New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

Arnold Collection
Death Records
City of Providence
Providence County, Rhode Island

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NOTE.-The references prefixed by a star in Parenthesis refer to book and page
of probate, and a double star to that of the first record book now published. There
are also several taken from the transcript, which are designated as of Book First.

Ref.	Deceased					Date of Death
5-532	Abbey, Fellx (negro), (*5-130), died May 19, 1756
2-125	Aborn, Sally, of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah, died July 17, 1795
2-125	Aborn, Samuel, died Feb. 14, 1798
2-125	Aborn, Francis Burrows, died Aug. 23, 1801
1-409	Abbott, Mary, wife of Daniel, died ---, 1643
1-409	Abbott, Daniel, died ---, 1647
5-532	Abbott, Daniel, (*5-275), died Nov. 7, 1760
2-94	Aldrich, Cynthia, of Esek and Amey, died Feb. 11, 1770
2-94	Aldrich, Simon, died Sept. 1, 1802
2-94	Aldrich, Sophia, died March 9, 1795
2-94	Aldrich, Amey, wife of Esek, aged 34 yrs.10 mos., died July 17, 1793
5-549	Aldrich, Joseph, died -- (**1-42), died ---no--date---
5-532	Aldridge, Joseph (*1-324), died April 24, 1705
5-532	Allen, William (Joiner), (*3-264), died Sept., 1738
5-532	Allen, Comfort (&6-145), died Oct. 22, 1775.
2-48	Allen, Horatio Gates, of Paul and Polly, died Dec. 27, 1777
2-57	Allen, Elizabeth, of William and Sarah, died Oct. 25, 1791
2-57	Allen, Harriet, died July 12, 1793
2-57	Allen, Frederick Augustus, died Dec. 27, 1795
2-126	Allen, Mary Prince, of Maj. William and Mary, died Dec. 26, 1800
2-126	Allen, Mary Nichols, died Jan. 21, 1803
2-126	Allen, Mary Ann, died June 30, 1809
5-470	Allen, Samuel S., of Caleb and Hannah, at Loulsville, Ky. (left a widow, Nancy), died Sept. 24, 1840
5-532	Andrews, James (mariner), (*1-118), died July 10, 1716
2-148	Andrews, Charles, of Zephaniah and Elizabeth, died Dec. 29, 1797
2-148	Andrews, John, died Aug. 17, 1796
2-148	Andrews, Sally, died April 1, 1781
2-148	Andrews, John, died June 6, 1783
5-649	Angell, Thomas (will probated), (**1-12), died May 23, 1685
5-549	Angell, Alice (**1-14), died Dec. 24, 1694
5-532	Angell, James (*1-209), died March 3, 1710-11
5-532	Angell, John (*2-105), died July 27, 1720
5-532	Angell, Capt. Abraham (mariner), (*3-278), died Jan. 13, 1739
5-532	Angell, John (cooper), (*4-148), died Dec. 3, 1744
5-532	Angell, Elisha (*5-111), died Nov. 14, 1755
5-532	Angell, John Anthony (stone cutter), (*5-120), died April 6, 1756
5-532	Angell, Hope (*5-232), died Feb. 11, 1759
1-60	Angell, Mary, wife of John, aged 66 yrs. 4 mos 22 days., Sept. 22, 1760
2-1	Angell, Mary, wife of James, died Dec. 14, 1769
5-550	Angell, James (**1-66), died ---no--date---
2-231	Angell, William, of Thomas, died July 29, 1817
5-532	Annis, Isaac (*5-166), about Sept. 22, 1756
2-136	Anthony, Eunice, of Richard and Abigail, died July 26, 1793
2-136	Anthony, Lydia, died Sept. 10, 1794
5-32	Alpin, William (*6-434), died May 18, 1784
5-532	Appleby, James (*2-10), died Dec. 21, 1716
1-324	Arnold, Thomas, died Sept. --, 1674
5-533	Arnold, Stephen, Sr. (*1-123), died Nov. 15, 1699
5-533	Arnold, Capt. Richard (*1-190), died April 22, 1710
5-532	Arnold, Elisha (*1-216), died March 24, 1710-11
5-532	Arnold, Eleazer, Jr. (*1-285), died Dec. 18, 1712
5-533	Arnold, Stephen, Jr., (*2-9), died Nov. 24, 1716
5-533	Arnold, Stephen (Pawtuxet), (*2-91), died March 1, 1719-20
5-532	Arnold, Eleazer (*2-134), died Aug. 29, 1722
5-532	Arnold, John (*2-138), died Jan. 5, 1722-3
1-79	Arnold, Thomas, of William and Hannah, died Aug. 14, 1725
1-79	Arnold, Hannah, wife of William, aged 32 yrs. 26 days., April 1, 1727
5-533	Thomas (*3-29), died Feb. 3, 1726-7
2-59	Arnold, Thomas, died Feb. 3, 1727
5-532	Arnold, John, of John (*3-62), died March 12, 1727
5-533	Arnold, Mary (widow), (*3-254), died April 28, 1735
5-533	Arnold, Stephen (*3-264), died March 16, 1735-6
5-533	Arnold, Stephen (*4-101), died July 3, 1743
5-532	Arnold, Israel (innholler), (*4-94), died Aug. 17, 1743
5-532	Arnold, Josiah (merchant, (*4-228), died March 23, 1747-8
5-532	Arnold, Josiah (*4-220), died March 22, 1748
5-532	Arnold, Elizabeth (widow, (*5-134), died Aug. 21, 1736
5-533	Arnold, Oliver (attorney at law), (*6-1), died Oct. 4, 1770
2-58	Arnold, Samuel Greene, of Welcome and Patience, Sept. 5, 1778
5-532	Arnold, Joseph (mariner, supposed to have been lost at sea), (*5-426), no date
5-533	Arwin, James (merchant tailor), (*5-219), died Jan. 28, 1749
5-533	Ashley, William (*328), died Nov. 24, 1694
5-533	Ashton, Joshua (*7-69), died Dec. 6, 1786
5-533	Atkins, Thomas (died at Cape Cod), (*5-177), died June 30, 1759
2-6	Atwell, Rufus, of Amos and Bettey, age 11 mos.,	May 22, 1759
2-6	Atwell, Betty, age 15 days, died June 13, 1760
2-6	Atwell, Charlotte, age 20 days, died June 10, 1764
2-6	Atwell, Betty Charlotte, age 14 days, died Aug. 22, 1767
5-533	Atwood, John (*6-392), died July 20, 1783
5-533	Bacon, George (*6-520), died Aug. 20, 1785
5-533	Balkcom, Alexander (*1-237), died May 4, 1711
5-533	Ballou, Onathan (ship joiner), (*5-538, died Oct. 2, 1770
1-319	Barnes, John, of John and Mercy, died at Newport, Sept. 24, 1706
1-319	Barnes, Mercy, of John and Mercy, died Aug. 6, 1712
5-533	Barnes, Thomas (*1-116), died Sept. 24, 1706
1-14	Barnes, William, of John and Mercy, died Oct. 10, 1716
5-533	Barnes, Ezra (*3-17), died Sept. 3, 1726
5-534	Barton, John (*4-249), died July 15, 1749
2-90	Barton, Daniel, of William and Rhoda, died April 9, 1780
2-52	Barton, Stephen Rawson, of Seth and Lucetta, died Aug. 25, 1780
2-52	Barton, Lucctta, wife of Seth, died Aug. 23, 1780
5-533	Baster, Deborah (widow), (*5-372), died Dec. 29, 1762
5-533	Batman, Peter (died in the service of the colony against the enemy), (*5-282,291), Nov. --, 1760
5-533	Beatty, Hugh (*5-123), died Aug. 4, 1756
5-119	Beckwith, Susan Truman, wife of Rev. A.S. Train, dau. of Truman and Alice D. Beckwith, at Haverhill, Mass., Feb. 5, 1851
5-119	Beckwith, Amey Brown, of Truman and Alice D., died June 23, 1825
5-119	Beckwith, Isaac Brown, died Aug. 8, 1825
5-119	Beckwith, Alice D., wife of Truman, died Aug. 19, 1837
5-534	Beers, Benjamin (*1-101), died July 3, 1714
5-533	Bennett, John (husbandman), died at Louisburg (*4-177), Oct. 3, 1745
3-27	Benson, Almira F., of Alvers and Hannah Ann, died Feb. 28, 1833
3-27	Benson, Huldah Ann, wife of Alvers, died Oct. 5, 1833
5-533	Bernon, Gabriel (*3-261), died Feb. 1, 1735-6
5-533	Bevens, Liman (*7-668), died Sept. 23, 1794
5-533	Blake, Nathaniel, died at Louisburg (*4-208), died Nov. 1, 1745
5-533	Blackman, James (*1-148), died Aug. 14, 1709
5-533	Black, Alexander (merchant), (5-451), died Sept. 17, 1767
5-533	Barden, Mary (*2-41), died March 22, 1717-8
5-533	Barden, Richard (*2-89), died Sept. 27, 1724
5-533	Barden, William (husbandman), (*4-173), died Oct. 30, 1745
5-533	Barden, Capt. Joseph (*4-218), died Feb. 20, 1747
5-533	Barden, Mercy (yoeman), (*4-317), died April -, 1758
2-12	Bowen, Mary, wife of Ephraim, died -------, 1743(or4)
5-533	Bowen, Col. Jabez (physician), (*5-534), died Aug. 18, 1770
2-5	Bowen, Obediah, of Jabez and sarah, lost off Dunkirk,, coast of France, July 28, 1793
2-5	Bowen, Henry, of Jabez and Sarah, died Aug. 31, 1777
2-5	Bowen, Son, died Oct. 1, 1782
5-533	Bowen, Hannah (widow), (*6-240), died Aug. 20, 1778
2-89	Bowen, Esther, of Dr. Pardon and Elizabeth, died Oct. 12, 1782
2-89	Bowen, Ann Eliza, died Jan. 27, 1792
3-6	Bowen, William Bradford, of Ephraim, Jr., and Julia, Aug. 26,at New York;buried at Providence, Aug. 28, 1826
3-6	Bowen, Nathaniel, of Ephraim, Jr., and Julia, died March 4, 1786
3-6	Bowen, Sally Angell, died March 18, 1786
3-6	Bowen, Esther, died April 11, 1795
3-6	Bowen, Julia, wife of John D. Martin, July 30, 1805
2-98	Bowen, Hannah, of Henry and Mary, died Dec. 27, 1787
2-98	Bowen, Henry, died at Rehoboth, May 31, 1788
2-98	Bowen, Mary, wife of Henry, died at Barrington,	Oct. 30, 1778
2-158	Bowen, Sarah, wife of Jabez, in her 58 yrs., died March 17, 1800
