 29, 1824, by David Dickinson.
KINGSLEY, Elizabeth A., born Sept. 17, 1822.
KINGSLEY, Harriet, m. Belden Clark, born of Lebanon, Apr. 7, 1831, by David Dickinson.
KINGSLEY, James Moore, of Lebanon, m. Lucinda D. Kingsley, of Columbia, Oct. 12, 1845, by Rev. James W. Woodward, at the house of the bride's father. Int. pub.
KINGSLEY, Lucinda D., of Columbia, m. James Monroe Kingsley, of Lebanon, Oct. 12, 1845, by Rev. James W. Woodward, at the house of the bride's father. Int. pub.
KINGSLEY, Mary P., born Mar. 22, 1829.
LITTLE, Levi, m. Matilda Wright, born of Columbia, Feb. 5, 1826, by David Dickinson.
LITTLE, Levina, born May 11, 1802.
LITTLE, Levina, d. Samuel and Levina, died May 24, 1807.
LITTLE, Levina, w. Samuel, died June 16, 1807.
LITTLE, Marianne, m. William Downer, Apr. 2, 1839, by Cha[rle]s Kittredge.
LITTLE, Nancy A., of Columbia, m. Samuel G. Byrne, of Windham, Apr. 29, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
LITTLE, Sally, m. Amhurst Scoville, Oct. 9, 1798. Witnesses: Consider Little, Rebeckah Little.
LITTLE, Samuel, Jr., born Mar. 6, 1804.
LITTLE, Samuel, Jr., m. Amey Pinneo, born of Columbia
LITTLE, Samuel, Jr., m. Clarissa Pinneo, May 3, 1840, by Cha[rle]s Kittredge.
LITTLE, Saxton Bailey, born Apr. 19, 1813.
LITTLE, Sexton B., m. Sarah M. Tracy, born of Columbia, Aug. 21, 1836, by Rev. Jesse Fisher, of Windham.
LITTLE, Silas F., s. Joseph and Violota, born Sept. 19, 1824.
LITTLE, William Buckingham, born June 6, 1815.
LITTLE, William G., m. Pamelia S. Woodword, born of Columbia, May 4, 1842, by James W. Woodword.
LIVERMORE, Emory, m. Mary Ann Bon[n]er (Bowen or Bower?), born of Brimfield, Mass., Feb. 15, 1854, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery, at the Parsonage, Columbia.
LOOMER, Joseph P., m. Violatia Lincoln, Nov. 10, 1823, by David Dickinson.
LOOMER, Septimus, m. Emily Post, born Columbia, Nov. 20, 1831, by Rev. Alpheas Gear, of Hebron.
LOOMIS, Charlotte E., died Septimus and Emily L., born Oct. 1, 1832.
LOOMIS, Charlotte W., wid. George, died Feb. [ ], 1851.
LOOMIS, Earl, m. Louisa Dickinson, born of Columbia, Apr. 26, 1853, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery.
LOOMIS, Maria J., m. David D. Little, born of Columbia, Apr. 26, 1853, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery.
LOOMIS, Martha L., died Septimus and Emily L., born Nov. 6, 1835.
LOOMIS, Mary, m. Shubael W. Kingsley, born of Columbia, May 8, 1831, by David Dickinson. Int. pub.
LOOMIS, Nelson B., of Lebanon, m. Harriet M. Post, of Columbia, Jan. 1, 1838, by Sylvester Selden, Hebron.
LOOMIS, Norton B., of Lebanon, m. Maryanna M. Cook, of Columbia, Nov. 18, 1845, by Rev. Fredirick P. Coe.
LOOMIS, Septimus, m. Mary A. Holbrook, born of Columbia, Mar. 18, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth. Int. pub.
LOOMIS, Silas F., m. Pamelia M. White, born of Columbia, Nov. 4, 1846, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
LOOMIS, Simon, m. Martha Buckingham, Nov. [ ], 1777, by Joseph Huntington, D. D., at Lebanon.
LOOMIS, Sophia, m. Asahel Dewey, Sept. 24, 1840, by Rev. Alpha Miller.
