New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Wood County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Wood County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
144,182Adams, Anthony W.Bairdstowndis. of abd. vis. result ch. diarr. $4.00 -
175,753Albott, Mary L.Bowling Greenwidow $17.00 Dec 1876
172,845Anderson, JohnTontoganyrheum. $12.00 Aug., 1880
59,777Angel, Athraida C.Custardep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1872
151,890Apple, JohnNorth Baltimorech. diarr. $2.00 Mar., 1878
114,615Armstrong, NelsonWestonwd. r. side of neck $3.00 -
155,286Askins, SarahCustarwidow $8.00 Jan., 1867
73,516Avery, Joshua O.Bowling Greenparalysis lower limbs $18.00 -
103,516Bailey, Wm.West Mill Grovew. l. leg $4.00 -
66,286Bailey, Wm. J.Millburywd. r. leg $8.00 -
123,146Baird, AsaBloomdalechr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $4.00 -
86,394Baird, Chas. C.Perrysburghwd. l. leg $4.00 -
106,266Baird, DavidBloomdalechr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $4.00 -
183,201Baker, Harvey D.Milton Centrepartial paralysis $6.00 Feb., 1881
215,278Baker, HenryMillburychr. diarr. & dis. of abb. vis. $4.00 July, 1876
167,477Baker, JohnBradnerdis. of b'ls & re. dis. of ab. vis. $2.00 May, 1880
141,592Baker, Wm. W.Tontoganyg. s. w. of neck $4.00 -
171,036Baldwin, JohnHammondsburghdis. eyes & rheum. $8.00 June, 1880
196,812Bamber, Curtis L.Bowling Greenchr. diarr. & general debly. $8.00 Oct., 1881
92,576Barbour, James M.Bowling Greenchr. rheum. $24.00 -
193,212Barger, Amos G.Custarg. s w. 2d finger l. hand $1.00 July, 1881
26,688Barker, Arthur W.Rising Sunwd. l. thigh $8.00 -
9,412Barlow, MarehaTontoganywidow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
157,047Barlow, MarthaTontoganydep. mother $8.00 Apr., 1871
22,085Bartlett, ElizaPerrysburghwidow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
102,797Barton, Henry J.Westonphthysis fr. poison $10.00 -
141,791Bash, DavidHaskinsg. s. wd. r. shoulder $2.00 -
170,030Basor, HenryPembervillechro. diarr. $4.00 June, 1880
76,298Bassore, Wm. W.Bradnershell wd. l. hand $10.00 -
41,545Bates, ChristianPerrysburghwd. l. hip $12.00 -
53,161Batt, LeviTontoganyg. s. w. of r. thigh $2.00 -
187,121Baugham, MichaelBowling Greendep. father $8.00 Feb 1880
106,093Beach, Edwise R.Bradnerdis. of eyes $3.00 -
107,193Beard, AlexanderPerrysburghchr. diarr. $6.00 -
69,875Beard, JosiahBairdstownwd. r. leg $6.00 -
115,092Beckwith, Chas. D.Westonwd. l. knee $4.00 -
223,511Bell, JohnCustarg. s. w. l. thigh $2.00 Dec., 1882
146,489Bemis, ShepardHaskinschr. rheum. $10.00 -
194,746Bennett, JennieBowling Greenwidow $8.00 Mar 1882
95,117Berge, Mary A.Millburydep. mother $8.00 May, 1887
174,793Berry MarthaMilton Centredep. father $8.00 Aug., 1876
90,217Billman, Mary A.Prairie Depotwidow 1812 $8.00 July 1876
123,406Blake, John C.Grand Rapidsg. s. wd. mid. 3d l. leg $4.00 May, 1873
202,333Bloom, James L.North Baltimoreg. s. w. l. leg & ankle $4.00 Feb., 1882
79,970Bolen, Martha M.North Baltimoredep. mother $8.00 May, 1866
18,766Bondfoot, JohnGrand Rapidswds. of l. side & thigh $4.00 May, 1881
27,615Bordner, HiramBowling Greenloss r. arm $24.00 -
161,600Bortel, AllenWestonch. diarr. $4.00 May, 1880
199,607Bortel, LeviGrand Rapidsrheum. $4.00 Dec., 1881
154,118Bortli, Henry C.Grand Rapidsg. s. wd. r. groin $2.00 June, 1878
155,913Bowler, DickersonMilton Centreinj. of back $4.00 Oct., 1878
121,944Brion, NormanRising Sunchr. diarr. & general debty. $4.00 -
203,704Brisbin, EugeneWestong. s. wd. of head $2.00 Feb., 1882
61,342Brown, AmosBowling Greenwd. r. hand $6.00 -
207,603Brown, David N.Grand Rapidsg. s. wd. l. thigh $2.00 Apr., 1882
169,600Brown, Isaac N.Westonch diarr. & dis. of eyes $6.00 June, 1880
112,528Brown, James M.Perrysburghchr. diarr. & res. dis. abd. visc. $8.00 -