2-93	Bradford, Deborah, wife of William, died June 3, 1788
3-16	Bridgham, Samuel Fales, of Samuel W. and Elizabeth, July 6, 1807
5-533	Briggs, Robert (*4-97), died Aug. 3, 1743
5-533	Briggs, John, Jr. (*4-272), died Nov. 18, 1750
5-533	Brittain, Jonathan (*6-200), died ---------1776
5-534	Brooke, William (*3-93), died Oct. 19, 1727
5-533	Browne, Henry (*1-141), died Feb. 20, 1702-3
5-533	Browne, John (Ensign), (*2-78), died Sept. 19, 1719
5-533	Browne, Jabez (*2-219), died Sept. 9, 1724
5-533	Browne, Anne, widow of Jabez (*3-76), died Feb. 25, 1726-7
5-533	Browne, Henry (*3-223), died Nov. 22, 1727
5-533	Browne, Mary (*3-282), died Aug. 18, 1736
5-534	Browne, Asaph (mariner, died at sea), (*4-335),	Oct. 17, 1753
5-534	Brown, Daniel (*1-233), died Sept. 27or29, 1710
5-534	Brown, Obadiah (*1-119), died Aug. 24, 1716
5-534	Brown, Elder James (*3-220), died Oct. 28, 1732
5-534	Brown, Capt. James (*3-267), died April 26, 1739
2-14	Brown, James, of Obadiah and Mary, died Sept. 8, 1742
2-14	Brown, Nathan, died Dec. 9, 1750
2-14	Brown, A son, died June 30, 1750
2-14	Brown, James, 2d, died Jan. 15, 1753
2-14	Brown, Obadiah, father of the above, died June 17, 1762
1-116	Brown, Sarah, of Benjamin and Rebeckah, died Feb. 27, 1747
5-534	Brown, Obadiah, (innholder), (*4-336), died April 27, 1753
5-534	Brown, William, (mariner died at Sea), (*5-65),	Oct. 14, 1754
5-534	Brown, Capt. William (*5-68), died Oct. 18, 1754
1-424	Brown, Obadiah, of James and Mary, died at Glocester in 50th year, June 17, 1762
5-534	Brown, James (tallow chancler), (*5-409), died Dec. 13, 1765
2-83	Brown, Joseph, of Joseph and Elizabeth, died April 27, 1774
5-534	Brown, James (*6-132), died Oct. 4, 1775
5-534	Brown, Joshua (*6-205), died Dec. 26, 1776
5-534	Brown, Martha (widow), (*6-255), died Dec. 3, 1778
5-534	Brown, George (killed on privateer, commanded by Capt. Samuel Johnson), (*6-278), ---no--date---
2-83	Brown, Joseph, of James and Hope, died Dec. 3, 1783
2-85	Brown, Lucy, of Elishal, Jr., and Betsey, died Jan. 25, 1784
2-85	Brown, Lucy, 2d, died May 15, 1787
5-534	Brown, Oliver, (*6-481), died May 17, 1785
5-534	Brown, Joseph, (*7-26), died Dec. 3, 1783
5-534	Brown, Capt. Benjamir (mariner), (*7-151), died March 13, 1787
2-150	Brown, Joseph, of Joseph, dec., and Elizabeth, died at New York, Oct. 26, 1791
5-534	Brown, Nathan (schoolmaster), died April 26, 1795
3-15	Brown, Daniel, of Simeon and Eunice, 11 mos., died -----27, 1805
3-15	Brown, Anna, 4 mos., died -----15, 1815
3-15	Brown, Simeon, 9 mos., died -----14, 1832
2-212	Brown, Patrick Henry, of Patrick and Harriet, died March 13, 1815
2-212	Brown, Augusta Thayer, died May 12, 1822
5-123	Brown, Harriet Keene, of Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth F., both of Nassau, N. P., March 4, 1838
5-534	Burden, Joseph (found dead), (*1-292), died Dec. 30, 1713
5-534	Burdon, Manna (negro) (*5-338), died Nov. 18, 1760
5-534	Burd, John (mariner(, (*3-272), died Dec. 9, 1734
2-193	Burgess, Sarah Ann, of Thomas and Mary, died Oct. 11, 1805
2-193	Burgess, Mary, wife of Thomas, aged 57 yrs., died June 4, 1835
5-534	Burlingame, Roger (*2-52), died Sept. 1, 1718
5-534	Burlingame, Capt. Elisha (died at sea) (*3-243), March 25, 1738
5-534	Burlingame, Samuel (*3-297), died March 20, 1740-1
5-534	Burlingame, Pardon (caulker), (*4-225), died April 11, 1748
5-534	Burlingame, Christopher (cooper, died at sea), (*4-303), died Sept. 13, 1751
5-534	Burlingame, Benedict (mariner, died at sea), (*4-353), died Nov. 8, 1753
5-534	Burlingame, Capt. Benjamin (mariner, died at Surinam), (*4-37), May 12, 182
5-534	Bullock, Capt. William (died at sea), (*7-419),	Nov. 20, 1793
5-534	Burnet, Francis (subject of the French King, died on the sloop Dolphin, Capt. William Rhodes, on a voyage), (*6-99,100), died Aug. 17, 1774
5-534	Burr, Daniel (wheelwright), (*5-486), died April 13, 1769
5-534	Burton, William, of Meshantatuck (*1-300), died Feb. 20, 1713-14
5-550	Carder, James (** 1-72), died ---no--date---
5-535	Carpenter, William (*1-95), died Sept. 7, 1685
5-534	Carpenter, Silas, of Pawtuxet (*1-289), died Dec. 25, 1695
5-534	Carpenter, Silas (*1-99), died Dec. 25, 1695
1-361	Carpenter, William, of Pawtuxet, died Feb. 22, 1697-8
1-361	Carpenter, Ephraim, of Pawtuxet, (see also *1-313 and 5-534), died Feb. 22, 1697-8
5-549	Carpenter, Silas (will probated) (**1-22), died April 8, 1701
1-423	Carpenter, William, drowned (see also *1-178 and 5-535), died Oct. 29, 1708
5-534	Carpenter, Benjamin (*1-215), died March 3, 1710-11
1-86	Carpenter, Sarah, of Silas and Hannah, died Oct. 4, 1716
1-86	Carpenter, Israel, died April 16, 1721
1-86	Carpenter, Stephen, died Oct. 17, 1732
1-86	Carpenter, Phebe, died Nov. 28, 1737
1-86	Carpenter, Hannah, wife of Silas, died Nov. 29, 1727
5-534	Carpenter, Timothy (*3-5), died Aug. 19, 1726
5-535	Carpenter, William (*3-114), died April 20, 1728
5-534	Carpenter, Abiah (capt. and mariner) (*3-134), died Sept. 13, 1729
5-534	Carpenter, Sarah, widow, of Pawtuxet (*4-33), died April 22, 1742
5-534	Carpenter, Timothy (*4-350), died Aug. 2, 1749
5-534	Carpenter, Silas (*4-283), died June 13, 1751
5-534	Carpenter, James Capt. (mariner), died in the West Indes, (*6-103), died Sept. 4, 1774
5-535	Chance Capt. Samuel, Jr. (*6-440), died July 10, 1784
5-535	Checkley, John (clergyman(, (*5-19), died Feb. 15, 1754
2-64	Checkley, William, died July 18, 1780
3-13	Cheeney, Frank Dexter, of Charles and waitstill, died Aug. 28, 1831
5-535	Clap, Benjamin (*6-277), Oct. 21, 1779
5-535	Clemence, Richard (*2-174), died Oct. 11, 1723
5-535	Clemence, Sarah (widow(, (*2-244), died Oct. 14, 1725
5-535	Clemence, Thomas (husbandman), (*4-278), died March 5, 1730-1
5-535	Clifford, John (*8-126), died Feb. 3, 1797
2-224	Clifford, Anna, of Benjamin and Achsah, died July 26, 1818
5-535	Coddington, Arnold (shopkeeper), (*4-59), died Oct. 12, 1742
5-535	Cole, Andrew (*7-178), died Jan. 1, 1788
5-535	Colles, Capt. John (mariner), (died at sea), (*3-274), died March 4, 1738-9
5-549	Colwell, ---, dau. of Elizabeth (**1-4), died ---no--date---
5-535	Coman, Richard (*2-5), died July 18, 1716
5-535	Coman, Joseph (tailor), (*4-296), died June 22, 1751
5-535	Comstock, Samuel, Jr. (*3-53), died April 1, 1727
5-535	Comstock, Capt. Samuel (*3-173), died May 27, 1727
5-535	Comstock, William (merchant), (*4-175), died Nov. 18, 1745
5-535	Comstock, Sarah (widow), (*6-67), died July 8, 1773
5-535	Comstock, John (*4-253), died Jan. 2, 1845
5-535	Conchup, Simon (*5-165), died Dec. -, 1756
1-12	Cooke, John, of Daniel and Mary, drowned about, died Oct. 9, 1718
5-535	Cooke, Capt. Daniel (joiner), (*3-233), died Feb. 6, 1737
5-535	Cooke, Mary, widow of Capt. Daniel (*4-15), died Oct. -, 1741
2-127	Cooke, Maria, died Oct. 9, 1783
2-127	Cooke, Mary Louisa, died Jan. 23, 1797
2-86	Cooke, Rosannah, wife of Jesse, died Nov. 20, 1789
2-65	Cooke, Mary Whitehorn, of Daniel and Sarah, died Jan. 28, 1793
3-23	Cooke, Rosannah Elizabeth, of Joseph S. and Mary, died Dec. 8, 1815
3-23	Cooke, Christopher Sheldon, died Oct. 1, 1816
3-23	Cooke, George Washington, died Jan. 27, 1817
5-535	Cooper, Thomas (*1-266), died Jan. 6, 1711-12
5-535	Corbett, William (*2-23), died Feb. 2, 1717-8
5-535	Cornell, Richard (marine, who sailed from here for the West Indies in sloop Harmony, and lost overboard), (*-88), Dec. 15, 1792
5-535	Corpe, Jeremiah (inholder), (*3-302), died April 22, 1741
5-535	Corpe, Joseph (*4-80), died March 12, 1742-3
5-535	Corpe, Christopher (mariner, absent now for seven years), (*4-295), Oct. 19, 1751
5-535	Coy, Samuel (*6-382), died March 26, 1783
2-227	Cozzens, Elizabeth, of Benjamin and Anna, aged 100 yrs., died July 14, 1885
5-535	Crawford, Gideon (*1-173), died Oct. 10, 1707
5-535	Crawford, Freelove (*1-261), died June 1, 1712
5-550	Crawford, Freeborn (will probated), (*1-67), died June 17, 1712
5-535	Crawford, John (*2-70), died March 18, 1718-9
5-535	Crawford, Maj. William (*3-208), died Aug. 4, 1720, another entry (in *2-99), reads Aug. 5, 1720.
