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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Bennington County, Vermont

January 1, 1883

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1883 Bennington County, Vermont List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
198,361Haskins, George B.Arlingtondis. heart and liver$17.00 Nov. 29, 1881
121,912Murtha, MartinArlingtong. s. w. l. shoul.6Mar. --, 1873
51,263Wave, George W.Barnumvilleg. s. w. r. thigh6-
54,064Gleason, JeromeBarnumvilleg. s. w. l. thigh, r. breast and r. leg18-
192,062Cook, Frederick W.Barnumvilleinj. r. knee, chr. Rheum8June 30, 1881
181,348Harrington, Dennis M.Barnumvillewidow12June 14, 1878
8,844Leason, ArtimusBarnumvillesurv. 18128Dec. 1, 1871
188,973Williams, John W.Benningtong. s. w. l. thigh6May 20, 1881
165,850Walker, JoelBenningtong. s. w. l. hand1Mar. 25, 1880
145,732Snow, William H.Benningtong. s. w. r. thigh2-
40,003Sears, William H.Benningtonloss l. arm24-
170,358Silver, Henry A.Benningtoninjury to abdomen8June 28, 1880
151,766Stafford, HenryBenningtong. s. w. r. hip6-
18,525Pierce, Charles A.Benningtonaxe cut r. hand8-
144,252Potter, Benajah S.Benningtondis. lungs8Mar. 27, 1877
104,251Murphy, William E.Benningtong. s. w. l. elbow6-
140,259Morse, Charles E.Benningtondis. lungs8Aug. 3, 1876
191,672Lever, William H.Benningtonrheum. and diarrhoea8June 30, 1881
55,859Keyes, Lyman B.Benningtong. s. w. both thighs6Jan. 20, 1866
124,712Kelley, CharlesBenningtong. s. w. l. arm2Aug. 21, 1873
95,920Johnson, William J.Benningtong. s. w. head16-
191,371Jepson, GeorgeBenningtong. s. w. l. forearm4June 27, 1881
171,241Houghton, Richard M.Benningtonvaricose veins r. leg6July 13, 1880
186,885Harwood, John P.Benningtonchr. diarrhoea6Apr. 15, 1881
71,741Hill, John H.Benningtonwd. l. leg8-
194,238Harwood, H. MartynBenningtong. s. w. r. leg4Aug. 10, 1881
170,357Greenslit, Lyman R.Benningtoncatarrh and bronchitis4June 28, 1880
157,160Gibson, Irving E.Benningtong. s. w. l. shoulder4Jan. 9, 1879
25,287Gunshanon, EdwardBenningtonchr. rheum8-
156,471Gibson, Cyrus D.Benningtong. s. w. l. thigh4-
146,825Estes, EdwardBenningtong. s. w. l. hand6-
30,637Dempsey, ThomasBenningtonloss r. thigh24-
10,887Camp, William J.Benningtong. s. w. l. forearm12-
151,720Corbett, Simeon H.Benningtong. s. w. r. breast2Mar. 16, 1878
92,598Cone, PatrickBenningtonwd. l. shoulder4Aug. 19, 1868
45,725Cressa, OrickBenningtonanchylosis toes both feet6-
14,217Camp, Henry G.Benningtong. s. w. l. hand6-
13,170Collins, George W.Benningtong. s. w. both forearms8-
12,949Cole, Charles G.Benningtonwound in back4June 15, 1863
107,644Cone, CharlesBenningtonwd. l. leg8-
201,226Bent, William HenryBenningtondeafness both ears6Jan. 21, 1880
18,013Benjamin, HenryBenningtonwd. of hand4-