34,474Brown, Wilson W.Perrysburghg. s. w. l. knee & ring finger $16.00 -
173,274Brown, Wm.Haskinsg. s. wd. l. thigh $12.00 Sept., 1880
23,818Browneller, Geo.Bloomdaledis. of lungs, &c. $8.00 -
173,701Burdett, Wm. J.Tontoganyg. s. w. r. thigh $6.00 Sept., 1880
126,356Burdue, HenryWestonwd. left side $8.00 -
118,220Burket, Geo.Perrysburghchr. diarr. & res. dis. abd. visc. $8.00 -
214,980Burnham, AbnerPembervilleg. s. w. rt. cheek & hand $2.00 July, 1875
216,442Burwell, Finis S.Grand Rapidspartial paralysis of left arm $6.00 Aug. 1882
159,461Bushnell, DanielPembervillecontusion of face $2.00 Apr., 1879
120,690Byers, AbrahamBairdstownchr. rheum. $6.00 -
122,081Callin, James M.Hoytvillewd. r. thigh $2.00 -
165,430Calvin, AlbertCustarchr. diarr. $4.00 Mar., 1880
119,858Carey, ReubenJerry Citydis. heart & lung $8.00 -
79,206Carman, HowardPrairie Depotwd. l. leg $6.00 -
193,117Carr, John M.Mungenshell wd. of back $1.00 July, 1881
124,054Castle, ElizabethMilton Centredep. father $8.00 Jan., 18__
193,380Caswell, LucindaPortagedep. mother $8.00 Sept 1881
33,326Chamberlin, CatharineLe Moynewidow $8.00 -
101,893Chamberlin, IsaiahPembervilleg. s. w. r. shoulder $6.00 -
6,334Chamblen, SarahBradnerwidow $8.00 Oct., 1874
60,584Chappell, Chas. W.Perrysburghg. s. w. r. breast $8.00 -
49,974Chappell, John W.Perrysburghwd. right leg $8.00 -
127,329Charles HiramPerrysburghcatarrh. & neuralgia $4.00 -
149,769Chase, Geo. D.North Baltimorech. diarr. $4.00 Dec., 1877
71,346Chase, Otaway C.North Baltimorech. diarr. $12.00 -
180,173Chilcote, Perry C.West Mill Grovechr. diarr. $4.00 Dec., 1880
201,292Chiloote, Sam'l M.Blinndropsy $4.00 Jan 1882
174,323Christian, J.Rising Sunsunstroke $2.00 Sept 1880
89,487Clabaugh, JosephWestonwd. l. foot $8.00 -
207,055Clague, Thos.Fentonwd. of head $2.00 May, 1882
205,272Clair Samuel W.Tontoganynervous debility, &c. $4.00 Mar., 1882
172,650Clark, Abner M.Haskinsg. s. wd. l. ft., resul. lameness $2.00 Aug., 1880
188,848Clark, Wm. R.Perrysburghg. s. w. r. hand $8.00 May 1881
112,078Clary, JohnPrairie Depotwd. l. thigh $6.00 -
222,890Cloud, SamuelNorth Baltimorech. diarr. $2.00 Dec., 1882
69,011Coen, EmelineTontoganywidow $8.00 -
212,292Coller, Wm.Bowling Greenchr. diar., malarial fever $4.00 June, 1882
130,612Collier, SalindaMilton Centrewidow $8.00 June, 1869
117,488Comstock, AbelBowling Greendis. liver, spleen, diar., dis. of abd. vis. $8.00 -
106,800Constable, EmanuelBowling Greendis. of heart & lungs $10.00 -
172,896Cook, AllenPerrysburghchr. bronchitis $6.00 Aug 1880
72,378Cook, HarriettNorth Baltimorewidow 1812 $8.00 -
54,607Cook, LucindaPrairie Depotwidow 1812 $8.00 -
176,092Cook, Wm.Bloomdaledep. father $8.00 Jan 1877
11,197Cooley, Charles P.Scotch Ridgeinj. to spine & inj. to ab. $8.00 -
148,262Copus, John H.North Baltimorewd. r. knee $2.00 -
53,160Corbin, Wm. H.Fentonwd. l. shoulder $4.00 -
41,754Courtney, John C.Bowling Greenwd. r. shoulder $18.00 -
29,814Cowden, LouisaNorth Baltimorewidow 1812 $8.00 June, 1880
125,676Cowles, Henry E.Tontoganyg. s. wd. r. leg $2.00 -
106,523Cox, Benjamin F.Scotch Ridgewd. rt. arm $6.00 -
91,793Cox, Noah W.Perrysburghtotal blindness $72.00 -
108,151Coy, James W.West Mill Grovewd. r. lung, thumb, & cheek $10.00 -
142,537Cramer, RichardBowling Greenwd. l. hand $4.00 -
465Crane, EstherTontoganywidow $8.00 Mar., 1869
184,856Crawford, Catharine M.Bairdstownwidow $12.00 July 1879
27,611Creps, Joseph A.Tontoganydropsy & spinal dis. $8.00 -
144,101Croninger, LorenzoMilton Centreinjury to abdomen $8.00 Mar., 1877
136,493Croshaw, SpencerWestong. s. w. of head $6.00 -
38,998Crosser, AmandaNorth Baltimorewidow 1812 $8.00 -
162,936Crosshan, EleanorWestondep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1873
152,251Curran, Peter D.Luckeyg. s. wd. l. thigh $2.00 Apr., 1878
