New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

Arnold Collection
Church Of The Ascension, Wakefield
Marriage Records 1843 - 1881
Town of South Kingston
Washington County, Rhode Island

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Home | Vital Records | Arnold Collection of Rhode Island Vital Records | Church Of The Ascension, Wakefield, Town of South Kingston, Rhode Island Marriages 1843 - 1881

Allen, Mary A., of North Kingstown, and William B. Smith, of Bridgeport, Conn., by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Feb. 25,1868.
Arnold, Mary L., of South Kingstown, and George C. Robinson, of Brooklyn, N.Y., by Rev. F.J. Warner, May 10, 1852
Arnold, Harriet E., of South Kingstown, and Samuel E. Bacon, of Heller, Penn., by Rev. F.J. Warner, Oct. 10, 1854
Bacon, Samuel E., of Heller, Penn., and Harriet E. Arnold, of South Kingstown, by Rev. F.J. Warner, Oct. 10, 1854
Baldwin, William H., of Baltimore, Md., and Mary P. Rodman, at house of Mr. Samuel Rodman, by Rev. William A. Leach, March 10, 1859
Barber, Charles and Sarah Carr, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby. NOv. 27, 1879
Braman, John and Susan F. Jacqueways, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. James H. Eames, Dec. 29, 1844
Braman, Lydia Ann, daughter of Stephen and Eliza, and John J. Harvey, son of John and Elizabeth, all of South Kingstown, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, June 10, 1866
Briggs, Hannah E. and Albert Church, both of Narragansett Pier, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Nov. 19, 1879
Browning, Mary Anne, adopted daughter of Ezekiel and Hannah, of Lebanon, Conn., and John H. Crandall, son of Clarke and Elizabeth, of South Kingstown, by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Jan. 1, 1868
Browning, Emma F., daughter of Elisha D. and J. Clarke Tucker, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Nov. 12, 1879
Carr, David S., of Newport, and Marian K. Gardiner, daughter of Rowland F., of South Kingstown, by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Feb. 26, 1868
Carr, Sarah and Charles Barber, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Nov. 27, 1879
Caswell, Caleb Alvin, of Wakefield, and Susan A. Holland, of said place, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Nov. 6, 1878
Champlain, George N. and Doreas W. Gardiner, both of Kingston, by Rev. James H. Carpenter, April 3, 1848
Champlain, Sarah E., daughter of Jesse and Julia A., and Henry Harrison Rodman, son of Daniel and Eliza A., all of South Kingstown, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Nov. 23, 1865
Church, Albert and Hannah E. Briggs, both of Narragansett Pier, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Nov. 19, 1879
Clarke, Lionel Henry, of Rocky Brook, and Mary Annie Northrup, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, May 2, 1877
Cottrell, Gordon P. and Mella V. Crumb, both of Westerly, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Oct. 29, 1879
Crandall, John Franklin, aged 19 years, and Hannah Frances Johnson, aged 17 years, both of Peacedale, at the residence of his father and her home, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Sept. 15, 1863
Crandall, John H., of South Kingstown, son of Clarke and Elizabeth, and Mary Anna Browning, adopted daughter of Ezekiel and Hannah, of Lebanon, Conn., by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Jan. 1, 1868
Crocker, Josiah W., of Providence, and Eliza Stockford Hazard, of Wakefield, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Feb. 1, 1864
Crumb, Mella V. and Gordon P. Cottrell, both of Westerly, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Oct. 29, 1879
Curtis, Susannah and John B. Dockray, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. James H. Eames, March 28, 1843
DeKanbon, Mary Stuart, of Kentucky, and Robert C. Fente, of Rome, Ga., by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Sept. 19, 1866
Dewey, Nelson S. and Sarah Harvey, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. James H. Eames, Sept. 21, 1844
Dockray, John B. and Susannah Curtis, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. James H. Eames, March 28, 1843
Dockray, Mary and Elisha F. Watson, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. James H. Eames, June 6, 1843