LOOMIS, Willard B., of Andover Soc., m. Susan A. Hanley, of Columbia, Oct. 5, 1834, by David Dickinson.
LORD, Elisha, of Hebron, m. C[h]loe Manley, of Columbia, Dec. 29, 1824, by David Dickinson.
LORING, Nathani[e]l S., of Lebanon, m. Jane E. Newcomb, of Columbia, Feb. 28, 1841, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
LYMAN, Chester W., m. Cornelia E. Porter, born of Columbia, Nov. 13, 1831, by David Dickinson.
LYMAN, Elizabeth C., m. Elmore G. Dewey, Sept. 25, 1834, by David Dickinson.
LYMAN, George W., of Columbia, m. Eunice M. Robertson, of Coventry, Oct. 20, 1839, by Charles Kittredge.
LYMAN, Samuel E., m. Lydia A. Dewey, Sept. 24, 1837, by Rev. Philo Judson, of Willimantic.
LYMAN, Sam[ue]l Edson, of Barre, N. Y., m. Fanny Charlotte Clark, of Columbia, Oct. 20, 1841, by Cha[rle]s Kittredge.
LYMAN, Sophia C., m. John S. Yeomans, born of Columbia, Oct. 14, 1830, by David Dickinson.
MACK, Emily, m. Hiram S. Foot, born of Columbia, Nov. 8, 1829, by David Dickinson.
MAIN, Cynthia, of North Stonington, m. Alfred Turner, of Groton, Oct. 1, 1829, by Asahel Clark, J. P.
MAINARD, [see under MAYNARD].
MANLEY, MANLY, Asa, m. Rosanna Tracy, born of Columbia, Jan. 28, 1830, by David Dickinson.
MANLEY, MANLY, Betsey A., m. Anson Hunt, born of Columbia, [ 1846], by Rev. James W. Woodward.
MANLEY, MANLY, C[h]loe, of Columbia, m. Elisha Lord, of Hebron, Dec. 29, 1824, by David Dickinson.
MANLEY, MANLY, Harriet A., of Columbia, m. Elizer F. Root, of Rockville, June 2, 1850, by Rev. John Avery, of Exeter.
MANLEY, MANLY, Jared S., of Columbia, m. Celinda S. Barstow, of Columbia, Dec. 21, 1841, by James W. Woodword.
MANLEY, MANLY, Paulina, m. Henry C. Clark, born of Columbia, Oct. 14, 1847, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
MANLEY, MANLY, Polly, of Columbia, m. Thomas Kirklin, of Springfield, Mass., Jan. 17, 1822, by David Dickinson.
MAYNARD, MAINARD, Henry H., m. Levina Franklin, born of Columbia, June 7, 1840, by Sylvester Selden, Hebron.
MAYNARD, MAINARD, Martha, m. Reuben Weller (Perhaps Welles?), Mar. 14, 1821, by Silas Fuller, J. P.
McLEEN, Nancy, m. Robert O. Herrin (Perhaps "Robert O'Herrin"), Dec. 17, 1826, by David Dickinson.
MEAD, Adelaide Gertrude, died William A. and Matilda Ann, born Mar. 4, 1838.
MEAD, William A., of S. Coventry, m. Matilda Ann Carver, of Columbia, Oct. 23, 1837, by [Rev.] Alpha Miller.
MERCHANT, Stephen G., of Sunderland, Mass., m. Mary A. Sparrow, of Tolland, Mar. 31, 1845, by Rev. Alpha Doolittle, of Andover.
MERRIFIELD, Marcelia, m. Artemas Woodword, July 2, 1800, by Thomas Brockway. Witnesses, Asahel Loomis, Esther Loomis.
MERRIFIELD, Martha, m. Artemus Woodword, July 2, 1800.
METZZAR, Andrew, of Greenville, Norwich, m. Emily Ann Webber, of Columbia, "last evening", [Oct. 14, 1844], by Rev. James W. Woodward.
MINOR, MINER, Ephraim, m. Lydia Brown, Apr. 28, 1822, by David Dickinson.