151,368Bickford, GeorgeBenningtoninj. of back6Mar. 4, 1878
191,994Armstrong, Martin V. B.Benningtondis. of back6June 30, 1881
137,975Walker, FrancisBenningtong. s. w. r. hand2-
138,401Stockwell, LeonardBenningtonw. r. breast6Mar. 16, 1876
92,214Stone, FrancisBenningtondeaf, w. l. hip6July --, 1868
41,184Rogury, BazielBenningtonw. r. hd.3Apr. --, 1865
83,567Rogers, Frederick C.Benningtonw. l. leg2.66 2/3July --, 1867
84,730Love, AlmiraBenningtonmother8Oct. 1, 1866
164,184Barber, Esther A. C.Benningtonmother8Mar. 6, 1874
70,397Cranston, EmilyBenningtonwidow8Apr. 19, 1866
192,463Cady, Margaret M.Benningtonwidow21June 1, 1881
73,067Comar, RachelBenningtonwidow8-
94,039Dunn, HarrietBenningtonwidow8May 7, 1867
159,132Davenport, MargaretBenningtonwidow8Aug. 8, 1872
167,114Potter, Sarah J.Benningtonwidow15-
58,842Richards, Sarah F.Benningtonwidow8-
13,091Rice, Sarah J.Benningtonwidow8-
17,299Smart, OliveBenningtonwidow20-
163,392Warn, Sarah M.Benningtonmother8Dec. 20, 1873
14,096Barber, BeriahBenningtonwidow 18128Mar. 20, 1872
13,329Hutchinson, EmilyBenningtonwidow 18128Dec. 19, 1878
141,565Howe, MaryBenningtonwidow8-
16,539Martin, MichaelBennington Centreg. s. w. r. knee joint12-
63,798Canady, Allen S.Bennington Centrewd. r. leg6May 19, 1866
203,573Allen, NoelBondvillediscl. l. shoulder4Feb. 25, 1882
39,993Castle, Samuel B.Bondvillewd. r. knee18-
100,977Divall, John H.Bondvilleg. s. w. r. forearm4Nov. 19, 1869
187,950Hoard, George A.Bondvillesciatic rheum. and scurvy8May 3, 1881
160,714Perry, William AlvahBondvillechr. diarrhoea4June 9, 1879
179,637Starks, Charles H.Bondvilleg. s. w. l. leg6Dec. 9, 1880
19_, 652Taylor, GershomBondvilleg. s. w. across shoulder12June 15, 1881
71,743Williams, Ormando M.Bondvilleg. s. w. face, loss l. eye18-
176,791Bryant, ElizabethBondvillemother8Mar. 26, 1877
165,777Benson, OrisonBondvillefather8July 30, 1874
186,326Reed, GustavusDorsetchr. rheum., dis. heart18-
208,875Brooks, JosephDorsetrheumatism6May 17, 1882
101,153Baker, Aaron H.Dorsetg. s. w. l. arm6-
106, 294Baker, George W.Dorsetdis. l. hip and leg8Oct. 5, 1881
194,467Fisher, JohnDorsetdis. heart and lungs18-
100,124Holley, Hiland H.Dorsetchr. diarrhoea14-
186,047Lathrop, AsaDorsetchr. diarrhoea24Mar. 31, 1881
185,441Ladd, WilsonDorsetrheumatism12Mar. 31, 1881
202,664McWain, SylvanusDorsetrheum. fever and ague24Feb. 10, 1882
32,774Sykes, DwightDorsetwd. r. hand and wrist18-
100,796Tiff, Moses E.Dorsetinjury to abdomen8-
162,124Stannard, William H.Dorsetchr. diarrhoea12-
172,287Bulkeley, ElizabethDorsetwidow8Feb. 19, 1876
49,526Fisher, MarillaDorsetwidow8-
187,405Hagleton, EdnaDorsetmother8Mar. 18, 1880
184,311Lake, DianaDorsetmother8May 31, 1879
107,531Robinson, PhebeDorsetmother8-
124,606Smith, AnnisDorsetmother8Feb. 11, 1869
