1883 Bennington County, Vermont List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of Origional Allowance |
198,361 | Haskins, George B. | Arlington | dis. heart and liver | $17.00 | Nov. 29, 1881 |
121,912 | Murtha, Martin | Arlington | g. s. w. l. shoul. | 6 | Mar. --, 1873 |
51,263 | Wave, George W. | Barnumville | g. s. w. r. thigh | 6 | - |
54,064 | Gleason, Jerome | Barnumville | g. s. w. l. thigh, r. breast and r. leg | 18 | - |
192,062 | Cook, Frederick W. | Barnumville | inj. r. knee, chr. Rheum | 8 | June 30, 1881 |
181,348 | Harrington, Dennis M. | Barnumville | widow | 12 | June 14, 1878 |
8,844 | Leason, Artimus | Barnumville | surv. 1812 | 8 | Dec. 1, 1871 |
188,973 | Williams, John W. | Bennington | g. s. w. l. thigh | 6 | May 20, 1881 |
165,850 | Walker, Joel | Bennington | g. s. w. l. hand | 1 | Mar. 25, 1880 |
145,732 | Snow, William H. | Bennington | g. s. w. r. thigh | 2 | - |
40,003 | Sears, William H. | Bennington | loss l. arm | 24 | - |
170,358 | Silver, Henry A. | Bennington | injury to abdomen | 8 | June 28, 1880 |
151,766 | Stafford, Henry | Bennington | g. s. w. r. hip | 6 | - |
18,525 | Pierce, Charles A. | Bennington | axe cut r. hand | 8 | - |
144,252 | Potter, Benajah S. | Bennington | dis. lungs | 8 | Mar. 27, 1877 |
104,251 | Murphy, William E. | Bennington | g. s. w. l. elbow | 6 | - |
140,259 | Morse, Charles E. | Bennington | dis. lungs | 8 | Aug. 3, 1876 |
191,672 | Lever, William H. | Bennington | rheum. and diarrhoea | 8 | June 30, 1881 |
55,859 | Keyes, Lyman B. | Bennington | g. s. w. both thighs | 6 | Jan. 20, 1866 |
124,712 | Kelley, Charles | Bennington | g. s. w. l. arm | 2 | Aug. 21, 1873 |
95,920 | Johnson, William J. | Bennington | g. s. w. head | 16 | - |
191,371 | Jepson, George | Bennington | g. s. w. l. forearm | 4 | June 27, 1881 |
171,241 | Houghton, Richard M. | Bennington | varicose veins r. leg | 6 | July 13, 1880 |
186,885 | Harwood, John P. | Bennington | chr. diarrhoea | 6 | Apr. 15, 1881 |
71,741 | Hill, John H. | Bennington | wd. l. leg | 8 | - |
194,238 | Harwood, H. Martyn | Bennington | g. s. w. r. leg | 4 | Aug. 10, 1881 |
170,357 | Greenslit, Lyman R. | Bennington | catarrh and bronchitis | 4 | June 28, 1880 |
157,160 | Gibson, Irving E. | Bennington | g. s. w. l. shoulder | 4 | Jan. 9, 1879 |
25,287 | Gunshanon, Edward | Bennington | chr. rheum | 8 | - |
156,471 | Gibson, Cyrus D. | Bennington | g. s. w. l. thigh | 4 | - |
146,825 | Estes, Edward | Bennington | g. s. w. l. hand | 6 | - |
30,637 | Dempsey, Thomas | Bennington | loss r. thigh | 24 | - |
10,887 | Camp, William J. | Bennington | g. s. w. l. forearm | 12 | - |
151,720 | Corbett, Simeon H. | Bennington | g. s. w. r. breast | 2 | Mar. 16, 1878 |
92,598 | Cone, Patrick | Bennington | wd. l. shoulder | 4 | Aug. 19, 1868 |
45,725 | Cressa, Orick | Bennington | anchylosis toes both feet | 6 | - |
14,217 | Camp, Henry G. | Bennington | g. s. w. l. hand | 6 | - |