MINOR, Hannah, w. Ephraim, died Sept. 23, 1821, age 33 yrs.
MORRY, [see under MORY].
MORGAN, Sophia, m. Hubbard Barstow, born of Columbia, June 8, 1842, by James W. Woodword.
MORTON, Lucius, of Hartford, m. Nancy C. Richardson, of Columbia, May 31, 1848, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
MORY, Lucinda, of Manchester, m. James Snow, of Columbia, Nov. 5, 1848, by Ambrose Fuller.
NEWCOMB, Asahel, m. Polly Hartshorn, born of Columbia, Mar. [ ], 1823, by David Dickinson.
NEWCOMB, Jane E., of Columbia, m. Nathan[ie]l S. Loring, of Lebanon, Feb. 28, 1841, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
NEWCOMB, Jemima, m. Gideon Clark, Apr. 10, 1788.
NEWCOMB, Lovina, m. Joel Chamberlain, Jan. 20, 1780, by Rev. Thomas Brockway.
NEWELL, Emily A., of Columbia, m. George F. Blackman, of Coventry, [Apr.] 10, 1837, by Rev. Alpha Miller.
NEWELL, Gratia, m. Edward Yeomans, Oct. 10, 1827, by Rev. Joseph Ireson.
NEWELL, Lewis P., of Pomfret, m. Caroline Webber, of Columbia, May 7, 1825, by David Dickinson.
NOICE, Mary J., of Ashford, m. Sam[ue]l Harlow Snow, Dec. 20, 1834, by Daniel Holbrook, J. P.
NYE, Edward, m. Eliza Jane Hunt, Sept. 29, 1850, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery, at the house of Asa Hunt.
O'HERRIN, Robert, m. Nancy McLeen, Dec. 17, 1826, by David Dickinson [Perhaps "Robert O. Herrin"].
PALMER, Caroline O., of Willimantic, m. Charles H. Clark, of Columbia, Oct. 17, 1852, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery.
PALMER, Eliza A., Mrs., of East Haddam, m. John N. Abel, of Columbia, [Feb.] 4, [1849], by Rev. H. Merrell.
PARKER, Ephraim, of Vernon, m. Abby Ann Wheeler, of Columbia, Aug. 31, 1828, by Rev. Chauncey Booth, of Coventry.
PENHALLOW, Daniel, of Columbia, m. Ruth Skinner, of Hebron, Apr. 1, 1823, by David Dickinson.
PERKINS, Cina O., m. George R. Hurlburt, born of Andover, May 3, 1847, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
PERKINS, Leonard H., of Andover, m. Mary Ann Blish, of Columbia, Sept. 22, 1850, by Rev. Roswell C. Lamb, at her father's residence.
PERRY, John, s. James and Sally, born June 1, 1824.
PERRY, John J., m. Olive M. Collins, born of Columbia, June 7, 1854, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery.
PERRY, Susan, died James and Sally, born Aug. 18, 1827.
POTTER, Harty M., m. Robert Brown, born of Columbia, Oct. 7, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
POTTER, Martha, m. Holder Slocum, born of Lebanon, June 2, 1830, by David Dickinson.
POTTER, Mary, of Columbia, m. James Hull, of South Kingstown, R. I., Mar. 25, 1821, by David Dickinson.
POTTER, Rachel, of Columbia, m. Norman Boynton, of Coventry, Oct. 7, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
PROUD, John R., of Lisbon, m. Martha Lewis, of Columbia, June 28, 1838, by Rev. Philo Judson, of Willimantic.
RICHARD, Albert G., of Springfield, N. Y., m. Sophia Wright, of Columbia, Sept. 7, 1831, by David Dickinson. Int. pub.
RICHARDSON, Betsey, m. Anson Hunt, born of Columbia, May 29, 1839, by Charles Kittridge.
RICHARDSON, Delia, of Columbia, m. Hezekiah Kingsbury, of Hebron, Oct. 26, 1824, by Rev. Augustus B. Collins, of Andover.
