1883 Pleasants County, West Virginia List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of Origional Allowance |
117,765 | Shepherdson, Wm. R. | Grape Island | wd. L. hand | $6.00 | July, 1872 |
178,546 | Riggs, Andrew J. | Hebron | rheu., heart dis. | $12.00 | Nov., 1880 |
97,893 | Riggs, Allen | do | wd. R. heel | $6.00 | July, 1876 |
58,944 | Hanlin, Tarlton | do | loss r. leg | $18.00 | - |
111,950 | Maxwell, Darwin S. | do | wd. L. leg | $4.00 | July, 1871 |
112,915 | Morgan, Chas. W. | do | wd. L. hand | $6.00 | Aug., 1871 |
160,550 | Mike, Andrew J. | do | wd. R. ankle | $6.00 | June, 1879 |
92,090 | Moore, Normal L. | Raven Rock | dis. Of kidneys | $6.00 | July, 1868 |
64,186 | Barnhardt, Rosannah | do | mother | $8.00 | Feb., 1866 |
169,881 | Tice, Noah | do | ch. Diar., dis. Lungs | $4.00 | June, 1880 |
24,876 | Kidder, Susannah | do | widow 1812 | $8.00 | June, 1879 |
165,799 | Sniveley, Jas. M. | do | nasal catarrh and otirrhoea | $2.00 | Mar., 1880 |
115,880 | Stewart, David | do | fract. R. elbow joint | $6.00 | Dec., 1873 |
188,220 | Meanor, Geo. W. | Saint Mary's | dis. Lung and eyes | $8.00 | May, 1881 |
117,227 | Jarvis, Geo. H. | do | wd. R. groin | $6.00 | June, 1872 |
153,081 | Hendrickson, Isaac | do | loss sight r. eye | $4.00 | May, 1878 |
155,416 | Hall, John S. | do | total blindness | $25.00 | Sept., 1878 |
18,411 | Marple, Morgan H. | do | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Aug., 1872 |
93,562 | Oldfield, John B. | do | wd. R. ear and shr. | $6.00 | Oct., 1868 |
19,605 | White, Sam'l | do | wd. R. foot and hip | $6.00 | Nov., 1863 |
75,232 | Miller, Mary | do | widow | $8.00 | Apr., 1868 |
71,839 | Cameron, John R. | do | dis. Of eyes | $6.00 | Jan., 1869 |
198,341 | Frazer, George | do | wd. Face, l. breast | $4.00 | Nov., 1881 |
178,891 | Rinehart, Thos. | do | dis. Of abdominal viscera | $6.00 | Nov., 1880 |
81,059 | Bier, Wm. E. | do | wd. R. leg | $6.00 | May, 1867 |
106,171 | Bennett, Sam'l | do | wd. L. hip and nates | $4.00 | Oct., 1870 |
108,031 | Duff, Parker J. | do | ch. Diar. | $2.00 | May, 1880 |
79,741 | Graham, Rebecca | do | widow | $8.00 | June, 1867 |
16,402 | Ellis, Henry C. | do | wd. L. hand | $18.00 | - |
109,223 | Thompson, Jas. H. | do | wd. R. leg | $8.00 | Apr., 1871 |
101,150 | Shanks, Jas. M. | do | wd. L. groin | $5.00 | Nov., 1869 |
103,695 | Boly, John | do | wd. L. hand | $6.00 | June, 1870 |
4,321 | John, Catharine | do | widow | $8.00 | July, 1863 |
36,312 | Jobes, Virginia | Schultz | do | $8.00 | Dec., 1864 |
86,752 | Church, B. Severance | do | dis. R. knee | $14.00 | Nov., 1867 |
101,680 | Cross, Albert M. | do | contusion l. foot | $6.00 | Jan., 1870 |
153,388 | Berkheimer, Thos. J. | Sugar Valley | dis. Kidneys, dis. Heart | $24.00 | May, 1878 |
109,716 | Stine, Jesse M. | Twiggs | wd. Forehead | $4.00 | Apr., 1871 |
110,515 | Peterson, Thos. | do | wd. R. foot and left | $4.00 | May, 1871 |
167,164 | Adams, Geo. W. | do | dis. Kidneys | $2.00 | Apr., 1880 |
177,357 | Jones, Jane | do | widow | $8.00 | May, 1877 |
172,064 | Scott, Westley S. | do | inj. L. ankle | $2.00 | Aug., 1880 |
121,210 | Fletcher, Albert | Union Mills | injury to abdomen | $8.00 | Jan., 1873 |
29,811 | Mercer, Margaret | do | widow 1812 | $8.00 | June, 1880 |
74,885 | Virden, Thomas W. | do | entire helplessness | $50.00 | - |
207,880 | Hinds, John M. | Willow Island | wd. L. shr., inj. To abdomen | $4.00 | May, 1882 |
105,833 | Williamson, Geo. W. | do | dis. Heart and lungs | $8.00 | Oct., 1870 |
196,394 | Meyer, Tabitha | do | widow | $8.00 | June, 1882 |
210,320 | Naish, Wm. | do | dis. Heart, throat, lungs | $4.00 | June, 1882 |
47,907 | Osborn, Ezra J. | do | loss r. leg | $18.00 | - |
65,227 | Ingram, Randall | do | wd. L. leg, loss fingers l. hand | $16.00 | June, 1866 |
122,478 | Myer, Enoch | do | inflam. Rheu. | $12.00 | Nov., 1877 |