New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

Arnold Collection
Westminister Congregational Church
City of Providence
Providence County, Rhode Island

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Home | Vital Records | Arnold Collection of Rhode Island Vital Records | Westminister Congregational Church, Providence RI Marriages

Note: When not otherwise stated these marriages were performed by Rev. Frederick A. Farley, first pastor of the church.

Abbott, Sabrina C. and Nathaniel F. Potter, June 24, 1829.
Aborn, Eliza Greene and George Leonard Barnes, April 21, 1831.
Aborn, Abby and Richard Thornton, Jr., April 4, 1832.
Adams, Rebecca and Joseph Candle, Dec. 1, 1834.
Allen, Lucy Ann and John H. Gardiner, Nov. 23, 1837.
Andrews, Mary and Henry L. Kendall, June 26, 1832.
Anthony, Edward and Helen Maria Hastings Grieve, June 2, 1831.
Anthony, John Gould and Ann Whiting Rhodes, Oct. 16, 1832.
Anthony, Henry B. and Sarah A. Rhodes, both of Pawtucket, Oct. 16, 1837.
Arnold, Burrell of Coventry and Ann Maria Wilcox of Providence, Feb. 22, 1832.
Arnold, Welcome and Harriet Chandler, June 10, 1839.
Badham, Edwin S. and Caroline E. Williams, Nov. 29, 1835.
Baker, Abraham of Glocester and Elizabeth Jones of Providence, April 29, 1829.
Baker, Obed and Ellen Ray, Jan. 19, 1834.
Balch, John R., Jr., and Elizabeth C. Lawton, Jan. 10, 1832.
Barnes, George Leonard of Smithfield and Eliza Greene Aborn of Providence, April 21, 1831.
Barton, Mary O. and John Pearce, Oct. 29, 1835.
Baxter, Alpheus and Martha Robbins, Jan. 9, 1831.
Bickford, Sarah and Warren G. Slack, April 8, 1830.
Billings, Sarah Maria and Daniel T. Ennis, July 12, 1836.
Bishop, William W. and Nancy K. Dabney, Aug. 20, 1840.
Blinn, Sarah Ann and William G. Williams, Dec. 1, 1834.
Bogman, Mary Sampson and Daniel Anthony Prentice, Nov. 14, 1831.
Bourry Gustavus Adolphus of St. Galla, Switzerland, and Ella Jane Wells of London, England, Oct. 13, 1837.
Bradford, Sarah J. and Preston G. Willard, Sept. 9, 1839.
Bridgham, Julia Bowen and George Curtis, April 3, 1834.
Brooks, Margaret and William H. Sprague, March 11, 1838.
Brown, William Whipple and Maria Perkins, Jan. 5, 1836.
Brown, Amey Ann and John H. Butts, Jan. 11, 1836.
Brown, Joseph R. and Caroline B. Niles, Sept. 18, 1837.
Burroughs, Lucy Armington and Joseph Appleton Dike, July 23, 1832.
Butts, John H. and Amey Ann Brown, Jan. 11, 1836.
Calder, William & Mary Whitmarsh, Aug. 23, 1829.
Candle, Joseph of New Bedford, Mass., and Rebecca Adams of Boston, Dec. 1, 1834.
Carpenter, Samantha S. and Esek A. Jillson, June 12, 1836.
Carter, Cornelius S. and Sarah P. Jenckes, April 6, 1829.
Case, Phillip and Sarah Weeden, Nov. 24, 1829.
Chace, Eliza J. and Thomas Davis, Jan. 23, 1838.
Chase, Margary A. and William B. Mann, Oct. 22, 1835.
Chandler, Mary Alice and William Earle, Sept. 18, 1838.
Chandler, Harriet and Welcome Arnold, June 10, 1839.
Church, Hannah Wood and Nocholas Cruger Hayword, May 8, 1837.
Clarke, Emeline B. and William Munro, Sept. 9, 1839.
Clark, Thomas of New Bedford, Mass., and Catherine Whiting of Bristol, R.I., (Col.), Sept. 9, 1839.
Clark, Thomas and Ann Garnett (Col.), June 18, 1840.
Cooke, Charles D. of Providence and Mary Anna King of Johnston, Aug. 16, 1836.
Coy, Sarah and Henry G. Gladding, Sept. 15, 1836.
Curtis, George and Julia Bowen Bridgham, April 3, 1834.
Dabney, Nancy K. and William W. Bishop, Aug. 20, 1840.
Dale, William A. and Eliza Wilson (Col.), April 4, 1833.
Daman, Calvin of Pawtucket and Rebecca Horton of Brooklyn, N.Y., married by Rev. Samuel Osgood, June --, 1845.
Dart, William H. and Susan Pettey, Oct. 1, 1834.
