New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Addison County, Vermont

January 1, 1883

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1883 Addison County, Vermont List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
3,086Aldrich, Eliza D.Hancockwidow 1812$8.00 June 24, 1872
134,914Allen, HannahNew Havenwidow$8.00 Sept. 27, 1869
17,707Allen, Hannah F.Vergenneswidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 13, 1879
106,752Allen, Henry B.Vergennesshell wd. left knee$6.00 -
193,493Allen, William H.Middleburychronic diarrhea$4.00 July 27, 1881
162,034Atwood, George H.Riptong. s. wd. of head$6.00 -
182,926Atwood, Harvey A.Bristolminor of Harvey A.$12.00 Jan. 24, 1879
49,812Atwood, Lorenzo H.Riptong. s. w. face, l. s. r. eye, & imp. v. l.$18.00 -
150,527Austin, ElizaShorehammother$8.00 May 19, 1871
8,172Austin, EmilyMiddleburywidow 1812$8.00 Aug. 27, 1878
175,965Ayers, JonathanVergennesg. s. wd. right thigh$4.00 Oct. 12, 1880
62,467Bailey, Martha A.Vergenneswidow$8.00 Jan. 17, 1866
108,045Bain, Charles H.Middleburyinj. to back, brst. & injury to abdomen$8.00 -
123,815Baker, AbbyRiptonmother$8.00 Jan. 23, 1869
18,149Baker, FrankMiddleburyasth. & res. dis. of lungs$18.00 -
185,413Baker, RoseWest Salisbarywidow$8.00 Sept. 1, 1879
17,757Barnard, SamuelLincolnchr. bron. & epilepsy$6.00 -
120,946Barney, Edwin A.Middleburyg. s. wd. lft. th. & l. forearm$8.00 -
162,241Bartlett, Charles L.Bristolres. dis. of heart-
9,160Bartley, JamesVergennesinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
129,288Bartley, Jeremiah J.Vergenneschr. diarr.$12.00 -
112,759Barton, HarveyMiddleburychronic diarr.$3.00 Aug. 11, 1871
78,280Basalow, AnthonyLincolng. s. wd. both arms$6.00 -
181,605Baslow, SarahLincolnmother$8.00 July 17, 1878
79,001Bates, Calista O.Bristolmother$8.00 July 21, 1866
187,414Belden, Charles D.Riptoninjury left leg$12.00 Apr. 26, 1881
177,371Bent, Daniel C.Riptonshell wd. rt. hand$2.00 Oct. 22, 1880
99,612Berrow, DustinVergennesg. s. wd. l. wrist & l. hand & l. of lit. fin.$8.00 -
196,191Bidwell, Sedgwick W.East Middleburyfather$8.00 June 16, 1882
66,260Bissonnett, DennisBristolg. s. wd. right leg$8.00 -
95,272Bodoin, JamesWeybridgewd. right thigh$2.00 Jan. 30, 1869
210,174Bostwick, HomerSouth Starksboromal. pois. & dis. of liver$6.00 June 1, 1882
157,240Boynton, Martin J.Riptonminor of$10.00 Apr. 13, 1872
162Bristol, AaronBridportpulmonic phthisis (Navy)$6.00 July 25, 1864
166,388Brock, Susan P.Orwellwidow$8.00 Nov. 2, 1874
71,436Brockhorn, Mary A.South Starksborowidow$8.00 -
189,457Bronson, Martin V.Middleburyinjury to abdomen$8.50 June 1, 1881
10,245Brooks, HenryBristolg. s. wd. rt. leg & left shoulder$8.00 -
119,928Brown, Andrew J.Monkton Ridgeg. s. wd. rt. arm & loss ind. fin.$2.00 Nov. 13, 1872
44,814Bryant, George D.Whitingg. s. wd. l. ankle$6.00 -
11,836Bush, NapoleonLincolng. s. wd. right arm$6.00 -