66,588Smith, Harriet P.Dorsetwidow8-
32,609Gray, ElizabethDorsetwidow 18128Aug. 12, 1882
173,693Warner, ZenasEast Arlingtonrheumatism10Sept. 18, 1880
47,813Niles, George L.East Arlingtong. s. w. l. hand8-
180,995Farnum, Joseph W.East Arlingtoninj. l. hip6-
52,549Grant, Azariah A.East Arlingtonloss l. leg18-
215,431Bowman, JeffreyEast Arlingtonmalarial poisoning18July 31, 1882
176,505Barton, CharlesEast Arlingtonchr. rheum., dis. heart8Oct. 16, 1880
168,205Bennett, Geo.East Arlingtoninj. l. hand8May 15, 1880
193,950Hill, Sarah S.East Arlingtonwidow8Dec. 28, 1881
191,959Reed, Delia E.East Arlingtonmother8Apr. 18, 1881
51,410Streeter, Albert W.East Dorsetg. s. w. l. thigh8-
128,946Landon, William C.East Dorsetg. s. w. l. eye6-
54,062Leggett, John A.East Dorsetg. s. w. l. hand12-
15,311Brophy, Harvey A.East Dorsettyphoid fever18-
191,597Edgerton, Annie F.East Dorsetwidow14Mar. 28, 1881
110,253Horan, MaryEast Dorsetmother8-
28,119Jacobs, Viana B.East Dorsetwidow 18128Dec. 9, 1879
101,074Wood, HarrietEast Rupertwidow8Oct. 18, 1867
19,397Sykes, OrphaEast Rupertwidow 18128Mar. 1, 1879
161,080Shippee, William E.East Searsburgg. s. w. l. leg2June 25, 1879
160, 581Tobin, WilliamFactory Pointinjury to abdomen8-
222,754Gantert, EmilFactory Pointrheum. and dis. of abdominal viscera4Dec. 16, 1882
22,580Cummins, HenryFactory Pointwd. rt. thigh8-
71,263Lumbar, TheodoreFactory Pointg. s. w. r. hd.4Sept. --, 1866
187,046Gleason, Pauline L.Factory Pointmother8Feb. 21, 1880
186,709Sumner, HoitHeartwellvilleg. s. w. l. hand, loss mid. F. g.8-
85,971Sherman, AbrahamHeartwellvilleg. s. w. r. hand6-
78,561Bellows, Lucy M.Heartwellvillewidow8-
81,174Olden, ElviraHeartwellvillewidow8-
45,210Crapo, Josiah W.Landgrovewd. r. hand14-
19,021Hilliard, Mary J.Landgrovewidow8-
156,380Warner, Frank B.Manchesterulcers l. leg4Nov. 12, 1878
18,066Sargent, James F.Manchesterg. s. w. r. foot4-
11,226O'Hayer, HenryManchesterg. s. w. l. lung6-
196,368Gray, Rollin C.Manchesterloss. r. thumb4Oct. 7, 1881
178,114Chapin, Walter S.Manchesterdis. lungs8Oct. 30, 1880
212,267Bennett, Jacob W.Manchesterdis. heart4June 24, 1882
212,154Way, Sidney D.Manchesterdis. lungs8June 23, 1882
184,275Moore, EllenManchesterwidow16May 29, 1879
2,037Clark, Hannah L.Manchestermother8May 9, 1863
183,820Bowen, AbigailManchestermother8Mar. 26, 1879
183,539Brown, AbigailManchestermother8Mar. 26, 1879
1,534Bennett, Anna B.Manchestermother8Apr. 16, 1863
25,482Roby, MoodyManchestersurv. 18128July 12, 1880
7,205Munson, MarittaManchesterwidow 18128July 9, 1878
17,389Burton, AnnaManchesterwidow 18128Feb. 10, 1879
22,021Graves, HermioneManchesterwidow 18128Apr. 2, 1879
85,090Blackmore, John C.Manchester Depotg. s. w. l. leg18-
212,748Orton, Marvin E.Manchester Depotmeasles8June 29, 1882