Davis, Thomas and Eliza J. Chace, Jan. 23, 1838.
Dike, Joseph Appleton of New York and Lucy Armington Burrough of Providence, July 23, 1832.
Dinsley, Edward S. and Jane Pearson, Feb. 22, 1840.
Earle, William and Mary Alice Chandler, Sept. 18, 1838.
Emely, John and Isabella Pearson, Jan. 10, 1841.
Ennis, Daniel T. and Sarah Maria Billings, July 12, 1836.
Fenner, Caroline H. and Nathan Truman, June 13, 1839.
Foster, Abel and Sophia F. Richardson, May 9, 1837.
Francis, James of New York and Dianna Graham of Providence, Oct. 24, 1831.
Fry, John Austin Thurston of Mobile, Alabama, and Harriet Eliza Sweet of Newport, Oct. 6, 1836.
Gardiner, John H. of Sherbourne, N.Y., and Lucy Ann Allen of North Kingston, Nov. 23, 1837.
Gardiner, Sarah A. and William R. Gardiner, Oct. 16, 1843.
Gardiner, William R. and Sarah A. Gardiner, Oct. 16, 1843.
Gardiner, Henry W. and Mary B. Rathbone, married by Rev. Samuel Osgood, Sept. 8, 1846.
Garnett, Ann and Thomas Clark (Col.), June 18, 1840.
Gilman, Joseph W. B. and Lucy Northey, Oct. 1, 1834.
Gladding, Samuel and Sarah T, Sweet, Feb. 12, 1829.
Gladding, Henry G. and Frances C. Hurlburt, Oct. 14, 1829.
Gladding, Henry G. and Sarah Coy, Sept. 15, 1836.
Graham, Dianna and James Francis (Col.), Oct. 24, 1831.
Gragg, Edward P. and Lucy Snow Lester, both of Boston, April 5, 1836.
Greene, Axey and Benjamin Jackson (Col.), Sept. 26, 1833.
Grieve, Helen Maria Hastings and Edward Anthony, June 2, 1831.
Hale, Pardon M. and Amey Ann Jenckes, Dec. 21, 1837.
Harris, Elisha and Mary Ann Winsor, both of Smithfield, Oct. 2, 1832.
Hawks, Elizabeth and Edward Tripp, Nov. 2, 1828.
Heyward, Nicholas Cruger of New York and Hannah Wood Church of Providence, May 8, 1837.
Hicks, Alfred and Eliza C. Kendall, Sept. 30, 1835.
Hill, George H. of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Alice K. Rhodes of Providence, Sept. 7, 1835.
Hill, Isabel and Samuel Humes, April 23, 1838.
Hill, Francis E., M.D., of Biddeford, Me., and Nancy T. Littlefield of Bath, Me., married by Rev. Frederick H. Hedge, Jan. 1, 1851.
Holmes, William of Boston and Caroline H. Porter of Providence (Col.), June 15, 1837.
Horton, Rebecca and Calvin Daman, June --, 1845.
Hull, Benjamin and Rhoby B. Knowles, both of South Kingston, Nov. 10, 1834.
Hull, Samuel S. and Sarah Waite, June 28, 1835.
Humes, Samuel and Isabel Hill, both of Plainfield, Conn., April 23, 1838.
Hurlburt, Frances C. and Henry G. Gladding, Oct. 14, 1829.
Jackson, Benjamin and Azey Greene (Col.), Sept. 26, 1833.
Jenckes, Sarah P. and Cornelius S. Carter, April 6, 1829.
Jenckes, Amey Ann and Pardon M. Hale, Dec. 21, 1837.
Jillson, Esek A. and Samantha S. Carpenter, June 12, 1836.
Jones, Elizabeth and Abraham Baker, April 29, 1829.
Jones, Mary Caroline and Joseph Knbowles, July 3, 1834.
Keep, David C. and Martha C. Phillips, June 12, 1838.
Kendall, Henry L. of Providence and Mary Andrews of Dighton, Mass., June 26, 1832.
Kendall, Eliza C. and Alfred Hicks, Sept. 30, 1835.
King, William H. and Lucinda Rideout, both of Lowell, Mass., Sept. 2, 1833.
King, Mary Anna and Charles D. Cooke, Aug. 16, 1836.
Knowles, Joseph and Mary Caroline Jones, July 3, 1834.
Knowles, Rhoby B. and Benjamin Hull, Nov. 10, 1834.
Lawson, David and Mary Malvina Pearl, both of Boston, married by Rev. Frederick H. Hedge, Jan. 4, 1851.
Lawton, Elizabeth C. and John R. Balch, Jr., Jan. 10, 1832.
Lester, Lucy Snow and Edward P. Gragg, April 5, 1836.
Littlefield, Nancy T. and Francis E. Hill, Jan. 1, 1851.
Luther, Esther C. and Thomas M. Parker, Aug. 9, 1829.
Mann, William B. and Margary A. Chase, both of Smithfield, Oct. 22, 1835.
Maxwell, Abby and Wm. T. Pearce, Oct. 9, 1837.