Durfee, George W., of Rocky Brook, son of Nathaniel B. and Harriet M., of Tiverton, and Julia W. Hazard, daughter of Carter and Eliza, of Wakefield, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, April 18, 1866
Eaton, Edgar and Sarah Knowles, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Nov. 27, 1878
Eldred, Brig. Gen. John, of Newport; and Sarah Hull Robinson, daughter of Elisha Anthony Robinson, of Wakefield, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Dec. 29, 1864
Fairweather, Fannie and William W. Webster, both of South Kingstown, Col., by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Sept. 5, 1868
Fente, Robert C., of Rome, Georgia, and Mary Stuart DeKanbon, of Kentucky, at the summer residence of Mrs. Gen. Kearney, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Sept. 19, 1866
Gardiner, Dorcas W. and George N. Champlain, both of Kingston, by Rev. James H. Carpenter, April 3, 1848
Gardiner, Marian K., daughter of Rowland F., of South Kingstown, and David S. Carr, of Newport, by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Feb. 26, 1868
Gould, Susan Caroline and Jesse Herman Potter, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, May 11, 1877
Greene, John F., of Warwick, and Angeline Updike, of South Kingstown, by Rev. F.J. Warner, March 30, 1854
Hale, Abraham and Hannah Rodman, both of South Kingstown, Col., by Rev. F.J. Warner, Nov. 16, 1851
Hale, George F. and Annie Warmesley, both Col., by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, July 22, 1866
Harrison, Julian, of Columbia, Fluanna Co., Va., and Lilly Johnson, of Kentucky, at the residence of Mrs. Gen. Kearney, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, June 12, 1866
Harvey, Sarah and Nelson S. Dewey, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. James H. Eames, Sept. 21, 1844
Harvey, John J., son of John and Elizabeth, and Lydia Ann Braman, of Stephen and Eliza, all of South Kingstown, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, June 10, 1866
Hazard, Anne E., of South Kingstown, and Jedediah Huntington, of Norwich, Conn., by Rt. Rev. Thomas M. Clarke, June 6, 1860
Hazard, Eliza Stockford, of Wakefield, and Josiah W. Crocker, of Providence, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Feb. 1, 1864
Hazard, Charles H., son of Carder and Eliza, and Susan Hannah Wright, daughter of Hon. Elisha Watson, all of Wakefield, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Dec. 13, 1865
Hazard, Julia W., of Carder and Eliza, of South Kingstown, and George N. Durfee, of Rocky Brook, son of Nathaniel B. and Harriet M., of Tiverton, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, April 18, 1866
Holland, Susie A. and Caleb Alvin Caswell, both of Wakefield, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Nov. 6, 1878
Huntington, Jedediah, of Norwich, Conn., and Anne E. Hazard, of South Kingstown, by Rt. Rev. Thomas M. Clarke, D.D., June 6, 1860
Jacqueways, Susan F. and John Braman, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. James H. Eames, Dec. 24, 1844
Johnson, Hannah Frances and John Franklin Crandall, both Peacedale, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Sept. 5, 1863
Johnson, Lilly, of Kentucky, and Julian Harrison, of Columbia, Fluanna Co., Va., by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, June 12, 1866
Kenyon, William G. and Hannah P. Robinson, by Rev. William A. Leach, Sept. 19, 1859
Knowles, Sarah and Edgar Eaton, both of Wakefield, by Rev. C.H. Bixby, Nov. 27, 1878
Knowles, Herbert Minott and Abbie F. Whaley, both of Point Judith, by Rev. C.H. Bixby, June 24, 1879
Lawton, Peleg and Ruth Rose, at residence of Bride's father, in Mooresfield, by Rev. William A. Leach, April 6, 1860
Lockhead, Alexander C. and Clara J. Wilson, both of Peacedale, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Feb. 15, 1880
Macomber, Jessie and Arnold H. Tefft, by Rev. C.H. Bixby, Jan. 1, 1879
Mallaby, Rev. Thomas, of Stonington. Conn., and Mary N. Taylor, of Kingstown, by Revs. J.D.S. Pardoe and C.H. Bixby, Feb. 2, 1878
McLaughlin, Francis and Elizabeth Ward, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. James H. Carpenter, Oct. 30, 1848
Morse, Nellie Frances, of Wakefield, and George R. Pearse, of Point Judith, by Rev. C.H. Bixby, Oct. 13, 1880
Nichols, John T. and Arabella Rodman, daughter of Daniel, all of South Kingstown, by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Nov. 10, 1870
