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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll

Bristol County, Rhode Island

January 1, 1883

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The 1883 Bristol County, Rhode Island Pensioners on the Roll includes the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, the rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #	Name of Pensioner	Post Office address	Cause for pension	Rate	Date of Origional Allowance
23,770	Barrington, John	Barrington Centre	surv 1812		$8.00	Aug., 1878
39,994	Gardner, Mary T.	Barrington Centre	widow			8.00	-
108,245	Kinnecutt, Sophia M.	Barrington Centre	widow			8.00	-
13,119	Peck, Susan R.		Barrington Centre	widow			8.00	-
4,531	Canfield, S.A. Martha	Bristol			widow			30.00	-
151,134	Barrus, Albert		Bristol			dis. heart		6.00	-
66,320	Lawrence, John		Bristol			w.r.wrist		4.00	-
104,739	Lake Jonathan		Bristol			dis. kidneys		6.00	-
95,056	McKay Sam'l		Bristol			w.l.thigh		2.00	-
196,407	Meigs, John R.		Bristol			inj.back,& c.		4.00	Oct., 1881
45,088	McGee, Jas		Bristol			loss r. leg		24.00	-
25,528	Mason, Jas. S.		Bristol			w.l.hand		12.00	-
102,697	Morris, Benj. B.	Bristol			injury to Abdomen	8.00	-
187,889	Taylor, Sam'l A.	Bristol			rheum			4.00	May, 1881
35,720	Waldron, Chas. A.	Bristol			w.l. shr		18.00	-
211,357	wilson, Irrin		Bristol			inj. lumbar Region	4.00	June, 1882
66,440	Pierce, Alonzo M.	Bristol			injury to Abdomen	4.00	-
58,364	Darling, Wm. J.		Bristol			inj. back		4.00	-
138,434	Eddy, Geo. O.		Bristol			w.r.leg			8.50	-
188,195 Farnsworth, Robert	Bristol			inj. Breast		6.00	May, 1881
12,712	Gladding, John A.C.	Bristol			strain back		4.00	-
44,737	Hoard, Jas., Jr.	Bristol			loss r. arm		24.00	-
106,772	Dunbar Geo. P.		Bristol			w.l.foot		2.00	Nov., 1870
140,125	Alger, Mary C.		Bristol			widow			8.00	-
5,391	Babbitt, Abby B.	Bristol			widow			25.00	Sept., 1863
10, 412	Bullock, Ellen		Bristol			dep. mother		8.00	dec., 1867
151,268	Barrows, Sarah H.	Bristol			dep. mother		8.00	June, 1871
122,495	Depring, Harriet C.	Bristol			widow			8.00	-
173,566	Chesebro, C.L.H.	Bristol			widow			10.00	Mar., 1876
94,950	Crowley, sophia		Bristol			widow			8.00	-
49,620	Freeman, Mary A.	Bristol			widow			8.00	-
63,671	Gavin, Jas.		Bristol			widow			8.00	-
14,952	Gorham, Julia		Bristol			widow			8.00	-
39,861	Starkey, Louisa E.	Bristol			Widow			8.00	Jan., 1865
82,748	Sullivan, Daniel	Bristol			w.l.leg			6.00	-
61,980	Simmons, Geo. W.	Bristol			w.l.thigh		2.66 2/3-
210,310	Short, Jas.		Bristol			loss finger & w.	8.00	Feb., 1882
19,845	Smith, Lawrence W.	Bristol			dis. kidneys, liver, & 	6.00	June, 1881
185,730	Tanner, Chas. J.	Bristol			Sh. w. back		6.00	Mar., 1881
96,608	Knight, Chas. H.	Bristol			dis. ear		4.00	-
198,016	Slade, Mary J.		Bristol			widow			12.00	Dec., 1882
174,729	wachter, chas. L.	Bristol			Minors of		10.00	Aug., 1876
7,357	Crandall, Lydia T.	Bristol			widow			22.00	-
7,506	Lawton, Mary W.		Bristol			widow			8.00	-
184,098	Maxfield, Ruth A.	Bristol			dep. mother		8.00	May, 1879
63, 077	Griffin, Emma		Bristol			dep. mother		8.00	-
9,736	Jones, Fanny M.		Bristol			widow 1812		8.00	oct., 1878
193,918	Potter, Mary A.		Bristol			Widow			14.00	dec., 1881
------- Hampson, Wm.		Bristol			navy			3.06 1/4 Aug., 1856
97,333	Thurston, Wm. T.	Nayatt Point		w.head			18.75	-
1,455	Abbott, Sarah C.	Warren			widow			30.00	-
33,192	Butterworth, John	Warren			loss l. arm		18.00	-
11,231	wood, John		Warren			w.l.leg			4.00	-
191,732	Newell, wm. H.		Warren			w.l.leg			4.00	June, 1881
223,267	Rankin, Pelig L.	Warren			w.chin			2.00	dec., 1882
140,945	Cole, Geo. G.		Warren			w.l.hip			2.00	-
147,320	Campbell, Jeanette	Warren			dep. mother		8.00	-
130,825	Gardner, Lydia		Warren			dep. mother		8.00	May, 1874
-------	O'brien, Thos.		warren			dis. heart, & C.	18.00	-
50,191	Sisson, Anna E.		Warren			widow			8.00	-
10,055	Luther, Alfred		Warren			loss.r.arm		18.00	-
152,480	Wallace, Mary		Warren			widow			10.00	July, 1871
43,704	McKenna, Bridget	Warren			widow			8.00	-
67,144	Moran, Mary		Warren			widow			8.00	-
177,319	Murray, Mary		warren			dep. Mother		8.00	May, 1877
12,348	Hendricks, Catharine	Warren			widow 1812		8.00	Nov., 1878
4,845	Lake, Nancy		Warren			Widow 1812		8.00	Mar., 1873

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