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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Braxton County, West Virginia

January 1, 1883

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1883 Braxton County, West Virginia List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
213,995Knicely, Wm. N.Flat Woodstyphoid fever, dis. Stom. And bowels.4.00June, 1882
215,803Knicely, JohnFlat Woodsfrozen legs and var. veins6.00July, 1882
74,953McMorrow, MarshallFrametowng. s. w. l. leg12.00Dec., 1866
147,982Luckey, Eliz'thGermanwidow8.00Feb., 1870
146,728Yeager, Mary JaneHolly Riverwidow8.00Dec., 1870
111,951Woolverton, Geo. W.Holly Riverg. s. w. l. foot8.00July, 1871
154,354Marple, John M.Holly Riverg. s. w. r. thigh4.00July, 1878
116,503Morrison, JohnHolly Riverch. Diarr.6.00Apr., 1872
120,527Mollohan, HarrisonHolly Riverdis. Liver and lung6.00Dec., 1872
24,195Bender, RebeccaKnawl's Creekwidow 18128.00May, 1879
134,229Garrett, Harrison F.Knawl's Creekshell wd. R. thigh4.00June, 1875
121,565Westfall, Joseph B.Lloydsvilleinj. Lungs8.00Feb., 1873
3,668Singleton, LucindaSalt Lick Bridgewidow 18128.00Aug., 1872
77,146Barnett, Wm. M.Salt Lick Bridgeloss r. leg above knee, inabil. To wear artificial limb.24.00-
126,303Williams, Francis M.Salt Lick Bridgeg. s. w. l. knee8.00Jan., 1874
117,036Rollyson, MiltonServiag. s. w. forearm8.00June, 1872
152,154Rollyson, Chas. M.Serviadis. Lungs18.00Apr., 1878
25,833Young, SusannahTate Creekwidow 18128.00July, 1879
137,739Rollyson, JamesTate Creekg. s. w. thigh and r. hip, and injury to abdomen10.00Sept., 1871
146,702McCoy, Mary A.Tate Creekwidow8.00Dec., 1870
19,252McMorrow, MargaretTate Creekwidow 18128.00Feb., 1879
105,791Wheeler, Edward B.Tate Creekg. s. w. l. sh'r8.00Oct., 1870

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