McKay, Francis S. and James Thurber, Jr., July 10, 1843.
Morse, Abby and George Santee (Col.), April 18, 1833.
Munroe, William and Emeline B. Clarke, Sept. 9, 1839.
Niles, Susan C. and Nathan A. Wheeler, Jan. 18, 1832.
Niles, Caroline B. and Joseph R. Brown, Sept. 18, 1837.
Northy, Lucy and Joseph W. B. Gilman, Oct. 1, 1834.
Padelford, Seth of Providence and Louisa Rhodes of Pawtucket, Oct. 19, 1834.
Padelford, Seth and Mary B. Pearce, married by Rev. Samuel Osgood, Oct. 1, 1845.
Parker, Thomas M. and Esther C. Luther, Aug. 9, 1829.
Pearce, JOhn and Mary O. Barton, Oct. 29, 1835.
Pearce, William T. and Abby Maxwell, Oct. 9, 1837.
Pearce, Mary B. and SWeth Padelford, Oct. 1, 1845.
Pearl, Mary Malvina and David Lawson, Jan. 4, 1851.
Pearson, Jane and Edward S. Dinsley, Feb. 22, 1840.
Pearson, Isabella and John Emely, Jan. 10, 1841.
Perkins, Maria and William Whipple Brown, Jan. 5, 1836.
Pettey, Susan and William H. Dart, Oct. 1, 1834.
Phillips, Martha C. and David C. Keep, June 12, 1838.
Porter, Caroline H. and William Holmes (Col.), June 15, 1837.
Potter, Nathaniel F. and Sabrina C. Abbott, June 24, 1829.
Prentice, Daniel Anthony and Mary Sampson Bogman, Nov. 14, 1831.
Rathbone, Mary B. and Henry W. Gardiner, Sept. 8, 1846.
Ray, Eden and Obed Baker, Jan. 19, 1834.
Rhodes, Ann Whiting and John Gould Anthony, Oct. 16, 1832.
Rhodes, Louisa and Seth Padelford, Oct. 19, 1834.
Rhodes, Sarah A. and Henry B. Anthony, Oct. 16, 1837.
Richardson, Sophia F. and Abel Foster, May 9, 1837.
Rideout, Lucinda and William H. KIng, Sept. 2, 1833.
Robbins, Martha & Alpheus Baxter, Jan. 9, 1831.
Santee, George and Abby Morse (Col.), April 18, 1833.
Seamons, Elizabeth S. and Stuteley Turner, March 23, 1837.
Slack, Warren G. of Wrentham, Mass., and Sarah Bickford of Scituate, R.I., April 8, 1830.
Sprague, Augustus D. of Warwick and Mary J. Tucker of Providence, Nov. 26, 1837.
Sprague, William H. and Margaret Brooks, March 11, 1838.
Sweet, Sarah F. and Samuel Gladding, Feb. 12, 1829.
Sweet, Harriet Eliza and John Austin Thurston Fry, Oct. 6, 1836.
Taft, Sarah J. and George J. Thurber, Sept. 23, 1839.
Thornton, Richard, Jr., 2nd. of Cranston and Abby Aborn of Providence, April 4, 1832.
Thurber, George J. and Sarah J. Taft, Sept. 23, 1839.
Thurber, James, Jr., and Francis S. McKay, married by Rev. Samuel Osgood, July 10, 1843.
Tripp, Edwin and Elizabeth Hawks, Nov. 2, 1828.
Tripp, Susan and George Weaver, March 14, 1832.
Truman, Nathan and Caroline H. Fenner, June 13, 1839.
Tucker, Mary J. and Augustus D. Sprague, Nov. 26, 1837.
Turner, Stuteley and Elizabeth S. Seamons, both of Cranston, March 23, 1837.
Waite, Sarah and Samuel S. Hull, June 28, 1835.
Warren, Sylvanus of New York and Betsey Whipple of Providence, published only by Rev. Samuel Osgood, Sept. --, 1843.
Weaver, George of New Bedford, Mass., and Susan Tripp of Providence, March 14, 1832.
Weeden, Sarah and Phillip Case, Nov. 24, 1829.
Wells, Eliza Jane and Gustavus Adolphus Bourry, Oct. 13, 1837.
Wheeler, Nathan A. of Shaftesbury, Vt., and Susan C. Niles of Providence, Jan. 18, 1832.
Whipple, Betsey and Sylvanus Warren, Sept. --, 1843.
Whiting, Catherine and Thomas Clarke (Col.), Sept. 9, 1839.
Whitmarsh, Mary and William Calder, Aug. 23, 1829.
Wilcox, Ann Maria and Burrell Arnold, Feb. 22, 1832.
Willard, Preston G. and Sarah J. Bradford, Sept. 9, 1839.
Williams, William G. anbd Sarah Ann Blinn, Dec. 1, 1834.
Williams, Caroline E. and Edwin S. Badham, Nov. 29, 1835.
Wilson, Eliza and William A. Dale (Col.), April 4, 1833.
Winsor, Mary Ann and Elisha Harris, Oct. 2, 1832.

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