New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Morgan County, Tennessee

January 1, 1883

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The 1883 Morgan CountyTennessee Pensioners on the Roll includes the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, the rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
151, 211Adcock, ArchibaldCoalfieldchr. rheum.$24.00Feb., 1878
134, 804Allen, Mary L.Crooked Forkwidow$8.00Sept., 1869
139, 061Barger, MaryCrooked Forkmother$8.00Jan., 1870
87, 417Bingham, Isaac N.Wartburghinj. breast r. hip$4.00Mar., 1869
110, 439Bird, Phebe N.Wartburghwidow$8.00Dec., 1868
23, 260Bridges, ElizabethGladeswidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1879
171, 667Bunch, ElizabethWartburghmother$8.00Jan., 1876
26, 477Bush, Rebecca A.Crooked Forkwidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1879
112, 025Cox, Chas.Wartburghchr. diarr.$12.00May, 1874
194, 378Cox, Nancy A.Kismetwidow & 2 c$12.00Feb., 1882
189, 981Crenshaw, Agnes H.Wartburghwidow & 2 c$12.00Oct., 1880
96, 243Daviel, CatharineLongevitywidow$8.00Jan., 1867
149, 020Estes, JaneCoalfieldwidow$8.00Mar., 1871
112, 657Francis, Wm. D.Wartburghwd. l. leg$2.66 2/3Dec., 1877
161, 774Goddard, NancyCoalfieldwidow$8.00Mar., 1876
114, 711Hall, ElishaSunbrightinj. l. wrist$8.00Dec., 1871
166, 163Henry, EllenMontgomerymother$8.00Oct., 1874
79, 751Jones, Mary AnnWartburghmother$8.00July, 1866
106, 245Langley, Wm. B.Wartburghwd. l. hip$4.00Nov., 1870
206, 959Lynch, EugeneAnnadelinjury to abdomen$8.00Apr., 1882
130, 143Lyons, MartinWartburghdis. of eyes$6.00Sept., 1874
170, 650Nitzechki, EmilyWartburghwidow & 2 child$12.00Sept., 1875
10, 758Potter, SolomonWartburghsurv. 1812$8.00Jan., 1872
121, 011Powell, JosephWartburghloss r. middle finger by g. s.$6.00Jan., 1873
106, 435Robinson, CeliaSunbrightwidow$8.00Jan., 1868
205, 876Ruffner, PeterCoalfieldinj. of r. clavicle$4.00Mar., 1882
138, 026Shannon, MaryMontgomerymother$8.00Jan., 1870
171, 125Silcocks, LeanerWartburghmother$8.00Nov., 1875
10, 181Stephens, SusanahCrooked Forkwidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1878
28, 185Stoneypher, ObedanceCrooked Forkwidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1879
138, 456Sumstein, Margaret J.Wartburghwidow$8.00Jan., 1871
84, 081West, PollyCrooked Forkmother$8.00Sept., 1866
193, 432White, SarahWartburghmother$8.00Sept., 1881
31, 875Williams, NancySunbrightwidow 1812$8.00June, 18?1