13,170 | Collins, George W. | Bennington | g. s. w. both forearms | 8 | - |
12,949 | Cole, Charles G. | Bennington | wound in back | 4 | June 15, 1863 |
107,644 | Cone, Charles | Bennington | wd. l. leg | 8 | - |
201,226 | Bent, William Henry | Bennington | deafness both ears | 6 | Jan. 21, 1880 |
18,013 | Benjamin, Henry | Bennington | wd. of hand | 4 | - |
151,368 | Bickford, George | Bennington | inj. of back | 6 | Mar. 4, 1878 |
191,994 | Armstrong, Martin V. B. | Bennington | dis. of back | 6 | June 30, 1881 |
137,975 | Walker, Francis | Bennington | g. s. w. r. hand | 2 | - |
138,401 | Stockwell, Leonard | Bennington | w. r. breast | 6 | Mar. 16, 1876 |
92,214 | Stone, Francis | Bennington | deaf, w. l. hip | 6 | July --, 1868 |
41,184 | Rogury, Baziel | Bennington | w. r. hd. | 3 | Apr. --, 1865 |
83,567 | Rogers, Frederick C. | Bennington | w. l. leg | 2.66 2/3 | July --, 1867 |
84,730 | Love, Almira | Bennington | mother | 8 | Oct. 1, 1866 |
164,184 | Barber, Esther A. C. | Bennington | mother | 8 | Mar. 6, 1874 |
70,397 | Cranston, Emily | Bennington | widow | 8 | Apr. 19, 1866 |
192,463 | Cady, Margaret M. | Bennington | widow | 21 | June 1, 1881 |
73,067 | Comar, Rachel | Bennington | widow | 8 | - |
94,039 | Dunn, Harriet | Bennington | widow | 8 | May 7, 1867 |
159,132 | Davenport, Margaret | Bennington | widow | 8 | Aug. 8, 1872 |
167,114 | Potter, Sarah J. | Bennington | widow | 15 | - |
58,842 | Richards, Sarah F. | Bennington | widow | 8 | - |
13,091 | Rice, Sarah J. | Bennington | widow | 8 | - |
17,299 | Smart, Olive | Bennington | widow | 20 | - |
163,392 | Warn, Sarah M. | Bennington | mother | 8 | Dec. 20, 1873 |
14,096 | Barber, Beriah | Bennington | widow 1812 | 8 | Mar. 20, 1872 |
13,329 | Hutchinson, Emily | Bennington | widow 1812 | 8 | Dec. 19, 1878 |
141,565 | Howe, Mary | Bennington | widow | 8 | - |
16,539 | Martin, Michael | Bennington Centre | g. s. w. r. knee joint | 12 | - |
63,798 | Canady, Allen S. | Bennington Centre | wd. r. leg | 6 | May 19, 1866 |
203,573 | Allen, Noel | Bondville | discl. l. shoulder | 4 | Feb. 25, 1882 |
39,993 | Castle, Samuel B. | Bondville | wd. r. knee | 18 | - |
100,977 | Divall, John H. | Bondville | g. s. w. r. forearm | 4 | Nov. 19, 1869 |
187,950 | Hoard, George A. | Bondville | sciatic rheum. and scurvy | 8 | May 3, 1881 |
160,714 | Perry, William Alvah | Bondville | chr. diarrhoea | 4 | June 9, 1879 |
179,637 | Starks, Charles H. | Bondville | g. s. w. l. leg | 6 | Dec. 9, 1880 |
19_, 652 | Taylor, Gershom | Bondville | g. s. w. across shoulder | 12 | June 15, 1881 |
71,743 | Williams, Ormando M. | Bondville | g. s. w. face, loss l. eye | 18 | - |
176,791 | Bryant, Elizabeth | Bondville | mother | 8 | Mar. 26, 1877 |
165,777 | Benson, Orison | Bondville | father | 8 | July 30, 1874 |
186,326 | Reed, Gustavus | Dorset | chr. rheum., dis. heart | 18 | - |
208,875 | Brooks, Joseph | Dorset | rheumatism | 6 | May 17, 1882 |