RICHARDSON, Lucina C., of Columbia, m. John Armstrong, of Freeport, Me., Jan. 9, 1849, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
RICHARDSON, Nancy C., of Columbia, m. Lucius Morton, of Hartford, May 31, 1848, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
RIXFORD, George C., of Mansfield, m. Julia A. Coggeshall, of Columbia, Sept. 4, 1849, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
ROBERTSON, Eunice M., of Coventry, m. George W. Lyman, of Columbia, Oct. 20, 1839, by Charles Kittredge.
ROBINSON, Calvin, of Windham, m. Mary Bolles, of Columbia, Jan. 8, 1839, by Sylvester Selden.
ROBINSON, Gurdon Y., m. Sybel R. Post, born of Columbia, Nov. 30, 1843, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
ROCKWELL, Andrew H., of Lebanon, m. Caroline R. Porter, of Columbia, Sept. 28, 1837, by Sylvester Selden.
ROGERS, Aaron, m. Betsey Edwards, born of Norwich, Oct. 1, 1821, by David Dickinson.
ROGERS, David L., m. Mary Goodrich, born of Wethersfield, Aug. 5, 1838, by Asahel Clark, J. P.
ROGERS, John, of Columbia, m. Elizabeth Ann Allen, of Lima, Mar. 5, 1822, by Rev. William Palmer, of Colchester, in the house of Martin Webber.
ROOT, Abigail J., of Columbia, m. Henry C. Cook, of Portland, Oct. 31, 1847, by Rev. Henry Baylies, of Hebron, at the bride's residence. Int. pub.
ROOT, Elizer F., of Rockville, m. Harriet A. Manly, of Columbia, June 2, 1850, by Rev. John Avery, of Exeter.
SCOVILLE, Amhurst, m. Sally Little, Oct. 9, 1798. Witnesses: Consider Little, Rebeckah Little.
SCOVILLE, Amhurst, [s. Amhurst and Sally], born May 9, 1800; died Apr. 22, 1803.
SCOVILLE, Charles Amhurst, [s. Amhurst and Sally], born Mar. 23, 1804.
SCOVILLE, Elizabeth, [twin with Sally], died [Amhurst and Sally], born Mar. 29, 1802.
SCOVILLE, Elizabeth, m. Darius Kingsley, born of Columbia, Jan. 29, 1824, by David Dickinson.
SCOVILLE, Fanny L., of Columbia, m. Elisha H. Hayward, of Buffaloe, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1827, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
SCOVILLE, Fanny Little, [died Amhurst and Sally], born Mar. 22, 1806.
SCOVILLE, Lydia L., m. Sanford Yeomans, born of Columbia, Feb. 20, 1838, by Rev. B. Cook, Jr., of Willimantic.
SCOVILLE, Mary Ann, of Columbia, m. Daniel P. Sprague, of Hebron, Andover Society, Dec. 26, 1831, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
SCOVILLE, Sally, [twin with Elizabeth], died [Amhurst and Sally], born Mar. 29, 1802.
SILL, Isaac N., of Andover, m. Almira Bolles, of Columbia, May 5, 1846, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
SKINNER, Ruth, of Hebron, m. Daniel Penhallow, of Columbia, Apr. 1, 1823, by David Dickinson.
SLOCUM, Holder, m. Martha Potter, born of Lebanon, June 2, 1830, by David Dickinson.
SMITH, Allen B., of Montville, m. Clarriss Bolles, of Columbia, June 27, 1837, by Sylvester Selden, Hebron.
SMITH, Freeman, m. Lillie Dickinson, Sept. 22, 1824, by David Dickinson.
SMITH, John M., of Andover, m. Elizabeth D. Hazard, of Columbia, Apr. 13, 1843, by John M. Hunt.
SMITH, Levi E., of Hartford, m. Helen A. Dewey, of Columbia, [Oct.] 15, [1854], by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery.
SNOW, Benjamin F., of Providence, R. I., m. Emily L. Bennett, of Windham, June 10, 1849, by William Osborn, J. P.
SNOW, Betsey P., of Columbia, m. William A. Bly, of Springfield, Mass., July 5, 1835, by David Dickinson.