143,368Butler, HenryBristolfrac. rt. leg & res. var. veins$8.00 -
152,205Caffery, BridgetBristolmother$8.00 July 21, 1871
158,421Callahan, MichaelBristolinjury left arm & left thigh$6.00 -
44,747Cameron, JohnEast Granvillewound left hand$4.00 June 26, 1865
27,286Canfield, Phebe M.Townlinewidow 1812$8.00 Oct. 11, 1879
45,998Carl, Rollin W.Starksboroughg. s. w. back & l. hip$8.00 -
157,132Carr, Henry C.East Middleburyfather$8.00 Apr. 9, 1872
67,717Carrier, HenryWeybridgeg. s. wd. rt. shoulder$8.00 -
23,574Carter, HarrietVergenneswidow 1812$8.00 May 5, 1879
23,368Chamberlin, AbigailGranvillewidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 28, 1879
6,857Chandler, Josiah S.Riptong. s. wd. right shoulder$12.00 -
24,448Chapin, Ovette W.New Havendisease of lungs$18.00 -
15,951Chase, NancySalisburywidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 27, 1879
75,892Church, ErastusGranvilleg. s. wd. left hand$6.00 -
49,857Clark, Francis F.Lincolng. s. wd. left hand$6.00 -
155,880Clark, Ovid H.East Middleburyrheumatism$6.00 Oct. 14, 1878
211,071Cobb, James W.South Starksborog. s. w. left side$6.00 June 12, 1882
49,920Cobleigh, Franklin E.West Concordg. s. wd. head$18.00 -
144,328Coburn, James W.Orwellg. s. wd. rt. side of chest$2.00 Mar. 30, 1877
205,945Colby, JosephLincolnintermit. f. & rheu.$4.00 Apr. 1, 1882
45,044Colt, FrankNorth Ferrisburghg. s. w. rt. thigh$6.00 -
153,133Colton, Ira F.Middleburyinjury to abdomen$6.00 May 20, 1878
180,620Conley, MargaretMiddleburywidow$8.00 Apr. 4, 1878
129,332Converse, Jesse G.Vergenneschr. diarr.$6.00 Aug. 1, 1874
145,668Cook, William H.Bridportg. s. wd. left hip$8.00 June 2, 1877
99,799Coonerty, PatrickBristoldisease lungs$8.00 -
54,726Cotey, JesseLincolng. s. w. head$12.00 -
87,362Coty, GideonLincolnwd. neck & chr. diarr.$10.00 -
198,005Cowley, CharlesMiddleburyg. s. w. left shoulder$6.00 Nov. 25, 1881
45,195Coyer, MosesVergennesg. s. wd. rt. thigh$12.00 -
165,738Crane, Byron W.Bridportdebility from typhoid fever$4.00 Mar. 22, 1880
12,757Crane, Eliza C.Bridportwidow 1812$8.00 Dec. 7, 1878
32,005Cray, Sarah S.Shorehamwidow$8.00 -
123,575Crosby, WilliamVergennesg. s. wd. head$10.00 -
206,135Cushman, Adolphus J.Lincolnl. s. l. eye, res. imp. of vis. of rt. eye$8.00 Apr. 5, 1882
70,048Cyr, LeanderBrooksvilleinjury to rt. leg$18.00 -
58,163Dana, John E.Bridportwd. hip and groin$4.00 Feb. 17, 1866
57,004Danforth, AlonzoWest Lincolng. s. w. rt. forearm & hand$10.00 -
45,317Daniels, Sarah A.Orwellwidow$8.00 -
121,455Day, Angeline L.Bristolmother$8.00 -
187,238Day, David S.Lincolnchr. diarr. & int. fever$6.00 -
81,047Delong, Richard L.South Starksboroloss rt. leg & inj. left leg$24.00 -
128,661Delphy, PeterLincolng. s. w. rt. sh. 7 loss rt. thumb$10.00 -
103,817Denno, SimeonWest Salisbaryanchylosis rt. index finger$2.00 June 30, 1870
85,705Derley, George W.Riptong. s. wd. rt. forearm$10.00 -
126,069Dewey, WallaceMiddleburyinjury to abdomen$6.00 -