197,010Current, JohnHaskinsg. s. wd. l. wrist & dis. eyes $6.00 Oct., 1881
116,007Dague, Mary J.Milton Centredep. father $8.00 July, 1868
130,382Dailey, Geo. K.Prairie Depotg. s. wd. r. foot $6.00 -
116,436Daily, SamuelBloomdaledyspepsia $6.00 -
153,755Daman, ZibiaWest Mill Grovechr. diarr. $4.00 June, 1878
215,604Davenport, Martin S.Bowling Greenchr. diarr. & dis. heart $6.00 July, 1882
63,494Davidson, Robert S.Stony Ridgewd. r. wrist joint $4.00 -
98,187Davis, John G.Bloomdalewd. l. arm $4.00 -
211,529Day, Deming W. H.Bowling Greeninj. l. elbow & r. ankle $20.00 June, 1882
49,943Dean, AlfredMillburywd. l. leg $6.00 -
64,726Dean, James T.Milton Centrewd. r. arm $6.00 -
200,658DeRodes, Henry C.North Baltimoredis. spine $4.00 Jan., 1882
13,630Dewese, AnnaWestonwidow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
110,866Disinger, SamuelNorth Baltimorech. diarr. $5.00 -
193,721Domer, Joseph M.Grand Rapidswidow $10.00 Dec., 1881
196,639Drake, Oliver P., alias Perry O.Bloomdalewd. of head $2.00 Oct 1881
113,496Drummond, JohnWestong. s. w. l. side face $4.00 -
107,450Eastman, James W.Bowling Greenwd. of head $8.00 Jan 1871
118,468Eberly, Benj. F.Bowling Greenwd. l. arm $4.00 May 1872
187,592Edgar, Squire L.North Baltimorech. diarr. $6.00 Apr., 1881
18,175Ellsworth, JaneMilton Centrewidow $8.00 -
188,525Evers, Chas. W.Bowling Greenwd. l. leg $4.00 May 1881
97,373Facer, JamesMillburyrheum. r. leg & hip $18.00 -
161,576Falson, James D.North Baltimoreinj to r. ankle $4.00 July, 1879
134,387Fink, LewisPerrysburghdis of eyes $4.00 June 1865
42,691Finkbeiner, Christ'ph'rPerrysburghloss r. leg $18.00 May, 1865
203,816Flickinger, JosephNorth Baltimorespinal rheum. $4.00 Mar., 1882
7,318Foltz, JohnGrand Rapidschr. diarr. $4.00 Sept., 1852
187,818Foot, Amos H.Milton Centreg. s. wd. l. arm $10.00 May, 1881
134,602Forsyth, Geo. W.Hoytvilleepilepsy $18.00 July, 1875
173,996Foster, TheodorePembervillewd. l. thigh $4.00 Sept., 1880
158,681Fowler, Austin A.Bowling Greenchr. diarr. $6.00 Apr 1879
96,836Fraser, James W.Perrysburghdep. father $8.00 Mar., 1869
77,306Frederick, JamesJerry Citywd. of l. leg $8.00 -
162,132Frederick, Wm. H.Jerry Citydis. heart $8.00 Aug., 1879
39,869Frederick, Wm. H.Bowling Greenwd. l. knee-joint $12.00 -
100,443Frees, SarahLongleydep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1868
99,120Fry, Jacob B.Bloomdalewd. r. arm $2.00 July 1869
17,790Fry, JosephyBradnerchr. diarr. & inj. to abd., &c. $10.00 -
94,107Fuller, Wm.Tontoganych. diarr. $12.00 -
22,115Furry, Jacob H.Pembervillewd. in neck $8.00 June, 1866
110,885Furry, Wm.Stony Ridgewd. r. leg & epileptic fits $8.00 -
66,337Gay, Horace M.Perrysburghwd. of chest $8.00 -
15,947Gibson, Wilson S.North Baltimoreulcer of l. leg $4.00 May, 1879
52,928Gilbert, FullerHoytvillewd. r. hand $18.00 -
109,506Glenn, AndrewBowling Greenchr. bronchitis $8.00 Apr 1871
57,301Goodman, OliverBowling Greenloss l. arm $18.00 Feb 1866
200,183Goodrich, James D.Milton Centrewd. l. side head $2.00 Jan., 1882
177,593Gorton, Geo. B.Hoytvilleinj to l. knee $4.00 Oct., 1880
176,402Gould, Elizabeth J.Prairie Depotwidow 1812 $8.00 Feb 1877
188,501Grannes, LenoraBowling Greendep. mother $8.00 June 1880
179,792Graves, Wm.Rising Sundis. of throat & ch. diarr. $4.00 Dec 1880
73,687Griss, EnosPerrysburghwd. of back $6.00 Nov 1866
51,735Gross, Chas.Perrysburghwd. l. shoulder $4.00 Oct., 1865
47,215Gross, EphraimWestonloss r. leg $18.00 Aug., 1865
103,608Grove, JosephNorth Baltimorech. diarr. $4.00 June, 1870
175,442Gundy, ChristopTontoganyg. s. w. of neck & cheek $4.00 Oct., 1880
223,743Hall, John R.Bowling Greendiarr., dis. of abdominal viscera, & rheum. $2.00 Dec., 1882
68,485Hamilton, JohnWestonwd. l. leg $7.00 -
36,372Hamilton, WilsonPrairie Depotparalysis l. arm fr. g. s. w. $8.00 -