11,833Pond, Charles H.Manchester Depotg. s. w. r. lung and r. leg18-
57,014Smith, William H.Manchester Depotg. s. w. r. ankle12-
95,555Utley, Myron W.Manchester Depotchr. diarrh., rheum., epilepsy8Sept. 10, 1881
180,071Wade, Isaac O.Manchester Depotdis. kidneys and rheum.12-
1,115Cummings, Melissa J.Manchester Depotwidow8-
135,860Silsby, William H.Newburyg. s. w. l. f. arm and r. thigh4-
181,891Hurley, MichaelNorth Benningtonshell wd. r. thigh8Jan. 31, 1881
135,379Orton, WallaceNorth Benningtong. s. w. r. elbow4-
9,997Noyes, Andrew J.North Benningtong. s. w. r. leg24-
93,720Kelly, MichaelNorth Benningtonloss l. leg at knee24-
150,344Griffin, JohnNorth Benningtonloss part l. index finger2Dec. 31, 1877
220,558Church, Isaiah B.North Benningtondis. heart8Nov. 14, 1882
7,331Benton, LeonardNorth Benningtonsurv. 18128Nov. 3, 1871
165,669Newman, SilasNorth Benningtondis. heart18Mar. 19, 1880
193,231Prentice, Nancy M.North Benningtonmother8Aug. 30, 1881
1,613Minot, Emily E.North Benningtonmother8Apr. 17, 1863
182,363Stockwell, DavidNorth Benningtoninjury to abdomen10Feb. 10, 1877
221,232Cady, ArthurNorth Benningtong. s. w. r. knee2Nov. 27, 1882
12,941Petty, George B.North Dorsetloss r. leg18-
43,445Sheridan, JamesNorth Dorsetloss voice18-
197,387Sheridan, ThomasNorth Dorsetpart loss r. 3d finger2Nov. 5, 1881
118,735Sheldon, John L.North Pownalg. s. w. l. hd.6Sept. --, 1872
117,804Calkins, FranklinNorth Pownalg. s. w. r. leg4-
75,457Paddock, Ichabod S.North Pownalwd. both hips8Dec. 20, 1866
139,610Rood, FranklinNorth Pownalg. s. w. face and l. leg6-
51,494Vail, Daniel A.North Pownallung dis.4Oct. 24, 1865
92,856Leasot, MaryNorth Pownalwidow8Apr. 17, 1867
59,214Russell, Sarah A.North Pownalwidow8-
89,087Proud, LuranaNorth Pownalwidow8-
20,370Eastman, Sally M.North Rupertwidow 18128Mar. 7, 1879
186,680Moffit, HiramPeruint. fever8Apr. 13, 1881
160,165Lakin, Thomas J.Peruchr. diarrhoea8-
27,447Leonard, JohnPeruwd. l. hand18-
102,371Jenkins, Amos L.Perushell wd. l. side chest18-
213,000Crandal, Horace M.Perunasal catarrh, chr. diarrh6June 30, 1882
70,881Howard, John T.Perug s. w. r. shoulder12-
156,742Wyman, DanaPerufather8Mar. 23, 1872
24,049Robbins, ElizaPeruwidow 18128May 20, 1879
28,916Stevens, EunicePeruwidow 18128Mar. 19, 1880
67,715Nobles, Thomas O.Pownalwd. l. hand4July 12, 1866
81,684Myers, DavidPownalloss l. arm24-
153,742Haley, HenryPownalg. s. w. l. hd., chr. rheum.14June 18, 1878
122,908Burt, Irving C.Pownalchr. diarrhoea8-
183,236Amadon, LorettePownalmother8July 13, 1879
189,585Johnson, MarthaPownalmother8Aug. 30, 1880
193,750Niles, GeorgePownalfather8Dec. 7, 1881
24,952Bennett, CyrenaPownalwidow 18128June 17, 1879
154,861Mattison, Squire J.Pownal Centreg. s. w. l. fingers, rheum.6-
149,796Montgomery, William H.Pownal Centreg. s. w. l. hip5-