26,851Dickerman, LymanBristolg. s. wd. rt. leg$12.00 -
127,012Dickinson, Clay N.Middleburyloss rt. eye, aff. sight l. eye$8.00 -
3,433Donnelly, Patrick (Navy)Orwelldis. lung res. of measles$8.00 June 30, 1882
203,407Donohue, JamesMiddleburyg. s. wd. right hip$6.00 Feb. 24, 1882
138,993Dow, Henry W.North Ferrisburghdisease kidneys$8.00 -
184,183Dow, Lydia A.Lincolnmother$8.00 May 20, 1879
174,200Drury, Cornelia C.Vergenneswidow 1812$17.00 July 17, 1876
18,264Dudley, MosesEast Middleburyinjury to abdomen & inj. to sp. & res.$8.00 -
69,786Dumas, OliverGranvilleg. s. wd. through rt. hip$6.00 -
190,260Dumas, PeterLeicester Junctiontyphd. fever, chr. diarr., & indi & dis. of abdominal viscera$8.00 -
18,606Dunn, Sarah M.Bristolwidow$8.00 -
26,207Dunshee, AlmedaBristolwidow 1812$8.00 Aug. 6, 1879
20,574Dunshee, Warner B.Bristoldis. of kid., chr. rheu., &$12.00 -
26,662Eastman, ClarissaBristolwidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 2, 1879
178,794Edward, Charles H.Chimney Pointinjury to abdomen$8.00 Nov. 17, 1880
191,590Elliott, JohnBristolbron. & res. dis. of throat$8.00 June 28, 1881
22,362Elliott, ZiraLincolndisease of spine$8.00 -
199,115Emerson, Jonathan C.Bristolmal. pois'g & dis. of kidneys$6.00 Dec. 13, 1881
124,826English, AlbertEast Middleburyg. s. w. left forearm$8.00 -
15,430English, HarrietEast Middleburywidow$8.00 -
154,245Everest, Milo A.West Addisonchr. diarrhea$6.00 July 9, 1878
167,291Fales, Myron L.Middleburyinjury to abdomen$8.00 Apr. 29, 1880
188,288Farmer, George W.Riptoninjury to abdomen & chr. diarr.$10.00 May 9, 1881
42,884Farris, CarlosRiptonwd. rt. hand$4.00 May 20, 1865
168,791Farrow, Martha M.Vergenneswidow$8.00 May 3, 1875
103,470Fay, William H.East Granvilleg. s. w. l. arm$4.00 -
72,759Field, AmaOrwellmother$8.00 May 12, 1866
25,234Field, OrenCornwallwidow 1812$8.00 Aug. 7, 1879
32,708Field, RhodaCornwallwidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 22, 1882
64,179Finessy, MichaelBridportg. s. wd. left leg & left hand$10.00 -
210,649Fisher, Alden J.Riptonchr. diarr.$4.00 June 7, 1882
179,060Fisher, Henry P.Vergennesdisease of heart$6.00 Nov. 26, 1880
123,918Fisher, Willard W.Riptong. s. w. r. leg & l. knee$10.00 -
24,187Fisher, WilliamVergennesinjury to abdomen & dis. lungs$6.00 -
71,554Flagg, Sarah E.Vergenneswidow$8.00 -
206,274Fleming ByronMiddleburyg. s. w. rt. leg & chr. diarr.$8.00 Apr. 6, 1882
195,881Flemming, Permelia A.Bristolwidow$8.00 May 31, 1882
25,428Forrda, RoxannaNorth Ferrisburghwidow 1812$8.00 July 7, 1879
46,124Foss, Francis H.Vergennesg. s. w. neck$10.00 -
86,031Freeman, MaryNorth Ferrisburghwidow$8.00 Dec. 19, 1868
194,231Fuller, JeremiahEast Middleburyg. s. w. rt. hand & injuy to abdomen$8.00 Aug. 10, 1881
14,669Fuller, JosephVergennesloss right arm$24.00 -
136,071Fuller, PhebeVergennesmother$8.00 Nov. 4, 1869
33,187Furlong, MichaelMonkton Ridgetotal blindness$72.00 -