108,575Hammond, HannahBairdstowndep. mother $8.00 Feb 1868
69,258Hampton, MaryTontoganydep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1866
170,305Hans, MargaretPerrysburghdep. mother $8.00 July, 1875
67,269Hapwood, HenryPerrysburgh- $4.00 -
104,101Harman, Benjamin C.West Mill Grovewd. l. arm & shoulder $6.00 -
55,138Hartman, LewisBairdstownloss l. arm $24.00 -
13,139Hasel, GeorgeLe Moyneloss l. leg $18.00 -
40,930Haspster, JesseBradnerwd. l. thigh $24.00 -
14,286Hatch, MaryPerrysburghwidow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
150,206Hatcher, DavidPerrysburghwd. right hand $2.00 Dec., 1877
48,053Hathaway, Nancy J.Luckeywidow $8.00 -
53,844Hayes, JamesPerrysburghwd. l. leg & breast $8.00 -
222,567Heath, JacobPortagerheumatism $4.00 Dec 1882
127,245Heller, Henry T.Custarwd. l. hand $8.00 Mar., 1874
150,754Helm, NoahBowling Greenchr. diarr. $4.00 Jan 1878
85,261Heminger, John A.North Baltimorewd. r. arm $6.00 Dec., 1872
125,049Hemrick, JohnMillburysunstroke $6.00 -
149,700Hess, Samuel N.Bloomdalewd. r. foot $4.00 Dec 1877
61,548Hickler, Wm.Perrysburghwd. right shoulder $6.00 Apr., 1866
222,019Hill, Andrew J.Rising Sundis. of throat & ch. diarr. $4.00 Dec 1882
133,501Hill, DavidMilton Centredep. father $8.00 Aug., 18__
106,061Hill, MorrisBradnerwd. r. leg $4.00 -
109,438Hill, SusanMilton Centrewidow $8.00 Mar., 1868
105,677Hill, Wm.Rising Suninj. to spine & effects $8.00 -
75,353Hill, Wm. W.Westonwd. left leg $14.00 -
175,053Hinds, AdamScotch Ridgeg. s. w. over l. eye $2.00 Oct., 1880
204,168Hite, Martin K.Westondis of lungs $12.00 Mar., 1882
33,755Hixson, Henry G.Bowling Greenwd. l. thigh $10.00 -
209,296Holden, Elisha M.Fentong. s. w. of face $4.00 May, 1882
195,185Hollenbeck, Wm. H.Perrysburghg. s. w. l. thigh $2.00 Aug 1881
98,571Hollingshead, LoisBloomdaledep. mother $8.00 Sep 1868
188,476Holly, Ledyard B.Perrysburghinjury to abdomen $8.00 May 1881
90,362Holmes, JohnMillburyvaricose veins $4.00 -
207,873Hooner, Henry E.Custarinjury to abdomen $4.00 May, 1882
133,776Hopper, James J.Luckeywd. l. knee $2.00 -
131,042Hormer, Ira B.Westonwd. l. thigh $4.00 Dec., 1874
116,594Householder, RobertScotch Ridgechr. rheum. $8.00 Apr. 1872
127,019Hover, JohnWestonwd. l. hand $2.00 Feb., 1874
112,796Howard, Theo. P.Bowling Greendis. of heart $8.00 -
15,321Huborn, SamuelJerry Citywd. r. hand $12.00 -
206,026Huffman, JacobBradnerasthma & dis. of abd. vis. $8.00 Apr., 1882
173,283Hufford, Geo. W.Perrysburghchr. diarr. & dis. heart $8.00 Sept 1880
175,072Hun, Columbus C.Perrysburghrheum. & dis. of lungs $8.00 Oct 1880
220,915Hungerford, ZadokMilton Centrechr. diarr. $2.00 Nov., 1882
98,443Hunt, James H.Portagewd. r. shoulder $4.00 June 1869
39,268Hutchinson, PhilsonMilton Centrewd. l. arm & lung $18.00 Mar., 1863
65,105Hyde, Rhoda A.Custarwidow $8.00 Feb., 1866
143,522Ireland, NicholasMungenchr. diarr. $6.00 -
148,931Jackson, IsaacNorth Baltimorewd. l. thigh $4.00 Oct., 1877
219,711Jackson, StilesMilton Centreneuralgia & nervous deb. $6.00 Oct., 1883
81,170James, TalumaWest Mill Grovewd. both legs $6.00 -
117,061Jarbaugh, Wm. H.North Baltimoreinj. to spine $4.00 Oct., 1880
221,378Jeffers, ChristopherTontoganych. diarr. $4.00 Nov., 1882
52,429Jennings, Wm. H.Perrysburghwd. right arm $6.00 Nov., 1865
187,264Johnson, HiramBowling Greenchr. diarr. $4.00 Apr 1881
222,595Johnson, JamesHaskinsdis. of lungs $8.00 Dec., 1882
219,865Johnson, Warren S.Stony Ridgerheum. $4.00 Oct., 1882
109,157Johnston, Elizabeth J.Tontoganywidow $8.00 Feb., 1868
133,007Jolly, JaredHammondsburghwd. of l. arm $4.00 Apr., 1875
65,956Jolly, Sarah A.Scotch Ridgewidow $8.00 -
17,376Jones, Morris D.Bradnerwidow $10.00 May, 1876
75,990Jones, NancyPortagewidow $8.00 June 1866
89,930Jones, Orson H.Custarchr. sore r. leg $8.00 -
109,338Jones, Wm. A.Bairdstownwd. both legs $10.00 -