1-82	Crawford, Alice, wife of Gideon, in 20 yrs., died May 17, 1734
1-88	Crawford, Elizabeth, 1st wife of Jeremiah, died May 18, 1736
5-535	Crawford, Phenix (*5-109), died Nov. 12, 1755
5-535	Crawford, Abijah (widow), (*6-101), died Sept. 23, 1774
5-535	Crawford, Capt. Joseph (*7-849), died Sept. 29, 1790
5-535	Crowningshield, Richard (distiller), (*4-132), died Sept. 2, 1744
5-535	Cunningham, John, died at Bay of Honduras, (*5-142), about June 1, 1736
2-54	Cushing, Anna, of Benjamin, Jr., and Hannah, died Jan 15, 1776
2-54	Cushing, Thomas, died Oct. 27, 1782
2-54	Cushing, Benjamin, Jr., in 51st year, died June 5, 1786
5-535	Cushing, Benjamin (*7-50), died June 4, 1786
2-42	Cushing, Benjamin, of Benjamin and Elizabeth, died June 5, 1786
2-42	Cushing, Abigail, died July 29, 1737
2-42	Cushing, Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin, died Jan. 13, 1761

5-535	Dalzel, Forrest (sadler), (*4-41), about Dec. -, 1741
5-535	Davis, Gains (cooper, (*4-333), died May 19, 1753
5-536	Davis, Sarah, widow of Gains (*5-54), 5-536, died ---no--date---
5-536	Davis, Urian, Capt. (mariner), (*5-299), died Dec. 16, 1754
5-536	Dement, Thomas (*7-75), died March 23, 1787
5-29	Doyle, Josephine Desire, of Thomas and Martha D., died March 19, 1833
5-536	Dexter, John (*1-162), died April 23, 1706
5-536	Dexter, Capt. John (mariner) (*1-113), died June 29, 1716
5-536	Dexter, James (*3-189), died Jan. 23, 1731-2
5-536	Dexter, John (cooper), (*3-233), died April 22, 1734
5-536	Dexter, Stephen (joiner), (*4-10), died Oct. 1, 1741
5-536	Dexter, Mary (widow), (*5-8), died Feb. 4, 1754
5-536	Dexter, Capt. Stephen (*5-217), died Dec. 27, 1758
2-61	Dexter, Anne, first wife of Knight, aged 24 yrs. 6 mos. 17 days, died Feb. 4, 1759
2-61	Dexter, Susannah, of Knight and Phebe, 6 mos. 2 days, Aug. 19, 1763
2-61	Dexter, Phebe, 5 mos. 13 days, died July 31, 1765
2-61	Dexter, Stephen, 2 mos. 1 day, died Jan. 6, 1769
2-61	Dexter, Ebenezer Knight, died Aug. 10, 1824
5-536	Dexter, John (deceased at sea on a late voyage with Capt. James Westcott), (*6-436), died --------, 1784
5-536	Dexter, Lydia (widow), (*7-654), died April --, 1793
2-142	Dexter, Aliann, of John and Lucina, died May 31, 1799
5-536	Doane, Joshua (goldsmith), (*4-340), died July 16, 1753
5-536	Donnison, John (tailor, died at sea), (*3----), died Dec. 24, 1740
5-536	Donnison, John (periwig maker, died at sea), (*4-152), died Dec. 27, 1744
5-536	Donnison, Jonathan (mariner, died off the coast of Africa), (*4-291), died Aug. 2or3, 1751
5-536	Donnison, William (block maker), (*5-385), died Dec. 24, 1764
5-536	Dunbar, George (*5-12), died Feb. --, 1754
5-536	Dyer, Charles (*3-21), died Jan. 7, 1726-7
5-536	Dyer, Elizabeth (single), (*4-190), died April 20, 1746
5-536	Dyer, William (*4-299), died April 2, 1752
2-43	Eddy, Thomas, of Esek and Mary, died Jan. 6, 1768
5-536	Eddy, Zachariah (*6-387), died July 13, 1783
2-137	Eddy, Elizabeth, wife of Samuel, dau. of Capt. Daniel Bucklin, and Elizabeth, his wife, died Oct. 27, 1799
2-137	Eddy, Elizabeth, of Samuel and Elizabeth, died at Rehoboth, died Nov. 19, 1799
2-198	Eddy, Samuel, of Samuel and Martha, died Oct. 18, 1806
2-198	Eddy, Samuel, 2d, died July 3, 1808
2-198	Eddy, Martha, 2d wife of Samuel, died Feb. 1, 1808
2-241	Eddy, Thomas, of Samuel and Martha, died Feb. 12, 1809
2-241	Eddy, Emma, of Samuel and Naomi Ann, died April 12, 1813
2-241	Eddy, James, of Samuel and Martha, 1st wife, died July 11, 1814
2-241	Eddy, Rebecca, of Samuel and Naomi Ann, died March 11, 1815
2-241	Eddy, Naomi Ann, 3d wife of Samuel, died Feb. 13, 1817
2-241	Eddy, Eliza, of Samuel and Martha, died Sept. 19, 1821
2-241	Eddy, Zachariah, of Samuel and Naomi Ann, died Jan. 25, 1822
5-549	Edmunds, Andrew, will probated (**1-19), died July 22, 1695
5-536	Edmunds, Lieut. William (blacksmith, (*2-255), died Dec. 30, 1725
5-536	Edmunds, James (blacksmith), (*3-277), died Sept. 6, 1736
5-536	Edmunds, William (*4-84,99), died May 18, 1743
5-536	Edmunds, William, died at sea (*4-301), died Jan. 13, 1752
5-536	Ellis Col. Jonathan (*6-484), died Sept. 8, 1785
5-550	Estanee, Henry (**1-66), died ---no--date---
5-536	Estenee, Thomas (*1-183), died Nov. 5, 1708
5-536	Estenee, Henry (*1-229), died March 23, 1710-11
5-536	Estenee, Sarah, widow Henry (*3-184), died Aug. 20, 1731
5-536	Esten, Henry (*3-158), died April 30, 1730
5-536	Evens, Richard (*3-60), died Nov. 28, 1726
5-536	Evens, Richard (junior), (*3-58), died Jan. 8, 1726-7
5-536	Evens, Mary (widow), (*3-181), died Dec. 29, 1729
5-536	Fenner, Capt. Arthur (*1-145), died Oct. 20, 1703
5-536	Fenner, Maj. Thomas (*2-38), died Feb. 27, 1717-8
5-536	Fenner, Arthur (*2-225), died April 24, 1725
5-536	Fenner, John (*2-248), died Nov. 24, 1725
5-536	Fenner, Mary (widow), (*3-243), died Dec. 13, 1737
5-536	Fenner, Mary (single), (*4-169), died Oct. 7, 1745
2-172	Fenner, Sally, of Thomas and Rosannah, age 13 mos. 14 days, died Feb. 22, 1798
2-173	Fenner, Theodosia Foster,of Thomas and Rosannah, died April 26, 1802
1-409	Field, Deborah, died ----------1679
5-549	Field, Zachariah (*1-7), died Aug. 12, 1693
5-537	Field, Thomas (*2-19), died Aug. 10, 1717
5-537	Field, Stephen (blacksmith), (*3-89), died Sept. 10, 1727
5-537	Field, James (*3-130), died Aug. 11, 1729
5-537	Field, William (*3-141), died Nov. 1, 1729
5-537	Field, Joseph (mariner, died at sea), (*3-218), died Oct. 5, 1736
5-537	Field, John (*3-209), died April 2, 1737
5-537	Field, Capt. John (mariner, died at sea Estatia), (*3-244), died April 5, 1738
5-537	Field, William (cooper), (*4-47), died April 15, 1742
1-25	Field, Mollie, of Nathaniel and Margaret, died May 9, 1748
5-537	Field, Charles (mariner, died on the island of Jamaica), (*3-252), died April 28, 1749
5-537	Field, Thomas (*4-308), died July 19, 1752
5-537	Field, Capt. Nathaniel (*4-313), died Jan. 31, 1753
5-537	Field, Anthony (*5-350), died April 19, 1762
3-17	Field, Sarah Ann, of Richard M. and Caroline, aged 5 days (sic.), died Sept. 31, 1821
3-17	Field, Charles, of Richard M. and Caroline, died April 9, 1830
1-422	Fish, --, son of Mary, died Nov. 28, 1708
5-537	Fish, Ezekiel (*5-179), died Dec. 28, 1757
2-22	Foster, Mary, of John and Rachel, died Nov. 16, 1760
2-40	Foster, Augusta Sophia, of Theodore and Lydia, died Nov. 5, 1776
5-537	Frank, Andrew (negro), (*5-114), died Oct. 15, 1755
5-537	Franklin, Abel (cordwainer), (*4-342), died Sept. 13, 1753
2-205	Franklin, Hannah, 1st wife of Henry P., dau. of Paul Allen, died April 5, 1804
2-205	Franklin, Hannah, 2d wife of Henry P., dau. of Daniel Cooke, died Oct. 4, 1810
5-537	Frazier, John (barber), (*5-434), died Oct. 23, 1766
5-537	Frazier, Alexander (*5-510), died Dec. 1, 1769
5-537	Fuller, Jacob (of Capt. Stephen Angell's Company, died in expedition against Crown Point), (5-118), died ---no--date---
5-337	Fuller, Robert, of Timothy, in 15 yrs. (*6-315), died Oct 2, 1781
5-537	Fuller, Timothy (blacksmith), (*6-313), died Oct. 6, 1781
2-149	Gano, Mary, wife of Rev. Stephen, died Dec. 8, 1800
2-149	Gano, Rev. Stephen, died Aug. 18, 1828
5-537	Garnet, Thomas (*2-186), died July 5, 1723
5-537	Gaskell, Nathaniel (*3-25), died Jan. 18, 1726-7
5-537	George, John (*5-154), died July 16, 1756
5-537	Gibbs, Robert (*5-498), died June 20, 1769
3-28	Gladding, William Henry, of Gilbert B. and Susan B., died July 22, 1835
5-127	Gladding, Sarah (Foster), 1st wife of Samuel, died Oct. 20, 1831
5-128	Gladding, Samuel, of Samuel and Sarah F., died Oct. 19, 1831
5-127	Gladding, Sarah (Ruggles), 2d wife of Samuel, buried at Swan Point Cemetery, died at Plainfield, Conn., died June 22, 1851
5-537	Godfrey, John (mariner), (*5-121), died about April 1
5-537	Godfrey, Richard (*6-82), died Dec. 23, 1773