30,336Gage, HannahMonkton Ridgewidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 6, 1880
123,720Gale, James S.Orwellchr. diarr. & bronchitis$18.75 June 21, 1873
215,084Galvin, JohnVergennesg. s. w. l. breast$2.00 July 22, 1882
18,895Galvin, MargaretEast Middleburymother$8.00 Apr. 13, 1864
203,418Ganey, CorneliusVergennesg. s. w. rt. shoulder & head$4.00 Feb. 24, 1882
123,770Ganthier, Celina V.Bristolwidow$8.00 -
207,110Gemme, FrederickLincolndisease lungs$8.00 Apr. 19, 1882
219,373George, AlpheusGranvilleinj. left kn.; ch. diar.$2.00 Oct. 19, 1882
62,719George, Azra P.Hancockg. s. w. th. & abs. l. side of neck$16.00 -
17,004Goodell, William C.Riptontotal l. speech & hear. & dis. of spine$24.00 -
50,892Goodrich, HonoraVergenneswidow$8.00 -
150,470Goodroe, FrancisNew Haven Millsg. s. wd. l. side$8.00 -
27,982Grandy, EstherPantonwidow 1812$8.00 Nov. 29, 1879
174,907Gravel, JosephVergennesg. s. wd. rt. hand & leg$8.00 Oct. 6, 1880
112,950Green, Charles J.Lincolng. s. w. l. side$8.00 -
139,685Green, PhilanderRiptonfather$8.00 Feb. 12, 1870
193,288Grenn_ll, JosephSouth Starksborowidow$8.00 -
184,780Grover, MaryetteBristolmother$8.00 July 7, 1879
43,794Hagan, JohnBristolg. s. wd. rt. arm & inj. to spine$10.00 -
12,433Hale, DavidRiptonchr. diarrhea$8.00 -
88,731Hale, GeorgeRiptong. s. wd. l. hand$4.00 -
80,759Hall, Charles J.Vergenneswd. l. foot & both legs$6.00 May 2, 1867
116,311Hall, Eli F.Monkton Ridgeinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
53,085Hall, Mosely E.Vergennesg. s. wd. rt. shoulder$18.00 -
165,481Hamblin, David K.Bristolchr. diarrh. & asthma$8.00 -
170,820Hamilton, Eugene A.West Salisbarychr. diarr. & chills & fever$17.00 June 30, 1880
174,017Hamilton, Sarah E.Bridportwidow$14.00 June 20, 1876
22,597Hammer, AnnaSouth Starksborowidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 14, 1879
124,203Hammond, Levi S.Shorehamg. s. wd. l. hand$6.00 -
45,049Hamner, CharlesBristolwd. breast & l. hand$14.00 -
25,590Hanchet, MaryPantonwidow 1812$8.00 July 9, 1879
28,936Hanlin, JohnBristolg. s. wd. lower jaw$4.00 -
20,688Harrington, GarrisonVergennesloss rt. eye, af. l. eye$10.00 -
207,555Harrington, John H.Weybridgechron. rheum$6.00 Apr. 27, 1882
15,888Harrington, LucretiaVergenneswidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 22, 1879
31,586Harris, SophiaPantonwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 19, 1881
8,823Haskell, Jane H.New Haven Millswidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 17, 1878
135,503Haskins, SophiaStarksboroughwidow$8.00 Oct. 12, 1869
96,169Hawley, George S.Middleburyg. s. wd. face$18.00 -
178,410Heitman, Herman H.Orwellinjury right eye$6.00 -
47,195Hemenway, Daniel D.Granvillewd. rt. thigh$8.00 -
164,985Hendricks, MarandaRiptonmother$8.00 May 22, 1874
124,825Hewitt, George M.East Middleburyamp. 1st & 2d fingers rt. h., p. g. s. w.$6.00 -
8,633Higbee, Laura S.Bristolwidow$8.00 -
26,101Hill, Anna A.Lincolnwidow 1812$8.00 July 30, 1879