121,961Keefer, AbramMillburyheart dis. $8.00 -
185,408Keeler, Alonzo B.Portagewd. l. forearm $2.00 Mar 1881
92,023Keeler, Wm. O.Milton Centredis. of eyes $6.00 -
148,699Keip, FrankPortageloss toes l. foot $8.00 Oct 1877
144,676Keller, Geo. W.Grand Rapidswd. r. foot $4.00 Apr., 1877
144,561Kelley, Isaac N.Pembervillewidow $10.00 -
74,157Kempler, JohnHoytvillewd. l. hand with loss lit. fin. $6.00 -
119,761Kiger, JohnHoytvillechr. diarr. & dis. of lungs $18.00 -
63,976Kimble, Benj. F.Hoytvillewd. l. arm & r. shoulder $6.00 -
15,116Klever, JacobPerrysburghinjury to abdomen $4.00 Feb 1878
108,859Kloor, HenryMilton Centreinj. of back $31.25 -
174,568Klopbenstien, LeeBowling Greenloss r. index finger $3.00 Sep 1880
100,941Knaggs, James W.Portagewd. l. side & arm $8.00 -
204,319Knerr, ChristianPerrysburghrheum. & inj to abdomen $4.00 Mar 1882
198,176Knifer, EdwardGrand Rapidswd. of head & r. shoulder $4.00 Nov., 1881
97,152Kopf, MichaelLe Moynewd. head - -
61,546Laflore, DominicPembervillechr. rheum. & diarr. $6.00 -
92,086Lake, Thomas J.Pembervillewd. r. shoulder $4.00 -
49,440Lambright, John F.West Mill Grovewd. l. arm & shoulder $6.00 -
197,128Laney, Luke H.Hammondsburghdis. eyes & rheum. $8.00 Oct., 1881
111,381Laney, Owen H.North Baltimorewd. r. heel $4.00 -
77,514Lauck, JohnNorth Baltimorewd. l. shoulder $2.00 -
102,839Lawler, TimothyBowling Greenwd. l. hip $4.00 -
167,414Leary, JohnRising Sung. s. wd. of both thighs $2.00 Apr 1880
124,081Leathers, WessleyBairdstowndis. of heart $4.00 -
150,307Lebay, FrankMilton Centrewd. l. forearm $4.00 Dec. 1877
196,838Lemons, Wm.Westonwd. left wrist $2.00 Oct., 1881
202,561Lewis, CasperWestonch diarr. & dis. of eyes $14.00 -
13,190Lincoln, JosephBowling Greeninj. to bladder $18.00 -
151,058Listman, AndrewPembervillechro. diarr. $6.00 Feb., 1878
131,211Loman, JeremiahBloomdalechr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $12.00 -
47,034Long, ElizabethRising Sunwidow $8.00 -
103,034Long, Henry L.Bowling Greendis. of heart & lungs $18.00 -
161,759Long, JamesBowling Greenwd. of l. leg $2.00 July, 1879
69,557Loucks, Martin S.North Baltimorewd. r. leg $6.00 -
24,744Lovell, AnnaNorth Baltimorewidow $8.00 June, 1879
23,221Loy, John C.Longleywd. l. elbow $8.00 -
131,679Lush, James H.Prairie Depotwd. l. side $2.00 -
116,884Lusk, DavidPrairie Depotchr. diarr. $8.00 -
107,738Mackey, Mary J.Rising Sunwidow $8.00 Feb 1869
174,103Mahoney, JohnBradnerdis. of heart from prison life $3.75 Sept., 1880
135,533Manley, Mahlon K.Haskinsrheumatism $10.00 -
196,273Mason, Lewis W.Hoytvillechr. diarr. & dis. heart $8.00 Oct., 1881
99,264Matthews, Geo. K.Tontoganyrheum. & dis. heart $8.00 -
9,920McCarty, Wm. B.Bowling Greenvaricose veins l. leg $17.00 -
1,491McColley, JohnTontoganydis. of l. knee $8.00 -
102,391McCombs, HesterTontoganywidow $8.00 Nov., 1867
79,314McConnel, Joseph H.Milton Centreinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
160,038McCononey, MargaretGrand Rapidsdep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1872
50,690McCrory, JesseRising Sunwd. l. forearm $8.00 -
37,918McEwing, Thomas C.Jerry Citywd. r. humerus $ 2.66 2/3 -
118,672McFall, Geo. W.North Baltimorech. diarr. $6.00 -
13,829McKenzie, Robert Z.Bowling Greenvaricose veins r. leg $ 5.33 1/3 -
119,072McMahan, John H.North Baltimorerheum. & heart dis. $4.00 -
178,902McMahon, EllenPerrysburghdep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1877
100,457McVetta, ThomasBowling Greeninj. to back & abdomen $8.00 -
198,990Meachen, Wm.Millburyg. s. w. of l. hand $6.00 Dec., 1881
99,976Mellen, LydiaBairdstowndep. mother $8.00 Oct 1867
28,870Mercer, ReasonPortage- $6.00 -
50,372Merry, Earl W.Bowling Greenloss l. leg $18.00 -
55,640Metz, FrederickWestonwd. l. thigh $8.00 -
165,627Miller, LouisaRising Sundep. mother $8.00 July 1874