SNOW, Daniel Pinney, s. Dudley, born Jan. 7, 1825.
SNOW, Elizabeth L., of Lebanon, m. Amos G. Doubleday, of Columbia, Oct. 8, 1837, by Dexter Bullard, Minister.
SNOW, James, of Columbia, m. Lucinda Mory, of Manchester, Nov. 5, 1848, by Ambrose Fuller.
SNOW, Sam[ue]l Harlow, m. Mary J. Noice, of Ashford, Dec. 20, 1834, by Daniel Holbrook, J. P.
SNOW, Sophia, m. Richard Wheeler, born of Columbia, July 16, 1826, by David Dickinson.
SPARROW, Mary A., of Tolland, m. Stephen G. Merchant, of Sunderland, Mass., Mar. 31, 1845, by Rev. Alpha Doolittle, of Andover.
SPRAGUE, Dan, of Covington, N. Y., m. Mary W. Collins, of Columbia, May 15, 1834, by David Dickinson.
SPRAGUE, Daniel P., of Hebron, Andover Society, m. Mary Ann Scoville, of Columbia, Dec. 26, 1831, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
SQUIERS, [E]unice, m. Russell Hall, Mar. 14, 1830, by Silas Fuller, J. P.
STETSON, Horace W., of Hartford, m. Jane V. Woodworth, of Columbia, Jan. 4, 1848, by Rev. Frederick P. Coe.
STRONG, Abigail, of Columbia, m. Girdon Isham, of Tolland, Dec. 18, 1823, by David Dickinson.
STRONG, Benjamin F., of Mass., m. Charlotte L. Holbrook, of Columbia, Jan. 2, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
STRONG, Lydia, of Hebron, m. Edward Webber, of Columbia, Mar. 31, 1835, by David Dickinson. Int. pub.
TANNER, Albert Taylor, s. Nathan and Charlotte, born Sept. 11, 1808.
TANNER, Frederic C., [s. Nathan and Charlotte, born Sept. 27, 1810.
TAYLOR, Lewis H., of Chatham, m. Corintha N. Porter, of Columbia, Apr. 1, 1835, by David Dickinson.
THOMAS, Amanda M., of Columbia, m. Rufus Chamberlain, of Mansfield, Dec. 21, 1841, by C. Kittredge.
THOMPSON, Augustus, [s. James and Hannah], born Feb. 24, 1803.
THOMPSON, Augustus, m. Adaline S. Carver, born of Columbia, Dec. 3, 1829, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
THOMPSON, Caroline, m. Horace Thompson, Jr., Nov. 30, 1837, by Samuel Little, J. P.
THOMPSON, Emily, [d. James and Hannah], born May 30, 1807.
THOMPSON, George W., of Bristol, Vt., m. Lois J. Thompson, of Columbia, Sept. 12, 1838, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
THOMPSON, Hezekiah, m. Alma C. Pidge, born of Windham, Sept. 3, 1843, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
THOMPSON, Horace, Jr., m. Caroline Thompson, Nov. 30, 1837, by Samuel Little, J. P.
THOMPSON, Jerusha, of Columbia, m. Elias Jud[d], of Coventry, May 22, 1831, by Amhurst Scoville, J. P.
THOMPSON, Laura, d. James and Hannah, born Jan. 17, 1801.
THOMPSON, Leonard, [s. James and Hannah], born Feb. 28, 1805.
THOMPSON, Lewis O., s. James and Hannah, born Oct. 3, 1816.
THOMPSON, Lois J., of Columbia, m. George W. Thompson, of Bristol, Vt., Sept. 12, 1838, by Rev. Ebenezer Robinson.
TICKNOR, Daniel, m. Lydia Yeomans, born of Columbia, Jan. 15, 1829, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
TICKNOR, Edith, Mrs., of Columbia, m. John Kingsbury, of Coventry, Jan. 26, 1826, by David Dickinson.
TICKNOR, Harriet R., m. George W. Bill, born of Columbia, Mar. 24, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth. Int. pub.