99,906Hopkins, Levi R.Whitingg.s. wd. l. arm$6.00 -
89,020Horan, CatharineBristolmother$8.00 Jan. 16, 1867
46,511Horton, Charles N.Leicesterloss l. arm above elbow$24.00 -
18,575Hunt, HarryBrooksvillesurv. 1812$8.00 -
100,355Huntington, Charles C.Middleburychr. diarrhea$8.00 Oct. 7, 1869
175,256Huntington, George F.Middleburyloss 2d finger & inj. 1st & 3d fin. l. h.$6.00 Oct. 7, 1880
26,492Huntley, Clark W.Bridportg. s. wd. rt. arm$11.25 -
129,464Huntley, Lucy J.Granvillemother$8.00 May 20, 1869
41,691Huntley, William F.Granvillewd. rt. arm$6.00 -
181,011Hurlburt, Ward B.Vergenneschr. diarr. & rheu.$6.00 Jan. 13, 1881
211,975Hyde, HemanNorth Ferrisburghdis. of abdominal viscera$2.00 June 21, 1882
127,582Isham, Henry B.Weybridgedis. liver & chr. diarrh.$8.00 Apr. 13, 1874
69,668Jackson, HenryGranvilleinjury to abdomen$12.00 -
62,887Jackson, John W.Vergennesinjury to back$4.00 May 4, 1866
214,446Jacobs, William C.Bristolchr. rheum. & diarrh$6.00 June 30, 1882
184,449James, FreemanStarksboroughinj. of rt. shoulder$4.00 Mar. 21, 1881
177,083January, LouisaVergennesmother$8.00 Apr. 17, 1877
204,937Jennings, Horace P.Bristoldis. kid's, res from int. fever$4.00 Mar. 22, 1882
19,726Jewell, Sarah V.South Starksborowidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 3, 1879
19,987Jkev, CollisWhitingg. s. wd. l. arm & side$18.00 -
195,804Johnson, HarrisonShorehamtyphd. f. & es. epilepsy$8.00 Sept. 16, 1881
50,454Jones, Edwin E.West Cornwellinj. l. leg, hip, & side$5.33-1/3Oct. 3, 1865
138,439Kellogg, Henry E.Middleburyloss s. rt. eye & par. l. s. l. eye$24.00 -
206,282Kellogg, Wesley N.Vergennesinjury rt. ankle & l. side$6.00 Apr. 6, 1882
180,541Kendall, Severy H.Salisburyfather$8.00 Mar. 27, 1878
87,994Kennedy, Orlando E.Granvilleeffects fever & ague$6.00 -
26,348Kent, Luther M.Lincolng. s. wd. l. arm$4.00 -
58,581King, LemiBristolwidow$8.00 -
125,570King, Walter J.Lincolng. s. w. rt. leg bel. knee$4.00 -
22,361Kirby, James B.East Middleburychr. diarrhea$8.00 -
3,332Knott, MichaelMiddleburyg. s. wd. l. hand$6.00 -
200,740Labor, Francis W.Bristoll. var., inj. to sp., & par. parl. ex.$12.00 Jan. 13, 1882
189,167Lacoy, LouisaNorth Ferrisburghwidow$8.00 July 22, 1880
198,596Lajon, FrancisNew Haveng. s. w. lower jaw$2.00 Dec. 2, 1881
199,751Lapointe, LewisBristolinj. to stern & res. dis. stom$6.00 Dec. 23, 1881
215,010Larack, JosephMiddleburychr. diarrhea$4.00 July 22, 1882
178,048Lawrence, JohnNorth Ferrisburghvaricose veins rt. leg$12.00 Oct. 30, 1880
158,321Lawrence, JosephNew Haveng. s. w. rt. hip & l. foot$8.00 -
137,093Lillie, James F.Orwellg. s. wd. both hips & rt. thigh$6.00 Dec. 8, 1875
108,181Little, Joseph H.West Salisbarychr. diarrhea$4.00 Nov. 28, 1881
53,272Lucia, Joel H.Vergennesloss l. arm above elbow$24.00 -
188,743Mack, James H.New Havenchr. diarrh.$4.00 May 17, 1881
53,356Marshall, MaryBristolmother$8.00 Aug. 14, 1865