174,554Miller, ManvilleWestong. s. w. of l. hip $6.00 Oct., 1880
187,049Miller, ThomasWestondis. of heart & lungs $8.00 Apr. 1881
99,873Mitchell, ElizabethWestondep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1867
178,298Muir, JamesScotch Ridgechr. diarr. $4.00 Oct., 1880
181,847Muir, JohnScotch Ridgechr. rheum. $6.00 Jan., 1881
53,255Mundy, Reuben B.Rising Sunparalysis l. arm $18.00 Nov 1865
19,613Murdock, DavidTontoganywd. l. side $6.00 -
62,861Musser, EllzabethBairdstowndep. mother $8.00 -
50,887Myrice, Wm.Westonwd. l. leg $8.00 -
54,871Neal, NancyMilton Centrewidow $8.00 Aug., 1865
129,513Netmore, ElbridgeBowling Greengeneral debility, &c. $18.00 -
9,415Noel, MargaretStony Ridgewidow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
144,672Norris, Ormar P.Blinndyspep., catarrh, dis. lungs $17.00 Apr 1877
193,835North, Wm. H.Haskinsg. s. w. r. leg $2.00 Aug., 1881
90,840Odell, BennagerPrairie Depotwd. l. shoulder $8.00 -
151,171Ohealy, Frank L.Tontoganyloss 2d finger l. hand $2.00 Feb., 1878
50,764Older, BarnettCustarloss l. leg $18.00 -
33,747Otterbacher, JohnHammondsburghloss of l. arm $24.00 -
159,176Paine, Melissa E.Bowling Greendep. mother $8.00 Aug 1872
198,064Painter, Peter S.Bairdstownloss little toe l. foot &c. $2.00 Nov 1881
108,465Palmerton, Benj. F.Jerry Citywd. l. arm & side $8.00 -
158,835Park, DelilahBowling Greendep. mother $8.00 July 1872
66,698Parsons, Charlotte E.Tontoganywidow $17.00 -
51,076Patterson, WilsonWestonvaricose veins $10.00 -
158,708Peacock, CharlotteBowling Greendep. mother $8.00 July 1872
103,758Pelton, Henry J.West Mill Grovedis. of lungs & heart $5.00 -
98,189Pelton, JohnBradnerwd. of face $8.00 -
175,064Pember, Dallas S.Prairie Depotchr. rheum. & dis. of heart $8.00 Oct 1880
136,034Peterson, WileyBradnerinj. r. leg $4.00 -
175,412Pheils, JacobPerrysburghcatarrh. & inj. r. forearm $4.00 Oct 1880
148,073Pisel, EdwardBloomdalechr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $10.00 Sept 1877
145,454Pitcher, GundonHaskinswd. of face $2.00 May, 1877
213,898Pittinger, Henry C.Prairie Depotg. s. wd. back & l. shoulder $2.00 June 1882
144,247Powell, John W.Portagewd. r. shoulder $6.00 Mar 1877
121,036Powell, Samuel P.Grand Rapidschr. diarr. $2.00 -
76,511Price, Catharine A.Tontoganywidow $8.00 -
121,243Pryor, William A.Prairie Depotchr. rheum. $15.00 -
200,127Pugh, John H.Bowling Greeninj. to back & abdomen $4.00 Jan., 1882
79,893Purcell, MariaPembervillewidow $8.00 Dec., 1869
114,156Putman, AndrewRising Sunmumps & diarr. $4.00 -
48,768Ramsbottom, Wm.Westonwd. both arms $18.00 -
111,889Ravenaugh, JohnMilton Centrevaricose ulcer of legs $18.00 -
147,559Raymond, HelenBowling Greenwidow $20.00 Dec 1873
175,659Reams, AbrahamWestondis. of eyes $2.00 -
165,498Reid, John H.Bowling Greensunstroke $24.00 mar 1880
149,408Reither, John T.Perrysburghinj. r. ring finger $1.00 Nov 1876
99,961Rhoda, Chas.Custarinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
91,428Rice, EzekkielJerry Citywd. of head $4.00 -
78,261Richardson, LalandHoytvillewd. l. hand $ 2.66 2/3 -
62,619Rickard, Andrew J.Milton Centrewd. l. side $12.00 -
70,990Rickard, JohnJerry Citywd. r. arm $8.00 -
32,926Riff, Alexander B.Stony Ridgedis. of r. lung $4.00 -
111,566Rockwood, ByronNew Rochesterwd. l. arm $4.00 -
46,877Rosencrantz, AlbertWestonwd. r. leg $12.00 -
53,550Ross, MaryPerrysburghwidow $8.00 -
154,275Rumbaugh, NicholasWest Mill Grovedep. father $8.00 Nov., 1871
200,762Rush, AndrewBowling Greenwd. r. foot, l. shoulder $2.00 Jan., 1882
106,571Russell, BritonScotch Ridgewd. r. side, result'g paralysis $12.00 -
117,729Russell, JamesBowling Greendis. of heart $6.00 -
80,376Russell, JohnBowling Greendis. of eyes $2.00 -
177,600Russell, JosephBowling Greendeaf in both ears $4.00 Oct., 1880