Nichols, William Edward and Anna Hazard Tefft, by Rev. E.F. Watson, Oct. 31, 1877
Northrup, Mary Annie and Lionel Henry Clarke, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. Charles H. Bisby, May 2, 1877
Pearse, George R., of Point Judith, and Nellie Frances Morse, of Wakefield, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, Oct. 13, 1880
Peckham, Eliza and William S. Peckham, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. Francis J. Warner, Sept. 22, 1851
Peckham, William S. and Eliza Peckham, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. Francis J. Warner, Sept. 22, 1851
Peirce, Peleg F. and Harriet Newell Rodman, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Nov. 23, 1863
Potter, Sarah F., of Niles and Almira, and Walter S. Watson, of Thomas H. and Frances P., by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Feb. 21, 1868
Potter, James Herman, of Narragansett Pier, and Susan Caroline Gould, by Rev. Charles H. Bixby, May 11, 1877
Randolph, Richard Kidder, of Newport, and Isabella Watson Updike, of South Kingstown, by Rev. James H. Eames, Aug. 19, 1845
Randolph, Mrs. ----, nee Lewis, and Samuel Welsh, by Rev. Dr. Wharton, Aug. --, 1877
Robinson, George C., of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Mary L. Arnold, of South Kingstown, by Rev. F.J. Warner, May 10, 1852
Robinson, Hannah P. and William G. Kenyon, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. William A. Leach, Sept. 19, 1859
Robinson, Sarah Hull, of Elisha A., of Wakefield, and Gen. John Eldred, of Newport, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Dec. 29, 1864
Rodman, Hannah and Abraham Haile, both of South Kingstown, col., by Rev. F.J. Warner, Nov. 16, 1851
Rodman, Samuel and Mary A. Updike, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. F.J. Warner, Feb. 15, 1854
Rodman, Mary P., of South Kingstown, and William H. Baldwin, of Baltimore, Md., by Rev. William A. Leach, Nov. 10, 1859
Rodman, Harriet Newell and Peleg F. Peirce, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Nov. 23, 1863
Rodman, Sarah A., daughter of Hon. Samuel, of South Kingstown, and William Woodward, Jr., of New York City, son of Henry W., of Maryland, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Sept. 27, 1865
Rodman, Henry Harrison, son of Daniel and Eliza A., of Mooresfield, and Sarah E., daughter of Jesse and Julia A. Champlain, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Nov. 23, 1865
Rodman, Martha, of Daniel, of South Kingstown, and George A. Sanderson, of Boston, by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Oct. 20, 1869
Rodman, Arabella and John T. Nichols; both of South Kingstown, by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Nov. 10, 1870
Rose, Ruth and Peleg Lawton, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. William A. Leach, April 6, 1860
Sanderson, George A., of Boston, Mass., and Martha Rodman, daughter of Daniel, of South Kingstown, by Rev. Samuel P. Kelley, Oct. 20, 1869
Smith, William B., Jr., of Bridgeport, Conn., and Mary A. Allen, of North Kingstown, by Rev. Samuel P. Kelly, Feb. 25, 1868
Whaley, Abbie F. and Herbert Minott Knowles, both of Point Judith, by Rev. C.H. Bixby, June 24, 1879
Whitford, Edward S. and Catherine Usher, Feb. 24, 1881
Wilcox, Mary and Gideon Sunderland, both of South Kingstown, by Rev. James H. Eames, Aug. 28, 1844
Williams, Sarah, nee Carr, of Wakefield, and Amasa P. Wells, of West Kingston, by Rev. C.H. Bixby, Aug. 4, 1878
Wilson, Clara J. and Alexander C. Lockhead, both of Peacedale, by Rev. C.H. Bixby, Feb. 15, 1880
Woodward, William, Jr., of New York City, son of Henry William Woodward, of Maryland, and Sarah A. Rodman. daughter of Hon. Samuel, Rocky Brook, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Sept. 27, 1865
Wright, Susan Hannah, daughter of Hon. Elisha Watson, of South Kingstown, and Charles H. Hazard, son of Carder and Eliza, of said town, by Rev. J. Frank Winkley, Dec. 13, 1865
Wright, Sarah J., nee Fowler, of Peacedale, and Silas G. wright, of Wakefield, by Rev. C.H. Bixby, Oct. 8, 1878
Wright, Silas G., of Wakefield, and Sarah J. Wright, nee Fowler, of Peacedale, by Rev. C.H. Bixby, Oct. 8, 1878

Home | Vital Records | Arnold Collection of Rhode Island Vital Records | Church Of The Ascension, Wakefield, Town of South Kingston, Rhode Island Marriages 1843 - 1881

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