167,121Mason, Andrew J.New Havenchr. diarr. & res. rt. hemi'a$12.00 Apr. 27, 1880
91,454Mathews, Mary L.Pantonwidow$8.00 Mar. 18, 1867
23,862Matol, EdmundLeicester Junctioninjury to abdomen$6.00 -
4,701Matot, MariaRichvillewidow$8.00 Aug. 13, 1863
194,019Mayo, EmersonWhitingwidow$8.00 Jan. 6, 1882
57,987Mayo, Sylvester W.Middleburyg. s. wd. left wrist$4.00 -
28,215McLeod, Catharine L.Middleburywidow 1812$8.00 Dec. 11, 1879
213,656Meech, Leonard E.Monktoninj. to back & l. side$8.00 June 30, 1882
131,902Miller, HenryVergennesinjury to abdomen$4.00 Feb. 10, 1875
166,516Mills, IraVergennesminor of$10.00 Nov. 14, 1874
218,978Monger, John A.Orwellchr. diarrh., rh'm., dis. of heart$6.00 Oct. 9, 1882
179,684Monty, WarrenVergennesminor of$10.00 Jan. 12, 1878
58,826Moody, Edson L.Weybridgewd. l. hand$18.00 -
159,152Moran, Sarah C.Bridportwidow$8.00 Aug. 9, 1872
42,791Morgan, Julius S.Middleburyg. s. wd. rt. hand, loss 2d & 3d fings.$8.00 -
40,679Mullings, George H.Bristolg. s. wd. rt. arm$14.00 -
107,021Mulliss, Susan B.West Addisonwidow$8.00 Jan. 23, 1868
99,247Mumblo, AugustusMiddleburychr. diarr., scurvy, & deb'y$10.00 -
23,292Myrick, Harriet R.Shorehamwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 28, 1879
204,119Nash, John M.East Middleburyshell wd. rt. middle finger$2.00 Mar. 10, 1882
38,425Nason, Maria J.Addisonwidow$8.00 -
77,898Needham, AugustaEast Middleburymother$17.00 July 7, 1866
29,719Needham, BetseyBristolwidow 1812$8.00 June 16, 1880
182,040Needham, William W.Bristoldisease of heart$12.00 -
_9,622Newton, JasonMiddleburysurv. 1812$8.00 Nov. 16, 1872
36,091Newton, Wallace R.Riptong. s. wd. rt. hand$6.00 -
158,186Noland, JeromeMiddleburyg. s. wd. head$4.00 Mar. 31, 1879
19,620Noonan, Alice G.North Ferrisburghmother$8.00 Apr. 20, 1864
169,801Norton, Abel L.Bristolpartial deafness$4.00 June 15, 1880
190,626Noyes, Freedom W.Bristolinjury to abdomen & parl. par. l. side$18.00 -
30,028Olmstead, Walter HMiddleburyg. s. wd. l. foot$6.00 -
59,002Palmer, AbigailVergenneswidow$8.00 -
202,305Palmer, Edson B.Bristolinjury to abdomen$4.00 Feb. 3, 1882
145,960Palmer, Henry C.Addisong. s. wd. rt. leg$6.00 -
101,787Parker, HarrietVergennesmother$8.00 Oct. 28, 1867
218,103Parker, James E.Whitingdis. lungs & rheum$6.00 Sept. 15, 1882
200,093Parker, Jerome W.Bristolinjury to abdomen$4.00 Dec. 31, 1881
29,444Peck, AmyVergenneswidow 1812$8.00 May 13, 1880
194,108Peen, JosephVergenneschr. rheumatism$6.00 Aug. 8, 1881
186,564Phinney, JuliaLincolnmother$8.00 Jan. 7, 1880
14,225Piper, Aaron J.Middleburyloss rt. arm ab. elbow$24.00 -
6,161Piper, AmasaRiptonsurv. 1812$8.00 Oct. 12, 1871
194,138Piper, FannyRiptonmother$8.00 Jan. 19, 1882
Ploof, AbrahamNorth Ferrisburghburns, scalds & chr. bron.$8.00 -
189,963Plue, KateOrwellwidow$16.00 Oct. 8, 1880
4,704Potter, RachelVergennesmother$8.00 Aug. 13, 1863
183,661Quimby, CharlotteVergenneswidow$8.00 Apr. 8, 1879
1,492Quimby, Samuel D.Addisonparalysis (Navy)$18.00 -