TICKNOR, John, of Brimfield, m. Amanda M. Downer, of Columbia, Apr. 9, 1829, by David Dickinson.
TICKNOR, Mary, of Columbia, m. William Davidson, of Hartwick, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1831, by David Dickinson. Int. pub.
TOWNSEND, James H., of Falls Township, O., m. Lucinda Franklin, of Columbia, Oct. 17, 1844, by Rev. Edgar J. Doolittle.
TRACY, Rosanna, m. Asa Manley, born of Columbia, Jan. 28, 1830, by David Dickinson.
TRACY, Sarah M., m. Sexton B. Little, born of Columbia, Aug. 21, 1836, by Rev. Jesse Fisher, of Windham.
TURNER, Alfred, of Groton, m. Cynthia Main, of North Stonington, Oct. 1, 1829, by Asahel Clark, J. P.
TUTTLE, William W., m. Elizabeth A. Woodward, Nov. 27, 1845, by Rev. Alpha Miller, of Andover.
UNCAS, Esther, m. Prince Beaumont, May 14, 1837, by Amhurst Scoville, J. P.
UTLEY, Andrew B., of Pomfret, m. Elizabeth Brown, Mar. 31, 1850, by Rev. J. R. Arnold.
VARNUM, John, born Oct. 23, 1798.
WALKER, A. A., of R. I., m. Harriet E. Webber, of Columbia, Jan. 28, 1840, by Daniel Holbrook, J. P.
WARE, Hiram B., of Hartford, m. Melvina A. Holbrook, of Columbia, Apr. 5, 1840, by Cha[rle]s Kittredge.
WATKINZ, Samuel J., of Peru, Mass., m. Nancy C. Fuller, of Columbia, Conn., Oct. 30, 1842, by Rev. Israel D. Otis.
WEBBER, Caroline, of Columbia, m. Lewis P. Newell, of Pomfret, May 7, 1825, by David Dickinson.
WEBBER, Edward, of Columbia, m. Lydia Strong, of Hebron, Mar. 31, 1835, by David Dickinson.
WEBBER, Emily Ann, of Columbia, m. Andrew Metzzar, of Greenville, Norwich, "last evening" [Oct. 14, 1844], by James W. Woodward.
WEBBER, Harriet E., of Columbia, m. A. A. Walker, of R. I., Jan. 28, 1840, by Daniel Holbrook, J. P.
WEBBER, Maria, m. Ralph Almsbury, Dec. 17, 1825, by Amhurst Scoville, J. P.
WEBBER, Martha E., of Columbia, m. George W. Dyer, of Willimantic, Oct. 9, 1842, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
WEBSTER, Cynthia P., of Columbia, m. Charles D. Little, of Saginaw, Mich., Nov. 29, 1853, by Rev. Fred[eric]k D. Avery, at the Parsonage.
WEBSTER, Jerusha, m. Monson Woodworth, born of Columbia, May 29, 1828, by David Dickinson.
WEBSTER, Polly, m. Charles Bliss, Oct. 30, 1825, by David Dickinson.
WELCH, Eliphalet, of County of Oswego, N. Y., m. Lucy W. Hartson, of Columbia, Nov. 9, 1828, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
WELLER, Reuben, m. Martha Mainard, Mar. 14, 1821, by Silas Fuller, J. P. (Perhaps "Welles"?).
WEST, Elizabeth, m. Edwin H. Little, born of Columbia, Apr. 24, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth.
WEST, Harriet L., m. Madison Woodword, born of Columbia, Apr. 5, 1838, by Sylvester Selden, Hebron.
WEST, Samuel, Capt., m. Sally Porter, Nov. 14, 1820, by David Dickinson.
WEST, Samuel, Jr., m. Ruby Bliss, May 10, 1822, by David Dickinson.
WEST, Samuel F., of Delaware O., m. Charlotte Porter, of Columbia, Sept. 28, 1837, by Sylvester Selden.
WEST, Submit, of Columbia, m. Benjamin House, of Coventry, June 29, 1826, by Rev. Joel West, of Chatham.