1-113	Goodwin, Margaret, about 1st of 3 mos., died ----------1651
5-537	Goodwin, John (gunner's mate ship Gen. Washington, drowned at sea), (*6-300), died Oct. 15, 1780
5-537	Gorton, Samuel (*2-147), died Aug. 21, 1723
4-472	Gower, Harrison Bartlett., died at Framington, Me., age 41 yrs. 11 mos. 19 days, died Aug. 24, 1859
5-537	Gray, John (mariner, died on passage from Great Britain to North America on board vessel, Capt. Goodwin, master), (*5-449), died ----------1768
2-70	Gray, Sarah, of Amasa and Sarah, 2 mos., died ------14, 1782
2-70	Gray, Amasa, 9 mos., died ------24, 1789
5-537	Greene, Benjamin (*1-103), died March 11, 1714-5
5-537	Greene, Caleb (*4-100), died Sept. 3, 1743
2-13	Greene, Amey, of Thomas and Amey, died Feb. 18, 1772
5-537	Greene, Josiah (*7-376), died Jan. 17, 1791
2-99	Greene, Charlotte R., of Samuel W. and Polly R., died June 15, 1796
3-254	Greene, Samuel Burrows, of Randall H. and Mary B., died Sept. 23, 1828
3-48	Greene, William, of Samuel and Mehitable (Thornton) Greene, at Johnston aged 50 yrs. 1 mo. 10 days., 7m., died ------13, 1838
5-537	Guile, John (*2-249), died Dec. 4, 1725
5-537	Gurney, Sarah (nee Field), (*1-296), died April 16, 1714
3-31	Hail, Charlotte Eudorah, of George and Mary Ann,May 20, 1833
3-31	Hail, Anna Eddorah, died Dec. 4, 1841
5-537	Hammer, Joseph (absent for more than six years), (*4-335), died Nov. 10, 1735
5-538	Hammond, William (*5-354), died Jan. 21, 1763
5-549	Hardin, Stephen (**1-29), died ---no--date---
1-409	Hardin, Stephen, died --------, 1680
1-409	Hardin, Mary, wife of Stephen, died --------, 1680
5-549	Hardin, Abraham (**1-13), died Nov. 23, 1694
5-538	Harris, Thomas (*1-220), died Feb. 27, 1710-11
5-538	Harris, Andrew (*2-262), died Dec. 20, 1725
5-538	Harris, Lieut. William (*2-269), died Jan. 14, 1725-6
5-538	Harris, Henry (*3-45), died March 29, 1727
5-538	Harris, Uriah (*3-128), died April 14, 1729
5-538	Harris, Job (*3-150), died Dec. 17, 1729
1-80	Harris, Abigail, of John and Mary, died Aug. 10, 1730
5-538	Harris, Thomas, died at Surinam (*3-286), died April 23, 1736
5-538	Harris, Capt. Thomas (*4-25), died Sept. 1, 1741
5-538	Harris, Jack (negro), (*4-189), died Dec. 21, 1745
5-539	Harris, Nicholas (Yeoman), (*4-187), died March 27, 1746
5-538	Harris, Henry (2-16, *4-200), died Aug. 6, 1746
5-538	Hartshorn, Jacob (*5-258), died --------, 1760
5-136	Hathaway, Benjamin, of Clothier, died Nov. 20, 1848
5-136	Hathaway, Elizabeth, (Tew), his wife, died at East Douglas, Mass., died Oct. 26, 1840
Their children's deaths:
5-136	Hathaway, Eliza (married Place),died Smithfield, died April 16, 1863
5-136	Hathaway, Sally (married Hathaway), died May 5, 1877
5-136	Hathaway, Cynthia, died ---no--date---
5-136	Hathaway, Mason Russell, died Dec. 15, 1860
5-136	Hathaway, Albert Barrows, died Oct. 15, 1822
5-136	Hathaway, Benjamin Tew, died Jan. 1, 1868
1-453	Hawkins, Uriah, of William and Elizabeth, died -----20, 1708
5-538	Hawkins, Stephen (*1-210), died March 10, 1710-11
5-538	Hawkins, William (*1-297), died Oct. 8, 1712
5-538	Hawkins, William (*2-148), died July 6, 1723
5-538	Hawkins, Edward (*3-3), died May 24, 1726
5-538	Hawkins, Edward (*4-21), died Aug. 19, 1741
5-538	Hawkins, Josiah (house carpenter), (*4-289), died June 2, 1751
5-538	Hawkins, Joseph (house carpenter), (*4-550), died Oct. 20, 1753
5-538	Hawkins, John (*5-90), died March 25, 1755
5-538	Hawkins, Zachariah (*5-162), died March 21, 1757
5-538	Hays, John (tailor), (*4-146), died Aug. 29, 1744
5-538	Healey, Nathaniel (*5-238), died Sept. --, 1758
5-538	Hearnden, Benjamin (*1-247), died April 18, 1694
5-549	Hearnden, Joseph (**1-11), died April 19, 1694
5-538	Hearnden, Lydia (widow), (*1-197), died June 14, 1710
5-538	Hearns, Morril (blacksmith), (*6-49), died June 8, 1772
5-538	Henry, John (*5-2), died Dec. 4, 1753
5-538	Henry, William (*6-47), died Aug. 11, 1772
5-538	Hernden, William (83-106), died Aug. 27, 1727
5-538	Her, Benjamin (*3-9), died Sept. 8, 1726
5-538	Hide, Joseph (*2-242), died April 30, 1725
5-538	Hide, Christopher (*3-226), died Nov. 4, 1737
5-538	Hill, Capt. Ebenezer (mariner, died at island of St. Estatia), (*4-351), died Oct. 31, 1753
5-538	Hill, Darius (*8-35), died Dec. 7, 1795
5-538	Hitchcock, Col. Daniel (died at battle of Morristown, N.J.), (*6-175), died Jan. 13, 1777
5-538	Holroyd, Jacob (cordwainer, (*4-315), died April --, 1753
2-67	Holroyd, John, of William and Sarah, died March 12, 1771
2-67	Holroyd, Turpin, died Sept. --, 1775
2-67	Holroyd, Amey Tillinghast, died Sept. --, 1775
2-67	Holroyd, Daniel Tillinghast, died April 1, 1782
2-67	Holroyd, Sarah, wife of William, died Oct. 15, 1804
5-538	Hooper, Joseph (mariner), (*3-86), died Oct. 20, 1727
5-549	Hopkins, Thomas (**1-31), between Oct. 20, and Dec. 6, 1695
5-539	Hopkins, Thomas (*2-46), died April 21, 1718
5-539	Hopkins, Major William (*2-141), died July 8, 1723
5-538	Hopkins, Abigail (widow), (*2-238), died Aug. 19, 1725
5-539	Hopkins, Samuel, (mariner, died at the Island of Hispaniola), (*5-539), died Sept. --, 1744
5-538	Hopkins, Capt. John (died at sea), (*4-202), died Feb. 1, 1745
5-538	Hopkins, Capt. John (mariner, died somewhere in the Kingdom of Spain), (*4-343), died July --, 1753
5-539	Hopkins, Col. William (*5-95), died Feb. 17, 1755
1-60	Hopkins, Abigail, wife of Rufus, dau. of John Angell, died July 21, 1758
2-49	Hopkins, Abigail, of Asa and Comfort, died at Glocester, died Sept. 19, 1778
1-101	Hopkins, Hon. Stephen, died July 13, 1785
2-96	Hopkins, Rufus, of Stephen and Mary, died Nov. 5, 1787
2-96	Hopkins, William Rodman, died June 21, 1790
2-96	Hopkins, Lydia, died Aug. 16, 1791
2-96	Hopkins, Joseph, died March 9, 1793
2-96	Hopkins, Lydia, died Nov. 28, 1793
2-96	Hopkins, George, died March 5, 1796
2-96	Hopkins, Sophia, died March 11, 1801
2-96	Hopkins, George Washington, died Sept. 24, 1800
2-96	Hopkins, Stephen, died Sept. 12, 1803
5-537	House, John (*2-181), died Dec. 27, 1723
5-539	Howell, William (soldier, died at Fort Edward), (*5-182), about Aug. 23, 1757
2-220	Howland, John, died Feb. 23, 1672
2-220	Howland, Joseph, of Jabez and Bethiah, died Aug. 16, 1737
2-220	Howland, Joseph, of Joseph and Bathsheba, died at Newport, aged 57 yrs. 3 mos., died March --, 1775
2-222	Howland, Sarah, his wife, aged 54 yrs., died Feb. 17, 1779
5-539	Hoyle, Capt. Richard (*4-309), died Nov. 8, 1752
1-122	Hudson, Thomas, of Thomas and Mary, died Nov. 10, 1730
5-539	Hunt, Ebenezer (*4-228), died Sept. 19, 1748
5-539	Hunt, Benjamin (ship joiner), (*5-539), died Jan. 17, 1763
5-539	Hurley, Patrick (died at Louisburg), (*4-197), died ----------1745
5-539	Huston, William (merchant), (*4-105), died April --, 1743
5-539	Hutson, Thomas (mason), (*3-174), died ----------1730
5-550	Inman, Edward, died (**1-51), died --------------
5-539	Inman, John (*1-271), died Aug. 6, 1712
5-539	Inman, Mary (widow), (*2-97), died April 27, 1720
5-539	Inman, Joanna (spinster), (*2-143), died Feb. 26, 1723
5-539	Inman, Tabitha (spinster), (*2-144), died July 30, 1723
5-539	Irons, Samuel (tailor) (*2-111), died Dec. 31, 1720
5-539	Jackson, George (*5-481), died March 1, 1769
5-539	James, William (*6-252), died Dec. 24, 1778
5-539	Jenckes, Joseph (*2-15), died Jan. 4, 1716-7
5-539	Jenckes, Captain, and Dr. John (*2-116), died March 24, 1720-1
5-539	Jenckes, Captain Nathaniel (blacksmith) (*2-151), died Aug. 11, 1723
5-539	Jenckes, Ebenezer (*3-7), died Aug. 14, 1726
1-52	Jenckes, Lydia, wife of Nathaniel, Jr., died Jan. 23, 1727-8
5-539	Jenckes, Alice widow of Joseph (*3-280), died Feb. 19, 1735
1-117	Jenckes, John, of Joseph and Sarah, died July 29, 1739
1-117	Jenckes, Zerviah, died July 29, 1730
5-539	Jenckes, Joseph (*3-280), died June 15, 1740
5-539	Jenckes, Nathaniel, Jr. (*4-30), died Dec. 13, 1741