104,639Ravlin, Jason P.Starksboroughg. s. wd. rt. hand$12.00 -
69,605Raymond, DanielNorth Ferrisburghg. s. w. neck & spine$18.00 -
14,861Raymond, Isaac W.Orwellchr. diarrhea$6.00 -
151,245Rice, Jonas R.Bridportg. s. wd. rt. leg$8.00 Feb. 19, 1878
175,252Rich, Ann F.Middleburywidow$10.00 Oct. 9, 1876
197,528Rich, Charles H.Middleburyminor of$10.00 Oct. 26, 1882
157,193Richardson, William T.New Havenmalarial pois. & chr. diarr.$8.00 -
202,170Rickert, James L.Leicester Junctionsh. wd. shoul., arm, side & inj. rt. ank.$8.00 Jan. 31, 1870
120,213Ritchie, JohnMiddleburyloss r. thumb$4.00 Dec. 30, 1873
100,728Roberts, MarkBristolinjury of back$4.00 -
195,863Rock, JamesVergennesrheumatism$6.00 -
34,532Rogers, Francis E.Middleburywidow$8.00 -
47,952Rooney, JosephMiddleburyg. s. wd. l. hip$18.00 -
189,969Rowe, PrudenceBread Loafwidow$8.00 Oct. 8, 1880
7,444Russell, CynthiaBridportwidow 1812$8.00 July 31, 1878
43,007Sanders, HarlowShorehamshell wd. rt. arm$18.00 -
26,213Sanford, AnnaWest Cornwellwidow 1812$8.00 Aug. 6, 1879
149,212Sargeant, JosephGranvillefather$8.00 Apr. 4, 1871
192,891Sargent, Serrel J.Lincolninjury to back & l. ankle$4.00 July 18, 1881
72,762Scarborough, Mary M.Bristolwidow$8.00 -
9,670Selleck, MarthaMiddleburywidow$8.00 -
176,303Shadrick, Betsy ElizabethBristolmother$8.00 Feb. 7, 1877
44,407Shadrick, JohnBristolg. s. w. rt. breast & l. arm$14.00 -
41,278Shadrick, WilliamBristolinjury of back$8.00 -
111,056Shadrick, WilliamBristolchr. diarrhea$10.00 -
126,081Shaw, Albert M.Middleburyinjury to abdomen$4.00 Dec. 18, 1873
41,153Sheldon, Benj.Bristolg. s. w. r. wrist$8.00 Apr. __, 1865
146,984Sherman, SalomaRiptonmother$8.00 Jan. 7, 1871
15,221Smith, DeliaNorth Orwellwidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 17, 1879
192,915Smith, ElizabethShorehamwidow$8.00 July 23, 1881
220,118Smith, Henry S.Bristoldiseaes of lungs$4.00 Nov. 1, 1882
201,607Sneden, JamesVergennesg. s. w. l. shoulder$2.00 Jan. 28, 1882
148,660Sorrell, MaryNorth Ferrisburghmother$8.00 Mar. 17, 1871
28,601Spaulding, PhebePantonwidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 24, 1880
28,370Spear, Anna L.North Ferrisburghwidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 8, 1880
213,534Spear, George W.Vergennesinjury to abdomen$4.00 June 30, 1882
194,280Spooner, Alonzo H.Hancockaxe wd. left knee$4.00 Aug. 10, 1881
195,788Spoor, Hiram S.Bread Loafchr. diarrhea & disease lungs$10.00 Sept. 15, 1881
54,113St. Lewis, SusanVergenneswidow$8.00 Aug. 24, 1865
197,777Steadman, Mary L.Orwellwidow$8.00 Nov. 28, 1882
66,587Stebbins, EmilyMonktonwidow$8.00 -
136,954Stedman, Francis C.Orwellg. s. wd. l. ankle & s. wd. rt. side$6.00 Nov. 24, 1875
137,367Stedman, Irwin W.Orwellg. s. wd. l. thigh$6.00 -
7,168Stevens, Sally A.Vergenneswidow 1812$8.00 July 1, 1878
95,197Stone, JosephNorth Ferrisburghg. s. w. rt. leg$8.00 -
194,070Stowell, Edwin S.Cornwallminor child$22.00 Jan. 13, 1882