97,433Russell, Wm. A.Jerry Citywd. of l. shoulder $10.00 -
144,329Sabin, Chas. E.Rising Sundis. eye $8.00 mar 1877
98,658Sabins, Wm.Grand Rapidsdis. of heart $10.00 -
139,948Salsberry, StanethlasCustarinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
123,659Sanders, Emris M.Pembervilleasthma & bronchitis $4.00 -
178,798Sanderson, NathanielPrairie Depotwidow 1812 $10.00 Oct 1877
23,053Sarazen, PeterWalbridgeloss r. index finger $2.00 -
220,314Saulter, JacobWestonwd. left wrist $2.00 Nov., 1882
68,654Sauter, HelenaPerrysburghdep. mother $20.00 Apr., 1865
196,468Sautter, Caroline E.Westondep. mother $8.00 June, 1882
105,375Schwind, FrederickPerrysburghwd. right hip $2.00 Sept., 1870
183,209Shanon, FrederickMungenwd. of l. forearm $2.00 Feb., 1881
130,097Sharp, EdwinRising Sunwd. r. side $4.00 -
110,300Shatzer, Henry A.Custarchr. diarr. & dis. heart $8.00 -
131,518Sheets, Albert A.Milton Centreinj. of back $12.00 -
135,760Shefler, ConradRising Sunchr. diarr. $8.00 -
171,284Shell, LydiaBradnerdep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1875
176,754Sheperd, EstherHaskinsdep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1877
98,044Shepfer, JacobPembervilleloss middle finger l. hand $6.00 -
137,822Shoemaker, Geo. A.Perrysburghinjury to abdomen $8.00 Feb 1876
62,337Shoup, JohnPrairie Depotwd. l. leg $4.00 -
203,052Shroyer, SamuelPortagechr. diarr. & res. dis. abd. vis. $6.00 Feb 1882
107,341Shue, Joseph W.Prairie Depotinj. to spine $14.00 -
581Shue, Mary A.Prairie Depotwidow 1812 $8.00 Sept 1881
56,754Shue, Miriam F.Bloomdalewidow $8.00 oct 1863
67,061Shure, MargaretStony Ridgewidow $8.00 -
100,932Silver, Wm.Westong. s. w. of l. hip $6.00 -
90,302Simion, LeviBairdstownwd. r. hip &c. $6.00 -
80,927Simonds, AliceBowling Greenwidow $8.00 Aug 1866
96,796Simons, Benjamin F.West Mill Grovew. l. leg $5.00 -
26,286Slaughterback, G. W.Bloomdalewd. r. arm $10.00 -
120,071Slaughterback, J. A.Bairdstowndiarr. $6.00 -
19,440Slaughterback, SamuelNorth Baltimorewd. l. hand $10.00 -
180,404Slawson, Anna E.Haskinswidow $12.00 Mar., 1878
147,625Sloyer, Edw.Bradnerwd. r. thigh $6.00 Aug., 1877
8,014Smith, BetseyWestonwidow $8.00 Aug., 1878
117,742Smith, FrederickNew Rochesterwd. l. arm $6.00 -
67,206Smith, Jedidiah D.Bowling Greenw. r. shoulder $6.00 -
43,082Smith, John W.West Mill Grovewd. r. thigh $18.00 -
123,640Smith, JosiasWestonwd. r. leg $2.00 -
87,816Smith, Laura C.Bowling Greenwidow $8.00 Dec 1866
216,363Smith, Wm. E.Westonpartial deafness $4.00 Aug., 1882
206,536Snively, Robert A.Grand Rapidschr. diarr. $4.00 Apr., 1882
175,423Snneed, EdwinPembervillechr. rheum. & lung dis. $4.00 Oct., 1880
166,908Solether, CharlesJerry Citydis. heart $8.00 Apr., 1880
214,915Spencer, Geo. B.Westonch. diarr. & dis, heart $8.00 June, 1882
193,979Spitler, PeterHoytvilleg. s. wd. r. thigh $4.00 July, 1881
126,185Stahl, JacobBradnerwd. r. ankle & foot $3.00 -
163,279Stevens, MartinPerrysburghsurv. 1812 $10.00 Dec., 1873
79,005Stevenson, Geo.Haskinswd. l. leg & r. chest $18.00 -
46,899Stewart, Andrew D.Bowling Greenwd. l. shoulder $8.00 -
187,848Stock, RebeccaBairdstowndep. mother $8.00 Apr 1880
45,854Stretchbery, JamesWestonwd. both legs $6.00 -
86,210Stump, John A.Prairie Depotwd. r. hip & rheum. $18.00 -
178,456Stump, Noah E.Prairie Depotwidow 1812 $10.00 May 1876
125,964Swarm, Franklin J.Milton Centrewd. l. shoulder $4.00 -
115,439Swartz, JonathanNorth Baltimorerheum. $3.00 Oct., 1880
199,966Swartzlander, MathiasLuckeyg. s. wd. r. thumb & arm $2.00 Dec., 1881
161,758Swartzlander, SarahMillburydep. mother $8.00 Apr., 1873
133,590Swatz, FrederickStony Ridgewd. l. thigh $6.00 -
134,200Switzer, SamsonLongleychr. diarr. $17.00 -
62,132Taylor Wm.West Mill Grovew. l. leg $18.00 -
139,032Taylor, Addison A.Millburycontused wd. back $6.00 May, 1876
