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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Essex County, Vermont

January 1, 1883

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1883 Essex County, Vermont List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
87,815Aldrich, HoseaLunenburgamp. r. thumb$4.00 Dec. 16, 1867
188,185Ball, Wilber FGuildhallinj. r. ankle, dis heart$12.00 May 6, 1881
91,175Bishop, JeremiahIsland Pondw.l. thigh$4.00 -
124,284Blake, Lucius DIsland Pondchr. diarrhea$8.00 July 30, 1873
170,052Blancher ,Almira HWest Concordwidow$8.00 -
113,073Blancher, MaryWest Concordwidow 1812$8.00 Dec. 11, 1878
33,314Bonnett, Luther CWest Concordchr. rheumatism$8.00 Oct. 11, 1864
168,813Bonney, Newton EIsland Pondinj. r. shoulder$18.00 -
79,349Brown, CharlotteLunenburgmother$8.00 July 26, 1866
93,004Brown, ElizabethLunenburgmother$8.00 Apr. 19, 1867
113,596Brown, LorenzoLunenburgdis. of spine$8.00 -
39,530Buck, Mantha MIsland Pondwidow$20.00 -
11,763Cableigh, Orville DWest Concordg.s.w. in hand$12.00 -
174,430Cargill, William MIsland Pondfather$8.00 July 19, 1876
95,212Chase, T. AbelIsland Pondwd. l. foot$2.00 Jan. 29, 1869
74,337Cheney, AbielWest Concordinj. of spine$8.00 -
60,235Cheney, MirandaLunenburgwidow$17.00 -
48,934Courser, RobertEast Concordg.s.w. r. leg$6.00 Aug. 31,1865
111,066Crane, william BWest Concordgeneral debility$8.00 -
212,418Currier, Alonzo JIsland Pondchr. diahrr., loss l. eye$10.00 June 26, 1882
63,283Cutting, Oliver BWest Concordw. r. thigh$4.00 May 10, 1866
169,358Davis, Marshall HIsland Pondinj. to head$8.00 -
62,539Day, Oliver PWest Concordinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
8,953Downer, Nancy MLunenburgmother$8.00 -
56,716Dunbar, Ervin MIsland Pondloss l. arm$24.00 -
121,467Dunton, Charles EWest Concordg.s.w. face$4.00 Feb. 7, 1873
168,619Elliott, Hannah MGuildhallmother$8.00 Apr. 21, 1875
70,885Ford, George AGuildhallwd. head & arm$4.00 -
146,960French, Asa BEast Haveng.s.w. l. foot$1.00 July 11, 1877
75,467French, JosephIsland Pondrheumatism$5.00 1/3Dec. 20, 1866
39,689Gee, CharlesWest Concordg.s.w.l. forearm$12.00 -
32,516Ghnes, Welthy WLunenburgsurv. 1812$8.00 June 27, 1882
191,628Graham, DavidCanaaninjury to abdomen$8.00 June 29, 1881
216,851Grant, Frank CEast Concordinj. r. shoul., diarrh., rheum$8.00 Aug. 22, 1882
130,486Hagan, JamesLunenburgg.s.w. head, dis. eyes$18.00 -
66,263Hall, Austin HIsland Pondw.l. shoulder & r. hand$18.00 -
176,527Harris, AlbertCanaandis. lungs$12.00 Oct. 18, 1880
49,772Hartwell, AlviraLunenburgwidow$8.00 June 23, 1865
58,501Hasford, John LEast Havenloss r. leg$18.00 -
78,357Hayward, MargaretWest Concordmother$8.00 Aug. 14, 1877
78,505Hill, George WLunenburgw. both hips & thigh$8.00 -
150,312Hoadley, Lucretia CWest Concordmother$8.00 May 11, 1871
78,283Howard, Leonard WConcordg.s.w. r. arm & lung$10.00 -
99,140Hudson, Albert WEast Havenchr. diarrhea$8.00 -
66,302Hudson, Eliza WEast Havenwidow$8.00 -
29,147Jewell, William HLunenburgchr. diarrhea$4.00 May 30, 1864
70,707Johnson, Albanan FIsland Pondchr. infl. sciatic nerve$8.00 Sept. 6, 1866