160,001Stowell, Edwin S.Cornwallconstn. & res. artfl anus$20.00 May 19, 1879
103,816Strickland, Charles B.Vergennesrheu. sunstroke & bron.$14.00 -
171,193Swinton, Robert W.Bridportdis. of abdominal viscera$6.00 July 14, 1880
183,408Tart, Ambrose L.South Starksboromal. pois. & dis. rt. hand & arm$8.00 Feb. 28, 1881
177,993Tayette, A. HarrisPantoninj. r. eye$4.00 Oct. 30, 1880
199,012Taylor, George F.East Middleburydis. sp. & h. & g. s. wd. rt. hand$6.00 Dec. 10, 1881
58,790Taylor, Urania F.Brooksvillewidow$8.00 -
69204Tracy, Amasa S.Middleburyg. s. w. l. leg & shell wd. l. hip$30.00 -
175,135Trombly, MaryBridportwidow$16.00 Sept. 5, 1876
99,568Tucker, Clarissa A.Granvillemother$8.00 Sept. 19, 1867
27,770Tucker, ElizaBristolwidow 1812$8.00 Nov. 11, 1879
Tucker, HenrySouth Starksboroinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
219,825Tyler, HiramMiddleburyg. s. wd. rt. thigh & rheuma$2.00 Oct. 27, 1882
100,226Vanson, CharlesBristolg. s. wd. rt. thigh$24.00 -
156,824Varney, George W.Lincolnmalarial poisoning$8.00 Dec. 13, 1878
22,642Waldron, George W.Addisonwd. left leg$4.00 Jan. 13, 1864
40,279Walker, Sarah E.Salisburywidow$8.00 Feb. 4, 1865
190,218Ward, ChesterHancockfather$8.00 Oct. 30, 1880
196,810Ward, Franklin J.Bristolmal. pois. & res. dis. bows., l & k$12.00 Oct. 18, 1881
199,250Ward, George W.Vergenneschr. diarr. & pleurisy$6.00 Dec. 15, 1881
69,685Ward, RuthHancockwidow$8.00 -
87,710Warner, Charles B.Bristolinj. rt. shoulder & rt. foot$12.00 -
187,110Warren, Harriet R.Starksboroughmother$8.00 Feb. 28, 1880
97,315Weaver, Charles W.Bristolg. s. wd. rt. hip$12.00 -
71,269Weller, Eliza C.Monkton Ridgewidow$8.00 -
15,501Wells, Willis F.South Starksborochr. rheum.$6.00 -
180,619Wheeler, GilmanLincolnfather$8.00 Apr. 4, 1878
5,972Whipple, MosesMiddleburysurv. 1812$8.00 Oct. 10, 1871
161,125Whittemore, Harrison W.Brooksvillemalarial poisoning$4.00 June 27, 1879
87,977Wicker, Andrew J.Weybridgewd. rt. hand & arm$8.00 Dec. 23, 1867
64,182Wideawake, Herbert J.Middleburywd. neck & shoulder$2.00 -
169,682Wilcox, George W.Lincolng. s. wd. rt. thigh$4.00 -
87,916Williamson, AbramMiddleburychr. diarrh. & injury to abdomen$8.00 -
186,337Williamson, Charles H.Middleburyg. s. w. left knee$8.50 Apr. 7, 1881
26,205Willmarth, SusanAddisonwidow 1812$8.00 Aug. 6, 1879
16,379Wilson, BetseyRichvillewidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 30, 1879
152,694Wilson, Geo. M.Middleburyg. s.w. l. arm$18.00 Apr. 25, 1878
1,441Wilson, Mary F.Middleburywidow$8.00 Dec. 14, 1871
105,774Wright, George N.East Granvilleg. s. w. l. hand, loss ind. finger$2.00 Oct. 10, 1870
197,460York, Jerium A.Lincolnfather$8.00 Oct. 17, 1882
19,264Young, George L.Riptonchr. diarr.$2.00 -
88,530Youtt, Charles E.Middleburyg. s. wd. l. thigh & hip$6.00 -
140,962Zelner, LewisLeicester Junctioninjury to abdomen$2.00 Aug. 19, 1876

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