5-539	Jenckes, Capt. Nathaniel (blacksmith), (*4-332), died June 8, 1753
5-539	Jenckes, George (*5-3), died Dec. 17, 1753
2-2	Jenckes, Hannah, wife of John, (1-139), died Oct. 23, 1757
2-2	Jenckes, Hannah Joanne, of John and Hannah (1-139), aged 5 mos. 13 days, died March 22 or 28, 1758
2-2	Jenckes, Susan, of John and Freelove (1-139), died Sept. 18, 1774
5-539	Jenckes, Ebenezer (*5-223), died Dec. 26, 1758
5-539	Jenckes, Nathan (*5-266), died Sept. 8, 1760
5-539	Jenckes, Mary (widow), (*5-542), died Aug. 29, 1770
5-54	Jenckes, Freelove, of Sylvanus and Freelove, died Sept. 7, 1777
5-539	Jenckes, Lieut. Oliver, died at Philadelphia, Penn., (*6-333), died ---------1782
5-539	Jenckes, Sylvanus, died in Virginia (*6-326), died ---------1782
5-539	Jenckes, John (*7-424), died Jan. 2, 1791
5-539	Joanes, John (*1-74, 5-548), died May 1, 1684
5-539	Joanes, John (*3-177), died May 12, 1731
5-539	Johnson, Richard, (died at Martha's Vineyard), (*4-227), died Jan. --, 1747
5-539	Johnson, John (husbandman), (*4-267), died July 2, 1750
2-200	Johnson, Simon (porter), died July 23, 1808
5-539	Jones, Jesse (*5-441), about Sept. 19, 1766
5-539	Jones, Jesse (*5-471), (mariner), died Nov. 19, 1767
2-75	Jones, Betsey, of Gershom and Desire, died Dec. 15, 1776
2-75	Jones, Daniel, died April 19, 1777
2-75	Jones, Billa, died April , 1780
5-540	Jones, Thomas William (*6-248), (died as "twas said, Sept. 12, 1778, on Board the Flag of Truce on her passage from New York to New London, and was buried at a place called Sachem's Head.
5-539	Joy, Peter (house Carpenter), (*4-159), died May 20, 1745
5-539	Joy, Abial (*4-207), died Jan. 24, 1746-7
5-549	Kelley, John (**1-43), died Jan. 10, 1701-2
5-540	Kelley, Michael (*4-270), died Sept. 27, 1749
5-540	Kelton, Samuel (cordwainer), (*3-308), died Dec. 28, 1740
5-540	Kelton, Thomas (cordwainer), (*4-241), died May 11, 1749
5-540	Kelton, William, (mariner, died at sea), (*4-344), died Oct. 6, 1750
5-540	Kelton, John (mariner, went to sea and not heard from for more than three years), (*4-309), died Nov. 16, 1752
5-540	Kelton, Thomas, mariner, died at sea), (*5-35),	April 27, 1753
5-540	Kelton, Joseph (cordwainer), (*5-127), died July 22, 1756
5-540	Kelton, James (mariner, supposed to have been lost at sea), (*5-440), died ---no--date---
3-49	Kimball, Maria Mathewson, of Rufus Warren and Phebe W., died Jan. 13, 1829
3-49	Kimball, Amelia Eliza, died July 3, 1833
5-540	Kindrick, David, died at Surinam, (*4-173), died April --, 1745
5-540	Kingsley, Nathaniel (*4-274), died March 4, 1750-1
5-540	King, John (*2-166), died Sept. 18, 1723
5-540	King, Thomas (*2-165), died Oct. 10, 1723
5-540	King, Amos (house Carpenter), (*4-78), died Feb. 8, 1742-3
5-540	King, Fearnot (husbandman), (*4-162), died July 23, 1745-5
5-540	Kinnecutt, Roger (ship builder), (*4-284), died Aug. 6, 1751
5-540	Kinnecutt, Edward (died in London, Eng.),(*5-56), died June 25, 1754
5-540	Kinnecutt, Amos (hatter) (*6-8), died Sept. 23, 1770
5-540	Kinnecutt, Capt. Joseph (*6-280, 411), died Oct. 10, 1779
5-540	Knight, Anne (**1-43), died Jan. 11, 1701-2
5-540	Knight, Capt. Jonathan (*2-17), died June 25, 1717
5-540	Knight, Joseph (*4-300), died April 29, 1752
5-540	Knight, Capt. Richard (*5-25), died May 15, 1754
5-540	Ladd, William (mariner, died on coast of Africa), (*4-271), died March 6, 1750
5-540	Lankford, William (cooper, died at Paramaribo, Surinam), (*4-162), died May 19, 1745
2-110	Lankford, Stephen, of William, died April 24, 1771
2-110	Lankford, William, died May --, 1791
5-540	Lawrence, William (*2-93), died May 24, 1720
2-46	Lawrence, Caleb, of David and Sybel, died Feb. 25, 1768
5-540	Lawrence, Daniel (*6-138), died May 28, 1775
5-540	Law, George (*5-506), died Aug. 25, 1769
2-131	Lee, Lydia Cushing, of William and Abby, died March 2, 1795
5-540	Lewis, Richard (*2-21), died Oct. 4, 1717
5-540	Lewis, Ann, widow of Richard (*2-250), died Oct. 28, 1725
5-540	Lewis, Jonathan (late of Newport), (*6-192), died Feb. 19, 1777
5-540	Logan, William (*6-184), died Oct. 21, 1776
5-540	Lovery, John (shopkeeper), (*4-293), died Jan. 4, 1751
5-540	Lovett, Capt. Daniel (died on the island of Granada), (*6-104), died Oct. 24, 1774
5-541	Makay, Samuel (mariner, accidentally killed on a voyage in pursuit of his Majesty's enemies), (*5-185), died ---------1757
5-541	Malavery, John, Sr., latter part of September of fore part of October, (*1-282), died ---------1712
5-550	Malavery, John (**1-68), died Nov. 1, 1712
5-541	Malavery, John (*2-54), died Sept. 18, 1718
5-541	Manchester, Capt. Joseph,sailed from Providence	April 5, 1759, for Albany, N.Y.; drowned the 14th, knocked overboard by the main boom (*5-24)
5-541	Manchester, Philip (mariner, sailed from Boston on a voyage unheard of since), (*6-319), died Dec., 1777
5-541	Manning, Rev. James (*7-353), died July 29, 1791
5-541	Manley, John (*7-179), died July 27, 1787
5-541	Man, Thomas (*1-308), died July 18, 1694
5-549	Man, Abraham (**1-16), died Feb. 26, 1694-5
5-541	Man, Joanna (single), (*3-181), died Sept. 28, 1731
4-371	Man, George, of Arnold and Mary S., died Aug. 31, 1848
5-541	Manton, Edward (*2-155), died Aug. 14, 1723
5-541	Manton, Shadrack (*5-50), died Oct. 21, 1754
5-541	Manton, Edward (*5-105), died Sept. 12, 1755
5-541	Marsh, Daniel (*6-156), died Oct. 31, 1776
2-108	Martin, Philip, of Philip and Mary, died Nov. 1, 1785
2-108	Martin, Philip, 2d, died Feb. 25, 1789
2-108	Martin, Serapta, died Feb. 27, 1795
5-41	Martin, Samuel B., died June 24, 1824
5-541	Marvill, Peter, of Mendon, Mass. (physician), (*3-294), died Oct. 1, 1749
5-541	Mason, Timothy (*4-71), died Dec. 9, 1742
5-541	Mason, Joseph (cordwinder), (*4-180), died Nov. 13, 1745
2-14	Mason, Sanford, of Aaron and Mercy, died Oct. 11, 1777
2-14	Mason, Mercy wife of Aaron, died Aug. 30, 1783
2-14	Mason, Mercy Owen, of Aaron and Ruth, 2d wife, died Sept. 10, 1787
1-327	Mathewson, James, died Dec. 3, 1682
5-549	Mathewson, John (*1-35), died Dec. 4, 1700
5-541	Mathewson, Lieut. John (*2-7), died Sept. 18, 1716
5-541	Mathewson, James (*3-287,292), died Jan. 7, 1736-7
5-541	Mathewson, Nathan (saddler), (*4-188), died Nov. 11, 1745
5-541	Mathewson, Daniel (*4-276), died Dec. 16, 1751
5-541	Mawney, John (*5-29), died June 13, 1754
5-541	Mawney, Peter (*5-49), died Sept. 9, 1754
5-541	Mawney, Silas,killed in service in the late war (*8-77), died ---no--date---
5-549	Mawrey, John (**1-17), died ---no--date---
5-541	McCeedy, Thomas (mariner), (*5-29), died Dec. 7, 1752
5-541	McDonald, John (tailor, died at Louisburg, (*4-179)
5-541	McGregor, Alexander (shop keeper), (*4-239), died Aug. --, 1748
5-541	Merehew, Elias (*3-226), died Oct. 20, 1733
5-541	Merehew, John, late of Darthmouth, Mass.,weaver (*4-50), died Aug. 31, 1742
5-542	Merret, John (merchant), (*5-516), died June 28, 1770
2-187	Messer, Manning Smith, of Asa Deborah, died Aug. 27, 1803
2-133	Metcalf, Lucy, of Joel and Lucy, died July 17, 1783
2-133	Metcalf, Ruth, died April 22, 1725
5-549	Midlicutt, ---, dau. of Sarah (**1-3), died Aug. --, 1692
5-542	Mitchell, John (*2-83), died Oct. 14, 1719
5-542	Mitchell, James (*6-33), died Jan. 17, 1772
5-542	Montgomery, Ursalas (*4-121), died March 21, 1743-4
5-542	Moorhead, Dr. Ebenezer (*4-243), died June 5, 1749
5-542	Morris, (mariner, died on board His Majesty's frigate Dianna), (*5-262), died ----------1758
5-542	Mowey, Nathaniel (*2-34), died March 24, 1717-8
5-542	Nichols, William,(drowned in the river), (*6-410), died June 7, 1783
2-10	Nightingale, William, of Joseph and Elizabeth, died April 9, 1775
5-542	Nixon, Robert, Jr. (*5-488), died March 17, 1769
5-542	Olney, Epenetus (*1-134), died June 3, 1698
1-423	Olney, ---, of James and Hallaujah (suddenly), died March 30, 1709