WHEELER, Abby Ann, of Columbia, m. Ephraim Parker, of Vernon, Aug. 31, 1828, by Rev. Chauncey Booth, of Coventry.
WHEELER, Betsey S., of Coventry, m. Gilbert Lincoln, of Columbia, Dec. 6, 1846, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
WHEELER, Frederick A., of Columbia, m. Eliza Ann M. Covell, Jan. 7, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodworth. Int. pub.
WHEELER, Lucinda, of Columbia, m. E. H. Gates, of Vernon, Dec. 4, 1848, by Rev. James W. Woodword, at the house of the bride's father.
WHEELER, Richard, m. Sophia Snow, born of Columbia, July 16, 1826, by David Dickinson.
WHEELER, Strickland, m. Almira Wilson, Aug. 28, 1836, by Daniel Holbrook.
WHEELER, Ursula R., of Columbia, m. Royal J. Allen, of Manchester, Nov. 29, 1849, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
WHITE, Pamelia M., m. Silas F. Loomis, born of Columbia, Nov. 4, 1846, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
WILCOX, RUSSELL, of Lebanon, m. Emma Hills, of Columbia, May 11, 1836, by Levi Meech, Elder.
WILLIAMS, Gordon J., m. Betsey Cottrell, botn of Columbia, Feb. 19, 1821, by David Dickinson.
WILLIAMS, Nancy, m. Daniel Holbrook, born of Columbia, Nov. 1, 1843, by Rev. James Woodworth.
WILSON, WILLSON, Almira, m. Strickland Wheeler, Aug. 28, 1836, by Daniel Holbrook, J. P.
WILSON, WILLSON, William, m. Lovina House, Oct. 22, 1777.
WINSLEY (?), Chester F., of Hebron, m. Mary Brown, of Columbia, June 20, 1834, by David Dickinson.
WOOD, Bela, m. Roxellana Hartshorn, Feb. 19, 1786, by Rev. Thomas Brockway. [Witnesses:] Asa Kingsbury, Rhoda Clark. Recorded Nov. 10, 1806.
WOOD, Mary, m. Hezekiah Hartshorn, Nov. 26, 1788.
WOODWORD, Amanda, [d. J----], born Dec. 15, 1803.
WOODWORD, Artemus, m. Martha Merrifield, July 2, 1800.
WOODWORD, Artemus, m. Marcelia Merrifield, July 2, 1800, by Thomas Brockway. Witnesses: Asahel Loomis, Esther Loomis.
WOODWORD, Asahel, m. Harriet House, Mar. 24, 1806, by Royal Taylor. Witnesses:
WOODWORD, Caroline, [d. Charles and Polly], born Nov. 21, 1805.
WOODWORD, Charles, m. Polly Jones, June 24, 1800, by Thomas Brockway. Witnesses: Asahel Woodword, Eleazer C. Woodword.
WOODWORD, Eleazer C., m. Isabell Cole, Sept. 24, 1794, by Thomas Brockway. Witnesses: Eleazer Woodword, Mary Woodword.
WOODWORD, Eliza, d. [Artemus and Martha], born Oct. 29, 1804.
WOODWORD, Eliza, [d. Artemas and Marcelia], born Oct. 29, 1804.
WOODWORD, Elizabeth A., m. William W. Tuttle, Nov. 27, 1845, by Rev. Alpha Miller, of Andover.
WOODWORD, Emiline, [d. Artemus and Martha], born Apr. 3, 1807.
WOODWORD, Emeline, [d. Artemas and Marcelia], born Apr. 3, 1807.
WOODWORD, George, s. Artemus and Martha, born Mar. 14, 1801.
WOODWORD, George, [s. Artemas and Marcelia], born Mar. 14, 1801.
WOODWORD, Hannah, [d. Eleazer], born May 28, 1796.
WOODWORD, Hannah, [d. J----], born June 8, 1801.
WOODWORD, Hannah, of Columbia, m. Elisha Hutchinson, of Bolton, Jan. "about the 15th", 1823, by David Dickinson.
WOODWORD, Jasper, m. Amanda Wright, Mar. 5, 1801.