205,208Taylor, IsaacNorth Baltimorech. diarr. $8.00 Mar., 1882
108,463Taylor, JohnMillburyvaricose veins r. leg $8.00 -
121,746Teeple, Edward J.Rising Sunwd. l. arm $6.00 -
174,835Thompson, Mary E.North Baltimorewidow $14.00 Aug., 1876
86,554Thompson, NancyPerrysburghdep. mother $8.00 Nov 1866
46,823Todd, Geo. W.Westonwd. l. hand $4.00 -
22,820Trenschel, FrederickPerrysburghdis. of heart $8.00 -
165,566Treyman, Sarah E.Westonwidow $8.00 July, 1874
53,327Twining, LaetitiaHaskinsdep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1865
61,081Tyner, JamesHoytvillewd. l. side $4.00 -
166,087Unkart, Geo.Haskinsinjury to abdomen $12.00 Mar., 1880
62,988Updike, John A.Bairdstownwd. l. arm $4.00 -
54,961Urie, EllindaBloomdalewidow $8.00 Sept 1865
51,612Vail, ElizaBowling Greenwidow $8.00 -
64,162Vail, Geo. W.Bowling Greenwd. r. leg $6.00 -
219,544Van Burlingham, A.Rising Sung. s. wd. r. thigh $4.00 Oct 1882
1,261Van Gilder, SalmonScotch Ridgesurv. 1812 $8.00 July, 1871
220,741Van Tassel, ReubenBowling Greendis. of heart & eyes $8.00 Nov., 1882
222,384Van Valkenberg, IsaacTontoganyg. s. w. of l. hand $2.00 Dec., 1882
18,190Vanast, ArvillaNorth Baltimorerheum. & heart dis. $8.00 Feb., 1879
149,885Vancoise, Jesse R.Prairie Depotdis. of abdominal viscers $4.00 Dec 1877
150,947Vanetten, John W.Pembervilledislocation of l. shoulder $4.00 Feb., 1878
126,295Vanhorn, IsaacWestondis. of brain $14.00 -
8,359Vorhis John J.Grand Rapidschr. diarr. $8.00 -
82,799Wagoner, ElizaStony Ridgewidow $8.00 Oct., 1874
151,319Wagoner, JesseNorth Baltimoreg. s. w. l. arm $4.00 Mar., 1878
162,567Walker, LynanBowling Greenwidow $10.00 July 1873
140,959Wallace, RobertHaskinsdis. of heart $10.00 -
189,769Walter, Wm.Perrysburghchr. diarr. $4.00 June 1881
109,853Walters, ThomasPerrysburghinj. to r. l. & dis. heart $4.00 -
75,001Ward, ZacharialStony Ridgewd. r. hip joint $14.00 -
128,601Weaver, ElizabethWestonwidow $8.00 May, 1869
131,622Wells, Benj.Hoytvilleinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
50,513Welton, AndrewBowling Greenrheum. $6.00 -
68,817Wheatstone, DanielBowling Greenamarosis $12.00 -
80,106Whisler, CatharineBloomdaledep. mother $8.00 Aug 1866
80,213Whitehead, John H.Bowling Greenwd. l. leg $4.00 -
6,676Whitman, ElizabethWest Mill Grovewidow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1865
65,981Whitman, LouisWest Mill Grovewd. lower jaw $4.00 -
62,759Whitman, TheodoreRising Sunwd. l. hand $4.00 -
99,554Whitmore, EmilyMillburydep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1867
58,506Whitney, Frank R.Milton Centrewd. r. thigh $8.00 -
126,076Wilber, LewisBowling Greenfract. r. leg $8.00 -
142,963Williams, AntonTontoganyrheum. $12.00 -
125,418Williams, David S.Pembervillechr. diarr. & lung dis. $10.00 -
133,395Williams, EdmundWestoninj. lumbar reg. & pain l. leg $8.00 -
197,738Williams, Wilber A.Haskinsloss sight r. eye $7.50 Nov., 1881
122,835Willier, BarbaraMilton Centrewidow $8.00 Dec., 1868
110,102Wineland, DavidBloomdalechr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $6.00 -
202,203Winkle, JohnNorth Baltimoredis. lungs $2.00 Jan. 1882
127,202Winton, RolsonBowling Greenrheum. $18.00 -
58,666Wolf, AdolphBowling Greendis. of eyes $8.00 -
178,799Woodruff, HenryRising Sunwidow $8.00 Oct 1877
175,717Woodsworth, JohnWestonwd. of mouth $4.00 Oct., 1880
63,403Wright, Aaron W.Milton Centrechr. diarr. $3.75 -
161,119Yost, David J.Grand Rapidswd. r. hand $4.00 June, 1879
40,226Young WashingtonNorth Baltimoreg. s. w. l. hand $8.00 -
188,964Young, John E.Westonwidow $10.00 July, 1880
196,132Zaenger, ChristianPerrysburghrheum. & dis. of lungs $8.00 Sept 1881
135,945Zarbaugh, John B.North Baltimoredis. heart $4.00 Sept., 1875
68,264Zeigler, JamesWest Mill Grovew. l. leg $8.00 -

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