101,153 | Baker, Aaron H. | Dorset | g. s. w. l. arm | 6 | - |
106, 294 | Baker, George W. | Dorset | dis. l. hip and leg | 8 | Oct. 5, 1881 |
194,467 | Fisher, John | Dorset | dis. heart and lungs | 18 | - |
100,124 | Holley, Hiland H. | Dorset | chr. diarrhoea | 14 | - |
186,047 | Lathrop, Asa | Dorset | chr. diarrhoea | 24 | Mar. 31, 1881 |
185,441 | Ladd, Wilson | Dorset | rheumatism | 12 | Mar. 31, 1881 |
202,664 | McWain, Sylvanus | Dorset | rheum. fever and ague | 24 | Feb. 10, 1882 |
32,774 | Sykes, Dwight | Dorset | wd. r. hand and wrist | 18 | - |
100,796 | Tiff, Moses E. | Dorset | injury to abdomen | 8 | - |
162,124 | Stannard, William H. | Dorset | chr. diarrhoea | 12 | - |
172,287 | Bulkeley, Elizabeth | Dorset | widow | 8 | Feb. 19, 1876 |
49,526 | Fisher, Marilla | Dorset | widow | 8 | - |
187,405 | Hagleton, Edna | Dorset | mother | 8 | Mar. 18, 1880 |
184,311 | Lake, Diana | Dorset | mother | 8 | May 31, 1879 |
107,531 | Robinson, Phebe | Dorset | mother | 8 | - |
124,606 | Smith, Annis | Dorset | mother | 8 | Feb. 11, 1869 |
66,588 | Smith, Harriet P. | Dorset | widow | 8 | - |
32,609 | Gray, Elizabeth | Dorset | widow 1812 | 8 | Aug. 12, 1882 |
173,693 | Warner, Zenas | East Arlington | rheumatism | 10 | Sept. 18, 1880 |
47,813 | Niles, George L. | East Arlington | g. s. w. l. hand | 8 | - |
180,995 | Farnum, Joseph W. | East Arlington | inj. l. hip | 6 | - |
52,549 | Grant, Azariah A. | East Arlington | loss l. leg | 18 | - |
215,431 | Bowman, Jeffrey | East Arlington | malarial poisoning | 18 | July 31, 1882 |
176,505 | Barton, Charles | East Arlington | chr. rheum., dis. heart | 8 | Oct. 16, 1880 |
168,205 | Bennett, Geo. | East Arlington | inj. l. hand | 8 | May 15, 1880 |
193,950 | Hill, Sarah S. | East Arlington | widow | 8 | Dec. 28, 1881 |
191,959 | Reed, Delia E. | East Arlington | mother | 8 | Apr. 18, 1881 |
51,410 | Streeter, Albert W. | East Dorset | g. s. w. l. thigh | 8 | - |
128,946 | Landon, William C. | East Dorset | g. s. w. l. eye | 6 | - |
54,062 | Leggett, John A. | East Dorset | g. s. w. l. hand | 12 | - |
15,311 | Brophy, Harvey A. | East Dorset | typhoid fever | 18 | - |
191,597 | Edgerton, Annie F. | East Dorset | widow | 14 | Mar. 28, 1881 |
110,253 | Horan, Mary | East Dorset | mother | 8 | - |
28,119 | Jacobs, Viana B. | East Dorset | widow 1812 | 8 | Dec. 9, 1879 |
101,074 | Wood, Harriet | East Rupert | widow | 8 | Oct. 18, 1867 |
19,397 | Sykes, Orpha | East Rupert | widow 1812 | 8 | Mar. 1, 1879 |
161,080 | Shippee, William E. | East Searsburg | g. s. w. l. leg | 2 | June 25, 1879 |
160, 581 | Tobin, William | Factory Point | injury to abdomen | 8 | - |
222,754 | Gantert, Emil | Factory Point | rheum. and dis. of abdominal viscera | 4 | Dec. 16, 1882 |
22,580 | Cummins, Henry | Factory Point | wd. rt. thigh | 8 | - |
71,263 | Lumbar, Theodore | Factory Point | g. s. w. r. hd. | 4 | Sept. --, 1866 |
187,046 | Gleason, Pauline L. | Factory Point | mother | 8 | Feb. 21, 1880 |