72,593Johnson, Russell TWest Concordinterm. fever$8.00 Oct. 15, 1866
17,471Jones, Ajalon DEast Havendis. lungs$8.00 -
284,609Kearney, Mary EWest Concordwidow$8.00 June 24, 1879
22,387Kent, David Jr.Guildhallsurv. 1812$8.00 June 17, 1878
55,906Kimball, Frank DIsland Pondg.s.w. in neck$8.00 -
173,893King, David WEast Havenchr. diarrhea$6.00 Sept. 24, 1880
189,978Lewis, Alfred ALunenburgfather$8.00 Oct. 8, 1880
51,600Mansury, Zopher MIsland Pondloss r. arm$24.00 -
4,884Masters, WilliamGuildhallsurv. 1812$8.00 Sept. 21,1871
207,760McKinuon, WilliamCanaanbayonet w.l. hand$8.00 Apr. 29, 1882
193,326Miller, AlexamderLunenburgfather$8.00 Sept. 13, 1881
129,566Morse, FannyWest Concordmother$8.00 May 24, 1869
32,119Murray, ElizabethIsland Pondwidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 16, 1882
170,810Newhalt, George WWest Concordg.s.w. l. forearm & abdomen$2.00 June 30, 1880
96,658Newman, AnnCanaanmother$8.00 Nov. 20, 1868
116,080Paris, George WWest Concordloss l. leg$18.00 -
117,177Parker, Alonzo DLunenburgg.s.w. l. shoulder$6.00 June 8, 1872
16,330Parker, Moses AConcordg.s.w. l. foot$6.00 -
55,202Paul, JohnCanaang.s.w. r. leg$12.00 -
103,167Perry, Oscar SIsland Pondg.s.w. l. hand$10.00 -
111,063Pierce, ArtemusLunenburginjury to abdomen$8.00 -
58,503Pierce, Ezra SLunenburgg.s.w. both legs & r. side$8.00 -
22,699Pond, Martin JLunenburgdiarrh. & infl. hip-joint$8.00 Jan. 15, 1864
87,020Quimby, George WWest Concordinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
188,895Quimby, Sarah WWest Concordmother$8.00 June 29, 1880
155,966Reed, Marcus LWest Concordinjury to abdomen$4.00 Oct. 21, 1878
32,625Renell, EmilyIsland Pondwidow 1812$8.00 Aug. 30, 1882
59,649Scales, Samuel HLunenburgpart anchylosis r. shoul$16.00 -
29,186Shoes, George WGranbyinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
87,917Shores, Ethan PLunenburgw.l. leg and r. instep$4.00 Dec. 20, 1867
34,531Silsby, LurannaLunenburgwidow$8.00 Nov. 25, 1864
17,007Smith, LymanIsland Pondsurv. 1812$8.00 May 24, 1872
13,785Smith, Thomas CWest Concordinjury to abdomen$6.00 June 30, 1882
64,667Snow, Chauncey MLunenburgw. across stomach$12.00 -
79,078Stevens, SusannaIsland Pondmother$8.00 July 23, 1866
74,094Stone, HarrietGuildhallwidow$8.00 -
32,456Story, Charles AWest Concorddis. lungs$4.00 -
65,573Streeter, Charles NWest Concordinjury to abdomen$8.00 Mar. 16, 1880
94,129Suitor, RobertEast Concordwd. l. leg$4.00 Dec. 3, 1868
194,579Thornton, MargaretWest Concordwidow$8.00 May 15, 1867
18,892Vance, Warren ELunenburgchr. diarrhea$8.00 Nov. 3, 1863
36,723Walker, RachelCanaanwidow$8.00 -
165,820Webb, ElizaLunenburgmother$8.00 Aug. 14, 1874
108,073Wilder, CharlesIsland Pondg.s.w. l. arm$6.00 -
124,778Wilkey, James HVictoryg.s.w. l. thigh$8.00 -
77,293Willey, Mary AWest Concordwidow$8.00 -
111,784Williams, WilliamWest Concorddis. nerve r. leg$4.00 July 14, 1871
54,797Woodbury, Charles HWest Concordg.s.w. r. arm$6.00 -
180,947Woodbury, Linda ALunenburgwidow$8.00 May 6, 1878
77,131Young, Leander RIsland Pondg.s.w. l. leg$5.00 -

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