5-542	Olney, Capt., Thomas (*2-29), died March 1, 1817-8
5-542	Olney, Thomas, Sr. (*2-130), died June 11, 1722
1-81	Olney, Deborah, wife of Obadiah, died April 13, 1735
5-542	Olney, Epenetus, (*2-289), died Sept. 18, 1740
1-120	Olney, Sarah, wife of Joseph, died April 23, 1742
5-542	Olney, Capt. James (*4-138), died Oct. 6, 1744
5-542	Olney, Thomas (*4-305), died July 28, 1752
5-542	Olney, Stephen (distiller), (*5-55), died Nov. 4, 1754
5-542	Olney, Jeremiah (*5-147), died Dec. 10, 1756
5-542	Olney, Anthony (*5-189), died April 23, 1758
5-542	Olney, Rachel (widow), (*5-268), died June 24, 1760
5-542	Olney, Capt. James (innholder), (*6-139), died Nov. 14, 1775
2-111	Olney, Obadiah, of Simeon H. and Sarah, died Dec. 11, 1775
2-111	Olney, Obadiah, 2d, died Dec. 29, 1784
5-542	Olney, Capt. Joseph (died of smallpox), (*6-214), died Oct. 9, 1777
5-542	Olney, Richard (*8-56), died Dec. 21, 1795
5-542	Ormsbee, John (*7-89), died Jan. 18, 1787
5-542	Owen, Josiah (*4-16), died April 27, 1746
5-542	Owen, Capt. Joseph (*5-445), died --------, 1767

2-28	Pabodie, Ephraim, of Ephraim and Jennie, died ---no--date---
2-28	Pabodie, John, died ---no--date---
2-28	Pabodie, William, died ---no--date---
2-28	Pabodie, Elizabeth, died ---no--date---
2-28	Pabodie, Joseph, died at sea, died ---no--date---
2-28	Pabodie, Rebecca, died ---no--date---
2-28	Pabodie, Cynthia, died ---no--date---
2-28	Pabodie, Alden, died ---no--date---
2-28	Pabodie, Lucy, died an infant, died ---no--date---
5-542	Paget, Henry (*6-35), died Jan. 15, 1772
5-542	Page, William (mariner, died at sea), (*4-334), died Dec. 4, 1754
5-542	Page, William (blacksmith), (*5-222), died June 5, 1759
5-542	Page, Ambrose (*7-712), died Dec. 29, 1791
5-543	Parker, Thomas (*3-169), died Dec. 22, 1730
5-543	Parker, Joseph (*6-345), died May 30, 1782
5-549	Patey, Thomas (drowned), (*1-20,47), died ---no--date---
5-543	Paine, John (*2-59), died Sept. 26, 1718
5-543	Paine, John (*2-177), died July 19, 1723
5-543	Paine, Nathan (*2-221), died May 12, 1725
5-543	Paine, Solomon (*4-302), died May 3, 1752
5-543	Paine, Isaiah (*5-356), died Jan. 16, 1763
2-164	Paine, Amos. of Walter and Lydia, died June 14, 1805
2-164	Paine, Amos Snow, died Aug. 17, 1806
2-164	Paine, John, died Sept. 9, 1809
2-229	Paine, Edward, of Royal and Anna, died Sept. 12, 1813
3-9	Paine, Abby Bacon, of Walter and Abigail, died April 20, 1820
3-9	Paine, Asa Bacon, died Sept. 3, 1832
2-45	Pearce, Cyrus, of Benoni and Mehitable, died Nov. 30, 1761
2-213	Pearce, Sarah Ann, of Nathaniel and Sally, died Jan. 25, 1807
2-213	Pearce, Charles, died March --, 1809
2-164	Pearson, Susannah, of Samuel and Judith, died Oct. 5, 1796
5-543	Peckham, Jeremiah (worsted comber), (*3-215), died in Swansey, Mass., died Aug. 18, 1732
5-543	Peckham, Job, late of Middle, died in Providence while the island was in hands of the British, (*6-316), died Aug. 13, 1779
4-473	Peckham, dau. of Joseph C. and Susanna S.A., died Sept. 19, 1832
4-473	Peckham, Anna, died July 6, 1845
4-473	Peckham, Edward Wood, Aug. 14, 1847
4-473	Peckham, Judith J., widow of Reuben, dau. of Charles and Margaret Jenkins, died Aug. 21, 1848
4-473	Peckham, Joseph C., of Reuben and Judith J., died Aug. 20, 1868
5-543	Peckham, Zephaniah (*5-82), died April 20, 1755
5-543	Peckham, Comfort (*5-213), died Feb. 2, 1758
5-220	Peckham, Capt. Elisha (mariner), (*5-220), died July 17, 1758
5-543	Phillips, Joseph (*2-68), died Sept. 3, 1719
5-543	Phillips, John (*2-124), died Sept. 8, 1721
5-135	Pike, Sarah (Young), wife of Jonathan, died May 21, 1786
5-135	Pike, Albert Barrows Hathaway of Jonathan and Cynthia, died March 8, 1829
5-135	Pike, Benjamin Hathaway, of Jonathan and Cynthia, died Nov. 24, 1842
5-135	Pike, Peter, died in North Providence, died Feb. 9, 1838
5-135	Pike, Anne (capron), died at same Place, died July 11, 1831
Their children died in Providence, viz.:
5-135	Pike, Asa, of Peter and Anne, died Dec. 29, 1882
5-135	Pike, Sarah, died Nov. 17, 1869
5-135	Pike, Rachel capron, died June 20, 1851
5-135	Pike, Jonathan, died Jan. 13, 1878
5-135	Pike, Ruth Sheldon, died Oct. 19, 1883
5-135	Pike, Phebe, died Oct. 8, 1872
5-543	Plumer, Samuel (*3-125), died Feb. 12, 1726-7
5-550	Potter, John, of Meshantituck (**1-66), died ---no--date---
5-543	Potter, Rachel, widow of Abel (*2-202), died Nov. 8, 1724
5-543	Potter, Abel (*3-31), died Jan. 10, 1726-7
5-543	Potter, William (*3-146, died Nov. 15, 1729
5-543	Potter, George (*6-31), died Aug. 27, 1771
5-543	Potter, James (*6-266), died Oct. --, 1777
5-543	Potter, Rebecca, widow of James (*6-266), died April 20, 1779
2-189	Potter, Abijah, died at sea, died Nov. 6, 1795
2-189	Potter, Charles, of Abijah and Martha, died March 21, 1857
1-21	Power, Nicholas, died Aug. 25, 1657
5-543	Power, Nicholas, (*3-243), died May 18, 1734
5-543	Power, Nicholas, died at Paramaribo, Suriman (*4-117), about July 28, 1743-4
1-109	Power, Nicholas, died Jan. 27, 1757
5-543	Pratt, John (cordwainer), (*6-20), died April 19, 1771
5-543	Pray, Ephraim (*3-55), died March 22, 1726-7
5-543	Price, William (*3-112), died July 26, 1727
5-543	Randall, William (*1-255), died April 11, 1712
5-543	Randall, Dr. Jonathan (*2-210), died Oct. 7, 1724
5-543	Randall, Rebecca (widow), (*3-161), died March 23, 1729-30
5-543	Randall, William (miller), (*4-45), died July 8, 1742
5-543	Randall, Joseph, Jr. died at Suriman (*4-225), died Dec. 11, 1747
5-543	Randall, Abial (widow), (*4-354), died Sept. 2, 1750
5-543	Randall, Joseph (calker), (*5-255), died March 30, 1760
5-543	Randle, Joseph (brazier), (*4-339), died Oct. 16, 1750
5-543	Rawson, Elizabeth (widow), (*7-43), died March 15, 1786
5-10	Read, John (*5-10), died Dec. 21, 1753
5-544	Reily, Basel (*6-274), died Jan. --, 1779
5-543	Relph, Samuel (*2-170), died Oct. 8, 1723
5-543	Relph, Sarah (single), (*3-265), died March 22, 1735
5-550	Relph, Thomas (**1-56), died ---no--date---
5-544	Remington, John (*2-184), died July 18, 1723
2-135	Reynolds, Dorothy, of Grindall and Abigail, died Dec. 4, 1794
2-135	Reynolds, Son, died April 30, 1782
2-135	Reynolds, Polly, died Oct. 4, 1785
2-135	Reynolds, Rebecca, died Nov. 30, 1790
2-135	Reynolds, John Russell, of Grindall and Mehitable, died Sept. 16, 1798
1-3	Rhodes, William, of Zachariah and Mary, died July 3, 1713
5-554	Rhodes, Mary, of Malachy (*3-116), died July 11, 1728
5-544	Rhodes, Sarah, widow of Peleg, of Pawtuxet, (*3-169), died Jan. 29, 1730-1
5-544	Rhodes, Resolved, late of Warwick (*3-258), died Aug. 8, 1738
5-544	Rhodes, Joseph (*3-249), died Sept. 16, 1738
5-544	Rhodes, Joseph (*3-252), died Sept. 17, 1738
5-544	Rhodes, Mary (widow), (*4-156), died May 22, 1745
5-544	Rhodes, Peleg, of Pawtuxet, (*2-207), died Oct. 6, 1754
3-38	Rhodes, Amos Jenckes, died March 13, 1832
5-535	Roberts, William (*2-266), died Feb. 25, 1725-6
5-544	Roberts, Peter (*4-49), died Aug. 17, 1743
5-544	Rogers, James, late of Westerly (*2-66), died April 4, 1719
2-118	Ross, John, of Sanford and Hannah, died Oct. 14, 1781
2-118	Ross, Mary Ann, died April 16, 1786
2-118	Ross, Mary Ann, 2d, died April 19, 1791
2-118	Ross, Hannah, died May 2, 1795
2-118	Ross, Sanford, died March 13, 1795
2-118	Ross, Margaret Briggs, died March 22, 1795
2-238	Ross, Hannah, wife of Sanford, aged 56 yrs., died Jan. 4, 1809
4-46	Roston, John T. of Rev. Cassiner, of Paris,
	France,						April 18, 1835
2-52	Rumrell, Thomas, of Ebenezer and Mary,
	aged 2 mos. 14 days				May 14, 1762
2-52	Rumrell, Ebenezer, of Ebenezer and Mary,
	aged 5 mos. 3 days				Jan. 3, 1765
2-52	Rumrell, James Fenner, of Ebenezer and Mary,
	aged 6 yrs. 6 mos. 26 days			June 20, 1767
2-52	Rumrell, Alphonso, of Ebenezer and Mary,	Jan. --, 1769
2-52	Rumrell, Joseph,				Sept. 17, 1770
2-152	Russell, Mary Alice, wife of William H., dau.