WOODWORD, Lucy, [d. Charles and Polly, born Sept. 30, 1802.
WOODWORD, Madison, m. Harriet L. West, born of Columbia, Apr. 5, 1838, by Sylvester Selden, Hebron.
WOODWORD, Marcelia, [d. Artemus and Martha], born Feb. 6, 1810.
WOODWORD, Marilla, w. Artemus, died Feb. 19, 1810.
WOODWORD, Pamelia S., m. William G. Little, born of Columbia, May 4, 1842, by James W. Woodword.
WOODWORD, Ralph Jones, [s. Charles and Polly], born Mar. 30, 1804.
WOODWORD, Seth, [s. Eleazer], died Sept. 29, 1797.
WOODWORD, Seth, [s. Charles and Polly], born Apr. 24, 1801.
WOODWORD, Sina, [d. Eleazer], born Apr. 19, 1795.
WOODWORD, Sophia, [d. Eleazer], born Apr. 25, 1791.
WOODWORD, W[illia]m, [d. J----], born May 14, 1806.
WOODWORTH, Jane V., of Columbia, m. Horace W. Stetson, of Hartford, Jan. 4, 1848, by Rev. Frederick P. Coe.
WOODWORTH, Mary, m. Albert G. Collins, born of Columbia, Nov. 29, 1827, by David Dickinson.
WOODWORTH, Monson, m. Jerusha Webster, born of Columbia, May 29, 1828, by David Dickinson.
WOODWORTH, Pamelia, m. Azel D. Collins, May 6, 1828, by Silas Fuller, J. P.
WRIGHT, Amanda, m. Jasper Woodword, Mar. 5, 1801.
WRIGHT, Asahel O., m. Louisa C. Porter, May 9, 1837, by Rev. Daniel Dickinson.
WRIGHT, Azuba, m. Joseph Penneo, Jan. 17, 1787, by Rev. Thomas Brockway.
WRIGHT, Charles, m. Betsey Barstow, July 4, 1782.
WRIGHT, Elizabeth P., m. Silas A. Holbrook, born of Columbia, Apr. 10, 1850, by Rev. John Avery, of Exeter.
WRIGHT, George, m. Maria Downer, born of Columbia, May 12, 1824, by David Dickinson.
WRIGHT, Levina, of Columbia, m. Horace W. Jackson, of Norwich, Nov. 28, 1844, by Rev. James W. Woodward.
WRIGHT, Matilda, m. Levi Little, born of Columbia, Feb. 5, 1826, by David Dickinson.
WRIGHT, Sophia, of Columbia, m. Albert G. Richard, of Springfield, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1831, by David Dickinson. Int. pub.
YEOMANS, Aaron, m. Cynthia Bill, born of Columbia, Mar. 21, 1827, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
YEOMANS, Cynthia, m. Lyman C. Clark, born of Columbia, Nov. 1, 1838, by Rev. Philo Judson, Willimantic.
YEOMANS, Cynthia A., m. Henry B. Little, born of Columbia, June 1, 1848, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
YEOMANS, Edward, m. Gratia Newell, Oct. 10, 1827, by Rev. Joseph Ireson.
YEOMANS, John S., m. Sophia C. Lyman, born of Columbia, Oct. 14, 1830, by David Dickinson.
YEOMANS, Lavinia, of Middletown, m. Alanson Little, of Columbia, Jan. 1, 1845, by Rev. James W. Woodword.
YEOMANS, Lydia, m. Daniel Ticknor, born of Columbia, Jan. 15, 1829, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
YEOMANS, Sanford, m. Lydia L. Scoville, born of Columbia, Feb. 20, 1838, by Rev. B. Cook, Jr., of Willimantic.
YEOMANS, William A., m. Harriet R. Dewey, of Columbia, Aug. 19, 1839, by Charles Kittredge.
YOUNG, George, of Windham, m. Eunice Caswell, of Columbia, Dec. 9, 1824, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
YOUNG, Joseph, of Lebanon, m. Naomi Kingsley, of Columbia, May 14, 1828, by Rev. Esek Brown, of Lebanon.
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