New Horizons Genealogy
Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley
Arnold Collection
United Brethren
City of Newport
Newport County, Rhode Island
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Home | Vital Records | Arnold Collection of Rhode Island Vital Records | United Brethren, Newport RI Marriages
The deed of Church lot from Mary Mallens to Society of United Brethren, is recorded in Book 16, of Land Evidence, Page 53
A bequest of $200 by Mrs. Abigail Handy to the Society, is recorded in Book 4, Probate Record, page 643
The Society was established by Brother Spangenberry, roth of 11th month, November, 1758
Brother John Elwein laid foundation stone of Chapel, May 20, 1767. Chapel was consecrated December 7, 1768, by Brother Rosmeyer. Brother Harsfied came in March, 1760, married Sally Mumford, July 21, 1769. Consecrated hall and upper Chamber, December 31, 1772. Consecrated burial ground by Brother Rosmeyer.
From 1766 to 1783 ministers were Brother Jarrel and wife, Richard Tatley and wife, Frederick Smith and Rosmeyer.
Bethlehem gave 507; New York, 507; Lancaster, 147; Rosmeyer, 57; Besides finishing the house while they lived in it, 597. The rest was subscribed by the Congregation.
Richard writes: I was born in Winchten, Hampshire, Old England, near Christ's Church, in April, 1693. Some missionaries bound to Sariman, stopped at Newport, at the time Mr. Whitefield was there, and captivated the hearts of Mr. Haywood and his friends. This was the germ of the Moravian Church, at Newport. The names of the founders of this society are:
Richard Haywood Samuel Hayward
John Workman John Greene
William Brown Ebenezer Dunton
James Stephens Israel Barney
John West Peter Daniel
Joseph Haywood
Hannah Hayward Merry Barney
Elizabeth Salter Tabitha Daniel
Sarah Brown Ann Haws
Sarah Stephens Miriam Vias
Ann West Mary Malling
Abigail Haywood Elizabeth Crandle
Hannah Church Elizabeth Church
Mary Handler Rachel Dunham
Dorothy Denton
Marriages of United Brethren, Newport, Rhode Island
Albro, Phebe, widow, and William Rogers, sailor single, Roxbury, May 2, 1819
Almy, Louisa and Israel M. Ambrose, Nov. 20, 1832
Ambrose, Israel and Louisa Almy, Nov. 20, 1832
Anthony, Joseph, Lowell, and Ann Elizabeth Barber, May 22, 1832
Bailey, Sarah C. and Charles Cozzens, widower, Nov. 8, 1832
Bailey, Elizabeth C. and William H. Gorton, Nov. 8, 1832
Bailey, Jonathan and Hannah Peckham, July 14, 1833
Baker, Joseph L. and Abigail Church, May 17, 1807
Baker, Abigail, maiden name Church, and Moses Thurston, Oct. 6, 1822 second wife
Barber, Ann Elizabeth and Joseph Anthony, Lowell, Mass., May 22, 1832
Bardin, Miss Ann and Capt. Jacob Smith, widower, Sept. 29, 1822
Barker, John Lamberd and Elizabeth Tomkins, April 6, 1809
Barker, Noah and Eliza Mills, both single, Oct. 31, 1814
Barker, Miss Mary and William H. Durfee, May 2, 1833
Bentley, Elizabeth and Stephen Greene, June 10, 1794
Bentley, Martha Mary and William Oman, Nov. 14, 1804
Boss, Thomas L. and Miss Abby C. Congdon, June 23, 1833
Bowen, Olla Eberson, Providence, and Miss Eliza Bowen Greene, Hoosac, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1833
Brinley, Thomas and Mary Townsend, both single, Feb. 26, 1823
Callahan, Michael, Ireland, and Mary Freeborn, Newport, July 22, 1822
Calvert, Lydia Ann and Thomas P. White, Aug. 26, 1821
Carr, Joseph Allen, providence, and Miss Catherine Sherman, Newport, Dec. 1, 1833
Castoff, Peter, and Mary Greene, of John and Mary, Oct. 6, 1790
Chace, Amewy and Isaac Hedley, Portsmouth, Sept. 2, 1830
Chace, Jacob and Hannah Hall, Portsmouth, both single, Nov. 10, 1831
Church, Abigail and Joseph Baker, May 17, 1807
Congdon, Miss Abby C. and Thomas L. Boss, June 23, 1833
Cornell, Miss Elizabeth H., Portsmouth, and Isaac Rigg, Roachdale, England, March 3, 1833
Cottrell, Sarah, and William Greene, Portsmouth, both single, Dec. 25, 1805
Crandall, William H., a widower, and Mary H. Moore, single, July 25, 1831
Cozzens, Charles and Sarah C. Bailey, single, Nov. 8, 1832
Dennis, Ayrault Wanton and Miss Sarah Thurston, April 2, 1838
Dickson, Gordon and Abigail and Abigail Oxx, June 14, 1807
Downer, Esther and William Bentley Oman, both single, Sept. 10, 1810
Durfee, Hannah B. and William Spooner, single, June 3, 1819.