	of Philip and Desire B. Crapo (also 3-3),	Jan. 1, 1826
3-3	Russell, Hellen, of William Henry and Mary
	Alice,						Jan. 3, 1826
5-544	Ruthenberg, Daniel (*5-26),			May 16, 1754
5-544	Ruthenberg, John, died on Passage home from
	Sarinam, supposed to have been lost at sea
	(*5-442),					----------1767

2-201	Sabin, George Edmund, of Hezekiah and Ann,	Aug. 14, 1813
5-544	Salisbury, Experience (single), (*3-294),	Oct. 1, 1739
5-544	Salisbury, John, died on the island of
	Providence, W.I. (*4-204),			Nov. --, 1745
5-544	Sampson, Alexander (*6-480),			Oct. 12, 1785
3-58	Sampson, Charles, of Alexander,			July 15, 1805
3-58	Sampson, Samuel,				---no--date---
3-58	Sampson, John, died at Charlestown, S.C.,	---no--date---
3-58	Sampson, Joseph S., died at London, Eng.,	---no--date---
3-58	Sampson, Alexander,				---no--date---
3-58	Sampson, Alexander, 3d, about			----------1814
5-544	Sarle, Edward (*3-70),				April 23, 1727
5-544	Sarle, Thomas (*3-300),				May 1, 1741
1-426	Sayles, Daniel, of John and Elizabeth,		Feb. 3, 1697
1-426	Sayles, Elizabeth, wife of John,		Nov. 2, 1699
5-544	Sayles, John (*3-67),				Aug. 2, 1727
	(Vot. Rec., Vol. 2) 18
5-545	Spaulding, Edward (*7-3),			Dec. 17, 1785
5-545	Spencer, Patience (*4-221),			July 30, 1748
1-23	Sprague, Bethiah, wife of Jonathan, Jr.,	April 6, 1712
5-545	Sprague, William (April 7, 1721, aged about 71
	years), (*2-160),				Sept. 26, 1723
5-545	Sprague, John (*2-230),				May 11, 1725
5-545	Sprague, Ebenezer (*3-303),			Feb. 13, 1731-2
5-545	Sprague, Ebenezer (*3-281),			June 27, 1740
5-545	Sprague, Bertha (widow), (*5-4),		Nov. 25, 1753
5-545	Stanton, Thomas (killed in action on board the
	man-of-war Marlborough), (*6-250),		Sept. 20, 1778
5-545	Stapleton, Michael (*6-406),			June 7, 1783
3-60	Stead, Abby Dyer, of Thomas J. and Frances E.,	Sept. 7, 1826
3-60	Stead, John Francis,				July 16, 1832
5-545	Steare, John (*2-214),				Aug. 27, 1724
5-545	Steare, Lieut John (*3-41),			Jan. 5, 1726-7
5-545	Steavens, Nathaniel (*4-153,			Dec. 3, 1744
5-545	Steavens, Nehemiah (mariner, died on the coast
	of Africa), (*4-266),				Dec. 20, 1749
1-409	Steere, Ruth, of John,				---------1680
5-545	Sterry, Capt. Robert (died at Cape Fansway,
	Hispaniola, (*6-53),				Aug. --, 1772
5-545	Stone, Peter (*2-259),				Dec. 26, 1725
5-545	Story, Samuel, of Preston, Conn. (Periwig maker)
	(*3-220),					Oct. 9, 1737
5-545	Streater, Francis (negro), (*4-309),		Jan. 5, 1745
5-545	Stuart, John (goldsmith), (*3-228),		Dec. 11, 1737
1-355	Sugars, Jerusha, dau. of Mercy Estance,		Jan. 25, 1708-9
5-545	Sutton, Bartholomew (*6-130,			Aug. 8, 1775
5-545	Sweeting, Dr. Henry (*4-233),			Jan. 27, 1748-9
5-545	Sweeting, Henry (*5-141),			Oct. 14, 1756
2-74	Sweeting, Anne Boyd, wife of Job,		Oct. 18, 1756
2-74	Sweeting, Lydia, second wife of Job,		Dec. 26, 1779
2-74	Sweeting, Sanford, of Job,			Oct. 24, 1776
2-74	Sweeting, Nathaniel, of Job, died at Cape St.
	Francis, W.I.,					Jan. 5, 1782
5-546	Sweeting, Nathaniel (*5-196),			Oct. 3, 1758
2-69	Sweeting, Esther, wife of Henry,		Oct. 27, 1779

5-546	Taylor, Thomas (*3-156),			Jan. 25, 1730
5-546	Taylor, Thomas (goldsmith), (*4-73),		Jan. 24, 1742-3
2-168	Temple, Lydia, of Timothy and Lydia,		Oct. 4, 1805
5-546	Thatcher, Peter, died at Newport (*4-285),	Aug. 25, 1751
2-82	Thayer, Roger, of David and Rebecca,		March 15, 1756
2-82	Thayer, Elizabeth, of David and Sarah, 2d wife,	Aug. 13, 1758
2-181	Thayer, Judith Jackson, 1st wife of Simeon,	April 28, 1771
2-181	Thayer, Susan, of Simeon,			April 24, 1768
2-181	Thayer, Hannah Tourtellotte,			March 31, 1769
2-181	Thayer, Stephen Tourtellotte,			Feb. 25, 1769
2-181	Thayer, Nancy,					May 1, 1783
2-181	Thayer, Simeon, Jr.,				Sept. 10, 1791
2-181	Thayer, Polly,					May 28, 1814
2-156	Thayer, Eliza, of William and Sarah, died at
	Charlestown, S.C.,				April 4, 1791
2-156	Thayer, James, of William and Sarah,		Aug. 21, 1817
2-156	Thayer, Sarah, wife of William,			Aug. 5, 1800
5-546	Thomas, James (*5-197),				Sept. 15, 1758
5-546	Thomas, John (innholder, (*5-251),		Nov. 27, 1759
5-546	Thornton, Thomas (*1-270),			March 27, 1711
5-546	Thornton, Solomon (*1-286),			Sept. 18, 1713
5-546	Thornton, John (*1-106),			Jan. 9, 1715-6
5-546	Thornton, Josiah (*2-272),			March 31, 1726
5-546	Thornton, Stephen (joiner), (*3-205),		April 2, 1737
5-546	Thornton, John (*4-166),			Aug. 16, 1745
5-546	Thornton, Richard (*5-146),			Nov. 1, 1756
2-87	Thurber, Mary, 1st wife of Edward,		Jan. 22, 1767
2-87	Thurber, Thomas, of Edward, aged 2 yr. 0 mos.