20,480Thompson, Leander D.Pownal Centrewd. In head8Nov. 25, 1863
25,628Smart, LydiaPownal Centrewidow 18128July 9, 1879
32,737Williams, FrancisReadsboroughwd. r. foot10-
191,882Tobey, Henry A.Readsboroughrheum., dis. lungs4June 30, 1881
58,814Tyler, George E.Readsboroughg. s. w. face18-
49,765Pike, Andrew J.Readsboroughwd. r. head12-
141,516Robbins, EliasReadsboroughfather8Mar. 20, 1870
145,145Strope, Joseph C.Readsboro Fallsg. s. wd. r. hand2May 14, 1877
187,919Delany, JohnRupertg s. w. head4May 3, 1881
180,597Hadaway, Henry H.Rupertinj. hip and back8-
112,018Perkins, John A.Rupertg. s. w. l. thigh4July 20, 1871
59,702Wright, Lois K.Rupertwidow8-
102,564Warren, SusanRupertmother8Nov. 7, 1867
143,902Turner, Andrew V.Sandgateg. s. w. l. shoulder8-
145,090Schrader, HenrySandgateg. s. w. r. hip8May 5, 1877
44,492Conant, Samuel G.Sandgateloss l. arm above elbow24-
193,113Reynolds, PhoebeSandgatemother8Aug. 15, 1881
147,900Grousbeck, FosterSearsburgg. s. w. l. hand4-
105,439Cary, Byron C.Shaftsburydiphtheria and paralysis6-
144,174Harrington, William J.Shaftsburyinjury to abdomen4Mar. 22, 1877
66,262Hulet, Lyman A.Shaftsburyg. s. w. l. elbow12-
56,334Summers, PatrickShaftsburywd. right leg14-
166,785Burns, JamesSouth Dorsetdis. heart18-
207,082Reynolds, JohnSouth Dorsetinj. r. shoulder12Apr. 18, 1882
191,918Wyman, Abel T.South Dorsetdis. lungs12June 30, 1881
149,137Beals, Charles W.South Shaftsburyg. s. w. l. thigh2Nov. 3, 1877
143,041Collins, Artemas A.South Shaftsburyinj. l. knee12Jan. 2, 1877
128,818Noyes, Wm., alias Herd, Wm.South Shaftsburyg. s. w. l. arm and side8-
161,665Curtis, LydiaSouth Shaftsburymother8Apr. 8, 1873
182,168Hill, PollySouth Shaftsburymother8Oct. 7, 1878
194,730Harrington, RoxanaSouth Shaftsburymother8Mar. 11, 1882
157,779Ritchie, Kate A.South Shaftsburywidow8May 9, 1872
193,746Sendell, HenrySouth Shaftsburyfather8June 30, 1882
190,878Seegar, Henry G.Stamfordg. s. w. l. shoulder2June 18, 1881
120,728Seegar, GeorgeStamfordg. s. w. face and head4-
189,402Bolster, JaneStamfordmother8Aug. 12, 1880
108,888Clough, John M.Stamfordfather8-
151,101Baker, Thomas D.Sunderlandg. s. w. l. side4Feb. 9, 1878
58,505Wilkins, Frederick B.West Rupertg. s. w. r. arm14-
195,657Waters, WilliamWest Rupertloss 3d finger r. hand2Sept. 13, 1881
78,549Wilkins, John R.West Rupertg. s. w. l. shoul., side, and r. arm8-
148,004Wade, AlviraWest Rupertmother8Feb. 14, 1871
22,402Teller, CatherineWest Rupertwidow 18128Apr. 4, 1879
24,054Lawrence, PhylyndaWest Rupertwidow 18128Ma 20, 1879
21,092Green, Mary A.West Rupertwidow 18128Mar. 14, 1879
27,145Quitlerfield, AbnerWoodfordloss l. arm above elbow24-
148,560Cutler, Cornelius W.Woodfordloss 2 toes l. foot4-

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