186,709 | Sumner, Hoit | Heartwellville | g. s. w. l. hand, loss mid. F. g. | 8 | - |
85,971 | Sherman, Abraham | Heartwellville | g. s. w. r. hand | 6 | - |
78,561 | Bellows, Lucy M. | Heartwellville | widow | 8 | - |
81,174 | Olden, Elvira | Heartwellville | widow | 8 | - |
45,210 | Crapo, Josiah W. | Landgrove | wd. r. hand | 14 | - |
19,021 | Hilliard, Mary J. | Landgrove | widow | 8 | - |
156,380 | Warner, Frank B. | Manchester | ulcers l. leg | 4 | Nov. 12, 1878 |
18,066 | Sargent, James F. | Manchester | g. s. w. r. foot | 4 | - |
11,226 | O'Hayer, Henry | Manchester | g. s. w. l. lung | 6 | - |
196,368 | Gray, Rollin C. | Manchester | loss. r. thumb | 4 | Oct. 7, 1881 |
178,114 | Chapin, Walter S. | Manchester | dis. lungs | 8 | Oct. 30, 1880 |
212,267 | Bennett, Jacob W. | Manchester | dis. heart | 4 | June 24, 1882 |
212,154 | Way, Sidney D. | Manchester | dis. lungs | 8 | June 23, 1882 |
184,275 | Moore, Ellen | Manchester | widow | 16 | May 29, 1879 |
2,037 | Clark, Hannah L. | Manchester | mother | 8 | May 9, 1863 |
183,820 | Bowen, Abigail | Manchester | mother | 8 | Mar. 26, 1879 |
183,539 | Brown, Abigail | Manchester | mother | 8 | Mar. 26, 1879 |
1,534 | Bennett, Anna B. | Manchester | mother | 8 | Apr. 16, 1863 |
25,482 | Roby, Moody | Manchester | surv. 1812 | 8 | July 12, 1880 |
7,205 | Munson, Maritta | Manchester | widow 1812 | 8 | July 9, 1878 |
17,389 | Burton, Anna | Manchester | widow 1812 | 8 | Feb. 10, 1879 |
22,021 | Graves, Hermione | Manchester | widow 1812 | 8 | Apr. 2, 1879 |
85,090 | Blackmore, John C. | Manchester Depot | g. s. w. l. leg | 18 | - |
212,748 | Orton, Marvin E. | Manchester Depot | measles | 8 | June 29, 1882 |
11,833 | Pond, Charles H. | Manchester Depot | g. s. w. r. lung and r. leg | 18 | - |
57,014 | Smith, William H. | Manchester Depot | g. s. w. r. ankle | 12 | - |
95,555 | Utley, Myron W. | Manchester Depot | chr. diarrh., rheum., epilepsy | 8 | Sept. 10, 1881 |
180,071 | Wade, Isaac O. | Manchester Depot | dis. kidneys and rheum. | 12 | - |
1,115 | Cummings, Melissa J. | Manchester Depot | widow | 8 | - |
135,860 | Silsby, William H. | Newbury | g. s. w. l. f. arm and r. thigh | 4 | - |
181,891 | Hurley, Michael | North Bennington | shell wd. r. thigh | 8 | Jan. 31, 1881 |
135,379 | Orton, Wallace | North Bennington | g. s. w. r. elbow | 4 | - |
9,997 | Noyes, Andrew J. | North Bennington | g. s. w. r. leg | 24 | - |
93,720 | Kelly, Michael | North Bennington | loss l. leg at knee | 24 | - |
150,344 | Griffin, John | North Bennington | loss part l. index finger | 2 | Dec. 31, 1877 |
220,558 | Church, Isaiah B. | North Bennington | dis. heart | 8 | Nov. 14, 1882 |
7,331 | Benton, Leonard | North Bennington | surv. 1812 | 8 | Nov. 3, 1871 |
165,669 | Newman, Silas | North Bennington | dis. heart | 18 | Mar. 19, 1880 |
193,231 | Prentice, Nancy M. | North Bennington | mother | 8 | Aug. 30, 1881 |