	7 days,						April 21, 1777
2-87	Thurber, Thomas, 2d, aged 8 mos. 25 days	July 9, 1779
2-87	Thurber, Augustus, aged 6 mos. 29 days,		Oct. 5, 1781
2-87	Thurber, William, aged 2 yrs. 9 mos. 5 days,	Jan. 14, 1785
2-132	Thurber, Sally, of Samuel and Elizabeth,	April 30, 1783
2-132	Thurber, Samuel,				Aug. 15, 1787
5-546	Thurber, Martin (*6-395),			Aug. 29, 1783
2-158	Thurber, Amey, of Samuel, 3d, and Mehitable,	Sept. 5, 1783
2-158	Thurber, Isaac,					Oct. 2, 1784
2-88	Thurber, John, of Edward and Mary, died aged 1
	yr. 1 mo. 6 days,				May 14, 1785
2-88	Thurber, Edward, of Edward and Mary, died aged
	2 yrs. 7 mos. 6 days,				Oct. 12, 1788
5-546	Thurber, Samuel (*6-),				Dec. 20, 1785
5-546	Tillinghast, Pardon (merchant), (*2-27, *4-104),Jan. 29, 1717-8
5-546	Tillinghast, Benjamin (*3-44),			Sept. 14, 1726
5-546	Tillinghast, Philip (*3-196),			March 14, 1731-2
5-546	Tillinghast, Benjamin (*3-270),			Dec. 12, 1735
5-546	Tillinghast, Benjamin (mariner), (*3-264),	Dec. 12, 1735
5-546	Tillinghast, Sarah (widow), (*4-76),		Jan. 5, 1742
5-546	Tillinghast, Charles (*4-80),			April 12, 1743
5-546	Tillinghast, Capt. William (merchant), (*4-319),April 23, 1753
5-546	Tillinghast, Philip (schoolmaster), (*4-329),	June 7, 1753
5-546	Tillinghast, Mercy (widow), (*5-36),		May 3, 1754
1-141	Tillinghast, Joanna, wife of Nicholas,		March 30, 1757
5-546	Tillinghast, Elisha (*5-186),			March 23, 1758
1-140	Tillinghast, Hannah, wife of Daniel,		May 27, 1762
2-115	Tillinghast, Benoni, of Paris Jenckesand
	Elizabeth,					May 7, 1782
2-115	Tillinghast, Nicholas,				Sept. 13, 1784
2-115	Tillinghast, Benoni Pearce,			Oct. 26, 1788
2-116	Tillinghast, Mehetable,				March 10, 1793
2-66	Tillinghast, Benjamin, of Joseph and Mary,	Nov. 29, 1782
2-66	Tillinghast, George, of same parents,
	aged 3, 14 days,				Dec. 17, 1782
5-546	Tillinghast, William (*8-167),			Aug. 20, 1797
2-245	Tillinghast, Delana, wife of William,		April 8, 1808
2-245	Tillinghast, Daniel T., of William and Phebe,
	2d wife,					Sept. 21, 1813
2-245	Tillinghast, Daniel W.,				Sept. 4, 1820
2-245	Tillinghast, Amey A.,				Sept. 11, 1819
2-245	Tillinghast, Arnold,				Oct. 15, 1820
2-245	Tillinghast, Daniel W.,				May 26, 1823
5-546	Tillinghast, Martha, of Charles, aged 16 yrs.
	(*6-152),					---no--date---
5-546	Titus, Paul (husbandman), (*4-210),		Jan. 4, 1746
5-546	Tourtelot, Stephen (mariner), (*5-505),		Feb. 22, 1769
5-546	Towers, Elizabeth (*2-164),			Aug. 9, 1723
5-546	Traverse, Christopher (*6-483),			March 3, 1785
5-546	Tripp, Lott (*2-103),				Sept. 22, 1720
5-546	Tripp, Robert (currier), (*4-322),		May 1, 1753
5-546	Tripp, Anthony (*5-288),			Dec. 24, 1760
5-546	Tripp, Arthur (merchant), died at Martin county,
	N.C. (*7---),					Oct. 5, 1791
5-546	Tuckerman, Isaac (*6-285),			Aug. 22, 1779
5-550	Tucker, Joseph (**1-53),			April 8, 1707
5-546	Tucker, Meres (*1-277),				Sept. 23, 1711
5-549	Turner, Joshua (**1-22),			---no--date---
5-546	Turpin, William (*1-303),			July 18, 1709
5-546	Turpin, William (*4-112),			March 15, 1743

5-547	Vandelight, David (doctor and apothecary),
	(*5-74),					Feb. 14, 1755
5-549	Vincent, William, will probated (**1-22),	Dec. 21, 1695

5-547	Wailes, Hannah (single), (*2-108),		Nov. 16, 1720
5-547	Walker, George (*1-290),			Nov. 26, 1713
5-547	Walker, Capt. William (*4-51),			Oct. 14, 1742
1-409	Walling, Mary, wife of Thomas,			----------1669
1-409	Walling, Thomas,				July 19, 1674
1-409	Walling, Abigail, of Thomas and Mary,		----------1677
5-547	Walling, John (*1-310),				Nov. 11, 1694
1-69	Walton, Marian, wife of John,			Nov. 10, 1732
5-549	Warner, ------, of John (**1-8),		Jan. --, 1693
5-549	Warner, ------, (**1-8),			----------1690,
	both buried at Marlboro, Mass., where they died
5-547	Warner, Priscolla (*4-256),			Feb. 24, 1749-0
5-547	Warner, Capt. Samuel (*8-195),			Feb. 7, 1798
5-550	Waterman, Resolved (**1-66),			---no--date---
1-409	Waterman, Bethiah,				Dec. 3, 1680
5-547	Waterman, Nathaniel (*1-255),			March 23, 1711-2
5-547	Waterman, "Ensign" Resolved (*2-73),		Jan. 13, 1718-9
5-547	Waterman, Nathaniel (*2-235),			June 14, 1725
5-547	Waterman, Nathan (mariner), (*3-236),		Dec. 21, 1735
5-547	Waterman, Zuriel (*3-275),			Oct. 12, 1739
5-547	Waterman, Richard (*4-129),			Aug. 3, 1744
5-547	Waterman, Zachariah (*4-231),			Jan. 5, 1748
5-548	Waterman, Richard (*4-236,546),			Sept. 28, 1748
5-547	Waterman, Thomas (*5-100),			Oct. 9, 1750
5-547	Waterman, Richard (*5-92),			April 16, 1755
2-47	Waterman, Mary, of John (of Ichabod) and Mary,	Nov. 20, 1762
5-547	Waterman, Amaziah, died at Cumberland (*7-547),	June 15, 1794
5-549	Waters, Thomas (**1-45)
5-124	Watson, Bethiah (read), wife of Matthew		----------1778
5-124	Watson, Matthew, died, aged 107 years.		----------1803
5-125	Watson, Sarah (Allen), wife of John, in 67 yrs.	----------1814
5-125	Watson, John, in 86 yrs.			----------1831
5-125	Watson, Robert Wheaton, of Matthew and Abby B.,	Nov. 29, 1824
3-45	Webster, Francisco T., of Jesse K. and
	Georgianna, died at Canton, Mass., aged 1 yr.
	5 mos. 8 days,					Sept. 21, 1837
5-547	Westcott, Samuel (*1-111),			March 7, 1715-6
5-547	Westcott, Capt. Josiah (*2-123),		Nov. 11, 1721
5-547	Westcott, Stutely, Jr. (*3-284),		Oct. 8, 1736
5-548	Westcott, Stutely (*4-263,5-547),		May 25, 1750
5-547	Westcott, Priscilla, widow (*5-17)		April 9, 1754
5-547	Westcott, Jeremiah, Jr. (*5-167),		Feb. 23, 1757
5-547	Westcott, Samuel (*5-236),			July 18, 1759
5-547	Westcott, Elizabeth (*6-93),			Jan. 24, 1773
5-547	Westrand, Daniel (*5-491),			June 6, 1769
5-547	West, Jonathan (*3-234),			March 13, 1733-4
2-50	Wheaton, Sarah, of Nathaniel and Hannah, 7 mos.
	1 day,						Sept. 23, 1758
2-50	Wheaton, Olive, 17 mos. 14 days,		Sept. 9, 1765
2-50	Wheaton, Betsey, 10 mos. 13 days		Sept. 8, 1773
2-50	Wheaton, George, 9 mos. 22 days, July 25, 1783
2-93	Wheaton, Mary, wife of Philip,			Oct. 30, 1778
2-92	Wheaton, Joseph, of William and Rebecca,	April 22, 1789
2-92	Wheaton, Ruth,					Feb. 3, 1779
2-92	Wheaton, William,				March 7, 1791
2-190	Wheaton, Ruth, of Seth and Abigail,		July 18, 1799
2-190	Wheaton, Thomas Jefferson,			March 14, 1806
1-346,7	Whipple, John,					Dec. 15, 1700
5-547	Whipple, Noah (*1-150),				Nov. 10, 1703
5-547	Whipple, Benjamin (*1-155),			March 11, 1703-4
5-547	Whipple, William (*1-250),			March 9, 1711-2
5-547	Whipple, Samuel (*1-202),			March 12, 1711-2
5-547	Whipple, Eleazer (*2-77),			Aug. 25, 1719
5-547	Whipple, Susanna (single) (*2-113),		Jan. 21, 1720-1
2-82	Williams, Roger					---------1682
5-82	Williams, Daniel, of Roger,			May 14, 1712
2-82	Williams, Roger, of Daniel, died at Scituate,	Jan. 30, 1763
5-548	Williams, Daniel, of Roger (*1-259),		May 14, 1712
5-548	Winsor, Samuel (*1-157),			Sept. 19, 1705
5-548	Winsor, Elder Samuel (2-195 *5-201), died in his
	81st year,					Nov. 17, 1758
2-195	Winsor, John Olney, of Olney and Freelove,	March 16, 1780
2-195	Winsor, Lemuel,					July 27, 1781
2-195	Winsor, Prudence,				July 5, 1782
2-195	Winsor, Freelove, wife of Olney, in 28 yrs.	Feb. 17, 1783
2-195	Winsor, Rev. Samuel, in 81st year,		Jan. 26, 1803
5-548	Woodward, Joseph (*2-265),			Feb. 26, 1725-6
5-548	Woodward, Ruth (widow), (*3-119),		Dec. 19, 1728
5-548	Woodward, Ezekiel (*5-261),			----------1760
5-548	Woolley, Benoni (*1-277),			Nov. 23, 1712
5-548	Wright, Samuel (*2-40),				Feb. 26, 1716

5-548	Yeates, John (*2-212),				Nov. 28, 1724
5-548	Young, Robert (*3-79),				June 2, 1723
5-548	Young, Robert (*3-39),				June 2, 1727
5-539	Young, Gideon (*6-),				March 13, 1776
5-548	Young, Archibald (*7-31),			Feb. 26, 1786

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