Durfee, William H. and Miss Mary Barker, May 2, 1833
Easton, Elizabeth and Moses Thurston, April 30, 1807
Easton, Ruth Coggeshall and William Thurston, Sept. 30, 1815
Engs, Miss Betsey E. and John R. Randolph, Providence, Nov. 6, 1837
Freeborn, Mary and Michael Callahan (Ireland), July 22, 1822
Garrison, Nicholas, widower, and S. Deborah King, widow, March 2, 1800
Gersdorf, Mary, Newport, and James Hadwen, widower, Bristol, Sept. 22, 1806
Gorton, William H. and Miss Elizabeth Bailey, Nov. 8, 1832
Green, Eliza Bowen, Hoosac, N. Y., and Olla Eberson Bowen, Providence, Oct. 28, 1833
Greene, Samuel and Abigail Hayward, oct. 2, 1787
Greene, Stephen and Elizabeth Bently, June 10, 1794
Greene, Samuel, widower, and widow Sarah Elizabeth Sinken, Oct. 30, 1804
Greene, Mary E. and John Foster Lincoln, Feb. 21, 1813
Greene, James A. and Elizabeth Oman, Sept. 5, 1820
Grey, George A. and Sarah Ann Thurston, both of Portsmouth, March 1, 1831
Hadwen, James, widower, Bristol, and Mary Gersdorf, Newport, Sept. 22, 1806
Hall, Hannah and Jacob Chace, Portsmouth, both Single, Nov. 10, 1831
Hayward, Joseph and Catherine White, Feb. 13, 1785
Hayward, Abigail and Samuel Greene, Oct. 2, 1787
Hayward, Miss Hannah and Samuel Oxx, widower, Sept. 11, 1820
Heath, William H., Dartmouth, and Caroline Tanner, Newport, Dec. 15, 1833
Hedley, Isaac and Amy Chace, Portsmouth, Sept. 2, 1830
Hitch, William M., Fairhaven, and Miss Elizabeth Vaughan, Newport, Nov. 25, 1832
Hogan, Patrick (Irish), and Elizabeth Oman, widow, April 20, 1827
Hubbard, Miss Caroline and Joseph H. Record, Dec. 20, 1832
Hudson, Deliverance and Samuel Oxx, Oct. 23, 1808
Hunt, Mary and John Oman, June 21, 1813
King, S. Deborah, widow, and Nicholas Garrison, widower, March 2, 1800
Lawson, Ann, widow, maiden name Way, and William Williams, March 28, 1819
Lawton, Moses, widower, and Miss Rebecca Oxx, Oct. 5, 1829
Lee, William and Miss Sarah Romans, Jan. 24, 1833
Lincoln, John Foster and Mary E. Greene, Feb. 21, 1813
Mils, Eliza and Norah Barker, single, June 21, 1814
Moore, Miss Mary H. and William H. Crandall, widower, July 25, 1831
Morris, George A., U. S. A. and Sarah R. Mumford, Oct. 7, 1817
Mumford, Sarah R. and George A. Morris, U. S. A., Oct. 7, 1817
Newman, Clarissa Clarke and Sylvester Robinson Perry, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1832
Oman, William, widower, and Martha Mary Bentley, Nov. 14, 1804
Oman, William Bentley and Esther Downey, both single, Sept. 10, 1810
Oman, John and Mary Hunt, June 21, 1813
Oman, Elizabeth and James A. Greene, Sept. 5, 1820
Oman, Elizabeth, widow, and Patrick Hogan, Irish, April 20, 1820
Oxx, Abigail and Gordon Dickson, June 14, 1807
Oxx, Samuel and Deliverance Hudson, Oct. 23, 1803\
Oxx, Samuel, Sr., Widower, and Hannah Hayward, single, Sept. 11, 1820
Oxx, Rebecca, single, and Moses Lawton, widower, Troy, Mass., Oct. 5, 1829
Peckham, Miss Hannah and Jonathan Bailey, July 14, 1833
Perry, Portsmouth, Oct. 25, 1832
Randolph, John R. and Miss Betsey E. Engs, Newport, Nov. 6, 1837
Record, Jonathan and Lydia Hayward, only daughter of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 4, 1796
Record, Joseph H. and Caroline Hubbard, single, Dec. 26, 1832
Reynolds, Gardner B., North Kingstown, and Miss Elizabeth Shaw, Newport, Jan. 5, 1834
Rigg, Isaac, Roachdale, England, and Miss Elizabeth H. Cornell, Portsmouth, March 3, 1833
Rogers, William, sailor, Roxbury, and Phebe Albro, widow, May 2, 1819
Romans, Miss Sarah and William Lee, Jan. 24, 1833
Shaw, Miss Elizabeth, Newport, and Gardner B. Reynolds, North Kingstown, Jan. 5, 1834
Sheen, Patrick, Ireland, and Sarah Weeden, Newport, May 9, 1827
Sherman, Miss Catherine and Joseph Allen Carr, Providence, Dec. 1, 1833
Sinken, Sarah Elizabeth, widow, and Samuel Greene, widower, Oct. 30, 1804
Smith, Capt. Jacob, widower, and Ann Barden, single, Sept. 29, 1822
Spooner, William, single, and Hannah B. Durfee, June 3, 1819
Tanner, Miss Caroline, Newport, and William H. Heath, Dartmouth, Dec. 15, 1833
Thurston, Moses and Elizabeth Easton, Newport, April 30, 1807
Thurston, William and Ruth Coggeshall Easton, Sept. 30, 1813
Thurston, Moses, widower, and Abigail Baker, maiden name Church, Oct. 6, 1822
Thurston, Sarah Ann and George Grey, both of Portsmouth, March 1, 1831
Thurston, Miss Sarah and Ayrault Wanton Dennis, April 2, 1838
Tomkins, Elizabeth and John Lambert Barker, both single, April 6, 1809
Townsend, Miss Mary and Thomas Brinley, single, Feb. 26, 1823
Vaughan, Miss Elizabeth and William M. Hitch, Fairhaven, Nov. 25, 1832
Weeden, Sarah and Patrick Sheen, May 9, 1827
White, Catharine and Joseph Hayward, Feb. 13, 1785
White, Thomas P. and Lydia Ann Calvert, Aug. 26, 1821
Williams, William, a sailor, and Ann Lawson, widow, maiden name Way, March 28, 1819
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