1,613 | Minot, Emily E. | North Bennington | mother | 8 | Apr. 17, 1863 |
182,363 | Stockwell, David | North Bennington | injury to abdomen | 10 | Feb. 10, 1877 |
221,232 | Cady, Arthur | North Bennington | g. s. w. r. knee | 2 | Nov. 27, 1882 |
12,941 | Petty, George B. | North Dorset | loss r. leg | 18 | - |
43,445 | Sheridan, James | North Dorset | loss voice | 18 | - |
197,387 | Sheridan, Thomas | North Dorset | part loss r. 3d finger | 2 | Nov. 5, 1881 |
118,735 | Sheldon, John L. | North Pownal | g. s. w. l. hd. | 6 | Sept. --, 1872 |
117,804 | Calkins, Franklin | North Pownal | g. s. w. r. leg | 4 | - |
75,457 | Paddock, Ichabod S. | North Pownal | wd. both hips | 8 | Dec. 20, 1866 |
139,610 | Rood, Franklin | North Pownal | g. s. w. face and l. leg | 6 | - |
51,494 | Vail, Daniel A. | North Pownal | lung dis. | 4 | Oct. 24, 1865 |
92,856 | Leasot, Mary | North Pownal | widow | 8 | Apr. 17, 1867 |
59,214 | Russell, Sarah A. | North Pownal | widow | 8 | - |
89,087 | Proud, Lurana | North Pownal | widow | 8 | - |
20,370 | Eastman, Sally M. | North Rupert | widow 1812 | 8 | Mar. 7, 1879 |
186,680 | Moffit, Hiram | Peru | int. fever | 8 | Apr. 13, 1881 |
160,165 | Lakin, Thomas J. | Peru | chr. diarrhoea | 8 | - |
27,447 | Leonard, John | Peru | wd. l. hand | 18 | - |
102,371 | Jenkins, Amos L. | Peru | shell wd. l. side chest | 18 | - |
213,000 | Crandal, Horace M. | Peru | nasal catarrh, chr. diarrh | 6 | June 30, 1882 |
70,881 | Howard, John T. | Peru | g s. w. r. shoulder | 12 | - |
156,742 | Wyman, Dana | Peru | father | 8 | Mar. 23, 1872 |
24,049 | Robbins, Eliza | Peru | widow 1812 | 8 | May 20, 1879 |
28,916 | Stevens, Eunice | Peru | widow 1812 | 8 | Mar. 19, 1880 |
67,715 | Nobles, Thomas O. | Pownal | wd. l. hand | 4 | July 12, 1866 |
81,684 | Myers, David | Pownal | loss l. arm | 24 | - |
153,742 | Haley, Henry | Pownal | g. s. w. l. hd., chr. rheum. | 14 | June 18, 1878 |
122,908 | Burt, Irving C. | Pownal | chr. diarrhoea | 8 | - |
183,236 | Amadon, Lorette | Pownal | mother | 8 | July 13, 1879 |
189,585 | Johnson, Martha | Pownal | mother | 8 | Aug. 30, 1880 |
193,750 | Niles, George | Pownal | father | 8 | Dec. 7, 1881 |
24,952 | Bennett, Cyrena | Pownal | widow 1812 | 8 | June 17, 1879 |
154,861 | Mattison, Squire J. | Pownal Centre | g. s. w. l. fingers, rheum. | 6 | - |
149,796 | Montgomery, William H. | Pownal Centre | g. s. w. l. hip | 5 | - |
20,480 | Thompson, Leander D. | Pownal Centre | wd. In head | 8 | Nov. 25, 1863 |
25,628 | Smart, Lydia | Pownal Centre | widow 1812 | 8 | July 9, 1879 |
32,737 | Williams, Francis | Readsborough | wd. r. foot | 10 | - |
191,882 | Tobey, Henry A. | Readsborough | rheum., dis. lungs | 4 | June 30, 1881 |
58,814 | Tyler, George E. | Readsborough | g. s. w. face | 18 | - |
49,765 | Pike, Andrew J. | Readsborough | wd. r. head | 12 | - |
141,516 | Robbins, Elias | Readsborough | father | 8 | Mar. 20, 1870 |
145,145 | Strope, Joseph C. | Readsboro Falls | g. s. wd. r. hand | 2 | May 14, 1877 |
187,919 | Delany, John | Rupert | g s. w. head | 4 | May 3, 1881 |
180,597 | Hadaway, Henry H. | Rupert | inj. hip and back | 8 | - |
112,018 | Perkins, John A. | Rupert | g. s. w. l. thigh | 4 | July 20, 1871 |
59,702 | Wright, Lois K. | Rupert | widow | 8 | - |
102,564 | Warren, Susan | Rupert | mother | 8 | Nov. 7, 1867 |
143,902 | Turner, Andrew V. | Sandgate | g. s. w. l. shoulder | 8 | - |
145,090 | Schrader, Henry | Sandgate | g. s. w. r. hip | 8 | May 5, 1877 |
44,492 | Conant, Samuel G. | Sandgate | loss l. arm above elbow | 24 | - |
193,113 | Reynolds, Phoebe | Sandgate | mother | 8 | Aug. 15, 1881 |
147,900 | Grousbeck, Foster | Searsburg | g. s. w. l. hand | 4 | - |
105,439 | Cary, Byron C. | Shaftsbury | diphtheria and paralysis | 6 | - |
144,174 | Harrington, William J. | Shaftsbury | injury to abdomen | 4 | Mar. 22, 1877 |
66,262 | Hulet, Lyman A. | Shaftsbury | g. s. w. l. elbow | 12 | - |
56,334 | Summers, Patrick | Shaftsbury | wd. right leg | 14 | - |
166,785 | Burns, James | South Dorset | dis. heart | 18 | - |
207,082 | Reynolds, John | South Dorset | inj. r. shoulder | 12 | Apr. 18, 1882 |
191,918 | Wyman, Abel T. | South Dorset | dis. lungs | 12 | June 30, 1881 |
149,137 | Beals, Charles W. | South Shaftsbury | g. s. w. l. thigh | 2 | Nov. 3, 1877 |
143,041 | Collins, Artemas A. | South Shaftsbury | inj. l. knee | 12 | Jan. 2, 1877 |
128,818 | Noyes, Wm., alias Herd, Wm. | South Shaftsbury | g. s. w. l. arm and side | 8 | - |
161,665 | Curtis, Lydia | South Shaftsbury | mother | 8 | Apr. 8, 1873 |
182,168 | Hill, Polly | South Shaftsbury | mother | 8 | Oct. 7, 1878 |
194,730 | Harrington, Roxana | South Shaftsbury | mother | 8 | Mar. 11, 1882 |
157,779 | Ritchie, Kate A. | South Shaftsbury | widow | 8 | May 9, 1872 |
193,746 | Sendell, Henry | South Shaftsbury | father | 8 | June 30, 1882 |
190,878 | Seegar, Henry G. | Stamford | g. s. w. l. shoulder | 2 | June 18, 1881 |
120,728 | Seegar, George | Stamford | g. s. w. face and head | 4 | - |
189,402 | Bolster, Jane | Stamford | mother | 8 | Aug. 12, 1880 |
108,888 | Clough, John M. | Stamford | father | 8 | - |
151,101 | Baker, Thomas D. | Sunderland | g. s. w. l. side | 4 | Feb. 9, 1878 |
58,505 | Wilkins, Frederick B. | West Rupert | g. s. w. r. arm | 14 | - |
195,657 | Waters, William | West Rupert | loss 3d finger r. hand | 2 | Sept. 13, 1881 |
78,549 | Wilkins, John R. | West Rupert | g. s. w. l. shoul., side, and r. arm | 8 | - |
148,004 | Wade, Alvira | West Rupert | mother | 8 | Feb. 14, 1871 |
22,402 | Teller, Catherine | West Rupert | widow 1812 | 8 | Apr. 4, 1879 |
24,054 | Lawrence, Phylynda | West Rupert | widow 1812 | 8 | Ma 20, 1879 |
21,092 | Green, Mary A. | West Rupert | widow 1812 | 8 | Mar. 14, 1879 |
27,145 | Quitlerfield, Abner | Woodford | loss l. arm above elbow | 24 | - |
148,560 | Cutler, Cornelius W. | Woodford | loss 2 toes l. foot | 4 | - |